HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-09, Page 2THE WINGHAII TIME t, AUGUST 9, 1906
I LBU R p SHeepe a very fine stock of miliiaery ea This is an old established business,
well as *byes, eto. Her stook has the hardware now controlled by the new
been selected with great care and iv is firm of Btehop & Bait. Mr Bishop
just ouch a one you are lootiug for if bdught tbie business Ont about a year
you desire soinethiog neat, serviceable ago, and recently No took Mr Ball, who
an$ fashtoueble, Miss Little hag bad u vas tormeriy in the furniture business,
engthy experience, and may be said to into pertuership with him, and the firm
be a first cease milliner, all her goods is now known under the style and head -
being thorough y up to -date millinery. ing of Bishop & Bili. They carry a
The people of Wingham and surround, tine large stool of heavy and ahelf hard -
lug country Are aware of the high grade ware, paints, oils, brushes, harvest thole,
geode Mils Little continually offers. soreens, soreeu doors, wire fenomge,
For bargains in fashionable begdwear binder twine, eto. They also handle
heart and Nerve P01.
Area epeeiflo for all diseases and dia.
orders arising from a inn -down condi-
tion of the heart or nerve system, such
as Palpitation of the Reart, Nervous
Prostration, Nervousness, Sleeplees-
ne•s,Paint and Dizzy Spells, BrainFag.
eta. They are especially beneficial to
women troubled with irregular a ten•
Price 50 cente per box, or 8 far 4L2:,.
AU dealers, or
Tint T. AiIrioioLzIE).
Toronto, Co.,
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up.
to noon Wednesday of each week.
(Continued from Page 1)
see her stook first. cutlery, lamp goods, and have a goo
took of everything in fact comprehend-
ed in a first olasa hardware store. The
new firm's aim will be to make the pur-
chasing power of a dollar, as great, if
nit greater than at any other similar
store here When you want gcod honest
values in hardware, stoves, eta, try the
new firm of Bishop & Ball. TUE TIMES
bespeaks for them a generous share of
the public support,
Conducts a test•ola88 jewelry store at
this point, having been established in
business for upwards of fifteen years.
Re carries without a doubt one of the
finest lines of high grade jewelry,watch•
es, diamonds, t-ilverware, clocks, eta ,
ever shown in these parte. All his goods
aro ot the newest ideas and are vary
renewable in price. These goods are all
the creations of the jeweler's aft and are
all serviceable, suitable for wedding pre-
sents, birthday gifts, etc. All his goods
are gilt edge and are aold very reasonable
iu price. Mr. Patterson makes a spe-
oialty of watch, clock and jewelry
repairing, which is invariably executed
in a prompt and satisfactory manner.
When you want to be assured that you
are getting good value for your money
do not fail to give Mr. Patterson a call.
He is one of Wingham's beet known and
thoroughgoing citizens, being the oldest
jeweler here. He also keeps a very large
stook of eye glasses and spectacles; eyes
tested at any time, and glasses to suit
any sight.
This is one of the landmarks of the
town, baying been established some
thirty years ago. About seven years
ago Mr. L. W. Hanson bought the place,
and he immediately set to work to make
needed improvements, until today he
has as well an appointed hotel as is to be
fouud in the town or county. The
National is a nice appearing two story
building, having all the latest improve-
ments that go to make up a first-class
commercial hotel. In the dining -room
you are always assured of the beat the
market affords, while attentive waiters
serve yon. In the bar you get the beat
brands of wines, liquorteand cigars. Mr.
Hanson is in the enjoyment of a good
commercial trade, and has splendid
gaest chambers. It is no flattery to
him to say that he makes a first-class
landlord, winning golden opinions among
commercial men for conducting a first-
class hotel. Good stabling in connection
and an attentive hostler. Yon are al-
ways assured of a cordial welcome at
the National hotel, Wingham.
Oondnots a first class millinery smear -
carrying a good stock of fi,°ished J. WALTON McKIBBON
hats as well as plain ones without trim- _ Another prominent business man en-
mings, and during the millinery seasons gaged as a chemist and druggist is J.
-spring and fall -- she enjoys a good Walton McKibben, Phm, B., who in a
patrouago. When you want a stylish central and up-to-date drug store keeps
hat give her a call. She will snit your a carefully selected stock of pure drugs,
taste and your pocket. Hats trimmed . proprietary medicines, toilet articles and
on the shortest notice.
