HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-08-02, Page 1VOL XXXV.---NO. 1799, Tailor -Made Cloches $15. We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 335. $4, $5, $6. A fine selection of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stook. M1SL1 Hoinllth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post aloe. FALL FAIR DATES. Wingham. , . .. Sept. 27.28 , 'Toronto Aug. 27 -Sept. 10 London .. . . - Sept. 7-15 'Goderieh Sept. 26-27-28 Blyth Sept. 18-19 Listowel Sept. 25-26 LucknowOct. 2. 3 Teeswater, . .... Oct. 3- 4 Bru es's Oct. 4- 5 Dr. Butler, London, will be at Queen's hotel on:-Tneeday, June 19th; Tues- day, July I7th. Hoare 1 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Eye, ear, nose and throat consul- tations, Eyes tested for glasses: MAo trNE REPAIRING -I have taken over the machine shop of W G Paton and am prepared to do all kinds of steam and hot water fitting, repairs to engines and boilers and all kinds of farm mach- inery. ROBERT M. COOPER NEW ARRIVALS Pure Paris Green (Government standard) -the best 25c per pound. Antiseptic Foot Powder Eases and cures tired, sweaty and ewolleu feet. 15G a box, or 2 for 25G. Walton M.iciabbon Pha.. �iVriG�sT. istez Macdonald Block - W iAb; This gore closes at 8 p. m., every evening except Saturday. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoeit and Rubbers Fine Sample Mr J C Currie, from the West, left a day a sample of wh farm of Mr Win R resident of Turnber oated near Saskatoc is well beaded, an growth, the stalks I feet, ten inches in 1 t Wheat. o has returned this office yester- t grown on the ertaon, a former y, who is now lo - i, Soak. The wheat shows a wonderful easuring about four ngth. Highest price paid for bides and poul- try at T. Fells' butoher abop. Successful G den Party. Tice garden party eld at the home of Mr Wm Mitchell in Turnberry on Mon- day evening, and r the staples of Holmes' Sunday ac o1 was a grand me- ccas and the large ompeny of people had a very enjoy"ble evening. The Citizena'.Band en ivened the evening with choice selects, us. The committee in charge can wel - congratulate them- selves on their suct saful garden party. Special Reduced ates to St. Paul and MI eapolis. For the Grand rmy of t . epublio National Enema meat, inneapolis, August 13th to 1 th, th rand Trunk Railway will sell ron• + trip tickets at special reduced r e '' ood going August 10, 11, 12th, also cinch trains on Ang. 13th, as will ens passengers to leave Chicago on same d .y. Tickets valid re- turning until Sep ember 30th, on pay- ment of 50 cents. Call on G T R Agents for full particular . Times Trade Edition. The next issue ra the lamas will take the form of a trad edit", D. The manu- facturing eetabliOonloala and other places of business aill be written up in good shape, and fshort history of the town will be given This will be a good paper to send to fo mer residents, show. ing as it will, the rogreas 11 e town hi s made in the past few years. A large number of extra copies of the pager will be issued and ea be obtained at this of- fice at the rate o three cents each. PRESERVING Tini.-If you come to D. M. Gordon's icr your gem jars and the beat preseiv Le sugar in the world, you will not be &eapeointed either in the price, quanta- nr" treaty. Finish the Building. The new, post o rice budding and grounds are commencing to rut on a more finished appea.ance, but Still the question is sakes -"When, oh when, will the work be completed and the building ready for ise?" The editor of the TIMES has beer asked this question times without nu • unable to give answer. Last fa ing would be co. 1906, but the w now we axe afrai out on our guess. building have b would not be toler dividnal. During no work, other t cement fionr in the done. Something have this work co stands it is an eye people, r. er and we are yet enquirers a definite 1 we said the build- pleted in September, y things are going we will be a trifle The delays on this n disgraceful and ed by a private in - he past two weeks an patting in the basement, has been should be done