HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-09-06, Page 22 MIJBVR WS Are the most valuable vegetabln of the e remediesifo diet els. Vases the Liver, Stomach, a gd tow Mal( >Ereadanhs Jaundice, $east.ourn. inesss,'Blotch $ and P11or the n al s.h, M • �ah* Liver Complsinmt, $ailoW 'Water ifti3ttddir Complexion. year, which representsan increase of 2,914„321 lbs•, and an tuorease in value Of $1,283,004 Of Canadian bacon, 318 173,242 lbs valued at $1t,563,610 were told in Eng- land, which is a ouusid: ruble deoreese tram the precedieg year, when the trade wee 116,705,157 lbs , worth $12,180,817. Oanadiate wheat exports to the motherland in 1005 were 36,027,092 huh - els, as oonipared with 11,280,407 in the previous twelve months. Canned meats to the amount of 13,- 003,781 lbs., valued at $1,349,880, wore I marketed in Britain, compared with 39,- 190,651 the., valued at $3,525.250, in 1005. Of cattle, 166,278. valued at $11,070,- 805, were exported to the motherland last year which about equalled the :rade of 1005. Sales of Canadian eggs in England in 1906 totalled 2,588,977 dozen, valued at $448,468, as eompared with 5,352,485 dozen in 1905, of a valve of $660,610. SWieten the breath and clear away all wads and poisonous matter from the system. a. bottle or 5 for 1.00. An dealers or Tus T ,Marinas Co., tea, Toronto. govt. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this offioe not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes meet be left not later than. Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of eaoh week. ESTABLISHED 1872 IIE \Vii inAhi 'TIES. R. ELLIOTT. POBLIa8Hn AND PRorBINTOP THURSDA$, SEPTEMBE 7, t906. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The London Tribune, in the course of some appreciative oomments on Sir WiI- liam alnlock's speech at the opening of the National Exibition, mistakenly attri- butes to him the remark that "Canada is the only country worth living in." He did nee these words, but added others -namely. ''that is not burdened with great military debts handed down by previews generations." Siuoe the passing of the act last year by the provincial government giving veterans of '66 and '70 and the South African war their choice of 160 acres of land in New Ontario or $50 in cash, the number of applicants proving their claims and asking for the money has now totalled the amount of the claims to be over $10,000. More veterans are anxious for the cold Dash than they are for the land. In Ontario only British subjects may hold an office, municipal or otherwise, which oaks for the administration of an oath. This is a new departure but is a new ;departure but is considered a move in ;the right direction. The coun- cil also has power now to pass a by-law prohibiting the sale of peanuts and fruit on the streets from pneh-carts, and also to give a cut rate on the license fee to a British subject as compared with the fee charged a foreigner. Under the new law the council may take proceedings to wipe out snob pests at the tussock moth and charge the cost as a local improve-. meat. The amendment to the act also provides for the patting down of pave- mente by a:two third vote of the coun- cil. HOW IS THE TIME TUE WINGHAM TIMES., SEPTEMBER 6, L966 QUER =TS. 1 U LN ! ! 1 Lis U Act) Local history of the early 800. . Items :from The "Times" tyles (Froin Tun WITIGUAU Tmuis of Friday, September 3rd, 1886.) NEIOi1801111001) NEWS Oa Wednesday of last week, A. Doan, of Gerrie, shot a hawk which measured 50 iuchee from tip to tip. The rate of texation struck by the Blyth council to utter their obligations Mite year in 17 mills on the dollar, R. Agnew, a graduate of the Clinton H S , has been engaged as le lobar for the ensuing year iu S. S. No. 8. Morris at a salary of $350 J. T. Drill, of the Teeswater cream, ery, shipped a ear load of batter to the old country last week, and for which he expected to receive $4,000. James Murray put through his thresh- ing machine is niue haute on the farm of James 14gIatosh, Tnckeremith, 300 bushels of wheat, 175 of oats and 750 of barley. Summer Is Best Season to Cure Catarrh llyamel Sold Under Guarantee. Sommer is the best time in the whole year for treatment of catarrhal troibles, and we urge every reader of the Times to use Hyomei now and be permanently cured. Unlike , the ordinary treatment for catarrh, there is no stomach dosing when. using Hyomei. The remedy is breathed. through a neat pocket inhaler that conies in every outfit, and its balsamic healing air penetrates to the most remote parts of the nose, throat and lungs, searches ant and kills the catarrh germs, in all parte of the respiratory organs and soothes and heals any irritation there may be in the mucous membrane. Hyomei is not alone the ouly natural treatment for catarrh, but it is the ouly one Bold ander en absolute guarantee to refund the money unless it gives satisfaot- ion. It kills all disease germs and restorea the mucous membrane of the throat, nose aua lungs to perfectly healthy con- dition. The complete Hyemei outfit costs but $1.00, extra bottles, 50c. For sale by all dealers. The .3. T. Booth 00., Buffalo, N. Y. BUTTER SHiPMENT,.,.LARGER. REVISION OF THE TARIFF The following, taken from the latest reports issued by the Ontario Bnrean of Industry, shows the estimated quantity of grain in bnahels produced in Huron county this season: Fall wheat 1,729,. 