Prominent among the business men
we must not neglect to mention is J 0
Leckie, baker and confectioner, who is
in the enjoyment of a good trad .'. A
place where tate staff of life is manufac-
tured in edible fo•m must alway t be an
obj .ct of interest. Everything about
Mr Lsokie's baker; is as cleee and pre-
sentable as a new pin. There is a place
for everything and everything is in its
plana. It has always been his aim to
supply nothing bat the best in bread,
biscuits and confectionery. Mr Leckie
is well and favorably known as a citizen.
Started in the butcher business here
about thirty years ago, and has during
that time developed a good paying trade.
Mr. Diamond is a thoroughly experienced
stockman and invariably aims at securing
the very best class of meats for his pat-
rons. He supplies many of the leading
families here, as well as enjoying a good
trade ,with the hotels. When you want
to be assured of the very best in meats
of any kind you should give Mr. Dia-
mond a call. He will guarantee to use
,yon rigkt as to the fine line of meats he
offers. As a townsman Mr Diamond is
a man well and favorably known.
Is another business man that we m est
not overlook in our review of the neat-
ness interests. Mr. Kaiser keeps every-
verything in the line of watches, olocks and
and jewelery. Watch, clock and
jewelry repairing of all kinds, of this he
makes a specialty. Any one desirous
of purchasing aiiaest•claes line of eewelry,
watches, clocks, etc , should no, fail to
give Mr. Kaiser a call, A cordial in-
vitation is extended to all to inapsot his
goods, and the reasonable prices at
which he sells cannot fail to meat the
expeotations of intending perobasers.
His stook is a very flue one and as he
Belle very reasonable he has estab ieh-
ed a good paying trade in the short time
he t as been in business here.
A. T. FORD, V. S.
Those who know say that A. T. Ford
is one of the most painstaking and coin -
patent veterinary surgeous in this part
of the country. In his short residence
here of two and a half years he has es-
tablished a good name far himaelt as a
first-elaes man, understanding every
branch of hie profession thoroughly. He
has in addition to performing some very
difficult operations, been very successful
in nearly all oases he has been called to.
No one better understands the varied
diseases that afflict the dumb creeltion.
When your stook is ailing, from what-
ever cause, call in Dr. Ford. V. S...
Among the prominent business men
here we most not neglect to mention
P. S. Linklater, the well known grocer.
His stock of high-class groceries has ; JOHN GALBRAITII
been selected with $re it care and he ; Conducts a first-class general store at
sella very reasonably. Mr. Linklater is
Breathe Hyomel a few Times Baily
and be Cured -Goes Bight to the
In treating catarrhal troubles, the first
thing necessary is to kill all .catarrhal
germs that may be present in the throat
and lungs, thus freeing the system from
the poison that they produce.
Stomeole dosing cannot kill these
genius. A direct local treatment is ab.
whitely neoeseary, and for this purpose
nothing else equals Hyomei.
Its base is the famous eucalyptus oil.
This is Combined with other healing
aromatic gums and balsams, Making a
germ -killing, health -giving treatment
t"or cataarh, entirely unlike anything
else known.' When using Hyomei the
air you breathe ie like that on the moon•
tains, high above sea level, where the
pine forests fill the air with fragrant and
healing balsams that give health and
strengti to those suffariug from diseases
of the respiratory organs.
Breathed through the neat pooket in.
haler that comes with every outfit Hyo -
mei reaches every tissue of nose, throat
and lungs giving immediate relief, and
effecting a permanent ewe in the wors
oases of catarrh.
The complete outfit, consisting of an
inhaler, medicine dropper, and one
bottle of Hyomei, costs only $1. Extra
bottles can be obtainea for 50 cents.
If you cannot obtain Hyomei of your
dealer, it will be forwarded by rail,
postage paid, on receipt of pride. Write
. to•dpy for consultation blank that will
entitle you to services of our medioal de-
partment without charge. The R. T.
Booth Company, Hyomei Building,
Ithaoa, N. Y.
a very careful buyer and his aim is to
always secure the best in ever) line he
handles from groceries to canned goods
and fruits. Anything yon buy there
you can invariably depend upon its be-
ing as represented. He is in the enjoy-
njoyment of a splendid trade which since he
started some four years ago, has meter -
Oxlip increased every year since. His
trade also extends out through the
country for a distance of some fifteen
miles. When oa
good values in
alt lines of groceries, canned goods,
fruits etc., give Mr. Linklater, the reli-
able grocer, a call. Personally Mr.
