HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-13, Page 4_ 4 THE WINGEAM TIKES, SEPTEMBER 13, 1906 AMIONMPOION0,00.0. gelTAKelartlert nee SUFFERING WOMEN. bit WINWIAN TIMES. d.104.14ow. Prorate/a asoraorartrop Need Just the' Welt Red Mood D. WU1iants 1n rilis Actually make. TatTagm.T. sEMStlAtt 18, %WO. From girlhood to middle life the health and happinese of every woman depends upon her blood. If her blood is poor and watery She becomes weak, lemma, pale and permute If be blood supply te irregular she suffers from head aches and back aches, and other un- speakable distress which only women know. At every stage of omart's lif Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are her best friend, because they actually make the rich, red blood which gives help and strength and tone to every organ of the dody. They help it woman just when uature makes the greateat demand upon her bloodsupply. Mrs. H. Gagnon, who for twenty years has been one of the best known residents of St. Roche, Que., me's: 'Dr. Williams' Pink Piths have been a bleasing to me. I was weakewron out and scarcely able to drag myself about. I suffered from headaohes and dizzi- nese, ray appetite was poor, and to at. tempt housework left me utterly worn out. I sleep badly at night, and what sleep I got did not refresh me. For nearly three years I was in this condi- tion, and was constantly taking medi- cine, but found no benefit from it. One of me' neighbor's, who had used Dr. WIlliame' Pink Piller with much benefit, advised me to try them. I did so, and she whole story is told in the words 'I am well again.' There are times yet when I take the pills for they seem to me a guarantee against the troubles from which so many women suffer." • Dr, Williams' Pink Pills don't at op the bowels. They contain just the ele. meats that actually make new blood and strengthen the nerves. That's why they cure anaemia, indigestion, neur- algia, rheumatism, lumbago, headaches, backaohes and heart palpitation, and akin diseases like pimples and eczema. That is why they are the greatest help in the world for growing girls who need uew blood and for women who are trouble(' with irregular health. Sold by all medioine dealers or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 50 Os, a box or xis boxes for 0.50. NOTES AN COMMENTS. A cheque for a gooily fitt% toned its Wel to the Customs Department at Ottawa last week. It repreoeuted $382,- 000, and was tendered in payment for duty at the rate of r a, ton on 54,500 tons of steel rails entered at Portage la Prairie for use in coustrootton of the western section of the Transcontineutel Railway, Canada's ordinary revenue for the two moaths ending Auguet 31 antouuted to $18,00,410, or 0,838,274 more timii the expenditure for the tame period. Com- pared with the tame two months of the year previous the receipts show a gain of $1,755,065, while the expenditure in- t:stewed $1,251,956 For the month of August the revenue was $7,630,095, and the expenditure $3,700,064, as compared With $6,660,267, and $2,325,057, respec- tively, in August, 1905. At a meeting of the directors of the Ontario Ca.Operative Fruit Growers' Association at Toronto, it was stated that there would be no diffionity in Ril- ing apples this year at good prices, being p artionlarly. good in goalito, and scab and insect less noticeable than for many Years. Packing in central packing houses under the supervision of experts mimes uniformly high-grade froit, and the department at Ottawa will leave the fruit specially inspected and protected. The North. Bruce Liberals will hold a convention at Tara on Friday, September 21 to nominate a candidate for the House of Commons bye -election. They will also make it their annual meeting for the election of offieers. Mr. John Tolmie, of Ktucardine, a is said, will likely be the Liberal nandidate. He es a good man, has had considerable parliamentary experience and wilt no doubt be able to bring North Bruce back to the ranks of Liberalism. The total immigrant arrivals in Can - Ada. for Jelly were 18,175, a gain of 5,932, as compared with the same mouth of last year; or 48 1-2 per cent. The num- ber that came through ocean ports was THE SECRET OF LONGEVITY. Mr Joseph Constantine, of Manohest- er, England, has just published a very instructive little book on 'Diet and Healthy Living,' in which he, a fine healthy fellow of eight -three years, tells us how we all, by following very sitnple rtees, attain a