HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-02, Page 88 TOE WINGITAM TIMES AUGUST 2, 1906. a Isard's Big Ciean=Sweep Ten Days' Sale COMMENCING SATURDAY, AUG. 4, AND POSITIVELY ENDING AUG. 15, 1906. A Sale That Beats Them All --- Twenty Thousand Dollar Stock to be Slaughtered --- Great Reductions in Every Department --- Never Mind How Much We Lose, It Will Be Your Gain --- Please Come in the Morning if Possible --- Shoppers Will Find the Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in Huron County. Grocery Department. Great Money -Saving Chances for 10 Days Only 1 Ib Art Baking Powder, with graniteware premium worth from 50c to 75c each; 10 days Bale price only 2 cans best Salmon for Japan and Ceylon Teas, regular 250 brand on sale 25o strong Brooms for Laundry Starch, per lb. Yeast Cakes, per box loo bottles Extracts, only.... 4 Ihs Cleaned Currants for Tapioca, regular prioe 10o, for 13o cans Tomatoes 12 bars Laundry Soap for .............. 15c bottle Pickles for,,,, ....., ., .. Pot Barley, per lb 39 .25 .20 .20 .05 .03 .08 .25 .G} .10 .25 ,10 .03 Everything in this department on sale at reduced prices. Big Savings on Clothing. Two thousand dollars worth of the best clothing to be sold at a great sacrifice 18 Men's plain and fancy tweed snits worth $6 50 and 7 00 . $4 95 Men's flake pattern tweed snits good value for $8 00, your choice for ... 5.00 23 fine tweed suits, new patterns, regular $10 CO value for 7.95 Boys two-piece suits, regular $2 00 and 2.50,your. choice 1 50 Boys' 3•piece suits, fancy patterns, nicely made, regular price $4 50, on sale at..., 3.50 Youths' Tweed Suits,worth $5 00 and 6 00 dollars to clear. 3 95 Men's strong tweed Pants, regular price $2 00 sale price - 150 15 pairs pants, well made, regular value $2 50, per pair ............ .. 1 95 Men's strong well made overalls in bine or black Denim .59 10 Men's Waterproof Coate, worth $4 50 and $5.00, on sale for .......... ........... $3 50 Ladies' Wrappers, nicely made, lined waist, good value at $1.25; 10 days sale price .99 Ladies' Seamless Cashmere Hose, regular 35o, for. .25 Ladies' Kid Gloves, black or colors, guaranteed worth $1.25; sale price . .99 A line of Ladies' Linen Waists, nicely made, regu- lar $1 to $1 50 ; your choice for .75 White Lawn Waists, all new goods, 90c line for.. .69 Ono dollar Waists for .75 $1.25 Waists for. .95 $1.50 Waists for 1.15 $2.00 Waists for 1.50 Crums best Prints, new patterns, 12e quality for .10 25c Corset Covers to clear at .15 Gents' Furnishings, A lot of four-in-hand and hook on ties, regular value 25c on sale at Fine Thread Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sale price .... Summer Undershirts and Drawers, special to clear at Fancy soft and Hard front shirts,worth 75c to $1 00 for Cotton Sox, 2 pair for .19 .35 .25 .49 .15 Table Linens. 60o extra wide Bleached Linen Clover Leaf Pat- tern, sale price ,. ..... .45 Extra wide Table Linen, 3 patterns, regular valve 50c on sale .40 New Pattern Table Linen, good value at 75c, sale price 59 Very fine quality Linen 2 yards wide, worth $1.25,on sale at $1.00 One dollar quality Linen for .80 H. E, ISARD & CO., Our very large stock of Ribbons ust be reduced. 20o Fancy .' ibbons at .15 20o Y1:'. Ribbons, all colors, at .15 25c P ain Wide Ribbon at .20 ir'Plain Ribbon, all colors, at .121 2Mc Plain Ribbon, all colors , , , , , , , , ' .10 Great Bargains in Wash Goods. 