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The Huron Expositor, 1990-06-27, Page 21
THE HURON EXPOSITOR. ath4E Foul .weather puts amon Seaforth Lawn Bowiin . g urney > P lD len Bell. The hap ;At inti awl rSt tIngmat lawn an Sends Of the !mere* The p tournament these f rare i4 visas m o> y6 Social for .the Seaiorth Lawn School .have _ ' Eowlaig dab was held Tuesday bowling these past Sew w� on eneninOune $ at the Club g mornings. Paps � will l .tlte was cdaiwn be some future bowlers foam for the four greens were aaar'''3 e. Min and NellieTarsen hand evenirng biawfieg. Tr flue aI ix trying ant the game were all the tables of ever in and we were any ne;Wc races or Flay Euchre winners were: Fads ne intere to and ttY Iti:tt - Ida D Chl. Ladies lone band's 1L 1 - Mary Finlayson. Ladies fours ladies who won the district t W'1' '9 -if re: - Agnes Eye Men'sfours cnpeted at Banff:Tamand Mgt - I dyed as a although they did ds wm t ' said man). ms's lone bands - Gordon it was an experience just to Papple. Bra's Gmsolarina - compete at the Ptovmcial bevel. Thelma Dale (played as a marl). The first tournament held in MO bowlers for the lures were Seaforth was the men's pairs. Tanimas and Dorothy Winners were - Don Clendenning ¥Clnskie. while for the men it and paw of Ingersoll with 3 W was Na Mull (lsin and Tack Mair and 49. Second place went to �d President Zack Mnfr @toward Mkin and partner of the appreciation for the :sondon Faineant Club with 3 W mowers on the tables; and also to and .48 oin 9. In third place was lady who bad planted =flower ?ted Redmond! d! anal . mer of beds. SeveraImembershad attended iffeedstock with 3 W and 46, the memorial service fig the fate Tonrth prize was Ed Smythe and WI Brady, wrath was held at St .= Ryan of Goderich with 2 W Marys- Jack stated that the property ad 51 rip 1. Fifth prize Was Allan committee hopes to have a work Radial of Goderich and E. Gruber bee to do some painting in the near ,f Clinton with 2 W and 48 oL121- future. at 1050, TheEtnettrunumannt whit was to are been held Satard y nme .23 was also rained. aut. .raftmali ng for a,good gad kir aur toarntaneol. Thred Wes Fans bopa& at Mita flare _Tnj _ With almost ideal weatir The next swig will be July 241at 6 pm. and hostesses will be Thelma Dale, Gladys. Doig. Ida Diehl and Mary Finlayson. The club extends its sympathy to Ruth Menten_ mjllb . in the kiss of her Aster. Alsck good Teamluck R � ea d T Dorothy R2cciusfaie who will be participating in the Senior Games bowling in Stratford on Monday Inne 25. Godbowling to all 1;1 )3 . iJNK MEAD,. Dia A: SPORT ravet arid tioyee League COACHES• NEEL ED Fon 1990791! SEASON COMM MAR r 15274185' Seefottk'Minof.EG key IWO/faiter Siem®it muytmica . t iAuto twn g.HOU* s ,Fgt' BILLOVISIMMON coacraa:a INSNCE otmo,114„ Hn448,i 5ek SUBSCRIBERS 1 W1i n it's .,time .to, renew your nen exrhl'netit�walbein- sertedim gnur.Paper_ Watch foal& — dont raise" a sin fife issue. Expositor Sign me up for the Big Lea •, 'es, guys 527-0240 c HARD d DS LTD AUBURN 11111/11 Ihteh tate KSelected True ' TOP CASH PRiCES Csi 519426-7220 ******** HE WINDS AND HE WORKS... ..ms A SWING AND A MISS! - Brandon Carnochan's grim determ natkin dkkLt get a Era this time around during Sunday evening baseball action at Lion's Park. Elliott photos. FIREWOOD Imp* etetsWsred' Nar+htrtel net ate teppttrdtatttetr % the peke et bar wed. We d tet le 17 Gena V8rd Bela. BLAST OFF - Dean .Pryc a heads for the talk timber after a hit during Sunday night baseball action at the Lions Park diamond. The locals battled Wingham. Elliott photo. • CALL NOW (519j 526-7220 7, Ramming Report calls for Farm Tax rebate restoration A confidential report commissioned by the Ramming Government that calls for the restoration of the gutted Farm Tax