HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-09, Page 6_ ,,
Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap
are cleaner and whiter than if washed
in any other way.
Chemicals in soap may remove the
dirt but always injure the fabric.
Sunlight Soap will not injure
.the most dainty lace or the
hands that use it, because it is
absolutely pure and contains no
injurious chemicals,
Sunlight Soap should always
be used as directed. No boiling
or hard rubbing is necessary.
Sunlight Soap is better than
other soap, but is best when
used in the Sunlight way.
5C• Buy it and follow
directions. �• '
$5,000 13,72)? pweobpaid
proves that Sunlight Soap contains
any injurious chemicals or auy torts
of adulteration,
Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Although "hunger is the test sauce,"
a daintily garnished dish is the next best.
Biscuits require much more heat tabake
than bread,so heat your oven accordingly.
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
When cold lamb is to be need ng try
hashing et with green peppers and frying
it in butter.
Chocolate and cocoa stains can be re-
moved by washing the fabric with soap
in tepid water.
Stomach Troubles and Const3p,ation.
No one can reasonably hope for good
digestion when the bowels are constipat-
ed. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Edwardsville,
111., says, "I suffered from chronic con-
stipation and stomach troubles for several
years, but thanks to Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets am almost
cured." Why not get a package of these
tablets and get well and stay well? Price
:35 cents. For sale by all drggists.
Toast is ranch improved if melted but-
ter is poured over it, instead of spreading
it with cold butter.
If hooks for bathroom, kitchen and
pantry are dipped in enamel paint there
will be no trouble from iron rust.
A Perfect Bowel Laxative for consti-
pation, sallow complexion, headache,
dizziness, our stomach, coated tongue,
biliensness. Lax•ets actpromptly, with.
out pain or griping. Pleasant to take—
Lax etc—only 5 cents. Soid at Walley's
Drag Store.
The date of the opening of the Domin-
ion Trades and Labor Congress in Vic-
toria has been changed to September i0.
tee .A, teitTCoXLXA-.
Bears the Via
aa�Kind Y a Hata Always 8 1
Signature i ��,e 44;
.A Montreal man named Lemieux was
killed on the railway tracks near Parry
It bas been decreed by the courts that
Dr. Dowie line no proprietorship in Zion
City. The old man says he will appeal,
but it is recognized even by the few
friends that he has left, that he is down
and out. Although his career has had a
rather inglorious ending, it will have to
be admitted that he out a pretty wide
swath while it lasted.
& Minister of the Gospel Recommends
r "'Bey several years 1 hare been in verb pees
b,alth. Last 7x111 was advised by laev. J.11, Alien,
of Wirral Harbor, P.]t.1. , t. try 'Oxygenator.'
Before tryingit 1 had no faith in it, but last Geta
hie 1 begs* is nes and can truly say that before
alder cum log I lad wonderfully improied fu nay
creat health. Since then 1 have used several
/an. a result ban never spent such a healthy
tetwr Springas 1 did this year. 'Oxygenator'[.r Throat Troule, Catarrh, Purifying the Bloat
*ad for sodding up tbs System, I believe is net
.all.t to -day by any other remedy.
Several, et my congregation ham iahts lied II
uftk felused teethe, I take great interest hi
•aprrccpyges ater,' haring given jugs of it away, eo4
swstsay it le A Wotraoaror. ]ttrcxor.
the rigar4 to my .yes, ' oxygenator' him res,them
testa »sere gold than lbs Mediate or the treatment
1jr.oMre4 to thr>;capital.
ter loathe, I think it peerless. knot pains to
wastebinger es aide, lashed suywhere,'MU ib
W.nat stowed, r,lr.t.
oar saa• MI--
' IliE,DX'Y iENIt'1i`ti 1l#030*
id t teenbare lit + _ TliraSi tel
The report that the Canadian. Psoifio
railway intended to build a hotel in To•
ronto denied.
The Presbyterian Church et Brigelen
Was atruok by lightning just before the
hour for peevice.
Two young children assisted in saving
a number of people from drowning near
Parry Sound.
The Government census shows Cal-
gary to be the largest oity in Alberta,
with Edmonton second.
