HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-02, Page 5BAYS' WASH SUITS, • HALF PRICE.
Here's two clothing leaders it will be well for you
to see on Saturday :
$495 16 SMummeren's StrSuits,iped Tweed
Bargain well cut, and made fit for any
man to wear. Regular price
$6.50 to $8.50.
22 only Men's Tweed Suits, in
light and dark colors, right
up to date ; sizes 35 to 44.
Regular price $Io.00.
$3 Men's Unlined Coats $2.25
Men's Tweed and Flannel Unlined Odd Coats, sizes 34 to 44,
regular $3.00 ; bargain - - - • - $2.25
.Bargains in Boys' Suits
15 only Boys' two and three-piece Tweed Snits, Norfolk,
Russian Blouse, eto., sizes 22 to 28, regular prices $2 75
to $5.50 ; bargain • - - - HALF PRICE
85c Boys' Wash Coats 60c
Boys' Wash Octets, in linen and black and white, dull, sizes
24 to 34, regular 75o and 85o ; bargain - • .00
Boys' Unlined Suits
.. 4 only Boys' two-piece Unlined Flannel Snits, sizes 30 to 32,
regular price $4.50 ; bargain • - 2.75
Men's Unlined Suits •
3 only Men's Navy Blue Serge Unlined 2 piece Suits, sizes
40 and 42 only, regular $4.50 ; bargain - - 2.95
Colored Shirts
36 only Men's Colored Shirts, sizes 14 to 18, reg. 50o and 75o. .39
$1 Men's Colored Shirts 75c
0 dozen Men's Colored Shirts, new patterns, sizes 14 to
regular price $1.00 and $1,25 ; bargain - -
Boys' Cotton Stockings
5 dozen pairs Cotton Stockings, heavy ribbed, double k
"sizes 6 to 9;af, reg. 200 and 25o ; Saturday 2 pairs
Bargains in Men's Shoes all August. - Trunks an
18x3, .75
for .25
d Valises.
�',{r■*ys■v�.�.,/S FROM OU NEIGIIBORS DLStAs� Ccs I na 5u IM I�� STT l,•���'
If you need flesh and
�s#cength use
Scott's Emulsion
summer as in winter.
WII a 'Wideawaice Tnnee OorresPQndenta Commumoate --- Other
Items Clipped Prom Our Exchanges.
M ins Jennie Salkeld, of Stratford, is
visiting her friend, Mies Laurendeau, at
Miss Annie Morningstar, who was
visiting relatives here, has gone to Cats
roes to visit relatives there.
The Mime O'Leary, of Toronto, who
were visiting their cousin, litre. George
Brophy, have returned home.
We regret very much to hear of the
serious illness of Mrs. Wm. McAllister
and hope to be able soon to speak of her
Mrs. Ed. Robinson and family, of
Pontiac, Mich„ are visiting Mrs.
Robinson'e sister-in-law, Mrs. John Red-
mond, at present.
25 Cents
to Jan., 1907.
How Pneumonia Starts
You catch a little gold to -day, by to-
morrow it has reached the throat, next
day the hugs are affected and you wish
you had used "Catarrhozone" which
kills oolde in five minutes. In the first
plaoe Oatarrhozone soothes the irritated
membranes and relieves congestion, -
then it cuts out phlegm and destroys the
germs. It enables the blood to retain a Get More mem
natural supply of oxygen, lung -food,
and vitality. In any cough, bronchitis If you are tired, nervous, sleepless,
or lung affection it's guaranteed to poet- have headaches and langour, yon need -
tively cure. Decline any substitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they tone the
Miss Robertson, a school teacher from
Goderioh Ont., has mysteriously die -
appeared. She had been on a visit to
New Glasgow, N. S., and was on her
way home. She was met in Quebec
city by her brother, and they put up at
the hotel Victoria. Friday when he
went to call for his sister she was gone,
and her nurse and jaoket she had taken
also, though she left her satchel contain-
ing her railway ticket home.
