HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-30, Page 1THS WINGHA VOL XXXV.—NO. 1803. Tailor -Made Clothes $1 5. We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and.faultless- , ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6. A fine seleotion of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stook. M.S.L. Horvath Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. Bread and butter Education Business houses have, this past year, made TEN TiMES as many demands upon us for young ladies and gentlemen who are thoroughly grounded in busi- ness principles, as we have had students.. to send, Winghamusiness College LGE a postal for information to GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal. t RI "Affiliated with Clinton Business College.) OPENS SEPT. 3rd 1 Talcum Powder Hot Weather makes this a ne- ceaaity. We have all the lead- ing makes. Large stock of Colgate's Violet Talc, just to hand, in handy hexes, 213e each. Walton Mckibbon Phut, B. DRUGGIST". ]ldaodonald Block - WINGtietAat This. stare closes at 8 p. m., every evening except Setnrday, ease - GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. On Recent Weather, Too hot to eat, o- sleep, or think, Too hot to go ani get a drink; Too hot by far t, work at all, Too hot to pay t- friendly call; Too hot to wish or cooler days, Too hot to bear 3'en moonlight rays, Too hot for augt t but sit and melt, Too hot to tell h.sw hot we felt, A Word fog, Vaccination. Dr. Hodgetts, S -cretary of the Pro- vincial Board of H alth, will publish a well -illustrated p mphlet of 30 pages dealing with the an ject of"vaccination." The pamphlet co ate the arguments of the anti-vaceinati nista, and is written with a view to ed eating pnblio opinion to a due appreoia on of the importance to the publio heal , and of•the adoption of vaccination.. Full supply of new school books just opened at K. M. Fisher's book store. Has Ret Mr. David Hasi who escaped from at London during 1 and whose where since that time, ca friends mach worry one morning thi home will be a gre It was thought he met with some oth ned Home. ngs, of , Tnrnberry, it, Joseph's hospital e third week of :nip boots was unknown sing his family and , returned home early week. His coming t relief to his parents. ad been drowned or r mishap. Highest price paid for bides and pont- try at T. Fells' bntoher shop. Married t Winnipeg. A happy event t k place in the Young 4 Methodist Chums. at Winnipeg on Wednesday of t tis week, when Mr, Boswell Russell, e lest son of Mr. Geo. Russell, formerly tot Wingham was mar- ried to Miss Dagg, 4 popular young lady of that city. Tht groom learned the printing business n the Trans Office and now has a goo position in the office of the Winnipeg Fre Presa, The Wing - ham friends willwi thisyoung man and his bride many ears of happy and prosperous wedded ife. SuMsinSAS R LE.laughter Cash Sale of all Dress Fabrics. GEo. E. KING. S9 Wingham Salt Works. • Last week the Tz ES man in making his rounds about t town called at the salt works, one of Wiugham'a thriving industries. We f nd' many improve. menta since our at visit. A large chimney has been F=tilt in the centre,of the block and now fires are burning at both ends ; in this t way the output of the works is larg-.-y increased. Mr Sperling has a large taff of men and the Works are being ru to their full capac- ity, yet he is not abl to keep up with his orders, so great is t demand for Wing - ham salt. Come to D. M. GORDON'S Great Mid - Summer Sale. The prices in many lines are cut in two. May as well share in the great slaughter. Won the Edward Blake Scholarship At the recent Toronto University scholarship examiztions, a distinguish- ed success was, se tiered by Reginald Booking, a student of the Dutton High School, who oapt .ed the first Edward Blake aoholarsh- in mathematics, amounting to $2 , and alto the second Edward Blake ho]arship in science, amounting to $1 . Bocking's record is a most unique ne. He got first-class honors 1n soieno , phy,sics, botany, zoo- logy, German, nglish, Latin, mathe- matics; stands cond in biology, eighth in physics, four h in science, fourth in mathematics, th in Latin, ninth in