HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-09, Page 8THE WINGHAM TIMES AUGUST 91 1906.
. as a..-.
Isard's Big Clean=Sweep Ten Days' Sale
A Sale That Beats Ther All --- Twenty Thousand Dollar Stock to be Slaughtered --- Great Reductions in
Every Department -- Never Mind How Much We Lose, "It Will. Be Your Gain --- Please Come
in the Morning if Possible - Shoppers Will Find the Greatest Bargains
Ever Offered in Huron ' County.
Grocery Department.
Great Money -Saving Chances for 10 Days Only
11b Art Baking Powder, with graniteware premium
worth from 50o to 750 each; 10 days sale price only .39
2 cans best Salmon for .25
Japan and Ceylon Teas, regular 25c brand on sale .20
25o strong Brooms for... , .20
Laundry Starch, per lb .05
Yeast Cakes, per box .03
10c bottles Extracts, only.... -.08
4 lbs Cleaned Currants for .25
Tapioca, regular price 10o, for fi
130 Dans Tomatoes .10
12 bars Laundry Soap for . . . . .......... 25
15e bottle Pickles for,... , .10
Pot Barley, per lb - .03
Everything in this department on sale at reduced prices.
Big Savings on Clothing.
aciTwolthoueand dollars worth of the best clothing to be sold
,, at a great sacrifice
18 Men's plain and fancy tweed snits worth $G 50
and 7.00
Men's flake pattern tweed suits good value for$4.95
$8 00, your choice for ...
23 fine tweed snits, new Ratterns, regular $10.00 6.c0
palae for , ... 7.95
Boys two-piece suits, regular $2 00 and 2.50,your
choice ... 1.50
Boys' 3•piece enite, fancy patterns, nicely made,
regular price $4 50, on sale at....... 3.50
Youths' Tweed Suite,worth $5.00 and 6.00 dollars
to clear. 3 95
Men's strong tweedPants, regular price $2.00 sale
pair 1.50
15 pairs pants, well made, regular valve $2 50, per
............ 1.95
Men's strong well made overalls in bine or black
10 Men's Waterproof Coats, worth $4 60 and $5.00,
on sale for ..z. ...
Ladies' Wrappers, nicely made, lined waist, good
' value at $1.25; 10 days sale price
Ladies' Seamlese Cashmere Hose, regular 35o, for.
Ladies' Kid Gloves, black or colors, guaranteed
worth $1.25; sale price
$3 50
Our very
large stock of Ribbons
ust be reduced.
20o Fancy Ribbons at
20o Plain Ribbon i, all colors, at
.25 250 Plain Wide I ibbon at..-,..
15c Plain Ribbof:s all colors, at ....
12j¢o Plain Ribb •n, all colors........
A line of Ladies' Linen Waists, nioely made, regn.
lar $1 to $1 50 ; your choice for .75
White Lawn Waists, all new goods, 900 line for.. .69
One dollar Waists for. ..., .,. .75
$1.25 Waists for. .95
$1.50 Waists for 1.15
$2.00 Waists for • 1 60 -
Crums best Prints, new patterns, 121e quality for . .10
250 Corset Covers to clear at
Gents' Furnishings.
A lot of four-in-hand and hook on ties, regular
value 25o on sale at
Fine Thread Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sale
price ....
Summer Undershirts and Drawers, special to
clear at
Fanny soft and Hard front shirts, worth 75o to
$1 00 for
Cotton Sox, 2 pair for. ;
Great Ba=^gains in Wash Goods.
10o and 12 ./o Gi ighams and 'Unsling, for... .71
15c Striped Line;: for... .-...... .10
20o Linen Voile mr .15
15c Striped Chambray for.... . .10
Ladies' Cambric Night Gowns, worth $1, on sale at
Pretty Gowns, north $1 25, for..., . „ .. .
Ladies' Fancy O,mbrio Drawers, 56o line for
.15 A lot of Corsets ,o clear reg. 50o and 75o lines at
Table Linens.
G0o extra wide Bleached Linen Clover Leaf Pat-
tern, sale price .45
Extra wide Table Linen, 3 patterns, regular valve
50o on sale .40
New Pattern Table Linen, good value at 75c, sale
price 59
Very fine quality Linen 2 yards wide, worth
$1.25,on sale ate,,.- $1.00
One dollar quality Linen for .80
H. E. ISARD & CO.,
1 Dress Goods.
Fanny Flake Silk Voile, wide, regular value
81.25, sale price .90
Silk and Wool Orepe-de Chene, worth 75c for .50
Colored all -wool Voile, worth 500 for .39
Cashmeres, Lustres and Serges, regular 600 per
yard, sale price ,45
Tweed Spiting, regular $1 25, onr price to clear .75
All other line of Dress Goods at greatly rednoed prices.