century, which Sir J. Orichton Browne regards as the normal span of life. Mr Constantine advocates 13,207, a gain of 45 per cent., and from sufficient feeding, Out not over -feeding; the United States 4.969, a gain of 59 per a good breakfast and mid-day dinner, cent. An analysis of the returns for the but no late meals; simple foods, like whole of the last fiscal sear contains broth, oatmeal porridge and broken some interesting features. The arrivals bread; plenty a pure water, taketi of English immigrants increased by ternaily and externally; and fresh air. 16,288, Scotch by 4,102, and Irish by Moss imporant of all is pure water, and 1,020. Thoses from the United States one of the fust duties of a municipal show en increase of 14,267, from Italy council is to iusure to the people a splen - 4,486, from Russia 1,236, and from Japan did supply of it. Yet how many towns 1,568. On the other hand there were are lacking in this first essential to pub. 1,270 decreased arrivals front Galicia, lie health. Regarding personal clearai- 959 from. Germany, 526 from Hebrew ness as an aid to health, Mr. Constan- eommanities m Europe, and 294 from thee, of course, recommends the daily Syria. bath, and quotes with approval the ant. Much hopefulness and a future more versa Japanese custotn of having a bright than tor months has been thought warm bath every night so as to open the possible were revealed in *leeches of the pores of the skin to get the day's grime Liberal leaders at the annual meeting of away. One would think the daily bath the General Reform. Association for Oa. was as much a matter of course as 5. tario held in Toronto last week. A. sig- otan's breakfast, but however general its nificant feature of the speezhes was the acceptance may be in theory, it is to be suggestion that the political leaders feared that with many the practice of CHURCH NOTES. 1 he Rev. W. E. OfoNiveu, of Mount Forest, will preach in the Methodist Church next Sanday, morning and even ing. Rev, W. A. Bremner of Braoebrulge has aooepted the call from Ripley and Bervie, motel to the regret of his present congregation. r. Canon Farthiug, for many years rector et New St. Paul's Ohuroh iu Woodstock has announced fields coegte• gation Its resignation and his acceptance of the rectorship of St. George's Cathe- dral, Kiugstou, and the deanship of Ou- tvote. Rev. Canon Farthing will preach at the annual harvest home services he connection with St. Paul's ohoroh, Wingham. The congregation of $t. Paul's are fortunate in securing this year for Har- vest Thtutesgiving, the Rev, Centime Farthing, M, A., one of the most ais- anguished preachers and leaders of the Anglican Church. Canon Farthing is easily the most prominent man in the church to -day, being prolooutar of the General Synod of all Canada. He will preach in St. Paul's at the Harvest Home serviees, Oot 5th. should more frequently address the keeping the body perfectly clean very people. It was the second anima meeting often goes by default. Mr Constantine of the association, but the attendance of not only prohibits alcohol and tobacco, veterans who have fought the battles of but he is equally wroth against strong the party, and rendered great service to tea, and quotes some good authorities to their country for a generation, together back biro. With regard to alcohol, Sir with Toting men full of enthastuni even Frederick Treves.said that when be was after the darkest hour in their party's with the relief party on the march to blistery in the Province, mask the meet- Ladysmith, he noticed the first men to beg as one which wili have undoubted t dropout on the trying march were the effect in the party's fortunes in future ',drinkers. Mr F. S. Jackson the famous campaigns. The members present in- , Yorkshire crickter, said recently that he eluded Hon. George W. Ross, Opposi. had always found two things a disad- tion leader in the Province; Hon. Chas. 