HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1990-01-24, Page 5Manor residents Good morning from everyone at the Manor! The volunteer ladies held a euchre with the winners being: Ladies High; Doris Smith, Mens High; Elmer Baksy, 14one Hands; Pat Ryan, Ladies Lowh-Jennie Hildebrand, Mens Low; . Frank Smale. Thanks to Doreen Kelly, Anne Downey, Eva McCartney and -our newest volunteer Greta Kerr for all the help. Another highlight to the week was Bingo with caller Anne Downey. "Jackpot" Win- ners were: Anna Agar, Cassie Nicholson, Dennis Arney, Elmer Bakscy, David Net- zke, Margaret Dunbar, Margaret Smale, Eva Netzke, Annie Harrison and Mamie Ross. Many thanks to Doreen Kelly, and Mary Nolan for helping at the tables. Tuesday was a big day here at the Manor. Intense faces behind voting booths Inc council reps e7t�r� Mad be seen, as residents, effected thou tivity lii•iaom: FatherCaruutra elftelated the 1990'Pea'den1O Council Preeident and Vine service "•. •IQII MO 1 ill w rt president, Winning the Lght races, were . Friday a gaup of ‘"Late, bundlers" •met THE; HURON ExPOSITo1 , JANUARY 24' 1999 5A Pat Ryan (President) d'. Ba Gardner for an afternoon .,of Trivia and Word Mice l'restdent,) `Tiuuttks to ;otho ..� games . didates i xige ott, Penny Ceza, Edith Welcome to the Manor: Anna Agar. _Get Salo and Mabel Handy eve)} wishes are extended to Mae Wetter - Congratulations to all! Thanks al$o gnto worth George Fo.* and Alvin Dodds.. the Grade 5/6 visitors :fpr helping with "the ;Alm a note of thanks to Dianne Willis* election. son. Dianne was here as a placement Ark The weekly Church.serviee was led by dent --sand residents.and staff enjoyed hav- Rev.. Helyd.,erson on ;behalf of the First ling 'her. Presbyterian church. Many thanksto Rev. Coming Events; , January 25, 2 p.m.— Henderson for taking over the service un- Euchre with .our Volunteer Ladies follow - til a permanent -minister is found. Herniet- . ed by Carly Price and some Scottish Dan- te Brown accompanied for the hymn sing clog (Robbie Burns Day); January 26, 2 at the SerViee• p.m. January Birthday Party with Gladys Thursday morning 13 of the residents Van Egmond'and Elgin Nott; and January limbered up with some morning exercisea. 30, 2 p.m,—Venturingoff to Maplewoai for In the afternoon Mass was held in the Ac- an afternoon or euchre. NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH played host this year to the annual gathering of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial for United Church women. Delegates from 65 UCW groups, 222 in all, gathered on Monday to go over the year's business, listen to speakers and get re -acquainted with old friends. Elliott photo. HANDBAG CAMPAIGN for the Church Women is outlined by Perth Presbyterial President Anderson. The group held its meeting at the Northside United Church this past Monday, with 222 delegates at- tending. Elliott photo. United Huron - Helen annual Walton institute members discuss concerns Walton Correspondent MRS. BETTY McCALL 887.6177 Nine members of the Walton Women's Institute returned to the hall the foggy Wednesday evening for their January meeting. A noon beef luncheon had been served to 88 people. It turned out quite a success even though the weather visibility was not the best. Marion •Godkin conducted the business. After the usual opening she thanked everyone for helping that day and at the Monday dinners at the hall. Marjory Hum- phries gave the treasurer's report follow- ing the minutes of the tact maieting. Roll call was answered by "A new product you Nine tables " : St. Coluinbaii Ceri'es jloiii/el t " ' " MRS. CECILIIIA RYAN 345-2028 Nine tables were in play on Friday even- ing at the Knights of Columbus euchre game in the K. of C. hall, St. Columban. Twelve games were played and the win- ners for the most games were: ladies, Nancy O'Reilly; men's, Ken Coyne; most lone hands, Elmer.. Feeney; door