A lot of Top Skirts to olear out, at $1.75
Gray Tweed Top Skirts, nicely made, regular
value $3.50, our sale price 2 50
Great Saving on Linen Towels for 10 days only
10 dozen Linen Towels, good value at 25o per
par, sale price ............. .... ...... .20
Extra large size, Pure Linen Towels, regular ''
pride 35o per Oak, our sale price only .... .25
5 dozen Fine Linen Huck Towels, good valve at
250 each. special sale price .19
Pretty Cream Silk Waists, latest style, good wash
silk, regular price $3 50 to $4 00 ; your choice 2 50
.Examine these Silk Values.
10 pieces 27 inch Japan Taffeta Silk, regular 60c
quality, in blaok or colors, on sale at
50 yards Slack Soft Taffeta, good value at 65o, for .49
Lace Curtains.
Curtains 332' yds long, regular dollar value, on sale .75
12 pairs, a orth $1 25 per pair, for •t .98
20 pairs, worth $2 00 per pair, for :... 1.50
Big Sale of Carpets.
Brussels Carpet, one dollar value on sale at .... , . .75
85o Tapestry, sale price.......... .65
60o Tapestry, sale price •... .48
3 -ply all -wool, worth $1, on sale at ,... .80
60e Union Carpet for .48
25o Japan Matting for ,20
Extra heavy' striped flannelette, one yard wide,
our 10 day sale price .8
6 dozen Table Napkins, good value at $1.00 dozen
sale price .75
° Large Napkins, fine linen, nioe pattern worth
$1 50 on sale.... $1.25
Extra large fine Irish Linen Table Napkins,
worth $2 50 for .... .. ... .... $1,95
Special size Irish Linen Napkins, Rorth 83.00
for $2 25
No goods charged at sale price. No goods
sent on approbation. Cash or produce in ex-
change for goods. No coupons given or sales
punched on tickets during this Big Sale.
Wingham, Ont.
-Very warm weather the past week.
-Kincardine tax rate for this year is
24 mills.
-Wingbam's fall fair on September
27th and 28th.
-Regular meeting of Public School
Board next Tuesday evening.
--The staff of the Walkerton Teles-
cope is holidaying this week and no
paper is being issued.
-It. is said that every one of the
Wingham legal gentlemen were out of
town on Monday last.
-George 0. Black of Goderich has
been appointed bailiff of the FirstDivis-
ion Court of Huron County.
-The slate for the new roof for the
public school building have arrived and
the slaters will commence work at once.
-The matter in our write up of the
business men of Wingham this week has
crowded out some local and district
-The Kincardine Reporter says that
Dr. J. P. Kennedy of this town purposes
building a fine cottage on the lake front
in that town next summer.
-Five tickets were sold at Wingham
for the Masonic excursion to Sarnia on
Thursday last and eleven tickets on the
L. O. L. excursion to the Fall, on Friday,
-The Wingham band accompanied
the visitors and they gave some excellent
music during the day. It is an organiza-
tion that Wingham may feel proud of. -
Kincardine Reporter.
-Good prices are now being paid for
horses. Recently Mr. Isaac Wright of
Turnberry sold a pair of two-year-old
horses for $400 and was offered $175 for
a yearling. The colts were sired. by
-The Brussels union Sunday school
-excursion to Kincardine yesterday was
largely attended. A train of ten coaches,
well loaded, passing through Wingham.
Seventy' -three tickets were sold at the
Wingham station.
-In giving list of charges two weeks
ago for electric lighting in different
places, there was an error in the price
for Peterboro. The rates in that place
are 100 for eommeroial and 73i for
dwellings per 100 watts in place of 15c
as was given.
-The annual meeting of the Grand
Enoampment and Grand Lodge, Inde,
pendent Oddfellows were held in Peter.
boro this week. Mr J. A. Morton was
repreeentative trona Minerva Encamp.
meat and Messrs Chas H Green and N
L Brandon from Maitland Lodge.
--Mr. Ivan Johnston and Mies May
Swarts, two of the popular young people
of Wingham, were joined together in
matrimony, by the Rev. Mr. Farr at
Gorrie,on Monday, 30th nit. We under.
stand Mr. and Mrs. Johnston intend
up their residence in
and will have the beet wishes of uumer•
&OA friends
par didi Wedthis d d lifefor a happy
-A good shower of rain is badly need-
ed in this section.
-Two rinks of Listowel bowlers were
here yesterday afternoon.
-Regular meeting of Court Maitland,
Canadian Foresters on Friday evening.
-Minerva Encampment, I. O. F. ex-
cursion to Sarnia and Detroit on Satur-
day of this week.
