HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-09, Page 5I. THE WINGIIAM TIMES, .AUGUR 9 1906 Willghaln's Popular Men's Store • Q �9 THE R. H. CROWDER CO., MEN'S OUTFITTERS, whose store is illurtratod Here, commenced a olothing and furnishing business four and a half years ago. At first, naturally, they had en up hill fight, but are now carriing on a business that is entirely satisfactory, in one of the best equipi,trd ttort sin this eection, The Crowder Co. carry a complete stock of men's wear, consisting of 4 -•-Ready•to•Wear and Tailored Clothing, -Hats, Caps, Ties, Collars, Ouffa, Shirts, -Boots and Shoes, -Men's Far and Fur -Lined Coats, -Gloves, Under wear, Hosiery, etc. --Trunks and Valises, in fact everything a man wants or wears, Their aim is to keep everything mato-date and keep the stock and store bright and clean. It will pay you to call and see the R H. Crowder Co. when you are wanting a new Suit or Overcoat, as you can depend upon it they have the latest. The R. R, CROWDER Cap, - Wingham, Ont. rnor s i.r 3�c4rW+ir".'�rW ��'.• nesse, �,_= ��.��Ysl .u. A FOR SUMMER. We have a most complete and varied line ot Waist Sets, Gold and Silver Brooches, . A complete line of Enameled and Sterling Silver Souvenir Jewelery gegi-Fine watch and jewelery repairing promptly at- tended to. KAISER, the Jeweler GENUINE Furniture Bargains FOR 30 DAYS. Special Clearing Sale of New and Up-to- date Furniture now on at S. Gracey's Store. If you want good value for your money in -BEDROOM SUITES -SIDEBOARDS -.PARLOR SUITES -EXTENSION TABLES -IRON BEDS, Etc., Etc., Now is your chance. Call and see if we do as we advertise. We make a specialty of doing Picture Framing neatly and well. UNDERTAKING- ING---tn this particular lime we pro- fess to be second to none. Having had over 27 years practical experience, we feel confident of giving entire satisfaction whenever our services are required. Calls attended promptly, night or day. Prices reasonable. 111111,112121001911111111111111111111111111 S. GRACEY Furniture Dealer & Practical Undertaker. A severe alarm visited the vicinity •of Ota a t w on Srtnda and damaged eeverat churches and burned two buil lugs. Several animals In Barnum and :Ba'ileedi eircutf Were Injured. lam thr) Ain. an named Storehouse t o h0 and Iiiaif w e are in jail at St. Thomas, charged with the attempted murder of their new -barn child, Tva siz s A , 253, and. $1,00 at all dealers. IKINLOSS. Wednesday of list week a hiehly re• speoted pioneer of this township passed away in the person ot Sarah Johnson, beloved wife of Mr Richard Pettypiece. Deceased was aged 83 years and had for many years been a respected resident of the township. The funeral took plane to Tiffin's cemetery on Friday after. noun. Health Depends on Good Blood• Everyone who uses Ferrozone has good color and great vitality. Reason for this is Ferrozone's power to create nourishing blood. "I was broken down, had no strength and oouldu't eat" writes Mrs. Chas. Benny of Claque, Oat. "My nerves were irritable, I was thin -blooded and constantly unhappy. I tried Ferro - zone. It gave me new energy,force, vim. It brought me strength -made me well." Greatest tonic and re -builder ever known is Ferrozone. Sold everywhere in 500. boxes. ST. HELENS. John Clark, of Pittsburg, spent his holidays ander the parental roof. Geo. Scase, of Cape Town, South Africa, is spending a few days at the home of Geo. Asquith. Master Lorne Firth, of London, is spending a month's holidays at the borne of his aunt, bars, R. K. Miller. Miss Maggie and Chrissy Carr, of Sarnia, are spending a few weeks at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ramage. We must congratulate our teacher. Miss Anderson, on getting her full class of five pupils through the entrance examination. This reflects credit on both teacher and pnpils. 1 _ - She Was Wild VVitit Paid From Willow Creek, Ont., Miss E. Diegel writes: "A few years ago I was drenched with rain and got lumbago; it was like a steel rod piercing my back. -I also had earache and jest wild with pain. I applied batting soaked with Nerviliue to my ear and rubbed on Ner- viline for the lumbago. That rubbing relieved and in a few hours I was well. No other liniment could do this." It's the penetrating power of Nerviline that makes it suparior to all other liniments. Nothing beats it, 25c. at all dealers. SLOER1S. Township Council met on Monday. Minutes in our next issue. Many of our residents spent Wednes• day at Kincardine. The machine was at 11/filler Bros; 6th line, and at S. Caldriok's, 2nd line last week threshing Fall wheat. Results are good as to sample and yield. A letter from Wm. Mitchell, from Battlford, Sask., says he is well and well pleased with the country. He is a sou of Richard Mlitohell, 3rd line. The Voters' List for 1906 has been issued and was first posted up on August 1st. There are 697 nawea in part 1; 94 in part 11; and 41 part 111; 832 in all. 416 are competent to serve as Jim's. Alex. Metntosh and wife, of Langdon, - North Dakota, were welcome visitors at the home of the latter's mother, ire. Ann Smith, 6th Hue, who has been very poorly of late. Barely meet Through It. A terrible experience had Edw. J. O'Connor of Sault Ste. 14farie. "From boyhood" he writes, "I have been a con- stant sufferer on•stantsufferer from asthma and catarrh My nose and throat was i.lways stopped up and I had drippings in the throat. When attacks came on I thought Iconld not live through the night. I would sit np, gasp for breath and endure great distreisb. Catarrhozone made me entirely well." No stronger proof is required. Asthma is curable, so is catarrh. Ilse "Catarrh - ozone" and your recovery is guaranteed. WRST fl:J,p. MISS Jllie Idilea,of Kincardine is spend Ing a few weeka with relatives here, The porn and mangle fickle are looking beautiful at present, but the turnip crop so far is very slow growing, The trustees have engaged Mint Mary Clark of St. Helens, as teacher :for, the coming tercel. Mia Clark comes highly recommended, She is a Normal College graduate. Oat of a pleas of six pupils for the entrance examination five were suocess- ful, which is an excellent showing and reflects great credit upon their teacher, Gordon Wightman, Few 1Vili Escape The torturing aches of corns. Be pre- pared, -the only painless (lure is Put- nam's Cora Extractor. Fifty years in use and absolutely guaranteed. WALTON. It is our painful duty tbis week to re- cord the death of Miss Maggie, eldest daughter of James Smillie, of Grey township. Miss Smillie bad been a con- tinuous resident of this locality since her early childhood, coming hero with her parents from Soarboro' township. She was well and widely known and bighly esteemed because of her good qualities of both head and heart. She had been for many yeare an earnest teacher in the Sabbath School of Duff's Presbyterian ehurob, Walton; a faith- ful member of the Ladies' Aid Society, and a valued member of the 0 E Society of whiohehe was for some time President. Her pew in the church was seldom vacant at any of the services. CrEE '. Miss Bertha Harrison, of Kinloss, Bruce Co., is a visitor at C. McQaarrie's 10th con., this week. The foundation is ready fora new brick veneer house to be erected on the 8th con, for Peter Lamont. The brick work is completed on the new two $tory cottage ou Charles La- mont's farm, 7th con. It will be a corn - Portable home for the proprietor and his wife. A letter was received Prom J. J. Stra- chan, over whose unexplained disappear- ance so much anxiety was felt. He is employed on a farm near Elmira and will likely remain there for a time. A welcome visitor to Grey is W. L. MoQuarrie, of Prince Albert, N. W. T. He has spent several years there and is in the Crown Land's Department. We are sorry to hear that Miss Mary Livingston, of Toronto, who is home ou a visit, 1 miles north of Brussels, has been quiet ill with peritonitis, but we hope the will have a speedy reoovery. , John A Brown, son of Councillor Jno Brown, 10th con., died at hie home near Neepawa, Mau., on Wednesday, July 25th, aged 28 years, and the funeral was held on Frilly. From a bad cold tuber- culosis of the lungs followed and for about a year he was in failing health. • Fits Your Case Exactly. Yon know how you feel, -blue, sickly and heavy. Each morning you waken in a dull "dopy" condition and wish it were night again. Your liver is wroug and needs fixing with Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they do cure all liver ills. At once the system is relieved of poisons, blood is enriched andpurifled,appetite increases and digestion pioks up, Health and vigor return because Dr. Hamilton's Pills make the body proof against weakness and disease. For your Iiver,your kidneys, your stomach, for the sake of your looks and feelings, try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25o. per box at any dealers. Sentence Sermons. The hotheaded often get cold feet. Convenience often poses as conscience. The honest cask does not fear the knocker. It doesn't take many bracers to make a binder. Jump at a conclusion and you will find confusion. Oily words easily gush from rooky and barren hearts, Things are not sanctified by taking out their sweetness. While sympathy waits for second thoughts selfishness gets the floor. Trouble is the only thing that comes in answer to the prayer for eomthing to turn up. Yon can discount the patriotism that never warms up till the pooketbook is in danger. FARM LABORERS WANTED WEST C.P.R. Special Low-tL.. Excursions Western Drop prospects have never been more promising, anti avith a bum- per harvest, absence of rust, and favor- able weather condition, the only trouble left to the farmer in Manitoba and Saskatchewan is the soaroity of men for harvesting. It is reported on good authority that at least 25,060 1>barers will be needed in these provi.' 9+ and this 1n considered a modest :: imate by those who realize that the ' : rvest of 1006 is to be a record-breake n many ways. Plenty of work and h' wages is the order of the daymeet as far as possible the de,. , d for outside he p the Canadian Pao., a Railway. will run special Farm LaborersExoursioue on Au- gust 14, 17 and 22. The fare to Winni- peg and tickets to points in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, where help is needed is only $12 00; return ticket to starting point for $18.00 additional after at least 30tes a work at harvest. vs. It will be Aeen this low rate means to the man whe does not mind a little work a remarkably cheap trip to the West. He will see the country at its golden beet, spy out the land for bituseir, and whether a prospective battler or not, i will array a home richer in experience and money in pookeet. For conditions and fel rt'anla i pa i rs rico nearest C.,P. R. ticket agent, or write C. 13. Foster, D P.A., 0.P,R., Toronto. Dr. Butler:', London, Will be at Qneen'e hotel on: --Tuesday, Jnne 191h; Tues- day, July I7th, nowt 1 p.m. to It 30 p.m. Eye, ear, node anti throat conmul- tations, Byes tested for glasses. Mother's .Ear A WORD IN, korNime, NAN, WHNN NYRa,NO AN INFANT, ANO 1I,0 THIP MaNTHN THAT COMAE YYFORr THAT TIM;, SQOTT'S EMULSION eAfe Jra THAT ItSTRA $TReNOTH AND «au,U.'IM,Nfi 00 NA;owasrARV MOA! THY HLALTH OF MOTH MOTHkff ANO CNfLD. Send for free sample,. SCOT re BOWN$, Chemle% Toronto, Ontario, Sec. and $i.00; all druggists. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Mr. Wishart will be inducted as pastor of Melville Presbyterian Church at Brussels on Thursday of next week. A meeting of the ministers and laymen of the Wingham. District of the Methodist Murrill was held i#i this place on Monday last. Mr. Chas. McEiunou, of McMaster University, will preach in the Baptist. Church next Sunday morning. Ite the evening Rev. Mr. Crow will preach. The usual quarterly sacrament services ware held in the Methodist Church on Sunday last. The new pastor, Rev. W. G. Howson had charge of the services. The Von. T. B. Richardson, archdea- con of Landon, was at Exeter on Sunday and inducted Rev. D. W. Collins. rentor of the Trivia Memorial Church, at the morning servio;. In a certain ohuroh on Sunday even- ing last the preacher gave a very iuterest- ing and instructive sermon on the quest. ion of people giving a tenth of their earn- ings to the church. The sermon was listened