HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-13, Page 2TIIE WINGIIAM TIMES., SEPTEMBER 1$. 1906
Are no
People in every walk of life are troubled.
Have you a Backache? If you have it
is the first' sign that the kidneys are not
working properly.
A neglected Backache, leads to serious
Kidney Trouble.
Check it in time by taking
They cure all kinds of Kidney Troubles
from Backache to Bright's Discos*.
SQe. a box or 3 for $1.2S
an deatera or
Toronto, QM -
Alen are often warned not to go cute
debt, and tut a general rule it is good ad-
vice. Oa the ocher hand them aro plenty
et then in the west to day wha would
never have been worth a doiter it they
had not sono tote debt. recently eu
editor in the Western States of America
deplored the fact that many young men
are putting tack saviussinto land, stat-
ing that he believes the practice is bad,
&otioe of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements aooepted up
to noon Wednesday ot each week.
B. ELLIOTT, runtastrmn. AirDPROr&rump
Although is most oases the indebtedness
i9 stnali and the deferred paytueuts are
We hold that ado editor tai wroug,
Good real estate 114nght at the right
price is the best mid surest kind of in-
vestment. Tim rapid Ailing up of the
(i,ivadtan west, the demand for farm
homes, the productive capacity of all
onr good soils, rendez a permanent stamp
of land trainee well-nigh Impossible.
The men wno bought land 20 years ago
in Manitoba and .clseiniboia from $3 to
$6 per acre, and kept it have become
comparatively rioh through the groat in-
crease that has taken place in the value
of the land, The young inau who to.:
day buys laud iu western Canada for $4
to $8 or $10 an acre will es certainly re.
alma as great, if not a greater profit on
the iayesttnent as did his father before
him. It is, of coarse, almost needless to
add that the young man ehould use
judgment and buy good laud. It oanuot
be denied that although we have millions
ot acres of splendid land yet awaiting
settlements, there are poor patches here
ADA there, and of these the investor
should steer clear.
Our inoreasingpopulatiou mast be fed.
Tile rapidly developing manufacturing
intereste supported from the soli. All
other ooantries of the world are looking
to the Uuitsd States and Canada to make
good their deficient food supply, There
will always be a market for our soil pro-
ducts at remunerative prfoes, This is as
certain as anythiug can be in this world,
and will reauit in a continued increase
in land values. So that any young man
in fair circumstances, with even a
moderate iuoome, can, with the utmost
confidence, buy land, making the final
payments in accordanoe with hie iuoome.
In such a case going luto debt is justi-
fied and a wiee thing to do, -Ex.
Canada insists that if there is to be
any aim oxidic n to this country she rani
do the annexing. There now, isn't that
"tall talk?" But the advocates of this
theory point out that the Dominion now
exceeds the United States in area by
250,000 square miles, that she oompriees
one•third of the area of the British Em.
pita, is as large as thirty United King.
dome, eighteen Germanye, and thirty-
three I talys, and that her sea coast equals
half the earth's oiroumferenoe. That
ought to hold Uncle Sam for a while. -
Bos ton Traveller.
A Windsor paper reports that the
British bowlers deolare Canada is a hun-
dred years behind in sports. If the
grandmotherly old game of bowling on
the green is considered "sport" we are
inoliaed to agree with the British visit-
ors. In the field of manly athletic sports
Canadians have shown at home and
abroad that they lead the world. One
hundred years from now Canadians may
become sufficiently enfeebled to resort to
bowling greens for their exercise, but we
hope not before. We are content to see
the old boys from' home maintain their
supremacy in that field. --Sarnia Observ-
The story gots that in order to etreng-
then his olaims on the succession to the
Liberal leadership, Mr Fielding will seek
to represent an Ontario constituency.
But it is doubtful if the report has any
good foundation. There is reason to
think that Sir Wilfrid Lanrier's health
is satisfaetory, and that he was never
more stronghly entrenched in the affec-
tion, esteem and confidence of the Liber-
al party. His Government may bo los-
ing ground, but his personal aecendenoy
is peculiarly groat and entirely secure.