prize, Cecilia Ryan. The next game will be on Friday, January 26 at 8 p.m. in the K. of C. hall. Lunch is provided and everyone is welcome. CARD PARTY Joe and Helen Nolan were hostesses to a card party for their relatives and friends on Saturday evening. Guests attending were Cyril and Rose Marie Murray of Kit' chener, Jerome and Joan Murray, Ron and Theresa Murray, Jerry Murray, Arthur Murray, Lou and • Therese Maloney and Ferg and Anne Kelly. The winners were Rose Marie and Cyril Murray and Jerry Murray after a playoff with tough competition. PEOPLE Guests with Ted and Mary Antte Jan- maat of Clinton on the occasion of their like to use". There was a discussion on the Blyth Festival suppers. It was voted down not to do any this year as we have our noon luncheons. It was also voted to donate $20 to the Brussels Fair Board to go toward an overall prize. The birthday party in February for Calendar's Nursing Home in Brussels was discussed with a commitrtee struck to look after program. A couple members offered to make cup cakes. Helen Craig, convenor for Consumer Af- fairs, spoke on "Concerns in the 90s". Ideas were given for Education the Basic, back to exams, Literacy, water, sprays, Via -rail, and a little more on recycling. Helen read interesting articles from a re- cent paper on more of the things to accent Review .of activities ;COMM 7NITY IOSPITAL f R my 1�7;,I,CKERS: T1►,e Seaforth Exteinal Disaster Qommittee is distributing Eitnerg cy.Telephone Stickers for the residents of Seaforth and Eg{nondviile along ' with the P.ii.TTG billiings,1990). telep Y4 . If you live .outside these_ m as and would like Emergency:Sticker's.for your hone, they may be pinked up at*forth Commueuty HosPitalSwitchboard. Please add the correct Police and Fire telephone numbers. for YOUR residential area. COMMUNI'.11'Y_ D.:.An in --service on "Renascence" (Support Group for Women), "Group Delta" and problemsassociated with Family Violence is being held Wednesday, January 31,1990'at2:00 p.m. in the Hospital Conference Room 2. Doug Reberg, Ph.D., C. Psych. and Merle Thomas will be the presenters. Hope to see you theme!' NURSING NEWS: Thanks to the Nursing Staff and other hospital personnel who donated money towards the decorations in the hallways and patient areas over the Christmas season. CongratStaffen, Carol Htions unt and Marro out to Martha Meennn ll. ThePauline, h have sur essfully cJoan ompleted Bauer, Conestoga College Assessment Course. ACTIVATION NEWS: Mary Margaret Nash reports a new dimension in recreational therapy on January 19. It's "PET THERAPY"! Presently a healthy hamster and a patient's healthy .pet chuialla have been brought in for the Activation Group. Anyone with healthy, interesting pets for this program, please call M.M. Nash - 527-1650 - ext. 231. HEART MONTH PRESENTATION: It's hard these days to sort out all the do's and don'ts we read and hear about from various sources on the lifestyle changes we should be making. What about oat bran? cholesterol? exercise - enough but not too much etc. If we are trying hard to do all the right things to prevent heart attacks or stroke, then it's good to know that our community, its hospital and its professionals have alot to offer in the way of answers.regarding diet counselling, equipment, medication, emergency services, rehabilitation. Mark Tuesday, February 6, 1990 on your calendar. Come to Seaforth Community Hospital and see demonstrations, videos and displays. Ask your questions of the many professionals on hand. February is Heart Month. Be Informed. ANNOUNCEMENT in the 90's. Walton Institute hope to have more membership in the 90's. Institute Grace was sung then Leona McDonald and Elva Bolger served lunch. RALLY RE -SCHEDULED The R and W Trailblazers Snowmobile Rally had to be cancelled this past Sunday due to the mild weather of last week, tak- ing a lot of the snow away from their well groomed trails. It has been re -scheduled to Sunday, February 11 at the same time as advertised. The Walton Area Sports Snowmobile Ral- ly has been planned by the committee for February 4. It is more snow we need to make the snowmobilers happy, hoping winter weather is still with us for another month. play at St. Columban nuc re ' . "z 'ffi2v1L . r.