The Huron Expositor, 1990-06-13, Page 16THE HURON EXPOSITOR,. JUNE 13. 1990 1. CONING :EVENTS: HELP; WANTED. - THE SCOTT-DICKSON FAMILY REU- NION will be hell al. the Uon'.s',Park, Seaforth. 1:00 prrt. on Sunday, August 12, 1990. 1-24x2 BEECHWOOD POTTERY Spring. Show and Sale of porcelain and stoneware by Robert Tetu. Saturday and Sunday, , June 16 and 17, noon to 6 p.m. at the studio. 2 1/2 miles north of St. Colum - ban on McKillop . Sideroad. 10. 345-2184. 1-24 -1 COMMUNITY BRIDAL SHOWER for Sandra Hulley, Orange Hall, Seatorth, Sunday, June 24 at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. 1-24x2 PORTABLE SAWMILL DEMONSTRA- TION - June 16, 1990 from 10 a.m. 4 p.m. at Enercraft Factory, 474 Welham Rd., Barrie, Ontario, L4M 6E7. (705) 734-1211 - Specials Offered - Make your deal today! 1-24 -be COUNTRY SUPPER SMORGASBORD TAKE DAD OUT FATHER'S DAY. June 17, 1990, 4:30 fill 7, at Duff's United Church, Walton. Adults •$8.00; Children 12 and under $4.00. Pre- school Free. For tickets call 887-6658 or 527-0936. 1-23x2 C.P.R. next course June 30. Call 527-1650 to register. 1-23 -3 CROMARTY PREBYTERIAN CHURCH, Ham and Strawberry Smorgasbord Supper, Wednesday June 20, 5 to 8 p.m. Adults $7:00; children under 12 $3:00; Take outs available. 1-23 -2 CANADIAN FORESTERS Chicken B.B.O., Kinbum, Thursday, June 14, 5 - 7 p.m. Tickets available from members. Adults $7.00, children to 12, $4.00, pre-schoolers free. Take outs available. 1-21x4 BINGO - Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. Saltiord Valley Hall, $3200 in prizes. $1000 jackpot must go. 1-23 -tf BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO.... Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth & District Community Centre. $300 jackpot must go. Over $1000 in prizes: 1-23 -tf BABYSITTER WANTED., two day per week, prefera[lty in my `home Phone 522-1871 i 524 -1 TRAIN TO -141 AGE an -"Open- ment/condomini m complex. The govemmeM lice homestudy cer- tification incitidet free. placement assistance. Free ybrophure: `(604) 681-5456 or. RMTI, 1120-789 W. Ponder, Vancouver, BC, V6C 1H2. 5-24 -bc STYLISTS! GET A LIFE in the moun- tains! We need experienced people. Full service salon-DThe Barber. Shop, Box 293, Revelstoke, B.C. VOE 250. (604) 837-3649, (604) 837-3687. 5-24 -bc HOUSEWIVES. Mothers and interested persons needed immediately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Par- ty Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905. 5-24 -bc 6. 13;4111E88 OPPORTUNITY.,; EARN UP' TO $30000 per day y irk from you( home Peo(tle . call you. 1-015)-6W.364, extensid 4 8-24,2 INVEST-J-1270W in a Rift. end deck waterproofing dealership for this area Top quality product line allows for above average return on investreent. We supply opening inventory,, tools and training. Successful dealerships established across Canada. Phone col- lect Mr. D. Chaisson (604) 860-1200. 6-24 -be Required Immediately CLASS "A." MECHANIC for area General Motors dealership. Apply to: FRED SHROPSHALL SERVICE MANAGER in person, or call for an interview. 482-9321 BROWN chcvrolet-oldsmobile CLINTON RETAILERS ONLY. Video Laserdiscs, Nintendo, and Video Movie leasing. We are well -stocked, fast, efficient. Bo-. weekly rotation: You select your )nven- tory. Canada -wide: 1-800-665-5082. Fax: (204) 231-1150. 6=24- -bc GET A LIFE in the mountains! Full service salon for sale. Great staff and. greet place to live. Call The Barber Shop, Box 293, Revelstoke, B.C. VOE 280. (604) 837-3687 evenings, (604) 837-3649 days. 6-24 -bc 6.. CUSTOM WORK'' CUSTOM, BALING.. also txit, _cenditiort. frig aill1• raking -CO 345.2434 07.413.13 CUSTOM ROUND''BALING,.4-ff -.wide . `bY 3-6 ft. high. (John Deere). Scott Coelia, 233.997 or 565.2728. 823-13 CUSTOM` ROUEN[ : BALING 4' x 4' •- $4.00 5'x4'-$5.00. hard core bales HARVEY STEWART 4824518 after '9 p.m. 9. FARM STOCK EXTRA INCOMEI We train you to grow - big baitworms in your basement, garage or shed. Odorless operation: Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology, RR 1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0, (416) 643-4252. Chatham Kent Bait Farms, RR 7, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 557, (519) 683-2468. Kumari Bait Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK 1J0, (613) 378-0023. 