HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-06-13, Page 91UROla.EXFOSiTOR JUNE 13, 1990 — 9 fi�risall �reesppndent appreciation Co SUsA1v ITNrt hast year successfl .0 fist awl ,262,2449 y union hi rte Pomp. The Rile Re mSPOISIne two lP 4 nded the Riley Retmton held in lite Hensall + to all Oft' gals,tett Oce 4444 tate, Treasurers report was given an aeeePted, f'4Iah 4l► Gass; COOP Up r br next years reunion is $66 3� • f t� work of ihe,: ny'people who helped to tuaice ll tied out was for t J arm Tttspectwns ` *knife- cl 'bed liar ere tart w fo is iA$ tttttritOd lRf the 199400k f n ed in Seep cmbcr rgazimum„Ilaisness Alta{ �y tune �10, .1990. It was decided to be kepi onJrtne 9i 1991 at the "Iof 90 - 99%Thy f• next year are as , Campl�i,and,Kattel41.1 !dljl':( (plows: ftewdent - Freda Boa, Secretary,Measurer Joanne Thompson received an enamel pr . Witt y Riley. Sports committee Cheryl and Chuck ,W.rlkonson. ,over the past y+ Children,gammees, 5 and di runner raga Craig.W01494444#4. indsay CCthPu. T 14Cr►wt 40 win Danny Sabrina Brickmarr,, 9, k:F o 0 I sort„Amanda Buckman. Kick the Slrp Potato sack race - Danny Smith, Sabrina; B a Danny Smith,. Sabrina Backman, 3 Ieggedaace Corbett, Caddy scramble, adult games :lend 34 lei Thompson, Pat'•Rrley. 4Clck, We slipper - rata fttley ; 31 Thompson,.Brett It the Life Saver Pass -egg -on spoon. and levl Lucky plate TOO Riley. Lucky cup . Am4ttda,Brickman B„ Dec- - Michael Corbett Birthday m A , r`- Erie °um; L Birthday in' .Dec.- - Tracey Riley. Bir hfam ly;. r.,We#td j! airy Bricktnan. Anniversary in Feb.. Gwen and $rare Harburn. Farthegt i travelled - Joanne Thompson ticket dfaw =on cooler n L'es'Riley. SHUFFELBOARD+WINNERS Shuffleboard Winners in Hensall were: 1i igh Six Game Winners Hugh McKay (389) Dorothy Brinmel (378) Emma Campbell (355) and Ellen Coutts (339) lana. High Five Game Winners John Pepper (271) Pearl McKnight (289) and Eileen Dowson (264) HENSALL NOTES The Hensall Scouting Organization will hold a barbecue and Moving -Up ceremony tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 6 pm at the pavilion in the Playground. Beavers are to bring main dishes, cubs bring salad, scouts should bring two deserts and venturers roll and drinks. The Hensall Reading Circle has been a great success. Sixty children were registered with a large number of those being regulars. Due to conflicting schedules, minor ball, the club will be taking a few weeks off and resuming again in August or September. It was great seeing so many friendly faces at the Fair on the weekend. Congratulations to the winners of everything, and especially to Queen of the Fair Jennifer Dalrymple and runner up Joelle Beaver. EXPLORERS CLOSING BANQUET AND AWARD CEREMONY Monday, June 4th saw the Hensall Explorers holding their closing banquet and awards ceremony for the year 1989-90. The families of the Explorers were invited to the dinner and there were nearly 60 people here in attendance. Guests were greeted a the door by the two Chief Explorers over the past years, Kari Taylor and Katie Rathwell. The potluck dinner was delicious as usual, with the parents bringing their favourite dishes. Louise Weed started off the evening with the'welcome to the guests. Each of the special guests was then introduced by the Explorer who had invited them. Christine Bengough introduced Tim Rowcliffe, who had videotaped the Explorers Peace Service last November, and Katie Rathwell introduced Barb Gackstetter and her husband, Lorne, caretakers of the church. Kari Taylor introduced, Rev. Doug Wright and his family and Louise Wood introduced Bill Rowcliffe, who has provided home made pizzas for the Explorers over the past two years. Jennifer Randall then said the grace, after which everyone completely satisfied their large appetites. Dinner was concluded with a thank -you message from Christine Bengough, who noted ry 3 a oellnloitt pin fern haying triarks,�'. er utst ng ore pld 4r Rand li liocer J er , earned 100% on her uniform inspections icanoe+ forwa4d a nu Tend the,Frayek of'SL u�ghoptthe eyenine sackerthe iris raise u to th mcpts -t�ldtey had viatica about "Vlptat it m ”; to°} h ur t S'd. 13 10 1.