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The Huron Expositor, 1990-04-18, Page 20
;20 TkiE,HURgN E.XPOSITOR;.,APRII. l0, 1990 asco,vancss, murga N { aG 9040 mot FOR WEDWNOS 004C ,j NE iE:tl' PA K%grO. 1e tvg. 01,0400 rNb!OM.. epussFas - 8876159. s' s 4 bAY,IIkIE or,EVENINQB RUCK &DOE for Pete Martine and Tammy Driscoll ,TUR©AY, APRIL 28 For more information-- 527-2624 :FE=N'S A uodorlch It. L SEAFORTH 0277Oe20 WEDNESDAY NIGHT Is FISH FRY NIGHT BUY ONE FISH SPECIAL AT REG. PRICE AND GET THE 2nd FISH SPECIAL ..AT...1/2 PRICE TAKE-OUT MENU CaII, 527-0820 10% OFF Mon. & Tiara. 4 -7 p.m. ARMONY KINGS Present Their eth A'n'nual Spring Show 'T UCK STOP' With Comedy & Barbershop Slinging Saturdays April 28 Seaforth & Distract Community Centres Shows at 1:59 p.m. anti 7:59 p.m. MATINEE $6.00 EVVENONG $7,00 STUDENTS $3.90 CALL 522-1217 or 527=1832 7,77 lints gTu writing to,:thnk aYAW paper ghee; about: nee tied' nd ant• Otic ale Britten rapes cpnaoaiw :inti Q I aa89.tto "' alfaN�dll aware, ` ,' ltl 11r #$ .de mr..rx err wet ace vfroruglental Crisis''. We can do it ,together. T 011eklPfeketls - duarage we ire 41011S to ourworld. It has been pointed out to me that there ,has never yet been a single issue of such profound.:, significance in our recorded ryeEnvironmental concerns encom- pass our earth unlike wars, catastrophes, and other devastations which are felt on- ly by individual areas. The Indisposable Cotton paper Company,' look; upon all this as a challenge. We see this very Issue as one that, because it is of global concern, can bring our world together to work as one to overcome it. I know, personally, I have changed at- titude from hang rather complacent to realizing the very real responsibility I have to my family and world we live in. ' I think if we as adults look upon our earth as being "borrowed from our children" rather than "inherited from our forefathers" we will treat it in such a way that we will be proud to pass it on. That is also where The Indisposable Cotton Diaper Company is making their mark on the environment in the way g we are fighportion of bulk wasteto .AAna examplte a e of that is the way we are approaching hospitals, not only for infant care but also in adult care, to switch back to cotton and stop using throw away products. Earth Day is April 22 and I am very ex- cited! I want to share my enthusiasm with all your readers and ask everyone to make a commituaent now so that by April 22 we can all feel good about what we have begun to do to put an end to the "En - APRIL 20, 1990 Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary WALTER & MARGARET SOMERVILLE Love from your family KLOM "EFEEST '90 AY 18-20 presents .. DEMIKVOSCHEN BAND from the Netherlands GRANDSTAND SHOW: '0 -4 p.m GENERAL ADMISSION: Adults $4. Children $2.= = ro tiuq_rna 70 Pre-school -FREE In dosing I ask that you print MY letter as well as the article I enclosed from the Vancouver Sun, October 7/89 Thank You Melodle VanderWal As creatures on an ancient, enduring planet, humans are lifeforms of only the last few million years. The world before our time survived suffocating ice ages and cataclysmic collisions with meteors. The animals before our time didn't: 99 percent of all species that ever lived are now extinct. Will _Untold be next? Today, the sombre litany of damage to the planet rings hi the ear of eternity. A • third:4f the rfull!foresta are gone. The •ozone layer is drsappearing The oceans are Pe _Owed, The' clogged end damaged at- mosphere could baking climate change more drastic ford more rapid than ever before. Changing course Is not a matter of sav- ing a fragile planet. It is a matter of saving a,fragile species. The destruction we have wrought since the Industrial Revolution is not so much to the earth, but to the conditions on earth that support human life. There is very little time left. The voices are urgent: "We have only 10 years to change course," says Thomas Lovejoy, a Washington biologist credited with bringing George S. Henry Academy Dear editor, Attention graduates of George S. Henry! Your fellow classmates are trying to spread the word about the North York High School's 25th anniversary reunion. Slated for Saturday, May 12, from 7 p.m. to midnight, the event promises to combine nostalgic memories with the fun or reacquaintances. Hydro Wonder what the class brain' is doing now? Would you like to know if your old math teacher is still cracking the whip? Wonder if the school beauty' is still beautiful? Come to the school for the reu- nion and find out. The informal event will feature displays off memorabilia, reunion sweatshirts, mood music, food and opportunities to the Seeder 0f' the rein ,fo to lite tion of the world "What we do or don't do fo the next decade will largely set the course , T1 we don't, we are on the pathway to the demise .of the human; species." saps Maurice Strong, head ef'the United Nations first environment program. These are also the voices of