HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-07-26, Page 5NEW SOFT COLLARS 25c, - NEW WASH VESTS $1 to 2,50
At Crowder's.
The holiday season is right
here Flow are you fixed for
Summer Clothing? -We have
a splendid range of snappy
Men's un -lined 2 -piece Flan-
nel Suits, light gray over.clieck,
also plain grays and medium
stripe flannels, sizes 34 to 44
chest. Prices --
$5.00, $6.50, $7.50
1, en's Unlined Striped Flannell Coats, sizes 31 to 44 chest, prices $1.50, $2.75
Men's Unlined Black and White Drill Coats, sizes 34 to 44, prices $1.00
Men's Unlined Black Lustra and Russel Cord Coats, all sizes...81.50 to $3.50.
Boys' Unlined Cotton and, Linnen Coats, sizes 22 to 34, prices 750
Men's Wash Vesta in all the new patterns, sizes 34 to 44, prices 81.00 to $3.50
Men's Linen Dilaters, all sizes $2.00 to $2.50
Men's Neat stripe (Summer Tweed) Trousers, all sizes -" $2.75
Boys' Shirt Waists, sizes 11 to 14 75o and $1.00
75o to $1.75
Men's Negligee Shirts, plain, white and colors, (reversible collars),
sizes 13 to 18Y2 75o to $1.50
White Linen Hata, silk crown • ..., .,., ... - 75c
Boys' Straw Hats.... 250 and 50e
Men's Balbriggan Underwear, sizes 34 to 46 chest 500
Men's New Straw Hats 75o to $2,50
Men's New Braces, worn ander the shirt 50o
White Dack Trousers, all sizes
Boys' Wash Suits
The R. H, CROWDER CO., Wingham
VIE 11 INGI killt TIMES, JULY 26 1906
25 Cents
to Jan., 1907.
What Wideuwake Times Correspondents Communicate -- Other
Items Qlipped Froxl. Qui Exobengon,
The AIlan liner Ionian has been char-
tered as a troopship by the British Gov-
Rev Hugh and Mrs Pedley were upset
out of their canoe at Hillorest, near
Brookville, and saved from drowning
by Charles Fleming, a thirteen -year-old
furniture Bargains
Special Clearing Sale of New and Up-to-
date Furniture now on at
S. Gracey's Store. .
If you want good value for your looney in
--IRON BEDS, Etc., Etc.,
Now is your chance. Call and see if we do as we
We make a specialty of doing Picture Framing
neatly and well.
' lar lige we
Ulr'D1;liTAiiiN(:—`ln this particular pro-
fess to be second to none. Having had over 27 years
practical experience, we feel confident of giving entire
satisfaction whenever our services aue required. Calls
attended promptly, night or day. 'Prices reasonable.
Furniture Dealer & Practical Undertaker.
EAST EVA. WANO513 the East Wawanosh share. In this town -
Dr, Annie Rose, of the MoDonalcir In- ship drain commences at North lot 1,
stitute, Guelph, is visiting at the bottle con, 7, and runs to North lot 13, con, 9.
of her parents in East Wawanosh. It is estimated it will take about $3,500
A very pretty wedding took place to conetruot the drain but it will prove a
Wednesday of last week at high noon at great source of benefit to a largo section
the residence of Mrs. Cook, Dinsley of land.
street, Blyth, when her sieter,Miss Annie Welcome visitors from the West are
Mains was united in marriage to Mr. Dongald and Mrs. Taylor and two chit -
John R. Cowan, of Newburg, North dren. It is nearly 18 years since they
Dakota, son of Mr. Wm Cowan, of went to Boissevain and although they
East Wawanosh, The ceremony was had rather tough luck for a few years
performed by Rev. Dr. McLean, in the have prospered as the time has rolled by.
presence of a goodly number of relatives
and friends. The happy couple left on
the 8.55 train for their new home in
Dakota, where the groom is Ideated.
We join. the many friends in extending
Dropped All Others.
"I dropped all liniments but Nerviline
because I found Nerviline the quickest
to relieve pain," writes E. S. Benton of
St. John's. "If my children are croupy
or siok, Nerviline cures them. If a case
of cramps or stomach ache turnsup,Nervi-
line is ever ready. We use Nerviline
for neuralgia, rheumatism and all kinds
of aches and pains; its as good as any
doctor." The great Canadian remedy
for the past fifty years has been Poison's
Nerviline—nothing better made.
Work has been commenced on the
building of the new 0. P. R. station.
Friday of this week is Blyth's civic
Rev T. G. Barlow, missionary in the
British Columbia Conference was visit-
ing in Blyth last week.
Miss Elizabeth McLeod, of Saginaw,
Michigan, is the guest of Blyth relatives.
Dr. J. C. Lindsay, late of Blyth, has
decided to remain in Ontario, and will
practise in London.