"Make Hay While the Sun Shines"
There is a lesson in the work of the
thrifty farmer. He knows that the
Might sunshine may iast but a day and
he prepares for the showers which are so
liable to follow. So it should be with
every household. Dysentery, diarrhoea
and cholera morbus may attack some
member of the home without warning.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr-
hoea Remedy, which is the best known
medicine for these diseases, should al-
ways be kept at hand, as immediate
treatment is necessary, as delay may
prove fatal. For sale by all druggists.
The total customs collections at the
port of Montreal during July amounted
to 51,188,015, an increase of $82,889,
John Stewart, tho Thorold man who
eloped with a widow, deserting his fami-
ly, was fined $5 and costs by a Magis-
/roc Oyer Sixty 'Ventre.
LTnsaeces.,ary Expense.
Acute attaches of colic and diarrhoea
come on without warning and prompt
relief must be obtained. There is no
necessity of incurring the expense of a
pllyeioien'8 service to such cases it
Ohamberiaiu's Colic Cholera and Diarr-
hoea Remedy is at band. A dose of this
remedy will relieve•the patient before a
doctor could arrive, It bas never been
known to fail, even in the most severe
and dangerous cases, and 130 family
should be without it. For sale by all
Sixteen yachtsmen from Port Hope
took refuge from the electric storm in
Gull lighthouse and were all stunned by
a bolt of lightning.
The Dominion Government analyst re•
ports that in only four samples of oann•
ed meat out of upwards of three hundred
analyzed were evidences of decompose -
tion found.
s1Oe REWAitD, 15100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. . Catarrh being a constitu-
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surface of the system,
thereby deetroying the fonudation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength
by building np the constitution and as-
sisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case, that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimon-
Address: F. J. (l3EI EY& Co. Teledo,O.
Sold by Druggists, 75o,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
A Texas negro has sentenced to
the penitentiary for 999 years. Well, if
he behaves himself he will be able to get
out in two-thirds of that time.
Bears the 'The Kind You Have Always Bought
The Ontario Fish and Game Protective
Association have issued instructions to
prosecute all boys who are detected rob-
bing birds nests of eggs. The penalty is
a fine of from $1 to $20 or twelve days in
A company has been founded in Toron-
to with a capital of $225,000 which pro-
poses to run electric automobiles in op-
position to the street railway. They now
have one in the service, which has a seat-
ing capacity of thirty people.
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
s In thr
throat and stops
dmanantly icures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. MI dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chars
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
On Friday, July 27th after a brief ill -
An old and Well-Tried-Remedy—Mrs " nese, Mies Margaret Fowler, of the lake
Winslow s Soothing Syrup has been used
for over sixty years by .millions of moth-
ers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask
for Mrs Winslow's Sootbing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
During the fiscal year ending June 30
British emigrants for Canada were
divided as follows: Scotch 10,509; Eng-
lish 77,144; Irish, 3,867,
John Williamson, a recent arrival
from Scotland, was killed by the burst-
ing of a rifle at regimental target prac-
tice at London.
When a woman suffers from depress-
ing weaknesses, she then keenly realizes
how helpless—how thoroughly worthless
-- she is. Dr. Shoop bas brought relief to
thousands of such women. He reaches
diseases peculiar to women in two dir-
ect, specific ways—a looal treatment
known by druggists everywhere as Dr,
Shoop's Night Care, and a conetitution-
al or internal prescription called Dr.
Shoop's Restorative, Dr Shoop's Night
Care is applied locally, and at night. It
works while you Bleep. It reduces in-
flamation, it stops discharges, it heats,
it soothes, it comforts, it cures.
Dr. Sheep's Restorative (tablets or
Iiquor form) is a constitutional, nerve
tissue tonic. It brings renewed atrength,
lasting ambition and vigot to Weak, life,
leas women.
Those two remedies, singly or need to.
wether, have an irresietible, positive
helpful power. Try thein a month and
so. Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
An editor sayst—" We attended church
tome time ago and listened to a very good
sermon as aermont go. We enjoyed the
singing, and stood tip with the breth-
ren while they sing the good old hymn,
"Shall We Knot Bach Other There?"
While the hymn Was being sung We
glanced about us and counted about a
dozen members of the congregation of
the church, Who did not speak to each
other when they went On the street or
elsewhere. The thought ooeutred to ns
why should they" know stab other there"
when they seemingly don't know each
other here?"
shore road, Goderich Tp., died at the age
of 61 years. Deceased lived with her
brother, Geo. H. Fowler, and was a life-
long resident of the township.
