HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-09, Page 1THE VOL XXXV.—NO. 1800, Tailor -Made Clothes $1 We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6. A fine Iseleotion of Gente' Fur- nishings always in 'dock. • INGHAM TIMES. WINGRAlL ONTARIO. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1906. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Garden The garden party of the A. Y. P, A., will be held on th Tuesday evening a pleasant evening The Oitizens Band and refreshments nest Tuesday ev eyent. li ',"garleu party, Town Pa nes Remember t A enn Try RsTohnston's n w bbIerfvouryateng; boot and aloe repairtn Come to D. M. GORDON'S Great Midv StinamerSale. The prices in many lines are out M two. May ae well share in the great slaughter. Station Start/ !mare ved. Improvements ha- ea been in order at the C. P. R. station yards for the , past few days. Large Luantities of gravel have been put in th yard and the road- bed and tracks have been raised several inohes. This will nake it more con- venient for passengees getting on and off the trains as the ' et .tion platform and oar steps are about laa level. Party. ender the auspiees St. Paul's church Town Park next 41 a program for a as been ensilaged. ill -be in attendance IU be served. Secy ning clear or this SUMMER Sena.—Slaughter Cash Sale of all Dress Fabrics. Gm. E. KING. Fon SALE—Good Dwelling House and one acre of land, now occupied by me; For terms and particulars apply to GEO. MCKENZIE. Sumir School. The Summer Soho lin connection with the Epworth Leag tes of Wingham District of the Meth- diet Church is being held on the Lower Wingham nate this week. Morning, afeernoon and evening sessions are being hzd and an interest- ing program is bein& carried out. The meeting will contInnF until next Sunday. On Friday evening t4saored concert will be given in the Met edist church, for which an excellent Jrograzn has been prepared. The pu lc is cordially in- vited to all the servi es. WANTED—A bright young man, about 16 years of age, for general office work. THE WESTERN FOUNDRY CO. • PARLOR SUITE FOR Saret'L-An elegant second -handed walnut .parlor suite in . first class condition, consisting of seven pieces. For sale at a bargain. Apply to R. Tanstone. To Sarnia *d Detroit. Saturday of this the nsagiaagMss.L. Hoifillth Won gives an e of epending two da ing the -beautiful e Tailor and Gents' Furnisher Tashmoo from Sarzj leaveWingham a 2 doors from post office. return fare to Sar only 50 cents rote Sarnia to Detroit. is Saturday of thi take in the most seaeregtai the season. Shorthand AND Typewriting The following is a partial list of the Inns engaging our graduate steno- graphers within the past few days : W. J. Gage ec Co., Toronto Barrister Vanatone, Wingham Cottatn Seed Co., London Ifarks Electric Co., Detroit Monarch Typewriter Co. Toronto Wingham Business College "Affiliated with Clinton Business College.) OPENS SEPT. 3rd Drop a postal for information to 7.7 GEO. SPOTTON, -• Principal. NEW ARRIVALS Pure Paris Green (Government titandard)—the best 25c per pound. A k nhseph Foot Powder Mules and dares tired, sweaty and swollen feet. 156 a box, or 2 for 25c. Walton McKibboo Plub.111. DRUGGIST. IdatadOnald Tel - Wiereirtalit This 'tore elopes at 8 P. eatery weaning °adept Saturday*. eitsetesseissesee ek is the day of I, 0. 0. F. excur- etroit. This exour- talent opportunity a in Detroit and hay. [11 on the eteamer, a to Detroit. Train 6 40 a. m. and the a is only $2.05 and on the boat from Remember the day week and arrange to °pular excursion of Don t miss the targa.n. in fuiniture at our store &trine Ju.s and August. WALREI: BROS & BUTTON. se/ R. Johnston, the ahoe mansg*lehes to infrom the public that he he, engaged a firet-olass cobbler an is p pared to do all kinds of boot an oe repairing. Give us a call: Satia ction guaranteed. .All rips In shoes purchased from sus aewed feee. • Woman' t Ins lute Meeting. The regular mon nion4lily meeting of the Woman's Institute eld laat week at the home of Mrs, Wm. one was a decided success. Many of t e members are away holidaying and the Jttendance was not as large as it worId have been. The subject under disc ssion was picketing and canning veget him A receipt for picketing without ljaat seemed greatly in • favor. Canning c rn, beets, tomatoes, pumpkins, etc. ha all been a euccess with some of the i4mbora. These meat- ings ars both edi ping and interesting and the local Ins tate will hold some very good meetin during the fall and winter. Yon will find our furniture store the best place to deal for high-class goods at most reasonable pelotas. WALT= Bites & BUTTON, furnithre dealers and under- takers. FURNITURE SAL by private sale at h week dey afternoo Angled a part of h ote mprieing a good • ing range, and bed hall stand, and a n es. Also a fine plea°. Dr Towler offers residenoe, on any from llth to 22nd s household effects, edinm sized cook - Ora furniture, new ether of other artici- Gerhard-Heintzman Llstswe • Old Boys Tho editor of ti a Timm spent two days laid week at t te Old Boys' re -union celebration at List Wel. They were two happy and enjoys le days Of meeting With old boys Mad girls we had not Omen. in nasty yeses. We ,inet one young Merl, wheal we 4ad eat type with over twenty-three yeaf. ago, as well as old school mates 'wit m we had not teen in eighteen years. 