Mre. George Stewart, who has been
visiting friends in Blvth and vioini-
ty, left last week for her home in Van•
oouver, British Columbia,
The Blood Is Tho Life.
Owing to faulty actions of the kidneys
and liver, the blood becomes filled with
disease germs that imperil health. The
first warniug is a baokache, dizziness,
headache and lack of vital energy. Act
quickly if you would avoid the terrible
ravages of chronic kidney complaint.
Get Dr Hamilton's Pills to -day; they
cure kidney and liver complaint for all
time. No medicine relieves so prompt-
ly, nothing in the world of medicine
cures more thoroughly. For good blood,
clear complexion, healthy appetite, the
proper treatment is Dr Hamilton's Pills.
25c per box, at all dealers.
Miss Leask has returned to Toronto
after an extended visit in this vicinity
renewing old acquaintances.
We congratulate Miss Mary Clarke on
her suocess in the recent examinations
at Hamilton Normal College.
Miss Annie Clark has returned from
the West after an absence of three years
teaching in Yorkton. We are glad to
welcome her home again.
We were sorry to hear of the death of
Wm. Took, who died on Monday morn-
ing, July 16th, after suffering for years
with asthma. He was able to be around
however, but gradually grew weaker
towards the last. Mr Took was a native
of Devonshire, England, but he had re-
sided for many years in Ashfield and
Wawanosh. He is survived by two sons
and a daughter, William, who is out
West, and'Charlie and Charlotte, who
are at home. Two of the sons died with-
in the last five years, Richard, who died
in South Africa in the Boer war, and
John, whose body was brought home
from Winnipeg about two years ago.
Mr. Took will be =oh missed in St.
Helens, where he was well known.
41 Those who are gaining flesh
and strength by regular treat-.
Ment with , w
Scott's Emulsion
•houtd continue the treatment
In hot weather; smaller dose
and little coot milk With it will
do away with any objection
ducts tduattached e f heated
Send for free ample.
SCOTT, 4 IiOWNE, Chemistf.
Toronto, Ontario.
sec. and ir.00; all drusglu.,
The following is the list of candidates
pissed by the Board of Examiners for
West Huron together with the marks
obtained by each.
A card giving the marks awarded has
been sept to each pupil, and the certifi-
cates will be issued before the re -open-
ing of the schools,
Mr. Taylor has 540 aures in crop this year, WEST WA.WANOSU.
425 of it wheat and the crops were look- No. 3 —Sara Smyth 446. No. fl—
ing splendid when he oame away. He Archie Aitchison 452, Roy Aitchison 401,
has owned as high as 800 acres but re- Colica Clark 474, Johu Miller 449, Jennie
Gently sold one farm, 12 work horses Webb 424, No, 7—Mark Aimstrong,
are employed. 406. No. 15—Norman Thompson 31)2.
No. 17—Spray Bailie 425, Lula Dunkeld
Physically Exhausted. 894, Wm. Nivins 461, Separate School
—Bridgie Cummins 485, Lena Leddy 455.
The Arch -Fiend of the Age.
Not war, more deadly than ever
this modern butchery — but catarrh
which leads to consumption and annu-
ally ailts more than famine and war
combined. The doctors now suooesefui-
ly fight catarrh with a remedy that
never faits—•'Catarrhozoue," it's death
to every type of catarrh. It destroys
every root and branch of the disease so
thoroughly that a relapse need never be
feared. If troubled with oolds, nasal or
throat catarrh, or subject to bronchitis
or asthma Cine Catarrhozone and you'll
be cured forever.
Lacking in courage—out of joint with
everything—soarcely on speaking terms - EAST \VAWANOBI3.
with fair health. Such low spirits are No. 6—Earl Wightman 441, Clara
pitiable. Your brain is fagged, vitality Bamford 609, Emma Campbell 486, Ada
so oxhaneted your constitution is .•well
nigh ruined. What you need is Ferro- Stackhouse 392. No. 11—Nettie McLean
zone, that great vitalizer and nutritive 435, Alex. Shiell 420, Clarence Shiell 390.
tonic. It's by making flesh and blood, No. 13 —Thos. Taylor 442, D. C. Scott
by infusing iron and oxygen into the 482 Della McDowei1421.
system that Ferrozone helps; it repairs
weak spots, instills new life into worn- (IOLnotNE.
ont organs—makes you feel like new. - No. 1, Union—Leonard Moliwain 394.
Ferrozone lifts age from the old and im-
parts resilience and buoyancy to the de. No. 3—Richard Levy 487, Gladys Levy
pressed. Be manly, ruddy -colored,— 437. No. 4—Mary Hill 404. No. b—
oast aside weakness and enter the happy Harold Mardel 404, Lena Wilson 435.
life that comes from using Ferrozone. No. 8—Elsie Bean 396, Leila Feagan
Fifty cents buys a box in any drug store. 392. No. 9—Blanche Shaw 896.
c*lzup. Garvey Acheson 410, Willie Amos 502,
Grey township Council will meet on Owen Acheson 427, Edwin Barrows 409,
Monday, 30th, at the Township Hill, Willie Birnie 419, Gladys Bissett 446,
Ethel. Clarence Bobier 390, Willie Bradt 356,
James and lilts Dodds, of Swift Cur- Roland Britnell 390, Louis E. Day 489,
Herbert Gardiner, 435, Alonzo Heywood
rent, Manitoba, have been renewing old
friendships in this locality. The former
taught in S. S. No 3 for a few years
some time ago.
Last Spring Geo Oxtoby, 9th con.,
went to the Weet on a prospecting tour
the result being that he purchased a fine
farm near Innisfail, Alberta. He has
arrived home and will take off his crop
here before returning to his new posses.
The trustees of S. S. No. 3 have this
week engaged Miss Mabel Ztmmer, of
Brussels, who has jest completed a
most creditable coni se at the Normal
school at Toronto. Miss Zimmer will
receive $375 until the close of this year
when the new law comes into effect
whioh will inorease her salary.
Next meeting of the Township Commit
will be held on Monday, August 6th,
De. Lyman 0. Lanchland, of the Itoyal
Victoria llospital, Montreal, was visiting
his uncle, Win, Shedden, and other rel-
atives on the 4th line. It is 4 years since
the Dr. was hero before,
TheKelly Dfaifsbylaw has been print-
ed and is Wag served on those interested
by Clerk Oak, Court will be held Ilion.
day, Aug. 13. Haat Wawanosh is also
interested. The total anronIlt involved
will be $4080.95, $142.80 of this dims being
Mr S. H. Johnson, V. S. his wife and
son, of Carrel, Iowa, are on a two
weeks' visit to hie brothers, Messrs T. &
J. Johnson, of the 10th con., Dr John-
son is one of the many Culross Boys
who have taken Horace Greely's advice,
gone west and grew. up with the coun-
try. He went to Uncle Sams's country
about 20 years ago and has long been a
citizen of the Republic. He thinks
highly of the state of his adoption and
evidently finds favor with his country-
men for at the last municipal elections
he was chosen Mayor of hie city and for
some time has had the position of State
The funeral from the R. C. Church,
Teeswater, on Saturday, Jaly 14th, was
503, Ruth Hooper 460, Jessie Manson
405, Ida Marchand 498, Clifford McAvoy
501, Alma McPherson 438, Ella O'Brien,
420, Allan Pickard, 454, Clarence Pick-
ard, 494, Lilliau Snell 479, Victor Sweet
Emily Dunn, 408, Marjory Hopper
465. James Murray 391, James M. Mc-
Arthur 393.
Model School—Ila Allan 478, Cora
Blair 438, Roscoe Beckett 448, Lila
Cameron 469, Ernest Colborne 472,
Pearl Duff 407, Reggie Dunlop 414, Earl
Elliott 43.4, Viola Johnston 439, Jessie
Kerr7495, Allan Marshall 435, George
Marguis 430, 0. McArthur 891, Lottie
Creath 398, Murray McDonald 440, Gor-
don McNevin 466, Fred Parsons 445,
Rose de Pendry 463, Beatrice Pridham
532, Josie Saunders 898, Jack Swarts 448,
George Thurlow 393, Frank Townsend
400, Lillie Robinson 436. Separate
School—Mary Griffin 460, Aline Hnr-
gitt 533, Leslie Webb 533, Edna A.
Webb 543.
A National Necessity.
The growing interdependence of the
Provinces of this Dominion must be ap-
parent to all. The product of one is a
necessity for another. Not alone are the
eyes of the Eastern Provinces, but those
of every country in the world, directed
to the almost phenomenal wheat pro-
ducing qualities of Manitoba, Saskatche-
wan and Alberta, Bver; hamlet, con-
cession and side line in Ontario has con-
tributed to the settlement of these fer-
ia connection with the burial of Mrs tile western Provinces. The crop ac -
Michael King, a former resident of the cording to the Governmental reports for
third concession of Culross.. Mrs Kingthis season, it safely harvested, and gar-
nered, will far surpass previous years
died on Monday, the 9th inst,at Calgary, in quality and quantity.
Alberta, after about three weeks' illness. It is estimated 20,000 farm laborers
She was aged 77 years•and died of a will be required from the old province
in assisting in the harvest of their
general wearing out of : he constitution. _ wealth. The sons of the West are now
Deceased went to the \Vest five years urgently appealing to the parental and
ago and for the past tli r;e lived at Cal- patriotic instincts of the farmers
gary with members of tLa family. She a able-bodied nit
theydcane to a d tthem'
had been a widow for thirteen years, in this work of national importance.
