HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-09, Page 4rY�
Tgaidoe of changes Must be left at this
net later the noon.
n Saturday n
The copy for .changes musts be left
not later than. Monday evening.
Clonal advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
(Contiuoed from Page 2)
This is another of the leading mane-
factaring establishments of the town,
eizpioyiug a large force of skilled me-
ohanlos. Walker & Clegg have been
engaged in basinees here for upwards of
nine years and they have certainly built
up a splendid trade, whioh ie entirely
wholsale. Walker & Clegg are manu-
factures of high grade upholstered fur-
niture of all kinds, also manufacturing
rnattrasses etc, ;During eaoh year of the
nine they have been in business their
trade has increased very materially, un-
til to day they are taxed to their fullest
capacity. And wherever they sell their
furniture and upholstered goods have
earned for therm an enviable name for
style and finish. This is the result of
always seourine thoroughly experienc-
ed mechanics in turning out their goods,
Messrs Walker & Clegg are among
Wingham's most prominent citizens and
highly esteemed business men.
Is engaged as a merchant tailor at this
point and he carries a spendid stook of
tweeds, worsteds aud fancy vestings.
Mr..pdaxwell has had many years ex-
perience as a cutter and he has the re.
potation of being one of the best in this
part of the country, A practical tailor
and cutter he stands to -day at the head
of his profession. His stock of goods is
carefully selected, and he can always be
depended upon for fit, style, workman-
ship and price. So that when you de.
sire to secure a good serviceable snit,
yon should consult him. Mr, Maxwell
has been in business here for the past
nine years and bis trade is well estab-
lished. He is one of Wingham's best
known and moat highly esteemed
Is another business man here we must
not neglect to mention in this Trade
Edition. Mr. Chisholm is a real estate,
loan and insurance agent. He has both
town aud country property for sale and
has an extensive list of such properties
which may be seen at his office. Have
you any insurance on your stock or your
household effects? If not, why not, The
man who does not carry insurance on
his business is certainly not using his
judgment to good advantage. Fires
break ont when they are least expected
and the business that has taken years to
build up is swept out of existence in an
instant. Guard against snob possible
disaster by oarrying an adequate amount
of insurance, All gilt edge companies
and insurance risks promptly paid, His
aim is to get the buyer and seller to-
gether, and he has met with marked
success in the business since starting last
c' One of the leading druggists here is F.
H. Walley, who carries a well selected
stock of drugs, proprietary medicines,
perfumery, toilet articles, kodaks, and
photograph supplies generally. Mr.
Walley has also an optical department
where sight may be tested at any time. .
If your sight is bothering you go there -
at once and have your eye sight tested.
Eye glasses to suit any sight. He cures
headache, eye strain and near sight all
more or Tess caused by a disordered state
of the eyes. He a1s: keeps a good line
of stationery. Mr. Walley bought out
his present business last fall since which
time he has nearly doubled bis trade.
Is another prominent business man
here, keeping a splendid stook of pure
fresh groceries and canned goods and
high-class chinaware. His aim has al-
ways been to supply his customers with
the best in the lines he offers for sale.
All his goods are bought with a due re-
gard as to quality and prise, and when
you want the best in these lines do not
fail to give hint a call. His business
has gained every year since established
here some eighteen years ago until to.
day he enjoys a splendid patronage,
both in town and oountry, Reliability
and straight forward dealing are his
mottoes. As a townsman Mr, Griffin is
deservedly popular with all °188883.
One of the leading business places here,
carrying one of the largest as well as
one of t
b l c
e best e e tedtoo 6 0
s k of boots
and shoes iu Huron County is W. J,
Greer. Be bee been in buainesa Dere for
the past eight years and has established
a splendid trade it* that time. uis stook
Se a very elaborate ono and includes the
very beat lines of boots and shoes mewl -
featured. And notwithstandiog that his
goods are high grade in qua'ity they are
escttoznely law as regards prices. This is
accounted for front the fact that Mr.
