HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-13, Page 5Are You Buliding a House
We can save yon money on your Hardware, Paints,
Oils, Glass and Wire. See our goods and get our
prioea. It will pay you.
Bishop et Ball,
INEEMEE IN LittiWitaklibalage .1k
Clothes don't make the man, but we
all despise the sloaohy man. And good
clothes are litre charity, they corer a
multitude of sins. If all men were as
good as they look in
Crowder's Tailored
There would not be enough medals to go
around. Remember that good clothes
are a good investment.
New Fall + its aid Overcoats
For meor youth $7.50, $10,50, $15.00,
Boy Sults and Overcoats
1 newest styles $2 59, $10.00.
New Fall Hats
We have just received a large ship.
ment of new fall hats in hard and soft
felt, comprising all the new ideas, eta.
from English, American and . Italian
manufacturers, prices $1.00 to $5.00.
Borsalino Hats—
An Italian Conquest -
Not only are they stylish to look at
but are made of material absolutely
good. It is a question whether there
are any others mannfaotured just as
good, colors black and brown, prices
$3 50 an.i $3.75.
King Hats
As advertised $2 50.
Crowder Co. sole agents for Winghain
Everything New
All lines complete for man or boy.
What Wiclaawake 'I.'imoa Correspondents A".rolnmlu zeate --- Other
Items Clipped Prom. Our Exchanges,
sitar 1 ria.
Mr George Whitely of this town die
very suddenly At his home hera Sands)/
morning. He was preparing to sit down
to breakfast when he fell from his chair
expiring instantly. He was apparently
in good health, death being due to a
spasm of the heart, Deceased was a
well-known horseman and was about
sixty years of age. He leaves a widow,
two sons and a daughter.
WillgJam Fair
September 27 AND 28
Thursday Evening, September 27th.
The Agricultural Hall will be open and the public are cordially inyited to visit
•tete hall on this evening and sec the inside exhibits to good advantag. ' Admission
•-10 cents.
Friday Afternoon, Sept. 2 h.
Victor's Royal Venetian t • nd
:Seonred at great expense, will give a choice program in 'rout of the Grand Stand.
'This Baud has been playing with great success in the : e Hated States, and this is
praotically their first appearance in Canada. This . nd is from Venice, Italy, an d
-is almost entirely composed of soloists. It is one the greatest musical organize,
tions of the day.
(Open to Members of the Society or their Children) •
:ROAD HORSE SPEEDING.—Half mile heats, best twoin three. Horse attached
to four -wheeled rig; horses to be owned and driven by a farmer or his son.
Conformation, stye and soundness considered, $5.00, $3,90, 52,00.
;FAST WALKING TEAM,—Firstby Wm. Armour, $3,00, 0.00.
'BEST LADY DRIVER,—$3 00, $2.00, $1.00.
:LADIES' HITCHING RACE.—Horse to be bitched to buggy and driven once
around the track. $3.00, $2,00.
,POTATO R ACE —Competitors to stand to horse. Four potatoes to be planed 100
yards from starting point. Mount, ride to first potato, dismount, pick up
potato; remount, ride back to starting point, distnount and put pptato in pail,
and'so on with eaoh potato. Horse any side, $3,00, $2,00.
EGG RACE.—For children ander 15 years. $1.00, 50c.
THRnB TAGGED ItAOE, —100 yards, boys under 16 tears. $1,00, 50e, 26c.
GSIIRLS' RAGE. --100 yards, under 10 years. $1 00, 50o, 25c.
Special Prizes not in List.
By J. W. King, for four best dolts sired by Dividend or Adam Bede. $5, $3, $2, $I,
tl3y D, Irving for three best mita sired by Maxim. $5, $3, 82. Prizes not awarded
where parties have not had service of Maximi this year,
'lay S. T. McPherson, for oolta sired by Francesco or Gallant Sturdy. 1st Prize*
Services of either horse free. 2od Prize—Half price of service of either horse.
