HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-16, Page 3THE WINGHAM TIMES, AUGUST 16 1906 "is good tea" It has that " Rich Fruity Flavor" which belongs to Red Rose Tea alone: Prices -25, 30, 35, 40, 5o and 6o cts. per Ib. in lead packets 7, H. ESTABROOKS. ST. JOHN. N. B.. WiNNIPEQ. TORONTO, a WELLINOTeN 81., E. "Sentence Sermons. Slander is the coward's sword. Little tins erten the doors to largeonee. Activity is the best amen to any prayer. Things unreal are foes to righteonsnees. The beet way to win men to Clod is to be a man. The currency of kindness is cash in any country. Suspicion is the substitute of the sloth- ful tor vigilance. • An optimist is a man who never stops to open a sandwich. We no use calling people to bapp1nes8 in a sepulchral tone. Only a destitute age counts being rich as the greatest virtue. The sunshiny man drives all the moon- shine out of his religion. There is no virtue in the innocence that only fears the wrong. It's not always the saving man who has most chance of salvation. It takes more than ability to say "dear sister" to make a real saint. The practice of righteonsness".will oure yo nr propensity to regulate others. 1906 Atte cannot wither, For custom stale, its infinite variety. 1906 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION AUG.Z, TORONTO "PT. 10 • ONTARIO larger, more instructive and more entertaining than ever AN UNEQUALLED ART EXHIBITLOAN HORSE AND CATTLE EXHIBIT POULTRY AND PET STOOK EXHIBIT Magnificent Educational Exhibit of Processes of Manufacture in new $100,000 Building. The finest programme of amusements ever presented, including "IVANHOE," with ,expert TILTERS brought expressly from England. HIS MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD BAND OF THE LIFE GUARDS will play twice daily on the Grand Plaza (free) 11 a m, and 4 p m. No up-to-date Canadian will miss this exhibition, r r To avoid the great crowd come first week. For all information apply to LIEUT.-COL J. A, MCGILLIVRAY, S.O., President. J. 0. ORR, Manager and Secretary, City Hall, Toronto. 44444444444444++++++•++++• •++++++++++•+++++••++•s+•• • Western The Exhibition That .f'Iade Fall Fairs Famous. Z An ideal occasion for a family outing. 1 Daily ascensions of .a navigabie airship, always under perfect t : *control, The most wonderful invention of the age. •• • • Royal Venetian Band, the most celebrated European musical +� organization, under the great leader, Victor, will give Concerts daily. air • • • • • • Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale, picturing *$ the great Carnival of Venice. Many splendid educational features far the'boys and girls. For information write W. ,1. REID, President. • 4. A. M. RUNT, Secretary. • • • • • 4+ • • • •••++•••+••••••••••r••+•i• LONDON Sept. 7 -15, 1906 • • +••••••••••••••••••••••••. K K Kcit K K K K&K K ,,t( itt�'K BLOOD POISON lata account of its terrible affects, blood disease is called the king of all Meese,. It stay be either heredltary or contracted; so while It may not be a 'crime 'tb have the tlseaue, it ie a crioie to permit it to remain itr the system. It may manifest Welt to the form 01 Scrofula, Retests, stemmata pains, stiff er swollen joints, itchiness of the skin,eruptione or blotches. more le tee mouth or en the tongue sore throat, 0alttut out ym f hair, add a general deprsesfon of the system. If you km -easy of thesesysaptotes don't neglect yourself. You have no time to lore. aware of "old fogy,' treatment—beware of tartest ppofso*s-- beware of Quacks and 'rehire. OUR DEW 2410011OD 702114.7 t1ENT is guaranteed to Caro this Moue. never td return. Bank Sonde will protect yea. ONr treatment is trot injectors is any way, but reaches the very root of the disease sat elinilsater all Poison from the system. The synptoma of disease gradually disappear. The blooabeecnlae are aid enriched the *hole syatens fe eleaseed e Ma 111b*fit patient pare OR 11ew for0 eP1.Y. tel a*6 tke Ifs ADM Dstweit. 