Furniture Bargains
Special Clearing Sale of New and Up-to-
date Furniture now on at
S. Gracey's Store.
If you want good value for your money in
-IRON BEDS, Etc., Ete.,
Now is your chance. Call and see if we do as we
We make a specialty of doing Picture Framing
neatly and well.
UNDLItTAKING-111 this particular lisle we pro-
fess to be second to none. Having had over 27 years
practical experience, we feel confident of giving entire
satisfaction whenever our services are required. Calls
attended promptly, night or day. 'Prices reasonable.
Furniture Dealer 8z Practical Undertaker.
ilei'. A. Oraw spent a few days at the
manse last week.
Mrs. Herb. Thompson, or the Soo, is
visiting at the Old hoine.
George Clark, of Midland, is spending
a few days at home.
Mims Stratton, of Goderioh, is spending
her holidays at J. B. Rutherford's.
Mips Johnston, of Varna, is visiting
at her sisters, Mrs. Robinson Woods.
Mrs. BeII and family, of Wingham,
are visttiog at her sister's, Mrs. T, Joynt's.
Mrs. Chapman and Miss Clara, of St.
Thomas, are visiting at Mr. Asquith's.
Mrs. Williams and Mra. Taylor, of
Brantford, are visiting their sister. Mrs.
A, Darnin.
We are pleased to have James Ramag e
again in our midst. We believe James
intends returning West in September.
Mrs. Souse and little son,of Cape Town,
Africa, are visiting et her old home.
Mr. Asquith looks pleased to have his
three daughters with him.
Sender tree sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,rip.
Toronto, and beet all drmmists.
for payment bf the following accounts :
--Municipal World, fat. Thofnas, Col-
lector's Roll, Order Books on Treasaret,
and postage, $2,08; Wm, J. Geddes,
plank and repairing bridge at Belgrave
cons 8 and 9, $5; Robt. G. Haines, part
payment for services as Inspector of
gravelling on western boundary, $1.87;
$. B. Elliott, Wingham, part of print-
ing contract 1906, $20; Hy Edwards, 35
yds gravel Div. No. 26, $2.45; Alex.
Morton, 40 yds gravel Div. No. 27, $2.80;
Walter Scott sr., 14 yds gravel Div. No.
34, 98c; R. Leishman, 46 yds gravel
Divs. Nos, 39 and 41, also for man
shovelling gravel, $172; do. do, balance
due for repairing bridge on river cone
8 and 0, $15; John Deer, 70 yds gravel
and damages Div. No, 2, $5.96; Robt.
Soott jr„ 157 yds gravel Divs. Nos. 50
and 67, $10.57; Wm J Rogers, 87 yds
gravel Div No 17 and damages, also 1;2
day's work shovelling gravel and spike
nails, $7,55; David A Dunbar, 97 yds
gravel Div No 32, $6.79; Robt. Stapleton,
15 yds gravel Div No 61, $1.05; George
- 0 Naylor sr, 169 yds gravel and damages,
Diva Nos 68, 70, 71, 75 and 76, $13 83;
Wm E Finnen, shovelling gravel Die
No 75, $2.50; George B Naylor jr,
stomach, asslatldigestion, brace y •- -r gravelling on western boundary,1
at once. Taken at night you're well by g g $ 3 80;
morning. Sickness and tired feeling McKinnon Bros, gravelling at lots 41,
BRUSSELS. disappear instantly. Vim, spirits, happy cons 4 and 5, $108 54; do. do. gravelling
health, all the joys of lg., comes to every - on sidelines 39 and 40, cons 13 and 14,
There is talk of a Labor Day osis- one that uses Dr. Haton's Pills. No
bration being held in. Brussels this year. medicine so satisfactory. Get Dr Ham- $32; Alex Parker, repairing culvert, lots
.A. telegram was received last week by ilton's Pills today. 25o. per box at all 36 and 37, con 1, $3.05; Gibson Gillespie,
dealers. - balance due for operating road grader
1906, $193 40; Fred J Rath, inapeotiog
MORRIS. gravelling Iota 41, cons 4 and 5, $55.44;
morning, July 22nd. Typhoid fever ie meet nexAmos Snell, ditching on road allowance
Township Oonnoil will t lot 37, cons 6 and 7, $12; John Mc -
said to be the ailment, The remains are Monday. - Dowell, repairing road bill on sideline
being brought to Seaforth for interment. Mise Maud Hall, of Alpena, , Mich., 33 and 31, eon. 6, $4; John Webb,
Word was received last week from Miss Pearl Hamilton, of Toronto, and gravelling on Northern boundary, $12;
Langdon, North Dakota, of the demise Master Alex Hall, of the Queen city, Joseph J. Kerr, Inspeotor's fees and
O. H. Broadfoot apprising him of the
sad news of the death . of his oldest '
brother, W. J., at Banff, on Sunday
of Donald MoLanchlin, formerly of this are visitors of James Hall's, 6th line.