1 It war rather hard in some oases to iluro Out to whom you were talking. The oelebration Was decided, success n every way and all the old boys and gi1s thoroughly enjoyed themielves. town was gaily doer- ated for the 000lIlion and the Listowel people are dose 'ng hearty thanks for the Way in 'whucj2 they entertained the many former r�Lldont,. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Wingham' Hospital. The work of refl t g‘ the Webster property for the Win ham hospital will be commenced at. on • The interior of the building will be th 'roughly overhauls ed and a good ordain ef hot water heat- ing will be Metalled. It le expected that the work will be cora leted by the end of September. Highest price paid for hides and pout - try at T. Fells' butoher shop. Our Nefi Story. The Trues will oJnnmnoe publishing next week a new story entitled "A Gentleman from I gliana," by Booth Tarkington. This es said to be a very interesting dory an we hope our read - era may enjoy rowing it. New sub- scribers can have tl nines to January lst, 1907 for 25 oen7s and will get is very interesting re lug, Remember the A P garden party, Town Park next day e • iing. IsTOTICE.—Por the convenien of par- ties•wishing to pay their a000s, 1 have arranged to be at Mr. 5 0. cey's furni- ture store every aftern and evening up to and inc nding Saturday, Auguat 18th. R. A. HUTCHISON. Change in Bus Mr H Davis, colle received notice to v occupied by him as twenty s ears. This need as a barber sho Miss Little, milliner, ret's present premia ston will nee the d Macdonald block f lankness. 8). ness Stands or of customs, has ate the building n office for over building will be by Mr R Barrett. will take Mr Bar- an'd Mr R John- ble store in the his boot and shoe t— The River Hotel Bay Id, the great summer house on la e a d river is where everybody is going t e hot times. Geo. Greenslade, propriet . This property is for sale or exchange by A. E. England, Wingham, Ont. Pupils for The editor of met an old school is now residing in said Wingham w securing Mr, A. for our High Soh that a number of to Wingham fro Thomas, That W will have a larg seems to be. ass wonders why the ant a High Schoo igh School. he TIMES last week ate at Listowel, 'who St. Thomas and he a very fortunate in . Taylor as prinoipal ol. He informed us holism would come Dutton and St, gbam's High Sobool number of pupils red and one now awn was so long with- PRESERVI,NG TIME.—If you come to D. M. Gordon's its your gem jars and the best preemie re sugar in the world, you will not be oaapeonated either in the price, quaritite or ualitv. Oddfellows' G ves Decorated. On Thursday eve ing last the mem. bers of Maitland L dge, 1 0. 0. F,, to- gether with violin brethren, marched in a body to the IWingham cemetery where the service jn connection with the decoration of tbel graves of deceased members of the o der was performed. The brethren proteeded from the hall with Bro. J. A. Mbrton as marshal, and on arriving at the emetery were piloted by Bro. W. J. Deld to the different graves, and a num -'er of the members placed a bouquet upon each. Rev. T. S. Boyle acted as cleaplain, and Rev. Bro. J. H. Osterhont (layered the closing ad- dress, A large nn. ober of citizens also took advantage of she occlusion to visit the cemetery. NOT HELP E tou—Last aturday was the first day of 11. E. I rd & Co's Bjg 10 days sale.I They port a very busy day, not ha'i g h enough with two extra salesp le to wait on the rush of customers ey will have still more help for ne Saturday so that shoppers will be w 1 attended to. Come as early in the dayj as poseibIe. Just one week more of the leer sweep sale. Move quick, and save ney. Death o ohn Bosman. Mr John Bosm n, one o! Winghara's highly respected fesidants passed away very suddenly ea4y Thursday morning last. Deceased hall been in feeble health for some. time an. only a few hours be- fore his death 1 o was seized with a weakness. Job Bosman was born in Frodingham, Yerkshire, England, on the 24th of June, 1826. In 1851 he came to Canada and . few menthe before leaving his natiue land he was married to Eliza Hart, w -'o survives him. He settled fleet near Markham and remain. ed a few Monti s. then moving near London, Where e heed for 21 years Thirty-six years go he came to Morris township and res ed on his terra on the Blnevale road fo 18 years. Then re- tiring to Blriegal where he lived until moven years ago, hen he cattle to Wing - ham. Mr Bosm n visited his native land some eighte n years ago. Re was a Man of many terling qualities and Was held in high steem by a very large circle of friends. In religion he was a Methodist and i polities a Consereative. He tweed one s and three daughter, viz:—L. H. B Men, Binevale read; Mrs Oohoo, Aust BIM Jas Eurgestr, Vancouver; Mrs tank, Morden, Man. Mr Edward Iles n of Oven is a brother and a brother an sister reside in Eng- land, The ftine al on Saturday after - neon to Winglia cemetery was large- ly attended. AdditionallOcal news on page 5. 