The Huron Expositor, 1990-01-03, Page 44A --.-1;110410R914 EXPQ$J'fOR,: JAN6AItY .3,.199(? ,g it mile t9' MI P.PWIts In,und within I.InR. 13p,! S . jsct To Y.alk+lion 5 YEAR p 8 RFS* j� 5 f 90 PAYS• p j pig R i 3 NUA ANNUAI r Serving Ontario since 1976 with 15 locations for your conven,ence' NOTICE TOWNSHIP of .McKILLOP• The residents of the Township of McKillop are requested by the Council NOT TO PARK CARS ON TOWNSHIP ROADS during the winter months in order to facilitate snow plowing operations. Council will not be responsible for damage to mail boxes or any vehicles parked on roads or streets. Council also request that the residents of the Township of McKillop DO NOT BLOW OR PUSH AND DUMP SNOW ON TOWNSHIP ROADS WAYNE DOLMAGE, Road Superintendent Township of McKillop T�Se WILD BIRD k"' SEE � ECONOMY MIX $8.95 (40 1113.)/45c Ib. PREMIUM (with Peanuts) $10.50 (40 Ib.)/550 Ib. NIGER SEEDS $1.55 Ib. GRAY SU FLOWER $9.95 (25 lb.)/700 Ib. BLACK SUNFLOWER $15.95 (50 lb.)/600 lb. Owing to the bad.'weather again, the of-, ficial visit: of the zone Commander was • delayed for another. month, Also, the Leadership seminar that was scheduled to he held after the -meeting bad .to be cancelled. We pope that, the weather will improve for the January meeting. There were quite a number of requests na fo donations from, various .orgoe<izations for a total of $2,409, Five hundred dollars was given to the High School.' Band, , The Salvation Army Xmas AlrPeal and The Western Ontario Chiidrens Hospital ,$.39Q,00 went to • the Blind Children's FIFO ,of Petawawa. and the Family Childreria ser- vices of Gpderieb,, and $100 went to ;the Day Centre for the Homebound, .the Van Egmond Society and the March of Dimes. There were three new members initiated. They are Jack Ryan, Robert Von Euw and Mien Billows. Seaforth Pee Wee's, whom the Legion sponsors in part, have won the "A" Divi- sion at the Zone tournament held recently at Lueknow and will compete at the District'at Ghdeiioh ,day: January 6th At the time of thio"wlting they are competing.at'thel .Silver`Stick tournament in Watfo , lea 1414 won their first game. We hope mat four members who are in hgsprtal, and sick ae home. hada _Merry ch w ail Of y uea speedy recovery and to .all members "A• Happy and Prosperous New ears' At the.going down of the'sun and in the morning we wif re>;1oezlber them. liar roster Wednesday, January, 3rd. - R• Govier,Thurs days,: January 4th, - M. Ross, Monday, , January : 8th.' - K. Swan, Tues. January 'JanlOthuary ::8Dth:; .. - D. Smale, Wed. Medd. OPTIMIST INITIATES - The Seaforth Optimists welcomed five new members into the club at their dinner on December 21. The new initiates are (seated, I. to r.) Mark Smith, Jeremy Miller, Bob Costello, Joe Aubin and Joe Cusack. Standing behind them are their sponsors, (I. to r.) Gord Phillips, Ken Miller, Don Hoffman, Mike Schwarz and wavne Scott. Mark J, 'McLiwain Account ;Representative Leaders Conference Metropolitan Life AND AFFILIATED COMPANIES A 2® Kg. BAG Reg. Price 828.95 DOSCOUNT $2.00 37 Main St. S. Exeter, 'Ontario NOM 1S Exeter: (51,9) 235-1344 Stratford: (519)271,-2041, Knights of Colu bus hold Chris: it ':s gala ublin Willie Quantities Last TOP O c S P THE CLASSIFIE SI CRO ,18 E ST,, SEAFORT01 527.1910 Ministry Remo Mancini of Minister Revenue Ontario EM LOVER HEALTH TAX Effective January, 1990, the new EMPLOYER HEALTH TAX (EHT) replaces Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIIP) premiums. Dublin Corms indent MRS. DON MACRAE 395.2842 or 345.2140 The Dublin Lions entertained their ladies to a Christmas dinner and social evening on December 21st. A turkey