HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-03-28, Page 7Maplewood Manor, .residents attend Stratford mall opening This month at Maplewood Manor cheon after the euchre. It was very much residents participated in the regular week- appreciated. ly activities as well as many special Just a couple off comments of interest: activities. Pete Trainees is still bowling every Friday Theach eMonshopping ay continues to be popular, with to downtown Seaforth n, Ed AAnndrewss hand as oniion�and Tuesday afternoons bring all the euchretomato seedlings with the help of staff players to the dining room for progressive member Cheryl Wilkinson. Residents are euchre. The high lady, low lady, high man, looking forward to the taste of spring low man and the person with the most onions. lone hands win Wintario tickets. Thank you Movie Night on March 12 was well at - to Anne Downey who has volunteered to tended. The movie presented was the life help with euchre and serving refreshments of Don Messer. Thank you to Huron Coun- afterwards. ty Public Library for an interesting Wednesday mornings the ministerial ser- once again. Also, thank you to el movie are held. This month the ministers ington for helping with the projector. who conducted the services were: Rev. St. Patrick's Day was celebrated in fine Greg Gilson .from St. Thomas Anglican Irish style on both March 16 and 17. On Church, Rev. Snihur from Londesboro Friday a St. Patrick's party was held. Mr United Church, Rev. Sloan from the and Mrs. Jim Rose sang and played the Seaforth Presbyterian Church and Pastor Irish melodies and residents joined in with Sadler from Bethel Bible Church. Thank the sing along. Barbara Forrest stepdanc- you for Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Lobb and Mrs. ed for everyone and the rest of those pre - McGonigle for assisting Paster Sadler. sent had their toes tapping. Thank you to Thank you to Mrs. Lobb, Minna Scott and Ruth Bock, Scott Wood and Kevin Mac - Florence Stewart for providing the musical Donald for helping to serve the fancy accompaniment for the hymns. "green" sandwiches. On Saturday the din - Lion's T.V. Bingo on Wednesday nights ing room tables were decorated with little has its weekly followers. A group gathers shamrock plants. All the food for the in the downstairs lounge in front of the meals that day seemed to be different T.V. while others play the bingo in their shades of green. own rooms along with their T.V. March 9, residents went on the first of Thursdays are musical entertainment many daytrips scheduled, now that winter days. Thank you to Carol Carter and is over. That day, the residents went to the Marion Rose for playing everyone's opening of the new Mall in Stratford. The favorite songs for sing along. mall manager was most anxious to ensure Friday afternoons are set aside for bingo that all our residents but in particular the players. The winners this month for five ladies who were in wheelchairs that Maplewood's bingo prizes are Walter day wouldn't experience any problems. Somerville, Evelyn Willis, Ann Benninger, Everyone had a lovely shopping spree! Anna Sherrin, Elsie Shaddick, Grace Tit- On Thursday March 22 residents en - ford, Minna Scott, Elva Ellis, Pete thusiastically attended the final square Tremeer, May Habkirk, Ethel Coleman, dancing for this winter. Thank you to Rena Olive Smith. The winners of the jackpot and Jim Young, Andy Patrick, Fred Har - were Minna Scott, Ann Benninger, Pete burn, Lila and Orville Storey and Gordon Tremeer and Elsie Shaddick. Thank you to Papple for helping. It was great fun; Ruth Bock, Karen Dillon and Christa residents are all set to start again next Leonhardt for calling the bingo games. January. A adies of St. Col- oeCial thanks to the Church.. They organized an after- returned to Maplewood after an Treviso umban extended noon of euchre for the residents of visit with her sister. Nice to have you Maplewood. The ladies also served a lin- back. Nva ,or residents HiFake short work of "George", the friends!' lip coke Spring is in the air and here at the baking "George", our friendship cake, and Seaforth Manor Retirement Home we are all agreed that he was very tasty, and all anxiously awaiting the end of the cold made a lovely lunch for our monthly and snow. The robins, w tch many of our Welcome Tea. George's daughter, residents have seen outside of their win- "Michelle", is growing downstairs. dows, are a welcomed sight. I'm afraid St. Patrick's Day was fun for all. The that that lovely week of warm weather day was full of greenery and Irish cheer was only a tease. right down to the meals served. The kit - Inside, warm and dry, we have been chen staff sure looked cute! Popcorn and busy. We welcome Daisy Rosenlund and laughter filled the living room on St. Arthur Hallam, both