HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-16, Page 5!STRAW HATS HALF PRICE
$[2,50 .Suits $10.00
Men's $12.50 Tweed Suits in neat stripe and cheek effects, sizes
86 to 44 chest, £regular price $12.50. Bargain - - $10.00
$10,00 Suits $7,50
Men's $10.00 Tweed Suits.in blue and black worsted serge and
stripe tweeds, sizes 34 to 44. Regular $10.00. Bargain - $7.50
$1.00 Pants 75c
19 pairs Men's Tweed Pants, all sizes, regular price 31.00.
Bargain 76o
$3.b0 Pants $2.25
24 pairs Men's Flue Oolored Worsted Pants, all sizes regular
$3 50 a pair. Bargain - - - $2 25
Boys' Wash Suits
22 Boy's Wash Salts, for ages 3 to 8 years, regular prices 21,00
to $1,75. Bargain half price,
$7.50 Summer Suits $4.95
19 only Men's two-piece Unlined Summer Suits, regular prices
$G50, $7.50, $8 50. Bargain - - • - - 34.95
Shirts 39c
2 dozen Men's Colored Shirt hard and soft bosoms, sizes 14 to 17,
regular 500 and 750. Bargain
$1.50 Shoes --$1.00
19 pairs Men's Heavy Farm Shoes, sizes 7 to 11, regular $1.50 .
pair. Bargain - - , $1.00
Boys' Suits
17 only Boys' Fanoy Tweed Suits, for ages 3 to 10 years, regular
prices $3.75 to $6.00 each. Bargain - - - $2 25
$2,00 Felt Hats $1.00
26 only Men's hard and soft Felt Hats, all spring styles, regular
prices $2.00 to $2 50. Bargain • - - - - $1,00
Men's $5.00 Pat Colt Shoes. .Bargain $4.00
Big Bargains in Rain Coats.
The R. 11.. CROWDER CO,
Furniture Bargains
Special Clearing Sale of New and Up-to-
date Furniture now on at
S. Gracey's Store.
If you want good' value for your money in
—IRON BEDS, Ete., Etc.,
Now is your chance. * Call and see if we do as we
advertise. •
We make a specialty of doing Picture Framing
neatly and well.
UNDEI:TAKING—fn this particular line we pro-
fess to be second to none. Having had over 27 years
practical experience, we feel confident of giving entire
satisfaction whenever our services are required. Calls
attended promptly, night or day. Prices reasonable.-
Furniture Dealer & Practical Undertaker.
o has
Cost San F
of v ngI
advan ped 40 per Conte and the libinit is
not half as good as it used to be.
Less tobacoo ie ebnsnlnad in Great
Britainr in proportion to the inhabitants,
then in qny' other civilized oodntry.
Monday afternoon a young girl named
Saida Ituthven, fourteen years of age,
daughter of Guy Ruthven, a farmer on
the fourth concession of Elderslie town-
ship, lost her life. Site and her brother
were in the act Of building a load of grain
on a wagon on her father's farm. The
horses became restless and made a move
forward, by which she lost her balance
and fell in front Of the waggon. A front
and a hind Wheel passed over her breast,
aphi Out her owe life instantly.
What Wideawalce Times Correspondents Conm►unioate — Othe
Itern8 Clipped T'rolp Our Elrolaiaugee.
The barns and sheds of Robert Duna -
in two miles west of Dungannon, were
burned Thursday night, with a large
quantity of hay and some bailey, also
some of last year's grain, Insured in
West Wawanoph Insurance Company
for$500. Lightning was the cause of fire.
Out offender Caught.
Impossible to escape being enied if yon
apply Patnam's Corn Extractor to the
worst corn on record. Painless, safe
and coats only a quarter in any drugstore.
Mies Annie CIark was visiting in God-
erieh fqr a few days.
Mr Jas MoOrostie has gone to Toronto
to take a position.
Miss Christena R Miller is spending a
week with friends in Uoderich.
McGuire & McDonald commenced the
season's threshing on Monday at W E
Gordon. Off a ten•aore field of wheat
Mr Gordon had a yield of over 340 bneh-
els and an average of over 34 bushels to
the acre. This is counted an exception-
ally good yield for this year.
Health For Run -Down Women.
From the experience of Mrs. Jno.Panke
Saskatoon, nothing compares with Fer-
rozone. "At times I was confined to my
bid and couldn't do any work. I was
run down in flesh, lost strength, my
appetite failed, my Dolor was pallid.
Weary and oastdown,it seemed I could'nt
patch up. Ferrozone started a new kind
of life in my blood, built me up, vitalized
and strengthened my nerves, and finally
cured my heart and stomach pains."
Ferrozone is a rebuilder that has special
virtue in female ailments. Sold every.
where in 50e. boxes; try Ferrozone.
John McCabe has returned from sunny
Alberta looking hale and hearty.
We are pleased to sej Mrs. G. Brophy,
who was seriously ill last week, able to
be around again.
Mrs. Odium and her son and daughter
of Toronto, are visiting her mother, Mrs.
Flynn, at present.
Mrs. B. Boyle and her daughter, Mrs.
Smith, of London, are visiting the form-
ers brother, T. Cummins.
Jos. Flynn met with a very painful
accident lately while working on a house
near Belgrave. He was working on a
scaffolding, which gave way, letting him
drop a distance of nineteen feat. He
lighted on his feet and severely injured
one of his heels, and will be laid up for
some time.
Stomach Medicine is Useless.
Impossible to cure catarrh in the nose
by dosing the stomach. • Send the heal-
ing vapor of Catarrozone after the germs
and you at once accomplish good. Any
case of Catarrh is curable,—all that's
necessary is to inhale Catarrhozone—
Yon stop hawking, nostrils are cleared,
throat is healed and freed from phlegm;
every vestige of .the trouble is forever
driven from the system. If yon want
permanent cure for catarrh, throat
trouble or bronchitis, Catarrhozone is a
stand-by. Two sizes, 25c. and $1.00 at
all dealers.
SohooIe will re -open next Monday for
the fall term.
A number of Greyltes talk of visiting
the West to assist in caring for the grains,
They will go onFriday, Aug 17th.
By By -Law No 252 of the township of
Grey the tax rate will be as follows for
1906:—Co rate, 2 mills on the $; Town-
ship rates, 3 mills, and township rate for
school&, 1 51.100.
Dr Will E Bryans has accepted a posi-
tion as assistant to Dr Brand, of Toronto
and will spend a year there at least.
He has the material in him to take him
to the top of the professional ladder and
his many friends in this locality wish
him success.
Mrs George MoMaun has been enjoy-
ing a week or so with her three daught-
ers, Mrs Thos Williamson, Mrs. Geo Mc,
Kay and Mrs Jno McLeod. For a per-
son of 73 years Mrs McMann is quite
active. She makes her home chiefly
with her daughter, Mrs Jno Shortreed,
of Morrie township.
Wednesday evening, August 8th, the
nuptials of John Lawson, of Goderioh
and Miss Clara Elanehe McQuarrie,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Hector Mo
Quarries of Grey township, were quietly
celebrated At the home of the bride's par-
ents, near Brussels. The ceremony took
place at 7 o'olook, Rev. E. F. Armstrong
officiating. Miss Grace Lawson, sister
of the groom, was brides said, and the
beet man was W. L. MoQuarrie, brother
of the bride. Only immediate relatives
of the bride and groom were present.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawson have taken up
housekeeping on Viototla street, Gode-
ri h,
Remember the dates of Blyth fair,
September 1811x, and 19th. It is going
to be the best on record.
Miss Zella Carder and Mrs Dallis, of
London, were visitors at the home of
Dr Carder last week,
We are sorry to report the continued
illness of Mrs Win Sims. Her condi-
tion is not iwproving any.
The work on the new C. P. It, station
is progressing, well, and the work of ex-
cavating for the water tank is being
Mrs Dodd and Mr Jas Dodd were at
Berlin attending the centennial oelebra•
Are Yoe SubJect to Stillness?
Perhaps it is in the neok or shoulders.
First thing is a good rub with Nerviline.
No more steady remedy can be adopted.