Optimists. Strong and dozens of others believe the 1990's will be the "turnaround" decade, that we will make the drastic changes re- quired in time. Ten years to turn it around. Two election cycles. Children born today will be in Grade 5. Their world will be defined by what we do or don't do while they get there. The world of their childrenwill depend on it. The Vancouver Sun, October 7, 1989 Reunion renew old trienosrups. Cost is $10 per per- son - bring your spouse or friend. For more information, contact the school at 445-3440 (416) or the undersign- ed at 416-737.6894. Marney (Granger) Robinson Class of 72, eunlon Committee, George S. Henry Academy North York, Ont. from page 2 ing demand by using energy more wisely rather than continually trying to find new supplies. Ontario Hydro's existing conser- vation and efficiency program is only a small part of what they could be doing. Hydro has moved only so far with efficien- cy measures as not to "jeopardize" the need for new supply options (their favorite being nuclear). A study commissioned by the provincial NDP says that, with existing technology, Ontario could easily save the power FERGOE'S LOUNGE Q' ';EES_ �tJs SEAFORTH HOTEL 4 Goderlch St. E, 527-0826 THLl S.-FRL SAT. APRIL 19, 209 21 THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN; 1c Cover Charge "-,<:OOMINR' PRILI7**,:..,„.. CONCERT' OF THE MONTH !CE pr• dON JOvl Tribute 1 The Clinton Spring Fair is only six weeks away! WE HAVE LOTS OF WAYS FOR 136th A NTER NOW! FRIDAY, JUNE 1st DEMOLITION DERBY Yes you can enter! Call Lorraine Bell 432.7643 for details. HOLSTEIN SHOW Betty Jones - 395-3151 JERSEY SHOW Jack Van Egmond - 482.7249 QUEEN OF THE FAIR Brenda Hymers - 482.39977 TRA®EFEST Our Annual Trade Show in the ARENA. To put your business in the Tradefeel call Lorraine Bell 482.7643. Saturday, June 2nd SHEEP SHOW Robert Snell - 523-9721 HORSE SHOW Heavy - Tom Lelper - 523-4257 Light - Frank MacDonald - 482-7600 POULTRY SHOW Cliff Pepper - 238.4667 COUNTRY FUN OLYMPICS Robert Hunking - 523.4318 BABY SNOW Marie Young - 628-7669 CHILDREN'S MINI*TRACTOR PULL YOUTH TALENT 3 A- RCH171 PARADE Paul Wheeler - 624-7171 Paul Wheeler - 624-7171 ARTS & CRAFTS ENTRY CATEGORIES FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN Call for a catalogue! *School exhibits *Wall Hangings, Cross-stitch, Ceramics, Christmas decorations *Amateur Phofb Contest *Sewing *Crocheting and Knitting *Needlework *Quilt Competition *Domestic Science • home baked Bread, Tarte, Muffins *Floral Exhibits ALL ENTRIES TO BE MADE AT THE CLINTON ARENA, FRIDAY JUNE 1 BETWEEN 10 AM -12 NOON. For Details Call: Idabel MacDonald 402-ie00 Linda Metter 402.7824 Anone all LORRAINE BELL .I.t. 482.7643 8ecretery-Treasurer - equivalent of more than another Darlington -sized nuclear power plant. Even Ontario Hydro would agree that a kilowatt of new capacity saved equals at least a kilowatt of new capacity added. Until our governments stop subsidizing power use and require the electricity sec- tor w pay its share of taxes and until our utilities implement significant energy effi- ciency programs, our utilities have no right to demand sacrifices of anyone's en- vironment, least of all aboriginal peoples' of the north. The Optitnist Club of Fullartoig Township PRESENTS: DABBER INGO CRYSTAL PALACE in Mitchell TURS®,anAPRft 19 WED., AY 2 FREE ADMISSION Ringo starts at 7:15 p.m. sharp OF YOU35, 'FRIEND I urge fellow environmentalists to show support for Moose River communities in their battle to preserve their river system. For Earth Day 1990 (April 22nd), why not write to: Ontario Premier Peterson and Ontario Energy Minister Lyn McLeod (Queen's Park, Toronto M7A L11); and Jake Epp, MP, Federal Energy Minister (House of commons, Ottawa RIA 0A6) It's good to tell them that aggressive energy efficiency remedies will forestall the need for building more hydro dams, nuclear power plants and coal stations. Yours truly Anne Hansen ATLANTIC PROVINCES tic NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Join is at the Clinton Twn all Thursday, April 26 at 7:30 po for a slide presentation by Fettes Tours —Please -Call To Register- ltdBET travel mart 44 Ontario St. 482-7771 Clinton Attention Bali Hockey Teams E TING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 8:00 P.M. COMMERCIAL HOTEL MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Each Team Rep have the $500.00 entry fee along with their Players list present at the meeting WANTED: Referees - $10. Per Hour rite THURSDAY -SATURDAY Matinee Sat. 4:00 P.M. Nee* "THE STRIPES" Welcome back one of our favourites. Main St. "UPTOWN" Entertaining Us With Great HOCK 'N' HOLLI PICTURE ID IS REQUIRED Seaforth 527-0980 i ask or!.PARK THEATRE a Aar •M;r, GODEIICI 524.7811 ���►'•- Fri--Thurs., Apr. 20-26 Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9:20 P.M. Sun.-Thurs. 8 P.M. PAREWtAL GUIDANCE ........... LONG DISTANCE? CALL 9.000.4493.3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO