The Huron Expositor, 1990-06-13, Page 15St. Columban coqg�,e celebrates L«,� teed scrvace awards wez 1�•Rcit rA eened_yCry Toght:S3454,y0s FankCowtassed by Past The anttttal Corporate Co eanthieni Stale Deputy _John Rodina o the andttfortheFaihei$tephett; f - ntt'anberse ':20 yeas, Eclkett Council, Knights of COM- .Richardu wncy,'Seafaath; bus, Seaffoith And mea,' was held Oa Ducilaarrne : Zurich; . Francis Sunday. ;die 10: hell, SLColn_ idban; IvaOMeidmger, Mass was at 14°1)D• a ixt ere: St.' b; Brother a Bob: 1V1itoelhq , Peter's Paarish, Sl:,Tasaph's with an` ender; (.Loms.Nolan, .St.Colu lo, . honour quard " of nineteen . Sir"; Rev.Peter! ween, l.< iota;Lady tights of the Mir. D.J ' Eagan Re et.Zurich a d .John st ,was held to Ztatcii with 93' Tony C tineas• Tlf ;ftl;,sseatltlyofthe4011j � Bim` • Sc ` " Q�bltq.:� Roy art, the, , a MC.`for'tthe,day.'nttrndueeed Johne earpeet R°d, of hc t r. Past State"' and e DePurY driest sp.eaker; Dublin, • Ratymond ttC?rnme.. Zurich; Coat old ECkeit, Ron Ryan, ScColaunban Thomas Eckert,-St'Cojuni an. H Y - a I ;r✓ • Stare corespondent nuts. aoHN ?r»lentAnr Neighbours and friends enjoyed an evening of progtesstve ync}ire and visiting with Dons lalte, tie her move out of the cdmmunt�'ty to Exeter. Also ' present were .: Doris's family. , The evening. held in she township hall, was plannedt by Win Riley, Esther Smale and . FiedaKerslake. Doris Jeffery read' an, eiddmss. of good- wishes and presented Doris with a gift of money. Doris expressed her thanks and everyone enjoyed a bountiful lunch. we 30. rs A fredi. Demon= 7 wieb:. ; '. ?{' -Need,* Feel More. An and 35 Tears, Dan , Hallahan, .aBlyth: citation --was received' from Geor$e ', , Toseph, Hardy.. St.C®Iaanbtii; _Geottier of DubinFurniiture:to hold Hagan*. Seafonh and `en :a meeting at the Fiunttu:+e'Stsre'in O'Rourke, Seafoetit.'40 Yea:'Loa , • Dublin s me;andhavea tour of Maoris; Seaforth and ;- Franie ,:the Dublin Clocks- and Furniture "Reynolds,.' Seeforth . . *now*: stores, Maria Vogels, .Diane. Egon member: ' John J Flanagan. and F.atlher Jr Hardy attended the SI!.Tosephs 'and Honournry ;' Life_; 7 mernber. i ozart Gehnas uric . - 0thaadtia .Dineary e Hie oncoal/endue; ! �+' h �, W1pWp4le Mane E�tQn gal* 'e L'_ The St Columban ',Catholic -report on the convephon and' Ma is Women's, ,League :held their (June• Volg henred,us>:a vides•; of meeting<on Tuesday, June 5 in the the entertain mens. rope 'ream meeting room with 17 ladies ;Titis:k e i ° .. .. „ y;r�sttr 70thAApt . 'of Ibe-Mational.C.W.L. ty .. �Z Ali f�' WI, titea Vogels opened ,, the � Will celefate• on Stmday, Sister eating ! h aha l . Yee' and June 17, The St.eoluniban C,W I:. Rita'Ci-el ikota- .tidies Will have a procession with THE HURON EXPOSITOR. JUNE 13, 1990— 15 ing anniverse the-banners—,:plate ftowxs at the -0,lcssed Virow,hturs ;Statue and serve coffee and donuts after Mass. A ra tinder to' all ladies of St.. Colombia ° and the ;sumetmding ureas ,Hilt die, June Social°is"Wed- nesday' June 13 `(tonight) in the St.Colunbam parish hall.