HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-06-06, Page 14tai' -T ,THE illiitO„itl EXPOSITOR, JV 1990 37, NOTICE TO CHEiDITO IS MAX Ng14; n� rf,fE `baoheior •0-p r(tnettt, r$30? 00 per 'month,; Ava able May, 1'F ua.lt 393-6921. 26184f ONE tiE4,RQQM APARTMENT- 1' t}vo, kledroOln apartment in' Seaforth Ir�aO 315.2701. ?6'23 3 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, Main. Floor,, appliances and heat included, no pets. Phone 527-2768, 527--1577 or 1-271-3591. 26.23 -1 27. FOR SALE OR RENT: rde t ki s ,t I,lnyentpty T0dLr,Ct th`fon 4Ctio►f / Juba , 1t 30. a Rf ; fpr �it�!'i i30fa� Equipment oL" 5tay11$r 1- + rd• New • Hohantl,and:.l (JnIYersui Dates ,tiwy, Al,. West,Ol i e t'(- a elle eon -T Ste 'n r, : u n X4 i. ..,y. a !� . pm n. - . rd d tion. Pppga for deistic (705) 34-28 bo, '9 Ki iii (iBADi 3452564 NEW .AND USED Satellite systems, rent or lease to own with easy monthly payments; also, repairs to all makes. L & A Southwest Satellite, day or night. 5249595. 27.23 -tf 28. WANTED TO RENT JIM PRESZPATOR 62a,0185 'i' CALL JIM,- REGOR 8Ii4L AixrTTER 5:00 P.M. * HOUSE - May be farm house in Seaforth or East on Hlghway,8, phone 527-1970 after 6 p.m. 28-23x3 29. FOR RENT 30 ACRES OF PASTURE for rent. Phone 527-1885. 29-22 -2 31. NOTICE MOW' A. A. IF YOU THINK you have a drinking problem, Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650. 31-23 -tf 32. VACATIONS Doug Jacob & 1811ie Ross 2714804 or 3934214 AUCTION REGISTER THURS., JUNE 7 AT 6:00 P.M.: Auc- tion Of appliances; Heintzman piano; two dining room suites; antiques; misc. Items to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre,185,Herbert St. in Mit- chell for Bill Chambers and the Em- bro United Church Manse. SAT., JUNE 16 AT 11:00 A.M.: Clearing auction of appliances; fur- niture & misc. items,to be held on Huron Road in Sebringville for Bob & Donna Watson. • THURS., JUNE 21 AT 4:00 P.M.: Large auction of antigdes & collec- tables to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell for Betty Diebold. CLARE BURT TOURS is going cruis- ing! Whale watching on the Saguenay, August 1990. • cruising the St. Lawrence * and ° California and Panama Canal cruise, September 1990. * from Los Angeles to Ft. Lauderdale. Call (416) 451-4944 or 1-800-268-3090: -- 32-23 -bc 33. EDUCATIONAL YOUR FUTURE starts with...Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Financial assistance on ap- proved credit. 1-800-265-0400. Cam- bridge. 33-23 -bc FREE: 1990 Guide to study -at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Aircon- ditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. 33-23 -bc MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. Class AZ -DZ Professional Transport Driver Training. Careers? Financing? Tax Deductible? We've got the answers. Markel institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265-7173. 33-23 -bc 34. AUCTION SALES RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON - 482-7898 SUN., JUNE 10 AT 10 A.M.: Antique fur- niture and glassware collectibles & tools, etc. for the Estate of Gladys Wright of Seaforth and Lucy Sills of Seaforth at Lobb's Large Auction Barn, Bayfield Road in Clinton. THURS., JUNE 14 AT 6 P.M.: Antiques, dining suite, furniture, glassware, household effects, tools, etc. at Lobb's Large Auction Building in Clinton for Alex and Helen Chesney of Seaforth,• SAT., JUNE 16 AT 10 A.M.: 15 ft. boat trailer, 35 hp motor, powersaws, wood lathe, hand tools, riding mower, 2 miles north and 1 mile east of Bayfield for Jim Cox. CLEARING AUCTION SALE • Antiques, Household Effects and Farm Machinery for George C. Powell, RR #1 'Auburn SATURDAY, JUNE 16 10 A.M. Full Listing Next Week. Dorothy or George Powell 523-9683 AUCTIONEER: Brian Rantoul 351-2349 LARGE AUCTION SALE Antique furniture and glassware to be held at Lobb's Large Auction Building, Bayfield Road, Clinton for THE ESTATES OF GLADYS' WRIGHT and MRS. LUCY SILLS of Seafortli S" !'NDAY, JUNE 10 at 10 A.M. Nine piece dining suite (real nice), china cabinet, buffet, almond 30" electric stove 4 yrs. old, smell chest freezer, Inglis square tub wringer washer, 3 old fridges, spin dry washer, hooiier cupboard, phonograph, pine pedestal table, 4 antique dressers with mirrors, 2 - 4 piece bedroom suites; cedar chest, planer„dialog table w/5 leaves, 1�varal 1runki, captalnri chair; Dai- ren Phyfe dining table, wicker high chair, Boston rocker, sectional