When applied to the musoles Nerviline
gives them flexibility and vigor; inflam-
matign,soreness and stiffness disappears.
"Whether in the chest or throat nothing
can surpass Nerviline" writes 0• B. Den-
ton, Lumber Merchant at Oak Bay, N. la.
"Rubbed on at night. trouble is gone by
morning. I have proved Nerviline a
great Medicine." Everyone says the
same, and Nerviline alwaysenakes good,
25o, bottles sold everywhere.
Mr A Cook, of Clinton, is rusticating
at his home here.
Mr Chas Kelly of Toronto is the guest
of Gth line friends.
Mr Art Williams Sundayed at Mr D
Dunbar's, Westfield.
Mr 0 Redmond, is recovering nicely
after his brief illness.
Miss L Plenty of Wingham is the
guest of friends on the 5th line.
A large number from here attended
the lawn social at Blyth, Friday.
• The stonemasone have completed the
foundation of Mr F Hayden's house.
Miss Phoebe Jackson left last ' week
for the Soo, where she will visit her
Mr E Coultes of Denver is spending
his holidays with hie brother, Mr J
We are pleased to see Mr Geo Hender-
son about again after being laid aside
for some time with a broken arm, ac•
quired in a runaway.
What might have proved a serious ao-
oident happened last week, when Mr D
Dunbar fell from the scaffolding of his
barn, breaking several ribs and other-
wise -injuri: g himself.
The Origin of Gail Stones.
They are simply dried biles, made up
of cryrtalline constituents of that fluid.
Very common is this dsaease among mer-
chants, clergymen, shop girls and those
of sedentary habits. Prevention consists
in maintaining correct eaten the liver
and bowels, which is thebest accom-
plished by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No per-
son using this medicine need fear gall-
stones, nor will they ever be bilious.
Sound digeitiou, good appetite, a clear
color will evidence the health giving pro.
perties of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which
are the safest and best for general family
use. Insist on having only Dr, Hamilton's
Pirie of Mandrake and Butternut, 25c.
per box at all dealers.
Hump a.
SCOTT'S EMULSION won't make a
hump back straight, neither wlif it melte
+1 short leg long, but it feeds soft bons
and heals diseased bone and is among
the few genuine means of recovery in
, rickets and bone consumption.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Chtimrs%'
Toronto, Ontario. ,
Soc.and Apo; alldruggiats.
Mr Lewis of Wroxeter took charge of
the s:rvhce in Victoria Hall on Sanday
Mr and Mre Jno R Bell of the 8th
con of Morris visited at the home of
Alex Forrest on Sunday last.
Sgme of the boys from this viointty
purpose going West on the excursion.
Our good wishes accompany them,
A number from this vicinity went to
Kincardine on the excursion last Wed-
nesday and report a pleasant tithe,
Miss Berva Bryans is. holidaying with
friends near larnssele,
The Misses Goodfellow- of Toronto
were visiting friends here last week.
Misses Eliza and Godetha Coombes
of Molesworth spent Sunday at the
home of their parents here.
Some of the farmers have finished
harvesting. It will soon to a;thing of
the past for this year.
We are pleased to know that Robt.
W L Simpson, who went to Toronto
for treatment is somewhat improved in
Carl Innes of Moorefield was visiting
friends here recently.
Miss Kate Henderson is visiting with
friends in this vicinity.
Mies Aunie Straohan of Pine River
spent a few days at the home her par.
ents last week.
Mrs W Innes, of Moorefield was in
our midst'for a few days renewing old
acquaintanceships here.
Mrs A Robertson of Wingham visited
at the home of her sons, Macdonald
Bros lase week.
We wish to extend our congratulations
to those in our midst who were snccees-
ful in passing the recent departmental
On Sunday anniversary services were
held in Johnston's church. Rev. Mr
Smith ably conducted both the morning
and evening services. Offering amount-
ed to about $45 00.
MOR xis.
Mr Albert Kelly of the 7th line of
Morris, lost a valuable horse one even-
ing recently. It jumped over the fence
and was in the ditch dead before notic-
Joseph and Mrs Clegg are enjoying an
outing at several of the ..•cal Summer
resorts such as Godericb, i3,tyfieid and
Grand Bend.
