HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-16, Page 1THS
VOL . XXXY.—NO. 1801,
Tailor -Made
$1 5.
We will make your suit to
your exact measures, to your
order for fifteen dollars cor-
rectly shaped and faultless-
ly fitted, superbly tailored
from some pure, all -wool fab-
ric, staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
use a fabric of still higher
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
Trousers made to order at
$3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6,
.A fine selection of Gents' Fur-
:xi/things always in stook.
MISIL. Hornuth
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
- 2 doors from post office.
Bread ani Batter
Business houses have, this past year,
made TEN TIMES as many demands
upon us for young ladies and gentlemen
who are thoroughly grounded in busi-
ness principles, as we have bad students
to send.
Wingham Business College
"Affiliated with Olinton Business
Drop a postal for information to
GEO. SPOTTON, - Prineipal.
Hat weather makes this a ne-
cessity. We have all the lead-
ing makes. Large stook of
Colgatets Violet Talc.
just to hand, lr1"hatidy boxes,
25e catch.
Wali MCKIhbon
_ ex1�i11� n.
MAodonald Block • 'VO`inoteat!t
This encore oboes at 8 p. In.,
every evening except Saturday.
Purchased Well rifling Business.
Mr W. H. David on has purchased the
well -drilling outfit rota Mr W. G. Paton
and will continue he business as-upstial.
Mr Patot>, will deg ,te his attention to the
Machinery repair' g business, which he
has taken over. All accounts for work
done in the we11 drilling business up to
August 9th are t be paid to Mr Paton.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
The Nation Reprjlesented at Toronto,
Prospects for t e Canadian National
Exhibition, Aug st 27th to September
10th, are most exorable. Entries in
all classes are a lust to former years,
and in matey instates a long way ahead.
In character they 'ere never so thorough-
ly represented. Great Britain and
many States ofa Union have also sent
entries in live stack, dogs, oats or poul-
try. !
Try R. Johneton's new cobbler for your
boot and shoe repairing,
The first general
holders of the Wiz
puny for the purp
company for the o
nes will be held i;
on Monday evenin
charter has been r
the fitting up of t
Webster property
as early a date a
wish of the comp
opened as an earl
meeting of the share•
ham Hospital Com.
e of organizing the-
mmencement of busi-
the Council Chamber
, August 27111. The
coived and work on
e recently purchased
will be commenced at
possible as it is the
ny to have the hospital
SUMMER SALE.—Slaughter Cash Sale
of all Dress Fabrics. Geo. E. Klxo.
Property ransfers.
Mr Wm Weilwo purchased from C.
Lloyd & Sons, th property hithertofor
used as a etorebo se east of the door
factory, on John .s reet.- _Geo 0 Hahna
sold to C G Venal e, the double frame
dwelling house on fobn street, occupied
by Messrs P Tans ey and P MitcheII.
Mrs Thos Joynt, o . St Helens was the
purchaser of the esirable house pro-
perty owned and ccopied by Thos If
Rosa on Francis atr t. These transfers
were made through the agency of J H
Chisholm, real es to and in, uranoe
Don't miss the barge n- in furniture
at our store during• .i u.' and August.
Fon Senn—Good Dwelling House and
one acre of land, now occupied by me;
For terms and particulars apply to Gao.
Wingham's Tax Rate.
Aa will be seen from the proceedings
of the Town Council �n another column,
Wingham's tax rate for •this year has
been planed at 24 nelIs. This is one
shill ;iigher than la; t year. The tax
rate last year was mode np of one millfor county rate, stxte al mills for town
rate and 6 mills for public school rate.
This yearthiecounty ate takes twomilla,
-town rate fourteen it ills, public school
six and a half mills high school one
and a halt. mills. It alt be seen from
the above that the r to under the con-
trol of the Council is two mills less
than last Sear. The increasing of the
rate being caused by n extra mill for
county rate, extra b mill for public
school rate and the a and a half mina
for nigh sohool purp sea. Wingham is
not yet taxed as hea�,y as is the case in
many other towns, bat our rate iaplenty
heavy enough, and another year will
probably see it drop •o 24 mills.
telephone B dly Needed.
