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The Huron Expositor, 1990-06-27, Page 20
- 12 cLau MI6 v.oJds. s. BERG Fon •on, Mintiess•Stabling • emir Feeders Donald G. Ives R,tt. 2 Myth cuneus 487.2024 0 you wish to secure a lifetime income from an RRSP or aro Oftleinsied 6n Ohm Milfg, dnentecnelds wry canreEne Mrs. 'Arnold J. Stinteissen 527-0410 SunLife NESBIT 'O CMC L 2294222 •©ectricai Contracting & Maintenance *Electric motor sales & service •Pole line Construction ',Bucket Truck Service •24 Hour Emergency Service 1400-265-2938 after 6:00 PM Call TOM RAPSON 527-1643 LES BR����, Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning Pumps Softeners Water Treatment Guaranteed Quality Workmanship Q.:345-2430 Brodhagen tide iac a to Nn the AQUA will be .bald, a the pool Asa 12:10 to . beginning on ikkoda 1 an 12:50Ppb held �y Why for wgald The &Oath Ceases comminee would vise aR Swims:: -_ in the Sermhth Senior to their 9.. attract POTLUCK DAMN/ET AN» AWARDS max This Imapiet will beheld at thecal four w Regis:W n fife it Toie ' i ll the pad a - Merchants Th.*0.h_ Boor mons tD1m lost to Enreior oa edged out 5-4 is what nthamedout to-beadose. nineeiming Faetar jumped into lead with runs hi but Sem qa4lir tied the sone with three macs m its half of the M▪ any • Bedard with a walk, turd: Boar , mad !Bads:it:km=04 Canasta Monday, J 9 at 609 p�.Pl�el a mail dish or them Pod off for the, andthen singhd to�mows en first chehnore singled hone Bedard and saved Boase to third, than stole wood to roma on second end Boca them scored edam 61 c s , was safe on a drake Wickham Donned to tided art the .play, then came home on a =efface fty off of the hat of BM MateEx ted the lead with a sin in the second, bare &e rtlh tied things again with a haw in the fourth. Rains singled that and a in* by in downed 5-4 moved -NM -to thiit htietich then Role second and Ray Amar waRed to laid ihe bases. Rebind scored when Damn Cruder safenn a de9r's c was The more mmained tied at finer mil the top et the ;Maiwhen Exeter loaded the bases than scored on a wild pitch with two ma. Seafori' failed to score Inn the Imam oldie ninth. Austell had going eas' ht and aga co the roomed for a allowed fiveInns anfise�� walked ear batters wide two.!my Cox ed at�of an inning and walked me hatter. Maas for Segos& wereBedard (1). lifnchelmone (1), - htamith (1). (1) and Austen (1). This was a way i:lkigS to !es. We played as well as I've seen us play tins year,' said coach THIS WEEK IN ` withyme e!Or. And pitching dishes.Evoyenels welcome loony tharartalts So =PT same pthee well be te senteetmt,Ifyou wooddltigultefultherinfoommon *1i Ibis matt please WI me at 527-08112. SENIOR Std[1FFLEBOA D everycoatis' yes Wednesday D by Exeter pedomtasce "shine Ray Anson. He &serval a victory.' 'Oar offense had some opportunhues" to put ibis one away, but we just couldn't mash. Wee playing win a Rule more confidence now. and with ow season at itis halfway point I tt* we cm tart these have won games into - Sunday's doublebealer *sena the London Wings was postponed doe M Remiss final s game wino unavailable at press time. Thursday,The Merchants next game J� 5 in IGncautine were a 4 Maui ORIMMity WOWS 1 4%om WHIM wee week's Alichfillan (506); Rawl (472) and Istel (444). Men - Gordon Malay (434); Gordon Watters (334). MacKenzie'(304) a�tt Bit SNOO-PYSCIOOL - PII.AYSCHOO.L- PLAYGROUND RINItsmATION was Seaforth and Dasheld at the District' t _ Ceaseslast week. If yen missed Bight. or Goold not make it in, you em sal Mega. at the Reoreatio' Office until June 29. 1990. Al three programs begin m July 2 at the Scathe* Public School. &smirched is for chilthen ages 3 to 5 years, Playsehool in far Millen ages 6 to 8 yeas, and planis faretoid children ages 9 to 12 yeas Registration fee for an is $65 per dnld for the 7week or $37 for half days. Activities games,include Ohm. sneciaa days, feekeSese Tired showing by St. Columban men results in 6-1 loss The St Colmhban mens soccer team played at bore last Sunday Jane 24 spinet Sarnia Dante. St. Columban played the rote of the gracious ' . 