Linklater is one one of Wingham's
most; esteemed citizens
There are very flew hotels in the County
that you will find better conducted or
where you will get a be ter meal than at
the King Edward, Wingham. The
house is a model of neatness and every
attent on and courtesy is shown to the
travelling piblic. In the dining room
you get the best of everything in the
market, cooked in a manner to snit the
tastes of all. The bar is supplied with
choice perfumery, In the lines of ro•„ the finest lines of wet gocds, as well as
p the beat imported and domestic oiga.
Dir Orr for one year and a half had his
brother in partnership with him, but for
the past year and a half he has been con-
ducting the house himself. Mr Orr is
prietary medioines Mr. McKibben keeps
everything of the best that is in the
market to -day. He makes a specialty of
compounding medical prescriptions and
family recipes, which are carefully and
this point. By buying right and gelling
reasonable he has built up a goof paying
trade. He keeps a good stook of dry
goods, clothing and groceries. His stock
is well seleoted and covers every branch
of the ordinary retail trade. Mr. Gal-
braith'e long experience euabies him to
give tee public the benefit of a goad class
of goods at fair and honest prices.
Sias had a lengthy experience as a
blacksmith and horseshoer, and he can-
not be excelled for first-class general
jobbing, horseshoeing. Throughout this
entire section Mr. Murray has won an
enviable name for high-class work. In
horaeshoeing. Mr. Murray particularly
excels. All sorts of repairing of wagons
and machinery done on the shortest
notice. Give him a trial when you
wont good results.
BAterrsr O r Ra>r--Sabbath aervioes at
1.1 a m and 7 p. m. Sunday School at
2:80 p m. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings, R,ev. E. R.
Vitali, B.A.., pastor, B.Y.P.U. moeta.
Monday evenings 8 p.m. Abner gosens
S.S. Superintendent.
Marao»lsv OttelROg-Sabbath services
at 11 a m and 7 p M. Sunday School at
2:80 p m. Epworth League every Mon,
day evening, General prayer meeting
on. Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. R.
Gundy, D.D., pastor. W. B. Towler,
r4.D., S. S. Superintendent.
PRESBYTERIAN O$IIROu-,c{- abbath ser-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perris, pastor. L. Harold, S 5, Su-
ST. PAUL'S OITURCtitf, E$IsQOP,/al<,--Sab-
bath services at 11 a In and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30p xn. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
T. S. Boyle, M. A,, B. D. Rentor and
S. S. Superinteudeut. John. Taylor and
Ed Nash, assistant Superintendents.
SALVATION ARaee-Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and B p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barraoks.
Posr Oli'leroE--In Macdonald Block,
Office hours from 8 a m to 6:80 p m,
Peter Fisher, postmaster,
PUBLIC I TBRARY-Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:80 o'clock. Mies Maud Robertson,
Tows OOUNOIL-Thos. BeII, Mayor;
S. Bennett, David Bell, Thos, Forbes,
Geo. 0. Hanna, D. E. McDonald and
Wm. Nicholson, Ooanoiliors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson
Dulmage, Assessor. Board meets first
Monday evening in eaoh month at 8
Some great writer has said "he that
hath no mato in hie soul, is fit for otrat•
egms and spoils." Music no matter
what kind, has a refining iufiaenoe in
the home. Your children's education is
only fairly finished unless they under-
stand mesio. D. Bell is a dealer in
pianos of the best Canadian makes and
he does a very extensive business in the
same. Pianos, Organs or small musical
geode for sale, as well as sheet music.
accurately compounded. Everything in leaving nothing undone that should be Mr Bell handles such well known
p y done to meet the approbation of the pub- straments as the Hefntzman and New -
every line of the best, from the most re- lie. He has had fifteen years experience combs, Dominion pianos and organs eta,
liable houses in Canada and the United now as a hotelman and those that pat- These instruments in point of finish,
States. Mr. McKibben is one of the eriuize the King *Edward may reit as- ; volume ani tone are not excelled by any
popular young men of the town. eared of the best. Good ambling in : made anywhere. When you are think -
connection and an attentive hostler in " ing of getting rid of your old organ, or
charge. Mr Orr as a hotelman is wino- ; when you wish to bay a spleadid new
Is a thorough believer in the efficacy ing great praise for the manner in which instrument give D. Bell a call at his
of printer's ink, and that anything in he is conducting thia hotel. He is court- : music emporium, Wingham. His stook
the business line worth doing is worth eons and obliging to all. Yon are in- of musioal instruments are of the best
doing well. Being thoroughly up -to- vited to call when in town, every court- and he will deal reasonable with you.
date himself he is felly aware how first- esy will be shown you.