bookcase, small dosk and chair, blanket box, spool bed, 5 rocking chairs, small wardrobe, new Bon- thron chair, iron bed, rope bed, 2 antique wooden beds, 3 washstands, brass type bed, French Provincial chesterfield and chair, French Provincial end tables, sew- ing stand, gun stock chair, colour TV, B&W TV, music cabinet, modern recliner, round wicker table, table lamps, floor lamps, large wall mir- ror, baby crib, treadle sewing machine, several wooden chairs, good offering of bedding, towels & linens, 1936 Dionne Quintuplets calendar, old newspapers, pictures, large offering of dishes. glassware, collectibles including .Nippon, Noritake, 2 Coco pots, depression glass, corn flower, Royal Doulton figurines, plates, cups & saucers, etc., jewellery, sterling silver ring, plus garden toole, etc., plus much more than listed. Handmade quilts. NOTE: 2 Auctioneers sailing,at the same time starting at 10 a.m. Terms - Cash or cheque with proper I.D. AUCTIONEERS Richard Lobb & Burt Lobb 482-7898 �r trrrasre*ern_ , cit ala Irl Burotn Ceun addreated to the •Hgrog .crtatiy Hoard of}Edu0ay11ii, 1Q3.4lbert street. Clinton, Ontario; •NOM 440. will be re0eiyed"by *be. Hoiai'd. Qmce be: m1,00:,p m 1�l time' ole ur&Stiiy,, *71iwte 21 1813Q. t rteratlgne• Va1n"titita public e0hgol • 2 Ili lir ertartine aii0400ot crwigiy south Huron 1llstriet H gh t, tidied RKtiter 3, Alter tions to-Constit* NA Techxlology lShopg Central Hided Secondary School - Clinton 4, Alterations to West Wing Central Bruen 8econdtay School - Clinton Bid Bond or Certified cheque in the amount of 10% of each individual tender price must company each tender. The successful contractor shall provide a 50% Performance Bond and a Labour and Materials 'Payment Bond. Tender documents are available on June 8, 1990 upon payment of a 6100.00 deposit per set at the following offices: Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz 516 Huron Street Stratford, Ontario N5A 517 The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario • NOM ILO General Contractors may submit tenders on one school or any combination of schools. Contracts will be awarded on the. basis' of tenders received on each individual school alteration. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • . Joan Van de Broad( a " Bob Allan (0, hair .dramas, Director w 1 E. tt ThP EstatY Of RCfA,ERT SC TT MCMICHAEII /t6'persons hoving 4fgims agAi4'4#a1l e pstgte:of ROSElf $CDTTMEA11P1w,:ror .late of the Township of McKillttflpl rife; County of Huroii,;.deceosed, vyho lied to 'or about the 2lth day of MA ,199k; 1.p hereby inotified to saodf,litl kat SAiculers of their dolma fo the n Orsfgn ltd On or before the 13th flpy pf June; 1990, after which date the °sets will: be7,diStrlbuted haying regard only to claims. Then received, p„Amp at Seaforth, Ontario. thisA8tb day of May, 19Xt. PAWN 5M!Tt1., Barrister -and -Solicitor so Goutlnioek•Street KA. SOX 109 Seaforth Ontario NOK IWO Solicitor for the Estate 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY Lioness! run ailt The Alia. wed. WAA held At Dinettes restaurant with 19 1.110111ber0 Present as :wejl as Sus ,guest, Beal le The minutes,were read and �ap raged, along with the trf;as*11 s, .£ ildrte 4 venation of $5Ofl `will be 'miade`to the Hospital Bulltting l• and This includes our iFttttd `aisin# from the Quilt 'donated by,, -Mrs, paleen which tickets' were sold; "Living Colours", a presenta- tton ;oft decorating; in conjunction With Hildebrand Paint and Paper and • our Easter pie sale, held at 1-44)11s- .-- yons,-- The Lioness' attending. the Stoney - Point brunch reported a good time had by all. The convention was made a little more exciting with Lioness President Colleen Lindemann's decision to hold the position of 1st Vice at the Cabinet level. This makes for an exciting year ahead, as we get to campaign at the next convention in the Spring of 1991. She will be running for President of the District Cabinet. A donation of $50 was made to the Cancer Society. The officers training school was held on. May 27 with Lioness' Marj, Colleen & Heather attending. The fireworks display is fast ap- proaching and the club was asked if it would be interested in collec- ting the money at the entrances again this year. Six TJnnees have gate Ly to ' toot A Special ,Olympics more( was set n, with the law e> went from Huhn 'Cotinty a_ orifi►1e'!3 Uafoirth,yi?nlf+cg eel 'Otanitari4 ran a th