The trustees 6f S S No 0, commonly
known as Button's school, have engaged
Mies Murdie, of McKillop to wnship, as
teacher, at the rate of $325 for the ba-
lance of the year.
A short time ago Ab MoOall had his
leg injared while assisting at a barn
raising at his brother's barn. He is
getting round all right we are pleased to
A number of new township bridges
Will have to be erected neat year as sev-
eral of them require constant patching
now to keep them in shape for public
Harvest Home Services were held last
Sunday, in Johnston's Church, Binevale
Cirenit. Rev. W R Smith, B A., of
Woodstock, preached at 10.30 a. m. and
7 p. m. There was no service at Blue -
vale or Ebenezer.
A quint wedding took place at the
Methodist parsonage, Brussels, on Wed•
needay afternoon of last week, when
Mies Maggie, only daughter of Arthur
Oantleon, 3rd line of Morris, became the
wife of Edward Pollard, of Grey, Roe
l E. G. Powell tied the metrinionial'knot.
I take tipresidence
Mr and Mre Pollarde
on the grooio's farm in the Gth con,
Council met on Aug 7th. Jae Donald
son, Reeve, in the chair. The minutes
of last meeting were read and sustained.
Purvis—Falconer—That this council
instruct the Clerk to levy and collect
from the ratepayers 2 mails on the dollar
of the Revised Assessment Roll for 1906.
For county purposes and lea mills on the
Revised Assessment Roll for township
purposes, also all amounts required for
school purposes. Oerried,
Kuntz—Purvis—That Wm Baptist be
appointed to have the road repaired op-
posite lot 27 con 12 and 13 as he thinks
necessary. Carried.
Donaldson --Purvis -That as complaint
has been made by some of the ratepay-
ers of this municipality that obstructions
in the river are damaging their property
the clerk be instructed to notify Thos
McPherson .to remove all obstructions
on his property against which complaint
has been made. Carried.
Purvis — Baptist—That an order be
drawn on the Treaaarer for the amount
of three hundred and eight dollars ($308)
in favor of the Township of Turnberry
being amount assessed against certain
ratepayers of this municipality re Bryce
and Jenkins drain and that the clerk be
also instructed to notify said ratepayers
to pay to the treasurer of this munici-
pality the amount assessed against them
as per engineer's award re said drain not
later than the next meeting of council
on Sept 25th. Carried.
Falconer—Baptiet—That ne Turnberry
council has granted $25 to repair the
road on the boundary opposite lots 24 and
25, that this council grant an equivalent
and that Geo' Falconer and S. L. Purvis
superintend the work, and to have the
ditches cleaned out if Turnberry agrees
to the same. Carried.
Falconer—Purvis—That as the railing
on the hill opposite lot 26, con 10 is out
of repair, that S L Purvis be instructed
to repair the same. Carried.
Falconer-- Purvis— That Councillors
Falconer and Purvis be inetrueted to ex-
amine the road opposite lot 7, con 2 and
report at next meeting of council. Car.
Kuntz—Baptist—that the Fnance re-
port as just road be adopted. Carried.
Finance report: —M Keiffer, 65 yds at
7c, $4.55; P $altroy 65 yd gravel at 7c,
$4 55; M Schistel teeming material and
buil..ing culvert, 38 00; J N Piokell, 50
yds gravel, $3 50; 3' D Kuntz, 100 yds
gravel, $7 00; V Rettinger gravelling
road, $1 42; J Border, IGi yds gravel,
311 62; Jas Murray putting in culvert
con 12, $5 00; Ohas Sowers, 1600 ft cedar
at 19, $30 40, gravel $150; labor, $2 30,
$34 20; Wm Whytock, 233 yds gravel,
$16 45; Arch Kirkland, S3v2 yds gravel,
$584; A D McKenzie on acct contract
printing, $25 60; Township Turnbetry
assessment Bryce and Jenkins drain
The Gentral Hardware.
—•-f1NDEii TWINE --Get onr prices on Binder T+ izas.
—Auother oar of Cleveland Wire Gust arrived; as geOdtls the Past.
—Seyltiteir, Saaatias,' Screen Doors
--PAINTS—Celt at the Central Hardware for your Paints.
—White isead and 011—the best that oan be proourod.
--NIXED PAINTS --Pure and fresh,
Bishop & Ball,
Fiehleigh's Old Stand 4 W7NGHAM,
We have a most complete and varied line or
Waist Sets,
Gold and Silver Brooches,
A complete line of
Enameled and Sterling Silver
Souvenir Jewelery -
L,1rFine watch and jewelery repairing promptly at-
tended to.
KAISER, the Jewelear-
•• NEWS•
Butcher Sho
• A
• •
• I HAVE opened a Butcher Shop •
win premises two doors north Z
• of the Chisholm Block, and •
• am fully prepared to supply the •
• best of all kinds of •
• Fresh and Cureaw Meats. •
• Special attention paid to- orders
• from farmers and others for meat •
• in large quantities. •
• A share of your patronage is •
• respectfully solicited. •
$308 00.
Ceras Bt,`TTorr, clerk.
Spring Sift
If you haven't, it's high time you
were thinking about it.
We cordially invite you to take a
look at what we are showing this
spring in the latest
% weeds, Serges,
Fancy Vestings,
Tronserings, eine.
We can snit you in price, quality,
style and workmanship.
Rabt. Maxwell
The Iargest and best in town. Sole
agents for the famous "Spalding" Sport-
ing Goods, and for the celebrated
Kervin's Duke's Special Clock Cord
Lacrosse Stinks.
We have everything in Baseballs,
Gloves, Mitts, Masks, Bats, etc. Lacrosse
sticks, - Gloves, Balls, ate. Footballs,
Shin Guards, etc. Tennis Rackets, Nets,
Balls, oto. "Taylor" Scotch made Lawn
$owls. Special prices to stubs; come in
and arrange.
Tennis Rackets bonght from ns will be
re -strung for $1.25 to $2.50 each.
"Palmer's" hand made Hammocks.
Fishing Tackle of every kind,
Cameras and Photographic Supplies.
The largest and best stock. Free dark
room and instractione.
Wall paper Business booming here.
Jewelry, Stationery and Fanoy Goods
Watch Repairing a Speoialty.
Terms to suit purchaser.
Newspaper Bargains,
We want to increase our subscription
list, and make the following liberal
offers to new subscribers
The Wingham Times from now .25
to January 1st, 1907, for
The Times and Weekly Globe .5 0
to January 1st, 1907, for
The Times and Weekly Sun, .50
Toronto, to Jan'y 1st, 1007, for
The4Times and Family /Jerald
to January 1st, 1007, for • 50
Sub.cribe at once and get the full
benefit of these offers. Gash must
accompany each subscription,
Flour Mills..
There are three things necessary.
to make good Flour: Good wheat,
a good miller,and good machinery.
We have these three in our mills
All the Manitoba Wheat we use ie -
No. 1 ; this is what "Five Lilies"
Flour is made from ; the strength
is not lessened any in 'Five Lilies'
by electrical or any other process
in order to make it white, but it
white, pure and healthy in its own
natural strength. So if you wide
the best Manitoba Flour be sore
to get the ".Wive Lilies do, not
be put off with any other. If your
dealer does not keep it, there.are
plenty of others who do,
Our "Star" Flour is very, pop-
ular. We believe it ie the Brisx'
FAMILY noun on the market to-
day, as it liar the qualities for both
bread and pastry. Give aeon next
older for "Star" and you wail be
Five Lilies flour, k bl, $2:26 to $2.50
Prairie Rose " " 2,05. to 2.30
Star - " " 2 00 to 2 25
Cream Pastry Flour. 1.90 to 2,20 -
Lowgrade Flonr,ton 25.00 to 27.00
Bran, per ton -. MO to 18.00
Shorts, " 22,00 to 23.00
Screening& 18•,00 to 20,00
1, Chop, per ton - 20.00 to 28.00
Winter Wheat, bus, .73 to .76
Goose " " .70 to .70
Manitoba " " .88 to .90
Goode delivered promptly to all
parts of the town,