The Wingham Times, 1906-08-09, Page 74.
IN 1
:IN 6 11 A M
(Continued front .Page 4)
Among the dlversihed business places,
mention should be made of the local
tationery and :meeting goods and fancy
goods business cot:ducted by Mee Kate
DI Fisher. Jut a present she le hav-
ing a great reduction sale of sporting
goode, which she is selling at cost to
make room for now goods. Now ie the
time t eetture base balls, °tube, lacrosse
sticke, at a slight advance oncost. Mies
•Tisher also carries a very fine stpck of
elltationery, school bootee:, magazines, etc.
Her stook is all carefully eelected and
can be depended upon for good values at
all timeit. When wan ing anything in
the lines she handles give Miss Fisher a
call. She also carries a very extensive
stet* of wall paper, window shades,
fancy chinaware. In school books,
stationery and magaziztes, she also carr-
ies a very large stook. All the leading
newspapers and periodicals. When you
want to be assured of good values in any
lines of goods she handles drop in at the
Big Book Store, Wingham.
This company has jut recently started
in businese, but during the short time
-they have been in operation they have
worked up a good patronage which, they
hope to increase each season,by handling
only high grade oils, greases, belting,
wood split pulleys, engineers' supplies,
soaps, lubricating and illuminating oils
They have completed 'arrangements with
a large oil refinery which enablee them
•to compete in prices and at the same
time prove a great saving to consumers
in freight charges, and they are in a po-
sition to quote the very best figures to
the trade. If you are thinking of chang-
ing your house, give the Winglaant Oil
Co, an order; or if yon believe that the
company you are dealing with are not
using yon as they should, a card to the
Wingham 011 Co., telling your needs,
will receive the same attention as if one
of their travellers called upon. you in
person. M. Thos. J. MoLean is the
manager of this company, and his large
experience in this line of business emin.
eptly qualifies him as an expert. He is
'well known and highly esteemed.
Keeps a well selected stook of grocer-
ies, fruits and canned goods and she is
very reasonable in her charges. Ioe
cream parlors in connection and soft
drinks served. When you wish a nice
dish of ice cream give her a call.
-( Among the diversified. business inter -
este here mention should be made of
William Nicholson, who is a builder and
contractor, and who is in the enjoyment
of a good business. This reputable
builder and contraotor, take contracts
for houses complete, and his work both
in town and country has always given
entire satisfaction, a glance at any of the
many buildings either in town or
country he has erected will convince
you. He is a practical workman and
this coupled with the fact that he in-
variably tries to do the very best he
oan by his patrons, is what tends to
increase hie trade. When you are
thinking of building or desire to make
any repairs to your dwelling Bee him
first and get his estimates. AU his work
is warranted to give the greatest degree
of satisfaction. Good practical work-
lananship is what counts to -day. Mr.
Nicholson is clerk of the works of the
new post office, one of the finest public
buildings in Canada, Ile has alto in
company with Mr, Bennett the contract
for the Wingham High School, which.
C. H. Itintoul is the proprietor of then
mind, and he hi prepared toed° all kinds
of mill feed and chopping on the Bluntest
notice: give him a oath Ile also hai
for sale the celebrated Maple Leaf Float*
manufactured at Wroxeter.
One of the oldest residents here is Wnt,
Bradley, who conducts a firet-olass bak-
ery arta confeetionery, M radley's
excellent trade bears testimony to the
feet he, always furnishes the best of
bread and oakes. If yoa have net
tried his bread do so and we know yen
will be delighted with his goade. Mr
Bradley has resided here for a great
many yeare, and is one or Wiughant's
moat esteemed eittzens.