There are two families living in Min-
nesota named Day and Sunday who are
neighbors. Mr. Day is the father of
seven girls, while Mr. Sunday has an
equal number of sons. Four of the sone
have married Days, another engaged, so
that it now appears "every day wilt be
Sunday by and by,"
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The gas plant at Gorrie is now in place
and ready for use. When the meters
arrive and are put ftt place, the gas will
'to turned on, and the people of the burg
believe they will have one of the best
lighting entree to be found in any village
of its size.
to .E3. Et Tr rt. I A .
Bears the _,•Tho Kind You Have Always sought
Consult Dr. Hamilton And You Will
Be Shown the Way.
Thousands are in the same boat, --
all eiekly, bilious and feeling far from
oouble is, the system is clogged
with impurities whiob need to be clear-
ed away.
Before downright sickness arrives you
ehpuld cleanse and purify the system
with Dr. ilatnlltoa's Pills.
At once you'll feel their mighty in.
Beene() building up weak spots, oleariug
ouyourt diseafeet.se, and putting you again 00
These purely vegetable pills cbange
your worn-out condition to one of
health and vigor, because they supply
the body with nourishing blood that
builds up and enlivens the entire system,
Mr, John Whitley of Stanwood, P. O.
Ont., knows the merit of Dr. Hamilton's
Pills, and says: "I wouldn't be alive
today had it floe been for Dr. Hama -
ton's Pills. Last winter I was sick with
grippe, and when spring came I was
weak, bihone and rheumatic. I used
enough medicine to pure twenty times,
but I didn't get any help till I tried pr.
Hamilton's Pills. They purified my
blood, took the yellow color out of my
face, put new tone in my stomach, and
increased my appetite. The bilious
attacks and rbenmatio pains gradually
departed, and Dr. Hamilton's Pille made
a new man ,of me. I proved their merit,
and proclaim them a medicine for all
men." ,
If better health and prompt recovery
are importaht, get Dr. Hamilton's Pills
of Mandrake and Butternut to -day. At
all dealers, 25o per box or five boxes for
$1.00. By mail from N. 0. Polson &
Co., Hartford, Conn, U.S.A , and King-
ston, Ont.
An automobile driver was arrested re-
cently while driving slowly through a
village and fined $5. He demanded why
he had been so treated, belie had not
violated any speed ordinance, but could
get no satisfaction. Later a court Of*
Seer explained the whole matter by say-
ing: ---"We held a mooting Iasi night
and decided that this speeding mut stop.
This man Was the first to come along
,low enough for us to catch, so we ar-
rested him."
.Bilious Colic
Quick relief Is afforded by
Chamberlain,"e Corte, Cholera
MIA Diarrhoea Remedy.
It never fails and is blessant and safe
to take.
The attack may be Warded off by taking
at double dose of this remedy as seen n*
the drat iridlcation of the disease appears.
1i or safe by dsugctsts eworywhere.
Mr. H. H. Miller, K. P., informs the
Walkerton Telescope that one of the
head officials of the C. P. R. hats assured
him that the work on the new branch is
to be rushed, and that the cars will be
ready to do business as far as Hanover
by next spring. We suppose they will
reach Walkerton a couple of months
Get a 6 oent box of Lax -etc at our store
please. We think they are great. Just
test these toothsome, candy -like Laxa-
tive Tablets for constipation, sour stom-
ach, billionaness, bad breath, muddy
complexion, etc. Risk 5 cents and see.
At Walley's Drug Store.
Mr. Charles Blake, a well known resid-
ent of Goderich, dropped dead on the
street on Tuesday morning, July 31st,
though up to the moment of his death
he had apparently been in the best of
health. He was 73 years of age, and for
many years lived on the Huron road,
near Goderich,retiring to Goderioh about
12 years ago.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They euro Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billioneness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Isaac Dood states that the honey orop
so far as this section is concerned, is a
failure this year, usually a hive will yield
nearly 100 lba of honey, but he says he
will not have more than from ten to fif-
teen pounds a hive. For some reason not
apparent clover anti basswood failed to
yield the usual amount of honey, hence
the total falling off.
