HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-06-20, Page 1334 ;AUCTION SALES g Ja�t7� �WaIIiIE�R�s 2717694 or 3934214,,. AUCTION REGISTER THURS., JUNE 2.1 AT 4:90 Large-audoI of anttques d,cotlilc- labtes to be held at the JaCob Miction Bgrty 185'Herbert SL, Mitchell for Bet- ty Diebold pf Mitclaelf. SAT., JUNE 23 AT 9:30 A.M.: Clear- ing auction of equipment; hardware: groceries and misc. to be held in the Village of Rostock for O'Krafka's General Store. WED., JUNE 27 AT 5:30 P.M.: Clear- ingauction of appliances furniture and .mise. items to be held at 258 Huron Road in Sebringville for Henry and Audrey Roode. 37. NOTICE. TO CREDITORS LARGE AUCTION SALE. Antiques, furniture. appliances, col- Ielstlbles, radial arm saw, older 'cabin trailer; to be held at Lobb's Large Auction Building In Clinton for Frank Shields of Gaderlch and the Estate of Celia Taylor SATURDAY, JUNE 23 AT 10 A.M. Older 19 ft. cabin trailer sells at 11:30 a.m. APPLIANCES: Whirlpool frost free fridge, 4 years arid, looks like new: Beatty 30" electric stove, Inglis electric clothes dryer, 2 small chest freezers, 30" Harvest Gold electric stove, 24" Harvest Gold electric stove, Harvest Gold fridge, Beatty wringer washer, air conditioner, 20" portable colour TV, humidifier, 2 Electrolux vacuums with power head, 2 electric sewing machines. ANTIQUES. FURNITURE. ETC.: Anti- que sideboard with mirror, antique oak hall seat with large mirror, an- tique dresser with large swivel mir- ror, combination secretary and bookcase, large antique chest of drawers, 6 matching presaback chairs, 3 matching presaback chairs, 9 piece dining suite, 4 good antique wooden dining tables, dough box, dining table with 6 matching chairs, antique high chair, pressbeck high chair, wooden rodcing chair, child's table and 2 chairs. 12 matching wooden chairs. single door washs- tand with end towel bars, 3 piece bedroom suite, box spring and mat- tress nearly new, single box spring and mattress nearly new, 2 dressers with mirrors. cedar blanket box. chesterfield with pull out bed, wicker chair, 2 chester- fields and chairs. antique Ideal cor- nshells Airflow wagon, child's wheel barrow 50 years did, doll buggy, some depression Mass, 2 ttilyia"l Ftllppon` dish®i pins Alta pieces, pots & pans, small ap- pliances, bedding, aluminum wheel barrow, cattle clippers, water trough, 4" vise. forks, shovels, Black and Docker radial arm saw with stand, antique bag cart. office desk, photocopier, typewriter. plus other items too numerous to mention. Two auctioneers selling starting at 10 a.m. Terms: Cash or cheque with proper 1.0. AUCTIONEERS Richard Lobb and Burt Lobb 482-7898 35. TENDERS WANTED AIIIIIIIIMMIN TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP TENDERS For ROAD CONSTRUCTION SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked "ROAD CONSTRUCTION" will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 P.M. local time. TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1990 Supply, load & haul approximately 4,000 cubic yards of shouldering material. Supply, load & haul approximately 8,000 cubic yards of granular "B" gravel. Supply, crush, load & haul approx- imately 1,500 cubic yards of 5/8 "A" gravel. A certified cheque in the amount of 10% of the contract price payable to the Clerk -Treasurer, Township of McKillop must accompany each tender. All tenders must be submitted on tender forms which are available at the Township Office. Lowest or any tender not necessari- ly accepted and must be approved by the Ministry of Transportation Ontario. WAYNE OOLMAGE Road Superintendent R.R. 1, SEAFORTH, Ontario NOK 1WO 519-527-1910 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY CUS'T'OM CARPET CLEANING - "Free E'btimetes'", Campbell's Home Deeorating Centre, Seaforth, 527.1420. ._. _.tlairiCE 7!�;�At14ARi'n- fa Thar Estate Of ALFRED EVITThi ROSS All persons having.claims against the estate of *Lump EVLiftl ROSS, lata of the Village of Henson; in the County of Huron, deceased, whodied Prior the 9th•cloy,of April: 1990 orehitreby notified to send In full particularsof thelr•daims td" the undersigned ort or before the 4th day of July,1990, alter which date, the assets will be, disfril ed'hering regard only! to claims then received,• ' DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 7th day of!June, 1990. RALPH $611111 Barrister and Solicitor .20-GoulnlockStreet :p.94 aokiee ,Srdfeirt . Ontario NOK two Solleltorfor.fhe Estate NOTICETO CREDITORS In Mg EOM. Of AGNES .GEEPTRUOE