Conducts a restaurant and he certainly
doea a good busines: ; meets and lune nes
served at all hour, So that you need
never be hungry so long as you have got
the price, He alto keeps a stook of
groceries and canned goods of the very
best. And as he is always very reason-
able M his ()bargee, you can depend upon
being well served there. Fruits of all
kinds in season as well as confectionery
kept in stook, Ice cream parlors in con,
neotion and big dishes eerved. Soft
drinks of all kinds. When you wa tt,
anything along these lines do not fail to
give him a call,
The Wingbam branch of this bank
was opened out here in 1901, just five
years ago, and it Imo in that time built
up a good trade. The Dominion bank is
one of the loading financial iustitutions
of the country, having a capital paid up
of $3,000,000 and a reserve fund and un •
divided profits ot $3,000,000. A general
banking business trausacted. Money
loaned on approved farmers' notes
Farmers' sale notes collected. Drafts
issued to all parts of Canada, the United
States an.: Europe. In the savings de.
pertinent sums of $1 and upwards is
received and the highest current rates of
interest allowed. If you have money to
loan, of if you want to borrow money
the Dominion bank ie prepared to do
business with yon. Mr. D. T. Hepburn is
the manager of the Wingham branch
and he is a man universally esteemed by
all olasees.
Is e. Ifirding business concern, having
engaged in the furniture and undertak-
ing businese for upwards of eight years.
They keep without a doubt one of the
finest selected ,stooks of the newest lines
in furniture of all kinds ever shown
here. Everything in the furniture line,
such as buffets, sideboards, china
cabinets, parlor suits, beeroom suits,
odd chairs, springs, mattresses, etc. A
fine stook of the best goods are sold very
reasonable. Repairing done promptly.
When yOu think of furnishing your
house, and are ready to throw out your
old furniture give them a call. They
will save you money in your investment.
They also carry a complete stock of
undertaking supplies. Undertaking in
all its branches, Embalming done on
the most scientific principles. Funerals
attended in all parts of the oounty dad
taken in full charge. Their stook of
furniture is one of the most complete
outside the cities and you can never
make any mistake in buying there.
Are the leading photographers in this
part of the country, whose many years
of experience has placed them in the
front rank as first-class artists. Arm.
strong & Co. make a specialty of high.
class photos— single photos and small
work as well as outside work—and their
work invariably gives the best of otitis.
faction. They have had many compli•
is to be completed about new year's. As moues paid them for the efficiency and
a citizen he is one of Wingham's moat permanency of their work. If you are
prominent and public spirited. thinking of having a. photo taken of a
friend, or " the old folks at horae," try
Armstrong & Co., the up-to•date photo-
graph artists, Wingham. In outdoor
views particularly they have won high
encomiums for the superiority of their
work over all competitors. When you
have your next photo taken give them a
trial. Photos enlarged in crayon and
water colors, at the lowest prices.
This is one of the old ttand-b, s of the
town, having been built here some
thirty years ago This well known host
lery passed into Mr °has. Lepard's hands
about one year ago. Mr Lepard is ably
assisted by his two sons, Wm and Ed.
ward Lepard, and they have an eye to
everything about the place. Since tak-
ing possession of this hotel, Mr Lepard
has caused many im rovements to -be
made about the p:a:e nettl today be
has one of the best appointed one dollar
per day houses hi the County. While.
in the enjoyment of a good town trade,
he caters largely to the farm trade, of
which he easily has the largett here.
Since starting, Mr Lepard with the as.
sistatme of his sone have but t up a giod.
paying trade. In the dm ng room a
goof table is set. In the bar you can
obtain the best ot wet goods as well as
good lines of cigars, etc. When in the
vicinity of Wingham you are specially
invited to give the Exchange hotel a
call: Mr Lewd, was for a number of
years an esteemed resident of Stratford.
Good stabling in connection and an at-
tentive hostler in charge. Personally
Mr Lepard and sons, who are in charge
of the wine roont, are meeting with
every Buenas with the conducting of the
Exchange Hotel. TeisTieuts wishes thim
every Succesol.
of Paralysis
ALT.., nervous diseases are slow in
coming on, and for this reason
the victim often does not realize his
danger until overtaken by prostra-
tion or paralysis.
Loss of interest in life, sleepless-
ness, irritability, failure of memory,
inability to concentrate the mind,
muscular tveakness, indigestion,
.1 headache, twitching of the nerves,
feelings of depression and despond-
eney are among the symptoms which
tell of an exhausted nervous system
and the approach of paralysis.
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food stops the
wasting process by which the nerve
cells are being -destroyed, and by
forming new, rich blood and creat
ing new nerve force positively and
permanently restores the nervous
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents
boX, at all dealers, at Edmanson,
Data & Co., Toronto.