6-24-bc MAKE $100/HR. plus part or full-time. Open your own stop smoking or weight loss centre. 31,985. investment. Lightlaser, No. 216, 2835-23 St.N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E 7A4, (403) 291-2864. 6-24 -bc NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - in- terested individual to promote new 'automotive product in area. Please contact , R.T.R.W. Enterprises 519-271-9'492 and Leave message. -y 6.23 -tf DABBER BINGO - Vanastra Rec. Cen- ' tre, Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. $1,000.00 in prizes. 1-23 -tf 2. YARD/ GARAGE SALE FOUR FAMILY YARD SALE - Main corner in Kinburn, across from county shed. Saturday, June 16, 9 a.m. till ? 2-24 -1 YARD SALE - 57 Main St. N., Seaforth, June 16 and 17, 9 till 5. 2-24x1 GARAGE SALE' - 71 Mill Street, Egmondville, June 16th. RAIN OR SHINE. 8:00 a.m. - ? 2-24x1 YARD SALE - Multiple family. June 15 - 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.; June 16 - 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Something for everyone. 82 East William St., Seaforth. 2-24 -1 HURONIA BRANCH of the Ontario Humane Society Yard Sate, Saturday, June 16, 8 - 1, at 136 Huron St., Clin- ton. If you have any donations please call 482-3623 after 6, 523-4411 for pickup. 2-23 -2 5. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCE a different culture overseas, live and work on an agriculture or horticulture farm, persons aged 19-28 contact the International Agricultural Exchange Association, No. 206, 1501-17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. 5-24 -bc SERVICE INSTALLATION PERSON, required for dairy farm equipment dealership. Mechanical skills a priority. Electrical skills a benefit. Huron Dairy Equipment, Seaforth. 522-1935. 543-2 TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed....Get your Class "A" license at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday. .Tax deductible, weekend courses, job assistance, no experience required. MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT, 1-800-2653559 Cambridge and Loh - don. Head Office 18 Corydon Pr., Cambridge. 5-23 -tf Day Away Program For Alzheimers and Related Disorders requires .• PART-TIME PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR -14 hours per week - To start Immediately Minimum Qualifications include: •A degree in a Health or Social Science discipline and/or related practical experience' *Knowledge of Alzheimers disorders and related ill- nesses •Sound interpersonal skills Further details regarding remuneration and program may be obtained by writing or calling: Rosemary Armstrong Director Huron Day Center For The Homebound P.O. Box 219 Clinton NOM 1L0 482-7943 Closing date for application June 22/90. Please forward applications to the above address. CLASSIFIEDS Check them over 7. SITUATIONS WANTED !!!ATTENTION FARMERS!!! MURRAY GRINSVEN STOCK REMOVAL is now paying $30 to 375 for freshly dead or disabled animals weighing over 500 lbs. Sows, pigs and calves will be picked up FREE of charge. 7 DAYS A WEEK PROMPT SERVICE CALL 519-245-0838 or Toll Free 1400-461-4501 WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SERVING YOU BEST. LIC #1171-C-89 aLNE FOR.cUASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 Pail. MONDAY AY, ADS FOR OUT, OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY 11 A.M. 22 words ;09 4a* 44.50: two weeks, $4.00; three weeks, $3.50.'Additional ehlods 16 cents.r BI07Hs No;Vhef ENGAGEMENTS-. Flat rate of $7. with picture $12 prepaid. MANWAGE$ - Free for8 weekg after date of wedding. After this time, photo and;cln!(ne only. $15, Complete write-up 525 IN M iAMS --$4,50-plus-35-cents per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words, $4.50. Each additional ward .06 cents. 550.CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF THE WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX'NUUBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00. each additional week - 31.