genera] profici cy, and third for the Edward Blake s holarahip in mathema- tics and science, esidea passing Parts I and II, senior eaning, with honors. This suooesaful pil was a student of Mr. J. A. Taylor as prinoipal of the Dutton High Soh band a large measure of hie remarkabl aohievement is un- doubtedly due to a energy and ability of his teacher. I may also be stated that about $2,600 as been placed to the credit of the Dntt in High School daring the past six years, that amount having been won in achol irehips by them. This is substantial evi tenon of the fact that the Wingham H h School Board have made ati exoelle t oholoe in engaging the services of . Taylor as principal of our new Hi h l will w g S1) col. Sohoc wi i open on Tinkle next, in the ptzblic iohool building, with the fall staff' of teachers present. The Tiaras welcomes Mr. Taylor and the other members of the teaching eta to Wingham, and ex. presser the fief that the Work of Which they ha obarge Will abundantly prosper, WING LMI, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1906. Wear %Imre Shoes and, Rubbers A Word to Band Oonctl A number of t: Citizens Band are week and there veil held in the park oz this week. t Withdrawn. e members of the way from town this be no band concert Friday evening of Don't miss the barga.na in furniture at our store during Ju.d and August. WALKER BROs & BUTTON. Appointed Pro incial Constable. Mr. George A. bippen received word last week from th Provincial Secretary's Department at T onto that he had been appointed a Pro 'nein]. Constable. He has done some g d service as a County Constable and w' 1 no doubt give every satisfaction in his new position. The very latest styles in wedding cake boxes and embroidered paper doilies just received at K. M. Fisher's book store. Huron The Huron Old Toronto, will as exhibition groan and all Huronite the tent and ma during their sta the west side of W. C. T U. Id Boys oys' Assooiaton of final have a tent on the 1 during the great fair, are requested to visit e it their headquarters It will be located on the grounds, near the Fon SeLE—Good Dwelling House and one aore of land, now oconpied by me; For terms and particulars apply to GEO. MCKENZIE. For up-to-date etationerv, visiting oards invitation cards and enveloped, go to K. M. Fisher's book store, Cooper's old stand, Gregory's block. Blyth St ndard Sold. Mr. A. E. Brad 'n, who for a number of years has been ditor and proprietor of the Blyth Stan rd, has sold the •bnsi- neas to Mr, W. H Kerr, of the Brussels Post. The paper will be managed by Mr. Kerr's son, J Leslie Kerr, and they ''will take posseasi non 1st of September. We wish the ne proprietor every sac- cess in the basin at Blyth, Mr. Brad - win will move s family to Toronto, where he has a g d position in the office of Saturday Nig t, and where we wish him continued s ocess. Friend Bradwm will be missed among his newspaper friends of the g d old County of Huron. You will find our furniture store the best place to deal for high-class goods at most reasonable prices. WALKER linos & BUTTON, furniture dealers and under- takers. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 8rd door East of St. Andrew's Churoh. Glasses supplied, Wingha Fall Fair. The Directors the Turnberry Agri- cultural Society h Id a meeting Saturday evening and deoi ed on further attrac- tions for the 1 1 fair to be held on Thursday and iday, Sept, 27 and 28. In addition to iotor's Venetian Band, one of the very est attractions ever ar- ranged to appea in Wingham, there will be a road -hors race, prizes for feat walking team o horses, beet lady driver, ladies' hitching race, potato race on horseback, egg race, three-legged race for boys under i6 years, and a race for girls under 16 Nears. Special 'prizes are being arranged or in a number of the departments, p rticulars of which will be announced i due time. Prize lists can be had fr'm the secretary at the Times office. Penton SUITE FOR SALE—An elegant second -handed walnut parlor suite in first class condition, consisting of seven pieces. For sale at a bargain. Apply to R. Vanatone. Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo- Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Sept 4th Hours 2 p. in. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop- erly fitted. What Ma es a Town. The trade territ ry is noc all depen. dent upon the dis nee to neighboring trading points. e trade territory de - ponds upom the e terprise of the mere chants and the re dents of the town. If the town does ot reach after the •trade it will only ome as fast as it Mee to. But if the rohanta go after busi. nese in the aur unsling country, ad. vertising in ey y possible Way, and making good ev y word of their adver- tising, trade wi come from an ever increasing radio the town will gain a reputation for b ng awake, and it will forge to the fro t. It is the men in town, and not al gether the men living within a certain umber of miles from it, that snakes t town, --Ex. efinquents. There ere good any of our sub- soribers who are Piully in arrears;. Some of them no d ubt are figuring on squaring up at en of the year. When the end of the yea comes they will like- ly be as far be)iin as they are now. So far as the printer s concerned, the time above all other imea, that he needs money the worst 's in September. Will those of our subs ribes who are in ar- rears, please taletl the hint. If you have not been participating in the great bargiana now being given rte. D M GORDON'S, you are missing an un- nsual opportunity of saving money. Winghaml1Hospital, A meeting of the shareholders of the Wingham Hospital: Company was held on Monday even hg in the Council Chamber, when th by-laws of the com- pany were duly pa ent directors were Thos. Ball, Rioh Taylor, Rev. T, Green, R. Veneto Hepburn, C. P. Drs. J. E. Taub 3, P. Kennedy, Dr. B. H. Hemi the apse of the g ing of the direct following officers ary President, D President, Thos, W. H. Green; S Treasurer, Dr. sed and the perman- looted as follows :— rd Clegg, Frank J. i. Boyle, Walter H. Teaoh him that 'riches are :pot to be e, A. E. Smith, D. T. despised, but shoal l never begot by do- iith, W F VanStone, ing harm to others; that when acquired n, It, C. Redmond,should be treated es a trust, not as a f. R. Macdonald and hoard, ton, of Beigrave, At neral meeting a meet- s was held when the were elected:--$onor- . T. Chisholm, M. P. ; Bell; Vice President, oretary, R. Vanatone; , J. Irwin. Ti • $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Married Toronto. A very happy ev nt took place in St. Andrew's Church, oronto on Wednes- day afternoon of is week, when two young people, well nown to our readers, Mr. John Pattison nd Miss Jessie Porter were joined in the oly bonds of wedlock. The groom has be living in Port Elgin for some months, here he has a good business inthe furn ure and undertaking. The bride is one f Wingham'a most estimable young is es and the Teams can join with their man friends in extending hearty oongratulatesae. The Value ot Example To have your chip; truthful ,be truthful. To have him tem aerate, be temperate in all things. To have him kin s to others, be your- self kind to others, Prescribe health amusements and so far as you can t Prove to him by name is to be phos :e part in them. our life that a good - before great riches. Wall paper and borders going at same price. It will pay you to freshen up your xoomswith good cheap wall lpaper fr m K. M. Fisher's book store. The nndersigne will offer public auotion, W. A tiOneer, at the ma flet scyn re, Wingham, on Saturcay, Sep bel lat, 1906, at 4 o'clock p, m., one 13. wn mare 4 years old, weighing abo it 1200 pounds. The sale will be witho it reserve, Taos. GILMOUR. ,ftl"r sale by nrrle, ano- County Model Schools. The; Board of Examiners for the County of Huron met in the Public School; Seaforth, on Saturday, Augnat 25th, to arrange Or the cession of the Model Schools of Goderich and Clinton. All the members were present. It was resolved to admit students to the Model Schools, who eviI-. be eighteen years of age on or befort schools at the A Teachers holdin& certificates will b the opening of the utumn term of 1907. expired Third class granted renewals for three yearn on passing the final exami- nation of the MeleI School in Decem- ber, The final 9xamination begins on, Monday, Deoeznreer 