The Huron Expositor, 1990-04-18, Page 18THE HURON -f; OSITQR, APRIL NT. 1990 134. A UCTIQN' ALES COUNTRY AEG DADLEY 345-2564 35 TENDER.$ W NTOP BILL PRESZCATOR 2333-3220 • SERV{CES JIM PRESZCATOR 522-0165 Settodb Mike Open Mondry to Friday 527-2540 UPCOMING SALE Thursday, April 19 - 10 a.m. For Alvin Elligsen, RR #4 Walton, East of Family Paradise, Large selection of tools, etc., 2 tractors. Full listing April 11. RICHARD 10138 AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 SAT., APRIL 21 AT 10 A.M.: 20 guns, 2 Small boat motors, wrenches and tools, furniture, ap- pliances, at Lobb's Large Auction Building, Bayfield Rd., Clinton. SAT., APRIL 28 AT 10 A.M.: Appliances, fur- niture, antiques at Lobb's Large Auction Building, Clinton for Mrs. Muriel Scott of Cromarty plus additions. HURON CO1iNif 41*, TENDER FOR GROUNDSKEEPING 1990 SEALED TENDERS, subject to an on site inspection, will be received at the Museum office until 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 27, 1990. • For the grounds bordered by North St., Bruce St., Trafalgar St.and the property line on the east. •Detailed duties described in Tender form available at the. Museum. •Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Submit tenders and inquiries to: CLAUS BREEDE Director/Curator Huron County Museum 110 North Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T8 Tel: 524-2686 I 8SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 I. Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maiintenance Dublin 345-2235 HENSALL LIVESTOCK S.AJ.ES' Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves G Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton . 262-2619 Hensall Harry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton Joe Zehr 887-9599 Brussels Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 33i miles east, of .Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. LARGE AUCTION SALE Guns, boat motors, tools, riding mower, furniture, appliances, antiques, to be held at Lobb's Large Auction Building, Boyfleld Rd. In Clinton ter two Bayfield Area residents pies additions SATURDAY, APRIL 21 at 10 A.M. GUNS: 6 - 12 gauge single and double barrel shotguns, Coosy 490 shotgun, 1915 BSA 303 army rifle, 11910 BSA 303 army r4 fie. Russian 300 army rifle with scope, JAP army rifle, Swiss army rifle, Marlin .25 . 20 cal. lever action carbine (old collectors), Savage 222 cat. rifle with 4 x 15 scope and sling pima others. BOAT EQUIP.: Ronda 100 9.9 h.p. 4 cycle motor, Johnston S h.p, motor. Momenta gas engine, water pump. ROBING MOWER: Roper 0 h.p. with electric start, gas engine weed eater, electric lawn mower. TOOLS, ETC.: Skil belt sander. Miktta disc grinder, B&B tigsow, 2 B&D 3/0 electric vial's, cardless drill, droll bots, 'A", 3/0", %" socket sets, bench grinder, battery charger, 4" vise, calipers. tops and dies, small drill press, pipe wrenches, odtustoble wrenches, pipe vise, hammers, hot sloe gun, adtustabte mitre box, lack oil Jack, hand'tnrio winch, grease guns, spray gun; plus many other hand tools etc., hydgacks, hand push lawn roller, wheel barrow, garden tools, aluminum step ladder, amp and volt tester, extension cords, propane tank, hand saws, hatchet Stihl chainsaw, electric bug killer, hedge trimmer, electric chainsaw plus other items. PURNOTURE, APPLIANCES, ETC.: Kenmore spin dry washer, wringer washer, electro static air purifier. Pioneer airtight stove, 21 cu. ft. chase freezer, Maytag washer and dryer, walnut 9 piece dining suite (very Deice), matching oak dining table, 4 chairs and buffet, modern chesterfield with pull out bed, chesterfield love seat, 2 antique dressers, side board bottom, closet with mirror doors, china cabinet, 3 piece bedroom suite, 4 drawer chest, hump back trunk, 0&W TV, coffee & end tables, card table and 4 folding chairs, kerosene heater, davenport couch, upholstered chairs, treadle sewing machine, 7 hand hooked rugs, large hooked rug with bird, lantern, dishes, glassware, bicycle, bed- ding. lid wooden radio, tube tester, ulec- tele portable sewing machine, plus more. Terms - cash or cheque with proper O.B. AUCTIONEERS Richard Lobb & Burt Lobb 482.7898 TOWNSHIP OF McKillop Tender for Asphalt H. L. 4 Sealed Tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. o'clock TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1990 For approximately 1,600 imperial Tons of Asphalt H. L. 4 for resurfacing to be supplied, hauled, laid and rolled on McKillop Township Road Con. 2 & 3, Lot 22 - Lot 25. A certified cheque in the amount of 10% of the contract price, payable to the Clerk -Treasurer, Township of MoKlllop must accompany each Tender. All Tenders must be submitted on Tender forms which are available at the Township Office of the undersigned. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted and must be approved by the Ministry of Transportation Ontario. WAYNE DOLMAGE Road Superintendent R.R. 1, SEAFORTH , Ontario NOK 1W0 519-527-1916 Brick. Work Brick Work Brick Work CONTRACTS I' !IVITED CALL Yo t r local builder W.J. ''OLLAN� 522w0717 WA 35. TENDERS WANTED Township of Hullett Village of Auburn TENDER FOR HULLETT P.R.I.D,E, PROGRAM CONTRACT NO. HU -164 SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the under- signed Clerk -Treasurer until 4:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday, May 1, 1990 for the reconstruction of Alma, King, John and Egmont Streets approximately 850 metres of semi -urban road reconstruction in- . eluding 1500 m of plastic subdrains, 80 m of guide rail and 70 sq.m of retaining wall plus related Items. Plans and tender documents may be ob- tained at the consulting engineer's office or the Township Municipal Office for a sum of $25.00, non-refundable, payable to R.J. Burnside & Associates Ltd. A 10% bid deposit is required. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT CLERK -TREASURER P.O. Box 226, Londesboro, Ontario NOM 1H0 Consulting Engineer R.J. BURNSIDE & ASSOCIATES (STRATFORD) 330 Ontario Street Stretford, Ontario NSA 3118 Telephone (519) 271-5111 37. IOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of WILLARD ALEXANDER BUCHANAN All persons having claims against the estate of WILLARD ALEXANDER BUCHANAt4, late of the Village of Hen - sail, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 21st day of February 1990 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of April 1990 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 8th day of March 1990. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY TE Carpentry & Cement Contracts Invited Cali Your Local Builder W.J. HOLLAND 522-0717 Student+ bseiry 13Y SUSAN FORD Seaforth District High. School ':student, Anna Sakagov, attended• an-edUcattonal Program to study the process of govern- ment in Ottawa alas learned that a politi- cian's job is "tough work". The trip to Ottawa, from March 17 to 24, is part of the Forums for Young Canadians program for Grade 12 and 13 students and was attended by 125 students from across Canada. The students arrived in Ottawa and were stationed at Ashbury College, a co-ed school attended by the children of John Turner and Brian Mulroney. After arriving in Ottawa Saturday, the students met with Elections Canada. of- ficials at the Parliment Buildings and had a mock election. Candidates were selected and the students elected them lifter a carn- paign. The next day the students had a tour off Ottawa and the Parliament Buildings. The following day students participated in a simulated activity of the federal parli- ment and Anna played the position of Minister of External Affairs. The topic the students debated was immigration policies. This was followed by the students filing in- to the House of Commons public gallery to view the federal government at work. The students attended Question Period and the topic was the construction of the Oldman River dam in Alberta. Anna found it "ex- citing" when the members of parliment (MP) "got rowdy." After Question Period the students had the chance to sit in their respective MP's seat. Anna found the talks,from the pages about their work interesting. The pages told the students a page must be bilingual and attending Carleton University or the OX et:gOvernr nt. university Of O tawa,.Page'.mulit be a first Year student in '111007,pgllitleel science or geography. The- pay W $10000 for the year, which should pay for the page's tuition and living expenses for one year. The next day started