• . Where will be: entertainment; apennY sale, hake''saie: ' a draw for ,a,.quilt- and other draws, doe- prizes and lunch. the 'meeting ' was adjourned and closed; with praYer $ VeoPiee Ab and Eileen,—Crania attended the bit tis of 1 their. meat' --COMM Laura cusslid wit Saila yv ome11's Institute -. � �mebers it sere Daakay recently visited Pte. w the6asarrnsRap hall for,;w potatoes make wonderful cone - with au sister Jean Freels, Belle i►Iar Grace , WEberheaidt ivas introduced b t3aret Daypard .and Mill . atccbm }e of llaia planning -the evening r Kerslake and thanked Eby with : r Pmslded..openmg With the i ,Margarset Daynarad, Glace con- Belleitiver. Andruskive bunitute Ode end' Mary Stewart " ducted a contest on the ward "e- - col d " ea .ori Margaret had c eriefee Eberhs ardt, an active organic * �p�n� ��8►, r�at►ge f�saer, and .be also of lter`aisters,�at;the hoarse t'Tron a Ecalete, Meeting, Fwith pentons. an a p� Dew pat' the nvaronm t" d set Tett .. sA Ciraars. The guest speaker.Was,'Erm up ; a display of environmentally dlYeat c ve riendly household aids. td , y , operates -the New president. Joyce Vivian, and GP i ,heldrecertu ,at • Gentle -Rain Store, Stratford, He ' presided -for i the business portion, the Memorial' Baptist • church in. explained how important if is to Joyce had pictures of the Stratford. - bring the waste that we generate Craft ,day on Quilt Mar - Cube Campont back to the soil, and�•also Ithe,:ad June Dicke baad taken, and gave First Cromarty Cubs and their vantages of raised vegetable beef& them to the curator, Esther Smile leaders enjoyed a campout at and small greenhouses. He also ;raid for the scrap book. Esther had Wildwood this past weekend: that gar+deneas should miss mix rev sial books on display at the The Staffa _Women's Institute vegetables.. For example, beams and : '.meeting. Pesticide safety expert addresses 4-H members • On Friday June 8.1990 the third the Ontario Pesticide Education 4-H meeting of Farm Safety was program. He demonstrated how to held at the home of Gerda Vendome . put on Neoprene gloves and how to Hoven. The achievement night was take them off safely to prevent announced for August 29 1090 at . chemical contamiaration. the Brussels Pubic School. Every member was to bring a He thea explained hazardous piece of safety equipment Tanya symbols, the poison, flammable, Vansteelandt, junior leader. explosive and corrosive symbols. explained how each piece of equip- - ment keeps us safe. We then watched a film called Pesticides and the Environment. It Members then talked about the explained how pesticides move in different kinds of "tides". Some the environment, can enter the food are: pesticides, insecticides, bac- chains and affect the public. tericides etc. Gerda Vanden Hoven then We examined a pamphlet called introduced the guest speaker, John "It's in you. hands". It stressed safe Hazlitt. He teaches Pesticides safety handling of pesticides, pesticides Programs to farmers in Ontario for must be out of reach of children, ey how to dispose -of the pesticides ' e - Th containers, also triple rinsing is important, You must know or have the telephone number of poison control on your phone. We then went through a handbook called "Pesticides Safety Handbook". It showed how to look up the lethal dose_ (LD) number.The lower the number'the more lethal it is. He then related incidents in which farmers were accidentally poisoned by improper chemical use. or self protection. He then answered everyone's questions. He handed out a pair of neoprene gloves and disposable coveralls for veryone. ey were donated by Dean and Craig at Cargill Limited Clinton. We all got a sign that says "Chemical Storage". They were donated from the Ministry of the. Environment. Janet Vanden Hoven thanked Mr