locality, and brother to Thomas and Samuel and Mrs Barr and two ebil-
Alex McLanohlin, of Brussels. He dren,of Nee awn, Manitoba, are renew -
passed away on Taesday, July 24th, p
from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. ing old friendships in this locality. They
The remains are being brought to were former residents of this township.
Brussels for interment. Deceased was Mrs. John Gray, of Lindsay is visiting
one of the early residents of this section. her sister, Mrs. John Davis.
David Breckenridge and Charlie For-
' rest, two young men of the let line, dug
t:LENP'AR1tOW. 51 rode of a pipe ditch, averaging two
Miss Mattie Crane, of Toronto is visit. , feet deep in one day. It was clay soil.
ing relatives on the sixth. Arthur Caution, an -old hand at laying
A family ra•uuion was held at Mrs. tile, planted 735 of these water conduc-
Hagh MacDougall's ou Saturday. tors in the sumo time. Not a bad day's
Mra. Berkey of Toronto spent a couple work for both old or young.
of weeks at her grandmother's, Mrs. James Barnhill and wife of Colton,
Henderson. California, were visiting old friend in
Mrs. Thomas Powell of Winnipeg ie this township. It is about 25 years since
visiting at Mr. T. S. Powells. Mr Barnhill left Morrie. They will visit
Mrs. A MacDougall of Chicago is visit-
Mrs. Barnhill's relatives at Kingston be-
ing at Mrs. Hugh Macbougatl's, fore returning home. Two children ac-
oompauy them. Mr. Barlyhill says this
The carpenters have started work on is a fine year for oranges. He is culti-
J. Bush's hoose. eating about 85 acres of oranges. From
Quite a number from this vicinity 10 to 15 hands are employed during the
took in the excursion to Kincardine on busy season.
Friday. Among those pupils who are deserv-
Mr. Norman Henning of Chicago is ing of special mention this year for pass.
visiting under the parental roof. ing the recent Entrance Examination
is Willie Brydges, a pupil of the
Stone School, No. 7, Morris. Three
When Yon Grow Old. years and it half ago he was ill the first
The body needs patching - wasted book and this year he obtained his en -
tissues most be rebuilt, played -out or- trance. When we remember that Willie
gans restored -blood needs extra nour- lives two miles and a half from school
ishment. Elderly people need Ferro-
zone, -need it because it vitalizes and and had often to contend with stormy
rejuvenates as no other remedy can. days in both winter and summer, we
Ferrozone builds up the kind of strength cannot help but admire his perseverance,
that makes one feel good, -keeps back far no drift was too high nor 110 summer
the decay of old age and makes you look
young and handsome again. Forget day too wet for him. Other pupils
nervous exhaustion, renew your vital migut fail to appear, at school on ex -
energy, again re-enter the life of youth. ceedingiy stormy winter days, but his
Your remedy is Ferrozone, only fifty teacher was always star, of Willie, he
cents per box, at all dealers.
never failed. Stich t.t.rseverance we
consider worthy of con. 'isnt.
