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The Wingham Times, 1906-07-26, Page 8
& THE 110.11"11111011/0.46,1•14s***101101011.10011011.1101.allAs SA M attended the funeral of the late Mra S. M, Watson, of Attwood, on Monday. Some tlot Prices /FOR TRE ROT WEATHER. . Muelins and Silk Gingham's, regular 50o, for • .30 Musms, liregular 35o, for - - - • ~U Muslims, regular 15o, for - - .10 Toweling, regular 12is',o, for - - .8! s: Also all Summer Dress Goods at big out is prices, 1 1 Summer Parasols at cost price and below. We still have some up-to-date White Lawn Waists which we are Clearing out at big reductions. Just Received — A Fall shipment of Ladiefs' Black Ready -to wear Skirts—For style and price you will find it hard to equal them. Gents' Furnishiugs and Clothing at reduced prices. Also, Reductions in Carpets, Linoleum's and Curtains. TRADE TAKEN As CASK. Carey Dry Goods Co. PHONE 70. WINGHAM. MINOR LOCALS. —The young people of St. Paul's Church will hold a garden party on the Park on Tuesda evenim Au - —Spend Friday at the lake at Kincar- t dine. --Union Sunday school excursion to Kincardine on Friday. --L. T. Bland, M. P. is seriously ill at his home in Kincardine. —Mr. Robt. E. Biggar, of Clifford has been appointed a notary public. —Friday of this week is a public holi- day in Wingham—Civic holiday. —Mr. D. E. McDonald shtpped a car load of cattle to Toronto yesterday. —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, 0. 0, F. on Friday evening of this week. —Is it not time that the weeds and long grass on many of Wingham's streets were cut? —Twenty-five cents will pay for the TOLES to January 1st, 1907. Sent to any address. —Tnrnberry Township Council will •meet in the Clerk's office at Blnevale next Monday. —New subscribers can have the TOTES sent to any address to January lat, 1907 for twenty-five cents. —Conies of the prize list for Wingham's fall fair can be had on application to the secretary, H. B. Elliott, at the Timea office. —The popular excursion of the season will be the one of the I. 0. 0. F. to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday, Ang- nst lith. —The Wingham Firemen will hold a celebration on Labor Day, Monday, Sept 3rd. Full particulars will be given in future issues. —Mr. Chas. Burford, section foreman on the G. T, R. at the Junction has pur. chased Mr. Peter Deans' property on -the north end of Josephine street. —Mr. Alex. McGregor has been en- gaged as section foreman on the C.P.R. at Streetsville Junction and left this 'week to assume his new duties. —The railways offer single fare for Wingham civic holiday. Good going on afternoon trains July 26th, all trains July 27th, returning 013 July 281b. • —The contract for the interior fittings the now Post o 'ice building has been itWarcled to Mr. Kyle, of Ottawa, who will commence his work in a few days. ---Eliza R. Adams, wile of Rev, I� thew Swann, of Fetgtia, cued at her home on Sunday, July 15th, in her 79th year. Mrs. (Rev.) S. Sellery, formerly of Wingham, now of Brookville, is a daughter of the deceased lady. own y g, g ust 14th. The Citizens' Band has been engaged and a good time may be ex- pected. Full particulars in a future MRS. —Keep in mind the garden party to be held under the auspices of Holmes Sun- day school next Monday evening at the home of Mr. Wm. Mitchell. A splendid evening's entertainment has been ar- ranged. The Wingham Citizens' Band will furnish mueic. .selling Off At Cost. We have a few Ai Lacrosse Sticks and Balls, Base - Ball Clubs and Mitts (Glasgow and Oxford makes), which, with our entire stock of Snort- ing Goods, will be sold AT COST to make room for new goods. —The grist mill belonging to McCrack- en Bros. at Tiverton was burned Thurs. day about 4 p. m., and almost totally destroyed. Eight hundred bushels of wheat, three hundred bushels of coarse grain, and three tons of Sour wore also burned. It is partly covered by insur- ance. Miss KsMg Fisher rho— tar Cooper & 0o. Miss Wellwood, of Boston,, Mass., is visiting et the home of her parents, Mr. And Dura, Win. Wellwood, Patrick