HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-30, Page 44 ' TIIE WINGIIAM TIMES, AUGUST 30, ` 1906 TO AQVERTIS.ERS bfeitioe of changes must be left at this oMoe not later than Saturday noon. The Dopy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Carnal advertisements acoepted up to noon Wednesday of each Week. 19RTABLISHED 1872 TUE WIN rnAM TIMES. R. ELLIOTT. PUBLISHER ANRPROPRIETOP THURSDAY. AUGUST 30. ee06. NOTES AND COMMENTS, The iron and steel bounty payments paid by the Dominion Government for the financial year up to Jnly 1st amount to $2, 00.4.339, as compared with $1,540,- 203 in 1905 The payments indicate a very large increase in the output of the Canadian iron and steel industries, AUTUMN SOWN CROPS. In eaoh of seven years, experiments have been conducted in treating Winter Results of Experiments Conducted at theWheat in different ways to prevent the flea' harvest weather still continues through the whole west. It is estimated about 80 per cent of the wheat is now cut. The most reliable estimates places the probable yield between 80,000,000 and 90,000,000 bushels. Latest reports indicate the damages to wheat from the repent hot spell was about 2.02 per cent. Mr. Cecil B. Smith, Chairman of the Temiekaming et Nor thern Ontario Rail- way Commission, has learned that a prospector from Lexington, Ky., has struck it rich in Northern Ontario. The Kentuckian in question has located gold in the township of Playfair, north of the Height of Land, about 80 miles north of Liskeard. The samples analyzed about 411 onces of gold to the ton, or about $8,000 to the ton. Besides, there was silver in the ore that went about 400 onces to the ton. Ontario AgriEultural College and, development of stinking smut, and the Throughout the Province. results have been very satisfactory. In .1. Buchanan, B. S. A., Agricultural College, the average of the past three years, un - Guelph, Ont treated seed produced 4.4 per cent. of Owing to the deficient snowfall and smutted heads, while send which was the alternate freezing and thawing of the immersed for twenty minutes in a oohs, ground daring the past winter, most of tion made by adding one pint of formalin the autumn sown crops iu the province to forty-two gallons of water produced suffered considerably. As a consequence, a crop which was practically free from some of the fall wheat was ploughed smut. Not only did the formaliu treat - under in the spring, and many of the went effectually prevent the develop - fields which were left yielded rather meat of the smut in the crop, but a con - uneven crops. Quite a number of the t siderably larger yield ot grain was oh - co -operative experimenters reported a rained when the treatment was applied. The average yield of grain for the three years from untreated seed was 38.7 bushels, while the crop grown from seed to which the formalin treatment has been applied yielded 45.6 bushels per acre. This indicates a gain of about seven bushels per acre in favor of the treated seed. Several other methods of treating seed for the prevention of smut wee tested but the formalin methed herein described was the cheapest and most practical of all, as well of being effectual. Many tests conducted at Guelph indi• cate the importance of Bowing about ninety pounds of winter wheat per acre on an average soil. This amount might be increased for poor land and decreased for rich soil. If the land is in a good state of cultivation it matters but little whether the seed is sown broadcast or with a tube drill, but if the land is dry or lumpy, that which is own with the drill is likely to give the best results. The highest yields°per acre have been obtained from sowing between the 26th of August and the 9th of September. Common Winter Rye and Mammoth Winter Rye have been grown for seven years in succession; the Common giving an average yield of 57.9 bushels and the Mammoth 59.3 bushels of grain per acre. Among five varieties grown for the past three years, the Mammoth White stood first with an average yield of 66 6 and the Washington second with 61 7 bushels per acre. Winter Barley has been grown at the College for several years and when it is not winter killed gives very good yields. This season it made a poor showing in the spring but recovered from the effects of the un- favorably winter and yielded 58.5 bush- els per acre. Hairy or Winter Vetches produced an average yield of 10 2 tone of green crop per acre in the experiments for four years and 6.7 bushels of seed per acre in the tests for