The people of Wi�ghem ate put to
very much inoonvetsence owing to the
fact that no telepho: a has been placed
in the ne'�v G. T. 3. station. During
the past fete weeks eve have Beard some
very hard verde us against the .G. T.
R. for their neglect n this matter, It is
Certainly a hardshi not to have a tele-
phone in a place of ie kind. After six
O'clock in the e'veni g the freight office
is olosed and there i no way of finding
whether a train is n time, Unless one
Walks to the static . li or proteseional
and bueinese, who re no tilne.to Waste
it ao hardly proper f it the railway peon
pie to ;Ask them to loiter arouna%talion from one to two Buts waitingon a delayed train, Other towns With
the freight and do et of les in stip:ante
furni bed with tWo'phones
find- w+s think ingha,n ehonld re•
obive the sane t Menaibnaes as other
places. The piaci g of a *phone :10 the
e tion boilto in .I 2d tr lie p very mater•tally to keels the . TY X1, in the good
$,meals of the peep' 4f Wioghiam,
Woar Grows Shoes and Rubbers
The Ann}dace on en Wednesday a
22Ad and 28rd an
ever. On the firs
Brussis Races.
Annual Su
the fine
neer Recce will take
iving Park, Brussels,
Id hursday, August
i will be better than
day program will be a
2, 50, 2.22 and 2,19 trot or pace and arm.
mug race. Seco day -the events are: --
2.50 trot, and a 2 27 and 2.15 pace and a
run. $1,460 in p sea. Band in attend.
ante. Don't mis the sport,
Come to D. M. donpox's Great • Mid -
S wearer Sale. The prides in many lines
are out in two. May as well share in the
great slaughter.
To Our fReaders.
There are mai things happening
which ere of pnblir interest, but which
newspapers never est hold of, such, for
i nstance, as family -e-unions, farm Bales,
weddings, aeeidenand items of a sim-
ilar nature, Some 1 these newspapers
m ay get, but there re others that do not
get into print. No , if partiesiuterested
would send these t ns, we would be glad
at all times to pub sh them. Write out
an account of the , and sign your name.
Never mind if the item is not well writ-
ten. Put in the f :pts, and we will fix it
up. The name till not 'be published,
but is required as an evidence that the
item is genuine. Yoe Gould pet a lot of
items on a post -card, Try it.
You will find our furniture store the
beet place to deal for high -plass goods at
most reasonable prices. WALBER Enos
& BUTTON, furniture dealers and under.
Municipa Councils.
According to the 906 amendment of
the C. S. 0. 1903, a municipality may
pass a by-law maks a two-year term,
instead of one as n , for membera of
councils. This m old necessitate a
sufficient number o electors to petition
the existing council •;o paea suohlby-law.
-The by-law would t. ten be submitted to
the•eleotora for appr al. If a majority
were in favor of the wo year term the
council would final pass the by-law
and the new act wo d be in force until
repealed by a similar operation, There
is ranch to be said i favor of the two-
year rt'r .
a term. It at le et cal
w d make the
office more desirabl and the administra.
tion more eeono foal. If the people
desire such chang , they have it in their
power to have a et -law submitted at
any time, even be ore the nest nomina-
tion day.
second -handed walnut parlor unite in
first class condition, consisting of seven
pieces. For sale at a bargain. Apply
to R. Vanatone.
Norion.—For th convenience of par-
ties wishing to pay eir accounts, I have
arranged to be at r. S. Gracey's furni-
ture store every of ernoon and evening
up to and ino.ud' Saturday, August
18th. R. A. RurcaISON.
I ndependen Oddfellows.
The Grand Eno mpment, I.O.O. F.
met in Peterboro on Tuesday of last
week. The Grand Soribe had a most
encouraging repot . Over thirty tents
had added to their numbers, and eight
or ten h ad doubled their numbers. The
number of membe on December 31st.
1905, was 4,362. he net nnmber added
during the last six_ months was 488, eo
that on June 38111,-1906. the total mein-
berahip was 4,850. ' Great progress has
been made since ,the Grand Encamp-
ment met.
The financial statement showed that
the receipts for the year ending with
December 81st, 19 r5, were $1,934.67, and
the expenditure ✓1,782.21. The total
annual revenue of the encampments re-
porting to the Gr.nd Bnoarnpment was
$11,4$3.23. The otal amount invested
by subordiustea -vas $21,567,20. The
amonnt paid for relief was $4,124,24.
