HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-05-23, Page 5�orr� r. oaf rth %des' topple = Eitel; s Pink trt� TH "URIC" EXPC9 JTOR, MAY 2'3, .1990, $Y SUSANo 113 tree brake in twa during Cee wind , ' nide reached speeds= up to 60 km/h ugh winds and rani were prelevent with the brokenliand footbridmb, across the .'Path g t0 ilio ,km/h, It rained kq ge limb had eve and. vault thunderstorms Hurgn County last >veelC, csusu g damage fallen in the oplwsili te on damage Ogg , in places; h3any :outdoor • Iangled eta **lune beim dcuie to a n fortfs.Eioat�sa%wa lar In fence• on Bveztis rte area 'school* t cancelled due e tt z *ate pro rty and a house ..r, � • - _ , te the bad we-ather. ;.►E a ed , to, annuli. re reasr a. gen. Craig Douglas d .. ri,on tlY 16,1990 fa4 Guelph Gey it ltat, weighing 7, 'Mi. '7 ozs P 'oud g. are Mr: anci:Mrs Osilging,@`bfp0.0.0s drat ford and Mr slur tyke of Ser(forthf 4, . u' M h n Yom. aforth' optimists would like o thank the ` merchants of ieaforth that,dohated new:mer-; handise for our first atlnuai garage Sale .Also thatiil rttf & Sous ,t.r ::Flti^i�''i�:.•5t�,dx.�.u�'.''�� . � �t�..Ei}7' i f :c�,�sns; WE ARE SO CONFIDENT IND,t>�. iAia's blown' down liy'the wirltt Tb01 imp tan exafo�lh,, taking, the foot:' lls ' to reads proposal v7nile the • selective �abapdoninent of rail • / . ?'We ve got a maryelousj ° r4 are' service may' make some commuters abandoned railroad right:* -way are ,d the y: the, Ontario' Traits Council has for creating linear green parks >or p four an alternative for abando0,441 y round recreational activities; ¶hese.par rnght of way tliat is bound to p)ease'nnany can be used. by everyone families; younl. Ontarians and the mature adult alike„13i,1.0..tereon The Ontario Tracts Council (OTC) wants tleetmg the; new rail traits? tagith existing to convert abandoned;reilway corridors titratlgka province -wide netwgttk Would be to multi purpose, yer-round 'recreational created If ;!s a; boonr,to tour conserva trails for walkers,: hikers, joggers, tion, tmprovmg the environment, '"health nattuahsts,�eyc ista, ipree.siders, cross and fitness=and trail interest -groups:'•' countrti skiers, snowtrtohilers` and the disabled At its second annual niegtirtg, McCollum esthnates 63 percent, sor mere held :at Black Creek Pioneer Village tfiday, than fivelnidli eir otations 7participate in the OOC eleased its report, "Timis for To• tt•,ail related; a ' ties day and Tondorrow 1 binverting Ontario's ' When•a raiil�gale.-0001,,dor is abandoned, it Abandoned Rail Corridors to Recreational is offered fo sale'first til' the federal . Trails.”•• goVe e ' . rt►m pt,;: taien successive to the pro- vineial govertteat; . muntc pal govern- • Alined primarily at the Provinciafl motifs' adjacent:' d, owners and all. tither ,Government, the report requests govern- interested banking - a; - meet officials to purchase and land bank Land bantling bye she t glean al tavern- - existing and afore went protects the. strategically valuable abandoned d. (uta corridors across On- rail corridor's 'from being: lost to private trite.:• The OTCa designateddo 21 existing de"velopment. It ensures, liYeir availability xist• g for .• trails, parklandy utility, corridors or abandoned corridors that have the highest f possible future rail eerriiline, priority to make an interconnecting •trail . Says.MgCullum, "'the crucial task is to system throughout Ontario. 'Once. the get the government to agree ,to;.purcliSse railway corridors have been secured. by the the land and',then land bank 'the property. Ontario government, the -OTC is suggesting - Because once -lost, It's lost"ferever." - a partnership among the government, .the', McCallum points out that converting OTC and various municipal governments, rails to trails has' been successful in other trail interests groups, and private enter- countries. • tinder the llails+ to: Trails Con - prise to developand maintain the trails. servency•in the United States, 230'eaii Con - riders in 33 states have been converted to Ontario 'Trails Council president mayis rail trails. The Bermuda' government con- McCuilum says the abandoned railway cor- verted its -31 -Mile rail Bine that, runs along riders offer/ the least costsolution for the seacoast into a multi -use trail; which creating an Ontario trail network: has become a popular tourist attraction alines( iQO,kin/ a., naltars$¢i)res we,, coveted' y a 5 -YEAR PARTS AND LABOUR WARRANTY! il'.k5 a o inrj, ;, 020:: Wit'=Pb�erts mq'��,�RQF46D: _2r + r�,' "MI e ar ..1 .•. o f i•. , c d me lie p a 0r �nciudes. rs fro;$race. 4#..'.,00x440001400 soc'ia n 400iy e: *one.Ontari0,130.000.4o f •' oyp4Q g0 Clgbs nd the O,ptsrlo 'Trar1' :$1der A.dsociaon • Carrier ieicomfort people co! f able qrttil you are! 0OFFw�T$ ' €�INGe,; SjIfNIt1ER SWEATERSr., Punted' DRESSES 154YI��OI?a" SLACKS ISHORTS SBLOUSES.E,TORS:10%.OFF SALE ENDS SAT;JuNE 2t:. OPENtDa3*49 to 5:30 RIDAYS, T tx,a rit tQ Y r IVIENPS JACKETS 2.0" DRESS m: SPORT SKIRTS 5%OFF ,. % • SHORTS I.TPSNIRTS'YANK TOPS ALL SALES FINAL. .% MAIN ST; SEAFORTH 5270278 un n Y+< ' S,F k '. e� ' 6 It CLEAN UP WITH EVERY PILL --UP S.).(CIIANGE STUDENTS Huron Centennial students pair up With their twins' -from Quebec at a welcoming party at the school. The Quebec students are in the area for one week as part of an exchange student program. Oxford photo, TR IA,N.G. LE [NBC D• Li • N17„,„, at SPECIALS EFFECTIVE MAY 21 TO JUNE 3,1990 J&kJ REGULLR. OR BABY POWDER SCENT 240 ML. - BABY' O'I:L. DE7DORAN 4oby POWDEF1, 225 G. SHOWER TO SHOWER ' ElAND AID BRAND PLAS1 tC 0'S, LEAK OR„FABRII 40'S, QR MEDICATED..30'S NDAGS : B vER'S, %loo's ASPIRIN TABLETS Praline. R! �,/l .gee, SO0 ML. As,..or your PREF- bar of J�'r I I il' � 'Limit 011kl bar r. ,axions, eiMt with a minimum 2,i litre fill -up of any grade of `eunoia motor fuel, while quantine5last. • SHAMPOO OH CONDITIONER CLOSE;UP, 100ML; TOOTPASTE.ott GEL L i ENESS l6i LII" ty*'i'4 PEAS,;? t1.B: S®,5,. HP00I 4 Il 1 f ` OAS COUPONS od�ril;h St , " a to E04101,a e S t& •1fi4llfiNG 0PCP SALES • a t7