six years. Home grown seed has given considerably better results than imported seed. total failure with Winter Vetches and Winter Wheat, and in several cases even the Rye was somewhat injured. At the College, both Wheat and Rye came through well, but the, subsequent growth of the Wheat was not as good as might have been expected, and ou the whole, the yields were somewhat lower than those of last year. 1-ExPERI]IENTS AT THE COLLEGE. About two hundred and fifty varieties of Winter Wheat have been tested at the College within the last seventeen years. In all cases the varieties are given a thorough test for five years, at the end of which time the inferior kinds are discarded and only the more promis- ing ones retained for further experiments. During the past season sixty-one verities were grown; twenty-nine of these have been under test for the past five years, and fifteen of the twenty-nine for the past ten years. The following table gives the average weight per measured bushel and the average yield of straw and grain of eaoh variety for ten years. The no-breaktast practice is not a craze nor a fad, but a practice whioh thousands have found to be wholesome for both mind and body, while increas- ing the luncheon capacity. As for cut- ting out the luncheon, many hard brain - workers find the taking of only one meal a day an advantage. As during the sleeping hours the body is assimulating and using for repairs the toed taken the day before, the breakfast is an illogical meal. The world is becoming less de- voted to . astronomy.=Windsor Record. The Weekly Sun haebeen investigating the effect upon the Ontario farmer of the development of the West, and comes to the conclusion that the injury is to bo found in the influence on farm valves, on the volume of farm labor available, and in adding to the general burden of taxation. Even this is partially upset by the markets the West affords for certain lines of Ontario produce, and by what farmers in the Province have done to- wards creating a home market at the door of Ontario farmers -Brantford Expositor. LOWER WINGRAM. Mr. George Srigley is spending two weeks in Toronto. The friends of Mr. Geo Phippen are congratulating him on his appointment as a provincial constable. Mrs George Orpant returned to her home in Toronto after a two weeks visit at Mr George A. Phippen's. Miss Geor- gina Phippen accompanied her and will spend a couple of weeks in Toronto. 1he Indians who have been camping here for some time leave this week for their homes in Sonthampton. An inter- esting and largely attended service was held on Sunday afternoon. being con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Crowe. After the Indians had sapper at Mr. Geo Phippen's the service was continued in the evening. The body of Levi Taylor, an aged citi- sen of Cobourg, was found in the water, He left a note expressing his intention of committing suicide. It is reported at Winnipeg that the Canadian Northern and the Grand Trnnk Pacific Companies have agreed to build a railway from Saskatchewan to Hud- son's Bay. In a collision between two freight trains at Iberville Junction, Quebec, a lot of matches in one of the cars started a blaze that consumed five cars filled with merchandise. iBuy , Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction -sale principles: "going, going, g -o -n -e ! " Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it's nature's way. The beet kind of a testimonial--- "nold for over sixty years." AWN 106. rat. 11. Kass. hi sasAPAaruA. ass," fliautil.t.$. cy HSGTORA4 VARIETY ?; 3r8- 5; Davison's 0 Golden Chaff, white Imperial .Amber red Early Genesee Giant white Russian Amber red Egyptian Amber Red red. Early Red Clawson red Tasmania Red red Rudy red Tuscan Island red Geneva red Bulgarian white Turkey Red red Kentucky Giant red McPherson red Treadwell white F:'!1 eve 59.7 605 59.7 607 612 58.9 61.5 60.8 61.0 62.2 60.5 61.1 61.0 62.0 60.4 f " � 83 3.8 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.2 3.3 3.0 3.3 3.3 2.9 29 3.0 2.9 2.9 3 mm 54.0 52.3 507 50.4 49.6 49.5 47.7 47.1 47.0 45,9 45 1 44 8 44.6 44.2 44.2 Among the sixty-one varieties grown this season, the Abundance snood first in yield with 50 4 bushels per acre, and the Prize Taker second with 50 2 bushel's. These are both white wheats,very closely resembling the Dawson's Golden Ohaff in all respects. The Abundance also gave the highest yield among all the varieties grown in 1905 and is a promis- ing variety, al,hough not of the very best milling quality. It