to pleted. As it now sore to the towns - Happy i° ay at Lake. The people whtbok advantage ot the excursion to Kin ardine on Friday last, spent a very h: ppy day at the lake. The weather wa . perfect and thisannual event was prono inced the beet success yet. The fire train ]eft Wingham shortly before n ne o'clock and on this train the condo for collected 777 tickets and on the deco d train 885 tickets were collected. At t e Wingham station 923 tickets were eel , being thirty morn than last year. This arge company of people were 'tarried to and from Kincardine without anythin ; in the shape of an am cident and the . nembers of the train crews could not ave been more court - eons and obligin . The day at Kincar- dine was spent i the usual way of plc- nicing at the be utiful lake park and all had a very njoyable time. The Citizens' Band a companied the enure - ion and made th day pass more pleas- antly in renderin a choice program, A Belling . tug did A good business in running exotirsi s and many of the ex- ouraionifits enjo rid the tripe on the lake. During the after loon the Wingham and Kincardine base tall dubs played a game which reaulted in a win for Wingham by a soore of 7 -o 5, Kincardine atid Ooderioh playea a good game of lacrosse and the home t ern won by a soore of 4 tri 0. Several : Mks of Wingham bow]. ars spent the d .y in friendly play With the,Hinoarliine Iowlers. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1906. Decoratio The annual dec the auspices of M will be held this All Oddfellowe ar the Lodge Room i 5 o'clock and marc cemetery, where t members will be d The Citizens' Ban head the processio f Services. Mien services, under tland Lodge, 1.O.0.F. (Thursday) evening. requested to meet at the Mason block at �•in a body to the le graves of deceased Icorated with flowers. has been engaged to Sumgait SALE. -Slaughter Cash Sale of all Drees Fabrics. GED. E. KING. Clear S eep Sale, In a large advt, on page eight of this issue, H. E. Isar & Co. announce a great ten days' sa . This firm is anxi- ons to clear out t eir present stook of goods in order to make room for new fall and winter go s. Low prices will be in order on gen al dry goods, cloth- ing, carpets, etc. ead the advt., pink out what you want and call at the store and get bargains. he sale commences on Saturday of thi week. HORSES FOR SALE, -Heavy Draught Fillies, Geldings and Roadsters. LOTT & KING, Extending oderich Line. Mr Barnbas Gi son, of Toronto, has signed ther i ed cont act which has gw hebeen awarded for ctilding the Listowel branch of the G•alph & Goderieh Rail- way, This bras ch, which is to connect with the main d vision at Linwood, will be sixteen and o. -e -third miles long, and is to be of the se a substantial obaraoter as the main line f the Guelph & God- erieh Railway. t is a comparatively easy to build thr gh, and the co tract is to completed b November. WANTED AT ONCE ltwatchman for tbe Union factory; ust be a steady man. WANTED -A bright young man, about 16 years of agQ for general office work. THE WESTERN FOUNDRY CO. 011ie Jen 011ie Jenninge. ed on Monday nigh explosion of a lam on Wednesday young man was we having on many oc here. He was a his host of friends his tragic death. on Friday afternoo of the excurtion to friends in Wingha attending. The fu attended and wa Masonic Order. T Ings Dead. o was severely burn - of last week by the died at Kincardine orning. Deceased I.known in Wingham anions played lacrosse pular yonng man and ere sorry to hear of he funeral took place , and being the day inoardine, many old had the privelege of eral was very largely conducted by the e Wingham Citizens' Band headed the 1neral precession. Don't miss the a rga.n,. in furniture at our store during Ju: ' and August. WuLEER BROS & BUTTON. The Central Bysiness College of To onto. By referring volume our reader tion of the above all interested in p cation to write for ing catalogue. T to be the beat of i1 Fo our advor trains will note the invite - ell known Schooi to actical business edu- e copy of its interest - is School is admitted kind in