MACLEAN All persons having claims against the! estate of AGNES GERTRUDE MACLEAN late of the Village of Egmondville, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 25th day of April, 1990 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of July, 1990; after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 6th day of June, 1990. RALPH SMITH Barrister and Solicitor 20 Goulnlock Street P.O. Box 159 Seaforth, Ontario. NOK 1WO Solicitor for the Estate 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY BRONZED BABY SHOES or any other item, beautiful assortment of coatings, bronze, silver, gold, plus blue, pink and ivory pearls. New method uncon- ditionally guaranteed. Please call for in- formation, Jane Dejong, 233-5205. 38-24 -3 PAINTING/DECORATING for less FREE ESTIMATES CALL BILL 545-2431 Fuel OH Furnace Repair and Cleaning P4ratchek's.,Mai tenance - • i .-c4 s r, DB 0231147.7. , 8 Ne • r FIT 44ASCIA *ALUMINUM & VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS •STORM WINDOWS & DOORS •EAVESTROUGIIING OUAL/TY RENOVATIONS! FREE ESRYATE$f OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE ,ftff 5•,r VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 31/2 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. 39. CARDS OF THANKS McGRATH-BOONSTRA We would like to thank everyone who helped put the Buck and Doe on for us, and for making it a success. Thank you, Ken and Waneeta.. 39-25 -1 MALONE We would like to thank Dr. Malkus, the nursing staff at Seaforth Community Hospital, the ambulance drivers, Cheryl Cook and the Pediatric Critical Care Unit of Victoria Hospital for the special care given to Megan during her acci- dent. It was all greatly appreciated. Pat, Deb, Mandy and Megan. 39-25 x1 ST. COLUMBAN CWL The St. Columban CWL would like to thank all those who supported us and came out to make our June Social a success. Thanks to the ladies who made and donated the beautiful prizes for all our draws and to the merchants and businesses who donated so generously to our penny sale. It was very much appreciated. 39-25 xl WILLEMS I would like to thank everyone who prayed for me, sent me cards, gifts, and visited me while 1 was a patient In University Hospital. Special thanks to Nellie, Dorothy and Frank for looking after things at home. Thanks also to Drs. Morgan, Duff, their associates and the nurses of 8 West for the excellent care I received. Everything was deep- ly appreciated. Sincerely John Wiliems. 39-25x1 CAMPBELL 1 would like to t ank everyone ,101. the gifts I Meek at the crrtr hunky shower at Cavan Church $het:iaf thanks 10 the fagitis who Organized it and made iiipch. Vete thoughtfulness Was greatly appreciated. Pam Camp- bell. 39-25 xt 39. CARDS OF THANKS Seafor Nathan and 1" wou}d Itke 'to thank everyone;:. for jheir _cards, itowers, and; elite we received in the hoepitaI and sinCe coming hame. Thanks to_ Dr.: Rodney and the "nurse fPr their wonderful: care, and to Grandma Taybi end 4§User Nigh for looking after, Jer.my' Shells and Nathan Nigh IOSEKAT " wart€ tp "thank' my friends and "neighbours for thinking Ott* t now have something tri remember till of you by. After '17 years" 1. find jf. difficult to say goodbye ta.everybodyand .ever - thing faniliar Thanks 7again Efalne` Hosekat •._ 39-15-1• CHAHT€RS 1 wish to'Yhank•relatives, friends and neighbours for their visits, cards, flowers . and treats 1. received while 1 was in lAilversity Respite! and since returning home. Special thanks to the Bnicefield Fire Department for their quick .action at the time of my acci- dent. My • sincere thanks to our neighbours who are helping with the farm work. it is deeply appreciated. Thanks to Dr. Rorabeck, his team and the nurses on 9 North. Also thanks to Rev. Don Robinson for his visits. 39-25 xl McLLELLAN The family of the late Edna McLellan wish to express our, sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kind- ness and consideration shown during the loss of our dear mother, grand- mother and great-grandmother. Special thanks to Queensway Nursing Home, O'Connor Funeral Home, Dr. Wallace and Margaret Visscher for their many visits. Many thanks to the pallbearers and ftowerbearers,. the Kippen UCW for lunch served after the service and Rev. Don Robinson for his comforting words. The love and support shown to us all will remain in our hearts forever. Ken, Merle and family, Lois; Clarence and family. 39-25 -1 McKAY We would like to express thanks to our friends, neighbours and relatives for comforting words, flowers, charitable donations, and gifts of food, following the death of our son, husband, brother, father, and grandfather David H. McKay. Special thanks to Rev. John Vaudry and Rev. ge MCSDad- den for their comroruo, rt 74cSp4d McBurney Funeral Home for all their help. Ladies Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church (Wingham) for the lovely Idncheon after the service. Many thanks to .the pallbearers, flower bearers, Dr. Ping and nurses at the Wingham & District Hospital, Dr. Ahmad and nurses on the Sth.fl sof UmyerStty• Hospital,,. Landon, .p "tr us through' David's illness. Year It . ness and support will always fie remembered. Sincerely,, Emma,. Patricia, Paul, Peter, Heather, Rick, Angela, Emily, Shawn, Karen, Angela, Lisa, Charlie, Joanne and families. 39.25 -1 FLANAGAN I would like to thank my family, friends and relatives for cards, flowers, and visits while I was in Stratford General Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Markus, Dr. McIver, Dr. VanWalraven, nurses of 4 South, and Father J. Carrigan. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Lome Flanagan. 39.25 -1 39.25 -1 WALLACE My sincere thanks to Dr. Baker, Dr. Watts, and the nursing staff at Clinton Public Hospital for their kindness, thanks to Rev. Cheryl -Ann Stadelbauer- Sampa for her visits and prayers, also to my neighbours and friends for their cards and flowers and to my family for their support. Sincerely Anne Wallace. 39-25 -1 BRADY My thanks and appreciation goes to all in Seaforth for your kind thoughts. Mel never lost his sense of humour and kindness so he will be missed. Esther Brady. 39-25 4 40. IN MEMORIAM MeNICHOL In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Verna McNichol who passed away 17 years ago, June 23, 1973. Your last parting with, We would like to have heard, And breathed in your ear, Our last parting word. Only those who have lost, Are able to tell, The pain in the heart, At not Baying farewell. Always remembered by Andy and fami- ly. 49-25 xl McCOWAN In loving memory of a dear wife Joy, who passed away 2 years ago June 19, 1988. Just when your life was brightest, Just when your years -were best, You were called from this world of sorrow, To a home of eternal rest. Lovingly rmembered by husband, Bob. 40-25x1 41. PERSONAL S I. • LOSE WEIGN71 " LOG up to 30 lbs. 16'33 days with "brat Disc Pro - Wale. NO Minder. Lose in- eheslcellulite. Earn $$$ as you losa. band' 1413-660-0232 tolilee. 41-25 -bc G'day frena all of us':here at -the manor. Recently, bur 'aping was, completed: it sore is a lovely sight to, see .the thick goccn grass , and numerous,fiower beds _ salon, to bloom! • The -week began with our volun tees ` luncheon Thirty-three "gar en", onFathei's dedicated , VO1®tern. blade, • theirv c el d Toe xweexly church service was ;shared`bY way over (oiled again)..for a Wily ledby Rev, Sadlter of $ether Bible 104th: arid: some afternoon. cardsTochurch. A e'we:woui ,.;�41as Wil. , '• _ r�tll our: **steers we :at the inane► 't R v:,'sa •er and is h . Wer�en o riday aft , blgopc s .: .,,.thank ,�... illi, wrish he .were •enjoyed Friday :aftemoon'�", take our, bats off to you,and as Pat and:his,family l the best .in thea • ;our rncn: thered for rsome. ' Ryan, 'President of resident council " ueljv.heame 'g r! + . , resident .. ..;_.. ; , ; ;. ' ��y,-• �. t�E (A �' fef If 1atlIe$ ,aG- said, Thank you. from the bottom , Ibis y�eek aur mppthly ma is idegily bowed . tip for some pizza of our hearts :; Manor volunteers.held ather.,Caruana of St," Ifni!) " mclfide Marjorie Maloney, Mar/James Roman Catholic C"Iiinoluled ' r h Nolan, Hazel.; McGonigle. Anne this., `his last service ;at the "Manor,' .- ,co#ag Eyein are: • Down i3aneen Keay:." va Fant er-°has been withuss4O. ys ars. McCa they. gr. and Uri, Mervyn acid a card and cake. was• given!,, We . • June 22 ' 2 p m: WSW Party1...shh. Lobb, Oliver' ; and" Thelma' Price. 