°lase goods sell themselves, You are al-
ways assured of the best and all his These mills are owned and run by
goods are of the latest deo ign and in. Another prominent business man here Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank, who
elude watches, clocks, silverware novel• that we must not over look is Robert have conducted them for the past seven
ties, satiable for wedding presents, etc., Johnston who =ducts a fine boot and yearn -out of forty years that they have
one of the finest stocks ever exhibited in shoe establishment which he started been doing fort e. excellent trade
Wingham. Mr. Knox is a specialist in sometime ago. Here yon do not have is done in high grade An e ascwellr as
the line of repairing. The superiority to leak through scores of cases to find mill feeds of all kinds; their flour hav-
of his work has gone abroad, and the what you are looking for, you may see ing achievededof an enviable name not only
same is true of the superiority of his it at a glance. His stock has been oare- in en, but throughout the only
goods and he is in the enjoyment of a fill y selected and covers the entire field
Pee -
good trade. See his beautiful stock be- o: Canadian made boots and shoes, for virtu and Qaebeo. The mill has a ca -
fore you buy. All goods sold with a men women, misses and children, the pacify of 125 barrels of Hoar per day,
due regard to price and quality. Every- equal of any boot and shoe store in the their principal brands of float"
thing guaranteed, everything of the county. When you want good values Five Lilies, Prairie Rose Star
as wall as "Cream Pastry." Their trade
best. Mr. Knox also keeps a full stook an. honest treatment in boots and shoes
increases very materially each year, ow -
of sporting goods of all kinds; lacrosse try Johnston the boot and shoe man, he
sticks, baseballs, footballs. hammocks, has had eight years experien; a in busi- ing to the foot that they make the very
tennis rackets, fishing tackle, etc. In nese and he has put that to good account finest 'product in the market to -day.
cameras and photographic supplies he in the way of seemng serviceable boots The mill is a full roller process. In ad -
carries a splendid stock And a very and shoes cheap in price Repairing ditiou to the fine trade in floor these
large business is wall done on the shortest notice by flrat•clasa
mills also enjoy a good patronage in
done in paper, mill feeds as well. When you want the
school hooka, magazines and stationery, cobbler. Give him a call when you best results in the bread you bake you
As a townsman .Mr. Knox is alive and want exceptional values. He has should give the Wingham Roller Mills
progressive. secured the entire store where he le a call. Tile company pays out thousands
now and intends enlarging it to double ll
dollars every W. MARSHALL. its present size and he will have it cam- of year to farmers in this
pleted by the firat of September. As a vicinity and their business is one of the
Another prominent and progressive citizen Mr. Johnston is well and favor- bast here. The firm controlling the
business man here is Mr. S. W.lMar- ably known. Wingham Roller Mills are Howson,
shall, who carries a well equipped stook Harvey and Brocklebank. Mr Howson
Punr,t° Same BadRb.-A. E. Lloyd
(chairman), J.D. Long, J. J. Homuth, T.
Hall, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross,
C. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F.
Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings seoond Tuesday eveningin each
(chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P.
Macdonald, John Wilson, V.S., J. A.
Morton, 0. P, Smith, W. F. VanStone,
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Cessna,
treasurer. Board meets second Monday
evening in each month.
Puitfo SCHOOL ' T13AotERs,-A. H.
Musgrove, Principal, Mies Brook,
Mies Reynolds, Mise Farquharson, Misa
Oornyn, Miss Matheson, Miss Wilson,
Miss Cummings and Miss De La Mater.
(chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg-
ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr, 3, R. Macdonald,
Medioal Health. Officer.
of all kinds of harness and horsemen', H E ISARD & CO is the manager and is a man well and
supplies generally. And he has tier- favorably known and highlv,esteomed as
fainly aohieved a splendid name as an A One of the most reliable business a citizen.
