HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-06, Page 88 THE WING110 TIRES SEPTEMB3ER. 6, 1006. Avitsworteisworl Special Sale of Dress Goeds Wehave placed on sale about 25 pieces of Dress Goode, different patterns, that we intend clearing out in one week at 25c a yd. Regular 50o to 75e a yard. Now ie your time for a cheap dress. FALL SUGGESTIONS, if you want to see something new in Dress Fabrics, Winter Jackets or Furs, we would like to have your inspection of the sante, as we are opening up new goods every day. SPECIAL IN GROCERIES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fest Granulated Sugar, 21 lbs. for........,,. ,.,. $1.00 Snrpreso Soap. 7 bars for. .25 25c size Magio Baking Powder .18 Regular 35e Japan Tea at, per Ib , .. , .23 Regular 40e best grade Coffee, at .... , ....... .33 Large stock of Fruit Jonas at reduced priceei Trade taken ae cash. All goods marked in plain figures, Carey Dry Goods Co. WIIV• PHONE 70. GHAM MINOR LOCALS. -Next holiday will be Thanksgiving day, • -Get your wedding invitations and visiting cards printed at the TIMES oftioe. -The High and Public Schools opened in Wingham on Tuesday with a fall staff of teachers. -The Wroxeter Star staff is holiday- ing this week, and the paper ie not be- ing issued. •Coughs, seeds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Crcsolene tablets. ten coplanar box. All druggists -The regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. Miss Marsh, of London, visited her friend, Mies Carrie Cody, for a few days of the past week. . -The cool weather of the past week has been a relief over the the very warm weather during August. -Wingham fall fair on Sept. 27 and28, Get a copy of the prize list from the sec- retary at the Tnms office. -At Goderieh on Labor Day the base- ball team of that town won from the Blyth team by a score of 13 to 7. -The Western Fair at London will be the attraction for next week for a number of people of this section. The next issue of The Canada Gaz- ette will contain a proclamation fixing Thursday, October 18, for Thanksgiving Day, Sore Throat and Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is found in Cresolone Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith the soothing properties of sbppery elect and licorice, loo. Alt Drugtnists 400 -Mr. Geo. E. Pettypiece, a former young Winghamite, was second in the race as one of the first councillors elected last week at North l3attleford, Sask. -Mr Geo Buskin was in. town on Thursday and succeeded in co'lecting the sum of $8.00 for the work of the International and Colportage Mission. -The open season for wild ducks is from September 15th; partridge, Sept. 15 to December 15th, both days inclu- sive. Partridge may not be bought or Bold before the 15th of September 1910, -The regular meeting of Wingham L. O. L., No 794, will be held in the Orange Hall on Friday evening of this . week. A Large attendance of the morale - eta is requested, as there is important business to be transacted. School Books = Scribblers, Copy Books, in meat variety. Pone, Pencils, Slates. School Bags, leather and Canvas, all Mmes. Stationery,,.,, Look out for Stationery Window on Saturday. -Monogram Note Paper Swiss Lawn -Dutch Fabric --Holland. Linen -Isiah Poplin ---Shamrock Linen and All kinds of Bngliah and foreign, plain and ruled, regular up-to-date stationery. Secure the beet for the lowed, price, M the . Big Book Store.' Miss K. M, Fisher -The infant daughter of Mr Robt Baird, of Culross was buried in the Win Ahem cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Mr Baird has had his share of affliction, his wife having died only a few months ago, -The Farmers' Excursion to the Model Farm this year, Kincardine line, brought a total revenue of $938.65. Of th is amount the Farmers' Institutes and Agrioultural Societies will divide $19$.55 970 passengers were aboard, - With only two cbangee the C. P. R. will make the journey to and from Liverpool and Hong Kong in twenty- nine days, a distance of 12,000 miles, while the journey between Liverpool and Yokohama will be accomplished in t wenty-two days. By the Suez Canal route the best time to Yokohama is forty-three days, PERSONAL. Mr. Ed. Baer has returned after spend- ing a few days in Toronto. Mr Gordon Griffin, of Guelph, spent the holidays at his parental home. Miss Essie Finlay, of Owen Sound was visiting with Mies Hall for last week. Miss Maggie Tibbs is spending two w e eka visiting with relatives in Brant- ford, Miss Jean Turner, of Hillsburg was visiting for a few days with Mrs F. H. Walley. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bradwin are visit- ing with friends in Hamilton, Brantford and Paris. Mr Robt Finlay, of Owen Sound was visiting for over Sunday at the home of Mr T. Hall. Miss Sadie Green was visiting for a few days at the home of her father, Mr' Geo B. Green. Mr John Terriff, of Cornwall was call- ing on old Wingham friends for a few days during the week, Mre Lee and daughter, Miss Ray Lee. of London were visiting at Mr John McCracken's for a few days.. Mies Lilian Baer has returned after spending the holiday in Woodatook the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. L. Trouse. Mr and Mrs Wm Watters and chil- dren, of Fordwioh were visiting with Mr and Mrs D. Watters for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Porterfield, of Brandon are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Porterfield at Marnoch, Mrs (Dr) Kennedy and ohildren re- turned home from Kincardine on Mon- day, after spending several weeks at the lake town. Mrs. S. T. Suggett and daughters have returned home after au extended vislit with relatives and friends in Toronto and Bancroft. Mrs. R. A. Kerr and son returned to their home in Duluth, Minn, on Mon- day after a :pending a few days with old WinghAm friends. Rev. Dr Cameron, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Ottawa was visiting for a few days at the homes of Postmaster Fisher end the Misses Fisher, Victoria street, Mrs. R. T. Hingston is visiting her son in Wingham. She accompanied her sister, Mre. Gundy, of Cleveland, who Was going to visit her sister, Mre. D. Peri gneon, a former Bruseelito.-.-Brnaeela Post, Mr George Sadler, .of Detroit was iting Wingham relatives and Mende for a few dal'!. Agra Sadler and child, who have been visiting here for the pkat two Weeks, returned borne with him on Tuesday. Mies .Ethel 0. Seat, a former teacher in 8. 8. Na 7, at Zetland, who is now attending Toronto university, is renews• ing ttcgtialntrncel in the section, laid is the guest of Mr find Mrs Garin Wilson,. "Beechgrove ]Farm," Mrs Wra Batton, of Toronto is Theft* Mg with old Wingham friends, teipg guest ae Mr Jesse Battbn's. bfr Tiernan Oldfield was in town vis- iting for a few days and on Monday re• turned to his home in Senica Palle, N.Y, taking his children with him, who have been making their home with his T, J, • Elliott for some time. NarLowry and children, who have been visiting with her parents, Mr and Hire Rieh Anderson for some weeks left ou Tuesday to visit friends in London and TborudaIe for a few days before re- tarning to their home in 0ri110. Master T. J. Glanville of Cutler, Ont. is here attending the Wingham High School. This young roan won distino- tion in his recent examination, leaving wan the echolarship for the Soo district in which 375 pupils wrote on the exami- nation. Mr Jas Cochrane and Mrs D. H. Campbell are vis'ting for a few days with friends at New Hamburg. Mr. 0ooleranee'a many friends were pleaeed to see him able to be in town on Mon- day, the flret time since his recent ser- ious illness. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lamont and family left last Friday for their new home in London. The many friends of this family are sorry to see them leave Wingham. - They have been residents of the town for many years. They will carry the beet wiabea of many friends for success and prosperity, Special Notice. Ke we tah ke Zhig, the noted I an Medicine man, has opened an o =ce in the Meyer Blook, Wingham, • ere he will keep a full stock of her ::1 prepara- tions, Those who have eady used his remedies speak very h' e ly of them and are receiving gre -neflts by the use of these herbal re fes. The medioine man will he in his office daily. The af- flicted will have the opportunity of se- curing pure herb preparations, It has teen known in the past that the Indian Medicine men stnrted first in the prepar- ing herbs for medicinal purposes so the people of this vicinity now have the op- portunity of securing genuine Herb remedies. Consultation free at office, Meyer Block. eteNnianar Try Advertising Some men who are in business whom it would be a misnomer to call business men, are satisfied to wait until trade comes to them. They make little or no effort to reach out for it. In a lose gen. eral way they consider their ehare of the trade over a radius of ten miles or so, As well might a farmer sit around to wait for a harvest after having permitt- ed the seed time to pees withont sowing. In this competitive age the merchant or the town deeming business must play for it, Advertise your town then and your business; tell the people what you have and what you are prepared to do and be sure to make good everything you advertise. Just ae sore as water seeks its own level the trade will find you and stay with you. Why do whole - sidemen keep the beat traveller ander heavy expense on the road? It is to keep their business constantly before their customers. Retail merchants can- not afford to do that bat they can afford to use printer's ink and use it freely. That tells the people daily or weekly just what the merchant has that he doesn't want and his price for the same. ricers. MCTAvrstt.