•Seaton h 5271140 Sarvtce'..Sieleption • Savings Satisfaction •Teasing Completh;BQDy SHOP Servlcre 4 ►af�at ad;state t 13ta P �an p Wha>1 nil- about". 'pi?lendshtp" and_ „per z.Jenarfer Rau 1� lrPlune of ul .eHt 5.9, :. ollow - b :`•0001 4t3 tTUe Expio xwhen wee Sas he . dot repeat �ir se. and.Mot o,- I Consitt then read''the scriptiut Grit s.1:19�27 in which the nil o is f Two gu then read reports about the Explores spout to Cam Bim' VIES ? Buford on June 1 and urea bell d . . P d ir- tel' of >k,, Ste; � P aA .Katl�RathAvelt told xl�-« ��1gad .;Suttfbltne $boy d Sting; their P®apais 'fium the Sn tftitd .iplorers anj , gem : to V ora. has' �recendy uated` lottow them Tht y spoke about rte delicious meals, the campfine.. t aught "d► honours from the year and marshmallow roast and•desen'be the games, stories and aetiiviuies that Food Service management program • filed the overnight event Everyone then sang'the first ver se fr�oin =`This at Centralia College of Agricultural is My Father's -World". Technology. She has accepted a position ars Cafeteria Supervisor at Chief Counsellor Joanne Rowcliffe then handed out the egos 'for Toronto East. General Hospital. attendance. Each Explorer had to attend a minimum of 25 meeting in order to get hersti r. The foUowing,people earned their star: for a first year Students red star. Anita Phillips and Amy Wood; for a second year blue star; Krista ' Gass. Carolyn Upshall, Kama Consitt, Christine Bengough, Andrea present music Radford, Jennifer Randall: and Priscilla Lambert; and for a third year gold reelta1 star. Kari Taylor, Louise Wood, Lisa Campbell and Katie Rathwell. Lisa Campbell had absolutely perfect attendance and received an enamel pin for The -students of Mrs. Jane Vincent her efforts. The next Stars received by the second year girls were earned recently gave •a piano recital at her by having led the Explorers in worship for one meeting. The following home for mothers a n d girls earned a blue star for their efforts: Christine Bengongh. -Priscilla grandmothers. Everyone performed Lumber, Krista Gass, Andrea Radford, 'Carrie Consist, Jennifer Randall and piano solos and several students Carolyn Upshall. For the third year girls, they not only had to lead the presented piano duets. Explorers in worship, but also had to set an excellent example of what an Those taking part were Caralie Explorer is supposed to be Four young ladies were presented with their and Marcy 'McCall, Julianne and gold stars: Louise Wood, Kari Taylor, Lisa Campbell and Katie Rathwell, Kathleen Ryan, Susan and Mary The Graduation Ceremony followed then with the singing of the first Lou Stewart, Sherri Lynn Hugill, verse of "0 Master of the Loving Heart". The four graduating Explorers Stephanie McDonald, Julie Agar, were: Katie Rathwell, Lisa Campbell, Kari Taylor and Louise Wood. Lindsay Devereaux, Janiceltodney, Joanne Rowcliffe spoke with great affection for these four young ladies, Karen Coleman, Lisa Henderson, who have changed from being little girls to lovely young ladies. The girls Kate Papple and Janice McIntosh. led everyone in the Explorer Prayer and the Lord's Prayer. They then read A vocal solo by Lindsay about the Explorer emblem and about the importance of having Jesus as Devereaux was also enjoyed. our guide in life. For graduating, each Explorer received an Enamel "E" Refreshments were then served to pin. At the end of the graduation ceremony, a special mention was made conclude the evening. about the efforts of three Explorers who will not be returning because they joined the group at an older age. Christine Bengough, Carolyn Upshall, from second year and Anita Phillips from first year were presented with cross pins as a sign of their dedication to the group. Anita Phillips was given a second pin the symbol of the holy spirit, to especially recognize her god nature and loving personality which Counsellor Rowcliffe said never faltered through the whole year. _ Special memories of the year were shared with everyone followed by a closing prayer read by the Counsellor, Joanne Rowcliffe. The banquet ended with the singing of the very meaningful hymn "Pass ;It On". The round of applause of the leaders, Marg Cole and Joanne Rawcliffe was greedy appreciated by them. Both of the leaders wished( all of the Explorers well. ear t 1 to Tickets for Walton Country supper going fast Walton Correspondent MRS. BETTY McCALL 887.6677 UCW On Wednesday evening, both units of the U.C.W. met for th general June meeting in the church basement with a good attendance Maxine Houston was in charge o devotions assisted by Sharon Godkin, Shannon Craig, and Lori McClure. A film of beautiful pic- tures that were taken when seven youths from this area, along With Maxine, visited a camp up north early last March was shown. It showed the inside of their camps and their different activities. It sounds as if it was a good experie- nce. Dorothy Sholdice conducted the business, opening with a poem. Doreen Hackwell read minutes. Treastuer's report was given by Leona McDonald and correspon- dence was read. An invitation to the U.C.W. to attend Bluevale meeting on Wednesday June 13 was read. In June, Walton I unit is in charge and Walton II looks after July. The board meeting next month is Dorothy Sholdice's home. COUNTRY SUPPER Country supper tickets are avail- able for the meal at the church this Sunday evening, but they can be purchased at the door. Other social e functions were reported by Karen Hoegy. Conner Contest leaders . from Walton 1 unit reported they at both had received the same amount of $172.00. Dorothy closed the meeting with prayer. A social half hour followed when cake and ice-cream and a cup of tea was provided by Marion Godkin, Gloria Love, Doreen Hackwell, Pearl McCallum and Helen Craig. W.I. NEWS The Walton Women's Institute Cranbrook library ready. to move to its new home Cranbrook Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 will hold their beef noon luncheon on Wednesday June 20 at 11:30 a.m. The International Affairs meeting of the Institute meeting at 8:15 p.nt. will have as their special guest speaker David Baan. Guests from other Institutes are invited. The roll call will be "Tell or give a current event that happened in a foreign country". Legion representatives attend Convention This week, the Dominion Conven- tion of Legion members is starting in Vancouver, B.C. This convention opened Sunday and will continue until sometime this Thursday. What changes will be made resulting from this convention will be made known to the Branches in due time. President Gordon DeJong and his wife Mary are attending the con- vention with two other couples from the Branch, and it is hoped that they enjoy their stay in Van- couver. In last week's Expositor in the editorial section, Paula Elliott paid the Legion as a whole and our Branch in particular a very nice compliment. It is hoped that all LEGION NEWS by Gordon Scott members read this article, as this makes those who give of their time so freely for the Legion feel that their time has been well spent. The Legion does care and will Remem- ber. The Zone golf will be played a week Saturday on June 23. Seaforth has four teams entered, hoping to gain a berth in the District final to be played August 11 at Goderich. 