HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-30, Page 6Iiii., ,„,..;...wr ,.....:• . ... . Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges, W. Newton of Harrisburg, fireman ou a freight, was knocked off the engine and killed.. J. Vick, M. C. R, aeotionman at Brownsville, was struck by a train and instantly killed. "make Hay While the Sun Shines" There is a Iesson in the work of the thrifty , fernier. Re knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and be prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrhoea and cholera morbus may attaok some member of the home without warning. Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diary. hoea Remedy, which is the best known medicine for these diseases, should al- ways be kept at hand, as immediate treatment is necessary, as delay may prove fatal. For sale by all druggists. Miss E. G. Xing, of Kincardine, has been appointed mathematical teacher in the Ohesley High School, at a salary of 5800. The King Edward Hotel at Ildertou has been sold by the late proprietor, Mr. Fred, J. Paisley, to Mr. John M. Bell, of Goderioh. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1,440 Mrs. Martin, mother of Mrs. Harry Days, died in Luoknow on Thursday, August 16th. She was highly respected and in the 77th year of her age. The death is announced of Samuel Taylor, at one time owner of the Walk- erton felt factory. He died on the 6th lost at Claresbolm, Alberta, and was ever 86 years of age. For Over Sixty bears. An old and Well -Tried -Remedy -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays aII pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for diarrhoea...It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The funeral of Mrs. Henry Sunley, Eden Mills, was postponed. The grave was so full of water, although the cem- etery is situated on high land, that the body could not be interred. Get a 6 cent box of Lax-ets at our store please. We think they are great. Just test these toothsome, Dandy -like Laxa- tive Tablets for constipation, sour stom- ach, billiousnese, bad breath, muddy complexion, eto, Risk 5 cents and see. At Walley's Drug Store. A very pretty house wedding took place at the residence of Duncan McRae, 9th of Kincardine Tp., on Wednesday the 15th inst., when his eldest daughter Isabella Reheo:a, was united in mar- riage to Joseph Wragg, of the same township. The Rev. P. McBachern was the officiating clergyman. SIIDDENIr ATTACKED, Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerous Collo, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantnm, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always be kept in the house. .44.4.444.40.* Tilers died at the residence of Mr Wm N+ekillen, on Monday of 'Trotter, near as last week, Mra Jane Bishop, mother of Mrs Trotter, at the ripe old age of 91 yeege and ui menthe. l>frs Bishop was a frative of Ireland, but had lived for many years in Canada. Death was due to old age. Moister of the Gospel Recommends OXYGENATOR MsIEtt Les TallXwasadvisedby�R.kr 5. Allevy n •1 Hurray Harbor, P,E.I„ t. try 'OzrasnMor,' ■.fir. trying it I bad no faith is h, but hat helo- ts/sr I b.tati its use aid tan truly say that before .baa ono la I had wonderfully improved in ray health. Since thea I bare need several - w »bait here nitre: spent such a healthy r or Sliding *PI did this year. 'Oxygenator' ler Throat Trouble, Catarrh, Verifying the Blood sad fat Melding up the System, I believe is net *swined today Isy any nigher remedy with blessed mree,uIt .. 5 talcs bare lni r' e.t In •Oxygenator; haring given Inge of it away, wink mita s.y t5 is A worieselti, lunar ay. 1. regard to ray eyes, ' oey,r.aar' &tbas dole Stew mere reed than the Oc.liete et the /r.Mtittsnt S, teetired In tltr U.spitai, rev Earache, I think it **Miss, Per paha is Mw chem, hiss sr ride, Iad..d anywhere, IS works treaiesaMgt A. H. I�[oL30II, Menet tlt.wart, ?At I. ease Sale hp -- J i'Hec i rcletriA1'OIit" O. . 40vfootiom *$ «> ., Niki. Many people say they are "all nerve$," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. Of the 4,000 people who left for the west on Friday's excursion, fully one- half, says the Toronto News, were from the County of Bruce. When we are told that 20 left from Mildmay, 26 from Walkerton, 82 from Kincardine, and 150 from Paisley, we cau well believe that the estimate of the News is about correct. IL Dr. Chase's Oint wont is a certain and guaranteed ctueforeaeh and every form of itching, bleeding a n d protruding piles, Seo testimonials in the press and as your neighbors about it. You can use it and det your money back if not satisfied. 