HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-06-13, Page 19THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 13, 1990 — 19 r, tIstIzE Dear ."" 4 griceiiii't'n4iectree my wif' and vAni:N011ar.,Pv•reV : •,• fron 4.) t40 Oaf s Igor from 144.414Og 'office without doing mk.h9IneiOrk. engineer' itthiat week's paper. ThO feaSOOS ffOr a more uniform • EirstittkNitaidAp to apologize system. for extinipleA" bine' bin( 10 Mr.oblo if he got thc impres. system, are many. /.0 .,.*416 system 01004100,0441* *eget as Providea-POrO1400,OtKe't4:teeY.dea poor • comment 10 commend hhn for f)i,‘ iv:nif f aSiss.WMY'OfoilY makesiakea regular they are to,put tlleiteinSintOtAlao. eep ththik * for Proinlif011 this we7 it convcnient thislcadership in 'eXtranclYfOOPolt"' moving the blue box.bag that' '644 eeReetiett: bin and we people are more likely 10 recycle if Now the letter author f Stated - Meit..eoitYenient liretideS a • Door-to-door pickup does ritalteit that we hoped ...khoi:ooffarklesS.-4IkilY.-10-11P0FO ".thetteecl his work and e and Ircal way 10 monitor the success of the 'zed the cost of recycling This prograini Under the.preSent, SYS* (119 having been invnleefkln *We not everyone has the PleftSlIrO of the recycling venitires m Lhe past. 111 pickupoption and* such tliel*itre addition. 1 have taught,this Pint for those who do not • i?ejtelea, The the past 5 years and as 'mak' done pickup option also preyantS the large scale breakage- of glass and the contamination; of Useful Mataials,with garbage. The bins in Hohnesville end up with large amounts of broken glass arid the company which picks up thebin is on finding a replacement for the reported 10 have trouble getting rid Holmeaville site, far in excess of any recycling program would cost. y not take the money that will be spent on finding the next site artd. reduce the need for it by pur- chasing a recycling program? This will be cheaper in the long run and it will reduce the funcalcuttble costs on our over -stressed environment. considerable ,fresearch on-fthelssne. Recycling does cost money,there is ncrauestion,. about that, but so do kandfihi sites. Sedforth fandlie•rest of the cental Hnron landfill cign • mittee members have spent millions . The author of last- week's letter also asked that I petition those who do not recycle and industries who do not use recyclable products. 1 have been involved in doing just that and the petition which was circulated was one way of making the people he mentioned more aware of the problem. I am- also constantly trying to educate the next generation about how to solve 'the current environmental woes. These processes take time as will the implementation of a recycling pro- gram in Seaforth. Please be advised, Mr. author, that I do not lightly of their inaterialsdue to contamina- • tion (I personally do not know this for a fact). If this is true the efforts of these who recycle, now are wasted, since the Material will. end up in a landfill site anyway. Why pay (which we Ourrendy,do) for a system that is not efficient when we can better spend it on a system that has preven to be successful else- where in Huron County? , In closing, 1 would like to say that the intent of the petition was neither harmless nor misdirected. My wife and I perceived an ongoing environmental problem in the community and we have made a suggestion ' to help solve the. problem. If it is passed by we will still work ensure that our children and their children will have a place to live where there is clean air, clean water, and land upon which they can grow food. , Sincerely, Michael Ash • from page 2 microwaving, and at the same time reduce packaging? Can we insist on organically pure produce, and then let processmg precook it after mixing it with ingredients that one would need a Chemistry degree to recognize? How can we worry about what was used to eliminate the fungus on the grapes (which can be washed oft), and then opt to use the new American Simplex oil substitute which is supposed to let you eat ice cream with half The calories? The Campbell Soup Co. Ltd., a leader in the food processing in- dustry, a large employer and a large buyer of farm produce in South- western Ontario, recently announced that their Si. Marys° plant is for sale, and they do not rule out further sales of other Canadian plants such as Listowel or Chatham. They blame this decision on free trade and tariff concerns. If their company and other food processing companies are increasingly drawn back to USA, we will end up buying more prepackaged value-added con- venience foods as imports, whilst facing declining markets and increasing unemployment here. The grocery stores seem to be catering toward a generation of people with tastes for highly processed time -saving food • products. The environmentalists want to reduce packaging, and eliminate additives. Which market should the simple farmer try to address? It can be an expensive proposition to try to read the trends of the future and gamble on making the right choices. FERGIES LOUN E UEEN'S 4 Goderich St. E., Seaforth 527-0820 FRIDAY & SATURDAY 'SHOT GUN' • -- • -0.103KOOPI RAN• • “ .0.1N BREAD.,• iolf2 ME 4VP,T. f.,oatifofrOn -,,Woraut. UFFJS , Hiplos &spice" 4tkAoitItilmmiHomitic,•:(- • 14E,, pi • • CREAM CHEESE *No DELICIOUS 4 ir tito'FASHIONEO; PIWEI DATE.