HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-02-21, Page 14'.14A. ,THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY -2:1., MO 35. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP Tenders For 5/8" "A" GRAVEL Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as to con- tents will be received by the undersigned un- til 5:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1990 For Supplying, Crushing, Hauling & Spreading approximately 28,000 Imperial Tons of Gravel on the South End of Township Roads. Contractor to supply and set up Weigh Scales, A certified cheque in the amount of 10% of the contract price, payable to the Clerk - Treasurer, Township of McKillop must ac- cornpany each Tender. All Tenders must be submitted on Tender Forms which are available at the Township Office of the undersigned. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily ac- cepted and must be approved by the Ministry of Transportation Ontario. WAYNE DOLMAGE Road Superintendent R.R. 1, SEAFORTH, Ontario NOK 1 WO 519-527-1916 38. SERVICE DIRE T F Y INTERNATION4L CATS OF ARMS. AvaAabja through Scotland House (,ttl.:, 139 Sparks Street, Ottawa. (613) 230.9050. All nations. Scholastic, Family, Club, Armed Forces Pla- ques. Also Clan crests. 38.08 -bo HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Xirkton foe Zehr 887-9599 Brussels 1 VEA LS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 31 miles east of Exeter 233-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. 39 . 'CARD OF THANKS 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS hi The Estate Of ANNIE JOHNSTON REID ALL PERSONS having claims against THE ESTATE OF ANNIE JOHNSTON REID, deceased, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on December 25, 1989, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 21st day of March, 1990, after which the Estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Brussels, Ontario, this 16th day of February, 1990. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES P.O. Box SO4 5russels, Oretarlo NOG SHO Sollcltors for the Executrix NOTICE TO CITE ii; OTONS AND • THEIfS Its The Estate Of MELVIN JOHN MALEY All persons having claims against THE ESTATE OF MELVIN JOHN HOLLEY, late of theTbwn of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceas- ed, who died on 7th day of December, 1989 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of March, 1990, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 8th day of February, 1990. RALPH SMITH Barrister and Soticttor 20 Goulnlock Street P.O. Box 499 Seaforth, Ontario NOK TWO Solicitor for the Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN REGAN RAPSON All persons having claims against THE ESTATE OF JOHN REGAN RAPSON. late of the Town of Seaforth, formerly of the Township of Mor- ris, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 1st day of February, 1990, are hereby notified to send particulars of some to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 1990, after which date, the estate will be distributed, with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice, DATED the 7th day of February, 1990. ALBERT JOHN RAPSON DAVID ALEXANDER RAPSON Executors by their solicitors, Messrs. Troyan & Reicher Barristers b, Solicitors 44 North Street, Goderlch, Ontario N7A 3Y3 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 BOB'S TREE SERVICE CALL 235-0706 OR 2386019 SEWING MACHINE SERVICE AND REPAIR All Makes - 33 Years Experience Seaforth Sewing Centre 9 Main St. - 527-1900 ROCK I would like to thank the nursing staff, Doctors Malkus and Rodney for the excellent care :I received in Seaforth Hospital. Thanks to all my friends, neighbours and relatives for the cards, gifts, flowers and phone calls. Thanks to Pastor Bob Book for his prayers and visits. Special thanks to Earl, Mom and Dad, Warren, Marg and Joyce for being there when I needed you. Thanks again. Doris Rock. 39-8-1 STIMORE The family of the late Kathleen Elizabeth (Williamson) Stimore wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind expres- sions of sympathy, floral tributes, charitable donations, cards and food. Special thanks to Elders Clifford Taylor and Bill Leney for their comforting messages at the funeral service, to soloist Jack McIntosh and organist Robert Smith, also to the ladies of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for serving, a lovely lunch. Thanks to Dr. Paul Wier and the nurses on two North of Stratford General Hospital for their kindness to Katie. Thank you to the Heimbruck Funeral Home. The thoughtfulness of everyone will always be remembered. The family of Katie Stimore. 39-8x1 ' WATTERWORTH We would like to thank all who have helped us so much during Maes' illness and after the loss of our dear grandmother, mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. A special thanks to the Staffs of Seaforth Manor and Seaforth Hospital for helping to make the last two years of moms life a lot more comfortable and meaningful. We wouldn't have wanted her to be In any other hands. She appreciated everything you girls did for her. The charitable donations, floral tributes and cards were greatly appreciated. Thanks to Rev. Jones for his com- forting words and the Eastern Star ladies for the lunch after the service. Reg. (Mac) Wetter - worth and family. 