230; spring, wheat, 293,382, barley, 586,• 440; oats, 2,704.364; rye; 3,570; peas' 909,215; beans, 3.040 and the following is the number of acres bearing veget- ables, hay and roots: Corn 1,01.4; buck- wheat, 501; pasturage, 152,711; hay, 98,669, bearing 119,885 toes; potatoes, 4,688; mangolds, 1,549; parrots, 459! turnips, 5,738. Tariff revision was postponed a year ago bemuse of the accideut which kept Hon W. S. Fielding away from Parlia- ment. At present some speculation is being indulged in as to whether or not it will be put off again,sinne Mr Fielding has been unseated. The chances are that this nnfortnuate circumstance will not interfere with the programme of the coming session to be held in December. There are several scats et present vacant and there is talk of hating them filled by early by-elections. Mr Fielding might as well be allowed to go back again to Parliament by acclamation• He will be retarned anyway, and if be has to face a contest there is no doubt that it will be signalized by au emphatic majority for him. But auppose there is no election, the unseating of Mr Field- ing need not interfere with the dis- charge of his ministerial duties. He will as a matter o: course under our constitution continue to fill the port- folio of Finance Miuiater without in- terruption until re-eleoted. Whether under the circumstances he would care to undertake the responsibility of fath- ering so important a measure as that which will deal with tariff revision may be doubted. If he should decline to do so the mantra, will not suffer seriously. While people of extreme views one way and the other have been demanding radical changes of the customs duties, the effect of the very thorough enquiry which was conducted by the Tariff Commission was to prove that the pre- sent tariff is the best which the country'. has ever enjoyed and that there is no ontcry for a general revision. The probability is that the promised programme will be carr ied out. As out lined by the Finance Minister to Parlia- ment it 15 as follows: "We would have a maximum tariff, as we have the Ger- man tariff to -day, to apply to such countries as do not manifest a disposi- tion to trade with nit, We would have a minimum general tariff to apply to countries which are disposed to trade with ns and then, below that, we would have the British preferential tat iff to ap- ply to the Mother Country and to such William Black, of the Dexter livery, has purchased the tine new brick dwell- ing, on the corner of Patriek and Centre street, from Philip McKibben, the prioe paid, we believe, beteg in the neighbor - hoed of $2,350. This is one of the most haudsome and substantial residences in Wingham, and is farnished with every convenience. On Tuesday afternoon the North Stare of this town played a friendly game of baseball, on the park, with a dab com- posed at members of.a colored minstrel troupe that was showing in town, The. colored team was represented to be a very strong one, but our boys knocked them all to pieces, the score at the end of the sixth innings atandiag 27 to 2 in favor of the home team. A couple of weeks ago while Jas. A. Uliue .vas bating at a cricket match, R. Mo0osh bowled him a hot ball which missed its mark and struck the batter on the right Side, just over his vest pooket. The injury at the time was considered but slight, until last Satur- day it beams so painful that sir. cline consulted it physician and assertaiaed that one of his ribs was broken. LoOAL Nnws, A steam whistle has been added to the outfit of the new furniture factory, and it tooted for the first time on Monday evening at 6 o'clock. What might have proved a very pain- ful accident occarred on Taesday morn- ing last. While Thos. Davidson, em- ployed at Gregory's new block, was wheeling a barrow load of brick`s along a plank placed on top of the joist, the plank broke, and man and brick were together precipitated to the cellar be- neath. Davidson escaped unhurt, with the exoeption of a slight wound on the head, caused by one of the bricks strik' ing him, but he was nevertheless badly shaken up. Returns just published