I harness maker. All his harness is houses of the town is that of H. E.
hand made, giving it an advantage Ieard & Co., who conducts a first-class
over the machine made artiole, that general stoie,keeping one of the best eel -
only those who have tried both ever acted stocks of general merchandise ever
dreatned of. In horsemen's suppliea his shown in 'Wingham. In dry goods he .
stook is very complete and includes keeps the best staple lines, as well as
everything that is used on a horse. He ready made clothing, gents' furnish
makes a specialty of repairing of hay Inge, boots, shoes and groceries, His
neer aid horsemen's supplies generalise long experience at the bnsibess, intimate
When yon want good satisfaction give knowledge of the people; correct bust-
Co a ye p i a w t him a call. Hass methods and always .giving good.
■ i it ■ ■ values is what has helped to build up
BRUNSWICK HOTEL their very successful career in so short a
time. Mr. bard gives a Close personal
LOOK out for these symptoms Of This well known and well appointed supervision to the bneiness and in this
torpid liver and biliousness: hotel is acknowledged by the public w y e r the ve b t e Ila late
generally b e one o the beat commer- tharou hi uudetetands over
g cine Houses in Ontario --in fact second to the bneiness and as he is a prudent
Bitter taste in the mouth, none anywhere in the Dominion. It has buyer hie onstomere aro a]'7ays assured
Attacks of headache, been the aim of Mr. Alex. Orr, the genial Abe best bargains. Good value and
Fickle appetite and indigestion,, proprietor, nines starting business in this honest treatment are his mottoes. Per -
Peelings of weight and oppression hotel to improve his house from time to see peals a man held is high esteem
about the Stomach time, and nothing hob makek left undone by all alassee.
, that ahoald be done to the Btang-
Pale, muddy complexion, wick first-class in all its appointments. WINti}HA1i GLOVE LEATHER
Depressed spirits and irritable Mr, Orr has renovated the house from MILLS.
temper, the top to the bottom; he has added nevi
p f inside lavatories, nava furniture, new Another prominent industry is the
Constipation and looseness pf the liuoleume, carpets, eto., until today he Wingham Glove Leather Mills, of which
'bowels. has a betel furnisbed second to nine. Mr, W. D. Pringle is Manager. They
The most satisfactory regulator of There are splendid partere, Wide oorri• manufacture a very fine glove for Men
the liver is Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver dors and ideal guest ehamrere every which finds a ready Bale throughout the
thing, in feat, to make one feel at home. country, and also do all sorts of dressing
S'itiS. This pct ell-knoivfs medicine In the diningroont you are always asaur- off all dkinde of glove leather, which is
On --
lute a direct and �Spetilic action On ed of the beet money can buy. Good a 1ppe toglove mannfactnrbra in On -
the liver, enlivening it in its Work wet goods and the beat of domestic and tario and Quebec. Since taking posses -
of filtering the blood and aiding imported cigars. The stabling aacom• elan o this factory two years ago Mr.
Prie 1 has mat riall in r
e 0 Cane theon -
, mociation cannot be enipaaBed; and an g y ed t
digestion. , . �" attentive hastier in charge. Ae a hotel• put of the concern, and wherever their
Dr. lei e s Kidney ever Pills, man Mr. Ort is popular with all classe%, gloves are for bale they are eagerly
one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, tit all and his popularity increases with his sought alter, while their leather Meets n
deities, Edmanson r .... & Co.,rade, Wben Iii Wingham Rive the Testi* demand, They are also dealers in
. Wray be used right. y the pries*.
11 t b f a ecu ea ry ea r su
Coated ton ue g y y detail of
, or r 't t Hotel'Brunswick a 0611 I YOU will calf- pay
highest , tailor', for which they
(Continued On Page 4)
Does Your Stomach
Bother You?
Dr, Shoop's Restorative Cures All
Distressing Stofnach Troubles
'Mels ll the Inside Nerves.
As you value your health and happiness don't
neglect to care tor the slightest stow coat pain. -
don't let It go, At the first sten of distress use
Dr. Shoop's Restorative and end alt these
troubles. These aches are signals --they are
si•mptomeof coming disease -lett wise to ignore
them? Yon who never eat a hearty meal with-
out a sense of 'Winces followed by a period
of laesitudc or drowsineee-beware.
