HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-06, Page 6• leis 4if Ii4l r I, r>s i; 1 •il l,S SEPTEMBER. 6 190& sone in the Ther* are mora than 5O,O(O blind per ■tt■/�w UaitAccording t ■. f o thoto Dr Pntk7a wird Bretts.s,two$Etlze of pll t�: 3R Y A444Mill istiug blindness inighr have been avoid eel had proper preventive measures or ourtiverented ita been niitably employed. Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. A newspaper to he known as the Cargill Standard is soon to be started in Cargill, with A. B. Wheteone as editor' and proprietor. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid• nays, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, intimation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder A Walkerton thresher says that in his vicinity fall wheat is turning out 25 bushels to the acre, oats 50 and barley There is practically a house famine in Seaforth, and it is next to impossible to obtain it house of any description for rent. Tux Le.o };S' i'AYOEiTI . Laza-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsnesa, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. "That's just it, ma'am, He is a good fellow. Ile is so obliging that he just wore his finger off pointing out the scenery along the line." CATARRH CURE ... 25c s is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, dears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Nay Fever. Blower free. MI dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. Work has been commenced on the new railway line from Flesherton to Durham and Walkerton, and the first sod was turned last week at Priceville, where the work is being commenced. Beare the i it15 Klyd You Hale Always Brig ih $igaatnre • �(a�G; of The steamer Princess founded in Lake Winnipeg, and Capt. Haweg and five others were drowned, including two etewerdesaes, Sixteen people escaped in Imate, The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Said by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. On a western railway there is a brake- man who has lost the fore -finger of his right hand. The wonderful works of nature along the road keep the brakeman busy answering passengers' quest-. ions, Many people say they are "ail nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. =barn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give neve nerve force to shattered nervous systems. The farmers in Minto and Wallace are nearly through with their harvest; sever- al of them have done some threshing; fall wheat is yielding 85 bushels to the acre, and barley as high as 50 bushels per acre. CR. A. W. CHASE'S Newton Lord and Jennie Helper were married in Western Colerado last week. "Newt" is a six footer with muscles like sugar -cured hams, and not an editor in that district dared to head the marriage notice: "Lord -Helper." Gtorgo Williams, a tramp, set fire to Bond's Corners schoolhouse, with the intention of burning himself to death. He Chau ged bis mind, walked to Wood stook, gave himself up, and was senten- ced to penitentiary for five years. Think of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure if your nose and throat discharges -If your breath is fool or feverish. This snow White soothing balm contains Oil of Eucalyptus, Tbymol, Menthol, etc., in• oorporated into an imported, creamlike, velvety petrolatum. It soothes, heals, purifies, controls. Call at Walley's drug store for free trial box. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ‘ Thomas Warwick, who has been an inmate of the Clinton House of Refuge for seven years, died on Monday 27th ult., at the good old age of ninety-seven. He was next to the oldest inmate, one of the women having passed still another mile stone. The Guelph Board of Education are having some difficulty in filling the places of Miss Palmer and Miss Arm- strong, who have resigned from the Pub- lic School sniff. There seems to be a dearth of teachers for $300 positions. James Riddell, au old-timer, and brother of Lieut. Riddell, of the Strath. puna llorso, and W. R. Riddeil, K. 0,, of Toronto, died at Calgary iset Tues. day. The deceased was the giant of Alberta, and stood six feet ten inches in height. His death was sudden and unexpected. He was doing bueiness on Saturday ani appeared to bo hale and hearty. CATARRH goinadonno UCAtElf A OAliCEltO07 sawn OPIRAT'IAr t'$1lrktlswlolt Atr.,'1'•teida da'. i•if OrfeliitatrOrt co., T•e•ata, Oaaid*, [iietleme>,, -T JUM rawd pleases th carti:y G, las ear.etteo proeteura et ' oxygenator.' I etot begasn usher it for vowe'to the Beed. 'Having stttbdtted titer Ioatagot r ensue t then tttrned tea sup m le* Lr a large Polyene that existed in tsy vied nostril, width mai rttrieestalty resoled by AIM t•crt appiteaties of "Ozygritataer" thereby sdattag **eh eats, desert ead *sponse bud it bowl rot dred by mattes prt. u.. Mar lead your rsmrd, at fuyy Welty (of et fel s rttrrbor, et stare, and rax. bighly tse•mrastid-it lot brier, colds rad throat trestle, ---as a gargle, vibes ttYtrlleN, Is iaraioaat.. ter.iaia, IOa 1Lretit` lt.tO31NE/ t. OXYGENATOR A GERM K1l U R iw,►ttM trip XYGISNATOR CO< i 'Toronto, Pala front a Burn Promptly Relieved by Chamberlain's Paas salts. A little child of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn., was recently in great pain from a burn on the hand, and as cold applications only increased the in- flammation, Mr. S rause came to Mr. James N. Nichols, a local merchant, for something to stop the pain. Mr. Nichols says: "I advised him to use Chamber- lain's Pain Balm, and the first applica- tion drew out the inflammation and game immediate relief. 'I have used this lint - merit myself and recommend it very often for cute, burns, strains and lame back, and never known it to disappoint," For sale by all druggists. . A Guelph man, Mr. R. N. Grundy, has patented an attachment for cooking stoves that will burn coal, wood, peat, or coke at about one-sixth of the cost of coal sem the The Kiad You HMO Always Boughttlignatgrr✓4��i�C+rt� • of DX Ilarion postofce was re *ported for business on Sept. las, with D M Maines ea postmaster. The salary attached to the office is $20 per annum, and the I residents of the district, it is said, will subscribe an additional sum of $25. SYVIIDnNIY ATTACKnn. Children are often attacked suddenly by pah.ful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. I''owler'at Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always be kept in the house. • e' Tbo Grand Trunk has closed a deal by which they acquire a block of property in Goderich to the north-west of the station, for the purpose of ereoting a new freight cffiee and large freight shed The work will bo started right away It is also intended later to pull down the present roundhouse and erect a more modern one. WAS A TEItY SXCIE BO Z. Bat Cured by Uhninbertnin's Colt,, Cholera and Dlarrboea Remedy. "When my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack of bowel com- plaint, but by the use t Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera aria Diarrhoea Remedy we bought bim out all right," says Maggie Hickox, of Midland, Mioh This remedy can be depended upon in the Even severe cases D en cholera in• fantum is cared by it. Follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale by all druggists. Of 4000 people who left for the west on the recent exonrtion fully one-half, says the Toronto News, were from the County of Bruce. When we are told that 20 left from Mildmay, 26 from Walkezton, 82 from Kincardine and 150 from Paisley and 70 from Lucknow, we can well believe that the estimate of the News is about correct. Bruce people are restless Ieop'.e. ROW'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the nndersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus- iness transactions and financially able to consumed by the ordinary stoves and carry ont any oblications made by his ranges, and muck cheaper than gas, gas- firm. Welding, Kinnan & Marvin, olive or oil. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75o, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipat- ion. Piles positively cured with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's made for piles alone, and it does the v. ork to perfection. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles, disappear like magic. Sold at Walley's Drag Store, "If I catch your dog eating any of my chickens I'i1 aheot him," said the old gentleman who keeps a henhouse, angrily, to his neighbor. "I don't care," said the neighbor. "If he eats one of your chickens it won't be necessary for yon to shoot him." The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agreeable and ro natural you can hardly realize that it is produced by a medicine. These tablets also ante indigestion. For sale by all druggists. There aro 880 voters on the Seaforth voters' list. Of these 404 are entitled to vote at both Parliament and mnrioipel elections ; 2E6 at municipal Election's only, and 90 at Parliamentary els miens only, There are, therefore, 749 municipal electors and 653 ParIiamentry electors. There are 246 eligible to BEM as jurors. There are 127 female voters. If ail deem epeia sufferers knew what Dr. Shoop's Restorative would do for them, Dyspepaia would practically be a disease of the past. Dr. Shoop's Restorative reaches stomach troubles by its direct tonin action upon the inside nerves -the true stomach nerves. Stomach distress or weakness, fulluesa,bloatirg,belohing, eta. Cali for the Restorative. We re- commend and sell Dr. Shoop's Rester. ative at Walley's Drug Store. 