60e, at all ealers or EDamANSON, BATES & Co., Toronto. DRe CHASE'S OINTMENT. After an illness of over seven months Mrs. Wm. Cootie died on Tuesday night, Aug. 21st, at her residence, West street, Godericb, and the funeral took place Friday to Maitland ceme- tery. Mrs Cootie was a native of the Orkney Islands but came to this coun- try with her mother and sister in the year 1871, her brothere having come out previously. Unnecessary Expense. Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea come on without warning and prompt relief must be obtained. There is no necessity of incurring the expense of a physician's service in such cases it Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarr- TILE WINGUA.k TIMES AUGUST 30, I906, The number of liquor licenses in the + Y UI" 11� Province of Ontario in the year 1871 5 H 1 t! R was 7,1t13. eat the present time, not• withstanding a vastly increased o ala. ton, the number is lees than 2,500. This , year theme bas been a large cutting off, partly through the action of License Commissioners, and partly tbronptli the adoption of Local Option prohibitory by- laws which went into force On May let in about fifty municipalities, The essential lung healing principal of she pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined iuto a perfect Dough medicine --Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Swsftield, Brittania road, Godericb, celebrated last week the 50th anniversary of their wedding,which took plane in Dundas, Ont , iu 1856,when both were newly over from England. Mr. Swaffteld is a na ive of Donate hire, and Mrs. Swaffield of Cnmberlaud. They lived a short time in Woodstock, and to- wards the end of the same year made a journey north to Kincardine, finally set- tling in Goderioh, .ice. -f C?4 ..� Ci1E-X.Arr Bears the of �The Kind You Ma-ve Always Bought Signature •e�% , / r- Cs.re//le Mrs. Macdonald, relict of the late Arohie Macdonald of C.iuton, died ou Saturday morning, August 18th, at the age of 69 years. She had been in de- olining health ever since the death of her husband two years ago, Deceased was born in Inverness county, N. S., and romovel to Clinton with her husband about the year 1872, and bas resided there Ever since. She was a quiet, mo- therly woman, highly esteemed, one who eared more for the welfare of her family than anything else; she was brought up in the Presbyterian faith, by which she governed her life. For dry, cracked lips, or rough Jkin, use Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It posi- tively makes lips and skin like velvet. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The death occurred to Saturday, Aug. 181),, of one of Holmesvilie'a most re• speoted residents, in the person of the wife of John McOartrey, who bad been an invalid for several years. Mrs. Mc- hoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of this Cartney, whose maiden name was Mar- garet Cook, was' born in the County of Tipperary, Ireland, on Sept. 15th, 1832. She emigrated to Canada with ber parents when twelve years of age, and settled in the township of Caledon. In 1846 she was married to her now bereav- ed husband. Converted at an early age, she joined the Methodist church about eixty years ago. She lived a most con- sistent and exemplary life. Bears the �The Kind You Have Always Bought 8igaatar. sof �2e'; Wle1� ✓�^ e �/ , There are about eight classes of town. killers, and every town is afflicted with one or more of them. First, those who go out of town to do their trading; sec- ond, those who are opposed to improve- ments; third, those who prefer a quiet town to one of push and bueiness; forth, those who oppose movements not origi- nating with themselves; fifth, those who deride pnblio-spirited men ; sixth, those who imagine they are the town ; seventh, those who oppose every movement that does not appear to benefit them; eighth, those who seek to injure the credit or reputation of their neighbors. remedy will relieve the patient before a doctorour e d arrive. It has never been known to fail, even in the moat severe and dangerous cases, and no family should be without it. For sale by all druggists. John Galt, postmaster, at Goderioh met with a serious accident Thursday afternoon while riding his bicycle down the Maitland River hill to his summer cattage. He lost control of his wheel, which plunged forward at great speed and struck a stone, throwing aim again- st the stone abutment of the bridge. He suffered severe cats in his face and head, requiring several stitches. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder A man named Wesley Thompson, who lives in Albermarle township, has been using too ranch whiskey and became abusive to his family. His wife took re- fuge at a neighbor's, and Thompson tried to square matters by burning the neighbor's barn. Wiarton constables went out to arrest Thompson for incen- diarism, but he jumped out of a back window of the house and escaped. THE LADIES' FAVORITE, Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. The Toronto News enters into an elaborate calculation to prove that the western provinces will haveto cough up two million dollars to Eastern harvesters for helping them off with their harvest. It estimates that there will be 20,000 of such harvesters all told. It estimates farther that each man on an average will earn $100. This would ampnnt to $2,000,000 or about $ etq 0 bushel on the entire yield. Itonlitch Troubles and Constipation; No one can reasonsbly llbpe for good digestion when the bowels are constipat- ed. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Edwardsville, I11., says, "I suffered from chronic con- stipation and stomach troubles for several years, but thanks to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets am almost cured." Why not get a package of theta tablets and get well and stay well? Price 25 cents. For sale by all drggists. ■ The London Advertiser, in an article on modern advettiaing, mays: " The auc- oesafnl business men of to -day are liberal advertisers, They are not only liberal, but expert advertisers. In every well - regulated mercantile establishment in- creasing attention fa being paid to the publicity department. Advertising has become an art, a science. Men and wo- men are making it their occupation. 11 a merchant bays space in a newspaper he should make the best possible use of it, by an attractively -written advertise. ment, which ahonld tell the truth and nothing but the truth. By bright, per. aistent and veracious advertising he gets oil a friendly and familiar footing with reader, who look for his anuounbefnents ever' Week as regttlarly sur torr Itny f$» .fid. #b 4,,i11"001."" �. • S 6100 REWARD, T100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu- tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system, thereby destroying the 'foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as- sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimon- ials. Address: F. J. Comma& Co. Teledo,O. Sold by Druggists, '75o. T ke HaIl's Family Pills for constipa- tion. , - 1"• A Toronto girl haw in London writing to a friend who stayed at home, says: - "I was introduced to a female oreature to -day, as Miss ----from Canada." "Oh she exclaimed, with evident disappoint- ment, you don't look like a colonist." My dear I'd have liked to slay that wo- man. "Did you expect me to wear feathers and carry a tomahowk?" I asked the idiot, whereat she giggled and vanished. "Another prize idiot caked it it were true that the cows and horses wandered loose about the streets." 1 told "yes, but that we kept the ohiokens in the drawing room as the weather was so Revere." They make neo ill! One mere man Haid: 'Canada! Canada) Let me Ree --New York is the capital, ias't its I said: "No, Hamilton," and he said, "Oh yes, to be entre." Bilious Colic Quick relief Is afforded by Chamberlain's Colic, ',Cholera tend Diarrhoea iteiitedy. 