Greer is an experienced and prudent
buyer, buying in large quantities and
making °arefal selections of the class of
,goods that he fiuds wi 1 meet a ready
sa e hero. As we have pointed out in
the Prece:ing part of this article his
stook is, one of the most extensive here,
and the oneon the lookout for bargains
will do well to see his very fine stook
and ascertain what goods can he bought
there for Dash. Repairing of all kinds
done an the shortest notice. AU rips in
shoes bought here repaired free of
charge. He is agent for the Canadian
Express as well as the G. N. W. tele-
graph, Mr. Greer as a citizen is
esteemed and popular,
One of the prominent and progressive
business is that of D M Gordon, who
p; ojected this fine business out of nis
own personal enterprise and Duels. Mr
Gordon has all the energy of youth, the
experience of years; courage to lead out,
sound judgment in buying and good
taste in selecting his stook. He knows
what the pubito wants, and have to bay
it so that it will sell quickly at a fair
profit to himself and at the same time
g.ve a bargain to his custoruers. He
carries a splendid line of dry goods,
both staple and fancy, ready made
clothing, gentss' furnishings, boots and
shoes, and groceries. A strong feature.
of this leading house ie the high place
that they have attained for many
ycare in supplying the public with all
that is the newest, most seasonable and
best in dress goods and dress trimm-
ings, and the large increasing sales in
this department clearly prove that their
wide a -wake, prudent, and experienced
efforts in this direction are appreciated
by a generous and discriminating
public, Equally important is their great
mantle and far department, for here
too, alt that is latest and up•to•date in
style, designs. materials, workmanship
and finish. from the best makers of these
beautiful and comfortable garments in
Canada, Britian and Germany, will al-
ways be found in season, and the yearly
increasing sales demonstrates very fully
that this department is hard to equal in
the values offered, and the satisfaction
guaranteed. As a townsman Mr Gordon
is one of Wingham's most popular and
Has taken possession of the fine grocery
business of R. A. Hutchison, who start-
ed in business here same nine years ago.
The fine stock has been selected owing to
ite purity and freshness. All gilt edge
goods and the trade done here may be
said to be the very largest in this line in
Wingham. As it was the late proprie-
tor's aim to keep nothing but the best
lines of groceries and canned goods and
to sell reasonable all the time. It will
be Mr Christie's aim to merit the good
will and support of the public, so gener-
ously bestowed upon Mr Hutchison.
He will always be satisfied with a mod-
erate profit, trusting to the greater
quantity of goods he will turn over each
season. Mr Christie comes to Wingham
highly recommended as a business man
and T» Tiarns bespeaks for him a gen-
erous support, In addition to high grade
groceries, crockery, as well as fancy
chiaawaro is kept in stock. In each of
these lines a very fine stock is kept, SO
that when you want anything in these
lines you are respectfully invited to give
Mr Christie a call. Honest values and
the beet class of goods at all times.
Hutohison's OId Stand, Winaham.
Every well regulated town has furni-
ture warerooms, as without furniture
there would be no housekeeping, while
marriage wonld soon become a thing of
the past, S. Gracey conducts one of the
finest furniture establishments in this
part of the country, keeping everything
in the line of high grade furniture from
parlor snits, bedroom suite, odd chairs,
mattresses, springs, etc. All the neatest
and newest designs in every line, so that
if you are thinking of furnishing your
house, and getting rid of the old furni•
tura that has seen service so long, give S.
Graney, the np-t-date furniture man a
call. 1f yen intend getting married and
wish a first-class outfit give S. Graoey a
call. His stock is one of the beat shown
in Huron County and he is always very
moderate in his chargee. Furniture
repairing, picture framiug and every.
thing along these lines done reasonable
and satisfactory. He also carries a good
stook of undertaking eupplies, Embalm-
ng done on the most scientific prineiplea.
Funerals attended in any part of the
country and taken in full charge. Mr.
Greeley is one of Wingham's moat
esteemed and popular citizens,
Another progressive business man
here is Geo Carr, who as a merchant
tailor enjoya a good trade, both in town
Al T e eair is and country, Mr Carr ie a practical cut-
ter of many years experience standing at
the head of his profession as each. He
devotes himself exclusively to men's
ordered clothing, and gents' furnishings
and for this season's wear and next fali'e-
trade, 13l
showing home really fine
goods, all the very best Canadian, Amari•
can and English goods. Nothinglike these
goods were ever shown ' here before,
When you. want to be considered well
dressed you ehonld consult Mr Carr,
see hie goofs and get his prices for a fall
suit or a fine overcoat. He will guar-
antee you thorough satisfaction in price
and in the quality of the goods. His .
trade is one of the best here and keeps
increasing, As a townsman Mr Carr is
Well and favorably known.
Do you like it �mem.D
o r� Then why -
- becontented withit Have -
to be? Oh, no! Just put on -
Ayer's Hair Vigor and have
long, thick hair; sort, even -
hair. But first of all, stop
your hair from coming out. _
Save what you have. Ayer's
- Hair' Vigor will not disappoint
you. It feeds the hair -bulbs; -
makes weak hair strong.