Conducts another prominent and lead.
ing industry here viz , a firet-olass plan-
ing mill, sash and door factory, besides
keeping a very large lumber yard, where
he has lumber, lath, shingles, posts etc.,
for sale. His factory is filled with all
the newest and most modern mill
machinery in the market to -day. all
sorts of turning, planing, matching, etc.,
as well as keeping a good stock of
sashes, doots, flooring, ceiling and stair
stuff. Building material of all kinds
supplied and architect's estimates given
on the shortest notice. , Be also takes
contracts for buildings. Mr. Bennetts
business relations with the public have
always been of a very amiable nature due
to the feet that he has always used the
public right both in buying and selling
lumber. ,Farmers or builders wanting
anything in the shape of lumber, lath
etc., should give him a call. His price
will be found to be right. Together
with Mr. Nioholson they have the con-
tract for the Wingham High School,
which vheu completed will be one of
finest public buildings of the kind in
Western Ontario, Progress on the
building is being !oath very, fast and
they hope to have it completed by the
new year. As a resident Mr. Bennett is
one of the best known and most highly
Is the agent for the celebrated Mc-
Cormick binders, that are sold in every
corner of the earth. There are more of
these binders and the McCormick
eultural maohitery sold each year, than
tiny other manufactured. Mr Campbell
ears that his business this year has near-
ly doubled that of last year, and nearly
all their agents report similar success.
There is no use talking, the McCormick
goods are the goods that sell. Every live
farmer kuows what they are and none
other will do hint. Mr Campbell is al,
so agent for the McLaughlin buggies,
and the Chatham wagon, and Sharplese
cream separator, Which he sold this sea.
son More than all other agents put to.
gather, Mr Campbell handles agrionl.
total machinery of all kinds and is al.
ways prepared to quote right prices to
intending purchaser*. When yon want
the best in these lilted try him. All
kinds of repairs kept for the machinery
he handle*. He alba has good stook
Of :tingle and double harness for sale, by
the beat makers in Canada.
Here is Something that will ba Wel -
come Hewe to ninny
DiSenurageri One
"For several yearn
I have been troubled
with gas around ray
heart, shortness of
breath, in Mot, if I
walked nay usual gait
my breath would get
so abort I would be
compelled to make
several stops during
Wir.maid a Item) my Walk.
“Of late my food did not digest pro.
party. It turned sour in my stomach.
causing me great distress; often ,too, I
had disagreeabl% attacks of bel thing gas
and heartburn.
"I was bothered with severe pains
across the small of my back and the
least bending or turning would canes me
to almost cry out.
"I was induced to try Dr Leonhardt'e
Anti -Pill and frbm the very first found
'Tor the last three months I have had
no recurrence of my former complaints,
so I am bound to say Anti -Pill has in
deed cured me."
This is the voluntary statement of
Wm II Reed, of 165 Queen St., Kingston
All druggists sell Anti -Pill. The
Wdson-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara
Pella, Ont.
The remedy that cured suck an ex-
treme case is surely worth vying.
Conducts a restaurant here, keeping a
good line of canned goods, groceries as
well as fruits in season, confectionery
eto. Ice cream parlors iu connection.
It is in this that Mr. Moore excels good
large dishes of ice cream as well as soft
drinks in season. In the restaurant
proper meals or lunches are served at
all times so that when you are desirous
of obtaining anything in this line do not
forget to give him a call. Meals and
lunches served on the shortest notice.
Fruits of all kinds in season, confection-
ery and canned goods. Mr. Moore is ip
the enjoyment of a good patronage
which is steadily increasing. Give hint
a call when you want the beet. Smock-
ers supplies of all kinds kept in stook
and a good large stook to make a selec-
tion from.
• 'Where do you have your laundry work
done? Have you ever tried the Wing hare
Steam Laundry? They do a very super-
ior line of work and always guarantee to
give their customers satisfaction. Fem.
ily washing done, and very reasonable in
price. There is no need for anyone send
ing their work out of town when bat&
work can be done right at home by
people who live here, who pay taxes nere
and who are interested in the town's
progress, Take your next bundle to the
Wiugham Steam Laundry and see what
kind of a job he will do for you. Onr
word for it, the work cannot be excelled,
Mr. George Denyer is the proprietor of
this laundry, and enjoys a very liberal
, patronage.
