HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-06-27, Page 261 18 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 27, 1994 SUBSCRIBERS When it's time to renew your Eappaitor, rettewal notices will bein- tfxl fn yourpaper. 'Watch for it 404t1 amiss a single issue 14141Wtoi ' ..52Trt)�4O.rs` • Cranbrook .officially opens CITY CENTRE '. -Cranbrook Cooresnondent MRS MAcHNGEL SS7fifi4S . Knorr Pliesbytestau chturela Wall have no services fol the month of July when Rev Salyer Webb as on holidays.: ' The Cranbrook Branch of the. Karon Country Library was oif.Iciallyop pedon.. Frrdayevening, • Jwze 22. Graeme Mac..Donald. Deputy Reeve of Grey Township, opened the meeting ' William S. Vanstone, Chairman of the Library Board introduced the members of the Board, Warden Lionel . C. Wilder, Trim Baird, Margaret Day, John P Doherty, and Isabel Elston. '..abscise-intraduced_11 Chief._ Librarian, Beth Ross and the Children's Librarian, Sharon Cox. He also introduced the new Cranbrook Librarian, Carmie Newman, who has transferred from Ethel where she worked for two years. Mrs. Margaret Saxon was presented with a gift in appreciation CLINTON RACEWAY OPENS SUNDAY, JUa.Y 1 i&S Niv Ontario', ramtf Track. POST TIME: 1:30 P.M. Immediately after the races, enjoy our special CHICKEN BARBECUE SUNDAY, JULY 1 Tickets 88.00 Advance sales include Free Admission to races. Tickets available at Fleming Feed Mill or from any Fowl -Up Team Member (M proceeds to Fleming Fowl -Ups Oldtimer Hockey Tease) •RACING EVERY SUNDAY, JULY 1 - SEPT. 9 •PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING - DAILY DOUBLE, EXACTOR, ° TRIACTOR •"UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF A SPECIAL OCCASION PERMIT" •PLAYGROUND, POOL AND PICNIC AREA .for, her work as librarian at Cranbrook for Leif 'Years. Reeve. Leona ,Armstrong, Harold Braggy, --Chairman of Ate :OP -brook- Hall Board, Waaler Wilder and Graeme, MacDonald all cattle foward When new library home Friday Mr. :Vanstane; cut the ribbon. to. Tracy Alado: and little -daughter. open -the lil+rey, . Amanda, all of London, Visited Howard ' Mitchell, Thorold, is their grandmother, Mist Mac Engel, g a while at his house in OP Wednesday Jam and'Jeait Keys Seaforth also; visited Mrs. Engel on MisseslSharon and Susan Engel, Friday. THE TIMES CHANGE, THE NAMES REMAIN THE SAME - Three versions of Cor VanderPryt could en the local Cor (centre, age 55) was visited by cousine Cor, 35 (left) and his uncle Cor, 75. The three men `appear to be having a good visit, in spite of the inevitable confusion around the supper table. Submitted, photo. be found in Dublin this past week, twenty years apart, could be found in Dublin this past week wh HOOK - David Hook son of Stein and Fran Hook, Egmo$vill ,: graduated on June 14, 1990 teethe Dean's Honour List from the University of Western Ontario with an Honour's Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. David is presently employed with Agricultural Canada in London. St. Patrick's grads honored Dublin Correspondent MRS. EILEEN MaettAE 345-2842 years as their priest. 22 members of JOe Murray and Patrick Cook and the 4th Degree of Knights of Female Athletic Award to Rosalie Columbus were Guard of Honour at Poppe. The O.P.P. Leadership the celebration of Mass on Sunday award presented by Constable On Sunday evening June 24th the mpg. Father was the Chaplin of Roger to Erin Appleby. Knights of parishoners of St. Patrick's Parish . third and fourth Degree of K.C. A Columbus award to the highest in Dublin gathered to extend their parish picinc followed at the Lions academic achievement, male and best wishes to Rev. J.J. Carrigan for Park when he was presented with a female to Jenny Seiler and Joe a long and healthy retirementrecliner chair. Murray presented by Mr. Frank Ui Graduation for the Grade 8 pupils Crowley. of St. Patricks School was Don and Eileen MacRae attended celebrated with Mass at 7 p.m. the suprise party for their sister Rita Friday evening in St. Pat's Church. Gooding at the "Little Inn" in Dublin Dinner was served in the Bayfield on Saturday evening. Rita parish hall prepared by Velma arrived at the Inn with her daughter Miller for the 26 graduates and and son-in-law, Anglia and Wayne their families. The following Love and grandsons Tyler and children were the graduates: Erin Conner from Barrie to find her Appleby, Dixie Bowden, Patrick mediate fly gathered to Cook, Melanie Cronin, James celebrate with her on the occasion Crowley, Kevin Diegel, Jeffrey of her 70th birthday. Guests present Flanagan, Tom Hunt, Kevin Mabb, were her sister Anne and Elmer Tracy Marshall, Jennifer McIver, (Al) Hatton from Sarnia, her son Denise Meagher, Michael Moylan, John and Nancy and Fred Jansen Joe Murray, Grace Pereira, Rosalie and children, Shauna and Megan Poppe, Melissa Provencher, Bill from London. After dinner we all Fa er Mooney from Kinkora parish and Father Hardy from St. Columban celebrated Mass with Fr. Carrigan. During the service Father thanked the parishoners for the friendship and support they have shown to him throughout his nine years as pastor of St. Patricks. A social time followed in the Church