with a lecture from the Chamber of Commerce about their role and an Eliminating Racial Discrimination workshop. Montreal pop star Mitsou show- ed up at the workshop and sang ,:with a woman who had won a Canada -wide award for her song on race relations. Later the students went to the Supreme court braiding and Anna found it to be "very beautiful" and security "very tight." Anna heard that former prime minister, Pierre Trudeau, was across..thestreet-from the parliment buildings at the Chateau Laurier promoting his new book at a private party. Anna got in line behind media people and got into the party. The students also attended a minister's dinner, but Anna's MP, Murray Cardiff, was unable to attend as he was busy with an agricultural policy being passed. Anna said she found the trip "in general an excellent experience." "I saw how much work goes into being a politician," said Anna. "It's difficult and demanding work that leaves little time for their families. They are home only on weekends and holidays." "They also have to be on their toes all the time because other people are always trying to corner them. I notice they also have to be able to evade questions." Anna said the best part of 'the trip was meeting the other students. She said meeting people from different parts of the same country made the country seem smaller. Toussig-the funniest When was the last time you left a piano recital crying with laughter! Not recent- ly...unless, you are one of the growing number of fans who have discovered the unique virtuosity and the charming, off-the- wall humour of Elyakim Taussig - one of Canada's best known concert pianists. Taussig and• Enemies, combines a delightful array of piano favourites - from Mozart to jazz with hilarious satire, com- edy and plain musical fun. He'll perform at Blyth Memorial Hall on Saturday, May 5 at 8 pm which concludes the Spring Festival of Entertainment offerings. Taussig portrays' the character of a small-time piano virtuoso with an over- blown ego, in whose concert everything than can go wrong - does. One by one, we are introduced to the "enemies", whc seem determined to , turn a serious classiest concert into a side-splitting farce: stage hands, plane teachers, the musicians' union, ushers, the Kiwanis Festival and the government all end up on Taussig's satirical chopping block. Between the laughs, fans of Taussig's piano artistry can relish suer'iiltsidal'' efris ale Bath's "Tbc- ' catta and Fugue in D minor", Liszt's "Lfebestratum" and Gershwin's "1 Got recital Rhythm". Born in Czechoslovakia in 1944, he emigrated to Israel where he lived until 1968, and since that time has made Canada his home. In addition to his concert and recording career, Taussig was musical director of the Shaw Festival (1973-76), ar- tistic director of the Stratford Summer Music Festival (1980-82) and a member of the Camerata ensemble which he formed (1972-79). As a soloist he has been a fre- quent guest with most major orchestras in Canada. He has performed in thirteen countries, and in major European festivals including London, Amsterdam, Paris, and Bucharest. Elyaknm Taussig appears on nine albums and' during the past eight years he has recorded over 200 radio broadcasts and numerous television pro- grammes for the CBC and other networks. In his spare time Taussig is an amateur film and video artist. He is married to pianist Kathryn Root. Tickets to Taussig and Enemies are on sale now at the Blyth Festival Box .Office. Tia keta'' ia'e $Ia Stie`Cial"'dis&o"unts for groups. For information and ticket reser- vations call 523-9300/9225.' A BETTER TAX RETURN! The best way to get R is with TaxGuard. When we prepare your tax return, you'll receive every break coming to you. You'll pay the least tax possible. Home appointments available nowt Call Toll Free: 1-800-265-1002. Farm Business Consultants your farm tax experts for 37 years. 38-16-bc M & 8 PAVING - Lawn Rolling, 4 extra heavy machines. Phone 527-2771 Shop. Or 527-2328. Evenings 522-0939. 30-10-8 BRANDER STEEL Steel Sales & Service * Custom Shearing and Bending up to 1/2" thick and 10' long. * Fast service - approx. 