1 I $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE 33”,,,M33”,3,11MM,M3M,M3f TOWN OF WINGITANI As a Business Centre and Manufacturing Point, THE HUSTLERS FOR TRADE AND PRINCIPAL BUSINESS MEN. A Retrospective History — Its Past, and the Possibilities of the Future. Wneeirsees has a recognized and deserved standing amongst the foremost of Ontario towns, as to commercial importanoe general progress and nrnenariI well as to future prospeets. Pride of citizenship is a laudable characteriatio, and that Trade Edition of the TIMES is intended to lead Wirighautites to a more intelligent appreoiation of the importance of the town, as well as to enable outaidete near and remote to form a comparatively correct estimate of its growth, its Industrial enterprises, its splendid railway facilities, and its admirable location for factories Situated as it Is in one of the best agricultural districts in Ontario, and having the best classes of farnaers, its shipping business has been greatly increased from year to year, until to -day it is second to none of its size in Ontario ae a business centre. Wingbam is pleasantly situated at the confluence of the North and South Branches of the Maitland River, m Turnberry Township. Splendid natural advantages, utilized and developed by men of enterprise, supplemented by two railways and other blessings of civilization, have combined to make Wingham what it is to-day—one of the must solid, progressive and prosperous towns in Canada. We have now here the finest educational institutions in the country, splendid aerobes, magnificent public buildings, some of the fineat manufactories anywhere, excellent hotels, good streets, miles of granolithic walk a aplend d public librar Innumerable friendly tometies, a first-class band, two good newspapers, and a community of business men of integrity and sound business principles, whose record for fairness goes a long way toward making Wingham the splendid commercial centre it 1818. With new streets opening up, and more lots added to the town, with an increase of manufactories, it is destined at no distant date to become one of the leading town et in the Province. It is with best wishes for the future growth and progress of the town that the TIMES presents to its readers this Trade Edition. A perusal of the notices of the business places and inanufactoriee will amply repay one. WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., Ltmesa. One of the leading manufactories here which has developed a splendid trade throughout the entire Dominion, is the Western Foundry Company, Liraited, manufacturers of stoves, ranges and fur- naces. This splendid business was start- ed some four years ago, and they have by turning out a superior class of stoves. ranges and furnacee, that are modern in design, moderate in price. and perfect in operation, secured a large share of the trade of this country. Employment is given. to a littge number of hands to whom the best wagesure paid. These are all thorough mechanics and the best results are invariably obtained. Every dealer in Canada should get one of thier catalogues and ascertain for themselves the excellent quality of their stoves, ranges and furances. This furnace is acknowledged by those who have them .in use, to be superior to any other make. Their extreme lowness in height, extra large triplex radiating sur'ace, large square ash pit, large fine door opening, large combustion chamber and long one way fire travel, easily make the 'Red Hot Htuon" the greatest furnace in the market to -day. They also manufacture hotel ranges as w 11 as heating stoves. If you are thinking of inveating in a furtive that will give you satisfaction at all times, during ell kinds of weather, or if you are a dealer and wish to place the very best classes of furnac- es, ranges and stoves before your cute tomes, send for particulars to he Wes- tern Foundry Co., Limited, Wingham, wins are in a position to furnish you o ith the best in any of these lines, for the least money. Mr F J Taylor is the manager of this company, while Jas T Collins is eastern representative, Sher- brooke, Quebec, and 5 Hallam, western representative, Winnipeg. The Toronto branch is 501 Queen St West. This is one of Wingham's leading indue. tries and their business is steadily