is interesting to note that this year two of the' compara- tively hard red wheats -Russian ember and Imperial Amber -have come up to second and third places in yield of grain with 49.8 and 49 4 bushels per acre respect- ively. All four varieties mentioned above were over the standard in weight, the Imperial Amber being the heaviest and weighing almost 631bs. perbuehel. The five varieties giving the heaviest weight per measured bushel in 1905 were North- western, Geneva, McPherson, Economy, and Auburn; these, however, were all rather low in yield with the exception of Auburn which was fifth in weight per measured bushel and sixth in yield of grain per acre among the sixty•one varieties grown. Generally speaking, the white wheats yield more grain per acre, possess stronger straw, weigh a little less per inearured bushel, and are slightly softer in the grain than the red varieties. At the present time efforts are being made to obtain improved strains of some of the best varieties by systematic plant selection, and while the ordinary seed of Dawson's Golden Chaff gave acompara- tively lower yield than usual this year, three new strains of this variety, obtained by the above mentioned method, each gave a much higher yield than any of the varieties iu the regular test. Much work is also being done along the line of cross breeding and it is expect- ed that some profitable results will accrue from this work in the near future. During the past year many hundreds of hybrid plants were grown, and, judging from present indications, some of these Live 8toeic Markets. Toronto, Aug. 28 -.-There was a light run at the Western Cattle Market this morning, and the expected slump in prices did not Dome. The market was not partioularly active. The receipts totalled 78 cars, consist- ing of 1,115 cattle, 2,081 sheep and lambs, 200 bogs and 161 calves. There was a fairly good trade in butchers' cattle, and almost everything was bought up. Common stuff is not wanted, however, and brings but a low figure. Nothing doing in export cattle. Ranch cattle, Doming in from the States, glow better than the common class of export cattle. There is a moderate demand for good exporters of heavy weight. The business in feeders and stockers is very slight, No appreciable demand for them yet. Milch cows of good quality are in de- mand, and bring tie high as $50. Sheep and lambs remained steady, and the price of hogs was unchanged. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Choice Medium Bulls Light Cows Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards . - 4 85 Stockers choice 3 00 " bulls...... ..... 2 25 Butchers' - Picked 4 65 • Choice 4 50 Medium ..... 4 00 Cows ................. 335 Bulls 2 25 Hogs - Best Lights 2-1LESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS THROUGH- OUT ONTARIO. No less than two hundred and forty- one farmers in Ontario conducted co- operative experiments with Autumn - sown crops during the past year. Good reports of carefully conducted tests have been received from many of these, and all deserve credit for the useful work they have done for themselves and their fellow farmers. Following are some of the summary results of these tests. In the autumn of 1905, five varieties of Winter Wheat were distributed to those who made application. The fol- lowing table gives the average yield of grain and straw: Straw per Grain per VARIETY acre (tons) acre (bus.) Banatka .. 2.2 30.0 Early Geneeee Giant... 1.9 25.5 Crimean Red ......... 1.9 25 4 Imperial Amber 1 9 23.4 Dawson's Golden Chaff 1.7 21.6 $4 75 4 25 3 75 325 3 50 . 6 65 6 40 Sheep - Export ewes ..... • 4 50 Bucks.,... 3 50 Culls .... 300 Spring Lambs per lb.. 6 50 Calves. each ... . 300 $4 85 4 00 3 50 3 75 5 00 3 25 2 40 4 70 4 65 4 20 4 00 2 40 4 75 3 75 3 50 7 00 3 50 NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undersigned Lawyers agree to close our offices during the months of July and Augrret as follows: -On Saturdays at 2 P.15., and on other days at 4 P.M. DICKlNsOte &5 SOLMIs. HOLYEs, ()LAAKa & HOLHas, WINGRAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, August 30th, 1906 Flour per 100 lbs..,. 2 25 to 2 75 Fall Wheat ,,.. 0 76 to 0 76 Oats, 0 32 to 0 34 Barley .... ..... 0 4ee to 0 45 Peas 0 65 to 0 65 Buckwheat 0 55 to 0 55 Butter 0 20 to 0 20 Eggs per doz 0 17 to 0 17 Wood per cord 2 50 to 300 Hay , per ton ' 6 Oa to 7 00 Potatoes, per bushel new 0 50 to 0 50 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 06 Lard ... 