HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-16, Page 66 Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Mr. Harvey Davis, who for the past :sixteen years has conducted a livery 'bneinese in Clinton has sold out, the par. chaser being Mr. J, J. McCaughey, who took possessiota last week. A Perfect Bowel Laxative for oonsti• cation, sallow complexion, headaches dizziness, sour stomach, coated tongue, biliousness. Lax ets art promptly, with- out pain or griping. PIeasant to take- Lax-ets-only 5 cents. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. There were 443 parsons pardoned dur- ing the fiscal year eudiog June 30 from Canadian penitentiaries. Of this num. bar 173 'were under the ticket of -leave system. Beare thelho Kind You Have Always [ion? r4gnatare �c%GC, • of On Monday evening or last week an• other of the pioneers of How:ck passed over to the great majority in the person of Wm, Ferguson of the 13th con in the 80th year of his age. SPRING ilIEDICINE• As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Tne voters' list for the town of Sea• forth is now in the hands of the town clerk, and the total number of voters on the roll for 1006 is 839. Total number of persons elegiable to serve on the jury 246. PI L Dr_ Chase's Oint mentis a certain and guaranteed cnrefor each and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding A▪ nes. See testimonials in the press and ask your neighbors about it. You can use it and get your money bark if not satisfied. e0c, at all dealers or EDM_ANSON, BATES a Co., Toronto. DRe CHASE'S OINTMENT. Mr E. Hanham has sold the King Ed- ward Hotel property at Teeswater to Mr Joseph Heinsperger, who until a short time ago had a hotel at Elmwood. Hein- sperger will take posse: sion about Sept. 20th. The intense itching characteristics of salt rheum and eczema is instantly allay- ed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. As a cure for skin diseases this salve is un- equaled. For sale by all druggists. The by-law to loan $10,000 to the Exeter Canning and Preserving Co., Ltd., was carried by a vote of 332 to 27. It was also agreed to fix the assessment of the factory for ten years at $5,,000 per year. CI _EN.. en; ii=e MIL XA. Boars the Tha Kind You Have Always fought fiigaaturs szg'i- f/ y�^ � of CC��22 �y'�' '"�� Mr. J. D. Little, of Culross reports the cpresence of a white swallow among the -broods hatched on White Hall Farm this season. It appears to be all of a snow-white and is very conspicuous among it dark feathered companions. Unnecessary Expense, Acute .attacks of colic and diarrhoea nome on swithont warning and prompt relief must be obtained. There is no necessity of incurring the expense of a physician's a arvice in such cases if Chamberlain'¢ Colic Cholera and Diarr- hoea Remedy es at hand. A dose of this remedy will relieve the patient before a doctor could arrive. It has never been 'known to fail, even in the most severe and dangerous cases, and no family should be without it. For sale by all druggists. An American express clerk cleared $10,000 from an investment of a two. cent postage stamp, He applied for and was alloted $5,800,000 worth of Panama Canal bonds which ho sold at this pro- fit. O1 A "if% pa r.4% s e \„fes 1 m i 111301080 A gA1i4EhOUS AUAAi'iAL il�ERATIoI i7$ Branstrlik Aro., Toronto, Can. ,0118 ox'f(IENA.T08 CO., Toronto. Canada. Oontleman,--I an most pleasedo tocertify o tabs curative properties of " Oxyg began using it for Catarrh in the bead. Marin• eabdeed this loathsome disease I then tuned my altantion tow large Polypus that existed ',,, m7 'tight nostril, which was successfully re,..ored by Ibe local application of "0=ygonatr,r" thereby .arfag nisch pain, danger sad eapers,o bad it been ramered by surgical proCeaa. I Lars aced your remedy tit myfamily (of 8) for adauber of years. and can highy recemmead.it tee fevers, colds sad throat troubles -as a gargle, wawa *eraid, It U %valuable. I remain, yours trulyr, O. H. /ROBINSON. OXYGENATOR A GERM KILLER i On Tuesday of last we k, a pretty wedding took plane at the home of Mr, R. Hammett, in Seaforth, when his daughter, Myrtle L., was married to Mr. John G. Murray, of Seaforth. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A K. Birks, B. A. Get a 5 cent box of Lax -eta at our store please. We think they are great. Just test these toothsome, Candy like Laxa- tive Tablets for constipation, sour stom• ach, billionsness, bad breath, muddy complexion, etc. Risk 5 cents and see. At Walley's Drug Store. Recently when Sam Kliensbroth's milk wagon was within 40 rods of Moles. worth cheese factory the hind axle of the wagon broke down and about 1300 pounds of milk was spilled on the road. This is the second accident he has had this summer and is quite a heavy loss. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. Mr. William McDonald, merchant of Riveredale, and his sister-in-law, Miss Nellie Campbell, of (ilea Douglas Farm, left for Vancouver, B. C.., last week. Mies Campbell expects to reside per- manently in the Pacific province, while Mr. McDonald is on a holiday tour. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum. seism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder Apple King Robert Elliott of Goder- ich expects to purchase and ship at least 30,000 barrels of apples this season. The prospects for the old country market has not been bright so far. Mr. Elliott's first sale was made the other day to a Winnigeg firm, the lot being for 10,000 barrels. For dry, cracked lips, or rough skin, use Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It posi. tively makes lips and skin like velvet, Sold at Walley's Drug Store. On account of the resignation of Mr Grainger, who goes to London Collegi- ate, the Kincardine High School Board advertised for a science master for the High School. The initial salary offered was $000 and only one application was eceived. This was not considered sat- isfactory, and it was decided to adver- tise again offering $1,000. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 oente. The remains of Dan McKinnon, 33 years of age, arrived in Ripley, Saturday evening, August 4th, in charge of Mr. D. B. McLeod of Southampton, brother• in-law of the deceased. The young man held a good position in Chicago, but very unfortunately contracted a severe oold a year ago, which developed into consumption. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TIIE WINGITAM One pint of wafer glass(silicate of soda) to eight or ten parts of boiled water is the method of preserving eggs reeom- mended by the United States Farmers' Bulletin. Have the eggs fresh spud keep them immersed, Don't expect those preserved eggs to be as good as fresh eggs, however. Put your best effort in getting the real thing in winter, SUDDENIY ATTACKED. Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, eta, Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always be kept in the house. Robt, Baird, postmaster, of Kincardine was warden of Bruce county for seven years in succession, from 1873 to 1879 which is the longest term for any oue to be oh:ef municipal officer of Bruce in the hictory of this county. The late John Gillies, ex -M. P. was warden for four years, from '69 to '72. Jas. Brocklebank of Brant, 3 years, '66 to '69 and the other 24 wardens one year each. Stomach Troubles and Constipation. No one can reasonably hope for good digestion when the bowels are constipat- ed, Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Edwardsville, Ill., says, "I suffered from chronic con- stipation and stomach troubles for several years, but thanks to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets am almost cured." Why not get a package of these tablets and get well and stay well? Price 25 cents, For sale by all drggists. = G The storehouse opposite the station ground at Hensel' used by D. Urquhart and J. C. McDonald tilted over towards the west. The supports were not strong enough to hold up the 8000 bushels of oats which the building contained, and this being stored in the upper portion of the building apparently made it top heavy. When the building touched the ground the slope caused it to burst and the grain to run out. For Oiar Sixty Years. An old and Well -Tried -Remedy -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been need for over sixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, eoftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twentyfivo cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The Seaforth Expositor says: A. W. McKenzie, of Brandon, Manitoba, writes us on July 26th, as follows: "I noticed an item in your issue of July 12th, taken The Goderich Star, "A Northern Spy apple of great beauty and perfectly sound, has been exciting the admiration of many callers at The Star office." We can beat that, as at the present time we can produce a number of Northern Spy apples perfectly sound. These apples were grown on the farm of Mr. Simon McKenzie, near Brucefield, ana shipped to Brandon in November, 1905. Also one of our grocers in the city had for sale on July 21st both old and new apples. Can Goderich beat that?" THF. LADIES' FAVORITE. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. a He didn't have a dollar; he didn't have a dime. His clothes and shoes were looking just as though they'd served their time. He didn't try to kill himself, to dodge misfortune's whacks. Instead, he got some ashes and he filled five doz- en sacks. Then, next he begged a dollar. n the paper in the morn, he advertised in polish that would put the sun to corn. He kept on advertising, and, nst now, sufliCe to Pani lie's ant in Ctcly_ ornia at his cottage on the bay', a 1Vhooping Cough. "My three youngest be ng cough this wins- ..,yd had whoop- othing to help •' ,tar and we could get hase's Syr'- .sem until I sent for Dr ine, 7• ,.p of Linseed and Temper).