The Ontario Greed Lodge, I. O. 0. F.
met on Wedne day and Thursday.
Grand Master B1.wett of Listowel sub.
mite an exhanativen review of his year's
service. He re ers with pardonable
pride to the ste-e of the order. On
December 81st, 1905, there were 307
Iodges. During sae year there Were 11
new lodges and °..tesnscitated, making a
total on August 3111 of 820. The mem.
berahip on Deco ber 31st, 1905, Was 82,-
272, added dnri a the lett six months,
1,630 net, Makin the total on *lithe 80th
1906, 31,898, T relief paid during the
loo es as 106 18.16 or -03 -
year by g $ ,7 $2 ,
38 per day. Dee total assets aver llabili
ties are $1,307,9 184. During the year
ended June 80t.,, 478 veterans' jewels
Were present ed by ledged to members,
The Grand See_ etary, J. B. King has
bonipleted forty years of ser+rice in his
office having a dint r1 t
oe be e o thepoen
� pp
tion in Aug.,
At the Guderiob h'wring Tournarnexti
last week, the Win.ltnatn rinks did ziot
get into the duels fa any of the prizes,
but Meeats. Dudley Holmes and A. M.
Crawford won the ft .als in the doubles,
each bringing home handsome prize
The British Bowl re who are now
making .a tour thr,ugh Ontario will
spend part of next S tnrday in Clinton
and part of the day a d Sunday at G >d•
erioh, Arrangement have been made
for giving the visitor a good time dur-
ing their stay in Elm •n oouaty. A riuk
of Wingham bowlers ^ 111 play with the
visitors at both Clint,:,, and God rich.
The Winghain rink hat will play with
the Britiab Bowlers a Cliuton will be
made ap of R 7 neto e, Thus. Bali, Dr
A. J. Irwin and C. Vanatone, The
rink to play with the ritiehers at Gode-
rich will be A. M, urawtord, Dudley
Holmes, A. II. Alm rove and L. W.
A team of Wingha lacrosse players
went to $iuoardine o t the ebonraian on
Wedneeday of last aek and played a
friendly game with steam of the lake
town. Score 2 to 2.
At a meeting of tht 0. L. A. held in
Toronto last week,thc Wingltani, Cliuton
laornese game was or lered to be played
over. Clinton prate ted Wingham play.
iug J. Henney, who
a week previous, an
against Clinton pia
last year played
Both players were
The Maple Leaf
special train to Olin
noon and some slut
to wituees the game
The local players
the regular team a
in being defeated t
The local players
down. to 1 to 0
We npderstand t
outsiders and th
ed by the Wing
will be emcees
question. Th y
in this regard i
hid been suspended
Wingbam protested
lug MoLaren, who
ith the Chippewae
aorosae Club run a
on on Monday after -
people went down
lad ed with Seaforth.
ere unable to take
d got the worst of it
the tone of 5 to 1.
rid their opponents
ntil the last quarter.
at Seaforth played two
game has been protest -
am boys, Whether they
nlin the protest isanother
have not fared very well
the past:
The baseball gaa played here on Fri-
day last between r'ineardine and Wing.
ham was the best game played on the
Wingham park thi i season. For Kincar-
dine to win it wo..ld have given them
first place in the le ague and in Wingham
winning the game ;eaves a three cornered
tie in the district. , Both teams played
good ball. Batteri — Wingham,Dunlop
and Manhattan; inoardine, Stewart
and McKay; Uwpi e, Breslau, of Luck.
now. The score b innings: —
Kinoardine 2 0 0 0.1 0 2 0 —5
Wingham 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 x —7
D. M. Gordon's hr your gem jars and
the best prase : v ie begat in the world,
you will not be u.sapnomted either in the
price, quantity o' nadir.
Don't Forget.
When you have ead this issue of The
Times yon will lilt 1y send it to your
daughter, son or s a friend living far
away, so they maesee what is happening
in the old county neighborhood. That
will cost you ono ent an issue or 25 or
30 carte for the alance of the year.
