The Huron Expositor, 1990-06-13, Page 1212' 7,— THE HURON )CFPOSITOrt, JUN 13, 1990
-There is a dJff�rnce,askthe7
More fOriners are swjtcijlng to jobb Deere
haying equip:1160i for yorygged reasons
• 4th /3e3ree *ere "the4,9=rd of Am Kit0lieiler. Intent10440rUtt week of sDow , Jeffrey eflanagew Karen
e emet ?<Ape-
Mabb, Tracy Gregy
McCarthy Jennifer Mcalliviefl)eal
**het ' Joe 1140MY!' Shawn
'Retake; Gilio—Peieb*Roger
Percira,* Rosalie Poppe, Melissa
,Proite,ncheeiMatibeigRoliik Adam
Seiler, James Stapleton, Jason)
Tertian, Ample Terpstra, Catherine
Terpstth Jennifer Uniae, Mark
Unnie and. Cindy. Visser. Priests
attending were Father Canigan,
Father Caratiana, Father Hardy and
Father L,oebach,
Jerry Murray celebrated his 60th
birthday at this home on Sunday,,
June 3. Those attending were his,
sisters Mamie, Helen and Bea,
brothers Joe, Jerome, Cyril, Ronald,
Arthur and their husbands and
NOT SO BADOWTEN ALL Samantha Rime* 3, Hensall Was a little dubious about a few of the wives. Many 'niecesandSteve vanlsieetedileperhalso.ewosf
Yvonne an
midway rides at the Hensall Fair, but she and Lod McKay, 7, Of Seaforth finally picked a winner. Elliott neighbours and friends
Mitchell, assisted by Joe Exhert,
barbecued' potatoes and pork chops
while Pat Ryan took care of the
beverages. Cards were played
Automobile insurance rates have been
Since 1987, the Ontario government has
been trying to control the escalating cost of car
insurance by capping rates.
Still, increases of 30-35 % were required
this year to cover the increased cost of claims
from accidents and injuries on Ontario's roads.
Clearly, something had to be done.
The solution is a comprehensive new system
of automobile insurance. It's called the Ontario
Motorist Protection Plan,
The OMPP makes it easier, quicker and less
costly to get payments to those who need them
after an accident. And it allows insurance companies
to keep rate increases modest - this year,
and in the future.
The new plan will hold premium increases this
year to only 8 % on average in urban areas,
while average rates in rural areas will not
increase at all.
This helps to keep insurance affordablefor
people who drive for a living, seniors and those
on fixed incomes, and young drivers' as well.
Today, you usually have to sue to recover,
damages. It's a time-consuming and expensive
Under the Ontario Motorist Protection Plan,
your own insurance company handles your
claim when you have an accident. Accident
benefits are guaranteed, and begin quickly after
the claim is filed. Because the sooner benefits
are paid, the sooner people can get on with
their lives.
Accident benefits are paid without hassling
over fault. Because injured people need medical
• assistance, income replacement and child care
right away!
But if you are driving while drunk or
convicted of a criminal offence in regard to your
accident, you will not get income benefits.
Under tbe °nigh!) Motorist Protection -Plan, -
continue to be used for rati4 Purposes:
Good drivers will be rewarded with good rates.
Bad drivers will be charged higher premiums.
And there are now higher fines for traffic violations
such as speeding.
If you are at fault in an accident, you will
pay for damage to your own car to the extent that
you are at fault, unless you have optional collision
One goal of the 'OMPP is to ensure help is
there when it is needed, reducing economic'
hardship. Another is to keep insurance rates
within reach of the average driver. It's a balanced
And that's the right direction for auto
Your insurance company and your broker or
agent have all the details. And you will receive
an information brochure with your premium notice
during the afternoon. Frank Phillips
took pictures of all the party -goers.
The rain came down, but it
didn't spoil the party. The food was
taken to the church hall and all
enjoyed a delicious barbecued sup-
per with salad, pork chops and
dessert.. Ronald Murray was Master
of Ceremonies and called on Father
Carrigan to say grace. Maureen
Van De Walle (Delaney) composed
and read a humorous address giving
details of Jerry's life. As a fol-
low-up Jerry related trivia about his
life experiences. He expressed his
thanks for all the support received
from his family and friends.
After the meal, people gathered
at Jerry's Home to enjoy more
conversation and cards.
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Delaney at-
tended the graduations of their
children Lucille and Jim on the
WC4'fflld. Qn,, ,seeiglaY, JR9 9.
daughter Lucille graduated final' the
Faculty of Education at Alumni
Hall, U.W.O, London and on Sun-
day they all attended the graduation
of their son and brother Jim with
Masters of business administration
from the University of Windsor in
• Sir Knights, Louis Kramers,
Donald MacRae and Worthy Grand
Knight. Frank Crowley attended the
Guard of Honour of the DJ. Egan
General Assembly at the Confir-
mation at Sacred Heart church,
Wingham, on June 9.
The Ontario Motorist
Protection Plan.
Everyone's Protected.
Funk Seeds recently announced
that it will again offer a $1,000'
scholarship award to 4-H membets.
Applications will be accepted
from 4-H members who meet the
following guidelines:
- They must be entering the first
year of the Agricultural Degree
Program at the University of
- They must be active members of
an Ontario 4-H club;
- They must have achieved a
minimum average of 68 percent in
their final academic year.
Applicants will be judged on their
leadership qualities, as demonstrated
by their participation in 4-H and
comMunity activities.
Ontario 4-H Club members may
obtain applications from the office
of their county or district agricul-
tural representative.
Applinations must be recieved by
September 4.
OMAF members
to meet on new
MTO guidelines
The members' meeting for the
Huron County Federation of
Agriculture will be held on MOn-
day, June 18 at the OMAF
boardroom in Clinton, at 8:30 p.m.
Dennis Harris from the Ministry of
Transportation and Communication
will be addressing the meeting on
the «new" laws and Safety
regulatitans for Ontario farm
vehicles and trucks. All are wel-
come to attend.