-W. T. Fyfe, formerly Of Wingham
has been appointed manager of the
Northern Bank at Stonewall, Man.
-Rur..1 schools will re -open on Mon-
day next after the six weeks holidays.
Town sohools will re -open on Tuesday,
-Work on the new High Schoolbuild-
ing ie being pushed along rapidly. In a
very short time the brick work will be
-The license of the Hotel Normandie
at Clinton has been transferred to Mr
Scott, who has been clerk at this hotel
for some time.
-A number of Indians are Damping
in David Pocock's bush. They have an
Indian doctor in the party who is offer-
ing for sale medicines for the treatment
of different diseases.
-Posters are out announcing an ex-
hibition in the Wingham skating rink
to -morrow (Friday)evening. Interesting
feats of swordsmanship by Capt. D. C.
Ross; pony race', boys races, etc.
-A meeting of the Directors of the
Turnberry Agricultural Society will be
held in the TIMES office on Saturday
evening to make further arrangements
for Wingham's fall fair, to be held on
September 27th and 28.h.
-Victor's Venetian Band has been en-
gaged to furnish music at the Western
Fair, London. This same band will be
an attraction at Wingham fall fail on
Sept 28th, also giving a concert in the
opera house is the evening.
-Mrs. John Robinson bas sold her
desirable property, corner of John and
Shuter streets to Mr. O. M. Walker,
who will get possession in a few weeks.
It is likely that Mr. A. J. Taylor, the
principal of the High School, will take
the house on Shuter street to be vacated
by Mr. Walker.
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this column from any of our readers. If you
have visitors er purpose going away yourself.
drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that
was calling on D. M. Gordon's family
last week.
Miss Hazel Johnston has returned
home after a month's visit in Oshawa and
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carruthers are at-
tending the old boys' re -union at Berlin
this week.
Mr and Mrs Jos Stalker, of Lucknow
were visiting with Wingham friends for .
a few days.
Mr. E. L. Davis, B. A. of Toronto was
visiting for a few days with his uncle,
Mr. H. Davis.
Miss Nellie Tricker, of Barrie, is the
guest of the Misses Howson, at the Metho-
dist parsonage.
Mrs, M. McD. Fleming, of Listowel
has been visiting for a few days with
Mrs. R. Hendsman.
Misses Ruth and Myrtle MoMath, of
Clinton was visiting with their aunt,
Mrs. G. C. Manners.
Mr. Will. Farquharson of Fort Wil-
liam is visiting with relatives and old
friends in Wingham.
Masters Arthur Scroggie and Philip
Galbraith of Guelph are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. G. C. Hanna.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Hepburn are away
on a two weeks holiday, taking the boat
trip from Toronto to Montreal.
Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Harrison of Owen
Sound wei a in town attending the
funeral of their uncle, Mr. John Beeman.
Mr. and Mrs. Wim. O'Neil, of Paris
and Mrs. John Fry, of Brandon were
visiting with Wingham relatives for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. A Cosens,.Mr. and lire.
F. H. Walley and Mr. and Mr. E. Farler
attended the old boys' re•nnion at List-
owel last week.
Mr. A. E. Bradwin, was in town on
Tuesday being on his way to Toronto
from Blyth, where he spent Sunday
with his family.
Mayor Bell and Dr. Kennedy are in
Fergus to -day looking through the
Groves hospital, and getting Was for
Wingham hospital.
Mr and Mrs Geo Henderson returned
to their home in Red Deer, Alta on
Monday after spending a few weeks
with relatives here,
Rev. W. J. Brain, M. A. of Holy Trine
ity Ohuroh, Toronto, will preach next
Sunday night at St. Paul's Church. Mr.
and Mrs. Brain are,gnests at the Rectory.
Mr It. D. Young, a former well-
known resident of Wingham is calling
on relatives and old friends in town.
Mr Youngis nowin the customs de.
partment at Neepawa, Man. It is fifteen
years since he left Wingham and he
finds many changes and Bees many new
Airs. Jarvis, wife of the leader of the
Salvation Army band, with her three
children and Mrs. Stokes and child, of
I,anoashire, England, arrived in Wing'
ham on Friday having Dame bvor on the
Empress of Ir were ticketed
pre eland and
through by Mr. A. Ross, the lona[ agent
of the O. P. R. steamship line.
Miss Lilian Ross is visiting with her
aunt in Brantford.
Mr. Alx. Craig, ofPittston, nn is
visiting at Mr, A. Ross'.