39-8-1 MALCOLM I wish to thank the nursing staff and kitchen staff of Seaforth Community Hospital for the excellent card I received while a patient there, also Dr. Rodney and Dr. Stuart. Everything was very much appreciated. Annie Malcolm, 39-8x1 WILSON A sincere thank you to my family and friends for their concern and thoughtfulness, visits and acts of kindness while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. A special thank you to Dr. Rodney, nurses and staff for their excellent care. Everything was very much ap- preciated. Ewart Wilson. 39-08-1 MacLEAN Many thanks to my family and friends who sent cards, flowers and gifts while I was a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital and St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks go to Lynn, Joyce Doig, Dr. Hay, Dr. Sales and staff, the ambulance attendants and Charlie, for bringing me home. Everything Is very much appreciated. Wilma MacLean. 39-8x1 MAPLEWOOD MANOR Thank you to Marie Flynn and the Huron Strings and to Sherri McCall and her students - Jason Dalton, Theresa Pryce, Kelly Ann Dalton, Christine Devereaux, Brent Pryce, Carol McCall, Brett Jewitt, Marcy McCall, Janice McCallum, Kelly Ann McDonald, Pamela Jewitt, Leanne McDonald, Christa Murray for providing the entertainment at Maplewood for the Valen- tines's Day Party. 39-8-1 40. IN MEMORIAM ELSTON In loving memory of a wife and mom, Barbara Elston who passed away one year ago. February 25, 1989. Teacher's Prayer I want to teach my students how To live this life on earth To face Its struggles and its strife And improve their worth Not just the lesson in a book Or how the rivers flow But how to choose the proper path Wherever they may go. To understand eternal faith And know the right from wrong And gather all the beauty of A flower and a song For if I help the world to grow In wisdom and in grace Then I shall feel that 1 have won And I have filled my place. And so I ask your guidance, God That I may do my part For character and confidence And happiness of heart. J.J. Metcalf. Loved and sadly missed Keith, Emily and Leanne. 40-8-1 A SEA OF FACES with a variety of expressions took in the on Sunday evening at the entertainment at the annual Beaver, Cub and Scout banquet Centre. Seaforth and District Community 80 years of leadership and service celebrated Guides, Scouts and members from the affiliated organizations - Brownies, Beavers, Cubs and "Sparks" - gathered behind the Egmondville United Church on Sunday morning' to release of flock of orange and blue balloons in honour of the 80th anniversary of the Scout and Guide movement in Canada. It was in 1910 that Lord Robert Baden- Powell, of England, brought the Scouting organization to the Dominion of Canada. The movement,, had gotten off of the ground there two years earlier when Baden-Powell formed a club for young boys for the development of leadership skills, and the promotion of mental, physical and moral fitness. Alhtough the Scout Council was officially founded in 1910, it was in 1914 that the Canadian General Council of Boy Scouts Association was officially incorporated by an Act of Parliament. The Girl Guide movement took flight worldwide in 1910, in response to demand from young girls in Great Britain for an organization similar to their brothers'. Lady Olave Baden-Powell founded the Girl Guides, and the Dominion of Canada form- ed sister organizations that same year. To date, there are over 271,194 boys in- volved in the scouting organization in Canada, aged 5 to 26, in Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Rovers and Venturers. Working in partnership with churches, service clubs and community groups, the Scouting move- ment has the same goals and aims as it did when it was founded in 1910. Boys are involved in sports and leadership develop- ment, and camping is a popular part of the program. The Seaforth Beaver colony is planning a father -son sleepover within the next month, while the Cub pack has an annual camping weekend planned for ear- ly in the summer. A new division in the Girl Guide organization was established in the last year in Canada. Sparks, as they are known, are girls 5 years old. As with all other divisions, the Sparks - too young to be Brownies, but still eager to be involv- ed in their big sisters' activities - have a motto, which is "I promise to share and be a friend". With younger girls joining the Guiding organization, the number of members across Canada has soared over 260,000. Girls can be involved in Sparks, Tweenies, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers, Leaders and Cadets. As well, the chance to get involved in Leadership in both the Scouting and Guiding is limitless. Many local groups are in dire need of leaders for every level. EMORIAM PHILLIPS In memory of Franklin who passed away February22, 1989. Day by day our thoughts do wander, To the grave not far away, Where they laid our dear son, Just one year ago today. Lovingly remembered by Mom, Dad, Mae and Tina. 40-8x1 PHILLIPS-RILEY In loving memory of our son and grandson Franklin Dean on February 22, 1989. Time cannot steal the treasures, That we carry in our hearts. Lovingly remembered by father Roger and