SY' W. P. VanStono, for best patr Of baoon hogs, $3, $2.
YPaterson,by of g $3, $2, $1.
t8 Archy for four beet colts aired Pride of Morning, $S,
Make coat Entries early with the Secretary.
Adtnissiort to Grounds. 26e. Children, 10e. Vehicles. 25e.
VICTOR'S VENETIAN BAND Will give a choice pragi•ani in the Opera
House on evening of 28th. They will be assisted by a high-class Indy Soloist.
Evening progra(n Wi11 be an entire change from afternoon. and some god solos
will be given. Admitteton-25o, 35o and 50c.
Platt Of hall at MoEibbon'e Mug Store.
1. Z. MOF.b'AT
EAST WAw Prow,
A happy event took plane at the home
of Idr. and firs. James McGee, on Wed•
nesday evening of this week, when their
daughter, Lizzie May, was united in
marriage to Mr. james Menzies, an es.
tiniable prosperous young farmer of this
township, Rev. J. J. Hastio, of B.11gr ave
tied the matrimonial knot in the presence
of a number of the relatives and friends
of the young couple, after the ceremony
Ia sumptuous wedding supper was served.
The presents to the bride were numerous
Jumping With Nerve Pala
metal Audi orally, testifying to the high
That's how you feel with neuralgia• esteem in which she is held. 111x, and
But why lie awake at night, grumble or
complain—get busy with a bottle of Mrs. Menzies will take up their residence
Nerviline. It does not like magic, seeks • on the Menzies homestead, The bes t
out the pain and destroys it. Harmless I wishes of a host of friends will follow
and certain, instant in effect, nothing is I them to their home, hoping that the sun -
so popular as Nerviline for aches and
pains of all kinds. Try it for lumbago, shine of prosperity and happiness may
test it iu rheumatism, prove it in neural- shine on their pathway.
gia, pleurisy or colds. You'll soon
acknowledge that Poison's Nerviline •'
beats them all, Sold everywhere in
large 250 bottles.
Mrs T. Hill is visiting friends in Sea -
forth for a few days.
Mr Dan Frazer and family will leave
here shortly for the Soo.
Mrs Rivers has been visiting with her
son, Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. D.
About 40 left here Tuesday morning
to take in the Western Fair at London.
Mr and Mrs Chas Proctor, of Durham_
are visiting friends in the village this
Mra Wm Wray is indispos;d this
week; her frienda hope to see her soon
around again,
Mr, Geo. Porterfield of Brandon, Man,
with wife and family are visiting friends
in and around Belgrave.
Mrs John Coultas, who has been in
Vancouver, B. C., for some time past is
renewing old acquaintances here.
Rev. Mr. MoOnlla will occupy the
pulpit in the Presbyterian Church next
Sunday, both ;Horning and evening.
Mr. C. McClelland shipped a car load
of cattle on Monday to Toronto, and Mr.
J. Armstrong shipped a oar of hogs on
Mr. Geo. David, for a number of years
section foreman on the G, T. R, here
has been promoted to the Hensallsection.
Mr. and Mrs David have made many
friends here who will regret to hear of
their removal, but all will joiu in wish-
ing them moues in their new home, Mr
Stonehouse is likely to be appointed
Where Does Consumption Begin?
That first little tickle becomes cough,
the cough grows severe, is neglected and
travels down to the lungs, Treat throat
trouble before it gets severe. Catarrhs: -
zone heals, allays inflammation, cures
throat and bronchial trouble quickly.
A marvel worker is Catarrhozone which
prevents thousands of Catarrh victims
from contracting consumption. Re-
commended by doctors, proved by time
to be unfailing. Catarrhozone is just
what you need. 25c and $1.00, sold
The C. P. R. authorities state the rails
will probably be laid to Blyth on the
new railway by Tuesday, 18th inst. We
will listen for the toot.