Rebate Program has been in the hands of the Agriculture Minister since April 11. Cutbacks in eligibility announced in the 1989 Ontario budget without any consultation with the farming Community prompted an angry outcry that resulted in the Ministry -sponsored review. "The report clearly indicates that the Ramming government erred, that the Ontario Federation of Agriculture was right, and that program should be applied universally to all land and buildings in production ," says Ontario G leader Milne Harris. In the legislature. Harris called on the Premier to accept the committee's recommendations to restore full eligibility to the Farm Tax Rebate Program; that it is a tax relief measure as designed by the precious RAM14ING administration, and not a vehicle for farm income support as amended by the liberals in 1989. "I urge the government to correct a bad and insensitive policy that was imposed without consultation or proper study," Harris says. 'Rather than creating more barriers, we should be doing everything we can in Ontario to keep fanners farming. 0`00 WIN THIS HOME ANNOUNCEMENT CAROLYN J. WOOD, B.A.,, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC announces the opening of her office Commencing July 3, 1990 at CLINTON CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE 160 Huron St., CLINTON MON. & THURS. 842 HOURS WED. & SAT 8-12 1:30.5 FRL 8-12 8-8 1:30-3 TOES 842 1:30-5 eppa ntment (519) 482-8481 Win Your Backyard Brusbwar' PREPARING FOR LIBRARY OPENING - Cranbrook's new Barmy branch supervisor. left Canine Newnan, and Maty Saxon of Cranbrook, till the bookshelves with books for the library opening June 22. Oxford photo. New library ready at Cranbrook Craibrook residents now have a new headquarters for their library at the Clranbrook Community Centre. The new library will have up to 1,000 books and four times yearly the books will be changed. There are reference, adult and chiidrea's fiction, and large print books al- ways available. Even though the library does not have a computer it is possible for Cranbraok residents to order any book in tle Huron County Thee old Cianbrook library was /mated in the bome of Mr, and Mrs. John Saxon for the post 10 years. Mary Saxon said having the library in her home "was a social time for the village. I enjoyed having the library in my borne and being the hibiariian. I'm going to use Valued at 8160,000.00 lire TROY -GILT TRAIL BLAZER® Sickie Bar Mower Are areas of your land so overgrown they're unusable? Clear 1000 sq. ft. in just 5 minutes with this 38" wide Sickle Bar Mower. Handles weeds, woody brush, even small saplings! the free time. and space, for hob- bies." The new branch supervisor for the Cranbrook fibrary is Mrs. Connie Newman of Brussels_ She worked at the Rhenium for two years as branch supervisor before transfer- ring to Qanbrook. Mrs. Newman is replaced at the Ethel library by Kim Yuzwa of Clanbrook. Grey Township has completed renovations to the ground floor of the Csanbrook Community Centre. A ramp now makes the centre accessible to handicapped people. There is a meeting room adjoining die library that is available through the community centre board. The library is open Wednesday from 7:00 pm. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 pan. Grand Prize U! the Prectous Blood Missi©rt Draw Elimination Draw October 27, 1990 South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter Dance 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.tn. House tickets available from Bill Smits 235-2232, Joanne Bengough 262-3144, Exeter Flowers, Mair! St. S., 235-0111, Wendy Meidinger 235-0763 Proceeds to construction of new church in Exeter. Lot. Um. No. ,5103 't .t N TRL EXETEP1 HWY N0. 4. N. (519) 235.1115 BLYTH HWY N0. 4, N. (519) 523.424,4 d