4--17413, C.TRI JOHN ELLIGSEN The Cranbrook Branch Library will move from its' present location in the home of Mr. and Mrsjohn Saxon on Monday, June 18. Clients who wish to return books or borrow books may go to the new facility at Cranbrook Community Hall on Wednesday, June 20 form 7-9 p.m.. Mrs. Cormie Newman is our new Librarian. The Grand Opening will be Friday June 22. Mrs. Saxon and Laura visited in Toronto last week. They attended the funeral of Laura's great uncle, Rev. James Leonard. Donna Knight flew to Vancouver on May 20 to spend a few days with her daughter Joanne. After a short vacation in Vancouver they drove back to Ontario by way of the linked States. The Branch Golf is scheduled for July 7. Anyone out of town wishing to play, please get in touch with Linda Gridzak as soon as possible. The Ladies' Auxiliary had another successful Sunday Dinner last Sun- day and are planning to have another one in July. Thursday, June 14 the Branch will hold its June executive meeting and the next -regular meeting a week later, June 21. Bar Roster: June 14 - Howard James; June 16 - Errol Skillender; June 18 - John Lansink; June 19 - Steve Hildebrand; June 20 - Don Pletch. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember n plan to attend a, COUNTY WIDE - PRIVATE HOME CHILD CARE PUBLIC PLANNING AND: INFORMATION ' SESSION to be held in Wingham June 19 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall Clinton June 20 1:30 p.m. in the Committee Room (above police station) Exeter ' June 30 7:30 p.m. at the Old Town Halo Get Involved . Huron County This is your community. You make the difference For more information call WOMEN TODAY 482-9706 **********************************************************r. • «• 4. f • « * • 4. « * r * * * _.. r r * * *r Congratulations To Barry Miller on the purchase of* Hensall Livestock* Sales Lt"d.... ' We wish you much success in the future Hensall Cattle Co.* Greg Hargreaves and Victor Hargreaves* Thank you, .Buyers 1990 Hensall Calf Club Bu ers g0 1' 345-2447 - LTD. R.R. 4 WALTON "You name it ., o We'II wire it" RESIDENTIAL • FARM • COMMERCIAL - POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION 'HYDRO POLES TRENCHING 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE CaII Today! RALPH WOOD RANDY WILSON `IiRA'CE ;B , -"Ari t Buyers of top calves - Ed Mosterd of Hensall Co -Op bought Valerie Ryan's championship calf for $2 per pound and Dale Good of W.G. Thompson's purchased David Ward's reserve champion for $1.45 per pound. The Hensall Calf Club wish to express their appreciation to all the buyers who attended the Hensall South Huron Calf Club sale Saturday afternoon and who, by their brisk bidding, made the show a success. It is support such as this which enables the committee to carry on with the program among the young people in our communi- ty and we know everyone shares a pride in their accomplish- ments. 1990 Hensall Calf Club Buyers Buyers - Grand Champion plus 1 A & H EMA catf - Hensall Co-op Food Market 1 calf Reserve Champlen - W.G. Knechtel Food Thompson Market 1 calf Darlings 6 calves Gibson Feed & Seed Veals Meats 2 calves Lucknow 1 calf- Ulch Transport 1 calf Norwich Packers 1 calf Ulch Trailer Sales 1 calf Merner° s Meats 1 calf Cook's of Hensall 1 calf Talbotville Bender Abattoir 1 calf Livestock 1 calf Gower Welding 1 calf JGLMooseiawJamieson Gilroy Hay Mutual ins 1 calf Livestock 1 calf Dave Watson 1 calf Hensall Livestock 1 calf Hydes Farm Equip 1 calf Haugh Tire, Clinton and Exeter 1 cat, Thank you to Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd., for the use of their facilities and supplies. Auctioneer Larry Gardiner, M.C. Den- nis Martin, Judge Les Falconer. Thank you to all the buyers, helpers, donors of trophies, money, articles and rosettes. Your tremendous support and generosity is greatly appreciat- ed by the Hensall Calf Club: