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The Huron Expositor, 1990-02-28, Page 17
THE l RON EXP.OSITOR, FEBRUARY 2$,,; 990 Children's erltrtifr Coif tO H Hensoll Correspondent SUSAN HARTMAN 262.2449 Coming to the Hensall Library for Maria! Break is entertainer James Gordon, a popular children's performer. Gordon's show is based on music from his two well received albums, "No Grownups Allowed" and "Bouncy, Bouncy." Common children's themes such as Monsters, Dinosaurs, grownups and dentists are explored. Em- phasis is on audience participation and fun. James Gordon will be at the Hensall Public Library on Thursday, March 15 at 2:30 p.m. The cost is only $1 per person. Advance tickets are available at the Library. Also during March Break there will be a Mask Workshop at the Library on Satur- day, March 17 at 10 a.m. There will only be room for 20 youngsters aged 7 and up so please pre -register at the Library soon. Participants will make a variety of masks in keeping with our March Break Theme — "The Phantom of the Library." READING CIRCLE Seventeen young people attended the in- itial meeting of the Hensall Reading Circle last Wednesday evening. The group played Trivial Pursuit, read books and shared a Ghost Story during the hour. If the Reading Circle is to become a regular Club, adult volunteers are needed. The method behind the Reading Circle is very simple. Leaders meet with the children for an hour or so once a week. These leaders can read with a group of children but never AT them. Any activity which involves a love of reading or storytelling may be used. If there are enough volunteers then a one on one situation may develop. By encouraging a love of reading we hope to help create a more literate Canada for the future. We would hope to reach children for whom reading has become a chore rather than a pleasure. It must be stressed that the leaders do not TEACH reading. We believe that the more you do something the better you get at it and the better you get the more you do it. Hensall Reading Circle is one of over 125 Circles functioning in Canada as part of Read Canada. Read Canada was started at Frontier as a way of encouraging children to turn on to reading. The number of volunteers required is determined by the number of children in- volved. Volunteers must he prepared to commit to a number of weeks. The recom- mended length of a program is 26 weeks or approx. 26 hours of your time over 1/2 of a year. • If you can help, call Joanne Rawcloth, 263-2580 or Susan Hartman, 262-2449 or come to a meeting tonight (Wed) at 7 p.m. at the Hensall Library. Remember Literacy is everyone's business. You can help. UNITED CHURCH NEWS Worshippers at the Hensall United Church were greeted and welcomed at the door by Jean Jacobe and Rev. Doug Wright. • _ FERGOE'S LOUNGE Durir g the "Ghildrel'w's IfiMe", Rey. Wright used fingerpuppets to show that the mock Ltlpgetant , hi town Was the one who shared 's love and cared for others the meek Shawn Wtutn read the scriptures ortbehalf of the Sunday School. Rev Wrights Serum* WAR entitled "Figuring Out 'Di Trans%iguration". It was explained that this event in scriptures is difficult to properly describe. It was an Amportant event that was preparing the disciples for the death of Jesus and His resurrection. Rev. Wright pointed out that all of us have transfiguring experiences in our lives that prepare, remind and sustain us through life. It is important that each of us take advantage of these experiences. The choir's anthem was based on the 23rd Psalm. The Annual Meeting of London Con- ference of the United Church meets this May in Centralia College. Hensall United Church is being asked to billet 25 delegates. If you can help please contact Doug Wright or Shirley McAllister for details. The organist at Carmel Presbyterian Church this week was Dorothy Taylor. The Prelude was many beautiful hymns. Rev. Mark entered the Sanctuary and called the Congregation to Worship. The next order of Worship was the Sanctus, Prayer of Adoration and Psalm of Praise. Following the hymns, Rev. Mark read the Scripture Lessons. The Congregation joined in the Prayers. Rev. Mark's Sermon was entitled "What's In — What's Out. Regarding the announcements: Hensall: World Day Of Prayer; Speaker: Rev. Chas. Henderson: Theme: A Better To- morrow. April 1: Spring Gospel Concert, by the group: Bonds of