Grandparents Riley, 40-8-1 4.Af14B-HUISSER In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister Phyllis who was called home February 19, 1988. One precious in our hearts is gone The voice we loved is stilled The place made vacant in our lives Can never more be filled Always a thought and many a tear For daughter and sister we miss It seems so long now Since he lifted you from pain And carried you to His garden To never hurt again. In life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still, We know you walk beside us And when our life Is through We pray God will take our hands And lead us straight to you Lovingly remembered and missed by Mom and Dad, sister, brothers and their families.40-8x1 GEDDES In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and daughter, Carole Marie who passed away one year ago February 22, 1989. You suffered much in silence Your spirit did not bend You faced your past with courage Until the very end. In tears we saw you sinking We watched you fade away Our hearts were almost broken You fought so much to stay, And when we saw you sleeping So peaceful free from pain We could not wish you back with us To suffer so again. Lovingly and always remembered by her hus- band, children, grandchildren, mother and father. 40-8x1 41. PERSONAL Gan von get AIDS from sharing a needle While doing Chugs? YES! (:ct the facts. Let's Talk. Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1 -800.668 -AIDS 44= BIRTHS AXTMANN Bob and Beth are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, a son, Adam Gregory, born on February 10th 1990, at Guelph General Hospital, weighing 8 lbs. 8 oz. Proud grandparents are Bob and Pat Saundercock of Clinton, Jim and Ruth Axtmann of Walton, Great grandparents are Laura Saundercock and Eleanor Hemingway. Thank you to Dr. Ayanbadejo and OB nurses for all their support and for the exellent care we received. DON'T LAUGH, NOW! Seaforth Cub leader Valerie Poisson does her impersona- tion of a coffee table at the annual Beaver, Cub and Scout banquet on Sunday evening. The boys, along with their parents and leaders, gathered at the Seaforth and District Community Centre for an evening of food and fun. Elliott photo. Woodbi e M100 to donate cards Cranbrook Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 The February meeting of Court Wood- bine M100 of the Canadian Order of Foresters was held in the Community Centre. The opening exercises were carried out by Brother Harry Jacklin and Sister Lois GRADUATES ELIZABETH JAYNE CARDNO, daughter of Betty Cardno and the late Nelson Card - no, received her Bachelor of Arts in Athropology from the University of Western Ontario on October 29, 1989. Jayne is a past graduate of the Museum Technology Course at Algonquin College In Ottawa, and of the Seaforth and District High School. 1 Oh what a Feeling! Hart. The Court decided to buy 24 decks of card and donate them to the Hall Board. The -next District Council meeting is on March 20 at Wallace. The March meeting will be a potluck supper. The court ad- journed in harmony. The Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met on February 14 at the home of Mrs. Joe Smith for the regular monthly meeting. Brenda Perrie, the leader opened with a "Valentine" reading. Hymns used in the meeting were "Blest is the Tie that Binds" and "I love to tell the Story". A reading "Love" was given and all joined in reading 1 Cor. Ch. 13 verses 1-13 followed by prayer. The president Eleanor conducted the business which included the minutes read by Freda Crawford and items of correspondence. Cards and visits were recorded. A verse on "love" was given for roll call. Valentine stories were read by Eleanor and an in- teresting discussion took place on "World Conditions". Several read current events. The World Day of Prayer service will be held at the home of Eleanor Stevenson on March 2. The Annual meeting of the Presbyterial will be held on March 20 in Stratford. The meeting was closed with the Mispah Ben. in unison. Freda Crawford and Annie Engel assisted the,„hostess ser- ving lunch. Visiting Mrs. Mac Engel on Saturday were Jirn and Mrs. Keys, Seaforth. Mrs. Ron Burdett, Brent and Brittany, of Waterloo, Mrs. Kamile Abada and Aman- da and Susan Engel of London. The attendance at the Hall Board euchre on Friday, February 17 was the smallest of the season. Seven tables played with winners:- high - Verna Crawford, Jim Smith; low - Merle Bowes, Mel Jacklin; lone hands - Harold Metcalfe, June Jacklin; most 4's on card - Beryl Smith; lucky tables - Margery McCourt, Annie Engel, Harold Metcalfe, Jim Smith, Bessi Ruppel, Mary Bell, Violet Smith, Adrian Verstoep; lucky cups - Marjorie Metcalfe, Beccie Ruppel, John Subject. On Friday, February 23 the euchre will be sponsored by the Canadian Order of Foresters. Council passes— from page 4 four committee meetings; Councillor Irwin Johnston received $120 for one council and one Committee meeting; Councillor Pat Malone received $255 for one council and four committee meetings; Councillor Garry Osborn received $480 for one council and nine committee meetings; Councillor Bill Pinder received $255 for one council and four committee meetings; and Councillor Bill Teat! received $390 for one council and seven committee meetings.