HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-02, Page 22 TUE W INrGiiA.M , TIMES, AUGUST 2, 1906 A BAD CASE alt' KIDNEY TROUBLE CUOMO "MY DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Kidney Troubles,n a matter of whet. kind or what stage of the disease, can be quickly and permanently cured by the use: of. these wonderful pills. Mr. Joseph Leland, Alma, I+T.W,T., recommends them to all kidney trouble sufferers, when he says :-I was troubled, with dull head- aches, had frightful dreams, tersibis pains innay lege and a frequent desire to urinate. Noticing DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS recommended for just such annoy- wee nnoyaures as mine, it occurred to me to give them a trial, so I procured a box of them, and was very much surprised at the effectual cure they made. I take A great deal of pleasure in recommending them to all kidney trouble sufferers, Price 50c. per box, or 3 for $1.25; all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Coy Toronto, Ont. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changer; must be left at this office not later than. Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. ("amid advertisements accepted up to noun Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1572 ' W iN hulls TIMES. R ELLIOTT, PIIHLIsaEA .4./COPROPRIETOR THURSDAY. AUGUST 2. 1906. PULSE OF THE PRESS. The jailer of Norfolk County has tent in his resignation. He was eager for the job when a vacancy occurred a few months ago. but not wishing to be buried alive in an offioe with little or nothing to do has decided to return to the world and be a man among live men once more We have had oases iu this dietriut before of Dieu who prayed and rooted for office until they obtain it, throwing up the job in disgust. Men with red blood in their veius and their mental and physical faoilties unimpaired, make a mistake in chasing up offices in whittle to go to sleep. They soon grow weary of it.-Ridgetown Duminiou. A favorite idea among certain polit- totaue in Washingroo ie that the Ameri- eaue who are crowding into the new Pro- vinces will declare for annexation. Those who are best acquainted with these set- tlers given encouragement to this notion. These immtgrants have found the laws and institutions of Canada all that re- speotable people could desire. They have also found that distinctive people, princi- pals of Oanadianism, respect for the law and constituted authority, even-handed, prompt administration of justice, relig- ions freedom and free education for everybody, prevail throughout the laud they have come to, and are contented to accept conditions measurably superior to those they have left behind them. - Mu Wrest Witness. A FORECAST FOR AUGUST. anything very reWarkable in the gener- al management of the earth or alry-- tae planets beim; very gaiet, many of them having gone .on their holidays. No great eonvnliiions in, nature, Qr a the axahiteoture ot the World are expcoted- batt might arrive by ally mixed train. Any minor disturbances or oonvuisigns likely to arise during the night, and will be traceable to over indulgeaeo ill green fruit. Inside information can be bad from the viotitus. Oa the 4th two very important events will take plane: The Perth Old $ops' Reunion will be held in Stratford and the moon will be full On that date. However, the moon will be ou its last quarter on the lith, and will probably have to get some money from the Old Boys. Angnat will be short an Suudaye, there being only 4. We slope this will not happen again, as tomo of the other months have five. Church collections and bank robberies will be about the same as next August. Murders and euioides will be regulated and governed very much by the tempera- ture and cost of living. Picnics will be numerous toward the middle and both ends of the month. Sommer visitors will be plentiful and bard to discourage, as the spare room is much warmer than in winter. August will not work over- time, as it is the last of the summer sea- son. Summer engagements will not be valid after the 31st. Looks of hair, die - monde and other tokens of affection should be returned, not later than Sept: 1st, taken all through the month will be hot. Congregational meetings should be wedded as much as possible. It is gent entity conceded that one has more warm friends in August than in January. A good many of the country papers in Ontario make a feature of the weather forecasts of Mr. Irl D. Hicks, a United States weather prophet, and it is said that the farmers pay a good deal of at- tention to thein. The Motherwell nor- reepondent of the St. Mary's Argus has a happy hit at Mr Hioks in this "Fore- cast for August": August Stet wilt begin this month It H ill be composed of 31 days and a a iitabie number of nights, as made and provided by the Statutes of Ontario. August will begin business immediate- ly ou the expiration . of July 3Ist, The 31 days May not be distinguished by Severe Form ot Asthma. "I &at used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine with my daugh- ter who suffsred from a severe form of asthma. The least exposure to cold would lay hair up and she would nearly suffocate for want of breath. 1 mast say I found it to be a most satisfactory treatment and it has entirely cured her." -Mrs A. A Van Buskirk Robinson Street, Moncton, N.B. T1ENTY YEARS AGO, (From Tine WrNGHA.M Tlsrns of Friday, July 33th, 1886.) NE1GitBOBBOOD NEWS, The auditors' abstract for the village of Lnoknow for last year shows a balance ou hand of $464,52. The Doherty Organ Co., of Clinton have tucreased their facilities and ex- pect to turn out 2,500 organs this year. J. P. Fisher, of Auburn, has been fined $50 and $22 was for violating the Scott Act, The ease will be ap- pealed. Wm. Duncan, of Blyth, has gone to Napanee, where he has secured a situ• ation as head sawyer in a large mill at a salary of $1,500, The other day Mr. Messer, treasurer of the Bluevale cheese factory, distri- buted $2,500 among the farmers of Morris and Turnberry who had furnished mil k to the factory. Goo. Cummings has sold farm lot 26, con. 10, East Wawanoeh containing 200 acres to G. Forgie, of Turnberry, for $6,300, Mr. Forgie has since declined $400 for hie bargain. The vote on the organ question taken by ballot in the Presbyterion church, Seaforth, resulted in a majority of 122 in favor of the organ, and the "kist o' whistles" will be set going as soon as a suitable instrument can be proonred. • FOOLISH WAYS OF MEN. Ever watch a man as he takes a chair? He'll move it -every time -even if it's only an inoh. He wouldn't sit in it just where it was for the world. Watch him next time and see if he doesn't move it. A woman will seat herself without touching the chair -p woman is more philosophical, anyhow. Men are queer creatures, as every one knows, comments a writer in The Phila- delphia Press. A man will always stir his coffee before -drinking it. This is very foolish --he should taste it first to see if it needs stirring. Few men open their personal corres- pondence without looking at the post- marks to see the time of posting. Wo- men, on the other hand, tear open the envelope at once; they are in too much of a hurry to waste any time. When a man puts on his hat he al- most always looks inside it first. What he expects to see remains a mystery, but he looks for it all the same. He subjects the point of his pen to the same careful scrutiny before commenc- ing to write a letter. A women starts right off -jabs her pen in the inkpot and straightaway begins to scribble as if her life depended on it. It is the man who reads with his back to the light, holding his book in one hand. Herein lies wisdom. A woman rests her book on the table and leans both elbows thereon. But the foolish- ness of the man's act lies in the fact that is seeking comfort and seldom takes', this positionbeeanse it is the most scien- tific one. Of coarse, he finds it isn't comfortable -his arm aches after the ' first tea minutes, whereupon he pats his book down and remarks he is going out. It is the man whit.- lets oat secrets - not by telling theca, bat by ill-timed silences. He does worse -by refusing to gratify the cariosity of his questioners he invariably causes them to jump to conclusions much more damaging than the truth of the matter. --Retrofit Free Press. For dry, cracked lips, or rough skirt, use Dr. Shoap's Green Salve. It posi- tively makes lips and skin like velvet. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Diseases { HINT of the Kidneys NO one can afford to neglect de- rangements of the kidneys. The results are too painful and the risk too great. Some of the symp- toms are :-Pains in the back and legs, gradual loss of flesh, deposits in the urine, headaches, scanty, dark -colored urine, painful, scalding sensations when urinating, dropsical !swelling of ankles and legs, irregu- larity of the bowels, and gradual failure of health and strength. Judged by actual cures made, Dr. Chase's 1idney-fiver Pills are the most satisfactory treatment obtain. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. Fancy towelling makes one of the nic- e>it coverings for bureau tops, and it ottn be ornamented with as much or as little embroidery as one likes. In a rapid Reale reduction system hot Water is substituted for breakfast. A capful is taken on rlstng and one every hour through the morning until 1uneh4 which is a light meal, . It must not be forgotten that heroin measures like these are not to be undertaken by any but strong persou6. Get a d cent box of Lax -eta at our store please. We think they are great. Just test these toothsome, candy -like Laxa- tive Tablets for constipation, soar item - able for kidney disease. Relief is ach, biilidaanesr, bad breath, muddy prompt and cure thorough and last- I � 7 ie°P; Drug Star e, cents and see, ng. tiqutre; reboot cases in your I One of the best tonics for the her is own neighbourhood. ' salt, and an excellent dry Wine shampoo Dr. Cheser'ss 1 Idney-Liver Pills, 2$ tante { n,a1 be mulls with it. mix a coarse is box, at *11 dealers, er Edmanjott, Batert gttalitlr of salt with powdeted orbs rood, Coo Toronto. The portrait rind algae. tare of Rr. A. w Chase, the i"aMOUS • using ONO ounoea 't0 II POOM of rials:. reeelpt book aaitltdet are on ***IT bow. I Sift well in order to mix thotonghle LOCAL NEWS. David Sutherland, formerly of Lnok- now but late of Listowel, has parohased the store and tinware business of D. MoCrimmon, and took possession this week Steam was got up for the first time in the new furniture factory, on Monday evening, to see if the motive power was all right, and everything was found satis- factory. The grand military review and band tournament at Listowel started yester- day and will be continued to -day. The Wingham town band did not enter for competition, as was expected, having de- oided to remain at home. Mrs. Sharp, the old lady who was seri- ously injured last week by falling ont of a wagon when starting out to pick berries, is slowly recovering, and she is now able to sit up a short time each day. The laity it 77 years of age, instead of 60, as we stated last week. Mr. Nicoll, who has been acting as agent at the G. T. R. station here since Mr. Smallhora's departure for England, returned to his home in Galt this week, and Richard Sutton, the operator, is now acting as agent. A, M. Allan, of Ayton, is mmnipnlating the telegraph. On Wednesday A. Roe, of the Queen 's hotel, received a pretty hard looking copy of the Glasgow Herald by mail. A printed notice from the New York postmaster accompanied the paper, which stated that it was part of the mail matter that went down with the ills fated "Oregon," off Fire Island, on March 7th, and was recovered from the wreck on Jaly 14th. Local history of the early 80s. tinis from The "Tildes" Pyles The ftcauotal statement for this town for the year 1885 has just been issued in pamphlet form. It shows that the total reoeipta were $19,070,26 and the expendi- ture $19,063.59, leaving a balance on hand of $6 07. The total indebtedness , of the town is shown to be $29,025,40, We are this week called upon to chronicle the death of Duncan McTavish, who sucoumbled to that dread disease, consumption, at his residence on Edward street, at an early hour yesterday morn- ing, Mr. McTavish has been a resident of this town for about 13 years and was well known and universally respected. For five years after coming to Wingham he followed hie oconpation as a car- penter, when be entered Soott & Bell's furniture faotory and worked there for three years and until deprived of one of his arms by an unfortunate accident. PERSONALS, Miss Mina Mclatosh, of London, ie visiting in town and is the guest of Mrs. Wm. Black. Mrs. Thos. Leslie is at present in Win. nipea visiting her sons John and Taos. W. Leslie. Mrs. Pethiokaud son, Edward Pethick, of London, are visiting at Mrs, Jesse Smith's. Mrs, Alex. Inglis and family went to Goderich last Satarday where they