1t meter fails and is pleasant and safe to take, The attack nsasy be warded off by taking ft do bre dose o3 this od its soon na testio druggstat" 'n"iinyistoisa aII`'.duilw' • BILIOUS Read This and Learn Sow to Prevent Attacks. Biliousness is merely it terra applied, to a condition that exists when the body is overloaded with bile. The complexion turua a'el'.ow, eyes look dull,, pimples, itching and eczeala break out, heudaehes are ever pteseut. Bilionsness has two great causes, cou- sttpation and defective liver action. When Dr Hamilton's Pills aro taken they not only correct the bowels, but act directly on the liver, regulating its bile Secretion Unliee ordinary medicines which purge and give temporary relief, Dr Hamilton'$ Pile remove the conaition which tames biliousness; thus perman- ent cures are effected. Dr Hamilton's Pills do cure biliows- nese and liver ills under all circnmstene- es. We prove this by the statement of Mr Fenwick Luddiugton, of New Harbor, N. S , who writes -"Three months ago I had no expectation of ever getting free from periodical bilious attaoks. They were preceded by dizziness and d ead- 1al headaches, If I stooped over my head would swim and es nauseous feeling crept into my stomach. ek De Hamilton's Pills fixed up my Iiver, drove all the bile out of my blood and made me a well man in a few months. To day I enjoy a good appetite, excel- lent digestion, and the best of health. Dr Hamilton's Pill's did it all." Get Dr Hamilton's Pills today. SoId by all dealers; 25o per box or five boxes for $1 00. By mail from N 0 Polson & Co., Hartford, Conn , U. S. A. and Kingston, Ont. Russell Sage, the millionaire, bated lawsuits, and always tried to avoid 0113 if possible. One day he went to his lawyer and laid the details of a case before bion. When Mr. Sage was through the lawyer said he would be delighted to take the case ; Mr. Sage had a sure case -one, the lawyer said,he couldn't possibly lose. " I can't lose ?" asked Mr. Sage.":You can't lose," pos- itively replied the lawyer, " I guess I won't bring snit, then," said Mr. Sage. " Bat why not ?" asked the lawyer in amazement. " Because," replied Mr. Sage, as he took up his hat, "it wasn't my side of the case, but my opponent's aide, that I laid before you," When a woman suffers from depress- ing weaknesses, she then keenly realizes how helpless -how thoroughly worthless she is. Dr. Shoop has brought relief to thousands of such women. He reaches diseases peculiar to women in two dir- ect, specific ways -a local treatment known by druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Night Cnre, and a constitution- al or internal prescription called Dr. Shoop's Restorative. ,Dr Shoop's Night Cure applied e iso pp led 1 coolly, and at night. It works while you sleep. It reduces in- flamation, it stops disahaages, it heals, it soothes, it comforts, it cures, Dr. Shoop's Restorative (tablets or liquor form) • is a constitutional, nerve tissue tonic. 11 brings renewed strength, lasting ambition and vigor to weak, life- less women. These two remedies, singly or used to. gether, have an irresistible, positive helpful power. Try them a month and see. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. e farmer, who had hired a raw Irish- man recently arrived in this con • try, sent him out to plow a field. " Now, Pat," said he, " you know you want to make your first furrow etraight,so you'd better choose a mark and plow at it." "All right, sor," said Pat ; so when he got to the field he chose a prominent ob- ject on a neighboring hillside for a mark and plowed his first furrow straight at it, By-and-by the farmer came out to see how Pat was getting along, and was amazed to find that the plow had been wandering in a zigzag course all over the field. " Why, Pat 1" he exclaimed, " I thought I told you to choose a mark and plow at it, so that your guiding furrow would be straight." " Sure, an' I did, sor," replied Pat. " I plowed straight for the cow on the hill beyant, but the craythnewonldn',t kape still." A Perfect Bowel Laxative for oonsti• pation, sallow complexion, headaches dizziness, sour stomach, coated tongue, biliousness. Lax -eta actpromptly, with- out pain or griping. Pleasant to take- Lax•ote-only 5 cents. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. -1 Treating Blackheads. Blackheads are not only unsightly, but in time they will cause the akin to become diseased. These aro really de- posits of oily substance wench the skin should send away actively. The blacks heads is Caused by the accumulation of dust at the month of the pore. After a time the skin forces the deposit out of its lodging place, and during this precepts often sets up an inflammation whioh creates a pimple, When such It 'tate become' general the victim of blank. heads becomes a victim of acne, a most stubborn and dreadful beauty ili, To keep blackheads away use the cur- rent complexion brach every night with warm water and pure Castile soap, rins- ing the face well, drying and applying creme marquise. Twice a week rub into the'arrace a powder made of equal parte of baking soda and pure borax. Thin Combines chemically with the oil in the pores and makes of it a sort of soap. MPH/140 MLhICINIs, As a eprltig medicine Bairlook Blood Sitters has no equal, It tones up the stem and removes tail 'impurities from ,, laid that lid oriels �v'ra �� feeling preYtdekat 1* tht Spring, ON THE .QLD ROAD. {Poll Malt Gazette. j Once in au old forgotton day This by -track was a trodden way, But now, so few the steps that pass, The ruts are oarpeted with grass. The oareless brambles trail seroes, The gravel, hap his garb of ramie, And aft the dawn and dusk go by Unnoted of a human eye. But when the languid day is past The slumberous roan awakes iet last, And many feet resume their way That long have tnold,ered into play. There is no sound et stealthy tread Along this pathway of the dead - No rustle of the feet that pass Deadened by somettaug else than grass, Gray men who toiled and wrought o yore, Lone weary women bnrden'd sore, And little children prattliug low - I catch their chatter as tray go, MADE I N CANADA BY A CANADIAN COMPANY, QUALITY, SERVICE, AND PRIOE f ALONE HAS MADE OUR MACHINE A HOUSEHOLD And here the lover and his maid, FAVORITE. Long since in dismal kirkyard Laid; And mother with her suckling pressed Against the comfort of her breast. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE They all had passed, their traffic done, Long oenturies ere I saw the sun. I stand and watch them wonderingly, Half thinking that they beckon me. • The intense itohiug characteristics of salt rheum and eczema is instantly allay- ed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. As a ours for akin diseases this salve is un- equaled. For sale by nil druggists, instructive and Interesting. One the leading attractions at the Canadian National exhibition in To. ronto, has been since its inception three or four years ago, the Process Building, in which are shown a snore or more of producing industries in actual operation. Among other manufactures shown this year will be a complete denomstration of the making of pure food, illustration' of the various forms of textile manatee - tare, complete boot and shoe making, manufacture of Canadiau tweeds and other cloths, springy, beds and other articles of domestic use, silk weaving, printing, Lithographing, with the latest presses and machines, type -setting, binder -twine making,canning, packing, glass cutting, and so on, furnishing, un- doubledly, one of ,the most interesting attraotions ever offered at any exhibi- tion, as well as one of the most iastruo- tive. Bene the ahs Kind You Have Always Boa Signature QQ of T.t: G Hints to the -Cook. 'When making corn -meal mush sift a tablespoonful of floor with the meal to prevent the mush sticking. In molding fanny jellies brush the in- side of the mold with white of an egg and the jelly will turn out easily. If boiled or roasted meat that is to be used cold is wrapped in a moist oloth it will be more tendered. When making gravy remove the pan from the fire while the thickening is be- ing stirred in, and wben smooth return to the fire to cook. This method pre- vents lumps forming. To scale fish easily pour on ,hot water slowly till the scales ourl, then scrape quickly. Wash in several waters, hav- ing the last cold and well salted so 110 slime will be left. Potatoes will boil more quickly if two kettles of boiling water are prepared, one of whioh is poured over the 'vegetable and after a moment the potatoes are lilted into the other kettle, and boiled will not cease. When potatoes are to be baked, if they are thoroughly heated on the top of the stove (turning them once), they will bake in half the Usual time. MILBURN'S, Heart and Nerve Pills. Are a specific for ail heart and nerve troubles. Here are some of the symp- toms. Any one of them should be a warning for you to attend to it im- mediately. Don't delay. Serious break. down of the system may follow, ifou