There is indeed a curious disposition to
hold his colleagues responsible for the
fan.ts and failures of his Administration
and to regard the Prime Minister as
strong and vigilant and, likewise, as
non -methodical and irresponsible, Oar-
ttlin it is that he has the bearing of a
great Ioader and the art of a popular
tribuuo, that he is good to hear and
pleasant tb look upon, and that no more
skilful manager of a party has appeared
in onr politics. He is, in short, a man
who would hold a distinguished place in
any country, and whose great and
statesmanlike qualttiea neither partisan
envy nor partisan detraction can ob-
searo.---Toronto News.
Cause of
w +til it bile " is Nature's cathar-
1 tic. SL:, long as the liver sup.
plies a good flow of bile the food
passes along the alimentary canal
and the waste matter is promptly
removed from the body.
Failure of the liver brings consti-
Iatiotl, indigestion, clogging of the
kidneys and poisoning of the svhole
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
positively cure constipation by means
of their direct and specific action on
the liver, and this is the only way
that a lasting cure for constipation
can possibly be effected.
Dr. Chase's KidneyLiver Pills,
rine pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all
dealers, or Rdmanson,13ates & Co.,
Toronto. The portrait *and signa.
tt.ire of Dr.:. '4V. Chase, the famous
receipt book author' aro ort every
^ ilk+""" '"" r•1" - "'-
1WUifTY yEARs AG 1tamsfrommThef"Tunes" iyl80
(From T1IE Wzt err I TRIES et
Friday, September .Oth, 1886.)
trErGlt2ioRuooa NEWS
A 15O lb, bear was captured in a dead
fall trap uear Henfryn a few days ago.
Alex. Heudersou, one of the pioneers
of East Wawanosh, who has been in
failing health for some time past, died
ou the 27th nit., at the age of 63 years.
A Blyth boy wanted to see Fore-
paugh's circus so bad that he walked to
Clinton early hi the morning, helped the
circus znen to put up seats, and so work-
ed his way into the show; he did with-
out dinner or sapper, and concluded by
stealing a ride home ou the train.
Joseph Parr, of Kincardine, subscribed
$25 towarcla defray(iug the expenses of
late firemen's tournament in that town,
but when the time oame he refused to
whack up. The firemen sued him in the
division court, and he had to pay the
amoant, together with an additional $7
in emote.
Flow to Get The Better of This
Cause of Misery.
A scientific writer upon stomach
troubles saps: "If spina have ever ant-
lered from indigestion, -and who has
not? -your imagination has probably
pictured a ferocious little imp dancing in
the pit of your stomach, causing that
organ to neglect all of its duties, with a
result that 1s not only painful, but fills
you with misery from day to.day." This
writer certainly had suffered with indi-
gestion, for there is no more disagree.
able, nerve racking and sick -all-over
disease than indigestion.
A great many people who have been
treated for years for diseases of the
heart, liver or kidneys, when they used
Minna stomach tablets found that not
only did Minna cure the stomach dis-
order, bat it made them well all over and
the other troubles were•also cured.
If you suffer with nervonsuess, sleep-
lessness, indigeation, sick or nervous
headache, paius in the baok or sides,
get a 50o box of Mi-o-na and take one of
the little tablete before each meal. It
will do you a world of good and you
will soon be well and free from indi-
gestion, and its symptoms.
For sale by all dealers. The R. T.
Booth Co, Buffalo, N. Y,
Two Year Term for Councils.
At the last session of the Ontario Legion
lature the Consolidated Municipal Act
was amended by inserting the following,
as section 95 b, thereof : "The council of
any local muuioipality by by-law sub-
mitted to the electors in accordance with
the provisions of seotton 338 and follow-
ing scotione of this Act, and assented to
by a majority of the electors voting
thereon, may extend the term of office of
all members of the council to be there-
after elected, to the term of two years,
such persons to hold office until their
successors are elected or appointed or
sworn into office and the new council is
organized, and may with like assent re-
peal any such by-law." Some news.,
papers in referring to this say that a
petition of electors is necessary to the
submission of such a by-law, but a read -
i ing of the olausee of the Act governing
by-laws does not show this. It would
appear that any munieipal email nifty
introduce a bylaw extending the term
of members to two years, submit it to
jam electors, and if their assent to obtain-
' ed have elections thereafter biennially.