'vantage to cricketers — smoking and 5 Hyniato Minister of Public Works; alcohol. He knew that smoking sertods- Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, Minister of 7 ly affeeted his own play. Both in Eng: jeatice, and such old-tienere in the party land and Australia, the nou-smokere fights u Senator McMullen, Mount For.; hare Wort the snatches between smokers est; Senator S. K. Kerr, Senator Robert " and norestookers. Dr. E. M. Grace, Jaffray, Hon. Richard Harcourt and who can still play good cricket at eirty- A Cure for the Blues, A doctor who has made a specialty of nervous diseases has found a pew remedy for "the blues." As no drugs are ad• ministered, he has felt safe in experi- menting with at least half a hundred melancholy patients, and now declares himself thoroughly satisfied with the good results of his treatment. His pre. acription reads something like this: "If you keep the corners of your month turn- ed up you can't feel bine;" and the dire:Alone for talkingare: "Smile, keep on smiling; don't stop smiling." It sounds ridiculins, doesn't it? Well just try turning up the corners of your mouth regardless of your mood, and see how it makes you feel; then draw the corners of your mouth down, and note the effect and you will be willing to de. olare, "there's somethiug in it." The doctor treats his nervous patiente to medicine when necessary, but when the case is one of pure melancholy with- out bodily ill, he simply recommends the smile °noes. He has the patient re- main in his office, and snaile—if it isn't the genuine article it must at least be an outward ourvative of the corners of the mouth—and the better feeliugs fol- low inevitably. The treatment is fol- fowedup regularly, and the patients all testify to their good effeet. It takes considerable persuasion to induce some of them to apply the cure, and, of course the greater number of patients are women; for when a man is blue he ts bound to be blue, in spite of everything, but a woman is more easily persuaded to try to find a cure. His discovery grew out of an experi- ence in his own home, His wife was of a nervous and rather morbid tempera- ment, and when in a despondent mtittl he would ask her to "Smile a little" un- til the saying came to be a household joke. But it brought about good results and then came the inspiration to try the same cure upoo others. • Scrub Cattle. Farmers on high-priced la• nds are breeding and raising bat a few cattle. Many sell their calves and buy feeders, and as the great majority of feeders are inferior scrub cattle, our beef cattle markets every day have only a small supply of high-grade beef cattle that command top prices, and the great balk of the daily market sales are cheep, in- ferior cattle. Who raises them or where they come from ie a mystery that any enterprising farmer would raise such cattle and feed such. cattle, Dean Henry soya the "scrub bun has no place on COO hoed," but how few n Hon. G. P. Graham, four, had raster smoked and never farmers are using pure-bred alcohol when he became famous. The takenlWestera ranchmen use carloads of pure- Thise total cost of the Prince and E. ieeeret ot good health and longevity bred bolls and send their feeders to t coal of Wales' recent trip to India was .13..•simple. Abetain from oleo- 'market' but many exmera get along with a grade ball, or worse a dairy bull, approximatelo$40,000. I g , a and the steer* swell the raesket suPply , pure air, drink pure water and eat pure II of t,crab beef that sells" at half price, food, and given no inherited weakness, rather than rise A pore-bredball to grade PM the doctor will be able to declare, with he Othello, that his occupatiou is gone. 1 Foreoughs uRrssELs. an nailed hay still bold* the fort. Lest 0 S rrA bred leans in England Att• htlyalottit ptices,Buu Ife?k ti car wasshipped to ealittglr'"'' to improve their cattle op to the export tram the G. T. R, by the Seaforth atilt« marget trade, and our own western W ieg Co. ralichmeo are breeding pare if bred Ea 4 ......1=1:0060060061er Quality in Spoons, Knives and 'folio IGHEST quality and lowest " price are combined in Plated Silverware from Diamond Hall's own factory. Special attention is called to the following prices far heavy ality in a richly plain pattern t t reminds one of old-timeTamil sterling ware. Tea Spoon - doz. Dessert Forks ,or Spoons - 5.00 doz. Dessert Knives 4,50 dor. ;i";" send .1"m:request fret ef charge cu,- le ilhistrated ratatsvir. Rya Enda Toianta,Ont. NEWS NOTES. A pumpkin shown at Bloomington, Itl. is said to have been fed one pint of milk a day, and to have weighed, when shown 100 lbs. A. talking postcard has been developed in France. The card is about three times the thickness of an ordinary cud. YOO speak your message into it, address it by hand, and the recipient places it in a phonographic machine, when the voloe of the sender is produced. Afro. John Tiebatt, wife of the well, known brewer of London, Onto died !fon strychnine poison, said to have been put in