street. Mr Duncan. Stewart of Stratford, gen- eral agent of the Mutual Life Assurance 00. of Canada was in Wingham yester- day, Mr and Mrs dlaude dole, of Kalkaska, Mioh., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. >itoht. Maxwell, corner John and Frances streets. Mr Harry Anderson, who has been living in the West for some time is vis- iting with his parents, Mr and Mrs Rioh Anderson. Mr. and 13trs. Dickie, of Souris, Man. were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bosman, Mrs. Dickie beiug a sister of Mrs. Bosman, Miss Isa Simpson, of Chicago is spend- ing her holidays with her sister, Mrs. A. H. Musgrove and at her parental home in Calross. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Moorehonse and Master Wade and Miss Liles, of Pro- vidence, R. I., Are visiting at the home of Mr. Geo. Wade. Mr. Robt. Currie, sr. left Tuesday morning on a nine months trip to the West. He will spend a portion of this time with his two sons in British Colum- bia.. Mr. T. Hall, of the Advance left Mon- day on a two weeks holiday trip. Mr. Hall has not been enjoying good health and we hope the change may be of much benefit to him. Mies Edna Scott, daughter of a form- er Winghamite, and Miss Dorothy Kil- patriok, daughter of Professor Kilpat- rick of Knox College, both of Toronto, are guests at the home of D. M. Gordon. Mr and Mrs Ohm Swanson were in Goderich last week attending the funer- al of Mr. Swanson's grandmother, Mrs Geo, Swanson. Deceased was a native of Scotland and had been a residents of Goderioh since 1848. —Dr. Kennedy of Wingham, assisted by Dr. Hamilton of Belgrave, operated on Mrs. Wm. Hopper of the township of Morris on Saturday morning last for the removal of a tumor of the bowels Major Laboryn of London was iu town this week inspecting Lieutenant Hanna's armoury and was very pleased to find it in first class condition. He says it will not be long before we have a new amours, built in our town. Mr. Arthur II. Fleming, of Pasadena, California, with his daughter and her governess, and Mr. Oscar E. Fleming, of Detroit, were guests of their sister, Mrs R. H. Holmes, this week. They came here from Detroit in their automo- ' bile. weighing 10 pounds. Since the operation Mrs. Hopper has been improving nicely and the doctors look for a complete re- covery should no complications 000ur. CHILDHOOD DANGERS. Diarrhoea, dysentry, cholera i. an - tura and stomach troubles are al: ..Ing. ly frequent during the hot ,' eather months. Too often these tr.. hies be- come acute and a precious ''Ile life is lost after only a few hour: +loess. Dur- ing the hot weather sea; . n every wise mother should ke a b ' . of Baby's Own Tablets in the hone t. oheok these ills if they come sudd nt Better still, an occasional' dose this medicine will • keep the stomach and bowels clean and prevent these dangerous ailments com- ing, Mrd. John Lancaster, NorthPorta], Sask., says: "My baby was attacked with diarrhoea and severe vomitting. I at once gave Baby's Own Tablets and next day she was as well as ever. I find the Tablets are the only medicine a little one needs." Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock. vilie, Ont. PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers, If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. MOAN t TIMES JULY 264 1906, W.. J. PRIOC, L,.D,S., D.D.S. THE BEST PLACE IN DOMINION BANK BANK OF HAMILTON Minn WI NGHAM TO (Successor to ;)r. Holloway) Will continue tby pthe Dr. tto)loway, inthecoev lately occupied Blocks, Wingham, VOTERS' LIST, 1906. Blunietpattty of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the county of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have tr.. emit- ted or delivered to the persons men .. ed in sections 8ft24 9 of "The Ontario V ars' List Act," the copies required b said tions to be so delivered or transmitted of . e list made pursuant to said Act, • all p sons appearing by the last revised Ass sstn • t Roll of the said Municipality to be en . tl • to vote in the said Munici ality at Elect' . for Members of the Legislalire Assembly andat Municipal glee' tions : and that the said list was first posted up in my office et Marnoch P. 0. lot 84, con 9, on Thursday the 20th, day of July 1000, and re- mains there for inspection. Rlector* are called upon to examine said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedins to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated, at Marnoch, P.O. Township East Wawanosh the 20th day of July 1000. P. PORTERFIELD, Clerk, Tp East Wawanosh. • Newspaper Bargains. We want to increase our subscription list, and make the following liberal offer* to new subscribers The Wingham Time* from now 25 to January 1st, 1007, for The Times and Weekly Globe .50 to January 1st, 1907, for The Times and Weekly Sun, 50 Toronto, to Jan'y 1st, 1007, for The Times and Family Herald .50 to January 1st, 1007, for Eubscribe at onto and get the full benefit of these offers. Cash must accompany each subscription. gM$MMtWngn Latimmatitti Single Fare FOR CIVIC HOLIDAY Sentence Sermons. The Lord's lambs do not need to look sheepish. The forethought that sows is the faith that reaps. To be genuine is a long step towards being godly. Nobody talks much about the bank doors on Easy street. He is false to his God who fears to be true to himself. The rewards of faith are not given for the service of fear. The dogmatic man's bark comes out of a toothless mouth. Yon will never find the kingdom by looking for it in a hash box. Miss Eleanor Akam visited her friend Miss Lilian Shark this week. Mr. Ohm. L. Kerr, of NOW York is visiting at the home of Mr. L Davidson. Take care of your character, and your credit will take care of itself. There are few things more misleading than a manufactured martyrdom. The man who calls himself a vile worm usually is crawling after the dust. The titan who has a bed of roses us; natty sits up nights picking out the thorns, No man ever did anything heroio so long as he had one eye fixed on his halo. It's never hard to read the spirtnal significance of other people's sorrows. The appeal to heroism within wins more men than the promise of heaven beyond. Mr. and Mra. P. S. Linklater Were visiting with Clifford friends over Sun. 'aortic day. . GA1.$TON—In East wawanosh, on July 18th, the wife of Mr. E. Greaten, of a daughter. Mr. Alfred Oarr returned home on Tuesday after spending some time at Virden, Man. Miss Mabeland Master Tommy McDon- ald are visiting with their grandmother itt Ashfield Township. Miss Jennie and Babe Rintotil have re- turned after spending a month with Mendel in Detroit. Mr C. W, Conway, of the Dominion tank is spending his holidays at bis home in tlxbridge. Mr. Chester huff, of New York is spending his holidays with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. David. Mrd E. Elliott, accompanied by her granddaughter, Miss Hazel Moore, is visiting relatives in Exeter. Misses Gladys Nicholson and Edna Jenkins are visiting at the home of their uncle, Mt Will. Inking at Listowel. Misses Jennie, Bella find EVA Jeffer- eOn, of Virden, Man., fire visiting at the home of their uncle, Mr. S. Bennett, Mr. Thos. Lind left yesterday for Hitchcock, Saak., where it is his inten- tion to locate if he likes the oountry. Mr 0. A. Billfold and diiaghter J`btinie MARRIED litAi AN1YNE DAvie -- At the Methodist parsonage, on July nth, by Rev. B. Arderson, Bessie, daughter et Mr. Thomas Ballantyne, to 1&r James Davis, all of Blyth. MAu s- Cow1N—At the residence of the bride's sister, Myth, on July 18th, by Rev 1)r. McLean, Miss Annie Mains, of Blyth, to Mr John R. Cowan, of Newburg, North Dakota DIED CAt*NOCHAN•--in Grey,on 8uly 17th, Geo, Edward, only bon of Joand Annie Cernock- en; aged 1 year, 2 months and 24 days. SwANN—At Fergus, on July 16th, Elba R. form- erly Brussels, and of o Mrs (E (Rev) B. Seliery, formerly of Wingham, aged 78 years, 2 months and 11 dsyu, _ NOTICE OF CLOSING. Between all stations ; going after- noon trains July 26th, all trains July 27th ; returning on July 28th. $12.00 Farm Laborers' Excursion . Going from Wingham August 14th to points in Manitoba and AMiniboia. Tourist Resorts The season