-In Turnberry on Aug. 21st. the wife of Mr. John McTavish; a son. MARRIED LAoxiE-Jong.-At the residence of the bride's parents,on September 6th, by Rev. T. S. Boyle, M.A., D., Mr. John Crosbie Leckie, of Wingham to Miss Emily Bertha Jobb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. L. Jobb, of Wingham. MCGexa - Mxxzt$s- At the home of the bride's parents, onSeptember 6th, by Rev. J.J: Hardie,of Belgrave, Mr Robt McGee to Mise Lizzie Menzies, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Menzies, both of East Wawanosh, Sdorx-Bnowze.-A t Knox church manse. Goderieh on Wednesday, Aug. 29th by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A„ Richard Ti. Scott to Jennie Brown, both of the township of Morris. Coorett-bora.-et the residence of the bride's father, on .August 22nd, by Rev. blr. Burnitt Me. Jno.'Cooper, La Animas Color- ado, Miss Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doig, of Rowick, • DIED Coca. -In Morris, on August 29th, John Edward Cook, aged 77 years and 5 months. Scirivocg.-In Grer•, on August 24th Catha- rine Roe, beloved wife of Charles Schnook, aged 76 years, 8 months and 4 days. Saw:Unr.-Drowned at Rineardin on Toes- day, August 28th, Robert Seliery, a d 66. STRAYE 1ROM the premised the undersigned, Lot , Con. 1, Turn ry, about August 16th, one large white Bro Bow near pigging. In• formation will be gratefully reeoived by the owner. MURRAY WILSON, Wingham v. O. Facts Talk! This is to -day the leading commercial school in Western Ontario, All graduate's get positions, Write the principal for fret oatalog and enter M any time. Berlin Business College Vt. 11. SWAM, - Principal NOW OPEN ir FALL TERM IN THE Central Business College, TORONTO, OPT. Enter any time. Twenty teaohers. One hundred and twenty Typewriting Machines. Unexcelled faotlitiea for assisting graduates to positions. Write for new Calendar. - W. H. SHAW, Principal, Yonge dt Gerrard Ste., Toronto. The Huron County Weather Insurance Muloal Co. Insures farm property against damage by tornadoes, wind storms, etc. ABNER COSENS AGENT •- WINGHAM. WINGHAM Hour Mills There are three things necessary to make good Flour : Good wheat, a good miller,and good maohinery. We have these three in our mill. AU the Manitoba Wheat we use is No. 1 ; this is what "Five Lilies" Flour is made from ; the strength is not lessened any in 'Five Lilies' by electrical or any other process in order to make it white, but it is white, pure and healthy in its own natural strength. So if you wish the best Manitoba Flour be sure to get the "Five Lilies;" do not be put off with any other. If your dealer does not keep it, there are plenty of others who do. Our "Star" Flour is very pop- ular. We believe it is the BEST FAMILY Froun on the market to- day, as it has the qualities for both bread and pastry. Give your next order for "Star" and you will be satisfied. o PRICE LIST Five Lilies floor, bl, $2.25 to $2,50 Prairie Rose " " 2.05 to 2,30 Star - " " 2.00 to 2.25 Dream Pastry Flour 1.90 to 2.20 Low grade Flour,ton 26.00 to 27.00 Bran, per ton - 16.00 to 18.00 Shorts, " - - 22.00 to 23.00 Screenings - 18.00 to 20.00 Chop, per ton • 20.00 to 28.00 Winter Wheat, bus. .73 to .75 Goose " 1K .70 to .70 Manitoba " " .88 to .90 Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Fall Term Opens Sept, 4th Those interested in Business College work should write for oar large cata- logue. This is the Iargest and beat Commercial and Shorthand School in Western Ontario. We give a prac- tical training and assist our graduates to responsible positions. Many of the leading business Colleges employ our graduates as teachers. Write now for free catalogues. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. Quantity, Quality Price AND These are the three greatest factors to be considered in the buying and selling of all merchandise. The Quantity of anything is always determined by the quality, There's no gaesework here. What w e give is given on the principle of straightforwardness. The Quality offered le always the best, and it is well to keep that in mind when considering other things. Test for yourselves, The Prices are fixed in accordance with tree business methods. No taking off one thing and adding it to some- thing else. TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY . - L Henry Christie WINGHA,M, ONT. Grocer and Crockery Merchant. APPLES? 