growing each year, demonstr at ing, notwithstanding the large number and variety of stoves, furnaces and ranges that are in the market each year, nothing bat the best such as The West- ern Foundry Co, Limited turn out will win satisfy the public. W. J. PRICE. D. D. S. In our review of Wigham, mention should be made of Dr W. 3. Price, Den- tist. He has his office filled up with all the most modern appliances used in den- tistry. Dr Price makes a specialty of crown and bridge work, gold and other fillings, and where extraction is neces- sary his knowledge of local and general anaesthetics is successfully employed to relieve pain. Dr Price has been very successful and this coupled with courtesy his practice steadily increseee. As a citizen, Dr Price Is one of Wingham's meet eeteemed. CAREY DRY GOODS CO. One Of the hulling business places Imre and enjoying one of the largest trades itt this section of the country, is the Carey Dry Goods Company. This company • conducts a general store. In dress goods a full line'of staple and fancy goods are kept in stock, just as fine lines as can be bought in the lashienable centres of trade, eneh as Toronto or Montreal, and much mote reasonable. Their expellees are smeller and they give their customers the benefit on greatly reduced prices. They are showing a beautiful range of ladies ready made skirts and jackett of the newest creations, ,A. full stook ef sinallwares, also a good line of gents' furnishinge always in stook. In grocer- ies they envy a full stook of the purest and freshest goods, Just at present they are making some great reductions in wortien's apparel, ad gents' furnishinge. HoW the time to itieeute heroine be - fare they are edl gone. They are tut- doubtedly one of the leading business firma here doing an enormous Wade into): Season, and each year finds increase over the farmer year's business. This is the Mote Where you oint invariably • depend on getting' bargains at all times. Produce taken in exohange for goods. T. KEW One of the most praotioal and scien- tifie harnessmakers in this pint of the -country is T. Kew. He is not txCelltd by any one in this line of business here about. Mr. Kew always aims at selling the very best lines of goods at a 'Light advance on what the poorest would cost you. Mr. Kew has only been in bug. netts here a short time, but it has been his aim to give the public good value* all the time, and as a result be is build- ing up a good trade. He carries a Mock of single and double harness as well as horsemen's supp les of ell kinds. Re- pairing executed in a neat and eatisfao- tory manner, and very reasonable in price. THE TIMES besgeaka for Mr. Kew a goodly share of public patronage. R. AWDE Started in business here one year ago in the flour and feed line. Everything in the lines of high grade flour, oatmeal, cornmeal kept in stock. He handles the best lines or flour, both local and outside manufacture and he is in the enjoyment of a good trade. Those in quest of a first-olass article would do well to give him a call. He also handles salt by the barrel. In mill feeds he also carries a very extensive stock, eo that farmers and others wishing anything in these lines should see him and get prices. In the year in business here he has built up a good paying trade, which is steadily increasing. Give him a call when you want good results in either flour or feeds. Phone No. 40. BEE HIVE DRY GOODS STORE. One of the leading dry goods stores here is the Bee Hive, where one of the finest, as well as one of the largest stocks of high grade dress goods, clothing,men's furnishings and general dry goods, etc. is carried of any sore in this part of the county. Groceries, too, are a special feature of this store's se ling. This firm are careful buyers and this coupled with the fact that they always aim at buying the newest and most fashionable goods in the market, is whit has teneed to build up their very successful trade. This firm is in a position to secure season- able goods at all times, and this season they are showing beautiful designs and colorings. In clothing for men and boys' they carry a vet y elaborate stock. The one thing that bas made the Bee Hive a great shopping centre, and that is • the cheapness at which good goods are sold. When you are looking for season- able goods and reasonable in price try the Bee Hive, Whigham, THE WINGHAtd GENERAL HOSPITAL AN IDEAL LOCATIONEC SECURED — WILL ER OPENED itY OCTOBER FIRST. It is a healthy sign for any country when its people realize the fact that lite is something more to them than to play the game of business; it is gratifying to know that Canadians as a general rule set up lofty standards, and that they are admired and resptcted by other people, whose ideas of what a nation owes to its sick, and at/noted, ite blind, its deaf and its unfortunate, are not what ours are at all events if we are to