48 hours. * One of kind and mass production. * Delivery available. * Accurate workmanship at fair prices. * Complete stock of all your steel needs. Strathroy Exeter 1-800-265-7000 235-1462 245-4790 FAX 245-5475 39. CARD OF THANKS MATZOLD Erich and Lillian would like to thank friends and neighbours for the lovely flowers, cards and presents we received on our 40th wedding anniversary. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 39-16-1 PRIMROSE & PANACHE I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to my family and friends for the sup- port and helping hands these past months. I couldn't have accomplished it without you. Also to the local merchants who have shown their support toward my new venture. I would like to congratulate Mary Nesbitt of Seaforth the winner of the gift basket. Lynne Burke, Primrose & Panache. 39-16-1 DICK, KENNY & FELL We would like to thank the Jarvis and Market St. neighbours for flowers, cards and donations on the death of our beloved mother and grand- mother. Dick's, Kenney's and Fell's. 39-16-1 SHANNON Edna, Ivin and family would like to take this opportunity to especially thank all our wonderful neighbours and friends, old and new, who helped out at the time of the house fire, and also all the good people who so generously gave donations. Thanks to Blyth and Seaforth firemen. We sure do appreciate everything. Thanks a million. 39-16x1 40. IN MEMORIAM 1 DALRYMPLE In memory of a dear husband, Garnet, who passed away April 22, 1983. Only a memory of bygone days And a sigh for a face unseen A constant feeling that God alone Knows what should have been. His weary hours and days of pain His troubled nights aro past In our aping hearts wo know He has found sweet rest at last. Always remembered by wife, Marie. 40-18x1 RETIREMENT PARTY - The Town of Seaforth hosted a retirement party Wednes- day, April 11, 1990, in honor of Constable John Cairns, an employee with the Seaforth Police Force since 1973. Mr. Cairns also served seven years as the force's Police Chief. In recognition of his service, Constable Cairns was presented with a gold watch from the Town, and Police Association, a retirement badge from Town Council, and a gift certificate towards a more leisurely pursuit from the Associa- tion. Pictured here with Constable Cairns are: Police Chief Hal Claus, and Con- stable Charles Akey, President of the Seaforth Police Association. Dale photo. 40, IN MEMORIAM DALRYMPLE In loving memory of a dear father, Garnet, who passed away April 22, 1963. If tears could build a stairway And memories could build a lane, We'd walk all the way to heaven To bring you home again. We think of you In silence We often speak your name But, all we have is memories And a picture in a frame. It broke our hearts to lose you Dad, But you didn't go alone For part of us went with you The day God called you home, So, God, please put your arms around our Dad Give him tender loving care And save a place beside him And tell him we'll be there.. Love always, Dorothy, Audrey, Lila, Harold and Marlene. 40-16x1 41. PERSONAL 1 SOMERVILLE In loving memory of Mrs. William Somerville. who passed away April 19, 1968. We wish so much that life could be Just as it was before, That you could be in your favorite chair When we came through the door. But since those special dreams of ours Can never now come true, We will be grateful for the years We had, dear mother, with you. Lovingly remembered by your family. 40-16x1 WILLIAMS In loving memory of Frank Williams who pass- ed away four years ago, April 23, 1986. We often think of days gone by, When we were all together; A shadow o'er our lives has cast, Our loved one's gone forever, Lovingly remembered by his family. OVERWEIGHT? Diet of rthe '90's. Control ap- petite. Lose inches -gain energy. Eat foods you love! No drugs. 100% guaranteed. Surprising- ly affordable. Call tolifree 1 -550 -0209.41 -16 -be PAIN RELIEF TREAMENT. Drug free. Safe for all ages. Free Booklet. 30 day money back trial. Oxihixo Marketing, 106-75 Watline Ave., Mississauga, Ont. L4Z 3E5. 41 -16 -be PREGNANT/CONSIDERING Adoption? Loving married couple wanting to adopt a baby. We would provide a wonderful home. Reg'd for adoption. Evenings/weekends (416) 770-5771 40 16xy (collect). Daytime/answering machine (complete- ly confidential). 41-16-bc