1 Why is it that no one wants to live in the country any more? Cities aro full of people who live from "hand to mouth" and whose total wealth is repre- sented by the clothing they have on. Years go by and these persons never have a home. They lose that independ- ence that the proud owner of a farm has. If there is one needed reform it is to keep people on farms and away from cities. One day, after he had been pointing out the window and explaining the scen- ery, one of the passengers whispered to the condnetor, "Conductor, can you tell - me how that brakeman Met his finger? He cleeme to too a vtry nice foliow, it steres a pity he should be crippied." Ae a dressing for cored, bruises and turns Cbpmberlsin'a Salve it all that Can bo Cetired. It is soothing and heal. ing in ire effect. It allays the pain of a burn almost instantly. This salve is also a cettain cure for chapped hands and diseases Of the skin. Price 25 cents. $''ot tale by all druggists. Mr. Donald Mt Eay, of the 8th con., Calton, received a telegram last week oonveyieg the and news of the death of hie ten, Witlinin, at Henora (Rat Port. age). The parse of his death it not known, as Mr, Mel ay did not ?'.:.low of their being anything wrong. The tress - age was sent by the soeond eon, Robert Who ,watt also at Il enot& Deceased ryas about forty years of age, and left tial. roar nearly twenty years ago. The re. mains Were brought to 'Z'eerlwater for ititerztl'trnt. Por Over Sixty years. An old and Wetl-Tried-Remedy Airs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of moth - era for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five cente a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be ante you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Look for Blood Humors. They Crop Out Constantly, Show- ing The System Needs Purifying. You're not satisfied with your leo. a How can y.•u be with such disfiguring pimptea, snob rough uneven skin? Blood ie full of humors and it's no wonder you look and feel poorly. You ere Iangid, Appetite is miserable, Sleep is hard tie get, Snap and viut are lacking.. Ilip;h time to improve matters -•bat what's the proper remedy? Exparienoe proven that Dr. Hamilton's Pzlla izzve toeiaut t fleet They tome the eutire system, fortify the bloo., and im• parr a feeling of new life in a few days Unlike strong pnraativea, Dr Handl- ton's Pills are exceedingly mild. They are made from concentrated vegetable extracts pueb as Mandrake and Butter- nut, and oars be taken by young or old with abaotuce safety. "I learnt something very valuable atter using Dr Hautiiton'e Pills," writes Mies Effie Thomson of Meriden. I used ro have ugly pimples that much em- batraesed me. 1'he tonio and purifying effect of De Hamilton's Pills complete- ly restored me. My Health is splendid and my complexion a great credit to this marvelous medicine." Let your medicine be Dr. Hamilton's Pills, They do oure so thoroughly. Sold by all dealers, 25n par box, or five boxes for $1 00. By mail from N. 0 Poison & Co , Kingston, Ont., and Hartford, Oonu., U.S A. Word war received at Seafor:h last week of the death of Mr. Robt. Carnoch- an, of Tulare, California, which took place there on the 18th inst. He died suddenly of neuralgia of the heart. Mr. Carnochan was a native of Tuckersmitb, being the third son of the late R. H. Oar- nochan and brother of Messrs. Samuel and Robert Carnaohan, of that township. Mr. Carnoohan was about 62 years of age and had been a resident of California for over 35 years. Rheumatism is nbt iccurable. Stub- born? Yes! But Dr. Shoop's Rhe:.matio Remedy will if faithfully used drive it out of the system. It's the bloot that's at fault. Poisonous of yatals like sand get into the joints and muscles. Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy prevents this. It drives Rheumatism from the blood and then Rheumatism dies. We recommend and sell it at Walley's Drug Store. On Monday of last week Chief Clerk Barton of Goderich Summer :iotel dis- appeared from town for parts unknown and has not since been located. While there he apparently had full charge of the boosts and money in connection with the hotel and Manager Fortune of the Gode- rioh Hotel 0o. figures out that they are out some hundreds of dollars in the meantime until effected, as quite probab- ly will be done. t, A. SI ill IEL A, . Bears the - „The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of • The news of the death of Mrs. G. H. Hosken at Goderioh on Saturday 25th ult. was heard with