HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-05-23, Page 107 10 THE .HURON EXPOSITOR„ MAY 23, 1990 en in Hensalt Sat. , May 26 visiting the Annual Yard Sale Drop in and check our special prices for this special day Drysdale ,Major Appliances Hensall Ontario The Place to Buy Appliances 262-2728 Open Daily, Fri. - 9 p.m. erchcgrg pfi Ioafoih Merchants Senlpr; l4feir's team .+Opened its easgtl with a 7.3 erg n, a three -run blast, to put thg Mer. s into,a. 4 • lead ?� �off Exeter. in its half of the didn sish e�c ta` 1n itthree truly ubli:,«�.tt . 6� cis r1orrn ince• ur t outing• of e ' St0. for up... ' We to ' G and itWas 7 a team• effort„ y might," he Tin p,% int did a super job` at the platex# , d� mound,•(tWo flits, three A.13 Lal asix hitter) 'What pore.; coni M3, 3'4t► P ie ed that ,it wee '•w e n that won thef r wereii.avart GOges State, enc this year and;I think we're $ung .q to•competitive." 4 tchants *play their next game Lday May 24 m eatertb ,againstSE! Dame timele 530?pin. May 27 the nide in adoul 0 ty ,hard . and it : 7 hits, 3,40.1119,;91;ts, . ;.out)ri);. The defense eter c3 rums 914,6,:blas etiter. The offense and 3 ;errors lslftte}I f . ely hitting and) (2), Akey (2) ° Aubiq We have a nice'blend' Matetieh '11 • 6110',,m1, tiding & -Trim t ,Fascia N pots i,.. Ch1RW Windows •New Replacement- Windows DQWN,40 EARTH PRicFs FULL Wq RANTY,2 to 3 Weeks Delivery": Your Satisfaction is our First, Canetti: ;FREE ,FREE * FREE ., Estimates Warranty Colrnsellif Call: Wit HOLLAND 522i07.17 . ;_ t ; •„ HURON supERIo: MEMORIALS ESTABLtSHEDDOMER 60` YEARS creation Director) Marty Be 9 ; SENIOR GAMES held thus week -Will ,be, tors, Misfile Lietch, Lynne Devereaux, as follows Wed. May 23 - Golf at the Golf Mary Garon, Maxhie Houston,, and Kendra Course 1010 a -m. May 25 - Lawn Popple will guide you through the night. Bowling -10 30 a.m Tues. May29 - Darts'.. „ Legion 7: 30 p,m. porting out and get a esercwi wlnle spp- a entity cause.You veil sat lots NOTE: TO ALL SENIORS THAT WON of fun; and many chances Ao win'prizes. ANY SEAJFORTH.SENIORGAME, the On Friday • May 25 the SPARLING reglstretion forms for Stratford must .be in- BRO.TI HERS. ,CIRCUS will be ° `fit the to the. Seaforth recreation office 'by Wedtjesday, May 30. For information} call Marty at; -527-0082. , CREATIVE • FUNDRAISING ROOSTING YOUR BUCKS Workshop ' - be held oil Wednesday, June 6, 990 "at th Seai`orth and ;District Community Centre , from 7 to 10 p.m. In this Workshop, Gre Bums, the Leader will outline: -. why pe Ole give, sources of funding, 10 rules fe successful fundraising, 80 plus fundrans events/projects, promotions gimmicks fo your campaign, public/private , partner ships, and publications/resources availabi on fundraising. Greg' Bums has been featured speaker at Workshops ;.fo volunteer and professionals at the local provincial, state, national and international level in both Canada and the United States His workshops are' lively, informative, and stress a practical approach. This workshop is /open, to anybody interested. This is a great time to learn how to raise money for your group, or, learn how to promote. your event better. Admission fee for this three- ' hour workshop is $5:00. For information or registration please call the Recreation Of- fice at 527-0882. The Huron County Heart and Stroke Foundation is hosting the Annual DANCE FOR HEART on Wednesday, May 30 at will e s 0- qr ung or a r Serving Clinton and All. of Boron County, MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON Bus: 482-9441 Res.: 482-3664 Evening appointments available Usbor, e & Hibbert Mutual Fire /nsvrance' Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 (Established in 1876) Provides Full insurance Coverage for Farm Properties Now Appllcotlnns Aro Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Jack Horrigan, R.R. 3 Lucan 227.4205 Larry Gardiner, R.R. 2 Staffs 345-2678 Lloyd Morrison, R.R. 1 St. Marys 229.8277 Lorne Feeney, R.R. 2 Dublin 345-2543 Jack Hedgers, R:R. 1 Kirkton 229-6152 Joseph Chaffe, R.R. 5 Mitchell 348.9705 AGENTS Ross Iiodgeri, Woodham 229-6643 John Moore, Dublin 345.2512 Joseph Uniac, Mitchell 348.9012. Head Office, Exeter 235.0350. Fin extinguish.'" for sob to our policy holden of below wit: tWille Oro free , check with your agent. : HEREI HEREI - The Seaforth Lawn Bowling and pot -luck dinner on Monday afternoon, gathering. A few hardy souls headed back their skills. Here, Ruth Beuttenmiller eggs tense round. Oxford photo Club, 'held their first;.,bowl of the season with a ;good crowd showing up for the Mit to the green after dinner to sharpen on her partners bawling ball during a Tweet... � ,�..� ��� �A��,�" ...