There is anineient time to pass such by*
laws yet before the inunioipal elections
itt 1907, should the members of any
i council be disposed to teal the feeling of
the electors on much a ohange. There
may, however be leab disposition to take
'advantage of this option, because it
would mean electiont two years apart,
which might be a long while for an ob.
jeotionable Council or alderman to res
tato hie place, A system ander which
there were two-year terms and annual
elections, heti of the Connekllors rotir.
tug annually, might induce apathy On
betalf of the electors, as is the ogee use-
' ally or off mayoralty years. Consider-
; tions like theft inetine the average rate -
',payer to sudors the ills he bite rather
than fly to other* he known not of.
NEws IeenS.
The collector of delinquent taxes in
Buffalo gets about !t16,000 a year in per-
The British war scare of 1886 cost the
English Government £1,117,000 for the
hiring of transports which were never
Among the passengers by the Allan
line steamer Lorean, form Glasgow,
which arrived at Quebec on Tuesday,
were 24 Icelanders. They are bound for
the Manitoba settlement and went west
by the O,P,R,
Joseph Manders died at the Grey
Nunnery, at Montreal, on Friday last,
aged 106 years, 4 months and 17 days.
Rev. D. 0. MoDowell is in Toronto at.
tending conference.
Misses Minnie and Lilly Pottypieee left
on Tuesday morning to attend school
to Belleville.
Mat. Mcludoo, who has been away for
the past four weeks spending his holidays
at hie old home in Peterboro', returned
to town on Wednesday of last week.
Harry Strong, far the past six months
in Park's jewellery store; left 'town
yesterday for Seaforth, where he will
remain a coupe of weeks before going
to Victoria, B 0„ where he intends
going into business.
I've Had Seven.
(Wordsworth Up -to -Date)
I met a little City Dame;
Her bus tand was just dead;
And now she'd like to change her name -
At least so it was said.
She had a knowing wordly air,
And she was smartly clad.
Her hair was fair, dyed much too fair;
Her make-up made me sad.
"How many husbands," City Dame,
How many have you had?
"How many?" did the Dame exclaim,
"Just seven. That's not bad!"
"And how was that?" I asked her, She
Said: "Well, 'twits thus: Of course,
From five of them I did get free
By merciful divorce.
"Two of them in the churchyard lie,
The first one and the last."
I gazed upon the City Dame
And gaped at her aghast!
"The first one was so handsome, and
The seoond was so smart,
The third one, well, he won my hand
Because he'd won my heart,
"The fourth he had a family tree,
The fifth was very rich,
The sixth one much appealed to me;
You know now which is which:
"The seventh ono is in his grave."
Then she held onr this bait,
•'I've property the fifth one gave,
Will you be number eight?"
2udless Annoyance and Misery
"As a may of seventy years 1 am grate-
ful to God and to Dr, Chase's Ointment
for a cure of piles which had caused me
endless annoyance and ranch moiety.
The itching and burning was•atmosi be-
yond euduranoe, but Dr Chase's Oint.
mens brought quick relief and I believe
the cure le lasting." -Rev Wm Thomas,
Brownsville, Ont.
One kind of eye that is never beautiful
is the one that fails to look erltlarely into
yours. Watch out for that, types
LooAL NEws,
5, Ostrander, the Royal blook boot
and ehoe merchant, has opened a b.auoh
atore in Brussels.
D. MoCrimwon has retired from busi-
ness and has disposed of his entire stook
of hardware to Jas. A. Cline & Co., to
whose prewisee in the stone blook it has
been removed.
On Monday the corporation of the
town of Wingham was served with a
writ at the instance of Archibald and
W, D. Pringle, who claim damages for
injuries done to their property on Jose-
phine street, alleged to have been caused
by the closing or obstraotiag of a drain.