judge by the Mots. The character of 808 Canadian people, and the moral fibre of the na- tion, cannot be better illustrated than by the prompt measures that have been taken for the care of its Blind and its Deaf and Menet) at Belleville and Brantford; the onetime of the magnifi- cent hospital for sick children in Toronto, which is a generous contd. Nation of a wealthy eitizen of that place, Where the *Meted children of 0all classes May be cared for and cured. The many other publitt M- a stitution5 throughout the land, as t well as hospitals all bear silent testi- NV teeny, not- only to the noble generos ty of its petard°, but afford evidences of the Canadian people being alive to the neeee- sity of helping thole less fortunate than Pe thoometves to a pito in the world where ,„ they stand Unbanditanped in the great lee struggle for eacietence. That a hospital IS a necessity in any growing metre, was never better ilinetrated than in the 0014 044, of Stratford, which is a great railway centre. Of course there were the usual quota of croakers who he,ci their hammer out, but neyertheless the Stratford General Hospital was built, and today, as is the o se in nearly every hospital in the country, .i. is filled with patients and has been in that condition almost from its Morton. Of course it is needless to expatiate at ay length OLI the general desirability of such patients being eared for at a hospital. Of the better chane e for recovery, 0: of the superiority of tbe nursing and pare gen- erally and medical strait brought Into requisition at these pub 10 institu• tions. It becomes apparent to the think- iug man that that is what they are there for and it they are not in a better posi- tion to treat the pick, from whatever cause, operation or what not, they would no; to -day be crowded with patients as they are in every part of the country whe.e one existe. s. he inprease of popu- lation and growing needs of the age de - mends more snooramodation along these lines. And with that bj or in view the Wingham General Hoepital Board, as formed, cousistiug of lttayor Thee I Bell, Richard Clegg, Frank 3 Taylor. Rev T. 5 Boyle, Walter 11 Green, R Vanstoue, A E Smith. Dm Tarelyn, Redmond, Kennedy and Macdonald, and Dr B li Hamilton, Belgrave. They have received their charter and have fir:attire eubeeribed for fitting up and the building. The Webster property, facing Cerling Terrace has beeu secured, and it is the intention to have the place opened Mr the reception of patients by the first of October. It is an ideal spot for a ho pital, bele g sheet- ed in one of the highest pointe in the town, and one of the most quiet places, surroun ed by a spacious lawn and beautitul shade as well as fruit trees The building contains some 22 rooms. and is admirably adapted for Hospi purposes. 18 18 just such a place as one would a ish to go who is out of sorts The mortnug sue touches every portion of the house, making it bright and cheerful, while from a sanitary point o view it is nuexotaled Workmen wil have it entirely rsmodelli d wade of tw months, and together a ith new furnish irgs it will be thoroughly up- to-dat in all its appoiutments. A new grano titbit) walk will also be put in about the building. On the upper fiat a oontag isms disease ward will be added. Thi will be completely isolated from the other part of the building. This hospit al will be open to all physicians in 1 he town or surrounding country, who wish to put in patients, As there is no gen end hospital between Kincardine at d London or Stratford, the desirability ot having one at a central point such as this often suggested itself to the minds of the people here, and fired with that ambition and knowing this to be a rail- way centre, some of the more ambitions of our citizens have solved the problem by Scouring the amount of stoos.- men- tioned, and the bulking has been seem- ed, work commenced and by the first of October the Wingham General Hospital will be a reality. WINGHAWS PROGRESS. THE ANGUS FARM TO BE LAID OUT IN TOWN' LOTS—DESIRABLE BU/LD- ING LOTS FOR SALE. How Are Your Eyes? Eyesight is prioeless—protecb it while youcau. WO EXAMINE EYES FREE and At each eye with its proper glass. If your eyes, trouble you, or the spec- tacles you now wear do not suit you, it Will be to your advantage to consult us. Our charges are low, at Walley's Drug Store Phone 100. Successor to McCall ,8 Co NIVOININISININEMIIMEMOINIna. Success in Selling Bed Estate depends on bringing sellers and buys ere together at the proper time The following list is a sample of the many cheap and desirable properties for sale 0 $250, —02-siato:ty brick cottage ; corner $2500.