10c and 121 o Ginghams and Mnslins, for.71 15o Striped Linen for... .10 20o Linen Voile for .15 15o Striped Chambray for .10 Ladies' Cambric Night Gowns, worth $1, on sale at Pretty Gowns, worth $1.25, for,,, Ladies' Fancy Cambric Drawers, 5(c line for A lot of Corsets to clear- reg. 50o and 75o lines at .69 .98 .39 .39. Dress Goods. Fancy Flake Silk Voile, wide, regular value $1.25, sale price .90 Silk and Wool Crepe-deeChene, worth 75c for .50 Colored all -wool Voile, worth 50c for .39 Cashmeres, Lustres and Serges, regular 60c per yard, sale price ,45 Tweed Suiting, regular $1.25, our prioe to clear .75 All other line of Dress Goods at greatly reduced prices. A lot of Top Skirts to clear out, at $1.75 Gray Tweed Top Skirts, nicely made, regular valve $3 50, our sale price 2.50 Towels. Great Saving on Linen Towels for 10 days only 10 dozen Linen Towels, good value at 25c per pair, sale price .... .20 Extra large size, Pure Linen Towels, regular price 35o per pair, our sale price only .25 5 dozen Fine Linen Huck Towels, good valne at 25o eaoh. special sale price .19 Pretty Cream Silk Waists, latest style, good wash silk, regular price $3 50 to $4 00 ; your choice 2 50 .Examine these Silk Values. 10 pieces 27•inch Japan Taffeta Silk, regular 50c quality, in blank or colors, on sale at .42 50 yards Black Soft Taffeta, good valve at 65o, Sor .49 Lace Curtains. Curtains 3M yds long, regular dollar value, on sale .75 12 pairs, worth $1.25 per pair, for .98 20 pairs, worth $2.00 per pair, for 1.50 Big Sale of Carpets Brussels Carpet, one dollar value on sale at .75 85c Tapestry, sale price .65 600 Tapestry, sale prioe • .48 3 -ply all -wool, worth $1, on sale at ..,, .80 60c Union Carpet for .48 25o Japan Matting for .20 Flannellette. Extra heavy striped flannelette, one yard wide, our 10 day sale price .8 Napkins. 6 dozen Table Napkins, good valve at $1.00 dozen sale prioe .75 Large Napkins, fine linen, nice pattern worth $1.50 on sale.... $1.25 Extra large fine Irish Linen Table Napkins, worth $2.50 for 161.95 Special size Irish Linen Napkins, w olrth $3.00 for $2 25 No goods charged at sale price. No goods sent on approbation. Cash or produce in ex- change for goods. No coupon giveor sales punched on tickets during .this Big Sale. Wingham, Ont; MINOR LOCALS. -Re-Union of old boys at Stratford next week. -The TI\tEs for the balance of 1006 for only 25 cents to new subscribers. -The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. -Order the Tlut:s for your friends. 25 cents will pay for the paper for the balance of 1906. -Mrs (Dr) W J Price, will receive on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each mouth, after August. -The regular meeting of Wingham L 0 L, No 794, will be held on Friday evening of this week. -Mrs. Anna Burch, aged 70 years, recently walked from Flint, Mich. to Deleware, Ont., a distance of 130 miles. -Brussels horse races will be held on August 22nd and 23rd. Four races each day and $1450 is being given in purses. -Mr G. C. Black, of Goderich has been appointed bailiff of the First Division Court in place of Mr. Thos. Gundry. -Darkey Hal, owned by Mr. J. E. Swarth won first money in the 2.12 race at Windsor on Saturday, The best time was 2.07 3,;. -Round trip tickets at single fare. good from Saturday to Monday to Kin- cardine and Goderich are on sale at the G. T. R. station. -Last Sunday's rain will do a great deal of good. This was the first good rain we have had in Wingham for a number of weeks. -Richard Irwin, one of the most ac- tive and progressive citizens of Clinton died on Saturday morning after a brief illness, at the age of 66. -Wingham fall fair on Thursday and Friday, September 27th and 28th. Copy of prize list can be had on application to the Secretary at the TIMES office. ---On Sunday over two and one-third inches of rain fell at Guelph. Accord- ing to the records at the O. A. 0. this has not been exceeded since 1881. -.