9," as they allowed the visitors to beat them 6 - 1. ,This .g -was no doubt St_ Cwnbads was showing of the season. It appeared with first place on the line that Sarnia want to win mere than St. columbahn did. The first half of the game was played qty even, as both teamshad chances to sone. Sarnia' ended the first �h half 241 had. 1' St Colon i fn's &hem many collapsed iso the second tragi' and as a result allowed four mote goals against them- St Colombian did, however, break the Sarnia goaltender's shutout when Dean from Rent Adimay„ a through ball The game ended in a score of 6-1 for Santa wearer, the ane was closer than a; ii - scoretaillight n '. Last week's game against Sarnia Dante Marked the .d of the_. half ofthe seg ' iul " being St. 's pot year in the Western Ontado Soccer League Melanin they shookl be panel of their results so far. Si. Cetunbban'S secant now & at 5 wins and 2 losses with no ties for 10 points, which pun then in a tie for Second place with Wlaceand jest me point td� tape St Colnmlian has no games slated for this weekend. Their next game is at home in St Columban m Sunday, July 8 against Maim. HOFFMEYER'S MILL Quality & Service Since 1906 X27-®91® OPEN: Mom Meru Fd. e:�m - 92now, EBRINGVILLE 1:00 pm - 5 9 Sat 8:00 a.m. - 12a° p.m. ant and endbr, many other fins dings Sossthe d Remeation Office at 527 Plan to stay ha tonus °OS j, July 1st io help &area Melanie CANADA'S BIRTHDAY. Activities inthate: 7- 11 kfastn the s'P Bee1 - 3 p.n. - Leese Wane Poker Rally, stating fnwa % P aitt 2 - 3:30 pas - The Seaforlh- Band will l ettkaftill in Vim Path. Dusk - Display at the The Seaford. Agriculand Satiety will be hosting a GIANT YARD SALE neat .Fall This sale stall be held m the new show tan in the middle of the race tads. To reserve owe can Lois Hodgert at 527-0046. Spate will be 14 feet wide and will cast Each edulitor must tables supply t fr own WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MMT FRIEND - Jason Henderson (left) and Boyd Devereaux celebrate after their St. James team captures the Gold in the Intermediate Boys relay_ SI James tracdc team members travelled to Goderich last week to take part in the tturon Perth R.C.S.S. Regional meet Mice tNgarscraflt photo. St. James track stars take medals The students hum Separate a J the Intermediate Bays' -di vision, too field events, t isa Blake showing t last weeks Homo-Pegothe sprinting to first place in the 400 p d um Junior girls' Kaman Catholic Want H and 800 metre races and winning funning mug jwnp, and Boyd athe running tong jump event_ Devene w also owed accost! in mg lour mdividoal J®eor division competitor Scow the Intermediate boys' triple sweeping the filmic seconds�, and Van Daren placed first m the 400 m the Junior buys' ban atom, a�Boys metres, wthh7e Junior girt Kelly Dean Price captured second place y gold a powerin Dever placed third at the same and senioricompetitor Adam Agar Jasondistance. placed sherd in his shot part event fe 4Pd SUMMER SWIM '90 START& JULY 2 = SEPTEMBER 8 14 1 f RED CROSS YOUTH WATER SAFETY *30.00/10 Weeks 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. 5:30 - 6:09 p.m. 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. 5:00 - sae p.m. s:30 - 6:00 p.m. Tuesday 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Thy 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. Tuesday RECREATION 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. ADULTS ONLY: iior.day, Thy, Thursday & Friday 12:00- too p.m.w OMR FC SWABadsrNday 12:15 - 9:15 p.m. Mao. to Fd. (July & Aug- Only) Nonday Tuesday Thursday `may YELLOW Tuesday ORANGE Thy RED Tuesday MAROON Thy SURW VAL Taeshtay SLUE Tumidly GREEN GREY wilnE 3:15 - 4'30 p.m. 7.'30 - 8:30 p.m. 7:30 - B:30 p.m. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 2:00-3 p.m. rdk 2 WEEK SWIM SESSION Aug. 13 -Aug. 24, 1990 9:15-2:00 p.m. GREY, WHITE & GREEN 2:00,2130 pall YELLOW, YARQOA • SURVIVAL 2:30-400 p.m. ORANGE., RED & GLUE 0.