of Canada's' • foreigu trade for the year ending June 30th, 1906, show that exports of Cana- dian cheese to the British market totall- ed 214 877,071 lbs., of a value of $24,- 300,008. This is almost the same quan- tity as found its way the United King- dom in 1005, but the butter prices pre- vailing itt 1906 showed au increase in the value of this trade of $4,126,697. Thirty-two millions nine hundred and four thousand nine hundred and ninety panda of Canadian butter, valued at $6,809,003, found its way to Britain last Relieves Itchin i, colonies of the empire as it may be ex- Heals the kin pedient to extend the benefit of that tariff to. In drawing the line between "those nations that are disposed to trade with as and those that are not so dis- posed," the Minister of finance observ- ed that our minimum general tariff Weald be "far such countries as do not legislate comntercially in a spirit of hostility to us ..perhaps that is not happily expressed; let me say for coun- tries that adopt mora moderate tariff rriewa; IOW tariff countries." Mr Field- ing added that the schedule of maximum duties would be for oountfies which pur- sue &hedtile policy, a policyr that die - omegas trade with us. • HINTS FOR THE HOUSEWIFE A faded dress can be made perfectly white by washing it in boiling cream of tartar water. Two potatoes grated in a basin of warm water will give better results than soap in washing delioate flannel or wool- len goods, ribbons, eta. Tomatoes and milk to be blended must be brought to the same temperature and beaten together vigorously. There is less liability of curdling. To keep moth and Buffalo huge from rugs and carpets sprinkle them well with salt, then wipe with a cloth damp- ened with warm water ;laving spirits of turpentine added in the proportion of a spoonful to every quart of water. (THE difficulty of stopping the dreadful itching, burning sen- sations, and of healing the raw and irritated skin, is what has made eczema, salt rheum and running sores seem impossible to cure. But there is a cure for everyone who will persist in the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment. There is scarcely it neighorllood this country where fir. Chase's Oint- menthas not produced some remark- able cures, and for this reason we • request you to ask your neighbors about it. By its antiseptic influences Dr. Cheat's Ointmeatthoroughly c1eansee the sore to which it is ap- plied, then soothes the irritation and heals the skin. It is useful in scores of ways -wherever there is itching skin or a sore that refuses to heel ; 60 rents a box, at alt dealers, of Edmanson, partes /4 Co., Tor. auto. TOWN DIRECTORY, BPTrar Anusol -Sabbath services at II a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2;80 p in, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, B. R. Fitoh, B•A., pastor. 13.T P U. meets Monday eveutugs 8 p.m. Abner Cosecs 8.5. Superintendent, • MsT]domISTOgpxg1l--Sabbathservtoes at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p m, Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meetiug on Wednesday eventage. Rev. W. G. Howson, pastor. W. B, Towler, M.D., S. S. Superintendent. ' PitusnvTEntax QRUkoxx-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a in and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:.30 p au. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. ,Rev D. Perrie, pastor. L. Harold, S S. Su- perintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHuROH, EPlsooa ora -Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m, San - day School at 2 :30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. T. S. Boyle, M. A., B. D., Rector and S. 8. Superintendent. John Taylor and Ed Nash, assistant Superintendents. SALVATION Anety--Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p in. on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barraoks, BORN, Inglis. -In Wingham, on the 29th alt., the wife of Jas., Iaglis, of Oontts & Iaglie, of a eon. Park.-Ia Wingham. on the 28th alt. the wife of 11, Park, jeweller, of a daug,h ter. Wilkinson. -la Mortis, on the 26t11 alt„ the wife of Chas. Wilkinson, of a son. Wheeler. -In Belgrave, on the 28th nit., the wife of Frank Wheeler, of a son. Watson. -In Balgrave, on the 31st ult., the wife oy William Watson, of a son, A gar3ener is responsible for this piece of advice: If plants are infested with insects, out a potato in half, scoop out the inside, and place it on the soil under the plant. The insects will gradually assemble in it. Many an old faded carpet, that is not worn out, bat that has become unsight- ly, goes to the dyer these days and comes back as good as now and usually more fashionable. A light colored Axminster carpet that did duty far several years in a