-The Union furniture factory has been closed 4oWnl fora few days while repairs are being made to the boiler and engine and also to the roof of the building, -The 0, P. R. will run a special farm laborers exoarsion train from Wingham on August 14th, connecting with special trains for the West at Toronto, Train leaves here at 7.90 a. m. -Mr. John Woods, of Turnberry, knows how to raise beef cattle in order to make money out of them. He recent- ly sold four steers to Mr. Geo. Wynn for which he received $300. The Palmerston oatmeal mill has been purchased by Mr. J. S. Meyers, of Lis- towel, who will put it in operation at once. The mill will be in charge of Mr. Hembly, formerly of Wingham. -Tho Listowel old -boys re -anion celebration is being held this week and former residents of that town are in attendance from Wingham. The Citizens' Band spent yesterday at Listowel. -Capt Brino, the famous horse sold about a year ago by Richard Harrison, of Walkerton to a man in Indian Head, was lately sold for $3,500 to a resident of Saskatoon. Brino has been stepping some this year and his present owner ex- pecte to give him a mark of 2.04 or bett- er. Rev. W. G. Howson, pastor of the Methodist Church will rettlrn home this week after spending his holidays in Muskoka and will occupy his own pulpit on Sunday next. The sermons of Rev. Mr. MoNevin, who has been supplying for Mr. Howson have been very much appreciated by the congregation. -There is certain to be much more than the usual interest taken in the municipal elections next January. The Reeve of each Township will go to the county council, as well as the village and town reeves. Many of the men who have served faithfully in the home coma - oils for years will thus have a chance to enlarge their experience and useful- ness. It is also argued in this way that the very best men in a local municipali- ty will be seoured for service in the councils, The Health of Ontario. The returns of 735 division registrars for June are the most complete in the history of the Provincial Board of Health. Scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, typ- hoid and coinenmption show a marked decrease, and caused 74 fewer deaths than in June of last year. Whooping push hap been more prevalent, and Caused eighteen deaths, nearly as many as from diphtheria. The total deaths from all causes for the month were 1,958, from a population of 2,057,298, which makes a death rate of 11.4 in 1,000. For the same month last year 1,93E deaths Were reported, a death rate of 11.2 per 1,000. CHURCH NOTES. The financial meeting of the Metho- dist Church Wingham district, will be held in Wingham, August Gth, at 2 p.m. Rev. R. Millyard, of Lucknow, is oharr- man of the district and Rev. W. A. Smith, Financial Secretary. -In a recently -issued trade edition of the Orillia Times appears an excellent photogravure of Mr. Adam Anderson, son of Mr Wm Anderson of Tarnberry, who is now a prosperous merchant tailor of Orillia. BORN. STRIOKER-In Wingham, on July 21st, the wife of Mr. F. W. Strickor, a daughter. CASLIci-In Culross, on July 20th, the wife of Mr. John Caslick; a daughter. SOWLER-In Toronto, on July 28th, the wife of Mr. G. W. Bowler, formerly of Marnoch; a son. DIED BoYD-In Culross, on July 20th John James Boyd, aged 47 years and 5 months. SIUIELS-In Ethel, July 20th, Willksin J. Shiels, in his 27th year. MdLArrawLTN-At Langdon, N. D., July 24th, Donald McLauchlin, formerly of Grey. BROADFOOT-At Banff, on July 22nd, W. J. Broadfoot, formerly of Seaforth, aged 39 years and 7 months, IRWIN-In Clinton, on July 28th, Richard Irwin, in his Goth year. MARSUALa-III Turnberry on July 30th, Matilda Armitage Sproule, wife of Mr. Geo. A Marshall, aged 22 years, 9 months and 3 days. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undersigned Lawyers agree to close our offices during the months of July and August as follows :-On Saturdays at 2 P.M., and on other days at 4 P.M. DICKiNsON.