010.000 Carred. Coulult,tlis Froe. ;Mallon Blank for Nome ittalmant rind beaks Fri. DitsKENNEDY& &ERG Mal+►. HtelttkMws Ave. '+ d *heli* *Li 0022olte iltAeilr K Ke. rk K K Y(a,K K 1.4 K It ( ( THE DEATELJSs AGE, II!DIceT1oxs O>e' ITs Oo*110 11 E'UE PlIOPESSIONik Death Percentage Among Igen *a - gaged in Intellectual Panic $s phown to Do on the Decrease.. To the inquisitive mind statistics a!'9 always interesting and frequently it; perusal of them 'will result in the un- earthing of recta which are curious enough to interest even the casual gen- eral public, One of the bits or In- formation found in the mortality tables recently given out by the census de- partment would seem to indicate, says the New York Post, that If the death percentage continues to decrease among forthcoming generations of proteaelonal men as much as it did in that between 1890 and 1900 it wilt not be quite a cen- tury before men engaged in tbese oc- cupations s.cupatlons will lire reliever. Rather astonishing, but yet that is exactly the conclusion one is forced to arrive at by a logical process of reasoning. The only class exempt from this tempting pros- pect of unendinglife are the clergymen, who are dying now in greater number, according to these tables, than was the cane _ in 1890. The total number of architects, artists and teachers of art in the United States increased clearly 17 per cent, during the past decade, but the mortality figures show a decrease in the number of deaths among the whole body from slightly over 12 per cent. to about 11 per cent, in the same period. Journalists increased in num- ber 11 pet' cent„ but the death rate among them declined from 17 to 15 per cent. Deaths among lawyers decreased one-half of 1 per cent., among mu- sicians 1 per cent. and among physi- cians and surgeons a little over 2 per cent. All of which serves. to show that if one wants to live long he should en- gage in some professional calling. If the same decrease holds true in the fu- ture it will be only about 90 years be- fore physicians will no longer die; 76 years will bring about the same glori- ous condition among Journalists, 110 years tor the architects and artists, mu- sicians 150 years, while the lawyers will be compelled to watt 172 years for the state of ceaseless life among them. The clergymen are in a very bad way, indeed. Their total number has only shown a comparatively slight increase, but the death rate for their occupation increased. 51/2 per cent. over that ob- taining in the preceding decade. What- ever the cause, whether they are lead- ing a. mere strenuous life or not, they loom up as the holders of an extreme- ly dangerous calling—a calling danger- ous to lite. What else may be inferred from these cold, unyielding figures? It would be well for clergymen to take cognizance of this matter and adopt Preventive measures against the whole- sale decrease by death in their number, or, so the statistics would seem to in- dicate, it will only be 156 years until clergymen will no Ionger be able to exist,. for the death percentage would have in- creased to 100 per cent. The sad• prospect for the clergymen is also .that of woman engaged in pro- fessional occupations. Female mn,s.. clans and teachers of music increased in number 2 per cent. in the last dec- ade, while the increase in deaths amo — . them was over 3 per cen+4 rtetresSes are m more nuFe by 0 per cent., and the f16Athaainong them have increased 8 Ver cent., thus indicating that in 500 years, 1f this ratio continues, we shall no longer have actressbs, end men will once again be compelled to assume fe- male parts .on the ptage, as they did in the days of Shake.,peare. The death rate among women school -teachers is 1.6 per cent. heavier than the increase in numbers, and among stenographers and typewriters It is nine -tenths per cent. greater. No statistics are given regarding