to with much interest, but the congregatioa was not given an opportun- ity of letting the preacher know what effect the sermon had as the service was ended without lifting the collection. The services of next Sunday at the Methodist Ohureh are a part of the Sum- mer School program. At 11 a. in., the pastor Rev. W. G. Howson, will deliver a special address to Epworth Leagures. At 3 p, m. addresses will be delivered by Rev. W. A. Smith, B. A , B. D., and Rev. W. S. Fawcett. At 7 p. m, the pastor will speak on, "The Contagion of Strength," Good mnoio; good cheer; all welcome. THE WEEK'S SPORT, Iu a game of football at Berlin on Monday, Seaforth won from Berlin Rangers. Score 3 to 0. At Goderich on Monday in a league lacrosse match, Goderich won from Clinton by a score of 6 to 5. The British Bowlers will play at Clinton on Tuesday., or Thursday of next week. Two rinks will go from Wing - ham. Seaforth won the two protests in the C. L. A., one against Kincardine and the other against Wingham, The Wingham game was ordered to be played over. Kincardine and Wingham baseball clubs will play a league game on Friday afternoon on the Town Park. Game called at 4 30 o'clock. The baud will be in attendance. The Goderich bowling tournment is being held this week. Three rinks are in attew.auce from Wingham, viz: -J. H. Chisholm, Chas, Bell, L. W. Hanson, R. Vanstone, skip. Thos King, A. H, Musgrove, Dudley Holmes, A. M. Craw- ford, skip. C. P. Smith, Dr. A. .1. Irwin, Alex. Porter, skip. The two first named rinks went down in the preliminary of the trophy and Mr, Porter's rink won out in the first round. FALL FAIR DAMES. Wingham Toronto London Goderich Sept. 26.27.28 Blyth Sept. 18.1 , Listowel .. , . Sept, 15.26 Lnekgpniate - aea r. 2.3 1'eeswater a Oct. 3.4 Brussels Oct. 4- 5 T -a. -The Tredie for the baianbe Of 1000 for only 25 cents to new subscribers. Sept. 27 28 Aug. 27 -Sept. 10 Sept. 7-15 Walter Jackson, who is wanted by the police of Orangeville, was arrested in Winnipeg. Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc- ltibbon's drag store, Tuesday, Sept 4th Hours 2 p. m, to 8 p, m. Glasses prop- erly fitted. When making Cherry pies a French chef recommends adding to the cherries a small bit of butter. It seems to make the pies richer. A -Order the TlatEs for your friends. 25 Cents will pay for the paper for the balance of 1006. ,Canned Cherries -Use large, firm cherries, Make a syrup of a half a Ib of sugar to each pound 0f washed and etemniei cherries. Add enough water to moisten the sugar. Boil and as sonm rises to the top of this thin syrup re- movo it. Turn the cherries into the boilingliquid q aids nd cook for Svc minutes, RemOve the e cherries from the kettle, pack intopint jars, fill with the boiling syrup and fit on air -tight Iids: Many farmyards are troubled with bnrdooke. The best way to kill them as far an caperience has shown is to tut tee plant off an inch or so below the surface of the ground, with a sharp spade, and then place two or three tea- apooaful of a concentrated lye solution on the root. To make the solution use three gallons of water to one package of Gillet'a lye. Theordinary a of w 0 t y1" Y ting off the weed with h scythe leaves room for small shoot to grow which throw ant burrs that aro very trouble. some. 5 The Gen rat Hardware. --,RINILER TWINE -Get our prices on Binder Twine. -Another oar of Cleveland Wire jot arrived; as good as the last. -Scythes, Snaths, Screen Doors --arAYRr' s -can at the Central Hardware for your Paints, --White ,bead and Oil -the beat that can be procured. --NIX.E13 PAINTS -Faro and fresh, Bishop & Bali. l;«'iahleigh's Old Stand - - - WINGFIAJii, waressmsztoommotamd e 1 gNa'r ev".a441. r:serees^ :a�` ' �..'r u M1 v 'bS'O 'R' A HUAVIMER! The Bee Hive Summer Sale Now On -A Dry Goods Sale Without a Parallel in This Store's History --Swarms of Bargains for Everyone. Corset Values -C. B. C. Trufits are favorites; beautiful in style and finish, and perfect in fit ; special 20 per cant discount during our Great Summer Salo. Parasols and Umbrellas -Oar 20% discount on Parasols and Umbrellas will