HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-05-23, Page 1.444iTe•
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Ontario ,k WED
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ARV WHIO-1 WAY YOU CAN' "- ssio doesnq *t her during a Canoe latieWeek at the Seaforth tulanC Maria Flynn
wheeichair.stop her as she and Pat 'Ryan swing up a storm and the',Iiiiren, SiTingsprovided the tunes. FIllott rOoto,. •
' • 4,
OiCk er!Mit budget up an easy ais%
The Township of Tuckersmith met last ``These two areas are beyondour con- undertaking, reeonstructik of -the &Lean
week to go over the tow budget, whiCh ' trol," the Reeve remarked in his comment, Bridge at UVS-21 Coneektion ' half
"and we are required to riase the funds of the cost will be coVered by 'the
requested by he various boards." Township's budget. A portion of the'road
The general mill rate for residential in will have to be rebuilt and resurfaced
Tuckersmith, which encompasses Egmond- when this work is carried out.
ville and Harpurhey, has been set at 5.446, A total of $205,750 has been budgeted for,
up from 1989 mill rate of 5.243. General Government •costs for 1990, ing
Tuckersmith Township expects to realize eluding $110,450 for administration.
$717,573 in Ontario Grants revenue over the' Protection to persons and property has
next year, up from 1989's Grant figure of been figured in at $89,137, and fees to the
$667,990.56. A major *Crease will come' building inspector have been pared down to
with .the Ontario Neighbourhood Improve- $7,943 from 1989, which came in at
ment Projdct grant for Vanastra, spread $8,553.63.
out over three years, with $50,000 earmark- Costs for sanitation and waste removal
ed for 1990. have been budgeted at $132,29a53.
Other projected revenue, including Parks "As always, many capital dollars have
and Recreation ($156,500), Tile Drains been invested in a method of dispasal of
($154,244.13), Waste and sewage collections the garbage created within the ingfficipali-
($62,500) arid other categories is expected ty," Reeve Cantelon noted in his budget
to bring in $1,338,817.31 for 1990. In 1989, comments, adding that "..it is our -hope
$1,324,550.21 was realized. and anticipation that this may be. one of
Tuckersmith is allocating a hefty $516,276 last years for large capital expenditures in
for roadways expenditures in the 1990 this area."
Public Works budget. The Township is A total of $264,400 has been earmarked
for day care services in Tuckersmith, and
$221,860 has been budgeted for `recreation
and community services. The Vanastra
Recreation Centre budget has been Upped
to $202,860 from 1989's actual of $178,905.18,
and capital expenditures have been set at
$4,000. Actual capital expenditures for
recreation and community services for 1989
came in at an actual figure of $1,646.81.
As surnmer slowly comes to 4c1104fft IFP0041,.`0their'.f4P400i*
9.4'7•411flJ 12149r,! prepara-
-e are .eow Iaws covering
her 44)9.11.9, Highway Traffic
effect, giving police
don't obey reed e Pitn4
bill 219
ts must now
_wore de tfelista-that
identify' •therifselves•-, 0040 if :that are
,pOasItti„91doe:- obFfircedurroefincotIdsidaaelnewatif3t.t4tet;e?isint:odot° 0ga
unicycles and adult tricycles, but not
motor -assisted .bicycles such as mopeds
Bicycles-have been 'classified as vehicles
and cyclists are expected t0,4e37...'29.1 the
rules of the reeds; signs, traffic signal
lights and turning movements.
For traffic offences cyclists are subject
to the same fines as drivers and, an out-of-
court settlement will cost the same, as for
ank., other driver, usually $78.75. 1Demerit
points will be given against the cyclist's
drivers license; whether they have one er
,the intention of the new laws is to
give police fall: power • of the law and
should deter Unsafe' riding behaviour.
Under the tlie,.,neW alternative: right
turn for cyclists is an—exteoded right arm.
The alternative Method has been recom-
mendedand approvdd by various bicycle
aSsoeiations and gnaws as a safer and
easier method that will be more visible to
motorists. Cyclists must now 'walk their
bicycle through 'pedestriao crosswalks, and
erB4SfidYn4r$%filitit3: ,now be 41/14,.;°kaafqtY. stan
gtardgCto *halted:A cYcl*APROoli,Pilttheir
vehicle. The braking systati:niustbe either
the, :back pedal type or the hand brake
type or. handlebars. A white or Wilier
lighted lan* triad be at ;the front of the
bicycle if it is ridden at night.The light
Must • be 'an the same time as other
was upped 3.88% for the residential sector.