female cleric*, so that we are left to imagine in horror whet the/ might have revealed. Photographic Power of wood. Experiments by' Dr. William J. Ras - sell in England have shown that a sec- tion• of a tree trunk, or of a branch, cut across the grain, possesses the power of impress upon a photographic plate in the dark a distinct image of ttself,.plain- ly showing the rings of growth. There Is a great difference in the intensity Of this power among different. kind, of wood. The winters—the pines and flra --possess It in a high degree. The wood is placed either in contact with the plate, or at a short distance from it, and the exposero varies from half an hour to 18 hours. Boards long exposed to the air, an oak box 100 years old, rotten wood from a stump, and even bogwood, have bison found stili photographicaliy native.— Youth's Companion. Society Girls Good Spanish student*. Spain's silvery tongue is *upersading French to a noticeable degree in the favor of society girls. Most of the young women of the current season, and, in fact, for several seasons past, speak Spanish excellently. They have not ae- quired the true Madrid if= -p, because that can be learned only in Hispaniola's capital, but their accent would pass muster int Havana, Santiago, Mexico City or even Barcelona, and their grasp of the syntax is praiseworthy. Dainty Dorothy Kane and her friend Grace Chapin are past mistresses ot the lan- guage, both having been complimented' by Spanish diplomats who met tllem lit Weshingtob.—N. T. Prime. Roughing It, Porter• -•-•'Yana, we're beelp, [tag N in the woods. 114aude—Anti *hot do to* Ito what you rough it! ' "0, you have to reit your oWn cigar. etta 1, and drink your whisky without apollinarie wat.ah.,.,ani gowithoutt ovpt'd. 4h1**. dal,* k 4. tr ,apattIDyU. j 1 eyIR# d•• ,K1<-„ /,- /4tO 9 0. oda • e7 AOHVO o 11n303 j1Aj�7NOON /, 1 ©,0 ;V �� /-* � 111.331461 AW 'atuosglcx,; '8ui;iAur 'r suO 'awn 04) pus awl.3 nag $ur;ea poo8 o.ry .cater SlepaSi ucsN1aaj UO113301404 se.CaezooLi _ale .lana no;C s..ampe.fo gag tq1 OIu1 Lump 3JaAUoa o; 'epeue0 u} .clalieq paddrnba ;sac ay; pun 'a3npoid tura sal step snowed s,npwue0 3e41 waa.io pus .1a13tni 3saci atl3 'siiIW epeuez Teti) inoy ;sag atil S13xDV i3 S.A3NOOW o3W o8 o; p008 0o3 8uty)ou s aiagj .t*M xactooW ovy HEALTH AND BEAUTY A handkerchief wet in undiluted witch hazel and planed over the closed eyes while lying down willOtake away all tired feeling. Peroxide of hydrogen or anything else save pure water or medicine ordered by a physician should never be allowed to touch the eyes. They are partioularly delicate organs and tar too valuable to permit the slightest risk. Ci e°.!. iia P Co 1St X A . the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Rignstnre of Good. pure milk is nutiitioua and flesh•forming. Take a glass of hot milk the Iast thing at night if troubled with insomnia or if yon wish to gain flesh. Milk must always be taken slowly—sipp- ed in fact—and take quite ten minutes over a glass. .Tac, fi&t r....irr t' ii. all[ �. t111111114 11111 Carl " , ���DI eaij ;: „"'';�-� I LLO N[ HINGE—STAY FENCE POINT a The Dillon ItINCF.SrAP rentals to your Anti: what insurance le to your family. It protects thnn, and orton.avre cost of retrrin.ry. /Nuekatudttataluttuu free—lire agents wanted. ZtlripeE 1 !es' A ii Y WIRe•LT�10E LIMITED,; 44 44_ •. Mom CO, Iv A E 6444. - To subdue the unruly hair rub into scalp every right a little vaseline and the hair will gradually learn to yield to the brush, Curl the hair overnight with papers first, wetting it with a solution of three ounces of gum arabic in a half- pint of roseWater, Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight leap and follow directions. Housekeepers should know that paper bags are made of composition of rage, lime, gine and other substance mixed with chemicals and acids. When the paper is dr) it is harmless, but if wet it is not fit