Canada. o Grant -Lt :khart Nuptials. At high noon .hnrsday July 26th, an exceedingly pret y wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lockhart, Catharine St.; " when their daughter Evelyn Louisa, was united in marriage with Howard N. Grant of North Toronto. To the strains of the wedding marc i, played by Mr, T. Follick of Niag ira Falls, brother-in-law tothe groom, t to latter was conducted to his place to his brother, Walker J. Grant of Parkdale. Promptly at the ap- pointed hour; t bride entered, leaning on the arm of ter father, and praoeded by little hilliaLFolliok strewiat to were in her path. .ev. Newton Hill, uncle of the bride, aaisted by Rev. D. Perris and Rev. S. M. Whaley of Stratford, per- formed the ceasmony. The bride was gowned . in cl ampagne silk eolienne trimmed with i 11 -over lace and applique and looked i eed beautiful in her wedding veil nd wreath, She also carried a large ougnet of white roses. The house dec ations were in roses, ferns and canna ions. After congratnle- tiona to the ne y wedded pair a dainty wedding break net was served. The gifts were exc titrnally beautiful, the groom's gift to t e bride being a cres- cent of pearls, In the afternoon the bridal party wit several of their friends left for their me in Toronto. The bride's travelli g gown was an eton snit of broadel th with trimmings of Dreadon silk sad cord and waist of Hensall Limerick lace o 'or white silk. Mr. and Seafortbh Wi h THE WEEK'S Mr, A, M. Crawford of his rink have been congratulations for the they made at the be in London last week. extra good games age very beet rinks in Ont up into the semi-flna 'PORT. nd the members receiving hearty splendid showing ing tournament hey played some st some of the io. They were in the trophy match and into the six h round in the Association and into tae finals of the Consolation, being ben to in this match by 21 to 19 by W. B. 'Smith's Toronto Victories rink. The tournament this year was one of the fest ever held in London. The trophy as won by Ed. F. Seagram's Waterloo ri4k. The Associa- tion prize by W. R. Co--o's Mitchell rink. Each member of the Wingham rink received a handsome eta glass berry bowl as second prize in the ►lonaolation. The order in which the Wi glum rink won was as follows: -Trop Crawford, Wingham, Orangeville, 16-14; sec. ham 17, Dr. English, L round, Wingham 16, P f oarth round, Wingh Toronto 12; fifth roan: Seagram, Waterloo 2 Fifth round, Wingha round, Wingham 12, burg 13 Consolation-. Berlin 12; seventhrou' Cornwall, Thamesville; Wingham a bye; final,' 23,,Wingham 21., In r round in the Troph y -First round, beat Hurndale, d round, Wing• ndon 15; third ken Parkdale 8; m 15, Hewett, Wingham 16, ; Association- , a bye; sixth :pirrall, Tillson• Ingham 14,Euler d, Wingbam 18, 12, eighth round, Smith, Toronto porting the fifth the Advertiser said: -The other sem" -final game was much better, and was attended by a good gallery, Eddie Sangre started badly. and before he could ge the way of the ioe,Crawford had him s van down, The German kept Doming, nd began to draw up ou the Wingham bunch. At the sixth end he had one to the good, but the northerners came back'_ard with a bunch of three. Eddie even +d it up on the next one, and the pair s, e• sawed this way until the fourteenth en 1, when the score Was a tie. Eddie won out in the next end. Crawford's boy got on the bad side of the green, and 'heir shots ells -vent fast. In the mean -ti ,Eddie was bunch- ing the Dntohinefl, a when they clear- ed the ice, Seagram d six on the right side of the ledger, awiord was game, but he could not get ip,and the Germans were seven to the goal at the call of time. Wingham basebal club has been mak- ing a good showing he last two games. At Lucknow on Monday evening they won a game"by a s ore of 14 to 6. Bat- teries:-Wingham, unlop;and Armour; Lucknow, Briatolu nd McCoy, Umpire, Robert Ross, of K• cardine. At Clinton on Aides?last the Wing. ham Maple Leaf 1rosee team went to Clinton and logit o the tune of 5 to 0. This was not a ver'i good showing when we remember the f st game