a bottle of medioine by mis- take of a drug olerk. THE BEST PLACE WINGHAM TO SECURE A Live Stock atarkets. Toronto, Sept lt—The run at the oily °Attie Market to -day was 57 loads, with 973 head of cattle; 1,271 sheep and lam.bs, 160 hogs, and 94 calves. The run was light to -day, and there was a rather brisk trade for the best offerings, but on the whole there is not a very active demand in the meat mar- ket this week, and many of the dealers were content to get along with what stock they already have on hand unless they happened to come across anything choice, which just know is very rarely. A few loads of fairly well finished cattle were seaming, and for these it was not difficult to get prices that were ruling last week for the same class of etook. There is a fair depend for expert cattle, but very fevr offering just at present. Prices were steady to firm at $4.75 to $4,90 for the choicest offerings. Extra choice would fetoh $5. Good heavy feeders are firm at 3425 to $4 6e. There is a steady demand for good stockers, but the offerings ars light. Sheep and lambs are steady at last week's figures, with. a fair demand. Prospects ire steady. flogs are unchanged at last week's price. There was a very light offering of hogs toolatr. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice . .. ti 70 $4 90 Mediate 4 25 5 60 Bulls 3 75 490 Light 3 25 3 50 Cows 350 400 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and ups wartis 7 4 25 Stockers choice 3 25 3 50 " balls 2 25 240 Butchers'— Picked .. 4 40 4 65 Choice 4 25 4 40 Meth= 3 75 4 00 ..... . 9 75 3 50 _131211s .......... • • • 3 00 3 40 tuogs— Best .• .. 6 40 Lights 6 20 Sheep— Export ewes ...... • 4 25 3 00 Culls 300 Spring Lambs per lb.. 5 60 Calves, eacli 300 Piano Organ on Violin IS AT IN DAVID BELL'S Terms to suit purehatter. ...••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • NEW • • • • • • • • Butcher Shop, • • • • • • • • • • IHAVE opened a Butcher Shop • in premises two doors north of the Chisholm Block, and • am fully prepared to supply the • best of all kinds of • , • • • • • • • • • • Fresh and Cured Mea.te. Special attention paid to orders from farmers and others for meat • in large quantities. Ae • A share of your patronage is • • • respectfully solicited. • , • • WM. DIAMOND. j• • • • • ....................... laggUgg WM= Newspaper Bargains, We want to increase oar etthsertption list, and make the following liberal offers to newvinbscribers :— The Winghern Times from now .25 to January Ist,1007, for The Times and Weekly Globe .50 to January 1st, 1807, rot - The Times and Weekly San, Kel Toronto, to .Tan'y Ist,1937, for • yo •••0 The Times arid Family Herald .50 to January 1st 1907, for -s THE BIC STORE, - WINCHAM, ONTARIO. & Jas. lin Kerr! NEW DRY GOODS FOR FALL It will be interesting to you to know that we are Low importing direct from Engla,nd pretty much all our Dry Goods. This cuts out the middleman with his profits and puts us in a position to sell goods at a lower price than ever. And that's saying a lot, for our prices were never high. New Dress Goods Arrivals. Fancy Mohairs, Amazon Cloth, Taffeta, Venetian, Costume Tweed, Fancy Tweed, Serge, Pirle Amazon, Armure, Melton, Black Corkscrew, etc. See the new Suiting " Kashmera," in navy and black, Will not cockle or shrink, Stamped every 5 yds. New General Dry Goods. Black and Colored Velveteens ; extra good value. White Quilts. Table Linen, 25 Celts to $r.00 a yard. Table Doylies. Stand Covers. Tray Covers. Sideboard Drapes. Tea Cloths. Fancy Table Centres, etc. We show a splendid assortment of Plain and Fancy Linen. Goods, and our prices are low. Newest designs and colorings in Cretonnes, Art Sateens, etc. Linen Towels, Bath Towels, Cheviot Bath Blankets English Floor Oilcloth is the best ; t, III, 2 yds wide. English Stair Oilcloth is the best ; all widths. English Linoleum can't be beat for durability. 'We import direct from England. See these goods. 1 New Roller Window Shades. • We have just received a large quantity of new Roller Shade ; popular colors ; all prices, 3oc to 8s. We can furnish you with any size Window Shade you wish. sammazonetam.miwneaftwatamiumsgutmosaammsenal .... , S IVVVVIITTVITIMMYS Subscribe 0 once and get the fall la- ' - I . 