The home of Mrs. John Weeks, 2nd Reduced A'lard Swelling.
eonoesston of Culross, was the scene of a Mr Gas. E. Geroux, writing from
quiet wedding on Thursday, July 19th, Pembroke, tells how he was injured in
when her youngest daughter, Miss Eliza- a lumber camp. "A heavy log rolled
gravel, $9.85.
By -Law No. 6, 1906 to procure money
from Bank in Wingham meet current
expenditure, and By -Lew No, 7, 1906,
empowering the Trustees or U. S. S. No,
3,- East Wawanosh and Morris, to raise
by way of loan $650, for improving and -
renovating their school property, both
duly read and passed,
Council then adjourned till Tharaday,
23rd August next.
3906, be passed to provide for the coIlec-
tion of all taxes on or before the 15th
TU'RNISERRI% day of December next and providing
beth, was united in marriage to Mr. J. against
'11132:atiffness hdd Iswwnsnlgd 11171;11
Edmund Green, Teesveater'a popular
applied Poison's Nerviline I got relief;
barber and baseball player. The Rev. A few rubbings with this good liniment
Mr.`Radford, of Belmore tied the knot in oared me." In the bush, Nerviline is
the presence of a few relatives and Putt- indispensable; it cures neuralgia, colds.
rheumatism and internal disorders too.
mate frieuds only. The bride, who was No person can afford to be without
prettily dressed in cream silk was Riven Nervilino. Useful for all internal and
away by her uncle, Mr. Ohas. Milthoase. external pain. Large bottles 25c. at all
After the ceremony the guests enjoyed dealers.
an elaborate supper, and spent the even-
ing in social intercourse. Mr. and Mrs. EAST WAWANOSB
Green will make their homein'Ieestvater. The domicil met on July 26, lineament
John James Boyd, a well known reside to adjournment. Members all present.
est of the 4th con., Culross; passed away Minutes of last meeting read and passed.
early on the morning of Friday, June Communication from Wnt. Lane,
20th, His death was not unexpected as County Clerk, Goderich, received, stat•
it was preoeeded by several months of ing that the amount required from the
lingering illness from anaemia. De- township this year for county rate was
ceased was aged 47 years and 5 months, $2888 64, being $428.29 snore than last
was bent and had always lived en the year.
farm where he died, one and a quarter The treasurer's half yearly statement
Miles south of Teeswater. He was an to 1st July last received, showing a bat -
only eon skid the hast to thereive of a LOCO on hand at that elate of $380 52.
family of six. He teas married in the The eppointment of a collector of
spring of 1886 to Dies Jane Colvin, who, tapers for this year was deferred tilt nettomen. with five children, three boys and two meeting of omen..
iris survives hint. Debentures were passed and signs
The Genual Hardware.
-MAMBO TWINE -Get our prices on Binder Twine.
-Another car of Cleveland Wire just arrived; as good as the ieex,
-Scythesf, 'maths, Screen Accra
- 'AINTS--flail at tite Central Hardware for your Paints,
--White Lead and Oil --the best that eau be procured,
.-Biaxen I %INT,s -P.ure and fresh.
Fishleigh's Old Stand. - - wINHAIti.
We have a most complete and varied line of
Waist Sets,
Gold. and Silver Brooches,
A complete line of
Enameled and Sterling Silver
Souvenir Jewelery
g^Fiue watch and jewelery repairing promptly at-
tended to,
KAISER, the Jeweler
To Manitoba and Saskatchewan
for the Q additional for the return ticket;
going trip. under condition, ae below.
-C} OINC+ DA2'IU$---
Stations south of, -but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including
AUG. 14
AUG. 17
Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north, except north of Cardwell
Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section.
From alt points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and
AUG. 22
Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and
Midland Divisions,
One way second class tickets will be sold to Winnipeg only.
Representative farmers, a ointed by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Governments, will meet
laborers on arrival at Winnipeg.
Free transportation will bo furnished at Winnipeg to points where laborers are needed.
1 eartiflcate is furnished when each ticket ie purchased, and this certificate, when executed
by farmer, showing that laborer has worked thirty days or snore, will bo honored from
that point for a second class ticket back to starting point in Ontario, at 818.00, prior to
Nov. 1st, 1906.
rickets will be issued to women as well as to men, but will not be issued at half fare to children.
Tickets are good only on special Farm Laborers' trains.
For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. ticket agent, or
write C. B. Foster, D. P.A., C. P. R„ Toronto.
Minutes of Council meeting held in t
the Clerk's office, Bluevale, July 30tb,
Members of Council all present. The
Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last
meeting were read and adopted on mo-
tion of Messrs Moffatt and Mcldicheal.
Communications were read from Cul -
rose re payments on drain. Moved by
Mr Rutherford, seconded by Mr Mc-
Mioheal that the olerk be instraoted to
notify the Council of Culross that if they -
refer to the Drainage Act, Sect 66, sub
section 2 $ S 0., they will find that
original By-Iaw can be so amended as
to raise the nmennt necessary to com-
plete the work over the amount esti- -
mated by engineer, and also that the
amount of the original estimate is now
required to carry on the work. Carried.
The Reeve reported that Mr Peter Mc-
Dougall has applied to the conncil for
the sum of $7.00 for drain in 7th con
as per drain agreement and also for
$2 70 for tile for road allowance.
Moffatt -Rutherford -that the clerk
be instructed to write to the Sect. Treas.
of Tinton School Section No 1, Turn -
berry, that they do not consider that
the meeting of school trustees and as-
sessor of Turnberry held at Mr Scott's
in March last, had any authority to as.
seas Turnberry portion of school section
for $30. extra for the current year. Oct
Rutherford -Kelly --that we expend
$25.00 gravelling on Culross Bonn-
dary opposite lots 24 and 25 provided
Onlross Council expends an equal
amount. Carried.
Kelly -Moffatt -that the Clerk be in-
atrected to notify all parties assessed for
12th con. Drain to pay to the- Town-
ship Tress, Peter McLaren Esq, the full
amount of their assessments on or be-
fore the 1st day of September next. Cd.
Moffatt--Kelly--that by-law No 10,
1906 be passed appointing Paul Powell,
tax collector for this Municipality for
the current year, Car.
Rutherford-McMicheai that Bylaw
to 11, 1906, be passed for the levy of a
rate of 2 22.100 mills on the dollar for
county purposes. Carried
Kelly -:12offatt-that By-law No 12,
190G, be passed for the levy of a rate of
2 24-100 minty on the dollar for the
township grant to Scheele. Carried,
McMicheal--Rutherford -that lly-law
No 13, 1006, be passed for the levy of a
23i mite on the dollar far current ears
petiditnro of the Township for the enr.
rent year, Carried,
d Kelly-41offatt, that Ry -lave No 14
bat five per cent will be added to all
taxes not paid by the 15th Dec of each'
year. Carried.
McMicheal - Rutherford - that the
CIerk be instructed to notify Wm Ir-
win, Belmore, to remove all brush
and other rubbish placed on the pubnc
road opposite lots 5 con C, Turnberry by
him or his assistants on or before the
15th day of August next or in case of
failure in this matter other means will
be taken to enforce compliance. Carried.
The following accounts were passed
and cheques on Bank of Hamilton issued
Municipal World, Collector's Roll,
81.20; Jeffrey Musgrove, gravel, $81S;
John McNaughton, gravel and damages,
$4 76; Joseph Higgins, gravel $'i 10; A
Wheeler, gravel and damages, $t3 40;
Jno Marshall, gravel and damages,
$4 24; Geo HisIop gravel, 84e; Geo Mc-
Donald, gravel, 700; Samuel Vanstone,
graver and damages, $t3 24; E W Orvis,
gravel, $4 01; Jams McDougal', gravel,
$3 30; Jno Mc8arney, gravel, $102;
R Palmer, gravel and damages, $6 60;
D Jewitt, gravel, $3 91; Thee Aitkiu,
gravel. and damages, $12 46; James 0
Anderson, gravel and damages, $4 00;
Joseph Breckenridge, gravel, 63a; Alex
McDonald, gravel, $5 81; James T .