This is another industry that should
be mentioned in our Trade Edition. Mr
Cooper owns and operates the Wingham
machine and repair shop, which he has
just taken hold of, and he has installed
machinery there, whereby he can repair
anything in the lino of boilers or engines,
lawn mowers, bicycles, farm machinery,
or anything even heavier than these,
that is in need of repairing. It will al-
ways be his aim to give satisfaction to
his patrone. So that when you want
anything in the repairing line do not
fail to give Mr Cooper a call. Anything
worth repairing he can do at a reason-
able price. He has just recently started
in business but he is getting his share of
the work. Give him a oall when you
want anything done in his line.
Is the agent here for the o elebrated
Deering Manufacturing Company,
whose implements are sold in every
quarter of the habitable globe. Tim
Deering binders and machinery have
won an enviable name every where they
have been iutroduce.1 and it is no idat-
tery b them to say th ;t the Deering
binders and agricultural machinery are
far ahead ot any other made. They are
the binders that give the greatest degree
of satisfaction all the time, and the same
is true of all the agricultural machinery
they manufacture. He also handles the
Petrolea wagon, hayrakea, cultivators,
seed drills, Thomas -Eros celebrated
washer, as well as the Magnet Cream
Separator. He also handles repairs for
all the machinery he keeps in stock. Mr
Gould has been agent here for the Deer -
lugs, since March, although in business
here for the past tin years, aud he re-
ports a splendid business. Good goods
always sell themselves.
Are a combination of the active principles of
the most valuable vegetable renfedies for dis-
eases and disorders of the Liver,Romaell and
Bleb Headache, iraundiee, Heart-
burn, Catarrh or the Stomaoh,Dizzl.
Hess, Illotehen and Pimple'.
Dydpepale., Sour Stomach, Water
Brash, Liver Complaint, Sallow or
Muddy CoMpleXion.
fbietten the breath and dear away' all waste
tiroacumattrfreta the -system.
1 250.1,bettle eriforlIMO. Alideldert
Adis* 11;1 =AMIN Wt) Itlmitoalt woos%
Another well known and
tablisbed bustuess is that of A ,T.Ntoltoils.
Who Vonduote a first-class bakery and
confectionery. The etreellenge of Int
breed has won for him a good name
throughout this entire: section of country
and late trade has in consequenoe moreae.
ed Very materially. If you have not tried
Mr. Nicholls' bread and confectionery do
ea at your earliest opportunny. The
bakery is as neat as a new pin; and he
aims at supplying his customers with the
best, good line of confectionery al-
ways kept 111 stook. Mr, Nicholls as a
townsman is well known and kighly es-
teemed, having been lu businese here for
over twenty-five years, having been lo -
totted at his present stand, the Central
Bakery, for that length of time.
3, A.. MoLEA.N.
Another of our leading business men
is J. A. McLean, who runs a save mill,
lumber yard, cooperage, as well as a coal
and wood yard. In coal he handles no-
thing but the highest grade, which gives
the best of satisfaction everywhere, Ia
butlders' material he always has full
etock, as we 1 as Ontario and the cele-
brated red cedar shingles of Britieh
Columbia, which he always keeps in
stook. Lath of all kinds, as well as
flooring and siding; these he dresses
himself. He also has wood for sale in
large or small quantities. If you are
contemplating building he can furnish
you with material very reasonable. He
also manufactures large quantities of
apple barrels, flour and butter barrels,
His trade is nu extensive one, and is
yearly increasing. If you have not put
n your winter supply of coal give him a
oall. As a townsman Mr. MoLean is
• one of Wingham's most highly esteemed
and progressive.
The chartered banks are the medium
through which the wheels of commerce
keep revolving. The Bank of Hamilton
is the oldest chartered Bank, haying
opened for business about the year 1878,
Has been over 80 years in Canada, and
is one of the leading financial institu-
tions of the Country, having total assets
of overat30,000,000; with a reserve fund
of $2,500,000, and a capital paid up of
$2,50,0,000. A general banking business
transacted. Money loaned to farmers
on approved farmers notes. Farmer's
sale notes collected; and drafts issued
to all parts of the world. In the Savings
branch department sums of $1 and up-
wards are received and interest allowed
at highest rates of interest. Every at-
tention and courtesy shown depositors.