Why not drop in nd leave us 25 cents
and have it maile from this office every
week until the fir of January, 1907? It
will then reach th, person at the very
earliest date and r..gularly, and will be
appreciated. It viii be a weekly letter
from home. We -will do our part. Yon
do yours.
Are you "raid and aoeurate" at
Are you an a'.omplished penmen?
Can you fra„e a good business .letter?
Can you maout an invoice or state.
Can you ma •e out an account male?
Can you ma : out checks and drafts?
Can you dra up a promissory note?
Can you ma.. out bills of lading?
Are you an e pert bookkeeper?
Do you n t., erstand double entry
Can you keep cash account?
Can you mak:, np partnere p settle-
Do you. knave ' ow t act business
with banks?
Don you node stand commission and
Do you uudors and oonimeroial arith-
Can youoalou ate interest and dis-
Do you nndor_ ani trade discount?
Do you tinder4and commercial law?
Can you draw ap business papers?
Ciao you writaahorthand?
Clan you operas a typewriter?
Could yon slot as secretary of a bor.
If you ten answer all the above gees -
tions eatistactots.y, go on your way reg
joioing. You ca secure a good position
at any time. Itat if these gneettone
pet pier you, ke arrangement for
training, either lay or night, et the
Wingham Buie -tot College.
A Light ession.
Very little buena s was treusaoted at
the regular meson of the Public School'
Board on Tuesday vei,ing, and the sea
cion lasted but a few minutes The
salaries of the to chore and officers for
July, and the r t ot Centre street
school, were orders to be paid. After
some diseeseion regarding the roofing of
the school building, the Board adjourn-
The Riv r Hotel Bayfield, the great
anteater d e n
ns o lase ., nt i river i
i is where
everybody ie going .hese hot times. Geo.
Greenslade, prnpri r. This property is
for sole or ershang by A. E. Englaud,
Wiughaw, Out.
New Man as Old Stand.
Mr J H Christie, who recently pur-
chased Mr R A Hutchieon's grocery and
()rookery business las an advt in this
issue or the TIMES.' Mr Christie is a
practical man at hi business and is well
qualified to serve th old patrons of this
store and will be pl sed to meet many
nest customers, and Nerve all with the
best in groceries, f ay ohiaa, etc. We
wish him every sn ess in his business.
Real the new adv in another column.
TnaaE DAYS Mo E —H E. Is d & Co.
have decided to co tinne thei i ig, Oleau
Sweep Sale until S t, rosy nguet 18th,
just three days m e o - r rent Maney-
Saviug Chances.— : - da are attending
this sale; you niig t as well share in the
High chool Fees.
A meeting o the Wingham High
School Board wa held on Monday even-
ing and the fees or pupils attending the
school were fixe at $6, $8, $10, graded
awarding to the Ian the student is in.
These fees are or all pupils whether
they be from ron count' or onteitle
the county as eel as those in the town.
The Board the ht it well to make the
same fees apply o alt pupils. The fees
for town pupils t Seaforth, Goderich
and Clinton are he same as those :o be
charged at Wi gham, while at Harri-
aton the one. Zee of $10 is charged.. At
Walkerton $103 is the oharge and at
Kincardine, $8 and $10.
Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye,
Ear Noe and Throat i]
Nose oa will be at Mc-
Kibbon'a drug store, Tuesday, Sept 4th
Hours 2 p. in, to 8 p. m. Glasses prop-
erly fitted.
du nior Leaving 1
We publish belo
pupils of Wingham
were successful thi
Junior Leaving ex
required 40 per cony
xamination Results.
the names of the
Public School who
year in passing the
amination. To pass
on each subject and
60 per cent on the aggregate; and to ob-
tain honors 75 per ant on the aggregate.
Of the eleven punta who passed at this
scllool eight obta'ned honors. For this
t3 s
excellent showin
due the efficient
of Principal Mn
the names of the
Charlie Anders()i
Annie Law (hon
sun (honors), G
Jno. Mc0rostie,
considerable credit is
'nd pains taking work
grove. Following are
uocessful candidates: —
(honors), Etta Burns,
rs), Ethel May David -
Jefferson (honors),
earl McPherson (hon-
or), Mable Ross, ranise Perrie (honors),
Winnie Stewart (Liters), Thos. Geddes
Wilson (honors), bertie Troy (boners),
The last named Se from Whitechurch.
