HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-02-28, Page 16• CFA ;uq ere 16A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 28, ..:090._ 1 33. EDUCATIONAL • :.a CLARE BURT TOqR8 Pen 19 days 1n South America * '7' days Galapagos --Cruise, • 4 day Amazon Cruise, . Most meals * July 3 to 22, Call (416) 451-4944. Tell free 1-800-268-3090. 33-9-bc 34. AUCTION SALES EG Eft[ilEY , 345 2564 ,_-4 SERVICE- xti AUCTIQN 369 SFEf:VICE. DIRECTORY 33321Op', JIM PRESZGATOR 622-0165 March Madness Talent Auction RICHARD LORE AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 SAT., MARCH 3 AT 10 A.M.: 1988 Reliant Le Car, run 3500 kms. from Estate of Annie Reid, several guns from Estate ofJ. j. Allan, 4 eiolins and cases, furniture, etc., from Estate of Rena Watt of Blyth at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. SAT., MARCH 17 AT 10:30 A.M.: 1985 Pickup truck, run only 28,000 kms, 2 tractors, machinery, fumiture, etc. for Estate of Raymond (Pat) Ginn at the farm on Benmiller Road, east of Goderich. THURS., MARCH 22 AT 10:30 A.M.; Combine, self propelled harvester, 4 wheel drive tractor, full line of machinery, 6 miles west of Clinton on Bayfield Rd. and 1 mile south for Bill Brand. TUES., MARCH 27 AT 12 NOON: Combine, 3 tractors, farm machinery, 11/4 miles west of Cromarty for Carl Meikle. THURS., MARCH 29 AT 10:30 A.M.: 2 farms, combine, 3 tractors, farm machinery, 11/4 miles west and 21/2 miles south of Hensel) for Gor- don Munn. SAT., MARCH 31 AT 10:30 A.M.; Combine, Mercedes-Benz 4X4 unimog, tractors, bulldozer, grain dryer, truck, farm machinery, 1 %4 miles west and 2 miles south of Brucefield for the Estates of Richard and Elsbeth Aisenpreis. Clip this ad for future reference. Sponsored by Blyth United Church Friday, March 2 Blyth & District Community Centre Doors Open At 7:00 SALE AT 7:30 POORMAN'S GOURMET LUNCH PROVIDED $3.00 For Adults or $5.00 Per Family Full Details In Feb. 28 Blyth Citizen 35, TENDERS WANTED ESTATE AUCTION Of Antiques; Appliances; Car & Misc. Items to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 985 Herbert St. in Mitchell SATURDAY, MARCH 3 AT 110:00 A.M. Including: round oak centre pedestal table with paw feet and carving; six oak chairs with paw feet; Zenith console color T.V. with remote control; combination drop front secretary and bookcase; G.E. frost free fridge; Coldspot frost free fridge; Kenmore 24 inch electric stove; Clifton Moffat microwave; G.E. portable dishwasher; Electrohome dehumidifier; Inglis automatic washer; Westinghouse dryer; two Kroehler sofa beds; china cabinets; wooden extension table & six chairs; Simplicity spin washer; large mahogany rocker; oak tea wagon; Duncan Phyfe table; five piece parlor set; wicker doll buggy; old child's rocker; Gone With The Wind style Tamp; reproduction bow front china cabinet; oak drop leaf table; upright deep freeze with new compressor; chest freezer; new Kenmore humidifier; three piece waterfall bedroom suite;, single & double beds; dressers; chests of: drawers; small electrical appliances; double pedestal desk; exercise bicycle; several Rockwell collector plates; some good dishes; lamps; and miscellaneous tools; electric drills; gear pullers; ladders; battery charger; 4" jointer; small afetylene torch; electrical meters; pipe threaders; hand tools; com- pressor; two microphones and stands; etc. CAR: 1976 Ford LTD, V-6 automatic, with new tires, in excellent shape. Selling certified. PROP.: Estate of the late Clarence Bennewies of Mitchell and Edith Brothers of Devon St-, Stratford. Auctioneers: DOUG llACOB & WAWILIE ROSS 2711-7894 Huron County ®Housing Authority TENDER REFERENCE P.T. (H.C.) 90-04 For the Supply and Installation of Fluorescent Light Fixtures in Bathroom and Public Washrooms at Locations detailed on Appen- dix "A". BID SECURITY (P.T. (H.C.) 90-04 -'$2,000 Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, March 14, 1990 