John Bloor, who for the pastfive years
has been a resident of our village, left
last week for Ailsa Craig`where he has
purchased a bakery and confectionery
Walter MoGowan, of East Wawanosh
has rented the residence of Jas. Coulter
on Queen street, lately occupied by Jno
Bloor, and has moved into the same.
A surprise was in store for the people
of Blyth and vioiuity when they heard
that Moser & Son had disposed of their
hardware business to McPherson tiros.,
of London. Mr J. G. Moser has beat in
business in $lyth for thi!i past 32 years
and only Iast March took his ddb, Will,
in as partner. Mr Moser will not move
from town for a while we are pleased to
state, but will continue his coal basinese
al usual.
Great Specialists In Stomach Catarrh,
Though often they fail to give even
temporary relief, Mr. W. Seymour of
Huntsville, Ont., cured himself with
Ferrozone, "My trouble" he says "was
chronic catarrh of the stomach. There
was constant bad taste in my mouth, I
was costive and usually nauseated be-
fore and after meals, I also had a gnaw-
ing sensation in the stomach. Ferro.
zone gave me great r -lief, and I also
used Catarrhozone which is good for
oatarrh, Although it took a number of
boxes of Ferrozone, I got baok my health
and today am quite well." For stomach
catarrh, indigestion and kindred dis-
order0 pothing eaeQifl Forr9Y.),I9, j n a
thourand oases it, has proved a wonder -
fel success. Try it yourself, 60e per box
at all dealers,
All the township bridges, 7 in all,
built this year are completed and the ap-
proaches to the last four will be finished
in a week or so.
Monday of last week Miss Stella Mo-
Quarrie left for Seafortb where she will
attend the. Collegiate. Miss Stella is a
clever girl, who has swept all before her
in former examinations and she' will
give a good account of herself at Sea -
They Give Wonderful He*itit,
None are es healthy, so buoyant and
full of life as those wile regulate wit's
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Even in one night
they work Wonders. Pur and coating
they take from the tongue, headaohes
they relegate to the past, bihonsneas and
stomach disorders they prevent and alp
solutely cure.
Think what it means to have the' Sys-
tem cleansed and purified by Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pills! A. true laxative, a pefeot
tonic, harmless and wholly vegetable in
composition, they will do yoit good. To
feel and look your best uto D1t, Handl.
ton's Pills, 250 at any dealers.
t ,•.v
The Port Hope 13rewing Company wee'
fined for allowing employees to drink
beer ou the promisee.
The facts of the case in the resent
fatal accident which befel Lawson Mc-
Allister in their sawmill on Cockburn
Island are sad in the extreme. It ap.
pears he was substituting for a hand who
had gone to the fair and while attempt.
ing to put a belt on a pnlIey in the base-
ment it is supposed bis coat caught and
he was whirled round the shalt with al.
moat lightning speed,' his body being
terribly mutilated. Death was no doubt
almost instantaneous. He was alone in
that part of the mill at the time.
IM some conditions.the
gain from the use
of Scott's Emulsion is
very rapid. For this
reason we put up a
fifty -cent size, which is
enough for an ordinary
cough or cold or useful
as a trial for babies
and children. In other
conditions the gain is
slower—health cannot
be built up in a day.
in such cases Scott's
Emulsion must be taken
as nourishment; a food
rather than a medicine.
It's a food for tired and
weak digestions.
Send for free sample
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
Toronto, Ont.
roc. and $i.00. MI druggists
Manager F. H. McGuigan, Superin-
tendent Brownless, Trainmaster Nixon
and several officials of the Grand Trunk
Railway were here Tuesiay afternoon
and made a thorough inspection of the
terminals with a view to making numer-
ons improvements rendered necessary
bp the growing trade at this port. Ad•
ditional sidings will be put in at the
wharf to accommodate the trade of the
now grain elevator, nearing completioU,
The present freight sheds will be aban-
doned, and will be replaced by more
commodious buildings, New ridings
will be placed In the upper yard, and ti
general system of remodelling will be
carried out.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, Mt con-
cession, -West Wawanosh, celebrated the
sixtieth anniversary of their wedding
last Monday, September 3rd. The affair
was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Allister, West Wawanosh, and a very
pleasant day was spent, the gathering
numbering about forty. Rev. R. W.