will visit for a month. Geo. McKenzie started for Brandon and Neepawa, Man., last Friday with a cargo of 17 horses, which he will dis- pose of before returning. W. A. Campbell, Will MoOatcheon and Chas. Carr expect to start to -day on a trip up to Port Arthur and Sault Ste. Marie, and they will be absent a week or ten days. H. W. 0. Meyer returned on Saturday from Windsor, where he was attending the annual meeting of the Masonic grand lodge. Mr. Meyer states that the meeting was the most saooessfal one yet held, there being 1,192 Masons pre. sent O.. S. Clarke, of the head office Bank of Hamilton, who has been noting agent at the Wingham branch during Mr. Wits son's absence, left for Milton on Tues. day to relieve the agent there. Benj. Willson arrived home last Satur- day evening from his visit to the old country. . The tVip evidently agreed with him, as he is Very much improved in appearance. The return trip was an exceedingly pleasant oae and was made in quick time, Mr. Wilson having sailed from Moville, Ireland, on the"Parisian" at 4 o'clock on Friday evening and arrived in Wingham on Saturday even- ing of the following week. His father, Crowell Wilson, who accompanied him, remained at Qaebeo and Montreal to vied a few days, but he is expected home to -day. TOWN N DIRECTORY, BAPTIST Gannon -Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 III, Sunday School: at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. E. R. Fitch, B,A,, pastor, B.Y P.U. meets Monday gveutugs 8 p.m. Abner Clowns S.S. Superintendent, METItODrsT OHURgH--Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Sohool at 2 s30 p m. Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting bn Wednesday evenings, Rev. J'. R, Gundy, D.D,, pastor. W. B. Towler, M.D,, S. S. Superintendent, PRnsuyylealray ODUnon-Sabbath tier - vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, D. Perrie, pastor. L. Harold, S S. au- perintendent, ST. PAtrI,'s .CHURCH, E$Isoo$ez,-Sab- bath services at 11 a 14 and 7 p in, Sun- day School at 2:30 p nil General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. T. S, Boyle, M. A., B. D., Rentor and S. 8. Superintendent, John Taylor and Ed Nash, assistant Superintendents, SALVATION Amor-Service at 7 and 11 a m and $ and 8 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'olgok at the barracks. POS cdonald Bleck. Office Thours Ifrom 8aain to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. PUBLIo LIBRasY--Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5;3Q o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:•30 o'clock. Miss Maud Robertson, librarian. - TowN COIINOIL-Thos. Bell, Mayor; S. Bennett, David Bell, Thos. Forbes, Geo. C. Hanna, D. E. McDonald and Wm. Nicholson, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson Dalmage, Assessor. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. -A. E Lloyd (chairman), J.D. Long, J. J. Horvath, T. Hall, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday eveningin each month. HIGH SCHOOLBOARD.-Dr.A. J. Irwin, (chairman) Dr. J. P, Kennedy, Dr. P. Maodonald, John Wilson, V.S., J. A. Morton, 0. P. Smith, W. F.• VanStone. Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Cosene, treasurer. Board meets second Monday evening in each month. - PUBLIC SCHOOL TBAOHsRs.--A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brook, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss Matheson; Miss Wilson, Miss Oumminga and Miss De La Mater. BOARD or Mums -Thos. Bell, (chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson, Secretary; Dr. 3: R. Maodonald, Medical health Officer, OUTSIDE DIED. MoTavish.-In Wingham on the 29th ADVERTISING inet., Duncan McTavish, aged 45 years, 5 months and 19 day. Farm Laborers' Excursions 1906 The governments of Manitoba and Saskatchew report this year an exception- ally good wheat erop, and advise that as many twenty thousand laborers will be needed during the harvest season, To meet t demand the Canadian Pacific Rail- way will tie usual run Farm. Laborers' • 'xeursiions from Ontario points to Winnipeg, and thence to stations i' the at where help is needed. The going dates are: Alli, 14 Aug. ITS Aug. 22 Stations south of, but no, nclading main line, Toronto to Sarnia, in- cluding Toronto, Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north, except north of Card- well Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay arid Midland Divisions. Going fare $12, return ticket to starting point for $18 additional, If conditions are complied with. For full particulars write C. B. FOSTER, D, P. A., 0. P. R. 71 Yonge St., Toronto. A postal card will do. rub into the hair and scalp and brush out with a good bristle brush. Tatlors make use of the unusally short needle called"between" tot their felling and other fine hand work. Women whb are fortunate enough to know about these handy little needles elflike them Very much indeed for hemming and fell- ing, as they are more conductive to lice work than the larger ones. An early and satisfactory way of mak• ing fine hand -run tacks is to mark the tucks en the sewing machine with the attachment which comes for the purpose, using a coarse needle, but to thread, and afterward running by band in the holes made b the machine needle. Ithis way the stitches may be made perfectly evenand the method of creasing the tricks is mnoli'simplor than that of meati- ming each took. Weeding Piles, "For two years I anffered from bleed. ing piles and lost each day about half a cap of blood. Last summer I went to the Ottawa General hospital to be °per. ated on, but ins old trouble returned, land again I beet thneh blood. My father advised me to use Dr. Chase's Ointment, and two boxes cured me. I have every reallon to believe that the dare is a pet. ma anent ones." -- lifir. Arthur Lepine, Sehotll Teacher, Granite Bill, Muskoka, Ont. in Womanly Ailments and Weaknesses Dr. Shoop's Night Cure Soothes, Heals and Cures while the Patient Sleeps. The best remedy which physicians know fo* Female Weakaessedis composed of parts of a certain white lily. To this are added' other remedies which draw out the poisons and heal the inflamed membranes. This soothing ands. septic local application 10 known by druggist And physicians everywhere as Da, Sito0P'a LAYOUT Clint --becausetiIt eure.4 While She pa- morning finds the tion, the discharges, many WO en are tient sleeps and the pain, the inftamma abated. The lives et n m renorcis of martyr.dem. They mita.. they are siek. they never know A Well day yet f ,r t1' all this suffering and sickness/ fj�¢i oinatonaybe launneeessary. Every Milnemade snow. 1 Y may b e made to 1(Irlla �pCrlence Phe ex - vigor and rr ,JJ thirty of rb- 71t 1 bustandpertee• tly healtltyvro• N arihood, It is to �t �� this ever -1n. C, z re/ HE creasing nnrnber t of suffering women thatfr.shoop Sends! / his message of hope and lite and good cheer. It is to these sick and al1In women that Dd. Sxo01"8 MIMI' Ctias will come ` as a halm of Gilead. You may not knew your trouble by the natne physicians giro It, but remember DR, SNOOP'S NIO$r' cuss ray be relied upon in all eases of womb ulceration, falling of the womb, pains in the Womb of ovaries, leueornccea, whitea) inlliimnlStien, tnegeation, Irr0 u1ar or painful Menstruation. Ask for nosme is NtoJ1 ' Ones. Reeoruanemied sad sold by 'ALLEY'S DRUG 5 'ORE. e sayra13 4e$7tD 1672 THE WINO0 TINES. EVERY THURSDAY MQRNINf --AT- The Times Ofllee, Beaver Block iv1T1GSAiit, ONTARIO, TERMS or eameoRIPT OR -$1.00 per annuls in advance 81.50 it mot so paid. No paper (Deems - tinned till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the pablither. Anrsmenniv t RATES. Legal and other oasualadvortisements loo per Nonppariel line for • first insertion, So per line for eaeh aubsequeut insertion, 10 etq pers line for 55r5local inserrtion, end 5 centime _per line for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements of Strayed, Forme for Sale or to Rent and. similar, 51.00 for first three weeks, and 25 cents tor each subsequent in- sertion. OONTRAor RUTes-The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:,- sPAOE. 1 yrs 8 bio. a MO, len,. Onedolumn 170.00 $40.00 122,50 58 00 Half Column 40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00 QuarterOolmmn. , 20.00 12.60 7.60 8.00 One Inch ,...... 