Singe opening u the branch here, some
twenty-five years ago, a good business
has been built up. by sagacious and pru-
dent management When y. n have
money to invest, or when desirous of ob-
taining:money at reasonable terms, con -
salt the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham.
Mr C. P. Smith, is the agent of the
branch here, and he is popular with all
Conducts a first•class hirdware store,
keeping everything in the 1 ne of heavy
and shelf hardware, paints, oils, var-
nishes, soreeni, wirefenciug, lawn
mowers, cutlery and house furcishing
goods generally. Just at presmt he is
filling orders for the celebrated Lehigh
Valley Coal. Now is the time to get
yaur coal in when yon can get it rea.
sonable itt price. Mr. Burns' success in
business may partly be attributed to
their nniform courtesy to all classed and
to selling reasonable. He always aims
at buying his goods right, and he has a
proper way of doing btu:Mess. It will
pay you totinspect his etook before mak-
ing your Farmers an 1 others
doing any bu lding woult do well to sae
him first and get his prices. His stock
is well selected and things can be
• bought right there for cash. When you
want a dollar to go further than at any
other store it: the same line give J. D.
Burns' a call. His business ranks among
the best here. Personally Mr. Barns is
well and favorably known as a business
man and as a citizen.
Is one of the leading financial in-
stitutions and likewise one of the sound-
est banks on this continent. It has
branches throughout Canada, and in the
United States and England, with cones•
pondents in alt parts of the world. Tht
Canadian Bank of Commerce has total
assets of $100,000,000, with a paid up
capital of 810,000,000 and a reserve lune
of $4,500,000. Its head office is in To-
ronto, with Mr. Byron g. Walker, at
general manager and Alex Laird, as.
sistant. A. general bankhog business
transacted. Farmers Bee notes col-
lected and advances made ..n the same.
Money loaned to farmers .; their own
notes. Drafts issued on the bank's
various agencies, and coro tpondents, in
all parts of the world. In the savings
branch department sums of from $1 and
upwards are re, eivecl and the highest
current rates of interest allowed. Every
attention paid to out of town accoants.
The Canadiau Bank of Commerce opened
out ite branch here last spring and even
it that short time by effioient manage.
ment and courteous treatment a splendid
showing has been made. Mr. A. E
Smith is the manager of the Wingham
Is anther businese place that we
tenet not neglect to mention iteour cora.
menial review of Wingham. lie is
proprietor of the Wingham Ma;ble
Works, and is a marble cutter. Those
who are in a position to knevr, say, that
there is not a finer line of tombstones
turned out is the Connty, than he tarns
Out. the cemetery is the interesting
vat fora great many people on Sundaye,
09 it is then that the handiwork of the
marble entter shows to good advantage.
This welt known firm hue put up twiny
Of the finest tnonuments and tomb:Aimee
that grace the cemeteries of this sur.
rounding dietriet, If you are thinking
of erecting 11 monument to a departed
friend, s o Mr Coolnentees beantifel
catalogee of designs, or th tine week
he has on exhibit at his worite in Wing.
hata, and get his pricebefore you. In.
ved, it will pay you. As a townsman
rr Cachrtine is One of Witighatted best
knottot and meet Valued OitiZene.
This old well conducted hotel, este.
Waited by the tete Mr Colwyn and then
by Ur A itoe,who conducted it so loeg
and so &twee:Arany. The Queen's is
undoubtedly one of the best conducted
Commercial hotels in Canada. It has all
the modern appointmente that go to
make an ideal hotel, and this coupled
with good manage moot, n unrivalled
table and every comfort farniehecl for
the guests Ia the dining room yoa are
always assured of the very best the
market affords and in the ;temple room
the best wet goods and cigars are
always in evidence. Mr George 13 Rae,
the present proprietor of the Qaesn'zi has
left nothing undone to merit the ap.
probation of Commercial men and the
public generally. The Queen's is well
heated in winter, well lighted with
electricity and has indict:lore in every
part of the house. And as a hatelmau
Mr Roe is highly esteemed and popular.