Craw, of St. Helens, and Rev, C. Ruther-
ford, of Dungannon, were present and
speeches, songs, etc., were given. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are in comparative-
ly good health. They were made the
recipients of a gold ring each as a memen-
to of the occasion. They have lived
forty-seven years on the present home.
stead, having come to Canada from
Damfrieshire fifty-seven years ago.
They lived three years ie. New York
State near Rochester and the remander
of the time near Shake ,;1 we. Their
family consists of four s , is and two
daughters,, all living, and t e ty also have
seventeeu graadohildren and six great-
grandchildren. A remarkable fact is
that all the gr indoliildrea are living.
Some of them who live in the Western
States ware triable .bo ba present for the
,lrstablishe'd *9.
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresollener is a boon to Aathmatitte
Cnesottnnle a long' established and standard remedy
for tun dtsoazes todicatrd. it etre %canto the atr ten.
tiered strougly anttamptic re canted **or the dimmed anr-
Eters of the branebSal tnbcs with everr breath, kiting
proton;efl and con;taut tttattnant. 'those of it a,1nttimp•
tive tondoncy, or entterers from chrome broneblt a, dud
1fame II tte repot from caught or inflamed conditions of
the throat.
t ap u Cresutontt ty Old
by druggists or limit gra•
raid on re, lrt of prat.
A Vitt'ot'retoIen, out.
tit Including a bottle of
Cneobno 40 1. Sema for
!red tllastrated booklet.
1VFMI ,0 Man Co., Ltd.,
A,c,to,"_.9.q St, Jamce tk.,
itonttesl, Canada. $ bob
Township council met on Monday.
Minutes will appear in cur next issue.
Mies Bessie Findiater, who has been
visiting at the home of her parents, Mr•
and Mrs. Wm. Findiater has returned
to Detroit.
Mies Grace S. Brown,°of Strathroy is
the guest of Dr. Findiater.
A noticeable improvement at the farm
of Chas. Taylor, 7th line, is a new wire
fence across the front of the place.
W. C. and Mrs Stretton, of Obio, are
visiting relatives in Morris and Brussels.
Mr Stretton is a brother to Mrs Jno.
Mooney, 5th line, and Jas Stretton, of
Mies Mary Kernaghan, formerly of
this township, who has resided in Strat-
ford for some years, has gone to Terms -
to where she has taken a situation as
stenographer with the Staunton firm.
The young lady has become an expert at
the work and her old friends here wish
her great success.
Reeve Taylor will seek re election at
the coming Muuicipal election and will
probably secure the seat by acclamation
says the Brussels Post, after having
fought it out last January. The pro
belity is the whole Councd will go in
without opposition as they are manag-
ing the business carefully and economi -
cally as far as the writer is aware.
Miss Stella Wright has gone to Wroxe-
ter where she will remain for a time.
Miss Kate Henderson of Galt visited
her friend Jessie Strachan last webk.
Gao Mason of Wtagham took charge
of the service iu the hall Sunday even-
Mrs. Jas Hamilton of Shakespeare and
Miss T, Hamilton of Detroit are the
guests of Mrs D. Taylor this 'week,
F. Fraser and R. Forest are attending
the model school at Clinton and Mite
Bessie Moses is attending at Kincardine.
Gen. and Mrs Eckmire and Miss Ferns
are taking in the sights of the Western
fair and visiting friends in the city this
Threshing and corn cutting is °aonpy-
ing the attention of the farming com-
munity and good work is reported as
well as good yield,
J. D. and Mrs Miller and children ar-
rived home from a three months visit to
the West and report a pleasant visit.