Mr, H. H. Chisholm, of Toronto was
this week.
visiting in Wingham
Misr Helen Holman, of Stratford is
visiting for a few days with the Misses
Rev. E. R. FPch is away for a two
weeks' holiday, visiting at different
Rev. Dr, RobertJohnaton of litonbreal
'""'"444"4"4"""*I"‘""""'"'w".1 DOMINION BANK BANK OF HAMILTON)
yet recorded for this month are to be had at the Carey Dry Goods Co's, from
now until August 18th, Some immense values in the Staple department :
Reg. 60c Table Linen for ° .49
Reg. 350 " ' .25
Reg. 8o Cotton for - • .05
Reg $1.25 Ladies Wrappers .79
Reg. 25c a pair Towels for
Reg 12.ic Toweling for -
Reg 10c "
A few broken lines Corsets, reg $1 and $1.25, while they last for .69
We are also placing on sale a 75o line of Silk for, per yard, only .49
Men's Overalls, regular price $1, for - -
Men's Trousers, regular 1.75 and 2.00, for - -
Men's Balbriggan Underwear, regular 50c, for -
Carpets and Linoleum at greatly reduced prices. Carpets sewed and
laid free of charge. •
Mr Positively no goods charged at above prices. - Trade taken, -aft
Carey Dry Goods Co.
1 ib package Tea, regular 25o, for
401b Japan Tea for -
7 bars Surprise Soap for -
Regular 13c can Tomatoes for
Best Cleaned Currants, 4 lbs for
250 can Magic Baking Powder for
Best Granulated Sugar, 22 lbs for
- .19
- .22
- .25
• .10
- .25
- ,17
- 1.00
sAUNDERS-In Walnut, Iowa, on August 4th,
the wife of Rev. R. E. minders (nee Miss Nellie
Elliott, formerly of Wingham); a son.
BELL -in Wingham, on July 20th, the wifeof
Mr.11. 0. Bell; a daughter.
THOMAS -At Bluevale, on August 7th, the
wife of Mr. Bert Thomas; a son.
CONSTAnLF-1n Wingham, on July 29th, the
wife of Mr. W. H. Constable; a son.
ELLioTT--In Turnberry, on July 27th, the wife
of Mr. Chas. Elliott; a son:
JOHNETON-S WART* -At the Rectory in
Corrie, on July 30th by Rev. Mr. Parr, Mr.
Ivan Johnston to Miss May Swarte, both of
Every parent, young man or woman
who is istereSted in any way in
Business Education
to write for a copy of Our Prospeetus.
It tells you exactly what to do and
why our students succeed so well.
'WRIT" AT ONCE for it. Fall Term
from Sept. 4th. -Address : W. H.
SHAW, Principal. , •
Central Business College,
T0Rt0xTT0, ()NT.
C ipital paid up, $3,000,000
• Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,839,000
Total' Assets, over 42,000,000
B0SMAN-In Wingham, on August 2nd, John
Bosman, aged 80 years, 1 month and 0 days.
Pettypiece-In Kinloss, un August 1st, Sarah
Johnston, wife of Mr. Richard Pettypieco, aged
82 ye ars.
Newspaper Bargains.
We want to increase our subsoription
list, and make the following liberal
offers to new subscribers :--
-The Wingham Times from now
to January 1St, 1907, for .2
The Tines and Weekly Globe 50
to January 1st, 1907, for
The Times and Weekly Sun,
Toronto, to Jan'y Ist,1007, for
The Timex and Family Herald Sri
to January let, 1907, for.,
Farmers' Notes disoonnted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 80th June and 81st.
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, manager.
R Venetons, Solicitor.
Capital paid np, $2,500,000.00,
Reserve Fund, $2,500,000.00.
Total Assets, $30,000,000.00..
Press lent- Hos. Wm. Gmmsorl.
Vice -President and
General Manager --J. TUBNBULL.
Assistant Gen. Manager -H. M. WATSON'
John Proctor, Chas.L.Dalton, Hon J.S.Hendrie,.
Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Birge.
In ,psotor-B. Willson.
Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and up-
wards and added to principal on 81st May and
80th November each year.
Spwial Deposits also received at current
rates of Interest. -
0. P. 8MIr1i, Agent;
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000
S. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manages
A general Banking business transacted. Accounts may be opened and conducted by -
mail with all branches of this Bank.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and inteuoat allowed fa
current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay ,what•'
ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any -
portion of the deposit
W. J. PRIGS, L.D.S., D.D.S.
Successor to Dr. 1
( . IID loway)
lIdiberl the officerr000euky13. Hooway,nBeae
Subscribe alt circa and get the hill
benefit of these offers. Cash must lege, the undersigned Lawyer, agree to -e1Mse
accompany each subscription. Mur offices during the months of July and
anon other d�ewaat P,Saturday" at A P.M.,
o M,� &Mar. , J.A 0 ,
The Huron County
Weather insurances
MutuaI Co,
Insures farm property against damage -
by tornadoes, wind storms, ate.