The best kind of s testimonial— _ •
"bold lerr� over sixty y -sari.'}
t>t ParroltAL,
best results are always secured. In
heating and cooking stoves, ranges, eta,
they harry a gated large stock. When
you wau
t anything along the sali
es do
not fail to give this well known drum a
oat', It is one of the oldest business
Arms here and likewise one of the mos-
responeible. Mr l;I Bugg is well and
favorably known as a business man, and
decidedly popular eaa citizen.
(Continued on Page 7)
The councillors were rather late in
gottipg down to business on Monday
evening and it was after half past eight
when Mayor Bell took the chair, there
being present L'ouns. Bennett Hanna,
Nicholson and MoDouald.
A communication was read from the
G. T. R. declining the offer of a five-year
term for the supply of water for their
engines; after some disoussion it was
decided to give the ootnpany a ten-year
The town solicitor wrote stating that
.the Western Foundry Co. matter was
about closed up, ouly awaiting a meeting
of the directors of the company. The
butchers of the town petitioned the coun-
cil for a by-law authorizing the °losing
of all butoher shops in the town at 7
o'clock each evening (except those just
preceding a holiday) during each month
in the year excepting December.
It was decided to grant the butobers
request, and a byelaw will be passed
The High School Board asked for a
loan of $2,000, which was granted.
The Finance Committee recommended
the payment of the following a000unts :—
Frank Patterson, concrete walk.. .$82.49
Prank Patterson, trimming trees.. 4 95
Frank Patterson, raising side walks 1.75
W. G. Paton, repairing lawn
mower .85
Western Foundry Co., 4 crossing
grates„18 28
Wm. Nelson, work at all 2 50
• V. Vannorman, salary 42 00
Geo. Carr, snit for chief 20.00
Jno. Hanna, error in 1905 L. I tax 4.18
E. Dennis, teaming 1.00
A. Sanderson, work on streets - 80,10
A. Sandereen, street watering, 47.60
H. B. Elliott, printing, eto , . 16 45
H. Saint, teaming 3.00
J. B Ferguson, salary and postage 46.25
T. Hall, printing and advtg 28 50
W. J. Greer, express ,85
Wm. Guest, salary 28.50
R. Rankin, salary ,., .,.,, , . 6 25
D. 0. McDonald work 38.26
D. C. McDonald repairing main1 50
The report was adapted, on motion of
Couns. Hanna and Nicholson.
A number of electric light accounts,
amounting to $425 69, were also recom-
mended for payment.
By -Law 543, 1906, was read and passed
confirming the agreement between the
town and Messrs Howson, Harvey &
By -Law 545, 1906, was read and passed
authorizing the issue of debentures to
i•he aura of $1,500 for further improve-
ments in connection with the High School
building. This is necessary owing to
the original amount not being sufficient
to provide for some modern improve-
ments which the Board wish to have in-
The clerk was anthorized to take the
necessary steps to have lands liable to be
sold for arrears of taxes properly adver-
The clerk presented the estimated
receipts and expenditures for the year,
and after some discussion it was decide.1
to adjonrn until Friday evening, when
the rate of taxation for the year will be
Liquid Mediciuee advertised to eare
stomach and bowel disorders and :um-
mer complaints contain opiates _ .'d are
dangerous. When a mother ' ” es Baby's
Own Tablets to her little • •es she has
the guarantee of a Gover . ment analyst
that this medicine does . t contain one
particle of opiate . ha :• fol drag, The
prudent mother w '1 ppreeiate that in
Baby's Own Tabl there is absolute
safety. An occasional dose to the well
child will keep it well—and they prom-
ptly mire the minor ailments of child-
hood when they come unexpectedly.
Mrs. G. Hamlin, St. Asolphe, Que..
says: "1 have used Baby's Own Tablets
for colic and bowel troubles and find
them safe and speedy in their cure."
Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 Cents a box from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. Keep
the Tablets in the aouse.
J.131100- & SON
This another leading business firm
that we trust not neglect from out re-
view of the business places of Wingham.
Mr Bugg, Sr., bought this business a
number of years ago, which is today
conducted by his son H Begg, Who le
manager for the estate. A good stook
of stoves, tinware andis house suppltoe
and a aplendtd trade enjoyed, Etre -
trotighing, gas fitting!' and plumbing
clone Ott the shortest notion and setts-
faction alwrays matted. None bat the
best workmen ate omplayed so that the
Canada's Wonderful Commerce,
In one year the foreign trade of Can-
ada has increased $82,000,000, the great-
est jamp in any twelve months in the
history of the country. The gain last
year was considerable over half the total
foreign trade of Canada in the first year
of Confederation. The following table
tells the tale stoeintly:—
1867 $131,027,532
1876. 174,176,781
188G 189,675,875
18966 239,025,360
1897 257,168,862
1898 304,475,736
1899 321,661,213
1900 381,517,236
1901 386,903,157
1002 423,910,444
1003 467,064,685
1904 472,733,038
1905 470,151,289
1906 552,0011,000
The imports for the fiscal year 1906
(ending Jane 30) were $290,352,408, an
increase of •28,450,937. The exports
were $245,483,956, an increase of $44,529,
010. The sales of farm produce alone
were $27,000,000 000 r
eato his
year than
last, and tants lite:a res increased three
nailIions and a half.
Na country in
y world can show so
great a ratio of increase in its external
commerce as Canada. The percentages
of increase by decades are:
1876 to 1886 996. hamar
1886 to 1894 26
1896 to 1906 130
If the gain of the pastdecade is main-
tained during the neat, Canada will be
in the billionaire oleos.
Ltbb Stook litaricata.
Toronto, An . 7• -.The run at the City
Cattle Market to -day was 50 loads, with
763 head of cattle, 878 sheep and lambs,
300 hogs, and -85 eal'veti.
The market has not yet recovered
fronts the dtllness'tvhiih characterized,
Mast week, and in export cattle Btf•'
pecially the drop is still lower. The ex-
port trade, in fact, seems to be in very -
poor shape just now, nobody apparently
to want cattlefor th
q ne pease t.
The stocker market is weak all rood,
the demand being very quiet. 12 le ex-
peoted there will be a better demand as
soon as the farmers get through their
busy season, which may not be for some
little than yet.
Sheep are steady, and lambs are Or.
little lower.
The hog market is uuohanged from
last week's deollne, though it le said that
prospects are beginning to look for a -
lower market as the fall deliveries COM -
The following are the gnotatibns:
Exporters' cattle—. Per 100 lbs.
Choice $4 50 $4 76
Medium 4 00 4 35
Bulls 3 65 3 74
Light 3 26 3 75
Cows 8 75 4 00
best 1000 pounds and up-
wards 4 85
Stockers choice 8 00
" bulls 2 25
Picked 4 25
Choice 4 00
flogs --
Best . 7 65
Lights . 7 40
Export ewes ...,. • , 4 00
Bucks,.,, 3 25
Culls 3 00
Spriug Lambe 5 75
Calves. eaoh 3 00
.... 390
.,.. , ,,,.. . 2 255
se 75
5 00
3 25
2 40
4 40
4 30
4 00
$ 00
4 60
3 75
3 50
6 25
6 00
Wingham, August lit, 1906
Flour per 100lbs_ ,, 2 25 to 2 75
Fall Wheat ... , 0 76 to 0 76
Oats, 0 32 to 0 34
Barley 0 42 to 0 45
Peas 0 65 to 0 66
Buckwheat , .. 0 55 to 0 55
Butter...:.. .. 0 17 to,0 17
Eggs per doz 0 16 to 0 16
Wood per cord 2 50 to 8 00
Hay , per ton 600 to 700
Potatoes, per bushel new 0 75 to 0 75
Tallow per lb 00380006
Lard... 015to015
Dried Apples per lb 0 05 to 0 06
Live Hogs, per cwt, 7 60 to 7 60
Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th
Those interested in Business College -
work should write for our large cata-
logue. This is the largest and best
Commercial and Shorthand Sohool in
Western Ontario. We give a prac-
tical trainiugand assist our graduates
to responsible positions. Many of
the leading business colleges employ
our graduates as teaohers. Write
now for free catalogues.. '
The Canada Business College
The only building of the kind in Canada
built and used exclusively for Business College
pu the Conti th finest equipment of the kind
Pall term opens in the new building, Tues-
day, Sept. 4th.
Our catalogues are free for the asking, and
will tell you all about this splendid. school, the
finest of its kind the Continent, and the
grand work it has been doing for the past
tty years,
If you Cannot come to Chatham, and want to
be a bookkeeper. stenographer or penman,
take our home training by mail.
Catalogue lL will tell you all about our home
Catalogue b' will tell you all about our train-
ing at Chatham.
Write for the one you want, addressing
i). hiCLAC1jtA1V ,@ CO., Chatham, Ont.
1'. S,—Mention this paper in writing,
♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦iN•♦♦b`bb♦1.1♦•♦ ,
• •NEW—" •
•!Butcher j
I w
- HAVE opened a Butcher Shop
in premises two doors north
se Of the Chisholm Block, and
am fully prepared to supply the I
best of all kinds of
>;resh and Cnrert Meats.