hall during which time people could personally say good-bye to Father Carrigan. A presentation was made to Father under the direction of the Parish Council and the League. Pauline Hartfiel read an Irish bles- sing. He was given a recliner rocker and a brass reading lamp for his personal use. A stained glass win-. Ryan, Jeffrey Ryan, Scott Saunders, dow depicting_"St. Patrick" will be4 Wayne Schoonderwoerd,, Jennifer; installed above the .doors to they Seiler, , Angela Terpstra, . Mark main entrance to the church. Ung, Karen Vansteelandt, and Father Caruana of the St/James Chad Wilding. The graduation Parish in Seaforth Was aLso speakers were, Steve Murray, who honoured on Sunday by his presented greetings from the Huron parishoners on his leaving after 10 Perth R.C. S.S. Board. The guest speaker was Father Hardy, who presented the gift of intellect ability, in his words and said that a lot of education is done outside of school. The valedictorian plaque was given to Grace Pereira. The presentation of awards followed. Huron -Perth R.C.S.S. Board Pins were presented by Steve Murray, The C.W.L. presentation by Mrs. Riki C -I -L WEED & FEED LAWN FERTILIZER 18 KG. - Reg. 30.95 14 KG. - Reg. 25.00 2211 1711 Buy now - great! Y educed White they cast - at Anniversary Sate prices CLEMATUS PLANTS Reg. 9.99 ea...... 2' o F,1 411 Good SHRUBS or R • �.............. 2 R YYoo PACKAGEp ROSES.. returned to her cottage were she is spending the summer., Visiting with Katie Murray two weeks ago were her brother Philip Flanagan from Toronto and his son Donnie Flanagan from Barrie. Last week with Katie were her son and daughter-in-law Frank and Louise Maloney from Kitchener and also her sister Mary Dantzer from Lon- don was up this past weekend with Katie. With Mrs. Olga Eckert on the weekend were Richard and Ann Heuley, Stratford. Joe and Olga had another anniversary (46yrs.) this past week. Joe is a patient in Strat- ford General Hospital undergoing Vansteelandt, The grade 8 photos tests. His friends and neighbours donated by the P.T.A. presented by wish him well and we all hope he Rudy Jansen, the grade 8 car- is home by Friday to celebrate his tificates presented by Rick Baidin, birthday. the Lions award presented for effort Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ryan at - towards most academically tended the graduation ceremonies at improved students, male and female Fanshawe College, London, for to Denise Meagher and Kevin their daughter Margaret Ann on Diegel by Hank Kramers. The June 15. On Tuesday, they visited Ursuline Caring and Sharing Award with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tozer of was presented by Pr. Hardy to Dawson, Michigan, and also with Melanie Cronin. The Male Athletic Mm. Alice Black of St. Clair, presented by Mr. Rick Baldin to Michigan. 5/8" DIAMETER & 50 FT. GARDEN HOSE IN DESIGNER COLOURS REG. 18.95 TREES Reg. 29.95 ...... APPLE OR ...... PEAR TREES Reg. 14.99 .... FLOWERING CRAB TREES .... Your choice of White Birch, Sunburst Locust, Silver Maple, Little Leat Linden, European Mountain Ash .. ��1 ............ 1 • ea. TREES Metropolitan Life can get you off to a flying start. 5nbrc When you need insurance, Metropolitan can make it a breeze. Our sales representatiyes give sensible advice and explain policies in down-to-earth terms. Which probably explains why more than a million Canadians have gotten a flying start with Metropolitan Ufa. And why you might want us to Insure you, too. So call your Metropolitan Life account representative today. We go above and beyond to help you. WOOD - Carolyn J. Wood, Doctor of Chiropractic, wife of Joseph Van Bakel and daughter of Donna Wood of Clinton and the late Dr. K.S. Wood, D.C., graduated from Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College on May 4, 1990. She received the Canadian Chiropractic Association President's Award, the Judy Laden Award and was valedictorian of her graduating class. Carolyn plans to commence practice at the Clinton Chiropractic Centre in July. RYAN - Margaret Ann Ryan, daughter of Maurice and Jean Ryan, RR.2, Dublin, graduated from Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology, London on June 15, 1990 with her Recreation Leadership diploma. She received her earlier education at St. Patrick's School, Dublin and Mitchell District High School. She is presently employed at the Royal Bank of Canada, Stratford, as a Customer Service Representative. 11th Anniversary Salo er►ds Staruday July 7 or4while present stock lasts. only_ 22 Isaac St, CLINTON 482-9333 Mark McLlwain 37 Main St. S. EXETER 235-1344 Mike Kelly 92 Roderick St. W. SEAFORTH 527-0785 GET MET. ITSPAYS. 0 Mat �inleiicraw 61986 Matropolaan Ile mamma Company, Canada STRATFORD OFFjCg ,.;.- John Blair 247 Ontario St. CLINTON 482-7703 2714941 ROWLAND Laurie K. graduated June 15, 1990 from Fanshawe School of Health Sciences with a diploma in Respiratory Therapy. Laurie K. is the daughter of Ed and Margaret Rowland, RR 1 Dublin. She received her earlier education at St. Patrick's School in Dublin, Mitchell District High School and also received her diploma in Pre - Health Science from Fanshawe io 1988. -