Hazlitt for his interes- ting and informative talk and presented him with a serail gift Gerda then went over chemical fonns,and ways chemicals enter the body. through the skin, lungs, and stomach. She then demonstrated triple -rinse with a soup can. The next meeting will lie held on June 15 at the home of Gerda Van -- den Hovers. •. tld. pi-�Storms. MONEY RAISED FOR EPILEPSY - Golfers raised $2,000.for Epilepsy, n, r felt to right: Bruce Dow, Manual LifeEP Pse. Hu dies gross score; June:. From mens gross score Charlie alLife,prize presenter; Life Marlene McInnes, ladies gross Gerry Hiltz, p Epilepsy, Hunn-Perth-Bruce. Oxford photo. presenter, Mary Vere, executive director of photo. Despite threatening skies and Top winners were: Ladies' Golf BLYTH The Blyth Festival, powerful winds, a record number of Gross Score - First, Marlene Webster's Clothing and Footwear, golfers turned out for the Fourth McInnes. Stratford; Second, Nancy The Green Gallery, Bainton's Annual Golf Tournament for Epi- TIohnes, Clinton; Third, Joan Limited, Christmas & Country, The lepsy Huron -Perth -Bruce at the McDougall; - 'Goderich. The prize OldMill, The Blyth Inn. LONDON Seaforth Golf and Country Club on was $50 cash from National Trust, Sunday, June 4th. Goderich. Men's Golf Gross Score fluff. ed �KITCHENER - Randy Vere. - Eighty golfers competed for nd, Budd oyes, Clinton; Third Hike. Clinton; Seco- - The Stratford F tivrupet Coffee. � Erie R& prizes generously donated from (tied), Cam Addision, Clinton and businesses throughout the region. It Frank Bubel, London. The prize - Manulife Financial, Charterways, is expected as much as two thou- was $50 cash from Manulife Bill Heslop, Star's Men's Wea sand dollars will be raised from the Financial, London; Charles Proctor, BAYFLELD - The Wardrobe, Times tournament this year. Area Agent. & Places. The Albion, The Croft, The golfers came from as far - The Sun Room, The Little Inn, away as Toronto, London and - Other winners were: Ladies' Adnrinal Bayfield's, Culligan Real Kitchener. Organizers were pleased Longest Drive, Cathy Pratt, Execu- Estate. TORONTO - Culverhouse to have Neurologists Dr. R.D.• tive Dissector Epilepsy London & Foods. KINCARDINE - Peaches on Gordon Blair from Toronto Western Area, Ladies Closest to Flag, Nancy the Park, Governor's Inn, The Erie Hospital, and Dr. Warren Blume Lee, Clinton Men's Longest Drive, Bell, Waverider Charters. and Dr. Rick McLachlan from Mike Moriarty, Bayfield, Men's GODERICH - Reick's l.D.A., The University Hospita, London at the closest to Flag, Ken Cautochan, Bedford Hotel, Benmiller Inn, tournament Board Chairman of Seaford,. National Trust, Home Hardware, Epilepsy Huron -Perth -Burse Dr. Pincher's Books and Magazines, David Parrett was also in attends: Prizes were generously donated McDonald's,. Apple Auto Glass, nce. for the ' tournament by, , from: The Royal Bank, Sharp's Creek Agrichemicals for a growing world Black, . daughter of Lloyd and Melodic Biotic of Fergus ons ;Seg daty, June 3. Ceitlin's stat nts, an Leo and Obey (Cronin)Smith; of-Actoo •Jim and .Kamen Conor also ;attended' the basin of thein; great niece. • ,53rdCelebrated ° Hugh and Ann : Benniger ` of Maplewood: F .Maher, eeSeaforeh cclebzated'their 53rd weeding an rive saty recently , Guests a With' them - at ' theManor were .Ann's' brothers and; sicster.and in=laws. Jinn aid Mary O'Connor,: Ab and Eileen Cronin and Alphonse and Annie Cronin. 