5,000 Bushels Wanted at the Wingham Evaporator, On and after September 1st we will be prepared to pay the highest prices for Apples large enough for peeling. No small or soft apples taken. We have repaired the building, put in new machinery, and can manufacture 200 bushels per day. Q:QMIN.JON: 8ANKBANK er HAMiLTflN. WINCNRM. READ OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,830,000 Total Assets, over 42,000,000 WINOHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes diaoouated. Drafts sold on all pointe in Canada, the United States and Europe. S AWNINGS DEPARTMENT Interest allawed on depoaits of $1 and upwards, and added to prinoipai 80th Zone and 81st December each year. -. D. T. HEPBURN, i[anager. R Tu stone, Holioitor. Also, 18 Girls, Boys and Men wanted to work in the factory. BROWN & IRWIN. SNAPS FOR WESTERN. FAIR Hand= Picked Bargains VISITORS. Capital paid up, $2,500,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,600,000,00. Total Assets, $30,000,000.00; President- nos. Win. Olson. V oe•Preefdent and tienerat Manager -J, T'signals*'... aseetant Gen. Manager -U. M. W4Taota DIBEOTQB6 John ,'rooter. Ohas.b.Dalton, Hon 3. S.BoE44e, Geo. Bntherford, Cyrus A. Binge. Inlpeotor-B. Willson. 1.4:9111 GB BAriat. Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and up- wards and added to Principal on, 8ltt May and' Olt November each year. Sp,oial Deposita also receival at outwit rates of interest. U, P, tMITi3, Agent; DX0102450Zir & HOLM.EB, 13oifoi$ors. THE CANADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000, Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO 13. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen.! Manages BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND A senors! Ranking business transacted. Accounts may be opened and conducted by • mail with all branches of this Bank, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay what- ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. We Aimed High And Hit the Mark In our little talk of last week we told you our aim was to make it the biggest week's selling we'd yet had ; we also stated that we seldom missed our mark. And now we have pleasure in telling you that "we hit the mark," and far surpassed any previous week's selling. The ammunition used was Best Goods at Lowest Prices, capped with the very.best attention and service which could be given to every man, woman and child in a rush of business such as the Bee Hive experienced last week. Don't fail to visit the magnificent jewelry store of C. H. Ward & Co., 374 Riohmond street, London, when you ootne to the Western Fair. Special bargains to visitors in all lines of jewelry. C. H. Ward & Co • LONDON, ONT. Specialists in Diamonds and Cut Glass. FROM EVERY DEPARTMENT Just as hand-picked fruit shows special value, so the hand-picked bargains from the differetlt departments have an attached value all their own, which are yours to share this week. Some. of What We Have For You This Week. New Plaid Dress Goods, hand-picked bargain price, per yd .20 54 -inch Lustrea, lovely goods, " 't " , .40 Extra wide Flannellettos, usually sold at 12320 per yd, our special price 10o per yard ; band -picked bargain prioe, per yard.08 250 Cottonades and Denims, hand -pinked bargain price, per yard .20 40o Table Linen, - " , " .32 It .10 II .10 'I .15 Men's 500 Neckwear - t' O. each .25 Men's 40e Underwear t'" " eaoh . .80 Men's 35o Underwear " " eaoh .25 250 Hosiery - .t " per pair.20 12i2o Prints, - t' 15a Plaits and Fancy Wash Goods " 25o Corset Covers, .. .t WONDERFUL CLOTHING BARGAINS THIS WEEK "`""°"'i1i6�""" BEE HIVE DRY GOODS CO. The Bell Telephone Co, Western Fair w�N� .., off LONDON TARIO. fY.26 OF CANADA is about to issue A New Telephone Directory for the Distrlct of Western Ontario, including the Town of Wingham. Orders for fie* oohteotions, ehangU of flrte names, changes of street ad- dresses or for dttplioate entries, should be banded in to the LOOM Manager AT ONCE. P. Nr TANSLEY Looal manager. Fronts Wingham, going Sept. 8th 14th. to vvvvvvvvi rivvvvvt►"t171►wivv'$s' ' vvvvirfrovvvy yvvir1".ry v' Going Sept. llth and 13th. All ticket! valid retixrning until September 17th 1906. ,. Wingham Special Tram Leafing Wingham 6,80 a.m., Sept. 1i, 12 And 13, LeMing London 160 p.m., Sept. 11, atli L. Harold 12 and 13, s 'or tioketd and full InfInformationOffice call B t Agent, J. The Times i3. MODONALb; �Distrrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. *M 11MU , .. , . AA• AIA AAi/IAAA A rAAA AJ1 A*. Your Printing WILL BE PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE IF THE ORDER.. IS LEFT AT