R. Johnston, tie shoe man, wishes to
infrom the- public that he has engaged a
first -clans cobbler and is prepared to do
all kinds of boot and shoe repairing.
Give tie a call, Satisfaction guaranteed.
All rips in oboes purchased from us
sewed free.
Deaths Ba
Dr, Charles W. H
gistrar•General for
his annual report
mates the populatio
2,203,968, the gre it
the cities and town
to the fact that the
orbital districts fro
polities. The birt
was 22 8 per thous”
increase of 0.7 perj
preceding year, a
over 1902. The •:
Marriages to the p•
is again epeoially;
Depute Registrar.
993, or 79 4 per tho
Fashion, the repot
sibly fns convenien
leafy months of June
in which most mart
diets again head the
inattons to e0 far M
sone entering Upon 1
concerned. The den
thousand is an there
and over that for 190
the inoreteb in bittli
ce Births.
dgetts, Deputy Re.
ntario, has issued
or 1904: He esti-
of the Province at
r in_rease being in
This he attributes
e is an infies into
the rural muuioi-
rate for the year
nd of population, an
tho:sand over the
• 11 per thousand
normal nnnmber of
elation in Windsor
referred to by the
n 1904 the record was
sand of popnletion.
says, as Well pos.
, still makes the
d:ntinent as that
ges occur, Meth -
'et of the donom-
e number of per.
e mauled State is
h tate ot 14.1 per
e of 0.7 per theta
exactly balancing
The adjourued seting of the Towr
Council was held on Friday tveuing I
with Mayor Belli the ehtur and all
the members prey at except Councillor
Beata'? No. 5 , ilxipg the rate of
taxation for the trent year at 24 Mills
on the dollar was ead three times and on
motion of Co noillors Hanna and
Nicholson was p seed.
By-law No 54 , authoriztngthe Mayor
and Treasurer 1 borrow money to pay
current expense until tares are collect -
c d was read tree times and passed.
Connoillor )Donald presented an
estimate showi ig that the proposed
drain on Albert; and Josephine streets
would cost $1,0V3.
On motion o ; Councillors Nicholson
and Hanna, the Council accepted
the estimate an inatroted the Street
Committee to oder the necessary tile
and proceed witli the work at once.
An application' was read from Mr. F.
Paterson for the position of Collector of
Taxes. -
On motion of , Councillors Nicholson
and Hanna, Mr..Patteriion was appoint-
ed to the positio it a salary of $40 and
to furnish the i ceesary bonds.
Dr. Butler, London, will be at Queen's
hotel on:—Tuesday, June 19th; Tues.
day, July Ilth. Hours 1 p.m. to 8 30
p.m. Eye, ear, nose and throat consul-
tations. Eyes tested for glasses,
County Conatab
dine is at present i
Lead, Merdiok
Sturgeon through
the Bruce Penins
their arrest on t
assault on Eliza
year-old danght:
well.to-do farme
ship. Sturgeo
Walkerton on
brothers are stil
crines expeot-t •
al Assault
o Hodgins of /linear -
pursuit of Neil Mo-
oLeod, and Samuel
the rough country of
la, with a warrant for
r e charge of criminal
•eth Bradley, the 16-
r of Joseph Bradley, a
, of Kincardine Town.
was arrested near
neaday. The McLeod
at large, but the meth -
land them shortly.
Scanda Is Nct News.
The Exeter
matter very nic
of our subsoriber,
week, for failing
lash all that hap
for this partionl!
oretion occasion
ion of unpleasant
Hate all that is to
with -the angels
after our papers
to print all items
will encourage, b
citizena along lice's rugged road. We
doubtless wouldnjoy reading "all the
news" when it's boot the other fellow,
but our policy is io turn over to the gos-
sips the spreadioof scandals that only
leaves sorrow int• eir trail. "
vocate sizes up news
y when it says: "One
took us to task this
as be remarked, to pub.
rned. It was fortunate
r individual that dis-
111y demands the omiaa-
t items. Should wepub-
d to us we would be
about twenty minutes
were mailed. We try
that are news, or that
alp or cheer any of our
Summer So
The Sommer
pioes of the Epw
ham District of
olosed on Sunday
flat week's servic
services were we
useful and helpfu
ed. Theaacredc
odist church on
attended and wa
fnI concerts of
Wingham. Th
part in the pr.