t9 cries in all -areas 0 the ptulviuet. from June 4 to 7. The run Gonchtd- ed with a ceremony at ,the Skydome on June 7. We had three children from town participating,, A donation of $50 was made. to, Paul Holmes who participated in 'the run. A special award was given to the Lioness club at the -convention: dt was a certificate .of appreciation for "Skills of Adolescence." We were quite honored to have received this. Executive for treat year is as follows: President Marjorie Rock; Secretary - Mary Margaret Nash; Treasurer - Heather Bennewies; Bulletin - Heather and Colleen; Tail Twister - Georgina Reynolds; Directors - Colleen (Past Presi- dent), Betty Hulley and Janet Cluff, 2nd Vice - Heather Bennewies; Entertainment - Frances Teetero, Marlene Devries, and Susan Dick. The June meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 19 6:30 at Lioness President Colleen's house. We will -be barbecuing. Members should bring whatever they volunteered to bring, and don't forget lawnchairs. • 51Nt3 •SOFF •t:ASCIA .ALUMINUM & VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS *STORM WINDOWS & 000RS •EAVESTROUGHING QUALITY RENOVATIONS! FREE ESTIMATES! OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE EPurifiner; WATER SOFTENERS 37. NOTICE TO CRE:' ITORS Drinking systems Iron Filtere Call George Mills 524-8490 or Herman Ramaker collect at 4132.9948 (no Sunday calla, please) v 37. NOTICE TO ' CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of ENOS BOSHART All pardons having claims against the estate of ENOS BOSHART, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of January, 1990 are hereby notified to send in full pqr- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 131h day of June, 1990, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 14th day of May., 1990. RALPH SMITH Barrister and Solicitor 20 ooulnlock Street P.O. Box 159 Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO Solicitor for the Estate 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY Fuel 011 Furnace Repair and Cleaning Faratchek's Maintenance bltl llfi,345.,2235 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS 1 The Estate Of - LAWRENCE MURRAY ALL PERSONS having claims against THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE MURRAY, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 10th day of April 1990 are hereby notified to send in hill particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of June, 1990 after' which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 18th day of May 1990. McCONNELL. STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers. &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of LUCY KENNY ALL PERSONS having claims against THE ESTATE OF LUCY KENNY, late of the Town of Seaforth, In the County of Huron, who died on or about the 8th day of April 1990 are hereby notified to send In full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of June, 1990 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 301h day of April 1990. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of IRENE GERTRUDE SMITH All persons having claims against the estate of IRENE GERTRUDE SMITH, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of January, 1990 are hereby notified to send In full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 13th day of June, 1990, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED of 3eaforlfft, Ontario this lath day of May, 1990. RALPH SMITH Barrister and Solicitor 20 Gouinfock Street P.O. Box 139 Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO Solicitor for the Estate 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY VEA1S Abettolr and Meat Market' , Hwy. 83.3!5 mfieS east of Ei(„ :r, 235-1123 ' Try' its far' .' CUSTOM KILLING a(rld •MPROt ES'SING kin Days • tuei;days bUli siltiACTY Home Cured and smoked meats prOgessed exactly ilii Way you Imre it. 39. CARDS OF THANKS CROCKER Joey and I would like to thank all our friends and relatives who brought gifts, cards and flowers to us in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. A special thank you to my husband Dave, for all his love and support. Thanks again. Karla and Joey Crocker. 