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per ib 0 05 to 0 06 Live Hogs, per cwt. 6 50 to 6 50 Notwithstanding the fact that the Dawson's Golden Chaff and Imperial Amber gave smaller yields of grain than the other three varieties, they have first and second places in popularity with the experimenters; the Dawson's being the most popular, probably because of its clean strong straw. The Banatka which stood first in yield of grain was third in popularity. This is a hard red wheat of good milling quality but produces rather weak straw, and therefore lodges con- siderably, especially in badweather. Of the three varieties of Winter Rye distributed last Autumn, the Mammoth stood first in average yield of grain with 41.1 bushels per acre, the Thousand -fold second with 32,9 bushels, and the Com - are destined to become the progenitors mon third with 31.8 bnehels. These of very valuable new varieties. For this three varieties are very much alike in work only the very best of the standard most respects, though differing some - sorts are used as parent stocks. Among what in yield. these might be mentioned the Dawson's For the production of fodder Hairy ; Golden Chaff, Bulgarian, Turkey Red, Vetches and Winter Rye were grown Imperial Amber, and Tasmania Red. this year for the fourth time. Several The results of twelve separate tests reports of this experiment were received made at the College show an average in- crease in yield of grain per acre of 6.8 bushels from large as compared with small seed, of '7.8 bushels from plump as compared with shrunken seed, and of 35 6 bushels from sound as compared with broken seed. Seed which was al- classes of. animals, In general, the lowed to become very ripe before it was Vetches were relished by all kinds of cat produced a greater yield of both stock but the Rye was not so freely grain and straw and a heavier weight of eaten, except by horses. of grain per measured bushel than that 2. -NOTICE TO ESP$RI3fENT&R8, produced from wheat which was cut at any one of the four earlier Stages of Each of the experimenters withspring maturity. In 1897 and again in 1902, a and summer crops wi.l kindly report the large amount of the winter wheat in results of their experiments as soon as Ontario became sprouted before it was they can after the crops aro harveatod. but ae the Vetches were completely winter killed in most places, no good comparison of the yields can be made. In several testa, Winter Rye gave very good results. The experimenters report that these crops were fed to several THE NEW HOME OF The Canada Business College harvested, owing to the wet weather. Carfully conducted testa showed that ati average of only 76 per cent of the slightly ;sprouted and 18 per cent Of the badly sprouted seed would grow and produoe 'y plants. Surely he is the wise farmer who will sow none but large, plump, awssseassi.I sound, ripe seed of good vitality. R. VANsroN,, J, A. MORTON. THE BEST PLACE WINGHAM TO SECURE A CHATHAM, ONT. The only building of the kind in Canada built and used exclusively for Business College purposes, and the finest equipment of the kind on the Continent. The Dominion Department ot agricul- ture have received a report of anthrax in the Township of Matilda, near Morris - burg. All infected animals has been isolated. Three men are reported to hays contracted the disease, and one of them is in a critical condition. Piano Organ OR Violin IS AT IN DAVID BELL'S Terms to suit purchaser. •••♦••••e•••••••••••••••••• • • • • Z e T Z • Z • • Z • • ♦ • •, NEWS • • • •• Butcher Shop IHAVE opened a Butcher Shop in premises two doors north of the Chisholm Block, and am fully prepared to supply the best of all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats. • • • • Z • • Special attention paid to orders Z from farmers and others for meat • in large quantities. • A share of your patronage is • • respectfully solicited. • i WM. DIAMOND • • • • • • •••••••••*••••••N♦••••••♦• Newspaper Bargains. We want to inoreaSe our subscription list, and make the following liberal offers to new subscribers :- Tire Wingham Times from now .25 to January lst,•1907, for The Times and Weekly Globe -50 to January 1st, 1907, for The Times and Weekly Sun, Toronto. to .Tan'y 1st, 1907, for • 50 fel 58 j .