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 44 East Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1N3 (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifica- tions may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. TOWN OF SEAFORT Tender F. r "A GRAVEL" Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on March 6, 1980. To supply and deliver to the Town of Seaforth for Stock Pile or Distribution on Streets the quantities of, 1650 cu. yds. or 2,310 Tons Lowest or any tender not' necessarily accepted. Jim Crocker, Clerk -Treasurer Town of Seaforth 72 Main Street, Box 610 Seaforth NOK 1W0 527.0160 NOTICE.'TO RED1TORS En T ,e Est. to Of, ANNIE JOHNSTON REM ALL PERSONS having ?clakins agpinst 1Jf fL ESTATE OF ANNIE JOHNSTON RAID. deceased, 'woof the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, 'who died on December 25, 1989, are.;cequired to file proof of same with the undersigned On or before the 21st day of March, 1990, after which fhe Estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED ntitrussels, Ontario, this 16th day of February, 1990. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES P.O. Box 104 Brussels, Ontario NOG 1 H0 Solicitors for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN REGAN RAPSON All persons having claims against THE ESTATE OF JOHN REGAN RAPSON, late of the Town of Seaforth, formerly of the Township of Mor- ris, in -the County of Huron, who died on or about the 1st day of February, 1990, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 161h day of March, 1990, after which date, the estate will be distributed, with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. " DATED the 7th day of February, 1990. ALBERT JOHN RAPSON DAVID ALEXANDER RAPSON Executors by their solicitors, Messrs. Troyan & Pincher Barristers & Solicitors 44 North Street, Goderich, Ontario NMA 3Y5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in The Estate Of MELVI: JOHN HWILLEY All persons having claims against THE ESTATE OF MELVIN JOHN MULLET, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceas- ed, who died on 7th day of December, 1989 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of March, 1990, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 8th day of February, 1990. RALPH SMITH Barrister and Solicitor 20 Goutnloek Street P.O. Box 479 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 9 WO Solicitor for the Estate Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 3452235. Abattoir and Meat'Market Hwy..83 - 31f miles east of Exeter Try- us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you '! e 't. A BETTER TAX RETURN! The best way 14 get it is with TaxGuard. When we prepare your tax return, you'll receive every break coming to you. You'll pay the least tax possible. Home appointments available nowt Call Toll Free: 1-800-265.1002. Farm Business Consultants - your farm tax experts for 37 years! 38-9-bc 38. Singe CE, (RECTORY SEWING MACHINE SERVICE ESTATE AUCTION SALE 1988 car from Estate of Annie Reid, guns from J. J. Allan Estate, antiques, furniture, appliances, tools, etc. from the Estate of Rena Watt, to be held next door to Richard Lobb', Auction Burn at the largo Lobb Building on the Bayfield Road In Clinton. SATURDAY, MARCH 3 at 10 A.M. 1988 Plymouth Reliant LE car with power steering, power brakes, air conditioner, 4 cylinder automatic, run only 3900 kms., sells safety checked. 13 GUNS include Winchester 32 special lever action, small double barrel shotgun by .5. Manton & Co., British Standard Arms 1918 rifle, 7. 22 cal. rifles includes a semi automatic, 2 double barrel and one single barrel shotguns. VIOLINS: Copland made In 1923 Chicago, Esther made In Germany early 1900':, Strad Copy early 1900', refitted, Verbal made In France 1910-1930 plus 5 bows and 2 cases plus some fiddle parts. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES: Portable col- our T.V„ G.E. 30" electric stove, older fridge, Electrolux vacuum cleaner with power head, dining table and 6 chain, small china cabinet, chest frooxor, mat- ching antique dresser, bed and night table, modern 3 piece bedroom suite, 5 piece bedroom suite - 1925 wedding present, captain's chair, Necchl electric sewing machine and stand, ell lamps, wooden kit- chen chairs, cedar chest, dining table with Queen Anne legs, several dressers, coffee & end tables, night tables, odd wooden chairs, small desk, exercise bike, 4 box springs and mattresses 54", 48", 46", 38", 2 buffets, small modern drop leaf table and 2 wooden chairs, 2 spinning wheels, Franklin stove, variety of clocks, old floor model radio, plus much more, Queen sire box spring and mattress, dishes, glassware, etc. TOOLS: De Walt radial arm saw on stand, 2 wood working tablas, 4" Jointer on stand, 4" vise, '/," drill, small drill press, bench grinder, lig saw, wood vino, sander. hyd. lock, wood clamps, hedge trimmer, 2 Homelite chain sows, small battery, wheal barrow, 3'/, h.p. lawn mower, stop ladder, hand tools, misc. Items too numerous to mention. Terms - cash or cheque with proper 1.0. Auctioneers Richard Lobb & Burt Lobb 482-7898 TOW 'SHIP OF McKILLOP Tenders For 5/8" "A" GRAVEL Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as to con- tents will be received by the undersigned un- til 5:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1990 For Supplying, Crushing, Hauling & Spreading approximately 28,000 Imperial Tons of Gravel on the South End of Township Roads. Contractor to supply and set up Weigh Scales. A certified cheque in the amount of 10% of the contract price, payable to the Clerk - Treasurer, Township of McKillop must ac- company each Tender. All Tenders must be submitted on Tender Forms which are available at the Township Office of the undersigned. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily ac- cepted and must be approved by the Ministry of Transportation Ontario. WAYNE DOLMAGE Road Superintendent R.R. 1, SEAFORTH, Ontario NOK 1WO 519-527-1916 AND REPAIR 39. CARD OF THANKS WATTERWORTH The family of the late E. Mae Watterworth ex- press sincere appreciation to our friends, neighbours and relatives for their love and sup- port during the recent loss of our Mom, Grand- ma, Daughter and Sister. For the Masses, memorial donations, flowers, food and expres- sions of sympathy. Thank you - it meant so much. Our gratitude to ALL Staff of Seaforth Community Hospital for the love, support and many extras during Mom's illness and final days, we will never forget, you are all so very special. To the Staff and Residents of Seaforth Manor, thank you for your kindness and car- ing. Thank you to the O.E.S. for the comfor- ting service and excellent lunch provided after the funeral. To Ross and Joyce Ribey and Whitney-Rlbey Funeral Home for the comfort and guidance. To Rev. Jones of Northside United Church for the kind words expressed. Thank you. 39-9-1 CHESNEY My sincerest thanks to family and friends for cards, gifts, flowers and those who came to honour me on the occasion of my 90th birth- day. Jennie Chesney. 39-9x1 , IN MEM IIIA111 lA$ In memory of a dear friend George Hays who passed and awaykind one yearinall agohis Febrwayuary s, 25, 1889. 1-aving UpfigI.t and Jost to the end of his days, Sinee'rb and kind In heart and mind, What a beautiful memory he left behind. From Ross, Joyce, Andrea, Brad, Brent, and Cheryl Aibey. 40-9-1 LEONHARCT In memory of a dear daughter Susan, who passed away March 1, 1987. Little we knew that morning, The sorrow the day would bring The call was sudden, the shock severe To part with you whom we loved so dear We think of you In silence We often speak your name But all we --have are memories And your picture in a frame What it meant to lose you No one will every know. Lovingly remembered by Mother and Dad. 40-9x1 O'CONNOR In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather who passed away March 3, 1977. Though absent you are very near, Still loved, still missed and very dear. Silent memories true and tender, Just to show we still remember. Fondly remembered by wife Leona, children Pat (and Wendy), Terry (and Pierrette), Colleen (and Larry), Jane and Danny and grandchildren Megan, Kyle and Justin. 