from the Clinton area. Patrick's evening when residents enjoyed The laughter and cheery comrades ip of a movie of IIrish storytelling donated by our residents is a welcome change from Art's slaughter, Joyce Essery. Brian the quiet stillness of a few months ago. We Meladywhad• everyone singing and toetap- i finally have enough players for a good ping -to -Irish -music' in the afternoon. game of euchre. Thanks, i:;rlan and Joyce. Speaking of euchre, special thanks go to Construction continues, but we are begin - the Legion men who hosted a euchre this ning to see a light at the end of the tun - month. Many of our residents enjoyed it. nel. The third floor is nearing completion. We lost one of our residents this month. Feel free to drop in and see us! Not serious though, if you remember our Best wishes for the coming month and a new resident, "George'from last month. Happy Easter to all from the Seaforth Residents all worked together, mixing and Manor Retirement Home. Society views Keukenhof G.. rdes slides The Seaforth Horticultural Society began plants, preserves alai baking e will its 1990 season with a delicious pot luck be a draw on a largehouse plant e The supper on March 14 at the Seaforth Public District 8 annual meeting will be held on School. President Nancy Kale welcomed April 14 at the Knights of Columbus Hall the large crowd and thanked all of those outside Mildmay. who will be serving on committees for the Margaret DeJong introduced guest next two years. speakers, Gerry and Gerda Vennema of The Ontario Horticultural Association Burlington. They gave an interesting slide presenconvention will be held at York Universi- Holland. DoorfptrizeKeukenhof ewe e�drawGnnarand the ty from June 19 to 21. Anyone who ordered meeting adjourned. Winners of the Early shrubs from Cosyn's will be contacted upon Bird Membership Draw for the bird feeder arrival. Gerald Groothius reported that the and wren house were Ruth Cluff and Plant Sale Committee will soon be meeting Joanne Flanagan. The next meeting will be to set a date and place for the annual sale. on April 11 when Fred Prescod of the The society will again have a booth at the Royal Botanical Gardens will speak on Home and Garden Show on April 25 and Herbs and their Uses. Don't forget to "Lug 26. Members will be telephoned to donate Your Mug." HEARD G. CONSTRUCTION R.R. #2 SEAFORTH For AH Your Construction Needs •BASEMENTS DUG @DRIVEWAYS INSTALLED *FARM LANES GRADED *SEPTIC SYSTEMS *LOT CLEARING •LAWN ROLLING T*TRUCKING MOVING •BULLDOZING •SAND •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL CaII Don For Free Estimates e By Contract Or Hour 522-0307 or 565-5031 cy 5.,4 K'.6Lae � � �� a NEW FOR 1990 M L,aughlm ChevvOIds Ltd. 13 Malin St. Sgaforth 527-1140 •Seruige • Selection • Savings e.,Satisfec;ion • Leasing *Complete BODY SHOP Service Y014.1110 It At... 0 TWI t. RON EXPOSITOR,.MARCH 28,, 1990 --- 7 , GODERICH EXETER 524-6901 235-2202 AREA'S PEST SELECTION OF BOOKS! •Paperbacks • Hardcovers *Children's Books OP SPECIALS FIGURINES Each ONLY 9Plus Tax With Min. Purchase of 25 L. of Gas ALL BRANDS CANNED POP 799 Plus Tax Schweppes Diet & Reg. Tonic Water Diet & Reg. Gingerale Club Soda CANNED POP 99 Plus Tax !8i ENGLISH DESIGNE MUGS Pius Tax ONLY P v each With min. purchase of 25 L. Gas CANADA DRY Gingerale, Tahiti Treat, Tonic Water, Club Soda, C+ Orange 750 is 2/199 Pius Tax & Dep. 'S S O WE HONOR ALL COMPETITORS' GAS COUPONS PE fl 7 tAYS A WEEK 24 St. E. Seaforth •HUNTING & FISHING LICENCES "OIL CHANGES *TIRE REPrAIRS ich 'WASHING &S27-0881 WAXING *POP SALES ITC ELI LI S T 10th A UAL Saturday, April 7th COURTESY OF MITCHELL-SEAFORTH CA LE T.V. WATCH THE LIVE AUCTION ON CABLE 12, BEGINNING AT 11 A.M. TILL APPROX. 5 P.M. PHONE LINES OPEN AT 9:00A A.M. FOR ADVANCE BIDS!!! CALL 345-2873 345-2060 or 345-2222 et Pictured L -R: Richard Eickmeyer - Mitchell Lions, Lloyd Tubb - Mitchell Lions and Marlen Vincent - Seaforth Lions and owner of Vincent Farm Equipment `OTHER MERCHANDISE ON DISPLAY AT McNAUGHT ELECTRIC IN MITCHELL. • OVER 815,00090 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE AND VOUCHERS AVAILABLE Including: LAWN BOY HEAVY DUTY 18" 'TRIMMER' LAWN MOWER Courtesy of Vincent Farm Equipment SEIMITSU VCR with Remote Control Courtesy of Jack's Radio and T.V. HOMELITE GAS POWERED 15" CUT GRASS TRIMMER Courtesy of Vincent Farm Equipment KEW 850 LB. POWER WASHER Courtesy of Vincent Farm Equipment BRASS SCALE MODEL MASSEY HARRIS GENERAL PURPOSE TRACTOR with serial number Courtesy of Russeldale Farm Equipment BATTERY OPERATED JOHN DEERE TOY TRACTOR Courtesy of Logan Farm Equipment CHILD'S 3 WHEEL TRICYCLE Courtesy of Culligan Real Estate Anyone wishing to donate items to the Lions Auction can call: RICHARD EICKMEYER 348-8326 MERV SHEWAN 345-2701 BRIAN NUHN 527-1760 A