♦ Special attention paid to orders -
♦ from farmers and others 'for meat
in large quantities.
♦ A. share of your patronage, is
Irespectfully solicited.
IN -•-
We have too muck Wall Paper on hand
for this season of the year, and to make
room for new goods we have decided to put
the knife to the borders. Prom this date
we will Hell all borders at the same price
as wall. If you have a room or more to do
call and take advantage of this reduotion.
Borders the same price per
roll as the wall.
Miss Ke MI Asher
Successor to Cooper & Oq.
will l i ►ift ►'�'�"'tt r, ! :
$12 Farm Laborers $12
Manitoba and Assiniboia
AUGUST 14th — From all stations
south of line Toronto to Sarnia,
via Stratford,inolnding Toronto.
AUGUST 17tH—From stations To-
ronto to Sarnia via Stratford,and
all stations north thereof, • except
north of Toronto and Cardwell
AUGUST 22nd—From Toronto and
stations east to Kingston inclus-
ive, and all stations north there-
of, also from stations north of
Toronto and Cardwell Jet.
Special arrangements
for returning.
For tickets and full information
call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. J.
D. MODONM.D, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto. ,
Spring Suit
1f you haven't, it's high time you
were thinking about it.
We cordially invite you to take a
look at what we are showing this
spring in the latest
tweeds, Serges,
Fancy beatings,
Ti ouserings, ete.
We oan snit yon in price, quality,
style and workmanship.
Robt. Maxwell
The largest and beat in town. Sole
agents for the fanlons "Spalding" Sport-
ing Goode, and for the celebrated
Kervin's bike's Special dock Cord
Lacrosse Sticks.
We have everything in Baseballs,
Gloves, Mitts, Masks, Bats, etc. Lacrosse
sticks, Gloves, Belle, etc. Footballs,
Shin Guards, etc, Tennis Rackets, Nets,
Balls, etc. "'Taylor" Scotch made Lawn
prices ttr elttbst come in
and arrange.
Tennis Rackets bought from ns will be
re -strung for $1.26 to $2,50 eaoh.
"Palmer's" ]land made hammocks.
Fishing Tackle of every kind.
Cameras and Photographic Supplies.
The largest and beet stock. Free dark
room and instraotione.
Wali paper Business booming here.
d'etrelry, Stationery and Fancy Coe
Watolx ltapairing a Speoialtr,
ono(7asi H. lerr
We just want to make it clear to every farmer that your
Butter aud Eggs will go just as far as your Cash in
buying goods at this store. You are treated just as
well as your neighbor, and your neighbor is treated.
just as well as you are. Our goods are all
marked in plain figures, and we make no
difference in price to anyone, whether
you. pay in Butter, Eggs or Cash.
This is the time of our annual Housecleaning
Sale. Dress Giughams, Colored Muslins, Piques, etc.,
at greatly reduced prices.
Summer Sale continues to the end of August.
We carry a full line of Pare Spices—whole and
I ground. Quality guaranteed ; prices right.
You'll want good Vinegar for pickling, We have
it. English Malt Vinegar. Best Cider Vinegar, and
White Wine Vinegar.
You'll find we're always right on prices and quality
of New Cabbage, Ripe Tomatoes, Fresh Fruit, etc.
.Summer Goods
al- Reduces prices
Come and see our bargains in :
Gaud variety of English and Canadian Prints. �•
American Prints, fast colors, at 7c per yard. 4
gCHAMBRAYS--Pretty Chambrays, perfectly fast colors,
for dresses, dainty colors, at I21Zc. .4
MERCILDAS—The newest dress goods for summer,
► guaranteed to retain its silky gloss and color after 1
MUSLINS—Americaa Muslin, fast colors, sc and 6c. s
Ladles White • Lawn' and Swiss
Shirt Waists, beautifully embroidered and trimmed-- a
just a few odd sizes left, to be sold cheap.
sLADIES' VESTS—All kinds, very cheap. 1
HOSIERY ---Cotton Hosiery at any price.
EMBROIDERIES—Something very special ; regular
• r5c goods for roc; roc goods for 6c., etc.
SILKOLINES--Regular 20c for 15c. Lovely goods for
draping purposes.
S Black Sateen CJrlderskirts at cost.
Also, White Cambric Underwear at cost.
vb ▪ LACE CURTAINS, Dotted Muslins and Colored
Curtain Muslins, Counterpanes, Towels, Ia lannellette
Sheeting, and many other things to be cleared out
during July.
Ours the sacrilice—sr.purs the gain.
A.:MILLi:Ae Una.S.