40-9-1 41. :PERSONAL, CONCERNED about your baby's future? Young loving professional couple with a dream to adopt a family. Give your baby a happy and healthy future. Call Colleen collect (807) 475-4266. 41-9-bc DIVORCE BY MAIL $420 everything included. Uncontested Ontario -wide. No court visits. Ex- perienced since 1979. Free information any day: Court -Aid, Kitchener (519) 578-5959. 41-9-bc OVERWEIGHT? Try our new Appetite Control Program - lose up to 29 lbs. in 30 days. No drugs. 1000/o guaranteed. Surprisingly affor- dable, Call (416) 338-5550. 41-9-bc BENNETT I would like to say thank you to my family, and LIGHT ON THE BIBLE! Discover the message friends for their cards, visits, gifts and of the bible with a free years's subscription to telephone Inquiries while I was a patient at St. this bi-monthly magazine. Box 931, Sutton Joseph's Hospital, London and since returning West, Ontario, LOE 1RO. 41-9-bc home. Thanks again. Donna Bennett. 39-9-1 HOWARD I would like to say a special- thank you to Dr. Malkus, Mrs. Lorne, Seaforth Ambulance, Dr. Leung, and the O.B. nurses of Stratford General ,igr _tile ,sgfe _arfival of our daughter. Judi and Gary Howard. 39-9-1 GLANVILLE A Birthday Surprise! A very special thank you to my family and friends who surprised me with a party and those who sent cards and gifts, it was a great surprise. They say life begins at "40" and I'm proud to be around to share it with all of you. Betty Glanville.39-9x1 Ali Makes - 33 Years Experience Seaforth Sewing Centre 9 Main St. - 527-1900 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Klrkton Joe Zehr 887-9599 Brussels BOB'S TREE SERVICE EAST I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my family and friends for helping me through Funeral Service Education at Humber College. I share with you my pleasure at winning The Jimmie Dean Award in January. Special thanks to Floss and Joyce Rlbey, Louise Hays, Frank. McNaughton and Glen and Deb Haney also Tritium Funeral Service, Arbor Capital Inc. for a position in the: company. Your support will be remembered always. Norman East. 39-9x1 LAWTON A special thank you to Dr. Leung, Dr. Diotallevi and the nurses on 3rd floor south, of Stratford General Hospital for all their care and support. Donna and Kaltlin. 39-9x1 235-0706 oRCALL 238-6019 Thursday -Saturday Matinee This Saturday 35. TENDERS WANTED TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM SALE BY TENDER TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the sale of parcel of commercial property 73 feet x 132 feet in the Village of Brucefield, Lot 2, Plan 182, Township of Tuckersmith which is situated a steel quonset building approximately 30 feet x 50 feet. SEALED tenders clearly marked will be accepted until 12:00 noon Wednesday, March 21, 1990. All tenders must be ac- companied by a certified cheque for $5,000.00 payable to the Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System, which will be returned if the tender is not accepted. Tenders must be sub- mitted on tender forms available at the office of the Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System RR #1 Varna, Ontario NOM 2R0 Mel Graham, Secretary -Treasurer Telephone Number: 233-9908 PICTURE ID IS REQUIRED Seaforth vw liar( PARK THEATRE 48-r GOGEIIICH 524.7811 THE LITTLE JD (FAMILY Fri.-Thurs., March 2-8 Fri. & Sat. 7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. Matinee 2 p.m. Sun,-Thurs. 7:30 p.m. e4 ilki1esmerr,r LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800.265-3439 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO. BLASE PAUL NEWMAN —2 DAYS ONLY— Fri. & Sat., March 2 & 3 9 ..m. ONLY 1