� �� . �•� Twenty-one at� ippen shoot The Kippen Gun Club has been in action for a while already, and 21 members made it out to the May 15 shoot. Jody Mouserin- john and Jamie Caldwell led the shoot with scores of 25, while the following recorded scores of 24: Bob McPherson, Paul Lamb, Al Kyle, Pat Glazier, John Glazier, Jack Mills, Ed Steegstra, Lloyd Haskell and Brad Mann. Paul Middleton, Russ Beaver and Kevin Clark shot 23; while Lloyd Ven - nor and Trevor Edwards shot',22 each. Don Neil shot 21, and Wayne Prance, Harrison Schuck and Roy Lamport all recorded scores of 20. The results of the May22:shoot will be available ;meat week, with the next shoot scheduled for MO 29 at $:30 p.m. the Seaforth and District Community Cen- tro from rte , tivpi,,etlge sheets are tiyailable . tiled.. og Office,,; lhnere will be a couple of demonstrations throughout the evening, The Wingham Juinp Rope . Team and a Tai -Chi demonstration in which anybody will be able to join in with. Area Fitness Instruc- Seaforth and District Community".Centr s. Showtimes are 5 and 7:30 p rte. No ad - vaned tickets will be sold. Piy,,at the door only. Admission fee is $10 for adults and $8 for children. 'Watch ,the Expositor for more details. '_ SENIOR SHUFFLEBOARD continues every Wednesday afternoon at the Seaforth and and Distract ConununityCentres from 1:30 to 9:00 p rn Last weeks winners were: ladies - Hazil McGonigle (334) Audrey McLean (339) .Men Stan. Mien (390), Brace McLeen (385), Gordon Murray (354). The.-Seaforth Optimist Club,,; has a TORONTO ]0L. ; JAY TRO' organized f "r Saturday, June 26 1990.• The Blue, Jays l play hest to the Milwaukee Brewers , "he price -Of the trip is $25;for adults or`$15.for children, whichincludes your game ticket and the Coach Bus Ride. There are oNy a few tickets rernaining,•if you are iiitLerested in going please call Don Hoffrnan ,at 5271780. • SNOOPYSCHOOL PLAYSCROOL PLAYGROUND REGISTRATION will he held at the:Stator& and 1' listtrict`Cotmnwif. ty Centres on Wednesday, June;13, 1990 from 7 to 9 pm. -All three programs begun on Monday, July 2 +at The Seaforth Public School, Snoopyseliool is for.'ciWdren ages4 to 5 years, playschool is for children ages 6 to 8 years, andhplayground is for children ages 9 ty 12 YA#-�i�oa��r� is $ %0 per child or'thfe'. eiit8'e a program; or $37.00 for half days. Activities include games, films, special days, arts and crafts, trips, sports arid, inany otherbin things for the . call the RecreationOfficeatdren. For527-00882' an r • KYC. ^jfif 4j0°''LL ' 11 r'ki1244yg lier�i"slipping bn t muddy field at the St Cglumban soccer field. Oxtord.;photo. Show your yard who's boss with Cub Cadet's 12.5 H. P. lawn tractor: phis tractor features an overhead valve Kohler engine, 5 -speed transmission, and STANDARD 38" high -vacuum cutting deck. Optional attachments include a 6 -bushel twinbagger, snowthr.'ower, snow blade and thatcher. Everything you need to reduce the time you spend on yard work. Stop in today, and learn how to control.your yard. instead of letting it control you. Medals from10H1 SBAFORT 1 527 -tri go Power Equipment it ator W&i DRILLING 1P W.d. 'Hopper ands Sons Ltd. 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell - Hurl 52z-1731 •5224828 SOCCER IN THE RAIN—garfle went on despite the rain and cold weather in St. Columban May 20. Fans also braved the bad weather to cheer their teams on. St. CoI- umban lost 0-3 against,the Wallaceburg team. Oxford photo. Call Paula or Susan with your Nevus Tips 527-0240 6 Seafo.rthMinor Soccer WY! begirt Old:Wednesday, June ,6from 6:30 to 7:30 p:m. at the,Optimist Park Soccer Field. Below is a hst bf the Players name, who your coach is and what team you're on. .YELLQ, STINGERS -Coach Lynne�Ddevereaux :BLUE BLIZZARDS - Coach Martha Hook .Adam cotter Craig Jervis , ' Michael. Van Bakel Amy Gordon Brad Dillon , Kyle ,Devereaux Steven Wynja Michael Neeb Adam Leonf ardt ' - 'Malinditvta Sampa Chris Morrison Jason Denis Brian Wynja Quentin Bulgiest Marsha Denis Wade Broome Je$slck`Bur°gess Kevin McNaughton ' Luke Wright Mike Delvecchio -Scott ,.WcNaughton SOON. Lent Danny Morrison Lindsey Powell Kris Carrion Kiri} Devereaux Ryan Powel ASSISTANT COACHES . ASSISTANT COACHES • Art McNaughton and Jill Jervis ' Pam Gordon and Etts Delvecchio G',HLEN -- Coach Doug Ludwig RED REBELS - Coach Debra Marshall Seen Ludwig I dtie soma Nicholas Marshall Melissa Devris Li : tWiiaen" atheWowle; Everett Smith Derek Van Drunen 9009 u i akes Bradley Crawford Jason Hulley Billy Gridzak DamelIOLI istner Trevo En el �, g Melissa Van Bake! Gregg Medd Kevin Bl t f ' Katie Thomas• Curtis Smith- Brent O'Reilly Brad*, ' Tomas ' aNie lae'jeneen 1"' Stephen Henderson David Ludw ig • Danny A°tllirl . iso o . Nathan (1llar?shall � N; , ASSISTANT COACHES . ASSISTANT COACHES k., Linden Wills O arld Cavin Wri ght ,.ogre' Doris and Mich* Sol* '