HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1980-07-03, Page 17r
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Kifismin of Stiifft.
an bu*dinao, fu X. 3, 9 4.0its"daysAii,�10,t43 days the past Year asked t� vei 4 grant -to, the hospitA. bated
Tait6re avid, aqqipmerit I _411, Vyslo. Cr4py
Pett., go the mbp'r., of pilt 'Aid, Oxford
ion.. f
rip Mrs. hr .1
if under p In as 1St to pur-c. AS Ag were: 740.,084 d ' s! county area a 1 1 iliii'
0�. 644.587 5 om e thii _oglro du,
c0oul4eil, dopteciati, the Horqni_pf:x�
was'a reductio, in the-avorgge dolly cast.. munlcipallty�`, The mangy is used to S service e.
fr9ni $15.6-58 to $149,38 in 60, year
*W is not. covered. by from University Hospital, MW hIcKenzid Devereaux,• Mt$� 13mma-
943 313 yiew, During th"ame period to with capital dxp9pdi rc lent-iniont cifindrio� ha4'bbea Charlofte. M
said'a SLIM I.cKerchor, ;Mrs,'G*6n, $,o4
da 411ts,
drop the pr,ovince. All responded with
g1ri ,q
y from 430
I 1 0 that the Mrs,; Audrey McLlwam, Jim 9Etue�Da yid
ped slightly I by itidWidual, b0pitals s.
LWIL IES ANP, EQUITY teflecong'patic saved
IT OCCUPIANC. Y UP .Ot usage eqpep Tucker,
Cornish, Made kne I, 'Ito
administrator- Smith with ut 63' which program maybe, to areas Corn s i 'y
patie tisage-Of $6 -
M�ckc it , " ,
CURRENT LIABILITIES di Williamson, Move- Coombs,
etary he Rospi4i commentmig ow' gave $366. 6tfiei cK S1 respi
$=,a4 we -ill. ratory, technology, otary.
Adcdqnts payable and accri4ed'liAbilitigs, $ 103,704 9f t pre op, un Woirdeii, Allot S.,dil' S 111
7" rt. 14'' d .;'an4 education Searle, o it'
ry it
q oyera cy 14
T7 ith "A, 0 Mrs. E. Ginty% Pres Cut'
-Prin ipal du 3!1 11 occupaiii increase said. $375: M4
e "thin -'one year loan payable 1 29 5,815 )rris' $75; Hullett $132; Hibb'
99,924 109.519 7 Seafo 05D.
It means more people used-thebospital 52 0; GreY 41 and
he said-#---, - Of r
S 'hi) Turnbull, Bruce Rodischo and N;b
this ye X chairman,
ear than the year before _., gaK qi,, ,pKp
Auxiliary, Jud;Wallce�i, Tom, 'philiips';Dr. "'
LOAN-PAYABLE� ."A ' Aic, -and Wayie'Eiris, preti4ent ofth reported the:pqrchaS
me e of ue* anaesthesia good portion of it was in al e board
3% Provincial assistance loan repayable $4,�118- t !,a Betty Cordrio...
governors, spoke of the accriditation which. ,,and a new -,blood. bank re
semi-annually., including interest, maturing surgical units." Honary, members are, job, n Modeldnd,
September 30. 1995 fo c:
85,0929, 95,474 About 75.8 per cent of the Segforth was awarded the hospital for a threeflige6ptoot, r th � lab oiatoiy.,
Less principa-l' included in current liabilities* 6.129 5,815 Community Hospital's 'overall operatingAccreditation Dr'. Kenneth Rodney, president of the AY. McLean and James M. Scott.
period during'the past year.
nledical staff, reported that the total Officers during. the. year Were Wayne,
_7fL4(L3_, 1M59 -expense".41,515,196, one year only. y1d
is:4suBIly, 0! lr�
&6iedthat'th6 T-.V,----admisstons-wpre-l-,06-6-pa&nW� uring the
are estimated at Mr. Elis said jfiiiip
764.486 746.093 salaries i,� 1980' which Seafo year, -1,042 active and 24 chronic. President; GA McKenzie, Administrator -
373 a's 24T5 271271 EQUITY
$1,148,803. In 1979 salaries took 7844 per Interact system between RE-ELECTTRUSTESS Secretary; Dr. K. Rodney, President of the
cent oi- $1,089,547, of the overall Community Hospital and University for another'' year Medical Staff and Dr. E. Malleus, - Chief of
1 199. Hospital, London' should get underway Re-elected- o three ye
STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE operating expensesof $1,389
o. Other expenses will require 24.2 per cent this year. This is ; closed circuit television term -were trustees Jud-Walkep, Wayne the Medical Staff.
J YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1980 •network which will link the hospitals with
or $U6,393 while in 1979 other expenses Orn
1980 1979 totalled $299,652 or 21.6 per cent. an audio-visual communication system improper, -parking is a problem
Ministry of Jiid Walker, finance committee chair- which will cost about $20,000 for
man, reported at the 51st annual meeting (juipm6rit and. the same amount for yearly
Health Hospital Ata board meeting preceeding the Searle said nett' lights had been erected in
Portion Portion Total Total that thehos pital had'aftleficit of $9,493 at oli-eirdfing costs. and the committee was
the end of the year when revenue was Audrey McLlwain,4' p?b relations annual meeting of ,members of Seaforth the -parking lot
__!ic Community Hospitaladministrator Gordon considering several types of rail ings for
Revenue $1,478,215 compared to expenses of chairtna:n, reported the yontest among
Revenue, from hospital elemvntary� School sb McKenzie told the board of difficulties the use in corrididirs before making a recom.
deficit was caused glefits to design a
$1,487jO& He said the def staff was having with improper parking. mandation to the board.
seyvices by repairs to the building and roof, and the 1090 or crest for the hospital was won by I
In-patient,services $1,27a.735 $17,886 $1,288,621 $1,203,951 Laurie Rowland of Dublin. The crest will be Cais are double parked over the While the board made no decision
Out-patient services 181.845 181,845 152,616 removal of a condensor from the roof a . t a roadways on occasions as visitors arrive regarding possibility of entering into a
Ambulance 24,443 782 25.225 22,473 to see patients with the excuse "I'm only co-operative arrangment with Central
1.477,023 18,66 -Y;-4-95,691 1,379.040 alarige
going to e a nim
Other revenue 1,192 4,135 5.327 4,836 9o; laundry Servicb of London it agreed the
1.478,215 22,803 11501,018 1.383 876 trailer blocked a roadway. The board administrator should carry out preliminary
agreed some means to control traffic on the =00ys. Present laundry equipment has
Expense, 1,148,803 1.,089.547 hospital property must be found and' been in use nearly twenty years the board
Salaries 1.148,803 Instructed him to seek legal advise. was told and could require early replace.
Other expense 314,393 314,393 249,10
Depreciation Reporting for the property committee Mr. meat.
Land improvements 100 100
B611dings 20,716- 20,716 20,716
Equipment 23,283 3,632 26,915 '25,021 WE HAVE receives
Intere'st an loan 2,825 2,825 3.112 SCH I wtc le I &V qe $23,836 gifts
Bad debts 1,229 215 1,444 1.700
1,487,708 --2-7,488 1,515.196 1,389,199 The 51st annual report of the annual meeting lait week committees, staff and
the Seaforth Community and included were the organizations which' support
EXCESS OF EXPENSE OVER REVENUE L===.2-491 L&.kU 1_5. Hospital' -was presented At various reports fi6m 'the facility.
STATEMENT o,�, EQUITY In the finance committee
i report, chairman Jud Walker
YEAR ENDED -MARCH 31, 1980 SMALL TRICES explained $23, 836 had been
(EXTRA received in grants and
1980 1979
donations during the
BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR $746.093 $737,894 _e CREST previous year.
Donations and interest 32.571 13.522 TOOTHPASTE $ 09 OPENMMOE"FM
778,664 7T1,416 looml ONLY 0, The Hospit" putloc m
Excess of experwe over revenue 14,178 5.323
lattons committee reported
the Memorial Fund Is now In
PAL I ANCE AT END OF -YEAR M4_A .1 operittlirm. The fund book is
on display in the front lobby
YEAR ENDED MARCH 31. 1980 350 ml. ONLY 20 show ex . and the amount
received so far Is around
1980 1979 ERTONS $1200.
I 101pl. Tbb public relations group
Ii -patient aervieila, SUNTAN,-', $.1979 . also reported *e booth they
Standard ward care OIL ONLY 0
Province of Ontario. Minlatry of Health $1,222,950 $1,142,074 LQTION or set up at the 179 (0 fair,
Other 9.230 6.476 14M SECRET proved a success. In May. the
Newborn 18.675 17.200 W committee gave a special
Preferred acco=odation 34.214 38,201 DEODORANT
0. $1 meatforthe dimers of the
Chronic care co -payment DEODORANT
1.203,951 50 gr ONLY Meals an Wheels Program.