Dier Fred Orr. is the genial aud obliging
clerk at the Qaeen'e and he is very popu-
lar with the travelling public as well as
with the town people. The Qaeen's is to
Wingham and Western Ontario what
the Queeu's is to Toronto It is a ably
ly conducted high class hostelry where
auy one can always be suited.
Wei MESSER conduote a Armt.class
. general atore here and is in the eajoy-
meat of a good. patronage. His stock is
well selected and covers every branch of
the ordinary retail trade. Past office iu
anis. Banualt conducts one of the
most up•toditte merchant tailoring aud
gents' furnishiug emporiums in the
county. His stock is nobby and service.
able. As a cutter he is a good one. He
also carries a fine line of gents' furnish -
begs and follow& the styles closely. Yon
cannot beat him for suits.
S. PAUL keeps a general store here and
he is in the enjoyment of a good trade
which he increases each year by selling
good goods and by fair and honest treat-
ment, When yon want bargains go
there. Office of Central Telephone Ex-
Door & STEWART'. Mr. Duff has been
engaged in the saw rattling business here
for over 30 years and 17 years ago Mr.
Stewart was admitted as e. partner and
the firm of Daff & Stewart are in the
enjoyment of a good trade in the chopp-
ing mill, flour, feeds, and lumber, lath,
dressed lumber aud shingles. They also
handle the Wingham and Wroxeter flour
which they sell in any quantity,
WALTER DAVIDSON is a practical
blacksmith at this point and he is one of
the beet engaged in the business. He
cures all defects of horses feet caused by
improper shoeing. Repairing of all
kinds done reasonable and satisfactory.
Give him a call when you want good
mcnoNALD Baas, This is without
doubt one of the hest and largest general
stores in the county and they keep every.
thing that a general store is supposed to
keep from drugs to binder twine. A
good stook of staple dry goods, a fine
line of boots and shoes, and everything
of the best. Their trade increases each
year owing to always giving good valnes.
J, B. Nicol. is the proprietor of a
first-class hardware store here and is in
the enjoyment of a° splendid trade. A
good stock of heavy and shelf hardware,
stoves, paints, oils, cutlery, etch Repair.
ing of all kinds done reasonable and
prompt. (tall there when you want
good honest values.
Cries MCCLELLAND is the proprietor
of a general store here and enjoys
good trade. Hie stock is well selected
and includes dry goods, groceries, toots
and shoes, etc. Produce of all kinds
taken in exchange for goods.
INiorclers of Digestion.
."We have kept Dr. Chase's Kidney,
Liver Pills in the house as a faintly
medicine for years and find them the
most satisfactory of any remedy we can
get. I can personally recommend them
to anyone suffering from kidney and
liver derangements and stomach troub-
les "—Mrs James W. Belyea, Belyea's
Cove, Qaeeu's 0o., N B.
There is lots more courage in being
whipped by a larger boy than yourself
in a good cause:Man there is in whip-
ping a little fellow. It marks the dif-
ference between a boy and a bully. "
Don't kick your clog because yon
know he will forgive you. A boy that
takes it mean advantage of a dog's good
nature is never the kind of a fellow
to take on a camping trip.
The real hunter or sportsman always
treats a gun as if it were loaded, even
if he knows to the contrary. It's the
boy who newr had a gun in the woods
that plays with it recklessly or points
an unloaded gun at anyone.
One good turn deserves another, but
it generally brings a good many more
than one. A good turn is always A good
investment—cheap, safe, And pays the
biggest dividends of any stock in the
market. if you don't believe it, just
buy a few shares.
"Boys will be boys" is a mighty poor
excuse for any aet that is unworthy of
a boy. Iloys will be men is what should
be borne in mind, and if they are man-
ly boys they will be brave, generous
gentlemen, and there's only one thing
better ---a true gentlewoman.—.X. Y
violent ne,utaeuer.
"I Was troubled for n long time with
headaches which would come on with
such violence that I could not eat or do
my work. Headache powders a la trick
cures did no geol. Eight menthe ago I
took six boxes of De Ohasece NerVe Pool
and 1 have not been troubled with head.
ache eittee."—Mr 0. Barber, Slmeoe,
4.7,-,71741Z517:::111171(71111firtliVINIptiviluouinimunowt.• ,,,,,,,,
- - .