10th, 1906, The meeting then a ljourned" to meet on December 24th aSeaforth, 3 G o. BAIRD, Secretary. The butoher shops of W- gham will be open next Monday (La Day) until 10 o'clock a.m, for hes convenience of customers. Orders ill not be called for, and no meat delivered. The McM The McMaster Ba young men from 1y They preach and si saving grace of Go ster Band. d is oomposed of five [chaster University. g the gospel of the . Mr. Cameron, the leader of the Band, 'a a graduate of the University. He is n eloquent speaker and very tactful i his methods. Mr. Ray, is missionary to South .America. He is a man of oo iderable experience and an earnest a ker of souls. Mr. Warner and Mr. H ttiey are both of the olessof '05. Mr. W ner has several times represented the niversity in. Inter- coIlegiate debates, he championship of which McMaster well for three consecu- tive years. Mr. Hartley has been supplying one of ti^ larger churches of New York State di ring the past sum- mer. And last, but:no means least, is the sweet singer of Iar tel, Mr. Williamson who has been offend many lucrative positions as soloist is Toronto and other cities but he prefers to serve his Master in the Band work. These five young fellows are losing a year of University training that they Ivey go from town to town seeking to bri sotila in contact with Ohtist. They ill be in the Bap- tist bhnrch next Lor 'rn Day at 11 a. m., 3 p. m., and 7 p. m. Dating the week following they will h d aervices begin- ning with a song setv;is at 7.30. Don't fail to here these yo ,ng men,, Come early and crowd tbb e• ureh. When the ohnrch becomes too mall then the opera homes will be need. ' 'he meetings will be undenominational e?irit. Every- body verybody is invited to p rt`cipate in the blessing. Thin is our rat privilege of coming in contact ith this modern evangelistic forge w Joh has resulted already in the salvat• n of thousands of souls. Let us prove he #cord if He will not poor Out a rich leasing upon eaoh and all Of us. To have him hon,st, present to him in yourself a living ',xample of honesty. The chief part of 'a child's knowledge Domes through observation. Acts mean more to him than in eech,—Philadelphia Inquirer. Co -Operative Experiments in Agricul- tut e. Material for any fine of the five ex- periments x- grim nts here e mentioned will be sent free to any Ontario it, he will conduct great care, and repo harveat next year. sent ont in the orde armer applying for n experiment with t the results after The seed will be in which applies - dons are received a long as the supply Iasts. 1. Testing hairy retches and winter rye as fodder crops,.2 plots. 2. Testing three, varieties of winter wheat, 3 plots. 3. Testing five fertilizers with winter wheat, 6 plots. 4. Testing antu cations of nitrate o salt with winter w 5. Testing two for grain productio The exact size of rod wide by two rt terial for either of t merits or for No. 5 forwarded by mail, other two by ex wishing to conduct meats should apply, mentioning which . n and spring appli- soda and common eat, b plots. arieties of winter rye •, 2 plots. each plot is to be one ds long. The ma• • e first two experi- experiment will be Wand for each of the rese. Each person ne of these experi- as soon as possible, :at he desires, and the material, with , strnctiona for testi- ing and the blank form on which to report will be fur,eished free of cost until the supply of; experimental mater- ial is exhausted. 1pply to J. Buchanan, Agricultural Coile, Guelph. Ont. Mr. Alex. Creelm Imperial Bank, P Guelph, where he brother, President A. C. Mr. J. W. King dale stallion, "Ma at Bluevale. Par vices of this of th 'phone Mr. King meet them at stable, Wingham n, Manager of the 11 View, died at went to visit his reelman of the 0. as taken ht lydes- cot" to h' own stable ie deaf ing the ser - i or9e can write or t Bltteva.i e and heit w 1 r. A. T. Ford's sale PA Leave your so legacy of a good "i It is better than go end every day of tl Latin and Greek E N TS. and daughters the usiness Education." d, It yields a divid- eir lives, re good enough for those who have a eaning towards the theories of the mus past: but Taciturn and Cicero can nevdr take