clear the stook in short order. ell lines Shawn are perfectly new goods, and bought for this store's special selling Clothing Bargains -Wonderful clothing bar- ! geins during this Great Smuttier Sale. All our. fine Worsted and Tweed Snits, newest styles and colorings, to go at a saving to yon of 200 on every dollar, Pants, Overalls and Smocks at same reduction. Hosiery and Ulndervests-Valves in these lines are always at top notch for buyers, and the extra 20,,E off will give an opportunity none ehonld miss. We Say It Is -We say it is a bummer. Come he and yon will be convinced by hearing the hum of moneysaving prices from oue end of the store to the other. When this etore makes a statement like the above, the people know that it means just wbat it says. .Everything Ines ntled in this Great Summer Sale. Drees Goods, Print., eiuslins, Silks. Sateens, Sbirtinge, Flannelettes, Wrapper. i' ettes, Table Linens -in fact all general clry goods and sinallwares ; Men's Fnrnishinge, etc. Groceries, too, go with the rest. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. Bee Hive Dry Goods Co. pPN 1900 AUG. 14 AUG. 17 AUG. 22 i To M. itoba and Saskatchewan si 2fgoor i ntghe t itch audndetriocno*nldfiotironhze ebnwt.l eket. --G INQ I.)ArvES- Stations south af, Toronto. Main line Toront Junction and To From all points Kingston, and Di t not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including to Sarnia and stations north, except north of Cardwell nto on North Bay Section. oronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and orth of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Midland . ns. One way second class Celle ,'• will be sold. to 1Vinniper only. Representative farmers, anointed by Manitoba and Saskatchewan governments, will meek laborers on arrival a innipeg. Free transportation •will . • furnished at Winnipeg to points where laborers are needed. .S certificate is furnishe when each ticketis purchased, and this certificate, when exeeuten by farmer, ehowin that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored from that point for a s cone class ticket back to starting point in Ontario, at MA prior to Nov. 1st, 1906. 'rickets will be issued t women as well as to men, but will not be isausd tit half fare toehiitirein. Tickets are good only,:n special Farm Laborers' trains. 1' . r full particulars sec nearest C.P.It., ticket agent, or write 0. B, Foster, D. P.A., Q,P•ea, Toroute, THE BEST WINGHAM SECUKE A PLACE IN TO Piano Organ oIi Violin IS AT DAVID BELL'S Terms to suit purchaser. $25 Diamond Ring We make a apeCialty of a ring at this price. It is exceptional value. e. W e have sold hundreds of them. Express charges prepaid. Money refunded if not per- fectly satisfactory. C. H. Ward & Co, LONDON, ONT. SpOcialists in Diamonds and Cut Glass. 4 1 t 1 .-b- 4-- • +. r-..+-.- .-e-+- . -a. a -+r. -s-. r- WIN GE AM Flour ills 'There are tae things necessary to make good Flour: Good wheat, a good miller,aud good machinery. We have these three in our mill. All the Manitoba Wheat we use is No. 1 ; this is wbat "Five Lilies" Floor is made from ; the strength is not lessened any in 'Five Lilies' by electrical or any other process in oder io make it white, but it is white, pure and healthy in Ito own natural strength. So if eon Wish the best Manitoba Flour be sure to get the " .Wive Lilies;" do not be put off with any other. If your dealer does not keep it, there are plenty of others who do. Oar "Star" Flour is vory pop- ular. We believe it is the BEST FAMILY FLOI it on the market to- day, as it has the qualities for both bread and pastry. Give vournext order for "Star" and you will be satisfied. PRICE LIST Five Lilies flour, } bi, $2.25 to $2.50 Prairie Rose " " 205 to 2.80 Star - 'r " 200 to 2 25 Cream Pantry* Flour 100 to 2,20 Low grade Flonr,tori 26 00 to 27 00 Bras, per ton - 10.00 to 18 00 Shorts, " - - 22 00 to 23 00 Screenings 18 00 to 20.00 Chop, per ton - 20.00 to 28 00 Winter Wheat, bus. .73 to .75 Goose " " .70 to .70 Manitoba " " .88 to .00 I Goods delivered promptly to alt 1 parts of the town, HOWSON, HARVEY LBROCKLEDANK. 1