• Telephone wire e from page 2 • surplus of 34,400, left over 25 titn when the act was in force years ago. Among the latest on the list of sports in ICippenqo own autos are Henry Dayman and Norman Jones. Our village is badming more like a city with the number of cars passing through daily. There must still be money in the county judging from the number of 'autos being purchased. JUNE 14, 1940 Injuries which he sustained on June 6 proved fatal to William John Rintoul, well-known Huron Road farmer, who died in Scott Memorial Hospital in his 58th year. He was sowing beans at bs farm two miles west of town when in some manner the team became elicited, and ran him down. Little hope was held for his recovery. This week Miss Pringle, of Staffa, renewed her subscription to the Expositor. which has been going to the Pringles ever since it was first published. Her father, the late Hugh Pringle, subscribed to e paper the fast year that it was printed and the Expositor has been coming into the same house to the same farnillyeeer since, now some nearly 80 years f ago. Doris E. Ferguson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G,D. Ferguson of Seafordi. won the Gold medal for soloists under 15 at the Stratford • ,...'Music Festival this week. Huron Ccamty Council acted on r• the suggestion of Seaforth Council this week and added a special tax. • levy of 1/2 bill, for Paeie.tife. Par" poses. The-Seaforth reSolutiOn-had-,- asked for 1 mill. -JUNE 17, 1965 Nearly 40 miles, or 210,000 feet of copper telephone wire on poles: between Seaforth and Clinton has disappeared. Officials belie* :the thieves climbed the poles and reinoved the wire for its scrap value. The property of the Bell Telephone Co., the wire is valued at • $2,500. Last year, a new cable was Hd underground along the No. 8 • Highway and the old line became surplus. Firemen were called out Sunday • afternoon when a fence between the Doig property and the Crouch apartments on Goderich &. 'aught fire. The Huronview Board reported to Huron county council that it was hoped to haye the tenders in by February for the new 75 -bed ad- dition, wi construction to begin early inJhe spring. Cost wits slated at$550,O00. , 4 planning in connection with the removal -of, patients to the new Seaford' Community Hospital was advanced vglien a meeting of the board considered details for the move, slated for July 6. 'SOFTINNITE OR 60% WHOLE WHEAT ROL.LS • Freak Salads From ." Jerry Rader Homestyle Cooking For friendicccourteous service and fine quality come to TASTY -NU RESTAURANT SEAFORTH'S FAMILY RESTAURANT 527-1964 ROAST PORK DINNER 5 ac Includes Coffee or Tea & Dessert w •suNpAt JUNE 17 5:00 to 7:00 pm. *Daily Luncheoe Specials •Licenced Under LLBO *Seniors 13% off MON. - SAT. 6:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. • SUN. 7:00 A.M. -7 P.M , HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY • Ann McClure and Ron Thompson SATURDAY, JUNE 16 263-2319 DISCA, POWS, WALTZES, NEW LAIR ISC MUSIC, GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS DANCES, AILINRIERSAAIES, MAPES, ETC. 10 pro. omportesto glo Ramo drip ;BRUSSELS 887-6159 DAYTtME or EVENINGS Happy 40th Birthday ' LARRY HORNE Fathers Day BRUNCH a.m. - $5.00 All You Cin Eat (WITH SALAD BAR 8.001 EVERY WEDNESDAY IS FISH FRY NIGHT 2nd SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE From the 'Sailor', Friends & Family - DELICIOUS TAKE OUT MEALS GREAT PRICES 10% OFF Mon & Tuns 4 - 7 pm HAPPY FATHER'S DAY -TOM JORDAN - (Red Rock, Ont.) Former Native Of St. Columban Lova' MIChael Cathy Frank & Sandra, Courtney, Kendra, Riley LORDY, LORDY - LOOK WHO'S 40 TODAY Bob Fisher HAVE A GOOD ONE • We told you. Remember the rules. You didn't listen. Fri.-Thurs. June 15-21 Fri. & Sat.' 7 & 9,11/1 Sun. - Thurs. 8 PM THE NEW BATCH Here they grow again. LO '„ ...1041:...414440.0400043.krollowrilag,„ OYIEINF SEAFORTH Will Be Celebrating Canada's 123rd Birthday On SUNDAY,JULY1st Plan To Stay In Town This Year - You And Your Entire Family Can Enjoy Activities- Listed 'Below: 7:00 -11100 A.M. ‘. Firemen's Pancake Breakfast at the Flrehtill 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. - WOWS Walk POkar Rally - starting from ,from Victoria Park/ 2:00 - 3:30 P.M. - The Seaforth-Dashwbod Community Band will Wedeln in Vittoria Park Fireworks display at the high School orn�Out And Enjoy The WV/ For More InforniatIon ontactMartyal1,” ft 1401411 MP& at 52/4082 At,.