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 23. Real Estate 24. Property for sale 25. Property for rent 26. Apartments for rent 27. For sale or rent 28. Wanted to rent 29. For rent 30. Room and Board 31. Notice 32. Vacations 33. Educational 34. Auction Sales 35. Tenders Wanted 36. Legal notice 37. Notice to creditors 38. Service directory 39. Cards of thanks 40. In memoriam 41. Personal 42. Engagements 43. Marriages 1. Coming`Evepts 2 Yard.Garage Safe 3. Lost, Strayed 4- Found • S Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunity 7. Situations Wanted 8. Custom work 9. Farm Stock 10. Fenn machinery 11. Hay and straw 12. Used cars 13. Used trucks 14. Articles for sale 15. R.V.'s for sale 16. Mobile homes 17. VCRs for sale 18. Computer corner 19. Pets 20. Swap or trade 21. Wanted to buy 22. Wanted RE SP6NSiBLE- 7 EXVE ENCEd WOMAN, to do cleaning or laundry* your home, reasonable, - rates; references available. Phone- Judy at, 482-9406. , 7-24 -1 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER available for small renovations, also drywall, trimming, framing, roofing etc. Quality work at a reasonable price. Call Rick 345-2906. 7-22 -4 10. FARM MACHINERY 1.11111111111111.111111111111111111 FOR SALE - Woods 3 point hitch, 60" ;cut, finishing mower. Phone 345-2028. 10-24x1, 12" PRESSURE TREATED loading chute for hogs; 2 1/2 gal. medicator, sow calendar; 20" new bam fan; 20" new fan shutters; 200 gal. fuel tank for pickup truck - 2 compartments - 150 plus 50. Phone 529-7607 after 6 p.m. 10-20 -tfnx 11. HAY & STRAW PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m. 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE ROPER 14 HP garden tractor. Like new. After 6 p.m. - 522-1261. 14-24-1 THE GREENHOUSE AND HYDROPONICS INC. 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont. N5W 5W7, '(519) 452-3919. Complete hydroponic systems. We do mail orders. Send $2 for catalogue, $2 rebate on your first purchase. 14-24 -bc 8. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM ROUND BALING. Ken. Bachert, 527-2487. 8-24 -2 CUSTOM ROUNDIBALI 15 ACRES OF FIRST YEAR HAY. Phone 345-2747. 11-24 -2 17 ACRES MIXED HAY, for sale. Phone 527-0866. 11-24x21 ROUND BALES OF ALFALFA AND TIMOTHY HAY. 527-2487. 11-24 -2 35 ACRES OF HAY FOR SALE. Phone 527-1885. 11-22 -3 by Dan Murray Phone 345-2628" 12. USED CARS • MURRAY'S CUSTOM ROUND BALING Bales 800-1400 lbs. CALL: MURRAY HUTTON R.R. 2 Staffs, Ont. Phone: 345-2289 HAYPRO II AVAILABLE THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION invites applications for the position of TRANSPORTATION MANAGER Responslbilitle9_Wilt enIUil the -organization and.mailagoment.of the -transpor- tation system, Including the supervision of repair and maintenance of Beard - caned bus fleet and the co-ordination and Implementation of the safety tnstruc- atruction'tor {doff and sludents..As well, the Transportation Manager Is respon- eible;for successful negotiations with school bus contractors and all outer finan- clal Meanies they relate to the operation of a transportation system. Emergent responsibllittes in the areas of taxation, assessment arid grant applications aro•developtng In response to changes In tax` laws for Canada and Ontario. Preference wilt'be.given to applicants with the following qualification*: 1. post -sot ohdary education In the field of transportation systems; 2ltriowledge.of the Highway Traffic Act andother related legislation as it relates did Die ration of a transportation system; 3. kneVilkge of and experience with statistical analysis, taxation, assessment and grants plications as they relate to the management of a transportation system and School Board finances; 4. prlictk a1 knowledge 0! the operation and oar®of a school bus fleet; and 5. the abl ity to work effectively with all ages dimple, evidenced by past experiences. App11catibns, to include a covering letter arid resume, must be submitted' prior to 12:00 noon, Thursday, June 28, 1990 to: Jaen . Otonn.. Penial a Manager Huron Countyi'Boitrtbf^,Edttoatlon 103 ANisrt Sfrelit GIt• i Jean Vin den Broeck, C ChairAllan .. t 40 WIf i • bt*ItW ,. 1983 DODGE 600; 4 deur, with alrcon- ditioning. Asking $2500.00. Call 522-0186. 12-24 -2 1979 CHEV IMPALA - small V8, Auto, $1,050. 'Certified, 1982 PLYMOUTH TOURISMA, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, Air Cruise, 31550.00. Phone 229-6759. 12-24x1 1977 CORDOBA, as is, Call M. Dale 527-0750. 12-23x2 1982 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME BROUGHAM, V8, auto, loaded, tilt wheel, air, PW, PS, P8. New tires last fall. Other new parts. Asking $4600.00 certified. Phone 524-7115 or 524-2473 ask for Dan. 12-19-nxe 1984 PLYMOUTH HORIZON, 4 door, standard, $2,400 or best offer. Phone 524-5198 after 5:30 -p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekends. 