1mow-we• will seethe Father again' with Tlte•Riebi Band. Jane 231:4r4 has Durst; Olive Popple, Ann! al's not good-bye, it's good luck!! ' 101.T S_trawbtrry. Social and Raffle Haney; Mini Soon, Marie Flynn, Friday ,minting our creative .Draw. • Ed Boyers, Warren Whitmore, Stan drawers met -,rat Drawing Club, -A ; ley 11illen, Mrs. Gardiner. Hennelfrt morning of drawing 'and recalling '.See yolii there!!! Brown, Gladys VOLE' Eigin Nott, Jim and ManorRaise, Evelyn' Carter, Carol Carter,'Meririn and' Helen Nott, Wilson McCartney, '. Lola McGonigle, \Lela Lawson, Dorothy Papple, Greta Kerr, Minnie Walter, 'fenny Dimaline, Ruth Rapson, Virgins Elg, Anne Rowland and the Grade 5/6 class from Seaforth Public School. Give . these dedicated people a "pat on the back" when you see them!! The Northside United Chtsrh Junior Program entertained. on Mon- day evening. Their lively . tale of Jonah filled with many, songs was. enjoyed by all! Our last day of bowling (sob, sob) was Tuesday. Many thanks to the Grade 5/6 class for helping us all year and to Pat Ryan for keeping score. High rollers were: Annie Harrison (435), Keith Herman (372), Mary Essery (370), Dave Netzke (378), and Marg Haase (360). Stay tuned for an overview of the season and award winners. In the afternoon • our Green Thumb Club met. As we quenched our thirst with a "Garden"Cocktail (V-8), we watched the rain start to fall. Nonetheless, Greta Kerr and Sue Bain headed outdoors while residents watched laughingly at windows as they planted our potted flowers. Butterscotch cookies were being stirred up at Baking Chub on Wed- nesday morning. Over 100 cookies were made as a special treat for .THE HURON EXPOSITOR JtJhNE 20, 1990----.:1 a1Or 3 c old Dad- were" POTTERY OPEN HOUSE Beechwood Pottery, Seaforth, had an open house Father's Day. Creators of functional and beautiful pottery, Cora and Robert Tetu, show a display of their work. Oxford photo. Queensway residents fire up the Friday afternoon Barbecues Queensway had a super view of Hensall's Annual fair parade Satur- day, June 10, when we watched from the yank The heavy horses were everyone's favorite, Rest Home residents worked out Monday morning at their regular morning exercise session, and nur- sing home people gathered in the sunroom for current events. Reverend Kevin Rutledge led our Tuesday church service. Queensway appreciated his message and also the special music by soloist Mrs, Lois Davidson. Several residents benefited from car rides Wednesday afternoon with women of the Christian Reformed church. Queensway Chaplain Pastor Larry Stojokovic also led Bible Study for rest home people on Wednesday afternoon. Bible study Communion at Carmel Church BY MINNIE NOAKES Just close your eyes and open your heart, And feel your worries and cares depart, Just yield yourself to the Father above, And let him hold you secure in his love. A lovely prelude of music by organist Carolyn Love welcomed the congregation into Cannel Pres- byterian Church on Father's Day, Sunday June 17. Reverend Mark issued the call to worship, and the Sanctus, . Psalm of . Praise and the Prayer of Confession was followed by the Assurance of Pardon. The scripture lesson was from Matthew 9: 9-13, and the sermon enfillled 'Today's Disciple" was most interesting. Reverend Mark extended a warm welcome to all who joined . the congretion for the Sacrantent of Communion. The ceremony ripened with the Great Prayer of Thanksgiving. After the breaking of the Bread and the Communion, the Charge to the people was issued and the service closed with a hymn arid Benediction. In this week's announcements, the gathering was reminded of the Presbytery meeting at Knox In Bayfield, set for 9:30 Wednesday moniulg. The Strawberry. Social Will take place that evening at Queentway, . with tickets SM. Next Sunday, June 24, marks the Cromarty anniversary 'service at 2:30 p.m. QUEENSWAY will run for 10 weeks, each Wed- nesday at 3 p.m. We thank Pastor Stojokvic for this ministry. The Museum trip for Thursday was cancelled due to weather con- ditions and rescheduled for July 4th. Queensway's weekly Friday bar- becues have begun. Several residents feasted on barbecued hamburgs and hotdogs Friday noon. Everyone agrees food is tastier when enjoyed out in the fresh air and sunshine. We thank all the families and friends who attended the Father's Day Tea, Sunday afternoon. ^rr Residents and visitors alike had a good time visiting over delicious squares, with hot and cold refresh- ments. Coming events: Strawberry Social, Wednesday June 20 from 6 - 8 p.m. Tickets $2.50. Call 262-2830 to reserve your ticket. All funds raised will be for Alzheimers research. June 21 and 22, you are welcome to sponsor residents par- ticipating in our wheel-a-thon fundraiser for Alzheimers research. June 28th at 7 p.m. our Birthday Party with entertainment by Jack Simmons and group. FATHER AND SON L RED - S$fO th BIA, 'V9ltshirig hires to fathers as part of their Father's Day protttofloh Juno 16. Daryl Jenson (left) and his father Raymond received their lures from Lenny Bloonrdield. Oxford photo. i