_ - _ - - . •
. _ •
similating theTood =Meg Wa-
ling the Stoutarhs and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-
nessand flest.Coo tains neither
Opiurn,Morphine nor 'Mineral.
• • ,
ferr„.pe of .27raltfEZZP):=2
Pumpkin Sea"
.47,v41 cum,
RocAdio Sala -
Akin Scrd *
LI Cadonat.rod& #
Minareel -
c1,,,K4 &gar •
iiiikrayrect4 flat=
A perfect RCMcdy for constipa-
tion, Sour Stontach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convulsions,reveriall-
nese and Loss OF SLEEP.
tile Simile Signature of
Fox Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
figgleNli; i.1161.1•IL s5iI5, iI!-I iIii5i;1iiiu ,A1
A man doesn't want :to be asked his
reasons for everything he does. Nine
times out of ten be doesn't know what
they are bimself,
Don't try to ape your nen neighbors,
and nag your husband for the money
he cannot afford to give you. Have the
courage and independence to accept
your life as you And it, and make the
most of it.
No one ever realizes her most bril-
liant expectations of happiness. You
will never be quite so happy as you ex-
pected to be, but you must not grieve
ovpr that. Take the goods the gods pro-
)ide, and be thankful.
The average man expeets a good deal
of his wife. Ile wants her to stray at
home when lie is out. lie doesn't know
why; neither does site, but it is so. Ile
wants her to be there when he comes
home. It doesn't seem right if she is
Don't go to standing on your dignity
with your husband, for it doesn't pay.
Your husband is a MAD, and men have
many and varied peculiarities which
are totally incomprehensible to women.
Do not try to understand them, for you
cannot, and that is all there is about it.
It you are going to be married make
up your mind that you will be patient
through the first two or three years
while you are getting used to each
other. This is the crucial period in mar-
ried life, and if it is passed in safety it is
generally fairly plain sailing after-
Don't think your husband has ceased
to love 3.ou if he should go to the office
sometimes without any little sentiment-
al scene in the hall, such as you always
had on occasions of parting in your
courtship days. A man cannot live up
to this sort of thing very long. It is too
much of a strain on itis memory.
If your husband earns a good living
do not go from home to earn some
money for yourself. The man is the
natural provider for his family, and it
is better that he should remain so. Ile
will respect himself more, and you will
respeet him more. Keep the house,
make home pleasant, and do the best
you can with the means at your corn--
mand.---N. Y. Weekly.
Camille D'Arville has gone into vau-
deville and will make $50,000 a year—as
much as President McKinley receives
from the nation.
In Austrian theaters no one is permit-
ted to appear on the stage in a uniform
bearing any resemblance to those used
in the army of that country.
In some comments on the perform-
ance of "Hamlet" at an Albany theater
a local critic., with the aid of a careless
vompositor, spoke of the hero as "the
melancholy Dave."
Higgle—"Whieh of the actors in the
play impressed you most favorably?"
Bloozin---"Winderly." Higgle—"Why?"
Illoozin—"Ile gave me two tickets for
the show."--lloxbury Gazette.
"Wilkins said he acted the part of
Hamlet last night as well as if Hamlet
had been there acting it himself." "1
believe him." "You do?" "Yes, there
wasn't a bit of life in him."—Chieage
Daily News.
The epidemic of Dnmas' popular
worlc dramatized had struck the town,
1 nil 10 1('18 th11, 11111,f, 000)f,81'ie1 were
' ; •
411111WL....14. .16. 4111 44,..iLLSONSIMMargraISZREAMESIM9156/.. 9M1C012":%4F-1143."-T6
1. 144 .a1.1•1 • C. old NY 4 6. •LEI
The Pandora Thannomoter
The thermometer on
the Pandora range oven
means precisely in ac-
curacy to the cook what
the square and compass
mean .to the draftsman,
Without the square and
compass the draftsman
would have to work en-
tirely by guess, just as
you do without an ac-
curate and reliable thermometer on your oven.
The Pandora thermometer reduces cooking to
an exact science. You know precisely how much
heat you have and what it will do in a given time.
It is one of the small things which makes the
Pandora so much different and better than Contrnon
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St. .X0h/lJ.-Z,reiterettletora
ineetettetele efteet_i