5.00 0,00 2.00 1.25 Advertisements without specific direotiona will be inserted till forbid and oharged a000rd- ingiy. Transient advertieemeats mat be paid for in advance. Tan Jon DEPARTMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all regntsiteafor print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the countyfor turning out first class work. Largo type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bills, eta., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print Mg. Orders for the insertion bf advertisements such as teachers wanted, business chanes, many kind ofvan addvt ineany of the Torontoes for sale, or in otr other city papers, may be left at the TIMES office. This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TIMES OFFICE. Wingham. IT PAYS TO1 ADVERTISE H. B. ELLIOTT Proprietor and Publisher JPbeM O. •Memr of the B1tlMedical Associa- tion, Gold' Medalist - in Medicine. Special attention paid.'to diseases of Women and Child; ren. Office hours -I to 4 p, m.: 7 to 9 p, in. DR, MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, • • Physician, Surgeon, to. Drug Office -Macdonald Night oalioas answered at the office DR. ROBT.O. REDMOND, M. R.O.S. (Eng) L. R. C. P. (Lend.) PHYSIOI,AN and SURGEON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. rate of interest. and Company aommiessiods n charged 1mort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham J A. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &o. Wiugham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON Dw nzy HOLMES DICKINSON & HO/MES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. MONEY To Leese. OstrMOE: Meyer Block, Wingham, JOHN RITOHIE, - GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. 8. Dental Cr ollf ege tal anduLicentiathe of he Rogyqal ' College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Poet Office, Wingham. ALEx. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER cgnrd at dont reasonable rat s loo dere left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention, FARM ERS and anyone they wistdipsestook ar-tise the same for sale in the Titres. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if yon do not get a ouatomer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stook than it is worth. Bend your advertisement to the Tinos and try this 'artin cles, disposing of your stook and other RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TtsUNR 13AILWAY SYBWEaf. 'reams LltAVRNOR London 8.40 aim...- 8 80p.m, Toronto &East 10.40 a.m6.48 a.'111::.:2.40p.m, Kincardine -11.15 a.m.. 2.08 p -m.,.. 9.15p.m. aunt -via 3'ROit Kincardine ....0.40 a.m10.40 a,m., -. 2,40 p.m. London 11.10 aim..,-. 7.85 p.m. Palmerston9.85 a.m. Toronto & East 2.08 p.m..., 9.16 p.m . L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PAC/PIC RAILWA' . TRAINS LEAVE FOR Toronto and East 8.58 a.m.... 8.84 p.m. TeesWater 1.25 p.m....10.51 p.m. ARRIVE B'ROM teamster.-@g.45 aim..... 0.26 p.m. Toronto and East J. H.BFEb1161 Agent,Wingham. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENOC TRADE MARKS btu1GNa COPYRta$Ts &C. Anyb0ne sending a sketch and descrf bolt mos* invention is ascertain probbably opinion tree Cwhetherrnese 5 tions strictly Olde tSagencyserr1•t. aseeuricngepn� st Patents tat:en through Mnna Co, receive spitted hones, withzzouutt omega, tante, A bandeoOiCly ttractrated weekly. tented'tie. smarten of anj• etenttao6 ijourttsl. Terms, t3 It ANS: tenrmontks, EL 8o4 braa.rtewedeaiera, dtldt'ashrlo. finnan. tatog�� 1i" *t.. Washlpaa t� t{j, FORESTS DESTROYED.~ GOVERNMENT Th BEGINNXNG MG REALIZE ENORMITY Or LOW., Denudation of Western Woodland, E,esults in Appalling Diikaete +-Cleared Ground Va. available. We have come to the end of that dream of the inexhaustibleness of the supply of forme and forests. Now, at immense expense, Uncle Sain is engaged in stor- ing the water that falls on the westertk mountains to create fertility in regions of barrenness in order that tillable land- Mae, and•Ma , be provided for those who wilt make it fruitful. We have become con- scious suddenly, says the Boston Her- ald, that our forest policy has been wasteful of resources almost beyond possibility of calculation, The lesson: which many European governments. have learned that the destruction of the forests is a policy that tends to the Im- poverishment ofthepeople, le now borne in upon us with force. We are be- coming aware of the truth of natural science that the mountain forests are not only one important source of the fertility of the plains, but the guarantee of its continuance, and the most perfect security against freshets that ft11 tber beds of rivers with earth and cause