to touch any sort of food as there may be injurious coneegnences. "Preaching ton the danger of mon: y often has its first effect on the collection. BSOLUTE SECURITY. leeeeeelleeeeell Genuine Carter's Little Jiver Pills. • Must Beer Signature o! See Fac -Slane Wrapper Beiew. Vary melt sir se WI' itt.talfs tD stone% . ppe�r�pp+ FOI AEANACNkt. It ?U t.LJtO F:R III'ZIINESL FtlR t11,,UOU%NEt3.. r FOR:TORPI0 LIVE*, FOR CONSTIPATION FOR $ALteW $IUNC OR`THECOMPIAXION altoriv i 3Y.t NAV[ ,IAwI, : - s OURS $11( HEADACHE. P*OPLl OD PAIO>I IR,AIrCli. Ates. George Gould is to 11AVRyub- llahed a book on her recent trip abroad. Among her 1ntimete friends she la spoken ot as being "IQ the diatin- gulshed net ot automobile survivors." Dr. beam IL Hazleton„ of Wellesley Hills, Maas., the only surviving of:leer or the Pirst Vermont, Waft one of the guests at the recent launching or the naw mammoth battleship Vermont. Dr. Albert A. Van der Veer, of Al - Duty, N. 1r., has just received one of the highest honors that can be giver to a surgeon. He has been chosen president of the Nstloalsl Surgical as- soelatlon. Hla works! on surgery era atanlarde Prof. Alexia!! Tortsorly, one time of the University of ItfoWow, and who was tmprisooed in 1801 for alleged complicity In the aesssinatfon of Alex- ander II., will eh0rtly come to America from 3apan to Decorate a United Staten citizen. Whilum n, who was born In Ireland in 1783Kigsleyend fought with Nelson at Trafalgar, is now living et the age V lilt near Bloomfield, Mo, He fought In the Crimean war, assisted to the taking of Sebastopol and in this coun- try fought in the Mexican and stvtl wars. Mfrs. Marion 8. Baxter is at the head of the only tree hospital to Seattle, Wenn., the hospital .hip Idaho. Roger S. Greene and other puDtle-splrtted men of the city b. ught the ship and gave It for the benefit of those too poor to pay for adutlselon to hospitals. Mrs. Baxter Las been for several years on the editorial gaff of a Seattle pa. per. Gov, Miguel A, Otero of New Mexico is one „f the most extensive • sheer breeders in the southwest, his flocks In Guadeloupe county alone numbering 65,000 head. He Is s native of the, ter- ritory, a scion of one of ire oldest Same Nies and speaks Spanish and English with equal fluency. The governor It now nearing the end of hos second term and it is considered probable that he will be reappointed. Thomas A. Edison came over to New York from his quiet New Jersey home to see some machinery in which he was interested. he soon as possible he hur- ried back again. "I went to get back to the quietude at my own workshop," be remarked on leaving. "I can't stand Naw York. You are too glaring and nosey over here, one of the chief rea- sons betne that you are using tee marry of my contrivances." 3172.4X0 0 TOIL XX111113 871T. "In Sweden a plumber is called a tattenledingsentrepenor." "He is, ah? I'll bet he charges for the time while he is being called it, too." "You're dreadfully untidy again, Mary! I don't know what the baker will think of you when he aoznaa." "The baker don't matter, milkman's bin!" "Pa," asked Tommy, "what's the difference between 'assurance' and 'insurance?' " "Well, my son, . one it what the agent has and the other is What he persists in trying to sell you," "How long does it take to empty 'this hall?" asked the lecturer, "Iotek- ing about the auditorium. '1 don't know exactly,' railed the janitor; "but it you wish, when yotl begin les• turing I't1 time 'am." "This is the drat time you have 'been to prayer meeting in a long !line," said the pastor of a colored congrega- tion. "I had to come," replied Eraat'us ginkley; "I needs atrength'nin'. I(ie got a job whitewashin' a chicken coop an' buildin' a fence around s weer; melon patch. "That barber seems to be doing s mailing business." "Toa. He has 'in-' vented a hair tonic that smells exact- ly like gasoline." "But—er—I don't see tha point." "It