4 I* 2 ttgtttlttngt3M31 i A Goods" im • I 1 at ' Reduced Prices 1 -' benefit of these offers. Gash mast 4 accompany each subscription. HATE YOU ORDERED YOUR NEW Spring Suit Overcoat It you haven't, it's high time you were thinking about it. We cordially invite you to take a look at what we are showing this spring in the latest Tweeds, Serges, Worsteds, Fancy Vesting*, TronseringS, ete. 4 50 3 60 We Catt Milt IOU in pike, quality, 3 50 style and workmanship. 615 600 freL‘ttriVAII. SSAILICtr IAIWORTS Winghatn, September 18th, 1906 nr per 100 2 25- tet 2 75 Wheat 0 76 to 0 '76 0 32 to 0 34 ley ...... „0 42 to 0 45 0 65 to 0 65 &wheat 0 55 to 0 55 tter 0 20 to 0 20 .• Eggs per dos.. ... 0 17 to 0 171 2 50 to 3 00! Per ton m 6. 00 tri 7 0011 tatoee, rr bushel new.. 0 80 to 0 ani Flo The deiry turners ail use vire-bred issen. bulla of the dairy breeds and limey have cot pure-bred hetds. The South American / Bar ranclemen are buying bottireds of pure- Peas There is a remedy over sixty _ years old—Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it, probably hive used It, Once in the fatally, it stays; the one household remedy for couths and hard colds Ott the chest. Mk your doctor about% VIM tiAS kiad of a teetimouitil— "volt tot over sixty year:et ¥i8.C. Arre . Alsip& alookettkety earls at sots S.W.itki4.1..k. It Iter* dairratat W. ab:Isit Abs timmallill it 11.1% row « th:"Nargiltakki tickets have been sold to people bat; but our !staters on high-priced going to Toronto Fair ftem Brossels rip limas ttage scrub Thatslay. 75 of this number Vent oit nets of scrub es Wednesday. grace to the forte Fsetebet Reel well be ut charge of R. It feed.—teitre, stock Grnarttrt's grain storehouse this -Reseda. ovr pe lh .... O. 05 to 0 06 vittle and send tail- Laze 15 to015, ttle to raerket, a die. Dried Apples per Ib. and A waste of good Li" Rea* Per "rt. journal. Robt. Maxwell TAILOR. Machinery all g -g06::!1 Repairing, s He it a practical farmer and well se- queinted with she grain trade tied should MI the hill to a nizety. The tanned goOdis trivia Great Ed 010 HENS WANTED ben 3ttt now is absolutely dead, and Friday of het week a change of maim. stackt of fish, tongue*, vegetables, and agernent itt e vswn, cm.to w C AN't stoodV OUS nierwen other products hi h h the premieee, etee4d'it,i'th; lego;e; , critical tests end hate been pronounced I 0. A. Deadman, Who hes Weed * big perfeetly wholesome in every way arl etauding in warehattass to the 1111101111E WOW. UCT.Atalt,ti& Bre/8410ot. arranging for thaahiritnent of lie car of loa rep6rtit Vr. A. oag,s,dian , will WAW5j2'57 thtseotssignreeni i re 5 jige 36* 1114. Uinta realty 810 on y o I co metti I ot a 4his agent. Gotirstatot grataritoo so tub Um. STRATTORD, Q. took lace th A we pay 6 fat lite Ohl Hans, also Spring Chickens, Docks, and all kinds of Pottlial. Mention this paper. success in handling bees for many year', of thousands of cum utterly' drutalesible. Ting i of sweetness this moon bat iciu skip to ilKinnon Imo the English trade demands undue I have taken 1**SessidA of the Wing - ham Machine Shop, on Victoria street, tstigetfetent deig kiriaas tt6°oPreplivrignh; of 'Vire-shin En Ines Grain Separators, Oars the saerittee—yours the gain. • ratite Mathitattyl I 4 3 Come and see our bargains •in : PRINTS—Good variety of English and Canadian Erints. 4; American Prints, fast colors, at 7c per yard. • 4 CHAMBRAYS--Pretty Charnbrays, perfectly fast colors, . for dresses, dainty colors, at 3 t fitERCILDAS—The newest dress goods for summer, i la. guaranteed to retain its silky gloss and color after • a. 1.. 3 II4 washing. 4 Po 4 t MUSLINS—American Muslin, fast colors, c and 6c. 4 4 t SHIRT WAASTS —Ladies' White Lawn arid Soiss- is k Shirt Waists, beautifully embroidered and trimmed— :4« v." just a few odd sizes left, to be sold cheap. . 1 pi. 3 LADIES' VESTS—All kinds, very cheap. ap.. .., HOSIERY—Cotton Hosiery at any price. EMBROIDERIES—.Sornettling very special ; • is goods for toe; Doc goods for 6t., et... • SILKOLINES—Regular 20C for 15c. Lovely goods for draping purposes. UN DE RS K I R TS:—Black Sateen 'Underskirts at c Da. Also, White Cambric Underwear at cost. , 14 LACE CURTAINS, Dotted Muslins and Colored Pp. Curtain Muslins, Counterpanes, Towels, Plannellette 3 at Sheeting, and malty other things to be cleared out during July. . regular X X e • •••1•11 • InertieSt etto 1 win no*, be in a pOsiticiti to attend to all work Of this kind ort allotted rietiee. When your iambi:do needs repeating stye Iwo, a Dill. Satisfaction guaranteed. —j• IMME,Omilknalon110.10•11001•Wiall 11 •i+1•01.001( Prodates To A. ](ILLS. . that', W# U# PAT�N 1404334.1401AASAIEMMAIS0241 4 3 4 4'