the place in business life of book keeping,00mmeroial law, bnsineas cur espondence, actual bnsineas practice, b king, penmanship, rapid and accurate onlation,sholithand, typewriting, telegra hy, etc. , Augustus Schell, brilli t financier of New York, speak g of minuet Col. lege work, said: "C u1 , when young, have had a course o aotical instruction I do not hesitate to say that it would have been worth t enty-five years of business life to me " Hon, G. W. Ro late Minister of Education said: "I ooknpon Commerc- ial Colleges as an a irable part of our system; the work ioli they do cannot be done in our Hig Schools, in fact it could not be well d ire anywhere but in such an institution. ' James A. Gar Id said: "Business Colleges furnish th it graduates with a better education f r practical purposes than Harvard, rincoton or Yale Universities." Jas. L. Hughes Inspector of Public Sohoals, Toronto, at , said: "Even if a man has graduate from a university he should take a Bu mesa College course before entering on is life work if he in- tends to denote h meelt to commercial pursuits." It yon think t se above men knew what they were %irking about, write to the Wingham Bus nese college for fur- ther partionlarsto the preparation ot young ladies an gentlemen as book. keepers, stenogra hers and telegraphers. CHUROI-( NOTES, The pastor of thi will take for hie and at 11 a. m., "People seats." 7 p. m., "V the morning." S helpful. Come. Methodist church ecte next Sunday; who take the back hat we shall see in rvicea bright and The General Conf; renin of the Metho- dist church of Cana a will convene in Montreal on Sept, 1ih. W. J. Fawcett and W. H. Kerr, of gates and 60 1s D, now. The aeasions of weeks or more, questions to be dis Union, the Oonnexio of General Confereno russets, are dela- . Taylor, of Luck - ill occupy a couple Some of the big ssed are Churoh al Funds, selection Officers, &c. 1, ABO Holiday Ra Single fare for t in effect for Lab stations on the way east of Port connecting line Buffalo and De DAY. s cn C P R 0 round trip Day, b nadian tbn ill be een all a:ific Rail- ," to points on i • anada, and to Tickets good go- ing Saturday Sunday and Monday, September 1 2 and 3, returning until and on Tn::day, September 4, 11)06. Tickets and nil particulars at any C.P,R Ticket Offic J. J, Durin morning residence ort one of the b esteemed resi E iott, V. S., Passes Away, he early hours of Sunday t there passed away at his Victoria street, Wingham, t known and most highly lents of this section. We refer to the de fee of J. J. Elliott, V.S. The subject of his notice was a son of of the late Joh Elliott, of the 14th con- cession of East Wawanosh, where he was born and a nt the early years of life. He receiv a public school educa- tion, and early t ok up the studies to fit himself for the rk of the veterinary profession. Atte graduating from the Ontario Veterinar College he settled in Clifford for the p dice of his profea- sion, and while here succeeded in working up a large nd lucrative prac- tice. About six yeas ago he returned to Wingham and co tinned in his pro- fession, also dealt g extensively in horses. The bards of being exposed to inolement weathertand the exposure incident to the work 101 the profession soon began to tell on constitution. Early in contracted a severe col in a complication of In trouble, and he was f from work. Selling on spent part of the aumm Canadian West, retuz none rugged too ru ed 1903 Mr. Elliott 1, which resulted og and stomach arced to refrain t his practice, he er of 1903 in the Hing apparently somewhat improved. , The winter of 1904-1905 be spent in Colorado, but de- rived little benefit. Fc or more he had been re; on Victoria street, but go about very little. Elliott was one of our and public-spirited Citi. active interest in matt r the past year iding at his home as been able to The late J. J. most progressive ens, and took an rs pertaining to the welfare of the towel. He occupied a seat at the Council ini 02 and 1903; was president of the Tnrnberry AgricaItural Society in 1903, and f4 some time was the chief officer of th Wingham Con- servative Association all of which positions he filled hone ably and