12-05 -tfnxe 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE SWIMMING POOL SALE: 1 -piece fibreglass in -grounds, vinyl -lined in - grounds, and on -grounds. Professional installation or kits. Book now and save. Cali (519) 747-4399 or 658-8091. 14-24 -bc HUTCH AND BUFFET, table and 4 chairs, all solid wood, $850.00, ex- cellent condition. Phone 527-1095. 14-23 -3 BEST BUILDING BUYS - 1/2 Price Sale - Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more - limited steel - Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263.8499. 14-24 -be CLEARANCE ON STEEL Buildings - Factory Direct Savings - Example 25 x 30 32,699.00 Specials on sjzes 10-100' wide, any length. Limited time only. Construction available. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800;668-5422 (24 hours). 14-24 -bc STEEL BUILDINGS; a cheap Building offers no flexibility, may even cost more money. The answer, Future Steel. Thousands of people can't be wrong. Call 1-800-668-8653. 14-24 -bc WEDDING GOWN, SIZE 14, with hat and veil 3250.00 firm, phone 482-5221. 14-22 -3 STEEL BUILDINGS: Positively Lowest Price. 20' x 30' $2,330; 25' x 30' 32,935; 30' x 34' 33,710; 40' x 46' $5,142. Endwalls included. Stock items. Other sizes available. Save -save -save. 1-800-668-4338 or 1-416-792-2704. 14-24 -bc BUS CONVERTED INTO A CHIP WAGON, complete with 2 propane fryers, grill fan, exhaust system, refrigerator, one deep freeze, cash register, sink and cupboards, curtains. As is $5000. Call 524-9211, 9 - 5, after "524-4240. 14-20 -tfnxe 40' ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDER; seven new 2" x 10" x 22' planks; Ford LTS riding lawn tractor, 8 hp. 38" cut; 200 gal. furnace oil tank and fur- nace for workshop; Cascade 40 gal. water heater; 200 gal. fuel tank for pickup truck - 2 compartments - 150 plus 50; two way pump; avocado green range hood, (could be painted to match decor). Phone 529-7607 after 6 p.m. 14-20 -nx STRAWBERRIES, Green Onions, and leaf lettuce. 150 Market St., Seaforth. 14-24x1 2500 RECLAIMED YELLOW BRICKS. Some excellent quality. Some filler quality. Tom Malady, 346-2152. 14-24 -2 LAWN SALE PASSPORT PHOTOS, and identifica- tion pictures while -u -wait, can take at your own home. 2 for $8. Color. Gregor Campbell photographer, 527-0273. 14-23 -tf 15. RV'S FOR SALE 1977 - 20 foot Aristocrat trailer, large fridge, four burner stove, oven, toilet, shower and vanity. Sleeps six, T.V. Aerial, Awning. Phone 522-2190. 15-24 -1 BONAIR R.V.'s, Campers, Trailers, Hardtop, Tent, Foldown, Fifth Wheel, Travel, Park -models, Accessories. New & Used. Large selection. Fibreline fiberglass & aluminum truck caps. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviot- dale, Ont: (519) 343-2122. 15-24 -bc TRAILERS • MOTOR HOMES 5th Wheels, Hard Tops, NEW & USED 7/y4. Cf'LGr Musa praslm- ryat Veriae sal 'Nay Hitches, Truck Caps SALES • RENTALS •REPAIRS Pur lis■• baa CAMP -OUT TRAILERS 393-5938 Hwy. a 1 YIN Wiwi of Stratford 16. MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE: Mobile home, living room, kitchen, 2 or 3 bedrooms, bathroom. 5 appliances, 26 x 10 sun deck, 9 x 7 shed. In good condition. Reduced to $19,900. Please call Goderich 1524.7586. 16-21-tfnxe 19. PETS HIMALAYAN KITTENS ready now, registered Blue Lynx Points, one male, one female. Phone 565-2229. 19-24x1 FOUR MALE GERMAN SHEPHERD CROSS PUPS for sale - Mother pure bred - excellent watch dog and good with children. Phone 522-1269. 19-24 -1 FOR SALE: three male Siamese kit- tens, chocolate points, 7 wks. old. Phone 529-3278 or 529-7382• 19-21-tfnxe 21, WANTED TO BUY ROPER 12 HP LT Tractor - $185990 12 HP Hydro Tractor... 8269990 14 Hp Twin Tractor $239990 CADET 482 s HP Miler 8159990 I/172017 HP Tractor$44759° (FARM) DEALER FOR LAWN BOY -CUB CADET - H61LLITE Et SEAFORTH ;4527-0120 WANTED - 64 Commodore, keyboard only. Call after 6 p.m. 526-7569. 21-15-nxe B.B.Q PIGS and veal calves. Top price, Call 233-7424. 21-23 -tf 22. WANTED USED RIDING AND PUSH MOWERS for used parts. Please call 524-4880 daytime or 524-4766 evenings. 22-20-tfnxe • EdUIPMENI l!MUED 0 YOUR PART .t!lws!al yww• ►+ Malt pied JON It81