HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-30, Page 8a: THE WINGITAM TIMES AUGUST 304 1906. allealbelaela N rti111 14411'4Wle1'Nilk'ffe'thealleS! N 11 Dr. end Mrs. Campbell of Brooklyn, NEWS NOTES. DRINK -f # N. Y. were visiting fora few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis. Miss Jen ,ie Halliday has returned to Toronto after spending her holidays at her parental home in town. Misaea Janet and Bessie Halliday, of Harriatou were visiting for a few days with Mrs, Halliday, Minnie street. A Summer Goods At cost ani ieIow } Till the end of August Carey Dry Goods Co. MINOR LOCALS. -The tax rate at Seaforth for this year is 25 mills. -W ingham Pubic School will re -open on Tuesday next, -The Toronto Fair is attracting a number of people from this section. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Foresters on Friday evening. -R egular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. -Mr. Wm. Nicholson has purchased several building lots on Diagonal street from Mr. D. McKinlay. -Guy Brothers Minietrels have en- gaged the Wingham opera house for the evening of October 29th. -Thanksgiving Day this year is likely to be held on the same day as in 1905, -viz., the third Thursday in October. -The Wingham Business College will re -open on Tuesday next with the old 'staff of teachers, Mr. McKone and Miss Barclay. -Dr. McAsh, formerly of Belgrave, who has been attending some of the hospitals in the olcl °pantry, returned to O1ietou reoeit}y., -Miss Minnie 1'. ]Iiggins entertained fifteen of her Wingham girl friends on Friday afternoon and evening last at the home of her parents, "Maple Ave," Turnberry. -The number of people carried from Ontario on the western harvesters' ex- cursions np to date is 12.582, nearly 2,000 more than for the corresponding period of last year. -Raymond & Poore's Company play- ed "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" in the opera house on Monday evening to a very good house. The company is a very good one. -The work of building the fences, sidewalks, etc around the new post office grounds have been completed. Forman Patterson and his workmen leave made a good job of this work. -At Seaforth on Wednesday of last week, a football game between the Hu- rons and the Corinthians from England resulted in a tie, each team scoring one goal. Fully 3,000 people witnessed the game. -The brick work on the new High School was completed on Tuesday. Considerable of the lathing has been done and workmen are now busy putting on the roof. The contractors are push- ing the work. School Books Scribblers, Copy Books, in neat 'variety. Pens, Pencils, Slates. School Bags, leather and canvas, all sizes. Stationery, ,,,, Look out for Stationery Window on Saturday. -Monogram Note Paper -Swiss Lawn -Dutoh Fabric -Holland Linen -Irish Poplin -Shamrock Linen and all kinds of English mild foreign, plain And ruled, regular up-to-date stationery. Secure the best for the lowest price, at the ' Big Book Store.' Miss K. M, Fisher Suooeseor to Oboper Oa Co. - The C. P. R, is putting on a new train that will make the trip from Que- bec to Vancouver in 93 hours. -The Salvation Army has• made ar- rangements to bring about 25,000, im- migrants to Canada next year. -Next Monday will be Labor Day -a public holiday -and the business places of Wingham will be closed for the day. - Mr. Wm. Mee and family of Ford- wich wish to thank the people of Wing• ham for their kindness and sympathy in the family's recent sad bereavement. -It is rumored that there will be a big increase in the price of leather this year and consequently in the cost of footwear. The scarity of bides is the cause. - In their tour through Canada, the British Bowlers played against 175 Canadian rinks, making a total of 3,897 shots to the Canadians 2,825. Mr A M Crawford's Wingham rink was one of the fourteen rinke that won from the Britishers. -Mr. J. B. Cummings is having his house on Shnter street, now occupied by Mr. 0. M. Walker, thoroughly over- hauled and fitted up with ell modern conveniences, bath, electric light, etc. The house will be ocoupied by Mr. J. A. Taylor, Principal of the High School. - Messrs. Brown & Irwin have taken charge of the Wingham evaporator and are prepared to pay the highest cash price for good sound apples that are large enough for peeling. They also want girls, boys and men to work in the factory. See ad`t in another column. Mr, and Mrs. John Skilling, and son Harold, of Teeewater, were visiting at the home of Miss M. McLean this week. Miss Minnie Carr is attend lige the millinery openings at Toronto afte>; which she will take a position at Palmer- ston. Dr. Mary I, Flndlater, of Boston, Mass, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Fmdlater, 2nd line of Morris. Miss Rea Cameron, who spent a few weeks visiting with her parents, Mr. end Mrs, John Cameron, returned to Wash- ington, Ind., on Friday. Mrs. Jas. Beldon and children have returned to their home in Winnipeg, after spending the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich Ander- eon. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Price are in To- ronto attending the wedding of a friend. The doctor will return home on Monday next, but Mrs. Price will be away for two weeks. Miss Minnie F. Higgins, who has been holidaying for the past few weeks at the home of her parents in Turnberry, re- turned to town on Monday to resume her duties in Barrister Vanstone's office. Mr. D. P. Clark, Principal of the Mul- vey Public School at Winnipeg returned home on Wednesday after spending a portion of his holidays visiting with his sister, Mrs Gavin Wilson, East Wawa - nosh. Mr. John A. McKone, commercial master of the Wingham Business College and Miss Jessie B. Barclay, teacher of shorthand and typewriting, have return- ed to town after spending the holidays with their parents in London and Belle- ville respectively. Dr, Agnew returned on Monday even- ing from Toronto, where he had been for a few days attending the convention of the British Medical Association. About 2200 delegates were in attendance, and the gathering was one of the best in the history of the organization. Mr. Ainsley Sharp, Whitechurch, was in town on Monday making preparation to leave for Sudbury, where he bas seoured a good situation in the office of Hon. F. Cochrane. Mr. Sharp made many friends here while attending the Wingham Bnisieess College, of which institution he is a graduate. -Mr. Holmes, shoe repairer with Mr. R. Johnston is an admirer of tumbler pigeons and during the summer has raised a large number of this variety of pigeons. He now has a number of them at the rear of the shop and it is quite a sight to see them going through their tumbling feats. They are not able to fly any distance. -Much regret was felt over the un- timely death on Thursday last of Harry Days, a well-anown resident of Luck - now. The deceased had for several years conducted a drug businese there, and was always highly public-spirited. Passing away at the sae of forty-seven, his comparatively early demise will be 'widely mourned. -Wingham baseball team will play a match v. ith Kincatdine at Lucknow this (Thresday) ef:3rnoon, This is one of the finrl grimes for the district cup. If Wingbam wins from Kincardine they will play with Lucknow on the park here on Labor Day, and should Kincar- dine win, the final game will be played between Lucknow and Kincardine at the lake town. PERSONAL. Miss 0. Mead has returned home from Milian, Mich. Mr. Harry Shaw is visiting with his sister, Mrs L W Hanson, Mr Keeler, of Durham is visiting with his brother, Mr .1 H Keeler. Mrs, R. A. Kerr, of Duluth, Minn. is visiting with old friends in Wingham. John Wilson, V. S. and Chas. Knoche. tel have returned home from the West. • Mrs. A. E, Gibson, of Seaforth is visit- ing with her Wingham friends this week, Miss Lou Ferguson was visiting with Mrs. G. W. Walker at Gorrie last week, Miss C. Henderson, of Ingersoll is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Pilon. Mrs. John Smith, of Ethel was visit- ing with old Wingham friends during the week. Miss Fisher, of Lucknow was visiting for a few days with her cousin, Mist Mand Robertson. Mr. and Mrs Hemphill of Wroxeter, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrb. Spottott. A MOTHER'S STORY. She Tells How Dr. Williams Pink Pills Saved Her Daughter. Anaemia is the dootors name. for bloodlessness. It is an ailment that effecta almost every girl in her teens. Womanhood makes new demands upon her blood supply that she cannot meet. Month after month her strength, her very life, are being drained out. No food and no care can do her any good. No common niediciae can save her. She needs new blood. New blond is the one thing -the only thing -that can make a healthy woman of her. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cotrc'ly make new blood. That is why they never fail toe cure anaemia. That is how they save from an early grave gores of young girls who33 health and strength depend upo their bled supply. Mrs. Anson 01 Arden, Ont., says :-"Dr. William ink Pills have been .a great bleesin: in my family as two of my daug. :re have used them with marked sac ss. When my eldest daughter was a• int seventeen she begcu to fail •n he? th. Her blood seemed to have t rue to water. She was troubled with' • :adcches and dizzi- nese; the least exe ion would cause her heart to palpitate violently and she could not walk np stairs without stopp- ing to rest. She doctored for upwards of a year, and the doctor said she did not have as much blood in her body as an ordinarily healthy person would have in one arm. The doctor's