- he- . arrested the coughs at once and .g kept right on improving until they were cured at the coat of one dollar. That was not a large bi 1 for so danger. ons and distressing an ailment," -Mrs Wm Ball, Bracebridge, Ont. After an illness lasting throughout the spring and summer months Mrs Thomas Elliott, of the 8th concession, Culross passed away on the morning of July 26th. i Mrs Elliott was aged 28 years and 10 n months. and was the sixth daughter of C Henry Thompson, of Kinloss, her maid- t1. en name being Mary Etta Thompson. She was married to Mr Elliott on •• 22nd of February, 1899, and e , the widower, she leaves a sr..c8idtd,a age to mourn her los^ .-: ebk years of sH, OXYGENATOR CO. 4 Ililsrb.rd $t.• Toronto "slang Hay fit'• alio th' titin Shines" There 15 a lesson in the work of the thrifty f",.rmer. He knows that the bright 'dauphine may last but a day and he f• for the showers which are so ':able to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrhoea and cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr- hoea Remedy, which is the best known medicine for these diseases, should al- ways be kept at hand, as immediate treatment is necessary, as delay may prove fatal. For sale by all druggists, The tallest building in Now York at present is 29 stories high. This is called a skyscraper. A new building is about to be erected, 'which will be 41 stories high. To describe this the term sky- seaper is tame, so a new name has to be coined for the occasion. The new build. ing will be a cloud- piercer, and will 1* 612 ft. high. William Gleason, who at one time kept the Landside store, but of late years has lived on a farm near Lucknow, com- mitted suicide on Saturday, Angnst 4th by taking Paris Green. No reason can be assigned for his oommitting the rash act, which was evidently premeditated as he had arranged hie affaire tpith the evident expectation of an early death. Mr. Gleason was well known and highly respected throughout Kinloss and the news of his tragic death occasioned a shock to the community. He leaves a widow and two children. Bilious Colic Quick relief Is afforded by ldhaniberlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It never falls and Is pleasant and safe to take, The attack may be warded off by taking a double dose of this remedy 58 soon as the first indication nt tho disoasn appears. For axle by druggists everywhere. TIMES AUGUST 16, 1906. DO YOU EASILY TIRE? If a Day's Toil Exh anstes Body or Brain, Find the Reason Why We all inherit a disposition to disease. With one it's consumption, another heart disease or perhaps nervousness. At first you are languid, but as the fatigue increases you loan appetite and spirit, feel as if work wasn't in your line. Surely no clearer evidence of ill -health is needed. Thousands have been in the same sickly condition; those who heeded not were sorry, -those who used Dr Hamil- ton's Pills were cu. ed. Your weakness proves germ life has eaten up the vitality of the blood, and a cleansing tonic like Dr Hamilton's Pills is urgently needed. At once your blood will redden and gain strength. Digestion will so improve that addi- tional nourishment will be supplied to all needy organs. Surplus vigor will be instated into the system till disease and weakness are oom• pletely driven out. Truly wonderful is the tonic effect of Dr Hamilton's Pills which are consider- ed the best system purifier extant, When you can renew your health with this safe vegetable remedy, the prescrip- tion of a noted physician, your duty is clear. Get Dr Hamilton'., Pills at once. Remember this: It is the prescrip- tion of an eminent physician you use in taking Dr Hamilton's Pills. Absolute safety and permanent results guarante- ed in every case of languor, weakness, headache and debility. Price 25c per box or five boxes for $1.00 , at all dealers. or by mail from N 0 Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont, and Hartford, Conn., U. S. A. A well-informed correspondent says: In Huron, one of the greatest apple -pro- ducing counties, the crop this year is considered only fair. The quality is, on the whole, good. The Baldwin, the old stand•bye, is a light yield; so are the Spies and Twenty -Ounce. Kings and Ben Davis are fairly plentiful, Russets are this year a full crop and Greenings the best crop probably of all. Snows of good quality are, as usual, scarce. Early apples are a good crop. After a couple of years, the Duchess is again very plentiful, and 75 cents a barrel is what the farmers realize for these. The price for winter apples is not expected to be high. Pears and plums are an un- usual light crop throughout the county. S100 REWARD, 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitn• tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as- sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimon- ials. Address: F.J. CHENEY&Co. Teledo,O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. Sir Donald A. Smith, Lord Strath. cone, High Commissioner for Canada in London, is