While away Mr. Miler purchased one
hundred and sixty acres of improved
Hill & Co of Mitchell:bevel:finished
their contract of the Jatueatown bridge
whish is a credit to the firm and a plea-
sure to the community, as the old word.
en structure was unsafe for heavy
Fire at Lacombe, Alberta, destroyed
several business establishments, causing
a loss of $75,000 to $100,000.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier has sent out invi-
tations to the 1'romlers of the respective
Provinces to atteud the conference to be
held in Ottawa on October el.
We have a mast complete and varied line of
Waist Sets,
Gold and Silver Brooches,
A co mplete line of
Enameled and Sterling Silver
Souvenir Jewelery
or Fine watch and jewelery repairing promptly at-
tended to.
KAISER, the Jeweler
GOING SEPT. 25, good to return until NOV. 12, good to return until NOV. 1
Winnipeg -
Souris -
Brandon -
IOoosomin -
Arcola -
Estevan -
. $32.00
• 33.50
• 33,55
• 34,20
• 34.50
• 35.00
Yorkton - $35.00
Regina - 35.75
goose Jaw - - 30 00
Strassburg- - 30.25
Saskatoon - - 37.25
Prince Albert - 38.00
North Battleford
Macleod - -
Calgary - -
Red Beer - -
Stettler }
Edmonton -
For rates to other points, booklet and full particulars,
see nearest Canadian Pacific Ager.', or write
Photo by Swan, Montreal
President of the (lratld Trunk Pacific Railway.
One of the railroad leen of the times who has mastered all the intricacies of
railway work in his thirty-two years of continuous service, is (.Charles Melville Flays,
president of the (Grand Trunk Pacific ific Railway, and second vice-president and gen-
eral manager of the (!rand Trunk Railway. Born in 1856 at Reek Island, Ill., at
the age of seventeen he began to learn the a -b -e of railroading, as clerk in the pas-
senger department of the Atlantic and Paeifie road at St. Loris. Then, after a
year of this schooling had proved his fitness, he was promoted to the auditor`g
department and later to the general superintendent's office. From 1878.86 he wag
secretary to tht' general manager of two big roads, then general manager, later
attaining the dignity of general manager of the Wabash system and in 189.4 was
elected vlee-president.
In the two latter positions Mr. Bays represented his company as director
on the boards of the various companies in which his road was interested. In Jan -
nary, 1896, through the efforts of Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, he was made general
manager of the Grand Trunk at 525,000 a year with a five years' comma. Tho
road was in a debilitated state of health; it needed heroic treatment --strong toniest
quickly and properly administered, and deft surgery work in the way of euttint;
expenses and amputating useless members of the Stant.
Mr. Bays made it elear that, as he was to be responsible for results, he must
be free to select his own means to produce thein. lie was not to be a puppet not
a figure -head. Es must have the supporii of the Board of Directors In eAn 7inut
out what he decided the road needed. As the (;rand Trunk had to meet Americant.
competition, it tnttst win its way by recognizing and applying American method./.
The English sehenes of operating did not tit the situation; the road needed a brink,
vigorous, clean-cut business system, with the moss of tradition ail removed. Silt.
Bays prescribed this and he saw that the medicine was administered.
Old bridges that should long before have been put on tho retired list were talent
down, and modern steel bridges substituted; tate road was double -tracked; primi
tive back -number rules and regulations wore quietly eclipsed by introducing the
Standard Rules ill force in the States; the road -beds were brought, up to concerti
pitche the rolling stock made the latest and best; slow trains 'were displace by
fast.(cars; the road was transformed from a, snailway to a railway; and trauted`nieil
took the ;,laces of the old then whose ono merit was iniluenee at the Itonlo ofliee.
In 1901 Mr. Flays retired to accept the presidency of the Southern Pacific
but the position troving distasteful, he Was again seeured for the Grand Trunk inn
is now bush With Ibis road and his now projeott..-tho Grand Trunk Pacify ]Et.ltt.
*urea mottling to Ali et the ' o amtnt of Cxlttd2, it 110 d,tf inns% fit W,r; iiaetr, tt t:.a Nonfotdt it aricallar0