Neglect these condi• tions and you surely
invite distreaalnts •.-:Z indigestion --you'll
beeomo at sallow, miserable d y s -
pepttc. o you D0 experience any
Of triCsbeymp- totes? - -itis.
tress atter '.`j�'():x Cattnwreturn•
ing of food to mouth,
gnawing at �t i Like
neh,ritmblinlY �C't',l 1r�tSf' ofgas, belcii-
ing of wind loss Of aptC-
tite. heartburn, Til 1 �i /headache, d ir-
ztneas? If you'• suffer in any of
these ways, your\ ' /duty is clear-••
there IA b n t one \ ; eonrso open to you-+•
strengthen the inside `• • ; nerves --t ase Special
a t bin n eh nerves . � r shake off forever. tide
evideneoofdisease. Put ° the digestive nerves in
condition to not as nature Intended the should,
Ilon't drug, don't force•-inst rive the inside,
nerves naturst force, Kende tonic nature's help.
Dir 'Shoop's Itestorattie Should he takrn todo
, tbts--ft is the only preecriiction which builds u1p.,
Cr even attempts to restore the inside Ste
THE WINfillilit TIMES. ulaws, of the English not cul
IS PO111,1811 ,11 luck to Their Divided
The Times Mee, Seaver Block
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Orders for the insertion of advertisements
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any kind of au advt. in any of the Toronto or
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TRIES OFFICE, II''inghani.
Prgnrletol sad PublTTisher
• Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion. (}old Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid,5o diseases of Women and Child;
ren. Moe hours -1 to 4 p, m.: 7 to W p, m.
Centre Street
Physician, Surgeon, eta.
Office-Iaodonald Block, over W.MoKibbon's
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
DR. ROBT.O. REDMOND, M. R.0.8, (Eng)
L. R. 0. P. (Lond.)
(Moe, with Dr. Chisholm.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
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gages, town and farm property bought and
sold.gOffice, Beaver Block, Wingham
Wingham, Ont.
E. L. DlolaNsoi
Dunrair Houma
OaTioa: Meyer Block, Wingham.
Wingham, Ont.
ARTHUR .1, IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. B.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Oiiioe
over Post Omoe, Wingham.
Plunking circles in England --MA
they embrace' this year an even great-
er proportion than usual of the fash-
ionable set• -once again are keenly ex-
ercised about the question of women
riding astride, and though the popular
prejudice against tits practice is ea
strong as ever; those who adv&te
are championing their faith With the
courage that is at least conspicuous,
says the New York Press. All the
principal packs nave ropreeetitattves
of a sartorial division as appalling.
say the conservatives, ae would follow
on the granting of home rule to Ire-
land. The Rytchley and the Quorn.
the Blackmore Vale and the V. W. 0.
-as those who follow. the Vale of the
White Boren love to call themselves --•-
have frowned ae vainly as ungallantlt
on the fair ploneere, who come to
their meets In long frock goats that
just show neat top boots resting In
stirrups on --the horror of it --both
sides of a man's hunting saddle. The
masculine -looking renames still stick
to their guns and their -by courtesy -
"divided skirts," and In spite of the
outcry of the doctors, in one of a sad
suspicion of unholy satisfaction on the
part of the field when one of the
"straddlers" comas to grief, many of
these riders are going ao etratght and
so, strong that they are elowiy but
surely 'finding more imitators emery
Root of the Idea to Which Wofaeiia
Ow* *Duly Foot Dtrfor-
RF't• mitres.
Beals, it is Bald, owe their origin
to Persia. whore they were introducef
upon sandals, in the shape of blocks
of wood axed underneath, Bitch being
the root idea ot those deformities to
which woman ewes so many of her
woes, 1n Persia, the drat home
the heel. however, these blocks of
wood were used simply to raise the
feet from the burning sands of that
country, and were about two inches
With the Persian women thee°
blocks were vastly higher than those
affected by the men, their height be-
ing from 18 inches to 2 feet, thus be-
coming more of the nature of stilts
than anytbing else. Strangely
enough, many years after a similar
fashion came into vogue in Venice.
but the motive in this case was com-
ically different, for by its means jeal-
ous husbands thought they would be
able to keep their wives at home:
The supports of such shoes in Venice
were called "Chapineys," and to ap-
pease the vanity of the ladies, and doubt-
less also to sugar the pill, were made
highly ornate. The height of tbese
cbapineya determined the rank of the
wearer, an extra coating for the pill,
the noblest dances being permitted to
wear them half a yard or more high.