The commercial sector will see a rise of
3.9% for 1990. Ratepayers will , feel an
overall increase of some 9% with the
Board of Education and County of Huron
levies figured in.
The totalbudget came in at $1,983,404,
up slightly •from -•1989's actual budget of
$1,936,828;68. The 1989 actual was approx;
hind* 415,50Wover their projected budget.
Reeve George Cantelon, in a comment
' issued on the budget, remarked that "the
Township of Tuckersmith is on a very
sound financial basis and the percentage
increase in the general mill rate is under
4%, well under the rate increases ex-
perienced by the Huron County Board of
`Education, the County of Huron and
various other municipalities in the area."
The Board of Education passed a 13.4%
increase, while Huron County's budget rose
by 5.4%. The Huron -Perth Separate School
Board upped their budget by 13.3% in 1990.
Sears office to
close by end
of June
As of June 30, the Seaforth catalogue
store outlet will be closing its doors at the.
location that At has occupied for 'years,
Jean Edwards of the Sears Officein Bar,
• rie reports that the ordering services will
----be-centralizedity Clinton,-buttittittgietlier
outlet will be opened In Seaforth Where'
parcels Will' be shipped. Here, Sears
dUritorriereWill be able te„..pick tin therefor-
: dioe, make paymentk,•, and. Pick, Alp
; •
catalogues as they now hafirettefet
outlet, but ordering. Wiltio through
Mitten Wee.
• Coringera are being installed In Clinton;
to Streamline the ordekiddlig process,
making it 'possible for :easterners to find
out hiintedlittelY if their *WS are In stock.
Mrs. Edwards notes 'that the Seaforth
outlet was not "chosen" per, se, but that
the number of eustorriero,, and, volume of
linaloota was low enough to warrant the
',It is. such a very sinall rnarket and
volue of- enstanierio', she remarked to
the- Epositor. ,..:The'tite for the Seaftirtki,pielkip outlet
has ttet,,heen chosen yet but Dorothy
E,.outlii-tujeeker of 44* Seaforth Sears
Wel/ *Ole the company to make an 05p
Sears : outlet 'presentlyi'''i
Itill-time and two,
vehicles lights are: and when visibility is
0011P.P,16. weather conditions. At the rear
• of the bicycle there must be a -red light as
reflective tape approved by the ministry' of
transportation. •
For cyclists that commit traffic offences,
-and. are :161 yearsof age or older, pOlibe
may charge by issuing a traffic ticket. If
the offenceiVoves 'demerit points, such
as speeding or following too close, demerit
points, will be brought against thecyclists
drivers license at, thetime of conviction.
For cyclists from ages 12 to 15, the case
may be tried in young offender's court
The judge may fine what is felt to be ap-
propriate up to $78.75. If the offence in-
volves demerit points, these will be
brought against the cyclists future driver
licence regardless of how 'old the offender
is when they apply for one.
Fair cyclists 12 years and under police
will give a warning. The child's parents
may be advised of their children's driving
habits by police.
u to the parents to ensure their
children earn proper driVing habits," said
Seaforth's acting Police Chief, Dave Dale.
the problem continues we may call the
children's aid society to investigate the
family. On the whole the kids are pretty
gond, but we do notice enough bicycle in-
fractions with kids going through stop
signs er sri ' g double."
Officer aid the laws affecting driv-
ing n sense, the same as what
are." He said there have been
ts fatalities n Seaforth for 16
s, although, th•ere have been several
Seaforth police give bicycle safety lec-,,
tures to schools and service clubs. The
Seaforth Optimist Club have an annual
Bike Rodeo in the late spring for young
cyclists that involves a bicycle safety and
written test.
by ;.st,00aeta,'bilakeibiiit pia ;-
DinnOi houndswe
• 0°40l'•fyliNkoh!isai
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ALle Silis gots his program autographed
,Wattelf_ 0114 Ron Vetcruysinni at the
000 prowl tit every chance during the
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it •