do: Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Dizzy% nese, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, hush of Blood to the head, Smothering and Sinking Spells, Faint and Weak Spells, Spasm or Pain through the Heart; Cold, Clammy Hands and Feet. There may. be many minor symp. toms of heart and nerve trouble, but these are the chief ones. Milburn's Henrt and Nerve Pills will dispel all these symptoms from the system. Price 60 cents per box, or $ for WEAK SPELLS CURED. e' Mrs. L. Dorey, Hemford, N.S., writes us as follows •--" I was troubled with dirtiness, weak spells and fluttering of the heart" Iprocured a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did inc in touch good that I got two more boxer, and after flattish* theta I wee completely cured. I must say that I Cannot fecom'. ' uic*td Wenn too highly!. er .%he7lerr�7Y cut - NAME, THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. I.itnirca, oo1MI'*Nr OFFICIO: MONTREAL, P. Q. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. S.. *CIENTE WANTED EVERYWHERE. AGENT - DAVID BELL, WINGHAM, ONT. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •Ii•••••••••••••••t!•••••••i•f• • •• •CLUBB • • IN •• �, • • • RATES i • FOR 1906 - 07. •• • i The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below 4. for any or all of the following publications : • Times $ .25 '� Times 3,10 d• 4. 4. 'l' Times Times 4. Times 2,30 Times 2.30 Times 2,35 Times 2,35 Times 1.65 4 Times 1.70 4. 4. TimesTimes 1.75 4. Weekly 1,65 �' 4. 1,50 4. 4. 1.80 d L d d 1.60 W kl S 1.80 4.d 1.85 + • 1.30 2.35 Times 1.35 Times 2.25 Times 2.25 4 Times 3:25 Times 1.90 Times Y th ' 2.75 Times 2.90 Times S bb th R d' g 1.45 Times 1.85 Times and M' b' 1.65 Times and p 1.75 Times and 1.15 Times and 1.90 Times and • .. 2.10 Times and 1.95 Times and 1.75 Times and G ' 1,35 Times and 1.80 Times and M d 1.45 Times and g , , 1.45 Times and g 1.70 Times and 1.90 Times and 1.65 Times and Wh 1.60 Times and .. • 1.65 Times and 1.75 Times and 1.65 Times and L d' ' H ... • . . to January 1st, 1907 and Daily Globe and Daily Mail and Empire and Daily World and Toronto DailyNews.. s., and Toronto Daily Star and Daily Advertiser and Toronto Saturday Night and Weekly Globe . and Weekly Mail and Empire and Family Herald and Weekly Star and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide .. Times andee y Witness Times and Montreal WeeklyHerald Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times an London Advertiser (weekly) Times andToronto Weekly un Times an World Wide Times and Northern Messenger'. Times`and Farmers'' Advocate We specially r c p y e ommend our readers to snbsoribe. to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. and Farming World and Presbyterian and Westminster and Presbyterian and Westminster. and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .. - .... . andYouths' Companion and Canadian Magazine (monthly) andSabbath Reading, New York and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)... Michigan Farmer Woman's Home Companion Canadian Woman (monthly)London .. American Sheep Breeder Country Gentleman Delineator Boston CookingSchool Magazine...... Green's Fruit Grower Good Housekeeping Modern s omen McCall's Ma azine Pearson's Magazine American Illustrated Magazine........ Ameridan Boy Magazine What to Eat Bookkeeper Recreation Cosmopolitan Ladies' oche Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success ....... Times and Housekeeper Times and Pilgrim Times and Poultry Keeper Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and Meclure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Rural New Yorker Times and Viek's Magazine Times and American Gardening Times and Health Culture ............ Times and ham's Horn .. . Times and Pour Track Nein Times and Breeders' Gazette , Times and Practical Farmer.... • tt..... *0444 2,15 2,45 1.80 1.50 1.60 1.40 1.90 1,90 2,00 2.00 1.40 2.25 1.85 2.5 1.90 2.25 1.85 • 11 2 44 44 +44 , , 44 'When preminme are given with any of above papers, eubseribert will secure stab premiums when ordering through ne, same as if ordered direct from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to /subscribers, and are STRICTLY GASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post office or express money order, addressing TIMES o.0 r hes* WXNGSAM0 ONTARIO. :. ., -1