is here. Get away for a few days:and visit the Highlands of Ontario. Tourist tickets on sale daily. For tickets and full information call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. J. D. MCDoNALD, Distriot Passenger Agent, Toronto. We, the undersigned tawyers agree to close our oi'lce* during the menthe of July and August to follows:—On Saturdays at 2 P.M„ tln4 On other dart at 4 P.M. rocgrN9oir fe Donnas. as. It. V NSTone, HOLtf$9, conisoftt & ROf.NE$, J. .A. MORTON. DAIS STRAY Came onto thtr prom! q , the undoralgned, lot 17. eon 1e Tnrnb srr , about 15th May, a red end white yesrlinik eifer calf. Owner ran have same by proof awnerehip, Ming ohtlrgsa end takktn5 the nititdt avrey. W. J OAtnsatYras (iettaascax, P: a $25 Diamond Ring We 'make a specialty of a ring at this price. It is exceptional value. We have sold hundreds of them. Express charges prepaid. Money refunded if not per- fectly satisfactory. C, 11. Ward & Co LONDON, ONT. Specialists in Diamolids and Cut Glass. SECURE A Piano Organ OR Violin IS AT DAVID BELL'S Terms to suit purohaser. CENTRAL /I/lCa����G•cc/S/ STRATFORD. ONT. Fall Term Opens Sept, 4th Those interested in Business College work should write for our large cata- Iogue. This is the largest and 'best Commercial and Shorthand School in Western Ontario. We give a prac- tical training and assist our graduates to responsible positions. Many of the leading business colleges employ onr graduates as teachers. Write now for free catalogues. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAR PRINCIPALS. THE NEW HOME OF The Canada Business College - CHATHAM, ONT. The only building of the kind in Canada built and used exclusively for Business College purposes, and the finest equipment of the hind on the Continent. WINQHAM WING HAM. Cap�tal paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3, 839,0'00 Pawners' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on Ml pointe in Canada, the United States and Enrope. S.tyIN0S DEPARTMENT --Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 80th June and Slit December each, Year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R V nasions. Bolioltor, Capital paid np, $2,445,000,00. Reserve Vinod, $2,446,090.04. Total Assets, $29,00o,Q00.04. President—, HOti. will• QI8doze. Vice -President and General manager—J,'i;'iJi' atn:L. Astistant Gen.,Manager—H. M. WA'Idolt, DIRECTORS J .hn Proctor, Chee.L.Dalton, Hon J. B.Hendrle,, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Birge, .rpsotor—.B. Willson. eAVIX4 Gs BANN. wa rda and allowed prencipa on Met May anand d` With November eaoh year. Sp total Deposits also reoeived at -current rates of interest. C. P, SMITH. Agent; DIC 1CINOON d: HOL MES, Soliottore. THE CANADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TJRONTO B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager - BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING Every facility afforded Farmers for their banking- ' business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL. ----Deposits may be made or withdrawn by mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention. WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITII, MANAGER.. Fall terra opens in the new building, Tues- day, Sept. 4th. Our catalogues are free for the asking, and will tell you all about this splendid school. the finest of its kind on the Continent, and the grand work it has been doing for the past thirty years. If you cannot come to Chatham, and want to be a bookkeeper. stenographer or penman, take our home training by mail. Catalogue E will tell you all about our home courses. Catalogue Fwill tell you all about our train- ing at Chatham. Write for the one you want, addressing D. DIeLACHLAN & CO, Chatham, Ont. P. S.—Mention this paper in writing, 4.' NEW • x • _. Dutcher ShopI ip.