accept- ably. He was a faith ul attendant of the Presbyterian Chur , and for some years a me ofthe tuber oard of Mana- gers. In social and retinal life Mr. Elliott was a man well nown and high- ly spoken of. Being of a genial and kindly disposition, ilte made many friends, who will Iearn with deepest re- gret of his death at comparatively early an age. More th n twenty years ago Mr. Elliott chose a his life partner a caughter of i1dr. A drew Linklater, then of Emit Wawanos ; and the widow, a danghter, Annie, an a ton, Weir, are left to mourn the loss i a kind husband and an indulgent fath , Deceas'd was a member of Wingha Masonic Lodge; Clifford Ledge, Indep ndent Order of Oddfeliows; Camp Na ional, Woodmen of the World. Wingha ; and the Local Court of the Indendent;,Order of Forest. era. The funeral took afternoon to the Win the cortege being one o lace on Tuesday ham cemetery, the largest ever witnessed in this town.,i A brief service was held at the house, conducted by Rev, D. Perris and Rev! Stephen Young, of Clifford, a former 'tor of deceased. The burial service oft Masonic Order was performed at the grave, and a large number of the memberti, including many trona neighboring ; lhdges, preceded the remains of their ,:leoeaeed brother to the. cemetery, the il prooeaeion being headed by the Wingh m Citizens' Band. The pall -bearers wee Messrs. W, J. Greer, R. H. Crow r, P. Hill, Wm. Nicholson, EImer ogre and P. N. Teasley. .Among t floral tributes Was a beautiful Wreath from the business men of Wingham, d also one from the local camp of Wood en of the World, The bereaved Widow and children have the sincere sympathy .3f the entire com- munity itt their hour of affliction. GORKS and SPI6I S Pickling season is here and we are in a position to give you the BEST SPIOES and CORKS that are on the market. Our Spioes are all fresh and pure. In Corks we have all sizes, from smallest size up to the largest must ar d jar you desire to use. We will be pleased to serve you. Our prices are very Iow, at Wa l l ey's Drug Store Phone 100. Successor to McCall & Co Success in Selling Real Estate depends on bringing sellers and buy- ers together at the proper time The following list is a sample of the many cheap and desirable properties for sale : 54000—Business, including dry goods, groceries and general storekeeping stock. Building 1e story solid brick with dwelling and stables. Profits last year dhow over $1,000, and good living. $2500 -2 -story frame house; excellent Condition; Centre St. $2100-2 story frame house; bath,etc., stable worth $500; Minnie St. $1300—New brick cottage, Josephine street. $1300-2•story frame house; stable; Leopold St. $1100-1,} story frame house, 8 rooms,' stable; Frances St. $1000-11 atory new brick house, 7 rooms; corner lot; Charles St. $5000-100 acres, Tnrnberry township, bank barn, frame house; 11 miles from Wingham. $3500-59 aures ; brick house; bank barn; 13_ miles from Wingham. $3500-421 acres; brick house; bank barn; sh mile from Wingham. Wroxet.r Village Property. $31300-17i story brink house, an excel- lent home for a retired farmer. Call and get full particulars. Agent for Western Lands. J. 11, CHISI-IOL11, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. Vanatone block. Wingham, FALL -FAIR DATES. Wingham Sept. 27-28 Toronto Aug. 27 -Sept. 10 London ... ...- .. . Sept, 7-15 Goderich Sept. 26.27-28 Blyth ...,,,,, Sept. 18-19 Listowel Sept. 25-26 Exeter Sept. 17-18 Harriston Sept. 27-28 Kincardine Sept, 18.19 Mildmay Sept, 24-25 Palmerston Sept. 20-21 Ripley Sept, 23.26 Seaforth, -.. Sept. 19-20 Walkerton Sept. 19-20 Zurich • , , , , ... Sept, 19.20 Lucknow Oct. 2- 3 Teeswater Oct. 3- 4 Brussels.. ..., , ... Oct. 4- 5 Bayileld Oct. 2-3 Oct. 4 5 Oct 6 Dungannon Fordwich Try our kind of School Shoes Onr $1.50 School Shoe is a record - breaker. It's the beet $1 50 School S'iee for Boys and Girls on earth. Best School Shoe for the money ever made. Best Shoe for the money that ever will be made, Other elioe dealers, who have seen this School Shoe, are s eechlerne • they p , y have nothing to offer that can equal it, See this Shoo ---it will talk for itself. All sizet and widths. W. J. Geer TIMM 8110Eilt.