39-23 -1 CROZOER My sincere thanks to Dr. Maciver, Dr. Quinlan and nurses at Stratford Hospital and to Dr. Underood and staff at Seaforth Hospital. Thanks io Rev. Cheryl -Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa for her visit and to all who sent cards, made visits, or telephone calls. Many thanks to my niece Brenda, to my friend Edith and to my neighbours in Harpurhey. Thanks to my family for their concern and support. Anona Crozier. 39-23x1 MCIVER Many thanks to my family and friends for flowers, treats and cards received while in the hospital. Joan McIver. 39-23x1 SEAFORTH GIRL GUIDE ASSOCIA- TION wish to thank all who contributed to the year end banquet making it an enjoyable event. Special thanks to the Seaforth Legion ladies for the delicious turkey dinner and to Velma Miller for the beautiful anniversary cake. 39-23 -1 40. IN MEMORIAM MURRAY In loving memory of our mother and grandmother, Marion Murray, who passed away June 7th, 1989. Our love doesn't go away, You walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed, and very dear. Lovingly remembered by Brian, Wendy, Jason, Kara and Katie. 40-23 -1 TOWNSEND In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Elmer, who passed away two years ago June 8, 1988. This month comes with deep regrets 1t brings back the day we will never forget. Loved, missed and remembered always by daughter Erma Mae and family. 40.22 -1 TOWNSEND In loving memory of Elmer G. A. Townsend, who passed away June 8, 1988. Sadly missed by his wife Dorothy, children and grandchildren. 40-23 -1 BISBACK In ,loving memory of a dear mother, Mother -In-law and grandmother Irene Bisback, who passed away June 10, 1989. A face that is haunting us ever, A voice we are longing to hear, A smile we'll remember forever, While We try to forget every tear. f A sad, but sweet remembrance, A memory fond and true, And heartache, mother,. for you. Lovingly remembered by Calvin, Patricia; Phil, Rose and Tracey, 40-23x1 FLOWER SUNDAY - St. Thomas Anglican Church had its annual Flower Sunday June 3 and Kirsty Currie (left) and Kathy Southgate helped plant flowers in the church flowerbeds. Oxford photo. Horse clink attended in On Saturday, June 2 the Seaforth 441 Horse and Pony Club held a health clinic for horses at Doug Riley's farm in Winthrop. The Canadian Equine Dental Technicians, Ken and Don, did a seminar and explained to the 441 members, the importance of having their horses' teeth checked. Each 441 member had their horses teeth floated and wolf teeth were remov- ed if required. Local blacksmith John Muir trimmed the horses' hooves and reset shoes and Dr. Bill from Kirkton Vet. Clinic came to give their horses their required 'shots. for 4 -Hers Winthrop The 441 members felt that the rabies and lock-jaw shots were the most important. All the 4-H horses that were there had a coggins test done, a requirement for their achievement day at Seaforth Fall Fair. The 4-H members were glad to have Doug Riley and Brian Mac- Donald on hand to help them hold their horses, and supply the facilities to hold the clinic. A lear- ning day was had by all that attended. The next 441 meeting is June 13, 7 p.m., at Ryan's house. 40. IN MEMORIAM MURRAY In memory of a beloved wife, mother and grandmother, Marion Therese Mur- ray, who was taken suddenly June 7, 1989. Little we knew when we awoke that morning The sorrow the day would bring The call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear. You didn't have time to say farewell Or for us to say goodbye You were gone before we realized And only God knows the reason why We think of you in silence And often speak you name But all we have are memories And your picture in a frame Our hearts still ache with sadness Our silent tears still flow For what It meant to lose you Few will ever know. Lovingly remembered and sadly miss- ed by Frank, Danny and Sharon, Tom and Brenda, Brian and Wendy, Laurie and Collein and grandchildren. 40-23 -1 41. PERSONAL • LOSE WEIGHTI ' Lose up to 30 lbs. in 30 days with "Diet Disc Pro- gram". No hunger. Lose In- cheslcellulite• Earn $$$ as you lose. Dana 1-416-550-0233 tolltree. 41-23 -bc TONING - 30 DAY UNLIMITED $45; Tanning - 12 sessions $49; Body Wraps 3 for $99. Slender Concept, Mitchell. 348-4144. 41-23 -1 42. ENGAGEMENTS WOLFE-VAN BAKEL Mr. and Mrs. John Van Bakel and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Wolfe of R,R. 1, Bor- nholm, wish to announce the forthcom- Ihg marriage of their children Donna Marie and Douglas John on the 16.,. of June 1990. The ceremony will take place at St. Patricks Roman Catholic Church, Dublin at 3 p.m. 42-23 -1