Last week the TIMES chronicled tbe
death of Mrs. Jas. Tipling, and this week
it is our sad duty 'to announce the death
of her eldest unmarried daughter, Miss
Charlotte Jane Tipliug, who passed
away on Monday afternoon, at the
family residence on the Blnevale road,
Turnberry, at the early age of 18 years
and 2 months.
Hutton, Price & Carr, proprietors of
the Lower Winghem flouring mill have,
through their attorneys, Garrow &
Proudfoot, of Goderioh, notified the
corporation of Wiugham to pay them,
without delay, the sum of $216,77, being
for the use of water from the river Mait-
land, for street watering and fire pur-
poses, for four years and fear maths at
$50 per year,
Mr. Croydon has aooepted the coun-
oil's offer of $75 to settle his claim again•
st the corporation for iujuries sustained
in falling through a defective sidewalk
last winter, and that amount has been
paid over to him.
A very pleasant social gathering was
held at the rectory, on Mouday eveniug,
the occasion being the celebration of the
lifteeth anniversary of the marriage of
Rev. R. M000sh and Mrs. MoOosh.
There was a large attendance of mem-
bers ot the congregation and friends from
other denominations, who had come to
enjoy the hospitalityof the worthy couple
and wish them many happy retg;rns.
Tipling.-In Tur lberry, on the 0th
inst., Caariotte Jane Tipliug, aged 18
years and 2 months.
BAPTIST 0xratte t ---Sabbath services at
11 a zn and 7 p In, Sunday Sohool at
2;40 p m. general prayer meeting
op. Wednesday evenings. Rev. E. R.
Fitch,. E.A., pastor. B.Y.I.U. meats
Monday evenings 8 p.m. Abner 0o0ens
S.S. Superintendent.
MZTHOD$BT CHURCH. -Sabbath services
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2:80 p Inn. Epworth. League every Mon-
day evening. general prayer meeting
ort Wednesday evenings, Rev. W,
G. Howson, pastor. W, E. Towler,
M.D., S. S. Superintendent,
PRilseXTalirdN OHLtBOU-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a IA and 7 p m, Sunday
Sohool at 2:80 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor. L. Harold, S S. Su-
ST. PAUL'S OHtfR0H, EpISOopuu, -•Sab-
bath services at 11 a rn and 7 p m. Sun-
day Sohool at 2:80 p an. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
T. S. Boyle, M. A., B. 0., Rector and
S. S. Superintendent. John Taylor and
Ed Nash, assistant Superintendents.
SALVATION Ames' -Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 8 p 2n on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
Posr Orritia-In Macdonald Block.
OMee hears from 8 a m to 6:30 p In.
Peter Flatter, postmaster.
PunLIO LrBRAa•1'-Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
6:80 o'clook, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Maud Robertson,
Town CoUWOIL--Thos. Bell, Mayor;
S. Bennett, David Bell, Thos. Forbes,
Geo. 0. Hanna, D. E. McDonald and
Wm. Nicholson, Connoillors; J. B, Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson
Dulmage, Assessor. Board meets first
Monday evening in each Month at 8
A housekeeper who was closing her
house for a long period packed her silver
in dry flour, with the knives, forks and
spoons kept together and arranged in
layers, with flour between. She had
tried this experiment before, and found
that the silver emerged perfectly bright
and uutarnished.
In washing blankets the advice of an
old laundress is: Never rub soap directly
on a blanket, but dissolve it in the water.
When it is taken from the last water
hong upon a strong line, where a good
breeze will strike it and pull and stretch
in shape. Allow it to remain until dry,
then pack it away until oold.
Theta pills etre all diseases and de -
orders arising from 'weak heart, worn oat
nerves or watery* blood, such as Palpitr-
tion, Skip Beate, Throbberte, Smotherr'rr`u�,
Dizziness, We or Faint g Its AnttemritI,
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Brain Flag,
General Debility and Leek of Vitality.,
They are true lieart took', nerve food
and blood enricher, building up and
renewing int the worn out p�d wasted
tissues of the body and restoring perfect
health. Price 50c, a bot, or $ for $1.26,
at pll druggists.
t :
THE RESULT of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body
traduced by Iust and exposure are conetaatiy wrecking the lives
and future happiutiso of thousands of prontislnce young men. Borne fade and ~hither
an earIy age, at ttie bloaoni et manhood, while otuere are lotted to drag cuta
weary fruitless and melancholyexistence. Others reach Matri-
mony[tut tied no Waco or comfort there. The victims orb fOund
id all stations 6f llfc-the farm the office, the workshop, the
pulpit, tit.tredeeand the professions , NaressiMalay ant Seminal
WNkaess are gaarattteed cared by our Naw Method Vestment sr Ni
Pty. You run no risk 25 years in Detroit. Bauk tecurity,
CUNtb WHEN ALL We F*{LtEe Ts �tn ss eaa6 wnheat w iths 11M11t.
life ant arly indiscr.ttonu tied lmarried. te .ei mat e rouble foe mac
I btamet weak add heroes. l'dy kidneys becatne affected and I
3 feared Bright's Disease. Married Life was unsatisfactoryand
my home unhappy. I tried aversthh tg'-alt felted till Itook
treatment frena Mrs. Kennedy ds Kergau. Their Neve 22ethed
built nue up mentally, physically and neztsxlly. I feel and act
like a man in every respect. They treated me Mx years ago. They are honest,
skillet And responstbte financially. so why p*tronl;e Quxeks add b'aklre when yen .
Can be cured by reliable doctors.' --W. A. beton.
cims 40111ANIEEDNIN Pit! Mallet Free•&conks free•-Ou st n llwnk Free for liere
Drs. Kennedy Si Koran,Detroit. MO.
14th Shelby Strutt,
K&K K&K KeleK K&K K &1t K&K
(chairman), J.D. Long, J. J. Homuth, T.
Hall, H. Kerr, Wm, Moore, Alex. Ross,
0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John P.
Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings seoond Tuesday eveningin each
(chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P.
Macdonald, John Wilson, V.S., J. A.
Morton, 0. P. Smith, W. F. VanStoue,
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Coons,
treasurer, Board meets seoond Monday
evening in each month.
lor, B.A., principal ; J. G. Workman,
B. A., mathematical •
mastery; Miss F.
B. Ketcheson, B.A., teacher of English
and Moderns.
Pomo SCHOOL T$AoHRR9.--A. H.
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brook,
Miss Reynolds, Mies Farquharson, Miss
Wilson, Alias Cummings, and Mies
BOARD or HRALTB---Thos. Bell,
(chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg-
ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald,
Medical Health (Meer,
Is runt I8UEi)
The Times OIBGo. ]haver BIQek
Timms or Buzsoixrxlola-.-21.00 per annum, in
advance ll81.50 if not en paid. No paper diecon-
optton of the pubUeher are palcl, except at the
AnvAnnifi xc4 RATIN. ' - Legal and other
casual advertisemente eloper Nonpariel line for
ftret insertion, 84 per line for eaoh subsequent
Advertisements in local column' are charged
10 eta, per line for Bret inaertton, and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion,
Advertisements of Strayed, Parma for Sale
or to Bent,and similar, 82.00 for first three
weeks, an25 Dents for each subsequent in•
sertion. .
ourCra forRtlhAe�inneertton o advertisements
for speoifed periods: --
81' 0.s. 1 YR. 8 it0. 8 Mo. Din.
OneOolamn$70.00 $40.00 822.50 $8.00
Half Column 40.00 25.00 15,00 6.00
Quarteroolamn20.00 12.50 7.50 8.00
One Inch 5.90 8.90 2.00 1,20
Advertisements without s eoifio direction
wlted taresged accord-
igy.� be Transieent dvetland
must be paid
for its advanoe,
Tam Jon DRPArmarsNT is etooked with an
extensive aesortalent of all regnisitesfor print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
oountyfor turning oat first oleos work. Large
type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, eto., a
choice fanny type for the finer Masses of print
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
each as teachers wanted, business chances,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kind of an advt, in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the Tattle
ofiico. This work will receive prompt attention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on appltcation. Leave
or send your next work of this kind to the
Some of Them Are Worth Cultivat.•
ing, But There Are Others to
$q Avoided --Advice eet
for Women. b 1
The head of the house of Rothschild'
once said; "Make friends only of sucb
persona as can be of real help to you."
Emerson, the philosopher, Duce wrote:
""There is but one rule to follow
choosing friends; make sure that they
are better than yourself lit some one
Bach maxim its characteristic of its
promulgator; each shows the keystone
in the foundations of the man's career:
-Hotit should be studied by the enthu-
siast off for her vacation, ens the
Washington Star.
This is the time of year when women,
In general, girls in particular, have op-
portunities for making new acquaint-
ances, building up new friendships.
Tasks are relegated to city fiats, shops
and offices. The summer girl finds her-
waif cast among scores of others bent
and the latest :styles of on getting the most recreation and en-
joyment from the brief span of a Lort-
II. B. ELLIOTT night or a trifle more. She says: "Now
I will have time to make new friends,
to cultivate people instead of a round
of duties. I am the individual, not a
mere cog in some domestic or cowmer-
cial machine."
She honestly believes that she may
NAiD, become intimate with them, that she is
reading their inmost thoughts, and
Centre Street sharing their interests, and she does
Wingham, Ontario. not stop to consider that they, like
herself, are on dress parade, leading
DR. AGNEtN, not their regular, normal life, but a
butterfly existence, seeking pleasure,
Physician, Burgeon, oto, wearing their best clothes seven days
Office-MaodonaldBlock, over W.MoKibbon'e in the week, putting the best foot fore-
DrugStore, Night call answered at the office, most -partly for her benefit, or at least
to Impress her with their importance.
DR, ROBT.C. REDMOND, M. R.O.S. (Eng't For instance, there is the boy who
L. R. O. P. (Lend.) wears a college band around his straw
PHYSIC1LiN and SURGEON. hat, He is a jolly. enthusiastic lad.
who would not for the world tell a
downright fib. Ile spends his days ex-
ploring the hills and streams adjacent
YANSTO E, to the hake[, carrying his outing tog -
y fund to loan ETC, gory with grace and ease. His evenings
Pe of interest.
and t. No coy fundi commission charged
at ed mort-
are spent detailing to some fair and
rateofintereet. Nocommiseionoharged [tort• willing victim the athletic achieve-.
gages, town and farm pprooppbrtyS bought and ments of his classmates. If you know
sold, Office, Beaver Blook. Wingliem the truth, you might titin that he was
a student in some city high school,
J A. MORTON, or a "prep," school for the college
BARRISTER, &o whose color he wears, while the real
- student from the college, the young
Wingham, Ont. man who is earning ills education and
who hopes some day to be a B. A. or
E. L. Maranon
Dnnnicv Bourse a Ph. D. or an M. D. is the quiet youth
who serves you at table.
. Then there is the girl who paints
glowing pictures of the social whir!
last winter --the bridge whist scores
she made, the favors that deck her
rooms, mementos Of a season's gel';,
mans, her conquests of hearts, etc. She
JOHN RITCHIR, is so glib and vivacious that you never
GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, dream that she stands behind a coun-
ter every week in the year but two.
Winghnm, Ont. There is no disgrace in her work. Bless
Proprietor and Publisher
• Member of the Brltieh Medical Aaeooia-
tion. Gold EledaUist in Medicine. 8ppectal
attention paid4o diseases of Women and Meld:
ren, Office hours --1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p. m,
Office, with Dr. Chisholm.
Morrffir To LOAN.
Meyer Block, Wingham.
Dimon :
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Mee
over Post Office, Wingham.
WJ. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S.
(Suocessor to Dr. Holloway)
Will continue the practice in the office lately
occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver
Block, Wingbem.
ALES. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. .stales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the Timms office will receive prompt attention.
articleand hy wish thaving si pse of, stook
tise the same for sale in the Thum Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
Yoh do not get a customer. We Don't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for the article or stook than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Tares and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
v� TRAINS LEAvN il'on
London .. 8.40 a.m.... 8.80p.m.
Tot'onto &East 10.40 a.m., 6.48 a.m.... 2,40p.m.
Kincardine..11.15 a.m2.08 p -m.... 0.15p.m.
Anoras /PROM
Kincardine ....0.40 a.m.,.10.40 a.m .. ,.2.40 p.m.
London 11.10 a.m..,., 7.95 p.m.
Pabnerston 0.85 a.m.
Toronto do East 2.08 p.m..., 9.15 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East..., 8.58 a,m, ... 8.84 pan,
Teeswater 1.25 p.m ....10.51 p.m.
7ltseswatee 645a.9m,.... 8.28 gas.
'Fortonto and teat ,.....1, i7p.m..,.10.43 p.m.
J, H. DEEBMER, Agent,Wibgham.
• Dusters(
Anyone sending a sketch and description ION9uiCktf MCerOttO 011r Opinion free * ether as
invention is eremite', pntentnble. Commodes
tloUA strictly ednadential. Itnndbcok on Patent:
tent free. Oldest *steno for securing patent
retests taken tbrocgh Munn to Co. receive
tperidi notice, without charge, Irt the
Scientific June' an.
Ah,tnds6inely neteitettie * ekl'e. isms st Mr:
emotion of any setentten latent, Terme, 8s
der ;'Mur tnontbs, 51. Sod byeli neWsde51eta
VIUtN && C. l, wtsawA eew ¥nr
you, nob It is only the sham that an-
noys you when you learn the . truth,
And then you wish you hati spent more
time with the young woman. dressed
simply in linen, whn carried new 1:0 'e-
els or old favorites to the rocks every
day and came hack looking so rested
and content with life.
Keep away from the girl who talks
much of herself and little of books and
current literature. Drop out of the
circle surrounding the woman who says
clever but spiteful things of every one
not iu that circle. Think of what she
may be saying about you when you
walk away toward the beach. Avoid
intimacies 'that spring from a tWo
weeks' acquaintance. On the day you
start for liome many will say: "Now,
do write soon, dear," but few will be
answered. You will go back to the
old friends, tried and true, and he glad
to see them, to hear their voices and
to realize their worth.
Fell House, Where Anthracite Coal
Was First Burned, Victim of
Modernization. 1
Wilkesbarre, Pa. --The old Fell house;
where anthracite coal was first burned
in a grate, and where its progress as a
marketable commodity began, is to be
destroyed and remodeled until all out"
ward semblance to the famous tavern
has disappeared.
In the heart of the big new building.
which is to take its place there will be
preserved the old-tashionRd, low-tell-
inged, heavy-reftered room where the
experiment took place, and the identical
grate and fireplace where anthracite coal
first burned.
This room is to be tightly boxed in
during the changes in other parts of the
building and it is the expectation to pre-
serve it without injury or change.
The experiment in the old grate spe-
cially built for the purpose by Judge
Jesse Fell, then one of the leading men
in the community, took place on Feb-
ruary 11, 1808, almost 100 years ago, He
had written in letters to relatives de-
scribing the achievement, and for some
lime had Contended that if properly Ig-
nited the "stone coal," as it was then
Called, would burn, but his friends
laughed at him. Nevertheless he stud -
led the problem until he decided that it
was necessary to have a draught to keep,
It going.
He then had the grate built of ten -
inch bars, forming the front and bottom
of a box that he Set in brlek, and in this
be placed tbe stone coal, lighting it from
below by means of splinters of wood and
keeping up such to, draught with a bel-
lows that the coat t sou glowed red hot.
He round, too, that ashen red hot It
quickly ignited other coal placed upon
It, and, proud Gt his :success, lte told hitt
neighbor'tl ti ..