Mr. King having died in the spring of The Canadian Paciflo Railway has
1893. Mrs. King was very highly made the wonderful growth of the West
thought of by her former neighbors as - petheossibler.Crops, In the saving of the wheat and
the interest of. Canada and
was shown by the large number the Canadian Pacific are identical. The
that on a very brief notice attended the latter is Canada's National Highway.
funeral. Mr. Owen Sing came east with It has announced that on Ang. 14th, 17th
rho remains. _and 22nd, it will transport from differ-
ent territories in the East farm laborers
to the Canadian North-West at the
nominally low rate of twelve dollars; in
fact, this National Highway is offering
an inducement to European farm labor-
ers by making an exceptionally low rate
over its Atlantic steamship service in
eonneotion with its railway lines. It
now remains for the Ontario farmer to
show his pride in the growth of his na-
tion by cooperating with the Canadian
Pacific in sending every available able-
bediedlnan he eon to the West.
The Donkhobors at Yorkton have gone
on another arueade, bet thirty-eight
leaders were arrested and sent to jail.
h oftener than
Dont wash the
suds o to
necessary; dry thein thoroughly after
washing. Don't wear gloves that are a
Size too email or that fasten too tightly.
This prevents circulation and makes the
hands red.
The following junior testae have won
the Ontario Football Assooiation finals:
Preston in the spring of 1902, and To-
ronto Soots in the fall. Littla York
captured it in the spring of 1903, and
Soots repeated in the tall. In 1904 the
Rangers of Berlin won both the spring
and fall series. Listowel won in the
spring of 1905, while Broadviews were
winners in the fall. The spring teriee of
1906 Went te- Mildmisy by it score of 7 to
8, after three games had been played.•
The Central
—R1NDER TWINE—Get our prices on Binder Twine.
--Another car of Cleveland Wire just arrived; as good as the last.
—Scythes, Snaths, Screen Boars
—PAINTS—Call at the Central. Hardware for your Paints.
—White Lead and 011—the beet that can be proourod.
—ituxua J AINT,S—Pure and fresh.
Bishop &. Bali.
Fishleigh'e Old Stand WINGIIAM,
We have a most complete and varied line of
Waist Sets, -
Gold and Silver Brooches,
A complete line of
Enameled. and Sterling Silver
. Souvenir Jewelery
i,1( "Fine watch and jewelery repairing promptly at-
tended to.
KAISER, the Jeweler
• Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44.
••••••••••••46+64'666666b66 •44•6.4•44444•4.+•4,6400•4•••
Thodtas Scarf felt 'over the cliff h
Niagara Falls, a clear drop of 90 feet,
bet escaped with a broken shoulder `,and
a bad scalp wound.
Russell Sage, the meanest of the
world's millionaires, diets Sunday at hie
country home, "Cedar Croft," at
Lawrence, L. , of old age. He would
have been 87 year's old on Angust 4th.
His fortune is estimated at over 100
million dollars, and his ready cath re-
serve at sir millions.
(Dressed or Undressed) •
Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. Z
t"' Highest Price paid for all kinds of Lugs. "Ki s
We are sole.agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL,
which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and
Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.
BIG Ie Oar O. F.
Satllrday, Augllst 11
'Minerva, Encampment, No. 47, I. 0. 0. F., \Viugbaur, have completed
arrangements with the (fraud Trunk Railway System
to run a bis Excursion to
Frcnn the following places, on Saturday, August 11th, 1006, returning Monday
August l3tlt, at the following low fares :
I'L.\(7S IL1tis A`.\li,t. ]'I,.\J'J; 7`tlil': PAM;
5.40.\.0. $'2.S)) I3elf;rave ............ (3.,i`L.\.at, $1.85
Ripley ....... 5.55 2.10 Blyth ......... .... 7.06 1.75
Luc know (1.11) 2.05 Londesboro 7.14 1.(3:3
W hiterhurch,....... 6.234 9.1)5 (Tinton 7.47 1.60
Wingham ti. (1 2.1)5 Brurefivld 8.05 1.45
\d in;;h:un Junction.. 6,•l3 Rippon 8.15 1.85
Children over 5 and under 1* years, Half Fare.
Returning, special train will leave Sarnia on "Monday, August 18, at 10 p.m.
Arrangements have also been made with the White Star
Line to convey passengers from Sarnia to
per magnificent Steamer " Tashmoo," on Saturday, leaving
Sarnia 4 50 p.m., at the low return fare of 50 cents.
Tickets good returning on any White Star Line boat up to and
including 2.30 p m, an Monday, August 13. This will afford
an excellent outing and an opportunity for excursionists to
Spend Sunday in Detroit.
Everyone come and enjoy a pleasant outing.
J. A. 3tOIi't'ON. J. %V, DODD.