dinner catered by Ryan's Roost was enjoyed by 10 members and wives, President Lion Louis Kramers welcomed everyone, then after dinner a short business meeting was held. Lion Ernie Fleming led everyone in a game of Court Whist. Winners and losers were: Cindy Reid, high ladies; Linda Ruston, second high; Joan Elliott, low; Louis Kramers, men's high; Don MacRae, men's second; Scott Elliott, low. The 4th degree of the Knights of Colum- bus held their annual ladies night and Christmas Charity draw on December 28th, rescheduled from one week earlier, at the parish hall of St. Joseph's Church in Clin- ton. Santa made another appearance, and the ladies received a gift. Music was en- joyed by Mozart Gelinas and son Mozart, Jr., and George. Wives and knights present from Dublin were Don MacRae, Louis Kramers, Roy Swart and Father Caruana, faithful friar from Seaforth, as well as Jerry Murray and Elmer Feeney. Dublin. Winners of the draw were: $100, Betty Kittar, Staffa; $75, Don Scruton, Londesboro; $50, Basil Hall , Goderich; table Tamp, James Kelly, Seaforth; box honey products, Clarence Brodhagen, Grand Bend; box of bread products, June Harratt, Clinton; goose, Martin Vanden Heuvel, RR 2 Auburn. Visitors with Mary Ellen, Joe, Jayne and Lucille Delaney on Christmas Day were Yvonne and Steve. Seiler, Michael, Jen- nifer, Robert and Julie, Mitchell; Pat and Charlene Delaney, Dublin; Maureen and Paul Van De Walle, Sarah, Lisa and Karen of St. Marys; Jim Delaney, Windsor, and Jerry Murray, Dublin. Ed Rowland also dropped &PIfer'hishannual€Chlfstmas'visit.' Dan and Janet Mattka and sons Jason and Andrew from Brantford spent a few hours with Grandma Davidson at the Ritz Villa, and called on Don and Eileen MacRae last Wednesday. Keith and Audrey Davidson are enjoying a six-week stay in Florida. Mrs. Millie Evans has returned home after spending a few days of Christmas in London with her daughter and son-in-law, Jack and Marie Cleary and their family. Mrs. Katie Murray spent Christmas Day with Frank and Louise Maloney in Kit- chener. Boxing Day guests with Katie were Mr. and Mrs. Don Feeney and children Christopher, Mark from St. Marys. The Don MacRae family held their Christmas Day gathering at the home of daughter Nora Ann and Ian Jackson and Trevor in London. Mrs. Olga Eckert got home from London Hospital for Christmas. With Joe and Olga throughout the holiday season were their family and grandchildren. Daughter Joan Hummell, Petewawa, also visited last week. All employers with permanent establishments in Ontario will be required to pay the tax through monthly or quarterly instalments based on total calendar year gross payroll. THE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF REVENUE which is responsible for administering this new tax, mailed INFQRMATION KITS to Ontario employers in November, 1989. If you are an employer in Ontario and have not yet received an _INFORMATION KIT, please call the Ministry, toll-free, at the numbers listed below: • Metro Toronto • All other areas • French language enquiries • Telephone device for the deaf 965-8470 1-800-263-7965 1-800-668-5821 1-800-263-7776 COOL HAND - Seaforth Manor residents rang in the New Year on Friday after- noon, and enjoyed a social time in the activity room. Here, volunteer Anne Downey helps out a friend in a game of cards. Elliott photo. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Perth -Huron Branch 4824937 CANADA 2717991 NURSING IN THE NOME McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd. 13 Main St. Seaforth 527-1140 •Service • Selection • Savings • Satisfaction • Leasing *Complete BODY SHOP Service