Wylie, gravel and damages, $9 64; A
Longley, gravel, $210; H Merkley, gravel
$1 68; Wm Bolt, repairs to road, $3 50;
Peter McDougall, drain and tile, 89 70;
Wm H Elliott, tile, $15; Geo Marshall,
culvert and railing for bridges $12; W H
Mundell, 2 culverts, Culross Bdy $8,-
50; Jno Porter time and expense road
machine, $12 10; D Donkin, repairs road
machine, $1 50; Jno Mulvey, Turnberry
share bridge H boundary, $10 86; Jas
Douglass, Turnberry share wall lI Bdy,
$17 00; Wm Rutherford, Turuberry
share Cement H boundary. $9 00; Wm
J Adair, gravelling, $8 00; Jno Webb,
cement culvert Wawattoeh boundary,
$10 50; Doff and Stewart, dram contract
(telly--»Moffatt-that this meeting de
now adjourn to meet in Clerk's Office,
Bluevele on Monday 27th of Atigast
next at 10 o'clock AM.
jive BURGESS, Clerk.
was presented with a gold -headed walk-
ing cane from the boys, and Mrs Medd a
silver cake basket from the girls. Mr
Medd ie one of the most higbly esteemed
residents of West Wawanosh, a pioneer
who has the respect of all, and the Times
trusts he may have many more birthdays
before his translation to a better world.
Council met ou July 21st, as per ad-
journment; members all present; min-
utes of last meeting confirmed.
Wm. Proudfoot was appointed Tp.
Solicitor on motion of Coons. Anderson
and Medd.
The Collector and Treasarer were
ordered to do all their business through
the Sterling Bank, Dungannon, on
motion of C 3011 Anderson and Thomp-
Wan. Watson and James Young pre-
sented petition re the cutting of Shan,
non's Hill on con 1, and on motion of
Couna Murray and Medd, the Township
agreed to pay Dollar for dollar with
Colborne Township over and above pri-
vate subscription. On motion of Coups
Medd and Anderson the Board agreed to
pay 40 re of cemeut sidewalks at Dun-
gannon from B J Crawford's corner to
Dr Case's corner.
The claim of P. Walsh re stoning
roadway, con 9, was left over to inters
view Councillors of 1003.
On motion of Cunns Murray and Medd
the Auditors Report presented by Messrs
Crawford and Girvin was acdepted.
D E Mauro was appointed 'Treasurer
of the Township on motion of Coitus
Medd and Thompson, and it By Lew
was passed confirming the same,
On motion of Coons Anderson and
Murray, the Reeve was appointed to
examine securities of the Treasurer and
submit them to the auditors for ap-
The Reeve and Clerk were appointed
to meet Ashfield Council re settlement
of aoeoaut re tx 5 Section NO 17
The Reeve and Treasurer were em-
powered to borrow the sum of three
hundred dotlare for Township purposes.
Cheques were issued to the amount of
$210 00 for culverts, gravelling, ete,
The connty rate of taxation for this-
hisyear is 2 mills and the township rate 2?.y
tattle. It Was decided that 5 per cent be
added to all taxes not paid by December
15:h this year.
Council adjourned to meet on August
2lst at 2 o'clock p m,
W 5 Methee rIg, °leek.
The seventyfourthbirthday of Mr Jas
Medd, of West Wawanosh, gave the oc•
canon for a general family re -union of
the four boys, three girls and their wives
husbands and children, on Tnedday,c
July' 17th. Tearing the ravening Mr Medd
The first (mans bulletin for the Pre,.
wince of Manitoba gives the population of
Winnipeg as 90,010.