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
bat is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Bay Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
William CoIkey, formerly of Wiarton,
but now of Detroit, has been making
history. It appears thathehas been mar-
ried five times and these five wives are
alt living. He was recently brought be -
tore a Detroit judge charged with non-
support of a wife, when it all came out.
For dry, craoked lips, or rough akin,
use Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It posi-
tively makes lips and skin like velvet.
Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
Mr. Jonathan Miller of Goderich has
purchased the Boggs' hotel at Carlow
and is now in possession. He will spend
considerable money in improvements and
thoroughly modernize the place. Mr.
Miner being so thoroughly experienced,
it is safe to say he will conduct a first-
class honse.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery', Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantnm, etc. Dr, Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and ante cure which should always be
kept in the house.
Mike, Hettinger, of Culross, has the
honor of being the first man to bob up
With it grist of this year's wheat at Stein-
miller'e mill, Mike didn't know when
he left home that he was going to make
himself famous, A new grist in July is
a good record for this country. It was a
good sample, weighing 621ba, to the
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all iinpririties from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
Weary feeling so prevalent in the epring,
Weare pleaded to congratulate Misr
Grace Strang of Goderich on her appoints
ntent to the position of teaoher of modern
and coremercial work at the Mitchel high
school. Miss Strang has been filling a
position in the Toronto public library
Once the ooiepletion of the term at the
Normal College, Hamilton. The salary
will be $700.
The essential Yung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealora on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
The days of . cruel puniehmont for
wrong -doing are still with un.. A Mon-
treal nese was brought before the City
Recorder charged with beething his wife.
The penalty inflioted is that the husband
must make his wife's breakfast for one
year, failing wibioh he is to be sent to jail
for 6 months, If the Montreal man is no
better cook than. some risen we know be
will have hisrevonge.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, oongestfon, intimation,
gravel, Bright's disease •and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
On Wednesday afternoon, the 25th of
July, another accident which cost a
human life occurred at the farm of J.
McLeod, 7th Kincardine Township, near
school house, when Mrs. Isabella Mc-
Leod, acted 78 years, was burned to death.
She was the mother of Mrs. J. McLeod
and made her home with Iter son-in-law.
She was somewhat feeble but in good
health on the day of the aeoident. Her
daughter bad gone out to pink a few
berries for tea and the old lady had at-
tempted to iight a fire in the stove when
in some manner ber clothing became
ignited. She tried to get out of the house
but so fierce were the flames that she fell
at the door.
Reports of the destruction of live stock
by lightning, wben adjacent to wire
fences, are becoming quite numerous.
In fact the occurrence is too frequent,
and the losses too heavy to be pleasant,
and the situation is aggravated by failure
to apply the precautions that would avoid
the losses. Around wire every twenty
rods on a wire fence will ward off all
danger. Bend an end of ground wire—
plain fenoe wire—around the top wire of
the fence and then around each succeed-
ing wire, and finally run wire into the
earth fully two feet, or where the end
will be always moist. An iron rod sharp-
ened as the end will make a hole for the
wire. The job is easily done, the cost is
almost nothing, and danger to animal or
man is avoided.
An exchange tells of a newspaper re -
'porter Who interviewed thirty afocetafttl
business men and found that all of them
When buys, had been governed strictly
and ftegteently thrashed. Ile also inter -
Viewed thirty Touters and leetrtted that
twentyseven of them hadbeers mamma's
darling, sold the other three had bean
reared by their grandmothers.
The intenso itching characteristics of
salt rheum and eczema is instantly allay-
ed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. As
a onre for skin diseases this salve is etn-
egnaled. For sale by all druggists,
Perhaps the moat reckless thing that
a swimmer can do is to enter the water
soon after a hearty meal, It is believed
that in the case of experienced swimmers
who are seized with crnmps and drowned
the great majority have committed this
discretion of immersion after a meal.
Cramps is not uncommon and usually is
by no means necessarily the cause of
drowning. Ordinary cramps involves
one muscle or group of muscles and its
effect generally is not wholly disabling.
There is however, a form of cramp which
utterly paralyzes the efforts of any swim-
mer. That is abdominal form, which is
almost entirely due to immersion directly
after a meal. An attack of this is very
likely to result in drowning.
Diarrhoea, Dysentery.
Stomach Cramps
and all
Sumther Complaints
Don't. experiment 'with new and
untried remedies, but procure that
which bolo stood the test et time.
Dr. nester's hag stood the test for 6o
years, and has never failed to give edit--
ats•faction. It is rapid, reliable and effectual
in its action and does not leave the bowels
constipated, RnFuts ALL Stnes'rtTUTSSe
1►Srta. kltto*seer Loss. Aylmer, Quer, Writoe s
#ave used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberty
tee Diarrhoea for eeverst ycere pant awl 1 Sad It la
the y .swede* irbiek Wags neatt is cry sheetM
There should be one
in every home.
Dig Stair Engaged in Preparing Food
for Russia's Ruling
The most extravagant housekeeping
in Europe is that practiced at the czar's
court. The sums spent in eating, drink,
ing and servants are simply colossal,
The kitchen is French in all its details,
and more than one eminent Parisian
restaurateur first made his pile in the
czar's employ before he started business
at home. In fact, the heads of these
household departments rapidly become
wealthy men,
The kitchen, pantry and housekeeping
arrangements are all under the charge
of the oourt marshal, Count Benken-
dorff, but the real ganeral in command
is a court "forager," as he is called,
once a chef, now an official, with the
rank of colonel, with a court uniform,
a, cocked hat, spurs, sword," etc., while
his breast is decorated with stars and
This awe -Inspiring individual must
take a special oath of allegiance and
fidelity in view of the risk that he might
otherwise arrange for poisoning his im-
perial master.
In this man's chancellery there are 12
secretaries and four under foragers, 24
upper lackeys, 34 lackeys, 18 under lack-
eys, and 54 lackey assistants. At the
head of the kitchen are two chefs, each
with a salary of acabinet minister, be-
sides perquisitels. They are both French-
men. They in turn are assisted by four
under chefs, 38 ordinary men cooks, 20
apprentices and 32 kitchen boys,
A department in itself is the pastry
cooks, presided over by a chief baker and
two dozen aesistants. And yet the czar
eats the simplest foods, preferring above
all else native Russian soups, like
bersch and sechf. The cellars are burst-
ing with 26,000 dozen of wine of all sorts.
The czar himself takes a glass of claret
and a nip of champagne—nothing more.
Fabulous sums are spent on rare fruit
at a season when they can only be forced.
A ruble (halt a dollar?„ each for straw-
berries is not uncommon, nor is 25 rubles
for s peach.
Dog as Bridge Tender.
Faithful to his duty, Jed, a16 -year-old
bull terrier, who is owned by William
Doherty, one of the drawtenders at the •
North Chelsea drawbridge, Charles-
town, Is looked upon by those in the vi-
cinity as one of the most remarkable
dogs in the city. The animal has been
at the bridge almost continuously for
14 years. During the day the animal
takes a position on the pier outside of •
the drawbridge house. When a captain
of a vessel wishes to enter the draw he
blows a. whistle to notify the draw -
tender of that fact. But before the
whistle is blown and the vessel is
squaring for entrance through the'draw•
Jed. barks until the drawtender comes
out. Then he trots along beside the
drawtender until the vessel passes
through and the bridge is closed again.
Dyspepsia, Boils,,•
toss of Appetites
Salt Rheum.
and all troubles
arising from the
Stomach, Liven,
Bowels or Blood,
Mrs, A. Lebhangne,
of BallyduW, Ont.
writes: "I balm t
would bavo been in
My grave long ago
had it not been tor
Burdock Blood Bit -
tors. I was run down
to such an extent
that I could scarce-
ly move about the.
house. I was subject
to severe headache',
backaches,.nd dizzi-
ness ; my appetite.
was gone and I was
unable to do my
housework. After
using two bottles of
B. B. B. I found my
health fully restored.
I warmlyprecommend
it to all tired and
worn out women."
•••s$N••t*••,ie•*••••••••* *••••••••*••i••!1••e*•**•1
iffir Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. "ha
J. A. McLeansr.
•• Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No, 64, . Mill, No. 44,
••lN*:***Oi0 •1N+*•N•*•• •••••••••E•*ei♦r♦*••**74r
We ate sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL,
which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and
Domestic Opal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.
fall stook of
(Dressed or Undressed)/
Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
Lehigh Valley Coal
Come with the crowd and Leave your order
for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free iron
dirt and Clinkers It has no equal.