played with Seaforth. Mr. D. ' insley of town re- fereed the game. TO TH PUBLIC. Having dispose of my grocery�saand crockery business to Mr. Ch istie, of Woodstock, I wis to thank my miners ons friends and ou tomer, who have so libera-ly patronize me during my busi- ness career in Win lit ui. My successor is a man of large b eiiess experience and one whom l cnn retrommend as an up• Io- date business man, arhowill undoubtedly maintain the high Itreputation the store has gained for handling fret -class stock I bespeak for him to large share of the patronage of the people of the town and country, Faith ally yours R. A. HurcHISON. Count\f Taxes. Following is a statement of the county rate levied against the munici- palities of the ooun,y this year, and a similar statement or 1905. The total amount raised Iast and this year the $76,502.52. The as are based on the nej lar was $11, 372.45, levies amount to elements thin year equalization. 1006 1905 Ashfield $4,674 24 $3,797 95 Colborne ` 2,739 60 2,555 45 Goderich Township 3,975 48 3,808 00 Grey. , 6,143 60 3,823 80 Hay . 4,352 60 8,371 05 Howick 6,087 42 4,309 80 Hallett 4,627 80 4,077 75 Morris 4,485 24 3,364 45 MoKille 4,821 84 3,968 05 Stanley p 3,843 18 3,484 20 Stephen .. X4,929 84 8,694 50 Tnokersmith 14,343 94 3,654 10 Ttirnberry 2,934 00 2,111 60 iisborne a ,.. , 4,351 50 3,827 00 Wawanoah East... , 2,888 04 2,460 35 Wawatiosh West... .2,1,05 02 2,713 40 Bayfield 254 52 153 10 Blyth 487 44 263 80 Brussels. ..... 577 80 425 60 Citation 1,231 92 1,029 45 Exeter 640 20 Goderieh1,66310 285 00 974 30 67395 152 80 968 76 2,560 68 450 72 1,850 00 1,260 48 270 s Mrs. Grant Wil bare the best wishes of Wro#star .... 6 numerous Mem s for a happy wedded I life. Total ...*1602 52 $61;872 45 Accident on Saturday. While driving int- Wingham on Satur- day evening, bars, John Copeland, of Turnberry met wits what might have been a fatal acciden . Is will be remem- bered that her son r =gently had his arm broken at a barn rai_ing and Mrs. Cope. land was bringing b m to the doctor's to have the arm draase . When in front of the chair factory on of the front wheats came off the buggy nd Mrs. Copeland was thrown to the road and received ugly outs about the ace and body. She was carried to the ::ing Edward hotel where her wounds sane dressed. It was very fortunate that he accident was not more serious. The young man escaped without a scratch. I Come to D. M. GORDON'S Great Mid• Summer Sale. The prices in many Iines are out in two, May as well share in the great slaughter. Change le Grocery. Mr R A Hutchiso, one of Wingham'a well-known busine s men, is retiring from business, Navin sold his grocery to Mr Christie, of Wo detock, who took possession yesterda . Mr Hutchison has worked up a od trade and his friends are sorry to ear of his retiring from business. He 1 as not yet decided what he will do but intends shortly to take a trip to the Wet for the benefit of his health, which ha not been very good of late. In tbe mea time he and Mrs Hutchison have take up residence in the residence on ctoria street just west of Mr J J Elliott's. The TIMES wishes his succeasoi, every prosperity. Speaking of Mr Chri tie's leaving Wood- stock the Sentinel. eview of Monday says; -Mr J H Oh iatie, --for the past three years manage of the grocery de- partment of the E J Coles Co., has pur- chased a grocery, hina and crockery business in Wingha and leaves for the latter place at the end of the present week. While in oodstock Mr Christie and his family hay made many friends, who will unite in wishing them every success in their n home. In business circles Mr Christie is recognized as a man of marked ability and with his many years of experienc be takes over his new business with evoy prospect of success. Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc- Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Aug. 7th Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop- erly fitted. Yon will find our furniture store the beet place to deal for high-class goods at most reasonable prices. WALKER Bos & BUTTON, furniture dealers and under- takers. Straight Heats. The Toronto Wo11d in reporting the race won by Darks Hal at Windsor on Saturday says :-Y ref do not chase one another by with fie ting certainty with out the harness rac ng world reading at irregular but frq tient intervals that Canada had turns loose another pacer that could step to/ 'eat the band. This year is young yet, sa far as the pacer is concerned, but no too young for this country, as we to ned loose the good thing here yesterday, and those from around Wingham ho bet a few hund- red dollars took c se to $10,000 out of the pool box. was fitting at the ciese of Canada's most successful trot- ting an 'acingl meeting a Canadian shoulc, be the mans of preventing the escape oI dr ver and sundry American dollars whio.i ,i been brought here for the purpose i. a rning juicy interest on themselves. T pacer in question is a cheap bought 1i le trick called Darkey Hal, and is a da ghter of Star Hal, A Canadian owne her and refused $1000 for her last year but things went wrong with him and th sheriff Ievied, At the time of the sal J, E. Swarts of Wing - ham was on deo and his bid of $600 se- cured for him t e mare, a sulky, a cart, a sleigh, harnes , blankets and even hop- ples, for no ell -mannered Canadian pacer could lea a its dear old hoppler behind, even if alking out for a drink of water. Mr. arts has not said a great deal about er, only that she could pane. He drove er himself to be satis- fied, and when h carne here he told some friends that he was a great mare. however, he did not get all of the tickets on her, as the was sold in cheap fields generally. ;The other boys from Canada grabbed'•, them as they were offered, Some at r calling for about $85, Home at $15 being, good for $160. The tank as far as Darj was a very one -s marched away wi and in the second eased her up itt danger and they Might have been g been driven to it, cop Hal was concerned ded affair. She just h it in straight heats one Driver Hassard he end, when out of ung out 2.01aa which lose to 2.06 if she had $ 1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE NERONAL. we shall be glad to have contributions to this column from an of our readers, It you have visitors or purpo a going away yourself, drop in and tell us, orrsend us note to that effect. Miss Haynes, o Chicago is visiting with Miss Sadler.! Miss Carrie St wart, of Auburn, is visiting Wingha friends. Mies McCann of Loudon was visit- ing at Mrs. John `1)inaley's. Miss Zora Wad= is visiting her friend Miss Teen Mebiaw+i in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Lannt has returned from his holiday trip to the Pacific Coast, Mr. Horace H gson, of Toronto is visiting at his par tal bome in town. Miss Mand Ira ad,- of Detroit, is visiting relatives a d friends in town, Mrs Elmer Moo and two daughters are visiting for a fe days in Bayfield. Dr. Sperling, of Winnipeg has been visiting at the hom of Mr. F. G. Sperl- ing. Miss Annie Scott of Galt, is visiting at tho home of her c with, Mr Robt Max- well. Rev. Woe Lowe, of London was call- ing on old Wingham friends during the week. Mr. Jas. Black, o visiting for a few da in town. Mr. M. Lamont Saturday after spen the West, Mr and Mrs Jes ing for a few day Lucknow. Mr P Chevalie, left Toronto on Thursday last for .is home in Maple Creek, Sask. Miss Jennie H: liday, of Toronto is spending Her ho . ays at her parental home in town. Mr. R, S. Star y and daughter, ot Owen Sound wee visiting Wingham friends last week. Mr. Ben. David on, of Hamilton, is visiting his parent, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Davidson, in town.t Miss Carrie Ea leson, of Dresden, visited her sister, ss BlancheEagleson, during the past weak. Mrs. D. McCoririick and Miss McCor- mick, of Hamilton. are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. L. W. Hinson. Misses Ella and cava Walley, of Birtle, Man., were visitin this week with their uncle, Mr. F. H. galley. Mr. W. C. Thtmpson, of Hamilton spent part of bis stolidays visiting with old friends in Wirgbam. Charles Ashdown has returned to Wingham