ALE$. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
Por the County of Huron; sales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the Tmina office will receive prompt attention.
and anyone having live stook or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Txnins. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for the artiole or stook than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the TIMss and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
London 6,40 a.m.... B.80p.m.
Toronto & East 10,40 a.m0,48 a.ai.... 2.40p.m.
Kincardine..11,14 a.m... 2.08 p'•m.... 9.15p.m.
Kincardine ....6.40 a.m -10.40 a.m.... 2.40 p.tn.
London 11.10 a,m... 7.85 p.m.
Palmerston 9.85 a.m.
Toronto & East 2.08 p.m..., 9.15 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham,
Toronto and East... 8.53 a.m.... 8.84 p.m.
TeeeWater 1,25 p.m....10.51 p.m,
Alta va lrnorr
Teeswater... 6 45 eau 11.28 p.m.
Toronto and East ......1. 17 .m..,10.48 p.m.
.T. H. BREMER, Agent,Wingham,
e Denton*
CoPytrilt sts &C.
Anyone sending 5 sketch and deseription real
q,itekir ascertain our opinion free whether a
Invention in probably nnntentahte. Commaniett
nets strictly row:dentin'.'Tendhook on Ratan%
8(alt free. Oiilest money for aecurirrp'ratente.
i'atente taken through Mann O. tegetv4
R1rriai notice, without cher e, in the
Sddentihlc Jl merkatt ,
A handsomely itfurtrated weekly. karma air.
enletton of any eetenttee araC erTB, ti le
arta th* SI. d b alt nawadewtare.
& 0 aelefttiawly, New rg
me Ohdoe. kik lei Ykc Weehiastea. Zl. -
Matter of Economic Interest to Armor -
laws Who Go Abroad for
• . Their Health.
The span of Europe are a mast soure44
of profit to the countries in which they,
are situated. In these Meccas of the
healthless are annually spent millionst
upon millions of donate which tend
to the enrichment, not only of land-
lords and tradesmen, but, more or leas,
of the whole resident population. It
is, therefore, says the 'San Francisco
Argonaut, a matter not alone of, Med-
ical but of economic interest that, in
the opinion of Dr. Simon Baruch, a
distinguished practitioner in hydro-
therapy, who is now within the bor-
ers of the state, there are "springs la
California, the waters of which rival,
in curative powers, those of Baden-
-Baden, Bad-Nauheim, Carlsbad, Can-
nes, and many other famous springs in
Europe." As is well known, particu-
larly such affections as rheumatism.
gout and nervous disorders yield to by
drotherapic treatment; and while the
human mind is so constituted that re-
mote and expensive cures are more
highly considered ,than near and in-
expensive ones, it le certainly. to be.,
hoped that California springs will
shortly Ave a place ,in the cure of
these and other diseases, sub as, in
the opinion of Dr, Baruch, they de-
serve to have, 1 eoltt �i
neovx os.
Swedes ill Irinland. ' '
A Finland correspondent writes; "It
Is not generally known that the
Swedes in Finland form a large pro-
portion Of the population, them being
about 400,000 of these in a- total of
'2,890,000. The Swedes -or more eor-
reetly Finlanders whose mother tongue
is Swedish --are mostly farmers or
workers on the land, only 25 per cent.
of them Inhabiting towns. During the
craze known as '1i'ennamenia' many
Swedes chringed their Swedish. fancily
names foe T'lnnteh Aug, like their na-
tional he:ei 0eOrg Foreman; who died
as Irjo Itoskinen, Of the 260 news-
papers published In Finland ii1 ewei
printed in Swedish."
Can't *op lifer.
"I'm. going up to intervfevl your
'wife," said the society reporter;. "do
post suppose she'll tal117"
"Do I7" replied the husband; "Why,
e1IH'il be talking 'when your twenty-
second edition connee putt"--Vonket?i
'tak�fi 'py 7gterltrlrb. 1
Reiff at, ah@It did you !Meat get M.,
4ualated'with pa'►?" l t
"Bevern] years after t *Ulyd d lki