HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-02-14, Page 2OCl SINCE 1860. SERVING THE COMMUNITY FIRST Incorporating The Brussels Post Published in Seaforth, Ontario Every Wednesday Morning • t, - The Expositor Is brought to you each week by the efforts of; Pat Armes, Paula Elliott, Terri -Lynn Dale, Dianne McGrath and Bob McMillan. ED BYRSKI. General Manager HEATHER ROBINET, Editor Member Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc. Ontario Community Newspaper Association Ontario Press Council Commonwealth Press Union International Press Institute Subscription Rates: Canada '20.00 a year, in advance Senior Citizens -'17.00 a year in advance Outside Canada '60.00 a year, in advance Single Copies - .50 cents each Second class mail registration Number 0696 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, i990 Editorial and Business Offices • 10 Main Street. Seaforth Telephone (519) 527.0240 Mailing Address - P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario. NOK 1 WO Full picture needed The grotesquely confusing Huronview Redevelopment Project should be put on complete and immediate hold until Huron County Council does what it should have done at the outset; decide what becomes of the existing building. Too many questions remain unanswered - obvious after the recent coun- cil session - for the project to proceed further. Most importantly, what will be the redevelopment's complete cost? And how much will the province pay beyond the promised 50 per cent of approved new construction costs? First, how much will it cost to build the proposed two new complexes. Current estimates are at $22 million and climbing. In principle, the province has agreed to pay half. Next, how much does the county face in peripheral costs such as renovating the existing building for another use, or demolishing the perfect- ly functional structure? Past warden - Dave Johnston said last week that he "can't vote on anything until we know what happens to the old building." If the facility review committee recommends, as has been hinted at, mov- ing county offices to the site, how much would that add to the cost, and when, asks Johnston. Renovations could add millions to the total. Would the county be required to pay the full cost of renovation, even though the province owns 50 per cent of the structure? More than a year ago, county council reluctantly applied for provincial approval to build two new homes, north and central, but only after pro- vincial officials had aggressively assured council that a third home in the south would not be approved. And only after the same officials had said the provincne would not fund an extensive renovation, but would pay for new construction. Now Huron MPP Jack Riddell is writing in local papers that all decisions are made by the county, and blaming any delays on county officials, not employees of his government. Riddell also says the provincial government's offer of "50 per cent of approved costs" has always been perfectly clear. And he says renovation would be a county decision, but would mean reap- plying, since current government approval is for two new homes. County councillors are saying Riddell is confused. They're also admit- ting they are confused. Hardly anyone involved isn't confused. And they'll stay that way until the whole project is approached as one package clearly defining not only where the new homes go, but what goes into them, and when, and what goes into the old site, if anything, and when, and who 'pays for what. All of that must be clearly spelled out before the project proceeds a single, confusing step further. B.H. LETT II T la ST EE OR Minor hockey volunteers appreciated Dear Editor: The regular season of minor hockey is now in the past and the Seaforth and District Minor Hockey teams are into playoffs. At this time 1 would like to con- gratulate all the players for their excellent representation in sport for Seaforth and wish them good luck in playoffs - whether in O.M.H.A. or W.O.A.A. Any association is only as strong as the volunteers behind it. 1 have had excellent help this year and I think anyone associated with hockey (player, parent or fan) should thank the volunteers that have made this year so successful. The travel teams have ice -captain Barb . Watt and referee -in -chief Joyce McClure to thank. They have kept the games very well organized and believe me these are time consuming jobs. House league was kept under control by Vice -President Gerry Van den Hengel, with Don Moylan arranging referees for him. Our treasurer, Greg O'Reilly and Secretary Jim Moore have kept SDMH books. Davwin Dietz straightened out registration at the beginning of the season, equipment manager Bill Weber had pur- chased some excellent equipment for our Wilson will go without valentine To the Editor: Roses are red, Violets are blue, But who likes Mulroney As they used to do? The GST 'tis plain to see - A gouge and screw tax on you and me. Now, should we all pay to "PARLEZ- VOUS" And let Uncle Sam take over, too. But, if we want all the "goodies" we have today, Then they must take more money from our pay. The trouble is - don't you agree Too many "big shots" go "Scot free"? P.S. The PM says the economy is fine, But not many will send Wilson a VALENTINE. By "Pastor Squirrel Centre Street Church" teams, and Ted Griffin has kept our fun- draising in excellent form. Special thanks to Rec. Director Marty Bedard for all his help and for organising timekeepers, and to Rick Woods who managed another suc- cessful Novice Tournament. What can be said to the men who have coached this year. The time spent with practices, games, tournaments and organizing all this is unbelievable. Without them there are no teams. Congratulations to Murray Henderson and his novice team, Doug Anstett and the Atom team, Ken Swan and the PeeWee "DD"s, Bill Weber and the PeeWee "CC"s, John Watt and the Bantam's and Bob Beuttenmiller and his midgets. These coaches and their assistants have been excellent this year and as they know more about hockey than I do, have been great in their support to me. Congratulations also to the coaches of the House-leage travel teams and house - Turn to page 13A • A letter, from Seaforth's Toronto, Paton pion Bank crossed nay desk recenitly,, and made me aware of a somewhat historical event that I'd previously never known existed. To the majority of people the month off February is famous for only one tiling - or maybe tsvo, if you take into account lap Year, But for most of us, the month of February conjures up images of Cupids and hearts, bows and arrows, and chocolates and roses. Every year come mid-February, Cana- dians in general cow down to their mates (or perspective mates) in that one -day show of love and affection made famous by Saint Valentine. And every year Cana- dians spend the subsequent month of March nursing (or is that cursing?) sweet induced aching teeth and blemished skin, and pondering the romantic tendencies that will hitherto remain under cover until Valentine's Day rolls around again. In view of the fact that this particular issue of the paper will coincide exactly with Saint Valentine's Day, I could, I sup- pose, follow the normal writing patterns, and fill this column to sickening heights with tales of sentimentality and gush. But I won't. Instead, I'll bypass the normal route of things and skim over one of the oldest holidays celebrated in the Western world. So what if historians have found that the by :Heather Robinet idea of sending love letters and messages to one's Sweetheart on February 14 dates back to Ancient Rome? . This Year, at mid-February, I'm choos- ing to address another special occasion - one, that involves an important Canadian moment, but unfortunately a moment Odell has gone forgotten, or unnoticed, in the wake of Saint Valentine's Day. February 15, 1990 marks the Silver An- niversary of the Canadian Flag. And although it may. ,seem like nothing com- pared with the monumental popularity of Valentine's Day, it is something. After all "the flag is --the symbol -of a nation's uni- ty, for it, beyond any doubt, represents all the citizens of Canada without distinction of race, language, belief or opinion." (Honorable Maurice Bourget, Speaker of the Senate, 1965). And just as the Toronto Dominion staff challenged my knowledge of Canada, I am in turn, passing on the challenge to the people in Seaforth. How good is your knowledge of Canadian history? Do you know, for example, the answers to these few questions? 1. Who was the Prime Minister in 1965 when the Canadian flag was officially adopted? a) John Diefenbaker b) Lester Pearson or. c) Mackenzie King. 2, Who proclaimed red and white to be the official colors of " Canada? a) King George V b) Queen Vittoria or c) Queen Elizabeth II. 3. Which was on the first Canadian postage stamp (1851)? a) Maple Leaf b) Beaver or c) Railway. 4. In which language was "0 Canada" first written? a) English or b) French. 5. On which Canadian coin does the maple leaf appear? a) Penny b) Nickel or c) Dime. Maybe next February the images con- jured up in your mind by the advent of this second month of the year, should in- clude far more than Cupids and hearts, bows and arrows and chocolates and roses. Maybe there should be a maple leaf in- cluded in there somewhere. After all it is the appropriate color! ® ;le good decision "Well, they've done it. The councillors that we've elected to run this city have decided to go ahead and build the multi- million dollar aquatic centre, with the tax dollars of the many, for the use of the few, and to stroke the ego of one family." This was the comment that CJBK general manager Gord Harris issued last week after London City Council voted in favour of building a swimming facility. The issue has been bandied about for nigh two years now, and after much humming and hawing from both sides of the fence, Council made a decision. And a damn good one. 1 don't understand why Mr. Harris is so hot and bothered about it - maybe he doesn't know how to swim - but when you consider the amount of inane decisions and mind-boggling expenditures that any coun- cil in the province will okay at any given meeting, London Council's 'yea' vote is to be applauded. Once built, the aquatic centre will im- prove London's chances of attracting na- tional and international calibre athletic events. The city's Pan -Am bid was kaiboshed, essentially, due to lack of a swimming facility. London and region swimmers will have an indoor centre at their disposal, and won't have to rely on fitting into the much -overtaxed schedules at the two YMCA pools and the universi- ty. My sister competes in tetrathlon with the London Pony Club, and the only way that these kids - talented competitors - can get pool time in the city is through an act of God. vers 1l !1 s 99 far.. es UGH N !S, ES by Pa la Elli tt And speaking of talented competitors, Gord Harris should put on his woolies and amble down to the Thames Park pool - outdoor pool, mild you - and join the Lon- don Aquatic Team at six some morning when they shift their training to that locale in April. Early April. The coaches walk around the deck an parkas and man the towels and blankets at the end of the lanes when the swimmers, many of them poten- tial Olympic material, climb of out the drink blue and quaking. And the aquatic centre is being touted as a waste of money? Councils of any size in, from cities, towns or townships, are remarkable to see in action when they get a wad of cash at their disposal. 1 realize that allocation guidelines have a lot to do with it, and that if the budget isn't spent one year, less will he allotted the following year. But you have to look past the immediate. The coun- cils in the area just aren't dealt the kind of dollars that the City of London has at their disposal, but the principle is the same for a $1,000 expenditure as it is for a $10 million expenditure. Personally, I would rather see tax dollars go towards something of lasting value to the communi- When "Dancing was Wrong" FEBRUARY 14, 1890 WHEN DANCING IS WRONG - If you are wise, if. you hope that the future holds much for you, you will learn to be par- ticular as to your partner in dancing. Dance with no-one with whom you have only a ball -room acquaintance, and if you really are anxious to gain the respect of the people in your own set, you will number among partners only your own brothers or some very intimate friends. It's all very well to say there is no harm in dancing. There isn't. But there is harm in having about you, a sweet pure girl kept as much as possible from the wickedness of the world, the arm of a man who may be a profligate, and not possess the first instinct of a gentleman. He may dance divinely, but even for a partner in a round dance, more than that is necessary. My lit- tle girl, dancing indiscriminately will teach you to forget how to blush, and with that knowledge departs one of your greatest charms. Dance, sing and be merry, but remember, not only does the world judge us by the company we keep, but just as you and I are made better and nobler by being with those who are true and good, so we are insensibly made meaner and poorer In heart and brain when we consort with those of lower degree 1n morals. IN THE YEARS AGONE from the Expositor Archives FEBRUARY 12, 1915 The Wingham town council recently awarded the sum of $1,200 to the widow of Chester Hill, who lost his life last fall by a sewer caving in on top of him. Mrs. Hill was left with a family of three small children. As no trains were running on Tuesday of last week between Lucknow and Harriston, in order to attend the Bonspiel at the lat- ter place, the Lucknow curlers and pipers' band drove all the way from Lucknow to Harrlston, a distance of forty miles. They are made of the kind of stuff that will not be deterred by trifles. A despatch from Hamburg, Germany, says that all British colonists in that city, with exception for the time being of the Australians, have been arrested and transported to Ruhleben, where they are to interred in the concentration camp. Something like 60 Canadians are in this new draft of prisoners. The arrest of British colonists in Germany probably will in be continued. Colonials were originally left at liberty, when Englishmen were interred, but now they are to be gathered up and sent to concentration camps. The first robin of the season was seen near Brantford on Thursday of last week. We hope the tird has not made a mistake. FEBRUARY 16, 1940 Seaforth merchants were warned to be on guard against accepting $5 bias from strangers who !night fit the description of three dark -complexioned French Canadians said to be headed this way from Northern Ontario. They possess a supply of counterfeit $5 bills with serial No. 2245507. Elmer D. Bell, well-known Seaforth and Brussels lawyer was injured while playing in a game of hockey last Friday and suf- fered a broken jaw. THE CAT CAME BACK - After an absence of seven years, a cat has return- ed to the home Mr. Henry Green, Exeter North. Seven years ago, following the death ,of Mr. Green's mother, the cat left ty than watch them get sucked into hotel costs at the Harbour Castle Hilton for a two-day conference, a township flag that will dangle unseen in the rafters somewhere, or the salary for the Governor General's 120 household attendants. The National Citizens' Coalition is distributing a booklet, "Tales from the Tax Trough", which outlines some of the more ludicrous Federal Government expen- ditures in the past few years. Although I have a problem with a lot of their generalizations - such as calling the Na- tional Action Committee on the Status of Women a "radical feminist group" - they hammer their point home with such ex- amples as a $13,509 grant to a study 'Yard Art: the social value of lawn ornaments' or $619,000 to publish a newsletter on bananas in the French Riviera. And they're calling the aquatic centre a waste of money? Give any governing body or council 100 units of money - tens, hundreds, thousands or millions - and rest assured that they'll come up with 100 boneheaded ways to get rid of it again. London City Council no doubt came up with 99, but the other one makes up for all of the rest. 1890 the home going to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coombes, who lived next door. Following the death of Mrs. Coombes about three weeks ago, the cat again returned to its former home. Permission has been given to any form in the Seaforth High School that wishes to hold a form party can do so. Pupils can go skating, tobogganing, snowshoeing and return to school for lunch afterwards. FEBRUARY 18, 1965 Residents in the area of Huron, Jarvis and High streets were evacuated early Monday morning when fire raging through the Texaco warehouse threatened adjacent gasoline storage tanks, and firemen feared that the tanks would explode. Firemen fought the blaze for 15 hours before bring- ing it under control. The 75 by 35 -foot warehouse was a total loss. Also lost was a stock of oil and a 15 -ton shipment of grease. As a preliminary to Boy Scout Week, members of the Egmondville troop camped out overnight at Camp Glen Mac in Tuckersmith. Gordon McLean, Gerry Barry, Ralph Smith, Jim McGrath and Kenny Wood, under the charge of Scout- master Ron Eyre, had no problems in making themselves comfortable under winter conditions.