• 0 I / HAVE opened Butcher Sho in premises two doors nortlpn of the Chisholm Block, and am fully prepared to supply the • beat of all kinds of S Fresh and Cured Meats. T Special attention paid to orders ' from farmers and others for sweat t in large quantities. , •A share of your patronage Is respectfully solicited. • WM DIAMOND. -._.. ....._ WINGHAM Flour Mills There are three things necessary ' to make good Flour: Good wheat, a good miller,and good machinery. We have these three in our mill. All the Manitoba Wheat we Use is No. 1 ; this is what "Five Lilies" Flour is made from ; the strength is not lessened any in 'Five Lilie by electrical or any other pro .s in order to make it white, bu • tis White, pure and healthy in ` s own natural strength. So if on wish the best Manitoba Flo' be sure to get the ",Wive Li) -s;" do not be put off with any er. If your dealer does not ke=• it, there are plenty of others • .o do. i 1 Our "Star" lour is very pop. tiler, We believe it is the BEST F.Aatzr.'Y noun on the market to- day, as it has the qualities for both broad and pastry. Give your next order for "Star" and you will be satisfied. PRICE LIST Five Lilies four, bl, $2.25 to $2.50 Prairie Rose " " 2.05 to 2.30 Star - " " 2.00 to 2 25 Cream Pastry Flour 1.90 to 2.20 Low grade Flonr,ton 20.00 to 27:00 Bran, per ton - 10.00 to 18.00 Shorts, " . • 22.00 to 23,00 Screenings - 12.00 to 20.00 Chop, per ton + 20.00 10 28.00 Winter Wheat, bus. .78 to .75 Goose „ " .70 to .70 Manitoba " " .88 to .00 Goods delivered promptly to all parts Of the town: IOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLBANKt AUG, 14 AUG. 17 AUG. 22 FARI LABORERS $12 To Manitoba 1 Saskatchewan for the going trip. 18 additional for the return ticket, under condition* a* below, ---G- ©I 24 Q Ia .A T Hl 5---' Stations south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including Toronto. Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north, except north of Cardwell junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. Front ail points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and' Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Midland Divisions. Ono 'way second class tickets will be sold to Winnipeg only. Representative' farmers, appointed by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Governments, will Meet laborers on arrival at Winnipeg. Free transportation will bo furnished at Winnipeg to points where laborers are needed`:' A certificate is funnelled when each ticket is purchased, and this certificate, when executed by farmer, showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored from Unit point for a second class ticket back to starting point in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to Nov. 1st, 1906. Tickets will be issued to women es well as to men but will not..,e issued at half fare to children.. Tickets are good only on special Farni Laborers' trains. For fwrliparticulars ster, D. P .&., 0.P.11., t Toronto. or 1 i Waiving Profits oil Summer Goods', 1 11 , There will be no carrying over of Summer Goods at this store. Everything must be sold in its season regardless of profit consideration— in fact part of the cost will go p in many cases. Sommer Dress Goods, White and C red Muslin, Silk finish Foulards, White and Colored Ducks, Pr' a and Lawns ; Hosiery, iloVea, Corsets, Fancy Collars ' silk or lace and embroidery, Silk and Leather Its, Parasols, Embroideries nd Ribbons. Men's Silk Neckwear, Hate, White and Fancy Oolored Soft Front Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas and Handkerchiefs. Newest in Clothing for Men and Boys.—We have just placed in stock a full range of Worsted and Tweed Suits for men and boys. The fit and finish of these Suits equal ordered, tailor-made goods ; materials are the latest weave and ooloring. We save you dollars on your new ault. Grocery Department filled with best family groceries money Can buy. Butter and Eggs taken in trade at highest prices. Come in and see ns, and do business• at the Bee Hive. Bills payable at office only. Bee Hive Dry Goods Co. wrnra ONTARIO. MAA AAMMAMOPA AA AA AAAA4 - _ .. *" Lehigh Valley Coal ✓ es Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh 'Valley Coal, that Is free from dirt and clinkers It has no equal. larerrearitehatietorieteer D. 1E3 tr RN S 1. 1r