appreciated by ti
ple present. T11
following solo*
Owen Sound;
Miss Staple,
Homuth of to,
water young i+
Damara and re
of Lucknow ai
cot and Concert.
chool, under the am-
th Leagues of Wiug-
he Methodist Church
last and a very success.
s were held. All the
1 attended and many
addresses were deliver-
noert held in the Meth-
riday evening was well
one of the most stomas
his kind ever held in
several people taking
gram were very much
ie large number of peo-
ose taking part were the
ts:— Newton Large,
N. Moroi', rd
c Y stratfo ,I
l eeswater; Miss Laura ;
vn; quartette by Tees-
ies; cornet solo by J. W.
citations by Miss A. Toynt
d Miss Brock of town.
Wiugham... ......... . Sept. 27 28
Tnto Aug. 27 -Sept. 10
London ... Sept. 7-15
Goderieh Sept. 26.27.28
Sept. 18.19
Listowel .... Sept. 25.26
Exeter ..... Sept. 17-18
Harrieton .... Sept. 2728
Kincardine..............,Sept. 18.19
Mildmay. Sept. 24 25
Palmerston Se. 20.21
Ripley Sept. 25.26
Seaforth •,Y. Sept. 19 20
Walkerton Sept. 19 20
Sept. 19.20
Oct. 2. 3
Oct, 3. 4
33Tyth..,. Y.Y.
rnrioh,. Y....Y...>YY...
L ckn
n otc• ..Y.
1Ur11,9aela. >...a.+...Y .Y,x.•, Oot. 4. 5
Reynold 043, g
oes iiality
1 With You?
We are
anxious to open
an account with you on
this basis.
Let us fill your Family
Wa lley's
Drug Store
tPhone 100. Successor to McCall & Co
Success in Selling Beal Estate
depends on bringing sellers and bny
ers together at the proper time
The following list is a sample of the
many cheap and desirable properties for
sale :
$4000—Business, inelnding'dry goode,
groceries and general atm-. keeping
stock. Building In story solid brick
with dwelling and stables. Profits
last year show over $1,000, and good
$2500 -2 -story frame house; excellent
condition; Centre St.
$2100-2 story frame hoose; bath,etc.,
stable worth $500; Minnie St,
$1300—New brick cottage, Josephine
$1300 -2 -story frame house; stable;
Leopold St.
$1100-1n story frame house, 8 zooids,
stable; Frances St.
$1000—l3 story new brick house, 7
rooms; corner lot; Charles St.
$5000-100 aores, Tnrnberry township,
bank barn, frame house; 1i miles
from Wingham.
$3500-59 acres ; brick house; bank
barn; 134 miles from Wwgham.
$3500-423 acres; brick house; bank
barn; % mile from Wingham.
Wroxeter Village Property.
$1300-13 story brink house, an excel.
lent home for a retired farmer.
Call and get full particulars.
Ageut for Western Lands.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent.
Vanatono block, Wingham.
Mr. E Mackay,edit of The Leaming-
ton News, says the pe oh crop will be
General Manager 11
Trunk sage it is almo
the company to get t
either for the shops or o
It is reported that a
and copper mine has 1
near Pontiac, on the C.
data mine has alai bee
that locality,
The C P R directors ,
and authorized the u
The statement for the y
80 ahowed gross earning
net, 122,973,313.
ws of the Grand
t impossible for
e meet needed
the road,
valuable nickel
en diedovered
. R. A wren-
i discovered in
(:et at Montreal
suet dividends.
lar ended June
of $61 ,669,758;
Stop in for
a Look
At The New Styles
We w: ah - that we might have the
pleasure of showing our New Shoes
to every elan and woman in to'vn.
If we could do this, and have an
opportunity to explain all the good
points, wherein our Shoes are so
different front the ordinary Shoes,
would simply get a corner on the
Shoe trade. Couldn't help it.
And still we ask no more for our
excellent Shoes than some -other
stores ask for the other kind.
We are ready to show our Shoes as
we are to sell theta.
The new Fall Styles Would be
pleased to
Pull Stoek of Trunks and Valises
j. Greer
'DU S110.10llt.
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