treatment did not do her a pe..6iole of good. She seamed slowly feding away. Then she became afflicted with salt rheum and her hands were almost raw. About this time a neighbor advised the use of Dr. Willitnis' Pink Pills and she began taking them. After using the pills for a few weeks we could see an improvement;, her appetite began to improve and a trace of color came to her cheeks. She continued taking the pills until she had used thirteen boxes when she was as well and elrong as ever, every trace of the anaemia and salt rheum had dis- appeared and she has educe enjoyed the best of health. Later on my youngest daughter aged fifteen began to lose her health, but thanks to our experience with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills we knew where to look for a care and after using four boxes of the >:ills she was alright again. I have also need the pills myself lot nervous troubles with complete ane- erne." Rich red blend is the secret of health -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the secret of rioh rod blood. They actually make rich red blood, that is why they cure anaemia, headaches and backaches, in• digestion, nervous prostration, heart palpitation, neuralgia, rheumatism, moieties, St. Vitus Dance and the ail- ments that make the lives of so many women and growing girls miserable. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 dente a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co:, Brockville, Ont. Mr. Watson Hodgson, aged 75 years, of Port Perry, was killed while driving over a railway crossing. After doing the weekly sweeping of My carpets, i take a dishpau half full of water, with a cup full of ammonia in it and sweep the wrong way of the nap with it. One cannot realize the amount of dirt that is taken up whioh otherwise would bo ground in. It leaves it fresh looking and likewise preserves it. Black kid gloves generally wear out at the fingertips and then assume a rusty brown tint which is anything but pleas- ing, although the other part of the glove may be perfectly good. When this hap- pens take a little black ink, mix it with a small quantity of olive oil, and apply it to the finger-tips. Leave it until dry and the gloves will be very much im- proved in appearance. EDEN. B1 nnAN-In Petrolia. on August 16th, the wife of Mr. Gibson Bordon; a son. DIED ELLtoTr-In Wingham, on August 26th, John J. Elliott, V. S., aged 42 years and 7 days. BOLT -In Turnberry, on August 24th, Eman- uel Bolt. aged 78 years. DAYS -In Lucknow, on August 23rd, Harry Days, druggist, aged 47 years and 8 months. FALOONER-In Kinloss, on August 20th, Mrs. William Falconer, aged 78 years and 6 months. Some miscreant entered the stables of Dr. E. Bowman, V. S., of Gladetone, Man., and Chopped the hind legs off his horse. WINGHAM Flour Mills There are three things necessary to make good Flour: Good wheat, a good miller,and good machinery. We have these throe in our mill. All the Manitoba Wheat we use is No. 1 ; this is what "Five Lilies" Flour is made from ; the_ strength is not lessened any in 'Five Lilies' by electrical or any other process in order to make it white, but it is white, Hare and healthy in its own naturai strength. So if you wish the best Manitoba Flour be sure to get the "Five Lilies;" do not be put off with any_ other. If your dealer does not keep it, there are plenty of others who do. Our "Star" Flour is very pop- ular, We believe it is the BEST FAMILY FLOUR on the market to- day, as it has the qualities for both bread and pastry. Give your next order for "Star" and you will be satisfied. PRICE LIST Five Lilies floor, bl, $2.25 to $2.50 Prairie Rose " " •2.05 to 2.30 Star -- " " 2.00 to 2.25 Cream Pastry Flour 1,90 to 2.20 Low grade Flour,ton 25.00 to 27.00 Bran, per ton - 15.00 to 18.00 Shorts, " - • 22.00 to 23.00 Screenings - 18.00 to 20.00 Chop, per ton - 20.00 to 28.00 Winter Wheat, bus. .73 to .75 Goose 4. it .70 to .70 Manitoba " .88 to .90 Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town„ HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK. CENTRAL %!/�:��%iG<ie/ STRATFORD. ONT. • Fall Term Opens. Sept. 4th Those interested in Busineee College work should write for oar large cata- logue. This is the largest and best Commercial and Shorthand School in Western Ontario. We give a prac- tical training and assist our graduates to responsible positions. Many of the leading business colleges employ our graduates as teachers. Write now for free catalogues. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. The Bell Telephone Co. OF CANADA is about to issue C ilistie's Coffees ONLY THE BEST AND HIGHEST GRADES . . USED IN BLENDING Popular Prices : 25c and 40c per Ib. These Coffees are the blending of the expert, attained only after years of care- ful study and selection. GIVE THEM A TRIAL. J. Henry Christie WINGHAM, ONT. Successor to R. A. Hutchison. WE INVITE Every parent, young man or woman who is interested in any way in Business Education to write for &copy of our Prospectus. It tells you exactly what to do and why our students succeed so well. WRITE AT ONCE for it. Fall 'Dina from Sept. 4th. Address : W. H. SHAW, Principal. Central Business College, TORONTO, ONT. 4PPLLSJ 5,000 Bushels Want ' at the Wing -ham Ev rator. On and after September lst we will be prepared to .pay the highest prices for Apples large enough for peeling. No small or soft apples taken. We have repaired the building, put in new machinery, and can manufacture 200 bushels per day. A New Telephone Directory for the Distriot of Western Ontario, including the Town of 'Wingham. Orders for new connections, changes of firm names, ()hanged of street ad - dreamt or for dnplieate entries, should be handed in to the Local Manager AT ON0E. P. N. TANSLEY, Local Manager. Also, 16 Girls, Boys and Men wanted to work in the factory. BROWN & IRWIN. SNAPS FOR WESTERN FAIR VISITORS. Don't fail to visit the magnificent jewelry store of C. H. Ward & Co., 374 Richmond street, London, when you come to the Western Fair. Special bargains to visitors in all lines of jewelry. C. N. Ward te Co. LONDON, ONT. Specialists in Diamonds and Cut Glass. DOMINION BANK BANKoFHAMILTOf' HEAD ()FMB : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,339,000 Total Assets, over 42,000,000 WIINCHAM RHANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. S WINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 80th Jane and 81st December each year. D. T. REPBUIN, Ldanager. B "Penitent, Solicitor. WINCHAML Capital paid np, $2000,000.00. Reserve Fend, $2,500,000.00, Total Assets, $30,000,000,00; President- HON, W31, GIBBON. Vt.'s -President and General Manager -J. Tvnxsupn, Assistant Gen. Manager -H, M. WAabon. DIRECTORS John Prootar, Chas.L.Dalton,Hon J.B.Hendrie,. Geo. Rutherford, Qyrus A. Barge, Inipeotor-B. Willson. UA.VII1 GB BANK. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and 'CP -- wards, and added to principal on filet May and. 30th November each year. Spsoial Deposits also received at current rates of interest. 0. P. SMITH, Agent; DIC it NEON & HOL MES, Solicitors. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, 810,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO 'H. E. WALKER, General 1lanager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen't Manage** BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE mcrir » STATES AND ENGLAND A general Banking business transacted. Accounts may be opened and conducted by mail with all branches of this Bank. SAVINGS :BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay what- ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. 1 fiote_Week The Opportunity. Is Yours. One more week will close the Big Summer Sale at the Bee Hive. The opportunity is yours now to make your purchases of needed goods for Fall and Winter wear at tremendous money - saving prices. We Haven't Time to Enumerate. We haven't time to write a long adv., and enumerate items and prices, but we only ask that you visit us this week and you will secure the greatest bargains - we've yet offered. We Are Determined. We are determined to make this the banner week for big selling, and have put into our Summer Sale all our lines of New Fall and Winter Goods. • Balance of Summer Goods. Must Move Out Quickly. This week's selling must move out the balance of Summer Goods. Big preparations are made for Fall business, and we must have every inch of room for our heavy purchases of new goods. To The Fair Toronto BEE Aug. 27 to Sept. 8 ;3.B5 From Wingham, going Ang. 27th to Sept. 8th. $2.70 o Going Aug. 28, 30, Sept. 1, 5 and 7. All tickets valid returning until September llth 1900. For tickets and full information oall on L. Harold, Depot Agent, J. D. •MoDoxALb, Dittrrot Passenger Agent, Toronto. Buy now and save dollars, at HIVE, C ODS COI W 1ti�C.I DRY ONTARIO. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given Haat n B?•taW was passed by the Municipal Connell of the Town of Wingham, on the 6th day or August, A. D. 1006, providing for the issue .of debentures to the amount of $1500.00, for the nnrpoae of mak- int additional improvements to the High School and that such ByLaw was registered in the Registryoffiee of the County of Huron on tho ninth day of August, A. D. 1906. Any motion to quash or set aside the same Or itny part thereof must be made within three months after the Bret publi,•ation of this notice and o*nnot be made thereafter. Date l the 10th day of August 1. D., 1904. J.13. rPR(41'bON, Clerk. The Huron County Weather Insurance Mutual Co. Insures farm property spinet damage • by tornadoes, wind storms, eto. ABNER COSENS AGENT ▪ • 'Vla'IN'GiMAMe