a wonderful old man, Al. though verging on 90 years of age and a multi -millionaire, he atill'lives a strenu- ous life as the following testifies: -Here are three days in Lord Strathcoaa's life. He was host of t,700 guests at Kneb• worth, near London, on Saturday, July 19th, the garden party being in honor of 'visiting Canadians. That night he went up to London and took the night express to Oban, in the West Highlands. At Oban, on Sunday morning his yacht was waiting to take him to bis island of Colonsay, out in the Atlantic. He spent Sunday there, sailed back on Monday, took the night express to London, and was at business in the High Commis. aioner's office on Tuesday. PAY. E YOV ,Lir Leunhardt's Hem•Roid is an inter - Lal Remedy that entirely removes the cause of Piles, and cures to stay any ease no matter how long stancing. If you have Piles and Dr L eonhardt's Hem•Reid will 1101 Cure you,: you get your money back. A thousand dollar Guarantee goes with every bottle of Hem-Roid sold. If you want a perfect and permanent cure, ask for Dr Leonhardt's Hem-Roid, the guaranteed Remedy. All druggists $1.00, or The Wilson- Fyle Co,, Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. The annual crop of municipal voters lista is being harvested. Tbere are sev- eral people who do not yet understand just why those numbers are put before the names in the lists. The actual rea- son is really as clear as -mud. Then the "occupation" column has also mysti- fied some, This classification has been in the list for the past five or six years. It draws a clear distinction between the "farmer" the "laborer" lend the "gent. leman,i' Time was when a farmer Wald legally be all three of these things, Rut it is in part 11 -the ladies depart- iiielit-.that this new-fangled "000upa- %ion" doltimn makes it clear as to what the fair sex put in their time working at. "Widow," "spinster," etc., is what the law now says they are doing, but to far it does not compel them to tell how they like the job. If the Legislature keeps tinkering with the Municipal Act, they will finally get the voters' lists in. to fairly oomprehensible shape An excellent way to glean ribbon is the following: Cover the ribbon with warm nater, thou spread et on a board or table and scrub it thoroughly with a brush that has been rubbed in soap. Atter a good lather has been formed and tho ribbon looks clean, rinse it in clear warm water, lay it between folds of thin cheesecloth and press until dry. A hotelkoeper of South River, Parry Soulfd, was discovered by the deputy game warden of this vicinity to be pro- viding his guests with mutton or a brand of meat resembling to the warden's eye venison. A charge waa at once entered and the enterprising hotel man was fined $20 and,gosts. Eczema for 20 Years. "I was trontled with eczema for 20 years and was treated by three doctors to no avail. Dr Cnaae's Ointment has cured me completely apd I have not had the slightest turn of this disease." no Pratt, Blyth, Huron Co. Ont. The $500 Chinese head tax having h the effect of keeping the Celestials out 0f Canada, it is now said that 2,000 Hindoes from India will arrive shortly in British Columbia to work in the mills and on the railways. It is also said that more will follow, and that, as the supply of this class of labor is unlimited, it is possible that many thousands may reach Canada ere long. As these laborors are British subjects, no alien law Dan reach them. When a woman suffers from depress- ing weaknesses, she then keenly realizes how helpless -how thoroughly worthless she is. Dr. Shoop has brought relief to thousands of such women. He reaches diseases peculiar to women in two dir- ect, specific ways -a local treatment known by druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Night Cure, and a constitution- al or internal prescription galled Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Dr Shoop's Night Cure is applied locally, and at night. It works while you sleep. It reduces in- flamation, it stops discharges, it heals, it soothes, it comforts, it cures. Dr. Shoop's Restorative (tablets or liquor form) is a constitutional, nerve tissue tonic. It brings renewed strength, lasting ambition and vigor to weak, life- less women, These two remedies, singly or used to. gather, have an irresistible, positive helpful power. Try them a month and see. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. An old time English barrister was John Williams, a sarcastic wit and a bachelor with an intense perjudice again- st marriage. His clerk one day asked him for a holiday to get married, and some months afterward, on entering his chamber, Williams found his body sus- pended from the door. He engaged an• other clerk, and asked if he was married. "No," the clerk replied, but thinking that Williams would regard marriage as a guarantee of steadiness, he added, "but I'm going to be." "Very well," replied Williams, "but understand this -when yon hang yourself don't do it here. Canada Thistles Inquires in some farm journals often appear regarding the way to deal with Canada thistles. There never was a serious difficulty in our mind as to how to deal with these. Elbow greese and frost are twoypowerfnl agents, and when wisely directed they will do the work, Hoeing is a good way to kill the thistle. Older farmers have told us that they have killed the thistle in a badly infest- ed field by a light ganging or cultivating after harvest, allowing the thistles to grow till November, when the field was plowed up deep and left open and rough through the winter. The frost finished the task. In the spring's crop not many thistles were noticed, This weed is not the most troublesome by any means in the Canadian field husbandry. Does Your FOOD Digest Well? When the food is imperfectly digested ilia full benefit is not derived from it by the body and the purpose of eating is de. feated; no matter how good the food or how carefully Adapted to the wants of the body it may be. Thus the dyspeptic often ) comes thin, weak and debilitated, energy is lacking, brightness, snap and vim aro lost, and in their place come dullness, lost appetite, depression and langour. It tekea no great kno wledge to know when one hail indigestion, some of the following eymps toms generally exist, viz.: constipation, sour stomach, v4riable appetite, headache, heartburn, gas in the stomach, etc. The great point is to cure it, to got back bounding health and vigor. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Is constantly effecting cured of dyspepsia because it Leta in a natural yet effective way upon all the organs involved in the process of digestion, removing all clogging impurities and making easy the work of digestion and assimilation. Mr. R. G. Harvey, Ameliaaburg, Ont., 'writes: "I have been troubled with dna• pspeia for several years and atter ulna three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I was completely Cured, I cannot praise 1t,B.B, enough • for whet it has done for rte. I have not had a sign of tlyspcpsia eases," Do not see.pt a substitute 'for Bal. fliers it netbiag "Net se $91'" .. .. MADE IN CANADA BY a QAADIN COMPANY.. KNOWN BY NAME AND REPUTATION NO SIGN NECESSARY. ALWAYS LOQK, FOR THE NAME THE WI!.LIAMS MANUFAOTURINO CO. COMPANY OfrIc[o: MONTREAL, P LIMITED, TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. Sr AGENT* WANT[D RVIRYWHERE. AGENT - DAVID BELL, WINGHAM, ONT. •r•••M.M•M•••••••••••.. • •ei••MM•••••••••••••••••• 11•0 •,, 1 al the rates below I; • • • • •• CLUBBING •• • • RATES • S • • FOR 1906 07. e• • The TIMES will receive subscriptions at for any or all of the following publications : d• 4. 4. 4. d° 4. 4 d• •b, 4 d• 4. Times to January 1st, 1907 Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World Times and Toionto Daily News.. Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and and Weekly Witness ' and Montreal Weekly Herald and London Free Press (weekly) and Londoh Advertiser (weekly) and Toronto Weekly Sun and World Wide and Northern Messenger, and Farmers' .Advocate We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. and Farming World and Presbyterian and Westminster 'and Presbyterian and Westminster and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... and Youths' Companion and Canadian Magazine (monthly)..... • , , and Sabbath Reading; New York and Outdoor Canadti, (Monthly, Toronto) and Michigs,fi Farmer .. and Woman's Home Companion Canadian Woman (monthly) London American Sheep Breeder Country Gentleman Delineator Boston Cooking School Green's Fruit Grower Good Housekeeping Modern Women McCall's Magazine Pearson's Magazine American Illustrated Magazine American Boy Magazine 'What to Eat Bookkeeper Recreation Magazine Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success Times and Housekeeper Times and Pilgrim Times and Poultry Keeper Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McClure's Magazine ° Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Rural New Yorker Times and Vick's Magazine . Times and American Gardening Times and Health Culture Times and Ram's Horn Times and Four Track News Times and Breeders' Gazette Times and Practical Farmer 41 ik• $ .25 4.50 4.50 3.10 2.30 2.30 2.35 2.35 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.90 1.65 1.50 1.80 1.60 1.80 1.85 1.30 2.35 1,35 2,25 2.25 3,25 1.90 2.75 2.90 1.45 1,85 1.65 1.75 1.15 1.90 2.10 1.95 1.75 1.35 1,80 1.45 1.45 1.70 1.90 1.65 1.60 1.65 1,75 1.65 2.15 2.45 1.80 1,50 1.60 1.40 1,90 1.90 2,00 2.00 1.40 2.25 1.85 2.45 1.90 2.25 1.85 4. 4-0 .14 4.' I When premiums are given with any of above papers. subsoribera will secure snob premiums when ordering through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. These low rates mean it considerable saving to subscribers, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post office or express money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE, WINGTTAM, ONTARIO.