^ ^l:.(. ,.1,:f ') Stry son,ryMatthew's first birthday Were Mr. and Mrs. John Janmaat of Seatorth, Joe and Helen Nolan of St. Columban, Dean and Donna Cornish and Jenny of London and Ken and Debbie Janmaat, Kim and Tracey of Seaforth. J.D. and Marg MacRae, Jenny and Ian of London, Laura, Les 'and Shannon Ward of Kitchener and Gerry and Karen Ryan, Jason, Amanda and Jeremy Ryan visited on Sunday with Cecilia Ryan. Louise Ryan of Kitchener visited with her mother for a couple of days last week. Cromarty women collect for Leprosy Cromarty Correspondent MRS. ROBERT LAING 345-2326 Lillian Douglas presided for the January meeting of the Marian Ritchie Women's Missionary Society at the home of the president, Ruth Laing. During the after- noon some of the ladies worked on a Quilt which .will be for sale when completed. Alice Gardiner presented the worship Plans were made for the Marion Ritchie service based on the Future, followed by a W.M.S. church service to be held on New Year's meditation. The offering was February 11 with Reina Lundy of Thorn - received and dedicated by Alice. There dale as speaker. Members of the Marian were also collections for the Leprosy Fund, Ritchie will provide lunch. Following the the Fellowship of the Least Coin, Member- singing of a Philippian hymn, the meeting ship Fees, and birthday money. Mary closed with the Lord's Prayer. .. n:; :, ..... ...: ;.:::::•.;+:: iii'•:x.::.:.,3,:nn?ij::•`'S::>;:::•ii:..y•:::x •:.:ti::::•.:i Elliott gave the annual treasurer's report. Lucie Milne introduced the new study book on the Philippines, assisted by Ruth Laing. Mrs. Milne was born on the Philip- pine island of Panay and related some of her experiences as a child there during the second world war. By means of dialogue, the early history of settlement, government and social conditions were explained. BILL WEBSTER Cook's Division of Parrish & Heirnbecker, 0_u eted is pleased to announce the appointment of Bili Webster to the position of Agri -Sales Representative at the Walton Branch. Bill has a solid background in agriculture, with a Bachelor or Science (A ric l tur e� Degreer ee from theUniversity of Guelph. This appointment reflects Cook's continued commitment to serving the needs of our customers in our trading area. Drop by our Walton Branch to meet our new team member and discuss your agricultural needs. ir SILLS is now Division Of Parrish & Helmbecker, Limited WALTON 527-1540 or 887-9261 "Where you can trade with confidence" Historic LORNEVILLA Apts 92 Goderich St. Seaforth OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK AT 8:00 AM Check out Home Hardware January MINI SALE CATALOG For Many Fantastic Savings SEMI GLOSS INTERIOR PAINT!AZ $8,00 ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS 18999 A HERITAGE PROPERTY Renovated and Restored NOW LEASING SAVINGS IN PLUMBING DEPT. ABS 11/2" NOW .82 ft. 3" NOW $2.12 ft. DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINK $11299 SILLo MDWE WARARE Home Hardware QUALITY GOODS WITH QUALITY ERV E PLUMBING, HEATING, ELECTRICAL AND PAINTING SUPPLIES. Main St. Seatorth 527-1620 10 GRACIOUS SUITES 4 - 1 Bedroom with fireplaces, high ceilings, interior shutters, original woodwork, finished pine floors. 2 Studio Apt. upper Level. An Artist's dream. 2 - Cosy Self Contained Bachelor Suites 2 - Large lower level units All with Entrances to a centre hall with grand 3 storey open stair- case - laundry room. Rents from $350. plus Hydro. No Pets. To Reserve Your Suite CaII 1271-3591 or 527-2768 A Controlled Access Building