de- structive overflow of their banks, wast-. Ing the labor bestowed on roads and - etructures and crops, Ages have been required for the slurs gathering on mountain sides of the thin: soil which supports the growth of for- ests that in turn add an increment to the soil. When the forests are cut away this double growth ceases. It is a com- mon oiinion that anew growth of trees will at once begin aqd flourish. This is not the fact. Deprived of shade, ex- posed to the sun and winds, its binding network of living roots decaying, the soil is washed by the floods from the rocks, leaving them bare. Wherever, as has been the case over hundreds and perhaps thousands of square miles, fires have followed the iumberman'a work, and often have far overpassed the ex- tent of it, the seeds of vegetable life are destroyed. Irremediable barrenness succeeds. No longer does a spongy mold absorb the rain and hold it, to be slowly drained away. The torrents of the storm flow down the mountain sides un- checked and irresistible, doing vast damage hundreds of miles away, The most extensive, dlveraifled and valuable forest in the United States east of the Mississippi river is that -of the southern Appalachian ranges, covering an area estimated to be 4,000,000 acres, in Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Caro- lina, Georgia and Alabama. Here are the sources of great rivers that float southeasterly Into the Atlantic, south- erly into the gulf of Mexico, and wind- ing through western Virginia, Tennes- see and Kentucky, constitute the feed- ers of the Ohio, a main tributary of the Mississippi, which also has its outlet in the gulf. It is certain that the de- nudation of these ranges of their noble virginal forest, in which are 137 differ- ent varieties of trees, that have been described by government experts, in- cluding the finest virginal hardwood ;groves on the continent, would, i•i the judgment ot scientific men, affect alt these states with serious and contin- uing Imes. Yet this work of devasta- tion is going on with increasing rapid- ity, and in a few years will be practic- ally complete, unless it is arrested by the appropriation of these mountain masses as a government reservation, a step which the states concerned are ready to support and aid. It is estimated by the committee of the United States senate on . forest reservations that during the last year floods in the rivers of the Piedmont plateau and the valleys of western Vir- ginia and eastern Tennessee swept away buildings, farms, bridges, and woods ex- ceeding in value the sum of $18,000,000, and- that a Large part of this loss would have been prevented if the forests about the river sources had been preserved and protected. The secretary of agricul- ture, in a report to the president, says that more gond soil is now washed from these cleared mountain side fields dur- ing a heavy rain than during centuries under a forest cover. This is saying that the cleared lands are not perma- nently available for farms. Their soil is rapidly carried off. What becomes of it? It makes unnavigable and use- iess for comnlerciat purposes hundreds of miles of formerly navigable rivers. It goes to.fiil tip harbors that must be con- tinually dredged at large cost to be avail- able tor shipping. The waterfall over this range is very large, commonly about 100 inches in the year. Under naterat, conditions It was drained off slowly; under artificial conditions it rushes in deluges through the streams to the sea, a source of harm instead of benefit, ) Wise Old Owl. "What do yon see, tell me, quickly! "4 gasped the superstitious woman of the clairvoyant, who was fast getting into the. wooly state. 'I can see -•-a tall, Mack -haired man a -two buttons oft his vest -looking gen- erally neglected--attting 14 the lap of--" "0, the wretch!" cried the supertttti- ' tloua one. "Go on,, go on. Tell me their worst." "Sitting lit the lap of --sudden lax- ury," finished the psychic one. "0, the darling/ I never really did mistrust hlui. There, take this' five." -- Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. bens.. I 131t-4 didn't teem tO rapeat that story fn your presence this evening. I know, you've hard the tell it twice bew fors. tang -Ob, that's all rights. 1 didn't, see to point till you'd told It elle diel- ]21 t1oit rtt0 Pres* - 4--