sympathio interest by the members of SI. George's church of which the deceased was a member, as well as the many friends of the family outside that body. Mrs. Hocken had been un- well for some time past and latterly had been in Toronto for treatment. Her death oceured at the residence of her son William, - The funeral took place on Monday. SPRING MEDICI'NIE. As a spring medicine Burdock Blood I Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes ail impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. In the neighborhood of $100,000 worth Of binder twine consigned to Canadian dealers by two 01d Country houses, was recently seized by the Government ire apeotor on the ground that the measure- ment of tho packages did not correspond With the actual length of twine in the balls. Samples were measured after their Confiscation, and the matter now awaits disposel by the Federal antbori- ties. 3. it. Dundee, once coachman for Hon. J, R. Stratton, ex -provincial se. cretary, and now belonging to the Brantford fire department, Was drrest• ed at Brantford last week on the charge of beating a board bill at the Palmer House in Toronto about a year ago. The detectives say that Dunce, who rotembies Mr. Stratton, impersonated this gentleman when he registered at the hotel, thereby gaining the confidence of the management. 1 Bilious Colic Quick relief is *Horded 14 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera arid, Diarrhoea itemedy^. to rawer falls and is pleasant acid otfo The attack may be warded off by taking double dnie at tills remedy as sown as the first indieatton at the dltnase appears, her bale by drueglat, eterytthofe, A pretty house wedding was celeb- ratei, at the Treleaven homestead, Lucknow on Wednesday, of last week, when Ether daughter of the late Alexander and Selina Wheeler, was united in marriage to David Alexander Downey of Stirton, Wellington county. Precisely at 11 o'clock the bridal party, unattended, took their places in the parlor, to the strains of the wedding march, which was played by Mies Lena Treleaven. Rev. Water Treleaven, undo of the bride, performed the cere- mony, and W. C. Treleaven gave the bride away. Confidence 10 Dr. Ckaee. "My mother hat kept Dr. Chase's Kidneyllver Pills in the house as long as I can remember, and we are all Well acquainted with their merits. I have used them for kidney and liver disorders and they alwaya helped me. Mother has had Dr. Ohat;e'a Receipt Book for twenty years and I tell you that it is a good one." -Mr, John Miller, South Salttpring, B. C. One garment should never be hung aver 'another on the same hoak. To do this would take all the freshness out of the undermost garment, and 11 would not improve the one whish lay u4per- moat,. W. B. Beer, for the peat three and half years principal of the Model sohooi in Kincardine, son of Rev. W. 0. Beer, has boon appointed English Blaster in the Collegiate Instituto in Brandon, Manitoba. Mr, Beer baa been very popular iu Kincardine and ata farewell gathering Mr. Beer was presented with an elegant mortis chair and several ad- dresses were delivered, expressive of the esteem in which he is held and great regret at hie departure. A blight has struck the potatoes iu many gardens and fields in the vicinity of Arthur, starting with the tops and ez• tending right down into the heart of the potato. Many who had promise of good crops will be obliged to buy their winter's supply. So much rainy weather, follpw- ed by intense heat, is supposed to have been the cause of the blight -Arthur En- terprise. The Fergus News -Record says: The early potato crop in this neigh- borhood is a decided failure. Many have out the tops off in a Vain effort to save tubers. Even after being dug up the potatoes decay very feat, those apparent. ly good one day being unfit for use the next. Jeradng of the Limes. "Before using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I could not sleep, and no appetite, hands and feet were cold, my digestion was poor and I had jerking of the limbs. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food htis made a radical change in my condition, building up the system and strengthening the nerves." Mr, Wm, Branton, Victoria St. Strath- roy, Ont. Another of those brilliant affairs that causes a flutter of excitement over the ueighborhood took plane at the home of of Mr. Pail Doig 2nd con. Howiok, on Wednesday,22nd nit.,when their daught- er Jessie was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. David Cooper, of Los Animas, Colorado. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Bennett, Presbyterian minister of Molesworth, The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly presents showing the high esteem in whioh she was held by her many friends. The young couple reside in Colorado where the groom is engaged in sheep ranohing. KATY DUD. [Edwin L. Sabin,} When I was strolling through the gloam I glimpsed a maiden fair, "Oh, mistress, may I see yon home? Yon need protecting erre." She dropped her eyes in sweet demur; Said she; "We've never met, I can't all it, gallant sir,' But yet -but yet -but yet - Katy did! Raty did! Katy did, did, did t Katy said she couldn't, but she did, did, did t The stars were peepin 'midst the blue, Bat none saw them descried. Just broad enough the path for two If closely side by side. My arm in half a oirele lay, Her waist within its ken. Said she: "I never walk this way." And then -and then -and then - Katy did! Katy did! Katy did, did, did! Katy said she didn't, but she did, did, did! Her cheeks with blushes wooed me oft As slow we onward paced: Her month was Iike a cherry soft, Inviting one to taste. I ,:ettly stooped. She cried: "Attack! All kilning, pray, forego." Said she: "I must not kiss you back." But oh --but oh --but oh -- Katy did ! Katy did! Katy did, did, did! Katy said she wouldn't, but she did, did, did! After a painful and lingering, iilneat, Caused by newer in the etoinaoh, Mr. Joseph J Purcell, a well-known and much respected citizen of Listowel, died M his home on Dodd street Friday, 25th ult, He has been ill bin: a November last year but wain able to be about until about three weeks ago. Much sympathy was felt for the sufferer confined to a sick bed during the Crary warm Weather. The deceased Joseph James ?nreell was son of Mr Nathaniel Purcell end was born at Nemptville, Granville Co,, Ont. I July 14, 1840. He came to Listowel in 1870 and followed the 000upation 01 a 'plasterer. Ile was married in March 184'1 to Elizbeth, daughter of the late dotnn ?ginning, who survives him. They third a fancily of five hoes and five ... t'Olt.. . Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Stomach Cramps and alt l Summer Complaint; take • MADE IN CANADA 4m,1..-: BY A CANADIAN COMPANY. A Smooth Running, Durable and Beautifully made Machine. Easy to Learn and will last a Lifetime. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. OO.PFFI ANY OCre: MONTREAL, P. Q. LIMITED, ia6 TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. be AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. • AGENT - DAVID BELL, WINGHAM, OPT. ••••••••x•••••••••••011•••• •6•••••••••••••••s••••••••1 • ••• • • • O •• • • • • • • • 4. �' • DOE't expiolmetit with how and untried remedies, but procure that which has stood the teat of theta, 15r. Fowler's has stood the test for let years, and has never failed to give slitig. faction. It It rapid, reliable and tffectus1 in its action and does not leave the bo'ttwtt constipated. ltertrais ext. Suess rwr , 'tultv'na Ih tier sou$. Mos. tete** Late. Aylatar, Clue., *Atte s »ll Imre need Da: Poirier'* attract of W,"td $travitit r, for Dletritaes for reveraf years past atwt 1 Still It le the eaty weeks Mai belies Witt list MO AN' t daughters. 'sloe 14444444444+ 4. 0 4. • CLUBBINGI RATES FOR 1906 _ 07. • The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any or all of the following publications : • Times to January 1st, 1907 Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World Times and Toronto Daily News Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star_. Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide Times and Weekly Witness Times and Montreal Weekly Herald Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmera' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Farming World Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... • .. 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Times and Health Culture , , . • ....... Times Tines . Times Times and Ram's Horn .......... and Four Track News .................. and. Breeders' Glazetto • and Practical Farmer..... $ .25 4.50 4,50 3.10 2.30 2.30 2.35 2.35 1..65 1.70 1.75 1.90 1.65 1.50 1,80 1,60 1.80 1.85 1.30 2,35 4' 4 IE' 1.35 2.25 2.25 3.25 4' 1.90 2.75 ;1: 2.90 4._'• 1.45 1.85 1,65 1,75 1.15 1.90 2.10 1,95 1.75 1.35 1,80 1,45 1.45 1.70 1.90 1.65 1.60 1.65 1,75 1,65 2.15 2,45 1.80 1.50 1.60 1.40 1.90 1.90 2,00 2.00 1.40 2.25 1.85 2.45 1.90 2.25 1,85 4. was. seines...a 'When preminmb are given with any of above papers, snbsoribers will'' secure such premiumdwhen ordering through us, same AN it atdered direct from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable having 10 subscribers, and ate STFt,IOTL"2' CASH IN' ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, poet. office Or express money* order, addressing TtlitES o ERCE WlNa l: &M, ONTARIO.