tickles the ranity of his patrons. They go around smell- ing of gasoline, and this gives the' im- pression that they own autoinobilee." AMONG tualu TIST11. Plot, 13. Haberlandt, after'wtitdling the sonsitfveness of the tendrils and hairs on planta, hits come to the eon - elusion that some plants are capable ot experiencing regular sensations. The new` method of producing • gen- eral anesthesia proposed by Schnee detain, of .Berlin, consists in giving three hypodermic injections—two hours, one hour and half au hour be - pre operation—of scopolamine with home morphine. Unconsciousness continue* some hours after the opera- tion. .k London chemist, Dr. McAlpine, has a new process of refining mineral oil, for which he claims that it will abolish the use of expensive ahem - kali', mike two distillations do 'for the three now made, increaiie the Yield of products 20 per cent, and improve the quality ot all the prod - mete. Liquid dourage is apt to evaporate. People With high tempers When Un- duly. excited Are inclined to indulge ib row' language. The husband 0t a toilet, larldir'gota a lot more cytopathy than he knows anything about. The misanthrope Who [salt that; hs hasn't a friend in the world might 'tat A* well be a book agent. The fellow Who goes otlt or hit Wray td put you on to s Sure thing will' caw, Orally boar watching;. the stoat trouble with the .00014 temperament 1s that It retrlti' at the 0 • ICl* li old rtat to tell you haih, 'Z'i *r 'pr vim 4.n. not A .mi. hair too atg►ny. Thea I, ILP testae it lightly is�� pl�A�oer Rap's Vegetable Hlcthaan 8si> R.nswer stops falling heir', nsske,s the heir '0 I a% r �a i, ke•pa the scaly healthlr. !or tho whisker. eeq aweetttohe we to itis T101[J1Pa DTIC rt wtery yy risi brro}w.vss erocoltbIs,,k. R. T.HALT,iCe..Harbrr,lr.11. 1 air; 1 ,,,%41' '--f• i/ Have you arrived at the fork in the road of life? Ar you puzzled because yo o not know which pa leads to success? No doubt you have looked through, the office window of some great concern and have seen the manager in his chair --looked comfortable, didn't he? You have wished to fill the same position --some day. That's where a Business College education comes in. But in selecting acollege, first see that you are right—then go ahead. Our free booklet tells all about plans, systems, charges, positions after graduating, etc. Write for it. School term: September till June, inclusive. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE .1. W. WESTERVELT, Y.M.C.A. BLDG,, Principal, London. Mat the GOLD DUST TWINS de your work'. SIMPLY WONDERFUL is the work which GOLD DUST accomplishes. All labors look alike to the Gold Dust Twins. They clean floors and . - doors, sinks and chinks—go from cellar to attic—and leave only brightness behind. Get acquainted with 'Cold Dust Washing Powder • OTHER GENERAL 1 Scrubbing floors, washine clothes and dishes, cleaning wood - USES FOR work,oil Ciotti, silverware and tinware, polishing brpss work, COLA DUST cleansing bath room, pipes, etc., and making the finest soft soap. Made by THE hi. K, FAIRBANK COMPANY, Montreal, P. 0.—Makers of FAIRY SOAP. -GOLD DUST makes hard water sola a t •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••.•ew•w•+••• e 1COAL COAL COAL. i . We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, • which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and • • Domeetio Coal, and Wood of Ml kinds, always on hand. • • • 'We �� f LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH • • (Dressed or Undressed! - • Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.• • Or Highest Yrice paid for all kinder of Logic. "•• • J.A0McLeana! • • i Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. • .••••••••••••••+••s+••+•e •+•••+•••••+•+•.►+•+.44 AfoMANANNIAA A AAAMMAAAAA VVVWYYWAsoFVVVVVVVVVVVVW Lehigh Valley Coal Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers It has no equal. J. D. BURNS •