parlor is now a rich maroon and covers the floor of a reception room. PIenty of soap and cold water and no soda are the secrets of Success in wash- ing board floors, and the wood mast be sornbbea the way of the grain and not round and round, if you want to get the dirt orf. Change the water often. You can't expect boards to be a good color if they are rinsed in dirty water. The moat delicate velvets eau be clean. ed by putting them in gasoline and brtashing with a tooth ooth or eoiuplexion brush. Great nue should be taken, to gaud agsinet an explosion. Gasoline will not take out geese, but teliet coat collars can 1* cleaned by sponging with turpentine. It wilinot Injure #hs nap. The pile May be rased by, Sensing tit. I gement in the Meow of both water: CURES lumns are charged ertion, and 5 cents insertion. Advertisements ,of Strait6d, Farms for Sale or to Rent and similar, $,1;.00 for first three weeks,sertion.ane, 26 oentsfor each subsequent in- CoNTaAOT'RATEB-Tice following table shows our rates for the lnaertioi of advertisements for specified periods ,^- a: 8PA0 . 1 rlt. 6 Mo. 8 Ido. 1140. OneOolumn....,.....$70 240.00 $22.50 88.00 Half Column.....,.... 40._ 25.00 15.00 0.00 Quarter0olumn -..... 20. 12.60 7.50 8.00 One Inch 6. 8.00 2.00 1.25 Advertisements without specifics direotions will be inserted till forbid and *barged accord- ingly: Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Tan Jon Dugan uENT is etooked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print. ing, affording facilities" not equalled in the county for turning out first (flees work. Large type and appropriate ants for all styles or Post. ere, Hand Bins, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print ing. PIJBLIO SOBoor. BOARD. --A.. E. Lloyd (ohairman), J.D, Long, J. J, Homuth, T. Hall, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Rose, O. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in eaoh month. )H, B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher T P KENNEDY, M. L.O, M.P. S. 0. ri • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paidvto diseases of Women and Child; ren. Office hours -1 to 4p. m.:7 to 0 p. m. Moir SoxooLBoaatta-Dr.A, J. Irwin, (chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P. Macdonald, John Wilson, V.S., J. A. Morton, O. P. Smith, W. F. VanStoue. Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Owens, treasurer. Board meets seoond Monday evening in each month. MOH SCHQOL TEACHERS -J. A. Tay- lor, B.A., prinoipal ; J. G. Workman, B. A., mathematical • master ; Miss F. B. Ketcheson, B.A., teacher of English and Moderns. Pusr.Io SoHooL TEAonsBS.-A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brook, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Mee Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Mies Matheson. BOARD or HEatrtt-Thos. Bell, (chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson, Secretary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Offioer. Dyspepsia, Boll, Pimples, Readaehes, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofilla, and all troubles arising from the Stomach, Luer, Bowels oirBlood. of Ballye 0fl$ rrxttes • I Narver would have been la mygrave long ago had 1t not been for Stirdoek Blood. Bit. tors. IWas run dome to such au extant that 1 afraid *cares byo��p�-,Z anent 60 *Mart besdac es, Daclatoitea anti dust- nese-, my appetite was gone and I was usable 60 do mY housawaris. Atter using two bottles of B.11.38. al h fully found my orad. Iwsrallyrecommend it to ail brad and warn out WOtuaa." K MARRIED. Smellie-Murray.-Iu Fergus, on the 1st Inst , Hamilton Smellie, of Wing - ham, to Miss Maggie, youngest daugh- ter of William Murray, Merchant, of Fergus. 4 TrsT4BLIIIRRD 1672 THE WIN61A.1 TIMMS0 is. PUBLIatIRD EVERY THURSDAY MQRNING Tho Times Of lee Beaver Block WINQHAM, ONTARIO, Tease or SuaacalrrloE-$1.00 per annum in advance 81.600 not so paid. No paper disoon- tinned till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the ptibiisber• Arminian% Plana. -. Legal and other casual advertisements 100 perNonppartei line for first Mention, 8o per line for esob subsequent insertion. Advertisements In local 0 10 cts. per line for first 1 per line for each subseque POST OPPIou-In Macdonald Block. Moe hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p M. Peter Fisher, postmaster. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'olook, and every evening from 7 to 9:80 o'clock. llfiss Mead Robertson, librarian. Tower OouNoit--Thos. Bell, Mayor; S. Bennett, David Bell, Thos. Forbes, Geo. O. Hanna, D. E. McDonald and Wm. Nicholson, Councillors.; J. B. Fer- guson, Olerk and Treaaurer; Anson pnlmage, Assessor. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'olook. DIED. Tipling,-Iu Tarnberry, on the 31st nit., Mrs. James Tithing, aged 51 years. • Charles Armstrong of Stratford, bridge foreman of the G T.R , was killed by a fall at London. J. Oborn, of Milk River, Alberta, owns 2,180 Dalaine Merino sheep, from which, according to the Lethbridge News, he sheared 21,441 lbs. of wool. He received $17 35 por cwt. for it, To take rust spots ont of white goods: Hold the stain over the n. tae of a boiling teakett a and drop on lemon jaice. The Spot will immediately disappear. If it is a bad stain repeat the operation. Kt%K _K.Gyc K K%K K&K K &i`i. K&K• BLOOD DISEASE CURED 1 If you ever contracted any •Stood or Private Moue, you ate never safe until the visitant politest has been eradicated from the system. Don`t be satisfied with a atchup"byname family doctor. Our New Method is Guaranteed to " Cute or afar Pity,. 1lo Names _New Method Written conastst. Cured When all Ellie Failed "Codd 1 lire rnx'srly lift over. this teatimoniat would trot be necessary, though I was no more Sinful thea thoudaods of other yosng med. Early indiscretions, later exces-rs, espotinrie to contagioxs diseases all helped to break dorm my system. When I commegced to realize,ny cottditiou I was almost frattic. Doetdr after doctor treated tnebnt only gave tae relief -not Is Care. Rot Spring* helped me, but did hot cure the. Thu symptonsd always returned. Mercury sad Potash drone the poison into my s stens instead it dewing it Ott. I busk the day your New Method Treattttent Was recommended to me. I investigated who on t were first, art ending yos had ever 25 years• experience and re- sponsibltefinaneialty�. I gave yon my tae. Under a gutrattee., Yen cared mr•permanentty, used in six years there hat tot beat a sore, pain. dicer or any other synupt.ol Of the blood disease." 217elosieNewt. 7Se, 0 *NM. CONI,I:Y'. We treat and tors Vsttle.cel., Stead Poised. Nervous Debility. Strletar., . liipotescy, : etr.1 Dram., Kidt.y god Meader Dlesaea.. ratttettitl.I fret. ceettlstt il..ii far ifefs. tattier*** awl *HIM frit. DRS. KENNEDY a KERGlAIlii, 141 *M11AVES'Y ttrl;laittsilt7tS nia'troto ro WC*. K K K K K K K OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Cannibalism still exists in the Poly nesian islands. Ancient Romans ate caterpillars and solve Africans do the same to -day, The Chinese dine off monkeys and eats, while in many countries people eat horseflesh -Russia, Bavaria, Aids' trio, Prussia and France being among them. The naitvea of Guinea love to devour clay and are pale, listless and ambition - less. It is supposed the clay contains arsenic and hence the delight in eat- ing it. Sick people frequently have strange desires for foods. One man suffered so from gastiaigia that he was on the verge of death through starvation. The smallest quantity of food causedex- treme suffering and all methods of treatment failed. Suddenly he ex- pressed a desire for onions, which be detested when in good health. Re was finally given a few onions and no bad results fol!^wed. For three weeks onions were the only food that' passed bis lips and he got well. SAGE OF 'SAWHAW SAYS. DR. AIM/DONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, eto. Offioe-Maodonald Block, over W.MoKibbon's Drag Store, Night calla answered at the office. DR. ROBT.O. REDMONp, M. R.O.S. (Eng) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office. with Dr. Chisholm.• . Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as teachers wanted, business chances, mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the Tams office. This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on appltcation. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. IT PAYS ) VAN8TONE, ,, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. Private and company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged mort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Offioe, Beaver Block. Wfng m J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DIoanisozr Dvnwmr Houma DICKINSON & HD MES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. MONEY TO LOAN, Orsrran: Meyer Block, Wingham. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. An upstart isn't apt to get very far up. You can't even work a slot machine without push. Beware of serapes when brushing against the world. I3eing habitually weary is not evi- dence of retired habits, Be who woos a coquette goes from attraction to distraction. , It might pay a man to retrench be- fore he reaches the last ditch. Most of the sour grapes in this world are the fruit of other men's la• bors. Castles in the air and their archi- tects also are often without visible. means of support, The poor man doesn't mind reserved pews in the churches, but he hopes there are none in Heaven, -Chicago 731x• patch. RURAL PHILOSOPHY. A self -fertilizing crop -laciness. "A stitch in time saves nine!" That adage was never truer than in the kill- ing of weeds. It is customary to wear "weeds" for the dead. The country graveyard gen- erally overdoes the business. A man never knows what he can del until he tries, and he then devotes much of his leisure to wishing he hadn't done it. We observe that most of the smaller towns are supplied with ice cream from city factories. Name a good reason why a dairyman should not get part of this trade, -dural New Yorker. ARTRUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Dootor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Yost Office, Wingham. Ter Y r J PRICE, L. D. S., D. D, 5, . r • DENTIST (Successor to Dr• Holloway) Will continue the practice in the office lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver Block, Wingham. ALES. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Baron. .sales of an kinds conducted at reasonable rates. ,,Orders left at the Taus office will receive prompt attention. • TO ADVERTISE, IN TIIE TIMES FARM ERS and anyone haying live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Teras. Oar large oiroulation tells audit will be strange indeed if you do not get aonstonier, We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Maas and try this pion of. disposing of your stook and other artio RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEbM. .1 APPLES, CIDER AND BOY. Government Report Gives Details! But Is Badly Off in One Respect. A. carefully printed and brainy treat-. Ise on "The Chemical Composition rpt Apples and Cider" has been issued by the United States department of agri- culture. It is a very fine document. It is full 4f big words and sounds like a teeani- cal description of grand opera, written by an expert, declares the Des Moines News. It tells pretty nearly everything that one does not care to know, and neglects to point to the location of an old-fash- ioned cider mill such as you used to know when you were a boy. You remember it? You crossed the railroad track, plunged through a bit of woods auti then into an old orchard where a few late apples were hanging to the trees. Up a hill and down a hill, and then - Smell it? What a question to ask a boy. There is an odor that clings to au old-fashioned cider mill that has the spices of Araby beaten a block, The only thing to compare with it is the kaleidoscopic smell that floats from a drug store in the early summer when they commence to leave the front doors open all' day. And that isn't SO good as 8. eider mill's fragrance. And pretty soon a small boy has opened the door of the old mill and ap- proaches a man. who is handling apples with a scoop shover, and has timidly re- marked: "Please, Mr. Jones, can I have a drink of cider?" TRAINS Leave ]Pott London 6,40a.m•... 8.80p.m. Toronto &East 10.40 a.m6.48 amt..... 2.40p.m. Kincerdine..11.15 a.m... 2.08 p -m.... 0.l5p,m. ARRIV.t BROM Kincardine ....6.40 a.m10.40 a.m.... 2.40 p.m. London......,... 11.10 a.m.• . 7.86 P.m. Palmerston 9.85 a.m. Toronto & East.. 2.08 p.nt.... 9.15 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. i('(A1QADiAN f'AO/1510 RAILWAY,V TRAINS Lnsya rola ',Gemara and East 6.58 a.1n.... 8.84 p.nt. Teeswater - 1.23 p.m....10.51 p.nt. ARRIY'S PROM Teeswater.,...... 643 sm 9.28 p.m. Toronto East epip,m. 77,H.BRUER..gnt,Wngham. 6o 'V' ARS' EXPERIENCE T t,. 'Napa MARKS DESiGNS COPYltIGH'rs C. AtSSne sending rtiaetth and deSetlPtm01107 51,kkly asterta)e nor ortolan free'MI.ettur a lnventlon is probably int#t.tat te. Comtrtenlry oohs strictly confdentlal. handbook oh Patent, sent free, Oldest usury fortecutihR astoute. Patents tagten tarevuth Mtunn 5 Co. reedits spread natio, without Maa itt the Scknii k , titer an. Ahhandsormeliitflxt weekb' .dtyt Wt e(r ivlatiou et arty 10x1. reyttl, 414 mseriIr'eaet�k by s)t herr ityns. ufj *etltrratwat. New ft Ir rt. Wasktaates. In the city the answer would be: "Get out of here!" for In a city a boy doesn't seem to find friends handy. Down in the country it is different, and the answer is: "Sonny, help your- self. You'll find some straws over there. Fill up your skin." Did you ever lay over a cider barrel just alter the nectar has begun t0 "work?" You haven't lived. You drink slowly, and every once in awhile you have to stop and take a long breath, and you wish you had a. neck like a giraffe and a capacity enormous, And somebody says the apples are wormy, and you don't. care, and you ap- ply your lips to the straw again and take it few last swallows, The eider man pats you on the shoulder and gives you a pailful td'take home to your moth- er, and lets yon pick out some of the nicest apples, and that is all. r