Love. Tickets are available. HAPPY 16th March 2 Tammy Kennedy . •AST' S! TA, SPORTS Hansell Novice Played Goderich I; Wednesday Febniary`21 and defeated them. 12-0,, Goals were scored; by Jeff Campbell, 2, Casey O'Brien, 2, Jonathon XCeyes, 2, Ryan' Munn, 2, JasonCorbett, Jonathon bell, Paul Cooper and Jacob Bringer. Assists were by Jason Corbett, 2, Jonathon Campbell, 1, Jimmy Seaton, 2, Jonathon Keyes, 2 Gerald Corbett, 1 Casey O'Brien, 2, Jacob. Bruner, 1, Jeff Rathwell, 1, and Jonathon Triebner. On February 24 the Hensall Tykes tied Blyth 3-3. Goals were by Ryan Groot, 2, assisted by Adam Miller, 2, and Kevin Dickins, assisted by Ryan Groot, ATOM HOCKEY Mark Bell had an excellent game on Wednesday as the Hensall Atoms hosted a very competitive Goderich I team. Heaisall won the game by a score of 5-1. Mark scored three goals and had two assists as well. Other scores were by Brock Weiss and Regan Neilands. SENIOR SHUFFLEBOARD Shuffleboard results on February 20 were: Highest score; Eileen Dowson 419, Lloyd Lovell 394, Dave Woodwards 390, George Dowson 355 and Helen McKay 353. SUPER';WiNTER SPECIALS Specials effective.Thursday, Friday & Saturday. While Quantities Last. SOFT DINNER ,ROLLS 1 a 19 DOZ. 8 INCH CHERRY PIE 2.99 DELICIOUS CARROT MUFFINS 9FOR 1099 Oat Bran Raisin Muffins - 6 for 1.99 OLD FASHIONED BUTTER TARTS 6 FOR 1.79 DELUXE BROWNIES PKG. OF 6 1 0 99 Tasty -Nu White or 60% Whole Wheat HAPPY 15th Cheri Taylor FEBRUARY 27 BREAD .6 24 oz. SLICED Tasty -Nu Store Only A Wide Variety Of Canadian & Imported r ° : CHEESES e 'e r -- Fresh OH The Block OLD CHEDDAR f1, LB. Q ' MAPLE LEAF PROCESS SLICES tf � LB.''a� ay Fresh Hot Coffee And A Wide Variety Of Delicious Donuts rY rumor, \vele ►� 4; jet Front Moen, Dad, Jeff, Tina & Grandparents HAPPY 2nd JAIME PRICE QUEEN'S WO LD i'l AY OF PRAYER Friday, ;_'!arch 2 2:00 P. C_ , FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Theme: • 'A Better Tomorrow- tlystieie For All' EVERYONE `WELCOME Nursery Provided 9'P GINETTE'S RESTAURANT Seaforth's Family Restaurant ROAST :EEF i NER Includes Coffee or Tea and Dessert SUNDAY, MARCH 4.5:00 to 7:00 P.M. 95 1 FRIDAY ONLY - Mar. 2 Fish & Chips 375 •DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS • LICE CED LBO • SENIORS 15% OFF Mon. to Sat. 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 Parra, Sun. 7:00 a.rn. to 7:00 p.m. MAI SEAFORTH HOTEL 4 Goderich St. E. 527-0820 IN CONCERT - Thursday Catch this act before they start their U.S. Tour. IN CONCERT - Fri, & Sat. A Tribute To Boston 'MORE FOREPLAY' 30.41944 Vomits DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Coming Friday, March 9 'JUST ALICE' From Mom, Dad, Trevor, Dwayne & Dean The ultimate tribute to the King of Scare. You'll think It's Alice Cooper In the Ileehl Advance Tickets — 15.00 EARLY BIRD WINNER e Country Gold & Rock 'n' Ro91® DISCO, POLKAS, WALTZES. NEW LAZES DISC MUSIC, 0009 RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS, DANCES, ANNIVERSARIES, PARTIES, ETC. 18 yrs. experience -No mileage charge BRUSSELS - 887-8159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS and Best Wishes to Normals East recipient of the Jimmy Dean Award Ross & Joyce Rlbey and Family DRAW WINNER of Seaforth Lioness Club On Feb. 13 Happy Birthday and many more from wife Dorothy, relatives, friends and con- gregation of First Presbyterian Church. Mak ng the draw Is Deb Costello from Touche Ross Joan Johnston of Kitchener, seen here with Seaforth Lioness Member Dorothy Hays, was the winner of a hooked rug donated by Lion Don Corbett. Proceeds from tickets sold an the rug will go to the Seaforth Community Hospital Building Fund. WINNER Gordon FlewellIng R.R. #5 Bellwood 3rd Early Bird Draw of the Seaforth Agricultural Society's Tractor Elimination Draw Next EARLY BIRD DRAW MARCH 23 QUEEN'S CORNER as 1st ANNIVERSARY SUPER SPECIALS Muffin Mania! THURSDAY, MARCH 1 BUY ONE At Reg. Price and GET ONE PRICE Buy 1 Doz. at reg. price, Get 1 Doz. y2 Price ,11t 1lI ,IAixiC.ex .1 ., 15 PIECE BUCKET ROAST PORK OF CHICKEN DINNER .99 3.95 For Only 9 SPECIAL PRICES UNTIL MARCH 30 "4. e'r WED. TO SUN., FEB. 28 -MAR. 4 © COFFEE REG. 1.30 (3MUFFIN1 000 1 With Coupon P C9 COUPON CHIPPERS N L, K��CHICKE 527-0220 :11;4;1:4;t• SEAFORTH 9 4E eFrf�ala� A. ma= a®®®®mems®A.5mew QUEEN'S 4 Oodorlch ft. P. $IAFORTH 027.0820 SENIORS DAY LUNCH MARCH 7 4 ®75 Includes Dessert & Cottee or Tee