�1 niutaminatmont THE RIG STORE, - WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Ana. & gas IL Korr1 wAvualszoiwilimilw_amilazsunsmoibaloanumammunnnu NEW DRY GOODS FOR FALL It will be interesting to you to know that we are now importing direct from Englalnd pretty much all our Dry Goods. This cuts out the middleman with his profits and puts us in a position to sell goods at a lower price than ever. And that's saying a lot, for our prices were never high, 0 New Dress Goods Arrivals. Fancy Mohairs, Amazon Cloth, Taffeta, Venetian, Costume Tweed, Fancy Tweed, Serge, Pirle Amazon, Armure, Melton, Black Corkscrew, etc. See the new Suiting " Kashmera," in navy and black. Will not cockle or shrink. Stamped every 5 yds. New General Dry Goods. Black and Colored Velveteens ; extra good value. White Quilts. Table Linen, 25 cents to $I.00 a yard. Table Doylies. Stand Covers. Tray Covers. Sideboard Drapes. Tea Cloths. Fancy Table Centres, etc. We show a splendid assortment of Plain and Fancy Linen Goods, and our prices are low. Newest designs and colorings in Cretonnes, Art Sateens, etc. Linen Towels, Bath Towels, Cheviot Bath Blankets English English English Floor Oilcloth is the best ; I, i /, I x, 2 yds wide. Stair Oilcloth is the best ; all widths. Linoleum can't be beat for durability. We import direct from England. See these goods. New Roller Window Shades. We have just received a large quantity of new Roller Shade ; popular colors ; all prices, 3oc to 85c. k We can furnish you with any size Window Shade you wish. 1 1 1 1 1 1 The Times and FamilyHerald to January 1st, 1907, £ or • 5O vvvvvvvvvvnvvvvvlvvvnvlV. vvvvvvvvvv'/v7vvveIIIITY NNILI 11r. 4 Subscribe at once and get the full ► 4 benefit of these offers. Cash must ► 4 accompany each subscription. ~ Fa11 term opens in the new building, Tues- day, Sept. 4th. Our catalogues are free for the asking, and will tell you all about this splendid school. the finest of its kind on the 'Continent, and the grand work it has been doing for the past thirty years. If you cannot come to Chatham, and want to be a bookkeeper. stenographer or penman, take our home training by mail. Catalogue will tell you all about our home courses. Catalogue F will tell you all about our train- ing at Chatham. Write for the one yon want, addressing D. McLACIILAN R CO., Chatham. Ont. P. S. -Mention this paper in writing, FALL TERM SEPT. 4. HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR NEW Spring Suit Overcoat If you haven't, it's high time you were thinking about it. We cordially invite you to take a look at what we are showing this spring in the latest %weeds, Serges, Worsteds, Fancy Yestings, Tr•nserings, etc. We can snit you in price, quality, style and workmanship. Robt. Maxwell TAILOR. You are invited to write for the illustrated catalogue of the moat successful Commercial School in Western Ontario. All graduates get positions. Machinery Berlin Business CollegeRepairing. ,W. D. EULER • Principal . 010 HENS WANTED W6 pay the HIGHEST GASH PRIOhs for live Old Hens, also Spring Chickens, Ducks, and all kinds of Poultry. Mention this paper. THE Canada Poultry & Produce Co, Limited fitRATWORD, ONT. Summer Goods at Reduced Prices 4i I have taken possession of the Wing - ham Machine Shop, on Victoria street, and engaged a first-class mechanic who ie competent to do all kinds of repairing of ee *Thre1shing Engines, Grain Separators, Farm Machinery, Bicycles, ete. Come and see our bargains in : PRINTS -Good variety of English and Canadian Prints. . American Prints, fast colors, at 7c per yard. CHAMBRAYS--Pretty Chambrays, perfectly fast colors, for dresses, dainty colors, at 12%C. MERCILDAS-The newest dress goods for summer, 0. • guaranteed to retain its silky gloss and color after • washing. v. MUSLINS-Alrierica.i Muslin, fast colors, 5c and 6c. 4 t 4 s t 4 4 4 4 SHIRT WAISTS -Ladies' White Lawn and Swiss Shirt Waists, beautifully embroidered and trimmed- ►, just a few odd sizes Ieft, to be sold cheap. v. C LADIES' VESTS -All kinds, very cheap. a. HOSIERY --Cotton Hosiery at any price. it EMBROIDERIES -Something very special ; regular • 15c pods for toe ; too goods for 6c., etc. E• SILKOLINES-Regular 20c for 15c. Lovely goods for draping purposes. UNDERSKIRTS -Black Sateen Underskirts at cost. • Also, White Cambric Underwear at cost. t. ▪ LACE CURTAINS, Dotted Muslins and Colored Curtain Muslins, Counterpanes, Towels, Blannellette I will now be in a position to attend to• • all work of this kind on shortest notice. Sheeting, and many other things , to be cleared out during July. Ours the sacrifice -yours the gain. When your machinery needs repairing , Proth ce give me a Dalt. Sattsfaetion guaranteed, Aiik Usual. T. Ails MILL # Wo Co PATON'* 1 1 1 4 4 4 Z, 4 4e 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 1