-2lorstory frame !mum ; excellent oondition ; Centre St. f $2100— 2 story frame house; bath,eto., 1 stable; worth 421;00; Minnie St. o $1300—New brick cottage, Josephine • street. e $1300 -2 -story frame house; stable; . Leopold St. $1200-4 story double frame bonse, rents $18 per month ; John St. $ $i100—li story frame house, 8 roma, stable; Frances St. . $1000-1l story new brick house, 7 r001128; corner los; Charles St. For the past number of years Canada has been experiencing a wave of newel. led prosperity. In almost every line of butines* it is the same, and no matter, what part of the country you go to, whether the far North, among the ice bergs and boulders of the Klondike or the salubrious climate of British Columia, or beside the sea at Halifax, it is the same never-ending cry of progress and ptosper- ity. There is hardly a malt town or small city in the country, where there is not a scarcity of dwelling houses, not withstanding that houses are being halt in all these places as fast as labor and material can be obtained. What it will be in ten years from not it is difficult to conjecture, but there is one thing cer- tain, "the heather is a -fire" everywhere in Canada, and particularly in this Provinee. Motet that were hamlets, emboldened by the strides being made in other places, have thrown off their swaddling clothes, have taken on the sirs and responsibilities of citizenship, and have deleloped into villages, vilages into towns and towns into cities; and stilt the sun shines and prosperity is the wat:thword. Wingham too, is having its share of the general prosperity. Great improvements have been made to the town in the past few year • and new homes added of which every one 18 proud. The past ten years have witness- ed a remarkable healthy growth in Wingham, and it is on the itiereass each gest. That Winghatn is destined to become a industrial centre hi evident. Situated as it is in one of the beat agricultural disrticts in Ontario, and having the best class of farmers, the shipping business has been increased from yeat to year until to -day Wing. ham is sewed to none of its Size in Ont- ario as a business centre. And the pro- gressive citizens here realize that fact, home the desirability of land commenser ate with the growing needs of -an enter. prising properous town. Behind the citizens here are a number of patriotic bootees 'who are never done attending Wingbarn's praiees while its progressive citizens are ever in the alert to lend more industries. Confidence is felt in the town, that its population can bo doubled in a few years, if the Council and Bbatd Of Trade Will Only do their parts. Winghani has all the natural advantages that go to Make a live sad hergetio town. /sand is comparatively hemp, living is cheap, and there is toern Or innumerable factories and the town le lways prepared to deal generously with hose eeeking a location for industries, iughatti is distinotlyly place of high age, teed its present industries WM- pare favorably with any in this country. The fondant of building has reduced the r tentage of deeirable lots for outlo to a l inimutn man to.day, there appears to o dearth of atallable bttildiug lots, $5000-100 acme, Turnberry township, bank barn, frame house; IS, miles from 'Wingham. $3500-59 acres ; brick home; bank barn; 13 miles from Wingham. 433500 —4.q acres; brick house ; bank - baro; mile from Wingharn. Wroxeter Village Property. $1300-1e story brick house, an excel- lent home for a retired farmer. Call and get full particulars. Agent for Western Lands. • "s J. H. CHISHOLM, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. Vanatone block, Winghata. Having this fact in view Dr. J. P. Kennedy has purchased the James Angus farm, consisting of fifty acres situated at die north east corner of the town which he pure° es having eurvey- ed and laid out in tots n lots. This block laid out in lots, with Ceiling Terrace street continued to the river, and Catharine street also continued to that mint through his property, will just round up that end of the town nicely. This should prove a good investment for those who are on the lookout for desir- able building lots, as it is a splendid location for either factories or dwelltngs. For factories biding. can be easily run in from the Grand Trunk or 0. P. R. railroads which are adjacent to the farm, and material landed for blending purposes. 18 80 a good location in any event and those desirouspf securing any i of these lots tingley or n block should consult Dr. Kennedy. As 18 18 the only desirable builling propene in the town these tote should be snapped up like hot cake. (Continued on Page 2) DONT MISS THIS GREAT SALE A Shoe Clear arice 111•111111116EnnunimmiSIMMOINEPENNENi Yon know what that means. It's a cleaning up of Spring and Summer Shoe stocke, "Sum months and out" is the rtne—ad here they ge. High Shoes and Oxfords— ()veil pair good,reliable shoes —no trash, all Our regular dock. It's the opportunity of the Season to get good shoes at little prices. Pint choice is &twee% best, Don't wait until your size is gone. Ismisrolemsio W. J. Greer TUE SOMER. 'l