after a ending his holidays at the parental horn in Brantford. Mr, Jos. Saito of Wallacebnrg has been visiting for a few days with rela- tives and old friends in Wingham. Mr and Mrs. 4 A. Tracey, of George- town , are visitipg with old friends in town, being guess at the home of Mr. C. Dallas. Mrs R. Elliot, and son, Frank, of Brantford, are 'v.siting for a few days at the homes of M'.sers F. H. Walley and H. B, Elliott. Mr and Mrs J ihn Long, of Brussels and Mrs. J. Gi Tremain, of Detroit were visiting at the $ome of Mr. H. B. Elliott, on Sunda' Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell and child- ren are spending two a eeks at Grand Bend. Mr. Chita` Bleck has charge of Mr. Maxwell's b sence. Mr. Leslie You Flint, Mich. was s with his parents eturned home on ing a few weeks in Button were visit - with relatives at t ainesa during his ab- ing left Tuesday morn- ing for London, t take a position with the Hobbs Manufa taring Co. Mr. John Young is manager t,f this firm's Winnipeg branoh. alias Minnie Me Id, of Albion, Mich. is visiting with he ? sister, Mrs Robt. Maxwell. Master; Clayton Maxwell, who has been visits rig at Albion, return- ed home with his a'nt. D. P. Clark, Priicipal of the Mulvey Public School, W' nipeg, is spending some of his holida a visiting his sister and brother-iu-law` Mr and Mrs Gavin Wilson, Beechgro Farm, East Wawa- noeh, Mrs. Schafer of aterloo fall dead up- on the unexpected etnrn home of her son. Fon SAL- -00od Dwelling Bones and one acre of land, now occupied by me; For terms and partiouiars appl�yafrir>bo. MCKENZIE. PARLOR SUITE Fon SAr -An elegant Second -banded vial rinJ allot spite in first class condition,kl"onslating of seven pieces. For sale at s bargain. Apply to R. Vanstone. EXCURSION TO ICIIMAnD Don't forget it, Wednesday, Act th. Special train leaves Wingh m 06 a. m. The n r ado] d and fare it only a t 360 for children. Br and in attendance. Arran to go and enjoy the day Ist the lake. Everything For the Teeth Tooth Brushes Sozodont Liquid Eathymol Tooth Paste Wampole'a Formolid Paste Colgate's Tooth Paste Dentol Tooth Paste Denticura Tooth Paste Areca Nut Tooth Soap Aruioa Tooth Soap Rubifoam Teaberry and alI other kinds of cleaning material for the teeth. Can we not supply you, at Walley's Drug Store Phone 100. Successor to McCall & Co Success in Selling Real Estate depends on bringing sellers and buy- ers together at the proper time The following list is a sample of the many cheap and desirable properties for sale : $2500 -2 -story brink cottage ; corner lot, John St. $2500-2 story frame house; excellent condition; Centre St. $2100-2 story frame hoose; batb,etc., stable: worth $2500; Minnie St. $1300 -New brick cottage, Josephine street, $1300 -2 -story frame house; stable; Leopold St. $1200-11 story double frame house, rents $13 per month; John St. $1100-1i story frame home, 8 rooms, stable; Frances St. $1000-i} story new brick hoose, 7 rooms; corner lot; Charles St. $5000-100 acres, Turnberry township, bank barn, frame house; 2. miles from Wiogbam. $3500-59 acres ; brick house; bank barn; 1aa miles frotp Wiugbam. $3500-424 acres; brick house; bank barn; % mile from Wingham. Wroxeter Village Property. $1300-11 story brick house, an excel- lent home for a retired farmer. Call and get full particulars. Agent for Western Lands. J. H. CHISH®Ln, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. Vsnetone block, Wingham. SITUATIONS A w al t young ladies and gentlemen who prepare as Bookkeepers,Stenographers and Telegraphers in the Wingham Business College "Affiliated with Chalon Business College.) GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal. DONT MISS THIS GREAT SALE A Shoe Clearance You know what that means. It's a cleaning up of Spring and Sommer Shoe stocks. " Six months and out" is the rule -and bare they go. High Shoes and Oxfords - every pair good,reliable shoes -no trash, all our regular stook. It's the opportunity of the season to get good shoes at little prices. First choice is always best. Don't wait until your size Is gone. W. J. Greer LU} I HOER.