The dinner was held on
Out -pat ten[ servicco t
Emergency services 83.188 73.036 Hospital Day.
Laboratory 46,774 39.976
Radiology 40.785 SHAVING FOAM$j A, contest to discover a
28.017 design for a to ,&* or crw
for use by the b4mp-
Physiotherapy 7.004 8.621. 0 350 ffj ONLY
4,094 2,961 suitable
Other 4'0'
1 9
s4trle committee.
ital was organized by the
181.845 1525616 ALKA
A=bulance SELTZER 25 t $ The property committee
Province cif Ontario. Ministry of Health 22.095 21.02? 1 f, -b� - . I I
TABLETS ONLY report was submitted by,
tither 3! 130 1,459 C"'Pe • cbsirman Allan Searle.
22,473 .. ..... . .. JOY
repo" ouffined the
LIQUID committee's dec6lcii not to
NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTSIre $ 29 build a new maintenance
0 sbA)v at the hospital. and
ACCOIen'.14 POLICIES 32 oz to wait until sufficie-tit
I I NEW SCH CREST A crest drawn by a young funds were available to
Ih,, firanrial 4tatments have Seen prepared in accordance with account ins
principles generally accepted for nntarto hospitals as; outlined in the OP THE TRIANGLE STORE IN YOUR TOWNI
• ranadjan Rolpitaf Accounting Mavcual and as specified by the Province of I SQUARE MAIN C09NER Dublin artist, Laurie K. Rowland, 9, will grace renovate the existirig facility.
An alternative site to
ontarin. Ministry if Health. GODE10CH CLINTON & SEAFORTHr6 the letterhead for the Seaforth Community downtown Seafotth Is being
Hospital. As well It will tia used on a hospital rented until the retiovations
lnvPntor1P% are valued at cost,. T R I A� P4 G L E flag, unifofts and blazers. Laurie was one of are possible.
(S) F,xed asset many area school 011dren who entered the crest The property committee
Fixed aqqp-q are stated at cost. Depreciation is provided on ISCOUNTUI J0 contest sponsored by the board of governors of recommended to the board
qrraight-line haqiq ,,sing the following annual rates: the hospital. (Photo by Oke) that they keep all 34 acres of
hospitid prop" which ties
tAc,'A impf-v.mntu 102 withiriSeAfbirth in C&se #ddit-
Bu i 1 xrp. q 22 tonal health cite facilities
F,Irniture and Pquirnent At rates varying from 52 to 20% ,DETAILS OF OPERATING EXPENSES YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1980 S=0int a should become ritcessary.
2. A(.r'jl"q WFIVARIF 1980 1979 NMICAL MMRT
1980 1979 Other Other Dr. Ken Rodney gave the
Salaries Expenses idaLl_ % Salaries Engnses Total % report of the Medical Staff.
S14.730 S11.796 GENE PAL SERVICE- DEPARTd(ENTS He reported the avenge
monthly Infection rate was
rn,;at ton Boarl 810, 2,054 Aeminintration S 95,A44 $ 45.660 141,506 1 9.4 91,025 15,592 9 122,617 8.8 Z" per cett. A rate of 3 per
Bl.j,? lrqqq 3,116 2.160
1,150 1,06 Medical records 27,640 999 28,639 1.9 26,101 1; f_j 0 27,C01 2.0 mitt ii acceptable for hosp-
20.0116 17.926 Dietary 86,667 32.5,33 119,200 7.9 91.563 26,?Al 117.9n, 8.5
eccefr 1jbtful acaraq 3. GM 3,GDO Laundry 28,668 1,664 39,132 2.0 26,6CS 1,411 28,017 2.0 iials the sire of Seafarffi'-_
17.00:6 14,926 Linen I.509 4,315 5,824 .4 1,4SI 3,39'3 4,791 .3 The election of afficers for
-f Intario, Ministry �f R�alth Housekeeping ti 67.517 5,739 73,256 4.i 52,562 5,12,6 57,638 4.2 the medical staff was also
F, -al qpttlpment 73,859 _38,706 Planx operations 20,384 44,741 65,125 4.3 13,n6 $2,837 66,643 4.8 accepted. The pTes!dent for
?rainten'Ince 33,274 59,871 93,145 6.1 36,C85 22,045 18,130 4.2 1980 will be Dr. Rodney-,
420-Ul $53.6,12 Central supply 12,823 12.82
- .8 11,258 - 11,258 .8 thief of staff, Dr. E. Malleus;
374,326 195,522 569,848 37.6 346,40f) 147,612
494,048 35.6 Secretary -treasurer, Dr. J.