& HOLMRs. s.. VANBTONE, HOLKEs, CLARKE & HOLMES, J. A. MORTON. W. J. PR1GE, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST (Successor to Dr, Holloway) Will continue the practice in the office lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver Block, Wingham. WE INVIT Every parent, you man or woman who a inter,.ste any way in Business ication to write for a copy of our Prospectus' It tells you exactly what to do and why our students succeed so well. WRITE AT ONCE for it. Fall Term front Sept. 4th. Address : W. II. 13HAW, Principal. Central BusineSt College, TORONTO, OOT DOMINION BARK BANK OF HAMILTON THE CANADIAN BANK. W I N G H A M. OF COMMERCE -HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,839,000 Total Assets, over 42,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and.Europe. S A.VINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest all awed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 80th June and 81st December eaoh year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. 11 Vendome, Solioitor. Capital paid up, $2,500,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,500,000.00. Total Assets, $30,000,000.00. Press fent- HON. War. GIIisoR. Vale -President and General Manager -J. TURNBULL. Assistant Gen. Manager -H. M. WATSON DIRECTORS John ?rooter, Chas.L.Dalton, Hon J.t3.Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Birge. In ip.otor-B. Willson. SAVI14 GS BANK. In S.reat allowed on deposits of 51.00 and up- warSs and added to principal on 81st May and 30th November eaoh year. Special Deposita also reoelved at current rates of interest. O. P. SMITH, Agent, DIC &INSON & HOLMES, Solicitors. r1ti ear. 1 N GivinA Goods�`� Away IN AUGUST. PRUNE 70, W INGHAM. 1tiyI1�V11N You'd think this was the case by reading some of the advertisements and bills. Now if you want bargains, come and let us. interest you. It is not a matter of getting cost out of Summer Goods now with us -it is cutting them below cost. We will also sell CARPETS during August at about cost prices, and sew and lay them free of charge. Curtains, Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleums, at big reductions for August. TRADE TAREN AS OASlfr Carey Dry ( nods Co. IIIIIIIIII I 1 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager' BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $106 cents " $10 " " $30.. 10 cents 't $30 " t' $50 15 cents These Orders are Payable at Par at any office in Canada of a Cha.tered Bank (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. REGOTlABLZ AT A FIXLt IaATE AT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, LONDON, ENG. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety - and at small cost. WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. y ' 1t:u:c •baa .,S�vS�L/S'L '"Yi`Ta4q• E t� �[ I+1 The Season's Novelties, We are making a special showing of the newest things to wear for Summer. We are always in close touch with the centres of fashion, and .therefore able to keep our customers posted and supplied with the new things. Ladies' Parasols, fast black covers, pretty handles, $1.25 to $2.75 Children's Parasols, - • - - - .20 to .60 Ladies' Silk Waists, in white and black, handsomely made, self embroidery trimmed, from - - 2.50 to. 4.50 Also closing out the balance of our 'White Lawn Waists, handsome- ly made, embroidered trimmings, at reduced prices. Cool Underwear. You will have to travel quite a distance before you come across a better equipped Underwear department than the one we have here. Any one when buying Underwear likes variety to choose from. We aim to give our customers as much variety as possible, and we certainly have a fine assortment of Ladies' and Children's Sommer Vesta. C. B. C. Corsets--Trufits. These Corsets market, and for style and fite nish canour not be exceon. lled. est fitting p Corsets and sizthe guaranteed to fit. Also Other Corsets in the latest makes. daily. RFull line to cade hoosed ifrom ; Tailor-Made and be cfor coonvinced and ;yon will not go wanting if in need of a Suit. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. I. 1;3 -?J c✓ [l. lJ ltiP/1t,.i[n!I[ ' Vrr'. %t: fnh,�•., i�tlA- t�'']i' S `.Y1' ;.,moi,.)/' 1