'AiSith, **hen and one vistttheaoswered theroll' call by mentioning one -thing carded this week diet op ddhave been recycled, Verge Mahon; -Lillian•Douglas and ;Hazel' iTarbum were named to a eanuniteee to set up a display on "Hopechests" for the Mitchell Fall Fair. Any girls between 17 and 22 who are interested in competing in the -Queen of . the Fair contest should kontact Joyce Vidian. The bus trip committee. namely, Roberta Templeman, Kay Smile, Hazel.Harbum and Marjorie Drake, roped on some prices of different trips and it Was decided to go with Maxi tours to Caledonia in early July. Annual,Robreported on the District and St. saying that both Stratford benefit"Eroom the Diss tcichospitals sheaf the cook book sales money. Mem- bers were reminded of the A.C,W.W. projects "Women Feed The World" and Coins for Friendship, which are 'desperately needed. You'll Find It AL.. Barb McLean is the new president for the Perth South District Joyce closed the meeting and a dainty lunch was served by Marion McCaughey and Joyce Miller, LEONJARDT BROS. Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning Pumps Softeners Water Treatment Guaranteed Quality Workmanship Calla 345-2430 Brodlhagen VISA GODERICH EXETER 524-6901 235-2202 AREAS BEST SELECTION OF... BOOKS • PAPERBACKS • HARDCOVERS • CHILDREN'S BOOKS Irate; •.Peggy Denomme - Mary Kay Beauty Products, Murphy's Landing, Bailey's, The Paik House, Standard ' Trust, Sales Creators, Christopher lorgal Architect, Marie Huron Beverages, Joan '& Howard Shantz. CLINTON - John Wise Insurance Broker, Gerry Hiltz Barr- ister, The County Squash & Fitness Club, Ball -Macaulay Limited, John Duddy Real Estate; Clinton Auto Parts, Dixie Lee Chicken, Ball & Mutch Home Furnishing, Crossr- oads, Langford Lumber, tee's Shopping Centre, The Clinton News Record, Edward Fuels & Scruton Buses, The Royal Bank, Verbeek's Garden Centre, Peter Roy Insura- nce, Beattie Furniture Limited, Epilepsy Huron -Perth -Bruce, Masonic Lodge'No. 84, Marj and Mickey Vere. SEAFORTH - Flower; Magic. Seaforth Golf and Country. Club, The Toronto Dominion Bank. HENSALL - Rob Baker. Gold • Tournament Committee members were Lee Proctor, Clinton and Brian Kennedy, Clinton, Chair- man Gerry Hiltz, ' Clinton, Co -Chairmen Charlie Proctor, Clinton and Marie Huff. Goderich. Fundraising Committee Members: Donna Wood, Clinton, Eleanor Erskine, Goderich; Liz .Herman, Clinton; Pauline Watson, Amberly, Pauline Helm, Stratford, Marie Huff, Goderich; new Development Co-onlinator Sally Leitch, Goderich and Executive Director Marj Vere. If you have costly weed escapes in beans... • - • SAIL SALE SALE REDUCTION 011889 STOCK ALSO Odds 'n Ends Great for Home And Garden ON SALE NOW BUY NOWT WHILE QUA IES LAST! DON'T BUILD • UR HOUSE WITH STRAW OR STICKS USE... OPE SATURDAY JUNE 9 ONLY 9 am -3 pm TRI -COUNTY BRICK Since 1977 T!1 ARTS S C ENTER CHECK YOUR ,PLANTER WHILE THE HEATS ON! Now is the -best time to prepare your planter for next season. Points to bo checked • DRIVE CHAIN • • BEARINGS CHAINS • PLANTIND UNITS * SEED DISC OPENEf 4 For more informati011 aboutS y GO don e Basagran®, contact your , e�rlataat kcal agriac loriiical supplier. z` Vasspnin U tegiiterea ttid fG,il • Wet. • yolu need Basagran: Agrlcpltural. Cheniteals o. 413 Bayfield Rd., CLINTON, Ont. PHONE: (519) 482-9622/1-800-265-7057 OPEN: Mon.-Thurs. 8 am -5 pm; Friday 8 am - 5 pm; Saturday 9 am -12 noon