I F10n, ASqFTS 1980 1979 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DFPARTRENTS Underwood and recording
Accumulated %%%rting ae=Irv1qtratton 78,446 78,446 5.2 69,542 69.542 5.0 secretary, Mrs. M. Bums.
it _Cost Net vursing 347,945 1,275 349,220 23.0 327,963 91.0 3-28,9103 23.7 Gordon McKenzie, the
Operating rm*tn 24,466 426 24,892 1.6 31,463 883 32,343 2.3 hospital's admirlishrator, out.
land 34,005 S 34,005 S 34.005 Laboratory 32,354 53,436 85,790 5.7 28,221 47,299 15,526 5.4 lined some of the Shared
Land inpTov�-PntS 15,090 14,195 895 Pharmacy 12,274 66 12,338 .8 10,286 86 10,372 .7 Service§ grogram with
B" 11-d ings 835,652 289,654 $45,998 527,694 Radiology
Furniture and equipnent 512,049 3410,738 171,311 178,385 4t,880 8,231 10,111 3.3 39,552 7,293 46,845 3.4 Ldyldow§ tARve" Hospital
- Physiotherapy 12,060 594 12,654 .8 12,580 (357) 12,223 .9 *
Sl •396.731' i6A�81 U4,.AD2 JL4Q&$A Exergency 31,276 31,276 2.1 25,756 25,756 1.8 and added that health care
Arb,ilance 19,485 19,485 1.3 19,,148 19,148 f.4 facilities will continue to
Conunications 31,242 (720) 30,522 2.0 26,055 (4,20D) 21,855 1.6 develop.
Medical staff 29,837 29,837 2.0 25,072 25,072 1.8 The hospital auxiliat�
4. I-NTWORDED SICR IZAVE AND VACATI(IM PAY LIABILITY 33,405 33,405 2.2 36,719 30,719 2.2 report WA'S Submitted by
The hospital pays employees for time lost due to sickness to the extent Medical and surgical supplies 22 160 22,160 1.5 18,801 18,801 1.4 Eli7Abeth Ginty. the group's
of their earned entitlement, and upon termination of employment pays a 6FI.265 118:871 780,136 51.5 615,644 101,461 717,105 51.6 president.
portion n I f the unused entitlement. The policy of the hospital is to OTIVER EXPENSES Their bursary for
expense these payments as well as paymenis of vacation pay In the year Pmplayee benefits people interested it a career
In which the payments are made. The maximum liabilities under each of 113,212 113,212 7.4 127 497 127,497 9.2
these policies at March 31, which are rtint reflected in the accounts. Depreciation - in the health field was raised
were approximately: Land Improvements 100 too to two it SO installments from•
1980 1979 Buildings -6,716
2 20,716 1.4 20,716 4* 20,716 1.5 $100 install 'lents. The raise
Equipment 26.915 26,915 1.8 25,021 2%021 1.8 was attributed to the rising
Unrecorded sick le . ave liability $207,000 $170,000 Interest on loan 2,825 2.8-25 .2 3,112 3,112 .2 cost of education:
Unrecorded -vacation pay liability $ 59.000 $ 49,000 Bad debts 1,444 1,444 .1 1,700 1.7 .1 The president reported 11
1134212 52,000 165,212 10.9 127,.497 50,549 178,046 L2.8 students were mvoivcu in the
Junior Volunteer program
ALLOW= lu§.w 1wiLlu jw"g , Laaw IQU during the year. The
Percentage of expenses 75.8% 24.2% 106.0-/ 78.4% 21.6% 100.0% auxiliary also expressed
London. Canada Patient days (excluding 415 newborn days; satisfaction at being able to
June 6, 1,980 10,141 8,872 supply the hospital with
Chartered Accountants 430 in 1979)
t C H
pnc p,0 .0 P n 7
AvernRe cost per day $149.38 $156.58 mist tent, at a Cost of SIOW,
for the -pe
distric w".